never lose the Hope and mercy in a lot you might be starving in food will try to give him as the best I've sponsored 6 kids in your area as well and never lose that high hopefully Muslims give him more I'm trying my best thing to help others to but I tend to not get that same love back in the community's I do by Muslims but when I come to hear in I live in to the west and the West we only care for ourselves this stuff so you're lucky that you're around people who are trying I hope you don't die and if you do please don't hate Allah he loves you he'll give you everything that suffer real hurt your heart I know you might be crying because there's no way where to go it hurts very bad I know how that feels
Allahu Akbar🤲🤲🤲
My. Life has been my faith in Allah through all my struggles ❤
Subhanallah 33x
Alhamdulillah 33x
Allahu akbar 33x
La illaha illallah wahdahu lasharikalah lahu hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shain kadir
For me it was reading the Kuran. That touched my heart N soul🙏❤️
1. Allah’s signs in your struggles. 2. A thirst for knowledge. 3. Sudden blessings and opportunities. 4. Inner peace and fulfilment.
JazakAllah ☺️
never lose the Hope and mercy in a lot you might be starving in food will try to give him as the best I've sponsored 6 kids in your area as well and never lose that high hopefully Muslims give him more I'm trying my best thing to help others to but I tend to not get that same love back in the community's I do by Muslims but when I come to hear in I live in to the west and the West we only care for ourselves this stuff so you're lucky that you're around people who are trying I hope you don't die and if you do please don't hate Allah he loves you he'll give you everything that suffer real hurt your heart I know you might be crying because there's no way where to go it hurts very bad I know how that feels