ASMR🧰At Ace Hardware w/My Dad🧰(Part II)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ComeToRestASMR
    @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +96

    special thanks to ✨my dad✨ for being my one and only dad & also for joining me for tingles at work! love you, dad! 🧰🫶☺️
    we love to support our friends at stamford coffee & catskill outpost at 8:01☕️
    special thanks to stefano for joining in again for tingles & music🎶
    🎵feel free to check out my music too🎵
    Philosophy of Music on Spotify💕
    Philosophy of Music on UA-cam💕
    Introducing 2 New Membership Levels!
    “The Brushies” - $2.99💖
    “The Snappys” - $0.99💖
    Love you all!💖

  • @nyanpie1
    @nyanpie1 3 дні тому +35

    honestly, great ad for ace hardware too. I didn't realize they had such a wide variety of useful stuff (that all make great sounds!)

  • @OfTheSeaKND
    @OfTheSeaKND 3 дні тому +66

    I love this. It’s a group effort ASMR experience. 😊🛠️💞

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +6

      Aww thank youu so much for all your kind support, my friend!☺️🫶 You rock🙏

  • @peachfuzz00
    @peachfuzz00 3 дні тому +106

    Dad ASMR at ace hardware is what i never knew i needed today 😂❤ Happy Holidays to you and your family! 🫶

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +10

      Aww that’s so amazing🥹🫶 Happy Holidays to you and yours as well🌲💗🙏

  • @MichelleBrown-iz4mx
    @MichelleBrown-iz4mx 3 дні тому +59

    Your Dad is good at ASMR. He should start his own channel♥

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +11

      Omg yesss she totally should☺️🫶 Thank you, friend!🙏

  • @Kayden-c4
    @Kayden-c4 13 годин тому +1

    Your dad is really good at ASMR and this video is so wholesome and relaxing

  • @arl42021
    @arl42021 3 дні тому +19

    Ultimate dad and grandpa duo

  • @dais.wright
    @dais.wright 3 дні тому +16

    your dad is amazing at asmr! love how curious and intrigued he seems about it

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому

      Aw thanks!☺️🙏 Samee it’s so cool to see that✨💗

  • @solimangameply8279
    @solimangameply8279 3 дні тому +9

    I love the rawness and authentic like you could feel all the emotions, a beauty to it and refreshing

  • @abcdef_ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1243
    @abcdef_ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1243 3 дні тому +23

    Guys join the membership!! you gonna get the previous live videos that is so tingly

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +3

      Aw that’s soo kind thank you my friend!🥹🫶 Many more UA-cam lives to come!☀️💗🙏📚

  • @scentOfish22
    @scentOfish22 3 дні тому +14

    02:23 $5 off, my favourite trigger

  • @top5serijal768
    @top5serijal768 3 дні тому +7

    Bro is so happy

  • @sunflowerkelz
    @sunflowerkelz 3 дні тому +3


  • @LauraGnz
    @LauraGnz 3 дні тому +9

    This video has it all!! Amazing team at the store including cool dad in sunglasses, coffee break with barista sounds, snow shoveling: you name it!
    Great job, you guys 👌👏👏

  • @sadiyahamin3029
    @sadiyahamin3029 17 годин тому

    Omg!! Your dad is a natural at ASMR 🥹🥰 I loved this!!

  • @xaviSF
    @xaviSF 3 дні тому +6

    Oh I like his “auctioneer” voice when he says the prices.

  • @margaritaflockton2745
    @margaritaflockton2745 3 дні тому +9

    This was the asmr video I didn’t know I needed. Amazing work as usual

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      I love that!☺️✨ Cheers to you, friend🫶

  • @diyplural
    @diyplural 3 дні тому +2

    this was so nice to watch. made me really happy to see all y'all doing asmr together and enjoying yourselves

  • @kale5885
    @kale5885 3 дні тому +3

    Stop i love your dad he seems so sweet

  • @TheChibiAerith
    @TheChibiAerith 3 дні тому +6

    This was wonderful! Specially the singing at the end! Merry xmas to you and your loved ones!

