Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) - Complete Nocturnes & Variations Op. 73 ***Listen to our latest mastering update (2023)*** : 🎧 Qobuz Tidal 🎧 Apple Music Deezer 🎧 Amazon Music Spotify 🎧 UA-cam Music SoundCloud 🎧 Naspter, Pandora, Anghami, LineMusic日本, Awa日本, QQ音乐 … Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:33) 13 Nocturnes No.1 en mi bémol mineur Op.33 No.1 (00:00) No.2 en si majeur Op.33 No.2 (08:09) No.3 en la bémol majeur Op.33 No.3 (13:33) No.4 en mi bémol majeur Op.36 (18:39) No.5 en si bémol majeur Op.37 (24:56) No.6 en ré bémol majeur Op.63 (32:05) No.7 en do dièse mineur Op.74 (40:53) No.8 en ré bémol majeur / Pièces brèves (49:07) No.9 en si mineur Op.97 (50:55) No.10 en mi mineur Op.99 (55:14) No.11 en fa dièse mineur Op.104 No.1 (59:16) No.12 en mi mineur Op.107 (1:03:33) No.13 en si mineur Op.119 (1:08:02) Thème et variations en Do dièse mineur Op.73 Thème (1:15:47) Variation I (1:18:03) Variation II (1:19:15) Variation III (1:20:04) Variation IV (2:20:43) Variation V (1:21:29) Variation VI (1:22:21) Variation VII (1:24:22) Variation VIII (1:25:17) Variation IX (1:26:25) Variation X (1:27:59) Variation XI (1:29:05) Piano : Éric Heidsieck Recorded in 1960-62, at Paris 🔊Find CMRR's recordings on Spotify : 🔊Download CMRR's recordings in High fidelity audio : ❤ If you like CM//RR content, please consider membership at our Patreon page. Thank you :) The 13 Nocturnes constitute the first major cycle of Fauré's work. They cover most of his output, from 1882 to 1921. They are only occasionally related to the characteristic form of Field's or Chopin's Nocturnes (ornate singing over an accompaniment of arpeggios), but they are imbued with the same quiet, sorrowful evening poetry. Éric Heidsieck, very young at the time of this recording, imposed himself by a kind of instinct in these magnificent poems that are the nocturnes of Fauré. The French school has spoiled us with a number of first-rate performers, but it is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes. It is a very personal interpretation and it works wonderfully. Handel - 16 Keyboard Suites (recording of the Century: Éric Heidsieck): Ravel - Ma Mère L’Oye, Gaspard de la Nuit, Valses nobles.. (Century’s rec.: Tania & Eric Heidsieck) : Gabriel Fauré PLAYLIST (reference recordings) :
Je viens encore d'écouter les 13 nocturnes de Fauré par une vingtaine d'interprètes actuels et d'antant (de haute réputation souvent bien méritée), mais je reviens toujours à ceux interprétés par Eric Heidsieck, qui, à mon sens, traduisent de la façon la plus fidèle et la plus expressive, l'âme et l'intention profondes du compositeur. Pour moi, le tempo appliqué est chaque fois celui qui convient, et que Fauré devait souhaite. Les nuances, du pianissimo au forte le plus intense, sont judicieusement appliquées. Les ralentis et accélérés sont toujours bien situés et sans exagération. Le sentiment y est tellement émouvant. La ligne mélodique, parfois si discrète et difficile à rendre de façon appropriée chez Fauré, se ressent parfaitement dans une clarté admirablement distillée. Et puis, "cerise sur le gâteau", pas une seule note de musique, interprétée par Eric Heidsieck, n'est étrangère à la partition de Fauré (ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas chez d'autres interprètes). Bref, je ne me lasse pas d'écouter et de me référer à ce trésor d'interprétation des 13 nocturnes de Fauré par l'interprète de référence plus que supérieure qu'est l'excellent Eric Heidsieck. Personne d'autre n'est encore arrivé à rendre ces belles pages de musique fauréenne aussi justement et intensément que lui, à mon humble avis bien sûr!
