Printezis wins the game for Olympiacos

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @alecc210
    @alecc210 7 років тому +19

    We have never boo you at Piraeus. This win was important for us because we have such a difficult schedule...Printezis said he didn't want to hurt our brothers after the winning shot

    • @aleksjeff3088
      @aleksjeff3088 7 років тому +3

      They are not your brothers, they put up a sign calling for people to come to see a football game with their "brothers" from Russia, they ignored you guys whole game. Forget about them, you're a big and respected club.

    • @modrozelenaalga9607
      @modrozelenaalga9607 7 років тому +3

      Aleks told you the truth.You have same colors and that's it.It's easy to be brothers in friendly games and when the home team is winning.Now you saw the true mentality of your "brothers".Even Partizan fans have way more respect for you than those newborn basketball fans.

    • @lukanedeljkovic1787
      @lukanedeljkovic1787 4 роки тому +1

      didn't U?We will not forget whistling in Piraeus in UEFA Champions League, and this video."Brothers"

  • @OutdoorGeneration_
    @OutdoorGeneration_ 7 років тому +10


  • @ub_famiglia1959
    @ub_famiglia1959 7 років тому +8

    Shame you Oly...thats all what I have to lose in Atina by Turkish but you come in Belgrade and win "brothers",this game was crucial for us and with this win we can make it to TOP 8 but "brothers" dont want to allow...Thanks "BROTHERS"

    • @panagiotissalonitis5022
      @panagiotissalonitis5022 7 років тому +24

      Blood_Skills You can't be serious.

    • @contralegem2942
      @contralegem2942 7 років тому +20

      Showing respect to the opponent means trying your best to beat him, thats the definition of healthy sportsmanship. Red star is a great team and will procced to the next round because they deserve it, not with "presents". Losingbintentionally would be disrespetful for the rest of the teams that try their best too.

    • @modrozelenaalga9607
      @modrozelenaalga9607 7 років тому +3

      He is serious.Crying because the opposition team didn't intentionally lose the game is so typical for Red Star fans mentality.Enormous money and political tyranny made them temporarily more successful than Partizan, but they will never be even close to their greatness and glory.

    • @MegaAntras
      @MegaAntras 7 років тому

      Sta pricas bre mentolu jedan...zbog cega bi galata platila da dobije tu utakmicu..kad nisu i nemaju sansu za plejof..bricas budalastine ovde...
      Ti ces da kvaris nesto sto traje 30 god...a kladim se da traje bar dva tvoja zivota jer si ocigledno glupi klinac...
      Ne lozi se bre... zasto da nas nismo mi partizan da nas Zeljko Obradovic pusta...
      Svaku pobedu smo zasluzili...i tako i treba da bude...
      Nemoj da nas blamiras mentolu...oni da se stide sto nas nisu pustili... a ti se ne stidis da trazis i kazes tako nesto...

    • @ub_famiglia1959
      @ub_famiglia1959 7 років тому +1

      Da vam odgovorim po naski,za to da sam klinac,kad sam ja pratio Zvezdu sa Petrom Popovicem na centru,Andrejom Milutinovicem, niste znali da mi kao KK postojimo nego ste se ukljucili zadnje 3 god tako da sto se toga tice to odma u vodu baci...a sto se tice brace nije problem samo sto ja kazem pogledajte malo misljenja ljudi vise od pola misle isto kao ja,mi sa klubom olimpijakos smo u korektnim odnosima ali nikako u bratskim,u bratskim odnosima su SAMO navijaci a klub i funkcioneri su u korektnim i nista vise od toga,oni kao braca gde nas vide tu nas gaze,oni su obezbijedili TOP 8 a mi jos uvjek nismo i trebali su da igraju sa pola snage,stojim iz toga,jer kad u atini mogu da trckaraju i izgube od turaka zasto protiv nas koje nazivaju bracom grizuu i ono sto najvise boli je njihovo slavlje na kraju utakmice kao da su u najmanju ruku uzeli Evroligu a podsjecam oni su vec obezbijedili TOP 8,mi smo izgleda samo braca kad njima odgovara☺

  • @A5Ronic
    @A5Ronic 7 років тому +5

    Printezis and Javor.... wish u all worst in ur miserable lifes!

    • @A5Ronic
      @A5Ronic 7 років тому

      A sto si iskopirao komentar ahaahhaahahahahah

  • @whomstquavo5490
    @whomstquavo5490 7 років тому +1

    Kako vam je ,,bratski'' šuknuo hahahahahhahha

  • @petedo6532
    @petedo6532 7 років тому

    Why did the Zvezda-Fans whistle after the game?

    • @Reprisal1000
      @Reprisal1000 7 років тому +5

      Whistles were for referee Javor because of that criminal decision 20 seconds before the end of the match when he gave the ball to Oly instead of Red Star,that decision decided the winner of the match

  • @MIDZ1987
    @MIDZ1987 7 років тому +6

    FMP Zeleznik lose :(((