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      Aw that’s so kind thank you, friend!☺️🫶 Merry Christmas to you as well!!🌲💗🙏

  • @tracybradford468
    @tracybradford468 3 дні тому +2

    Your dad is really good and selecting tingly items. ❤

  • @plmathieu2
    @plmathieu2 День тому

    Dad is matching the energy ! Love to see it ! Great video 🥳🥳

  • @spookeddd
    @spookeddd 18 годин тому

    pops is a pro at this,needs his own channel too forsure!

  • @netheriteboots3043
    @netheriteboots3043 День тому

    such good singing at the end, from all of you!! 😭loved everyone in this video they all were so sweet ❤

  • @Sillyducky-c8i
    @Sillyducky-c8i 2 дні тому +1

    ❤bro. this is so wholesome 😊. I love how care-free you guys are, please keep doing what you're doing 💜🙏
    Love your ASMR btw 😍

  • @abigaildurannn
    @abigaildurannn 13 годин тому

    love this!! your dad is awesome! what a wholesome duo 💞💝

  • @2PreserveAmerica
    @2PreserveAmerica День тому

    I had a good Christmas party at work today.. and so in the spirit I want to wish Bobby and everyone who reads this a Merry Christmas 🎄

  • @Superkellydoll
    @Superkellydoll 2 дні тому

    More snow shoveling. That was soooo good. I love these types of videos you do.

  • @asmr5054
    @asmr5054 3 дні тому +1

    This is amazing my ears enjoyed this asmr video so much it was so relaxing thank you friend 🧡

  • @followlucky6258
    @followlucky6258 15 годин тому

    screen and paint roller good idea

  • @Morgan-lf9uy
    @Morgan-lf9uy 2 дні тому

    Wow what an awesome dad. Great video! 🙌🏼

  • @Decade.Glass.Studio
    @Decade.Glass.Studio 2 дні тому

    This was one of the best ASMR videos I've seen in a long time. Non-stop tingles! So good!

  • @1nG0dsHands7
    @1nG0dsHands7 2 дні тому

    I love thi signing at the end, that was lovely

  • @dariovidojkovic7102
    @dariovidojkovic7102 3 дні тому +8

    Bobby, your Dad is doing quite good in ASMR! Cool!

  • @lesleykendall8899
    @lesleykendall8899 3 дні тому +2

    Love this sooooooo much!!
    Just so natural and ‘tingly’! 🎄 Merry Christmas! 🎄

  • @V3n_0
    @V3n_0 3 дні тому +7


  • @caspertffb5942
    @caspertffb5942 2 дні тому

    Thank you. My father passed away before we could truly know each other as adults, so this was something I didn’t know I needed. Thank you for letting me get a peak at what it might have been, the fun we might have had, and giving me the ability to live vicariously through you for a bit. ❤

  • @anyanyahai
    @anyanyahai 3 дні тому +3

    i love binge watching your videos so much!! brings me joy to know you’re enjoying asmr with your dad 🫶🏼 keep sleigh-ing 🎄🤭

  • @ada_davari
    @ada_davari День тому

    That was such a wholesome video!!!LOVED IT!!!And the group singing in the end???made me cry and so emotional!!!Thank youuuuu happy holidays to u and ur family 🥺💟🎄

  • @audreycristina123
    @audreycristina123 День тому

    It was the coupon and the coffee for me 😂❤

  • @jamescorrea7321
    @jamescorrea7321 3 дні тому

    I love you and your family man. I like how your Dad is so cool and supportive! Much love from the Philippines🎉

  • @veronikakorcakova742
    @veronikakorcakova742 17 годин тому

    This is so heartwarming 😢❤❤❤

  • @Campbrightmoon
    @Campbrightmoon 2 дні тому

    This is the sweetest most wholesome and endearing thing I have seen in a long time thank you! ❤

  • @unicorn92
    @unicorn92 2 дні тому

    Your dad is so talented 😅❤ No Wonder, that you are the Goat of ASMR 😊
    Wish you and your family a Happy Christmas 🎄🎁

  • @eller594
    @eller594 3 дні тому

    i LOVED the song sooo much 🥹💞❤️‍🔥

  • @FranciaCanalesSepulveda
    @FranciaCanalesSepulveda 3 дні тому +3

    OMG ... Your dad is so cool!!! Thanks🎉❤There was a lot of laughter in that video ... Great time father and son! ❤