Eric Le Sage et Paul Crossley sont aussi des remarquables interprètes de ces Nocturnes. C'est la première fois que j'écoute Heidsieck et j'aime bien son travail, mais je tiens également à Crossley et Le Sage. Tant que je n'hésite pas à vous le recommander. Après les avoir écouté, à vous de choisir. 🎵🎶🆗👍🙏
Germaine, comme tant d'autres pianistes de haute qualité, fait évidemment partie des très grands interprètes de l'oeuvre pianistique du grand Gabriel Fauré. Et chaque grand amateur de son oeuvre si particulière et si envoûtante sera plus ou moins "marqué" par tel ou telle interprète dans l'une ou l'autre de ses compositions. Mais ma sensibilité m'a naturellement fait préférer, du moins pour les nocturnes, l'interprétation d'Eric Heidsieck. Pour simple exemple: le 12 è nocturne est si expressif et si bien restitué (à mon humble avis évidemment) dans ce qu'il communique de façon si poignante le climat d'angoisse et d'inquiétude correspondant réellement au climat de grave tension internationale qui était celui de l'année de sa composition (1917 je pense). En l'écoutant encore aujourd'hui, je ressens le même effet devant les évènements si terribles que le monde connait actuellement.@@Celanish
Rimango sempre attonita davanti alla mancanza di commenti in lingua italiana. In questo immenso e pur piccolo mondo ci sono alcune parole della mia amata terra che hanno raggiunto una dimensione mondiale: Bravo! Così si acclamano i grandi in tutti i teatri del mondo. Allora perdonatemi questo commento nella mia lingua natale. La lingua di un paese che tanto ha dato alla musica. Fortunatamente la musica non ha confini, li scavalca e li demolisce. Amo Fauré da sempre ed ogni volta è un'emozione forte, intensa. Bravo!!!!
FAURÉ , comme DEBUSSY, puis SATIE , nous envoûtent par cette nouvelle sonorité d'une série, un peu déstructurée, de notes délicieusement voyageuses ! Cette musicalité douce prête à la rêverie, au lâcher prise... ces merveilleux compositeurs nous laissent ces plaisirs pianistiques qui nous aident à surfer sur le marasme délétère ambiant... Merci aux pianistes qui restituent si joliment l'âme de leurs compositions ... 💞💝💞♾💞🥰
Форе чарівний, Форе живий, як подих весняного вітру, Форе зворушливий, блискучий, захоплюючий, натхненний, молодий, чиста , як гірський потік, його Душа живе в його Музиці! Дякую Маестро Еріку Гайдсіку за таке неперевершене виконання фантастично прекрасних Ноктюрнів Местро Форе! Дякую Богу за цю Музику!❤
Faure, to me, embodies the light touch of the piano which is reminiscent of my mothers touch when playing, when I was a child. I say this to just try speak to those who find difficulty or hardship, as the music brings a feeling of diversion in chaos, which is a form of bringing back order and direction, something which chaos cannot endure.
Quand le monde fléchit autour de soi, quand les structures d’une civilisation vacillent, il est bon de revenir à ce qui, dans l’histoire, ne fléchit pas, mais au contraire redresse le courage, rassemble les séparés, pacifie sans meurtrir. Il est bon de rappeler que le génie de la création est lui aussi à l’œuvre dans une histoire vouée à la destruction 🐾😺
The 13 Nocturnes constitute the first major cycle of Fauré's work. They cover most of his output, from 1882 to 1921. They are only occasionally related to the characteristic form of Field's or Chopin's Nocturnes (ornate singing over an accompaniment of arpeggios), but they are imbued with the same quiet, sorrowful evening poetry. Éric Heidsieck, very young at the time of this recording, imposed himself by a kind of instinct in these magnificent poems that are the nocturnes of Fauré. The French school has spoiled us with a number of first-rate performers, but it is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes. It is a very personal interpretation and it works wonderfully. Handel - 16 Keyboard Suites (recording of the Century: Éric Heidsieck): Ravel - Ma Mère L’Oye, Gaspard de la Nuit, Valses nobles.. (Century’s rec.: Tania & Eric Heidsieck) :
Thanks i m french and the com like that it s vert important for my compréhension ans éducation . I Saw thé classic music n'y myself for 5 Years.and it s very important. For compréhension (!sorry for my english) and.thanks a last Time ❤️
Amen!! Thank you for waking us once again to see an marvelous day, another week, another blessing, other gift, other lesson, and teaching. This morning Lord order our steps. Let thy will be done. God I know that you are near to the brokenhearted. Comfort the heart of those who are broken. Heal, mend, fix, restore so that many can return back to you as their first love. There is nothing Father you cannot do; because you are the Father of everything that we need and want. Thank you Lord for all that you have done and for what you continue to do in our lives. Help us Lord were we may lack, come up short, and where we may not understand. Blessings to you my brothers and sisters may your journey this week be filled with laugher, joy, peace, and calmness despite of everything that is going on. Please be safe, courageous and encouraged out there. Love you with the Love of God.❤💕🙏🙏 🙏😇
who are you talking to? if this is a prayer, you could've just said it by yourself. but i guess a prayer means nothing if someone else doesn't see you doing it, eh?
