Thank you again guys for another great house tour. Even though I can't understand what you are saying, I really appreciate how you take your time in each room of the house, and you don't rush through skipping rooms. I always look forward to your house tours!!
Thank you again guys for another great house tour. Even though I can't understand what you are saying, I really appreciate how you take your time in each room of the house, and you don't rush through skipping rooms. I always look forward to your house tours!!
Glad you enjoyed it, the English Sub has uploaded. thank again and happy new year
Calabasas 这种地方我有套房子就在那里,实在是中国人太少了,全是欧洲移民,全是墨西哥人,你修个东西都收你华人区3倍以上费用,而且效率非常低。比华人区效率低5倍。所有邻居都是白人,并且非常种族歧视。你根本无法被社区接受。除非你大部分家庭成员也是白人。你要吃个饭什么的连日本菜韩菜泰国菜都很少更别说中餐了。买杯咖啡看你是亚裔直接最后才给你做,让你等半小时!
這類小城市確實人口不夠多元, 不過不影響看房子.考慮到買房子根據自身因素和需求不同能選擇的地方比這好的也多的是,別說亞洲人了,詹姆斯Brentwood的豪宅還被人噴過不雅文字. 種族歧視這個事不是個人原因,需要一個民族幾代人的共同付出和努力才可能得到社會各個階層的認可.
这房子的设计狮 是真的low