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +1

      Aw thanks!☺️🫶 He’s the best!💗🙏

  • @Muffin-the-dragon
    @Muffin-the-dragon 3 дні тому +16

    This is so cool and sweet of your dad 😊

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      Aw thank you!🥹 You’re so right🫶 I have such a great dad!☀️☺️

  • @followlucky6258
    @followlucky6258 15 годин тому

    the pipes was a brave good idea it works

  • @jedricbarlow3940
    @jedricbarlow3940 3 дні тому +2

    Love this Bobby! Merry Christmas Xmas to you and your loved ones!❤❤❤❤❤

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому

      Thank youu friend Merry Christmas to you as well💗☀️☺️✨

  • @diandian9827
    @diandian9827 3 дні тому +7

    This explains why Dad was so good during the Thanksgiving video....!

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      Heyyy friend!☺️ Omg yesss he’s so good, right?🫶 Thank you so much!🌲

    • @diandian9827
      @diandian9827 2 дні тому

      ​@@ComeToRestASMR You are two peas in a pod my friend!

  • @tanja2710_
    @tanja2710_ 3 дні тому +3

    I remember part 1, so cool that you made another one 😊

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +1

      Yayy hey friend☺️ That’s awesome that you remember part 1😋 Thank you so much🙏

  • @ChrisAyalar
    @ChrisAyalar 2 дні тому +1

    Nice vid man ❤

  • @aehngelica5046
    @aehngelica5046 3 дні тому

    I didn't know i would enjoy an asmr video this much until now and it's so entertaining too keep it up!!!

  • @kendall4016
    @kendall4016 3 дні тому +7

    Come to Rest Sr is an ASMR PRO!

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      Kendallllll💗☺️ Omg he’s such a natural!🫶🙏🌲✨💕☀️

  • @NemosOPZ
    @NemosOPZ 2 дні тому

    this feels like a music video

  • @spacebeebs
    @spacebeebs 3 дні тому

    ace IS the place with the helpful hardware folk 🗣️‼️

  • @ryancorrice3932
    @ryancorrice3932 3 дні тому +2

    Love this guy

  • @tbrazzyyy4298
    @tbrazzyyy4298 3 дні тому

    Your dad getting in between the white poles made me laugh so hard😂❤❤

  • @Bluebuxc
    @Bluebuxc 3 дні тому

    Super relaxing family! Cheers! 🥂

  • @stix1224
    @stix1224 2 дні тому

    I've not slid in here to say hi in a very long time - it's been suuuper stressful recently 😭
    I hope you're doing great bobby

  • @starlitcannibal8866
    @starlitcannibal8866 3 дні тому

    this is so sweet i love this video so much, thank you merry christmas 🎅

    @FBI_USA_OHAO День тому

    Omg is wonderful, the best thing I listened to, and the men are also very cool and wanted to talk to them

  • @emily_thegamer1472
    @emily_thegamer1472 8 годин тому

    I don't know why but when bro started pushing the coupon in my face and was saying FIVE DOLLARS! FIVE DOLLARS OFF!!!!! I died laughing!!!

  • @Doglight2.0
    @Doglight2.0 3 дні тому +4

    My gosh this is GOOFY😭😭😭

  • @followlucky6258
    @followlucky6258 15 годин тому

    i feel like i ll watch this all way through can t stop watching it lol.. probably the adhd in me

  • @asmrchill23
    @asmrchill23 2 дні тому

    Lots of tingles 😴😴

  • @Stówhive
    @Stówhive 3 дні тому +1

    best dad in the world fr

  • @xXOblivionXx1
    @xXOblivionXx1 3 дні тому

    one of your most beautifal uploads my friend, so many joyous examples of lifes gifts. Keep up the hardwork, please film with these guys again, off to rewatch this :)

  • @gretaritaa
    @gretaritaa 3 дні тому +1

    y'all definitely aced this video🙌

  • @smokeeatertexas6931
    @smokeeatertexas6931 3 дні тому +1

    Too good!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @ASMR4dd1ct
    @ASMR4dd1ct 3 дні тому


  • @tbrazzyyy4298
    @tbrazzyyy4298 3 дні тому

    The blooper was very authentic

  • @eusoujosh
    @eusoujosh 3 дні тому +1

    You seem like a very happy guy, I love your videos ❤

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +1

      Thank you, friend!✨☺️ Cheers to you🙏

  • @mentitaterere
    @mentitaterere 3 дні тому +1

    Awww!!! Amazing!!