J'éprouve un double plaisir d'abord parce que j' adore Fauré et aussi parce que cela me donne l'occasion pour d'entendre Éric Heidsieck que j'ai eu le bonheur de rencontrer
Wunderschöne und elegante Interpretation dieser kurzen doch perfekt komponierten Klavierstücke in verschiedenen Tempi mit klarem doch zugleich anmutigem Anschlag und mit künstlerisch kontrollierter Dynamik. Wahrlich intelligenter und unvergleichlicher Pianist!
One of the best recorded performances, if not the best, of the Op.73. Here, Heidsieck gives the last variation a chorale and religious quality that reminds me, inevitably, of Bach. Great great recording.
Nunca me conformó del todo la música de Fauré, pero estos nocturnos son deliciosos, la luz inefable de la luna me acompaña mientras los escucho, mágicamente me acompaña..
"It is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes." It is fascinating to compare the brilliant recordings Heidsieck, Jean Doyen and Thyssens-Valentin made of the Faure Nocturnes - 3 GREAT Faure masters at work. And it light of what I heard from comparing the 3 that I personally differ slightly from your comment quoted above. I would rather say that Thyssens-Valentin best brings out the dreamy aspect of the nocturnes (although not lacking at all in poetry), while Heidseck best brings out the poetic aspect (although not lacking in the dreamy aspect as well). As for Doyen- he best brings out the inner turmoil and fire of the pieces. Just wonderful to here these 3 great masters each giving us something slightly different yet magnificent in these masterpieces. Would not like to be without any of them in my collection. Thanks for making all three available for us of to investigate and compare through Reference Recording.
It is an interesting comparison, but would you kindly explain the keywords with more literal music terms? I'm not familiar with Fauré's piano works until I listened to this video, nor had I ever heard one of the three musicians you mention. By keywords, I mean: dreamy, poetic, fire, inner turmoil. Do you mean how they employ dynamic differences, or the use of rubato, or whatever to achieve an abstract quality? (I'm classically trained, but for leisure, not a career, so I'm always keen to learn how the great musicians interpreted music and set themselves apart from a sea of colleagues).
@@milou4753 I'd like to hear a response to your questions myself. I have no idea what separates "dreamy" from "poetic"; it sounds as if these two words belong to the same lexical field, possibly being used as synonyms.
It’s just silly-childish thinking, really-to assert one or another performer is “THE BEST” without qualifying that feeling with a statement such as, “He is THE BEST performer _in my opinion,_” or, “I love her playing best bc of her amazing interpretation,” or whatever. Please try to remember that _LOVE FOR EVERY ART IS SUBJECTIVE;_ there is no objective way to measure people’s favorites! _SO, PLEASE STOP TRYING!!!_
La version de référence est désormais celle de David Jalbert, pianiste québécois, longtemps détenue pR celle que donna, jadis, le jeune Jean-Philippe Collard à l'égal de Heidsieck. Difficile d'enlaidir les nocturnes de Fauré, tous les noms cités ici, plus haut, sont d'excellents interprètes. J'ai apprécié celle de Thyssens-Valentin mais la qualité des enregistrements d'aujourd'hui permet plus de discernement avec de jeunes talents comme David Jalbert. Hélas, Éric Lesage, si excellent dans Schumann, ne réussit pas du tout sa version des Nocturnes de Fauré! C'est comme ça!
Meditation, cristal clear meditation.. Structurally impecable. Fingers may touch the tecles´ grand lake, but the heart is away. Exactly wjat we need here.
Gabriel Faurré è un grande musicista che , a pari di César Franck e di Gounod (non fosse altro che per il Faust) meritano di essere ricordati, mentre tra i "grandi, vengono spesso appena accennati nelle varie Storie della musica. Questi notturni in Do diesis minore ( con quattro diesis nell'armatura di chiave) offrono una sensazione della profondità della notte con tutte le sue "nunces". Pur nell'assoluta originalità, si ascolta , da lontano ma ben percepibili, echi di DebussY e , per le variazioni, la grande maestria di Bach (Variazioni Goldberg ) e , soprattutto di Beethoven (Variazioni su un valzer di Diabelli), Naturalmente, parlando di notturni non è possibile non rievocare la grande ombra celestiale di Chopin. Ringrazio per la bellezza del concerto.
have only listened- so far - to the first two pieces - but this guy can REALLY play! I love Faure and am looking forward to hearing more of these stunning and sensitive interpretations, showing both the dreamy qualities of the music and the robust, passionate aspects too. Bravo!
after thi interpretation i do have to reevaluate faures piano music. i had a set, but it never appealed to me. i found mr heidsieck in hisinterpretations really outstanding. alas, there is little tobe found
Sometimes it takes repeated listening until a composer's style captures your heart, Knud. After a while you'll find that it's like cultivating a new friendship.
Same here. I had a disc that I gave away some time ago because I just couldn't get involved with it. I need to give this music another chance. You listen differently as you get older.
I would like to ask to the listeners to pay a specific and - as far as possible " objective" attention to the nocturns 2 to 5, too often despised, Fauré being considered here as a poor "follower" of Chapin. Follower, perhaps; but an awesome and mandatory follower, who had an undisputable added velue due to an unique personal inspiration, gift, flavor and handicraft writing. ❤❤❤🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡❤❤❤
"If only I didn't have so many obligations and responsibilities; I could spend more time acquainting myself with classical music" I think most who appreciate classical would say.
Artisti francesi : scrittore commediografo di teatro Moliere, compositore Maurice Ravel il suo famoso Bolero, Cyrano Bergerac opera commedia di teatro, pensatori scrittori intellettuali del movimento letterario filosofico chiamato illuminismo, pittura movimento artisti chiamato Impressionismo (esempio Pierre Auguste Renoir, Henry Matisse).
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) - Complete Nocturnes & Variations Op. 73
***Listen to our latest mastering update (2023)*** :
🎧 Qobuz Tidal
🎧 Apple Music Deezer
🎧 Amazon Music Spotify
🎧 UA-cam Music SoundCloud
🎧 Naspter, Pandora, Anghami, LineMusic日本, Awa日本, QQ音乐 …
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:33)
13 Nocturnes
No.1 en mi bémol mineur Op.33 No.1 (00:00)
No.2 en si majeur Op.33 No.2 (08:09)
No.3 en la bémol majeur Op.33 No.3 (13:33)
No.4 en mi bémol majeur Op.36 (18:39)
No.5 en si bémol majeur Op.37 (24:56)
No.6 en ré bémol majeur Op.63 (32:05)
No.7 en do dièse mineur Op.74 (40:53)
No.8 en ré bémol majeur / Pièces brèves (49:07)
No.9 en si mineur Op.97 (50:55)
No.10 en mi mineur Op.99 (55:14)
No.11 en fa dièse mineur Op.104 No.1 (59:16)
No.12 en mi mineur Op.107 (1:03:33)
No.13 en si mineur Op.119 (1:08:02)
Thème et variations en Do dièse mineur Op.73
Thème (1:15:47)
Variation I (1:18:03)
Variation II (1:19:15)
Variation III (1:20:04)
Variation IV (2:20:43)
Variation V (1:21:29)
Variation VI (1:22:21)
Variation VII (1:24:22)
Variation VIII (1:25:17)
Variation IX (1:26:25)
Variation X (1:27:59)
Variation XI (1:29:05)
Piano : Éric Heidsieck
Recorded in 1960-62, at Paris
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Thank you :)
The 13 Nocturnes constitute the first major cycle of Fauré's work. They cover most of his output, from 1882 to 1921. They are only occasionally related to the characteristic form of Field's or Chopin's Nocturnes (ornate singing over an accompaniment of arpeggios), but they are imbued with the same quiet, sorrowful evening poetry. Éric Heidsieck, very young at the time of this recording, imposed himself by a kind of instinct in these magnificent poems that are the nocturnes of Fauré. The French school has spoiled us with a number of first-rate performers, but it is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes. It is a very personal interpretation and it works wonderfully.
Handel - 16 Keyboard Suites (recording of the Century: Éric Heidsieck):
Ravel - Ma Mère L’Oye, Gaspard de la Nuit, Valses nobles.. (Century’s rec.: Tania & Eric Heidsieck) :
Gabriel Fauré PLAYLIST (reference recordings) :
My first time listening to Faure. I like very much what I'm hearing.
You won't be disappointed 😌
This is an extraordinary pianist -Erick Heidsieck plays these pieces brilliantly.