  • @ЭлинаИванова2ХП-Б
    @ЭлинаИванова2ХП-Б 3 дні тому +1

    Super! 💥I love your videos so much!😁😊❤️

  • @tylerledbetter731
    @tylerledbetter731 3 дні тому

    Hell yeah, got your father in the video. Merry Christmas to both of yall

  • @Mcb1
    @Mcb1 3 дні тому

    Might have to add Jr. to the end of the channel name, Pops is a natural!

  • @wholesomelowlife2356
    @wholesomelowlife2356 2 дні тому

    I recognize this Ace! My home town!

  • @KegyLoyal
    @KegyLoyal 3 дні тому +6

    wow your dad is soo good at asmr

  • @mikewestern3403
    @mikewestern3403 3 дні тому +1

    The helpful place with the helpful dad

  • @Pparra-ww4eu
    @Pparra-ww4eu 3 дні тому

    Me encantan tus videos🙌🏼✨️💙

    @DARKMANYT07 3 дні тому +2

    Fua amigo que bueno❤🎉

  • @mrn_ruben
    @mrn_ruben 3 дні тому +2

    Stefano = legend ❤

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +2

      Omg yesss he so is!☺️ I actually got to play little league baseball with him back in the day believe it or not so it’s such a cool full circle moment⚾️😋🎵👌

  • @UnavoidableASMR
    @UnavoidableASMR 3 дні тому +1

    This is fantastic!!!!

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому

      Heyyy my friend!!☺️ Thank you soooo much🫶 You’re so amazing!✨💗✨

  • @Sunchat-v2v
    @Sunchat-v2v 2 дні тому +1

    16:15 bacon🥓

  • @sunderlandcoinhunt
    @sunderlandcoinhunt 3 дні тому +1

    Brilliant stuff 👏

  • @305anna
    @305anna 3 дні тому

    lovelove you and do whatever u want, but one jut with ur dad would be great too - i love his style

  • @stephaniegreen5306
    @stephaniegreen5306 3 дні тому


  • @juliaramos3237
    @juliaramos3237 3 дні тому

    Espero ansiosamente sempre pelos vídeos de vocês!! Abraços do Brasil! 🇧🇷🌍❤

  • @maidenmaine
    @maidenmaine 3 дні тому

    "ACE is the place" for ASMR 😂

  • @FearMeNotz
    @FearMeNotz День тому

    Part 3 please ❤

  • @RxCustoms
    @RxCustoms 19 годин тому

    Very Relaxing 👍

  • @SeyaDiakite7
    @SeyaDiakite7 3 дні тому +6

    Live you so much. Your video now will cheer me up from losing my friend to cancer. I’m so happy to see you

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому +6

      Omg wow!😭 I’m so so sorry for your loss🥲🫶 I hope this cheers you up☀️💗🙏 Hugz

    • @SeyaDiakite7
      @SeyaDiakite7 3 дні тому +3

      @ Im gonna appreciate your content forever and ever

    • @diandian9827
      @diandian9827 3 дні тому +1

      So sorry for your loss....😢

  • @anotherdemian9090
    @anotherdemian9090 3 дні тому

    just sublime

  • @jessicaricks
    @jessicaricks 2 дні тому

    His dad is a pro now 😄

  • @abcdef_ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1243
    @abcdef_ijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1243 3 дні тому +4


  • @maury0009
    @maury0009 3 дні тому +5

    Love you Bobby ❤🎉✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  • @nerdbamarich2063
    @nerdbamarich2063 2 дні тому

    Thank you my friend 😊😊

  • @7jks
    @7jks 3 дні тому

    It's time to sleep I love your asmr ❤️

    • @ComeToRestASMR
      @ComeToRestASMR  3 дні тому

      Thank youu friend!☺️ sweet dreams to you✨🙏

  • @nastyaprusova
    @nastyaprusova 2 дні тому

    Ваш папа органичен в этом как и вы ❤ спсибо за расслабление