Je viens encore d'écouter les 13 nocturnes de Fauré par une vingtaine d'interprètes actuels et d'antant (de haute réputation souvent bien méritée), mais je reviens toujours à ceux interprétés par Eric Heidsieck, qui, à mon sens, traduisent de la façon la plus fidèle et la plus expressive, l'âme et l'intention profondes du compositeur. Pour moi, le tempo appliqué est chaque fois celui qui convient, et que Fauré devait souhaite. Les nuances, du pianissimo au forte le plus intense, sont judicieusement appliquées. Les ralentis et accélérés sont toujours bien situés et sans exagération. Le sentiment y est tellement émouvant. La ligne mélodique, parfois si discrète et difficile à rendre de façon appropriée chez Fauré, se ressent parfaitement dans une clarté admirablement distillée. Et puis, "cerise sur le gâteau", pas une seule note de musique, interprétée par Eric Heidsieck, n'est étrangère à la partition de Fauré (ce qui n'est pas toujours le cas chez d'autres interprètes). Bref, je ne me lasse pas d'écouter et de me référer à ce trésor d'interprétation des 13 nocturnes de Fauré par l'interprète de référence plus que supérieure qu'est l'excellent Eric Heidsieck. Personne d'autre n'est encore arrivé à rendre ces belles pages de musique fauréenne aussi justement et intensément que lui, à mon humble avis bien sûr!
Eric Le Sage et Paul Crossley sont aussi des remarquables interprètes de ces Nocturnes. C'est la première fois que j'écoute Heidsieck et j'aime bien son travail, mais je tiens également à Crossley et Le Sage. Tant que je n'hésite pas à vous le recommander. Après les avoir écouté, à vous de choisir. 🎵🎶🆗👍🙏
Et germaine alors ?
Germaine, comme tant d'autres pianistes de haute qualité, fait évidemment partie des très grands interprètes de l'oeuvre pianistique du grand Gabriel Fauré. Et chaque grand amateur de son oeuvre si particulière et si envoûtante sera plus ou moins "marqué" par tel ou telle interprète dans l'une ou l'autre de ses compositions. Mais ma sensibilité m'a naturellement fait préférer, du moins pour les nocturnes, l'interprétation d'Eric Heidsieck. Pour simple exemple: le 12 è nocturne est si expressif et si bien restitué (à mon humble avis évidemment) dans ce qu'il communique de façon si poignante le climat d'angoisse et d'inquiétude correspondant réellement au climat de grave tension internationale qui était celui de l'année de sa composition (1917 je pense). En l'écoutant encore aujourd'hui, je ressens le même effet devant les évènements si terribles que le monde connait actuellement.@@Celanish
Rimango sempre attonita davanti alla mancanza di commenti in lingua italiana. In questo immenso e pur piccolo mondo ci sono alcune parole della mia amata terra che hanno raggiunto una dimensione mondiale: Bravo! Così si acclamano i grandi in tutti i teatri del mondo. Allora perdonatemi questo commento nella mia lingua natale. La lingua di un paese che tanto ha dato alla musica. Fortunatamente la musica non ha confini, li scavalca e li demolisce. Amo Fauré da sempre ed ogni volta è un'emozione forte, intensa. Bravo!!!!
FAURÉ , comme DEBUSSY, puis SATIE , nous envoûtent par cette nouvelle sonorité d'une série, un peu déstructurée, de notes délicieusement voyageuses !
Cette musicalité douce prête à la rêverie, au lâcher prise... ces merveilleux compositeurs nous laissent ces plaisirs pianistiques qui nous aident à surfer sur le marasme délétère ambiant...
Merci aux pianistes qui restituent si joliment l'âme de leurs compositions ... 💞💝💞♾💞🥰
Ich e
Vous avez réussi a exprimer exactement comment je admire ces compositeurs . L'interprétation deEric Heidsieck est vraiment magnifique.
Форе чарівний, Форе живий, як подих весняного вітру, Форе зворушливий, блискучий, захоплюючий, натхненний, молодий, чиста , як гірський потік, його Душа живе в його Музиці! Дякую Маестро Еріку Гайдсіку за таке неперевершене виконання фантастично прекрасних Ноктюрнів Местро Форе! Дякую Богу за цю Музику!❤
Faure, to me, embodies the light touch of the piano which is reminiscent of my mothers touch when playing, when I was a child. I say this to just try speak to those who find difficulty or hardship, as the music brings a feeling of diversion in chaos, which is a form of bringing back order and direction, something which chaos cannot endure.
Very profound, your ideas on this. I agree.
Beautifully stated.
That is very thoughtful and considerate of you, Michael. Thank you.
Erick Heidsieck moves us into a far realm of reverie with these flowing, indescribably beautiful Faure nocturnes. Thank you for posting.
موسيقى تؤكد تجلي الرومانسية بامتيز فيه وفي جيله .... شكرا لامتاعنا بجرعة فنية عالية ، و لا ننسى تألق عازف البيانو .
Quand le monde fléchit autour de soi, quand les structures d’une civilisation vacillent, il est bon de revenir à ce qui, dans l’histoire, ne fléchit pas, mais au contraire redresse le courage, rassemble les séparés, pacifie sans meurtrir. Il est bon de rappeler que le génie de la création est lui aussi à l’œuvre dans une histoire vouée à la destruction 🐾😺
Un peu dramatique, mais je comprend ce que vous sentez!
Un peu dramatique peu être, mais vrai. musique est universelle et ne déçoit jamais .
@@mireillebernard1696 Absolument! Tout à fait!
entierement d accord!
The 13 Nocturnes constitute the first major cycle of Fauré's work. They cover most of his output, from 1882 to 1921. They are only occasionally related to the characteristic form of Field's or Chopin's Nocturnes (ornate singing over an accompaniment of arpeggios), but they are imbued with the same quiet, sorrowful evening poetry. Éric Heidsieck, very young at the time of this recording, imposed himself by a kind of instinct in these magnificent poems that are the nocturnes of Fauré. The French school has spoiled us with a number of first-rate performers, but it is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes. It is a very personal interpretation and it works wonderfully.
Handel - 16 Keyboard Suites (recording of the Century: Éric Heidsieck):
Ravel - Ma Mère L’Oye, Gaspard de la Nuit, Valses nobles.. (Century’s rec.: Tania & Eric Heidsieck) :
Thanks i m french and the com like that it s vert important for my compréhension ans éducation . I Saw thé classic music n'y myself for 5 Years.and it s very important. For compréhension (!sorry for my english) and.thanks a last Time ❤️
Thank you for this post. I am perhaps late to the party, but nonetheless delighted.
Thank you Gabriel Fauré and Érick Heidsick !
I first discovered Faure when I was in a choir class and we sang his Requiem. Then I discovered the rest of his work. Gorgeous and dreamy.
Thanks so much for posting.
Transcendent, mellifluous, dew drops in the
Just love it. Thank you.
Amen!! Thank you for waking us once again to see an marvelous day, another week, another blessing, other gift, other lesson, and teaching. This morning Lord order our steps. Let thy will be done. God I know that you are near to the brokenhearted. Comfort the heart of those who are broken. Heal, mend, fix, restore so that many can return back to you as their first love. There is nothing Father you cannot do; because you are the Father of everything that we need and want. Thank you Lord for all that you have done and for what you continue to do in our lives. Help us Lord were we may lack, come up short, and where we may not understand. Blessings to you my brothers and sisters may your journey this week be filled with laugher, joy, peace, and calmness despite of everything that is going on. Please be safe, courageous and encouraged out there. Love you with the Love of God.❤💕🙏🙏 🙏😇
who are you talking to? if this is a prayer, you could've just said it by yourself. but i guess a prayer means nothing if someone else doesn't see you doing it, eh?
Always present
The only presence
All presence infinite presence
There is no other presence.
Here and now.
아름다운 피아노 연주곡 잘 들었습니다~감사합니다~🎵🎹🌿🍀☘🌹🌹☘🍀🌿❤❤수고 많으셨습니다~☕
Very lyrical, beautiful playing
J'éprouve un double plaisir d'abord parce que j' adore Fauré et aussi parce que cela me donne l'occasion pour d'entendre Éric Heidsieck que j'ai eu le bonheur de rencontrer
@@bernadettecazier9708 that's wonderful!
My love for Faure’s Nocturns is higher the mountain and deeper than the sea
Faure's Nocturnes are beyond description
Wunderschöne und elegante Interpretation dieser kurzen doch perfekt komponierten Klavierstücke in verschiedenen Tempi mit klarem doch zugleich anmutigem Anschlag und mit künstlerisch kontrollierter Dynamik. Wahrlich intelligenter und unvergleichlicher Pianist!
Übersetzung: Die Musik ist schön.
@@tahall5646 Stimmt, absolut schön!
Merci Eric ! je n'oublierai jamais votre présence au sein d'ALBRET MUSICAL en Haute Lande. La forêt toute entière s'en souvient encore.
Beautiful music, exquisite performance. Thank you ❤️
Peace and love in the world✌
I really enjoyed Faure and Eric Heidsieck. I don't have many opportunity to hear French music. thanks for upload❣️
Fauré's 179th birthday is approaching. It will be in May 12. So form today May 9 to the 12,I will be listening to his Nocturnes 🎶 🎵 🎹
Magnificent performance here, both the music and its execution.
Merci pour ces notes superbes !
These are most beautiful piano works.
Definitely the best interpretation of Faure's nocturnes! 😍
One of the best recorded performances, if not the best, of the Op.73. Here, Heidsieck gives the last variation a chorale and religious quality that reminds me, inevitably, of Bach. Great great recording.
A very astute observation.
Apart of Madame Thyssens-Valentin interpretations this is by far the best playing of those nocturnes I have ever heard. Thank you CM/RR.
I was introduced to this by UK radio station Classic FM. Sublime
Nunca me conformó del todo la música de Fauré, pero estos nocturnos son deliciosos, la luz inefable de la luna me acompaña mientras los escucho, mágicamente me acompaña..
"It is without doubt Eric Heidsieck who best conveys the dreamy and poetic aspect of these nocturnes." It is fascinating to compare the brilliant recordings Heidsieck, Jean Doyen and Thyssens-Valentin made of the Faure Nocturnes - 3 GREAT Faure masters at work. And it light of what I heard from comparing the 3 that I personally differ slightly from your comment quoted above. I would rather say that Thyssens-Valentin best brings out the dreamy aspect of the nocturnes (although not lacking at all in poetry), while Heidseck best brings out the poetic aspect (although not lacking in the dreamy aspect as well). As for Doyen- he best brings out the inner turmoil and fire of the pieces. Just wonderful to here these 3 great masters each giving us something slightly different yet magnificent in these masterpieces. Would not like to be without any of them in my collection. Thanks for making all three available for us of to investigate and compare through Reference Recording.
Thank you for this comprehensive information; I'll use it ASAP.
It is an interesting comparison, but would you kindly explain the keywords with more literal music terms? I'm not familiar with Fauré's piano works until I listened to this video, nor had I ever heard one of the three musicians you mention. By keywords, I mean: dreamy, poetic, fire, inner turmoil. Do you mean how they employ dynamic differences, or the use of rubato, or whatever to achieve an abstract quality? (I'm classically trained, but for leisure, not a career, so I'm always keen to learn how the great musicians interpreted music and set themselves apart from a sea of colleagues).
@@milou4753 I'd like to hear a response to your questions myself. I have no idea what separates "dreamy" from "poetic"; it sounds as if these two words belong to the same lexical field, possibly being used as synonyms.
It’s just silly-childish thinking, really-to assert one or another performer is “THE BEST” without qualifying that feeling with a statement such as, “He is THE BEST performer _in my opinion,_” or, “I love her playing best bc of her amazing interpretation,” or whatever. Please try to remember that _LOVE FOR EVERY ART IS SUBJECTIVE;_ there is no objective way to measure people’s favorites! _SO, PLEASE STOP TRYING!!!_
La version de référence est désormais celle de David Jalbert, pianiste québécois, longtemps détenue pR celle que donna, jadis, le jeune Jean-Philippe Collard à l'égal de Heidsieck. Difficile d'enlaidir les nocturnes de Fauré, tous les noms cités ici, plus haut, sont d'excellents interprètes. J'ai apprécié celle de Thyssens-Valentin mais la qualité des enregistrements d'aujourd'hui permet plus de discernement avec de jeunes talents comme David Jalbert. Hélas, Éric Lesage, si excellent dans Schumann, ne réussit pas du tout sa version des Nocturnes de Fauré! C'est comme ça!
Without doubt some of the loveliest examples of this genre that I have ever heard. Beautifully and enticingly played. Thank you.
Great composer. Great work. Great performance. Thumbs up. Hats off...
This is exactly what the doctor proscribed! 🕊️❤️🔥 Thank you 🤗💕
"PREscribed," Jane. May Heaven forbid any of Fouré's music from ever being proscribed.
Meditation, cristal clear meditation.. Structurally impecable. Fingers may touch the tecles´ grand lake, but the heart is away. Exactly wjat we need here.
The lyrical Op.63 is very nicely performed. Thanks for sharing this treasure trove of an underrated artist. I must come back often to Faure's music.
Gabriel Faurré è un grande musicista che , a pari di César Franck e di Gounod (non fosse altro che per il Faust) meritano di essere ricordati, mentre tra i "grandi, vengono spesso appena accennati nelle varie Storie della musica. Questi notturni in Do diesis minore ( con quattro diesis nell'armatura di chiave) offrono una sensazione della profondità della notte con tutte le sue "nunces". Pur nell'assoluta originalità, si ascolta , da lontano ma ben percepibili, echi di DebussY e , per le variazioni, la grande maestria di Bach (Variazioni Goldberg ) e , soprattutto di Beethoven (Variazioni su un valzer di Diabelli), Naturalmente, parlando di notturni non è possibile non rievocare la grande ombra celestiale di Chopin. Ringrazio per la bellezza del concerto.
Magnifique, merci beaucoup
have only listened- so far - to the first two pieces - but this guy can REALLY play! I love Faure and am looking forward to hearing more of these stunning and sensitive interpretations, showing both the dreamy qualities of the music and the robust, passionate aspects too. Bravo!
Magnifique, merci Érick
Exquisite Fauré, thanks.
So nice like a lullaby.
A guy commented in another video about Chopin, John Fields, and this guy being his facotire. I am so grateful to him. Never heard of this guy before.
Maravillosos, cada nocturno es una joya de pasión y lirismo.....🙌🏻
Muchas Gracias.
Fouré's music presents a very agreeable and accessible side of Impressionism.
Compositor superlativo, de sensibilidad a flor de piel.
Very beautiful! It makes me curious about his other performances, of for instance Chopin.
My favorite Chopin - I always cry, when listening his music...
There is his open heart...
Ukraine Kyiv I'm 72 Vasyl
J'ignore pourquoi, ces Nocturnes de Fauré, joués par Erick Heidsieck, font ressurgir les heures de mon enfance.
Such a underrated master Faure
one of the geatest living pianists
Thank you so much ♡☆I love classical music ♥️
Merci beaucoup!
Delightsome . Im entranced . Bravos!
Thank you
New to me.
I guess I always preferred the early nocturnes. Especially the second. Oh... so gorgeous!!!
I agree !
The Variations are very fine.
Theme and Variations often for first price at Paris-Conservatory
That was great
Hermosa música y conmovedoramente bien interpretada. S. Urrutia.
Quasiment du jazz sublime
after thi interpretation i do have to reevaluate faures piano music. i had a set, but it never appealed to me. i found mr heidsieck in hisinterpretations really outstanding. alas, there is little tobe found
Sometimes it takes repeated listening until a composer's style captures your heart, Knud. After a while you'll find that it's like cultivating a new friendship.
Same here. I had a disc that I gave away some time ago because I just couldn't get involved with it. I need to give this music another chance. You listen differently as you get older.
Awesome ! Thanks for sharing :-)
Simplesmente perfeito
I usually group John Fields , Chopin, and Faure together in my nocturnes collection !
Thank you for sharing your perspective. Who do you consider best interprets John Field Nocturnes?
@@worldwideuploads J Field est tres peu joué
@@worldwideuploads I like them all. No particular preference.
되게 정갈한 피아노 곡 💕💕
Recently I've been playing this on heavy rotation because it's so unobtrusive and pleasant to listen to.
thanks for this. god i love faure of all the french "impressionists."
The etherial beauty of Faure's Nocturnes. Like Chopin and Field before him with an almost Debussy-esqe touch.
The 13th nocturne is achingly beautiful.
Watched this video 10 times!
Thanksfully !!!!!🙏💝 Sooooo beautiful !!!!!🙏💝
Quelle véhémence, dans le n°12 !
Quieta y ligera queda mi alma...
interesting, it reminds me in some parts of some of the Liszt's consolations
I would like to ask to the listeners to pay a specific and - as far as possible " objective" attention to the nocturns 2 to 5, too often despised, Fauré being considered here as a poor "follower" of Chapin. Follower, perhaps; but an awesome and mandatory follower, who had an undisputable added velue due to an unique personal inspiration, gift, flavor and handicraft writing. ❤❤❤🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡❤❤❤
great and helpful comments-just don't want to join the''sad"
stigma but maybe am eligible for the "alternative to chaos" group
❤Una caricia para el alna🇺🇾🥰
Wonderful - in composition and interpretation. Do you have more music by Fauré? I prefer videos
It's a puzzle to me that these pieces are not better known and more often performed.
"If only I didn't have so many obligations and responsibilities; I could spend more time acquainting myself with classical music" I think most who appreciate classical would say.
Éric Heidsieck (born 21 August 1936 is a French classical pianist. See/Read:
Never I haven't heard such triste, sad Nocturnes! Possible, Maestro wasn't happy, and Pianist?
Artisti francesi : scrittore commediografo di teatro Moliere, compositore Maurice Ravel il suo famoso Bolero, Cyrano Bergerac opera commedia di teatro, pensatori scrittori intellettuali del movimento letterario filosofico chiamato illuminismo, pittura movimento artisti chiamato Impressionismo (esempio Pierre Auguste Renoir, Henry Matisse).
The music from the ads disrupt the music hilariously
One calls this "music" ... ? Harumph !