Sunset Rollercoaster on Audiotree Live (Full Session)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @winnielifestyle6230
    @winnielifestyle6230 6 років тому +228


  • @rennancorreia7869
    @rennancorreia7869 6 років тому +911

    The world is a better place when we have this kind of band

    • @Emilia-zz7sc
      @Emilia-zz7sc 4 роки тому +3

      True true but can I just mention how damn cool you look? :)

    • @wallacehardiniii9038
      @wallacehardiniii9038 4 роки тому +2

      Absolutely. This honestly is messing with me tho. You are right. If everybody in the world could gather together and listen to this set, they would probably be enjoying it together at the same moment for at least a second. Just saying.

    • @veryinterestingpersonaliti8321
      @veryinterestingpersonaliti8321 3 роки тому

      @@wallacehardiniii9038 Taiwan is missing in this world.

  • @entropyembrace3844
    @entropyembrace3844 5 років тому +1606

    with elephant gym and sunset rollercoaster looks like taiwan has a killer music scene

    • @andrewcheng2113
      @andrewcheng2113 5 років тому +31

      Check out touming magazine and fuguko! And Chinese football if you haven't, although they're not Taiwanese.

    • @OnTheGiantsShoulder
      @OnTheGiantsShoulder 5 років тому +11

      They are my favourite Asia bands

    • @carlitoxb110
      @carlitoxb110 5 років тому +88

      china dislike this comment

    • @Foolian1332
      @Foolian1332 5 років тому +47

      KT from elephant gym told me the scene there is kinda wack actually. Taiwan in general really doesn't dig them (she said they hate lead bass haha), so their fanbase is mostly outside of hong kong. Japanese, UK, and US heads looove the virtuosic jazz-influenced rock thing though so they do hella well in those places

    • @mengcrystalline.4173
      @mengcrystalline.4173 5 років тому +2

      @@carlitoxb110 why

  • @softteu
    @softteu 6 років тому +490

    sunset rollercoaster is my religion

  • @otnes-official
    @otnes-official 6 років тому +471

    Thanks so much for allowing me to host you!! Such an amazing session and talented, nice people 💕 come back soon

    • @0kharis
      @0kharis 6 років тому +1


    • @manyscissors
      @manyscissors 6 років тому +3

      @@0kharis hey

    • @soyroos626
      @soyroos626 6 років тому +11

      The intro and your cue was perfectly timed!! That was lovely to hear

    • @MotivaTalk96
      @MotivaTalk96 5 років тому

      so that was u? omg.. you almost distracted me from the music lol

    • @kruletee6176
      @kruletee6176 5 років тому

      we love u

  • @bernardsabag7848
    @bernardsabag7848 5 років тому +319

    whoever does the sound editing at audiotree needs an award

  • @owensst918
    @owensst918 3 роки тому +20

    I don't think people understand how on point this drummer is.

  • @danlopez3529
    @danlopez3529 6 років тому +266

    The percussionist with the triangle is pure aesthetic! Love it!

  • @whitneychuang5529
    @whitneychuang5529 3 роки тому +73

    They just won the best band at Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan last night! 💕 Any fans still watching it now?

    • @vivivv2284
      @vivivv2284 Рік тому +4

      I am !

    • @vinnnnn4877
      @vinnnnn4877 7 місяців тому +3

      me! I just visited Taiwan recently, and I'm so happy to find their records at the Eslite bookstore ❤

  • @reskeeone
    @reskeeone 6 років тому +624

    00:40 greedy
    06:35 summum bonum
    12:44 new drug
    17:39 my jinji
    29:50 I know you know I love you
    shout out from Indonesia! 🌇🎢🇲🇨

    • @eneillaj
      @eneillaj 5 років тому +2

      thank you for wearing the cape

    • @amanmanaman
      @amanmanaman 5 років тому +1

      thank uuu

    • @dxipt
      @dxipt 5 років тому +2


    • @laulremos
      @laulremos 5 років тому +2


    • @mamatmatew
      @mamatmatew 5 років тому +2

      makasih bro

  • @planetone851
    @planetone851 4 роки тому +43

    As a Taiwanese, im so proud of you guys.

  • @karenbarros7012
    @karenbarros7012 6 років тому +333

    Sax dude is really feeling the song, same dude.

  • @calpicool
    @calpicool 6 років тому +163

    i thank spotify for recommending me this band.

  • @JonathanOgdenMusic
    @JonathanOgdenMusic 6 років тому +201

    YES! Came across this band this year and they've been one of my favourite discoveries. So good to see them on Audiotree! The live sound is TIGHT!

    • @mmelanoma
      @mmelanoma Рік тому +1

      they played in a dive bar in my town and I swear they sound just the same! their sound guy (they have one on tour) is a-ma-zing, NO ONE sounds good in that dive bar but they managed to sound just as excellent with that shitty open air design as they do in a recording :) it was an excellent live, very worth it

  • @carlitoxb110
    @carlitoxb110 5 років тому +12

    I feel back in the 80’s when music was chill and I wasn’t born , I’m gonna go grab some coffee and enjoy the whole session

  • @justinkohl3818
    @justinkohl3818 4 місяці тому +3

    Just discovered this band tonight in a UA-cam photography video. This band is incredible!

  • @johnny04a
    @johnny04a 6 років тому +121

    this is probably the greatest band from Taiwan!

    • @icl30906
      @icl30906 5 років тому +14

      and there's Chthonic , Sun of Morning , Cicada and Hello Nico

    • @sespro917
      @sespro917 5 років тому +25

      elephant gym is pretty great too!

    • @aaaab333qqqqqqqqqqqqq
      @aaaab333qqqqqqqqqqqqq 4 роки тому +1

      Bugs of Phonon.

    • @wave-zd5sm
      @wave-zd5sm 4 роки тому +12

      and “no party for cao dong”!

    • @germangdll9660
      @germangdll9660 4 роки тому +11

      Deca Joins is fantastic if you also enjoy a more melancholy vibe

  • @TheCerrets
    @TheCerrets 5 років тому +27

    Sunset Rollercoaster, Feng Suave, Men I Trust, The Marias... Me and the city lights. Nothing else.

  • @xchorro
    @xchorro 5 років тому +34

    My jinji has so many stories to me, college parties up at 3 am with that 3 minute annoying loop lmao. The beginning is legendary, I think I’ve just been high too many times to that loop that feels like lasts forever

  • @karenbarros7012
    @karenbarros7012 6 років тому +27

    Omg who said now days music sucks? MAN THEY'RE AMAZING, I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS.

  • @incrediville2354
    @incrediville2354 6 років тому +377


  • @somehooker6882
    @somehooker6882 6 років тому +746

    lmao the drummer is so laid back, looks like no effort but sounds crazy

    • @daoyang223
      @daoyang223 5 років тому +24

      Haha! So chill and loose.
      A lot of heavy metal drummers throw out their limbs from playing so tight instead of loosely.

    • @nonholographic
      @nonholographic 5 років тому +23

      thats the spirit of groove flowing through him

    • @jerbear97
      @jerbear97 5 років тому +19

      @@daoyang223 those are very different genres though

    • @daoyang223
      @daoyang223 5 років тому +10

      @@jerbear97 true. Extremely different genres.

    • @caturtri7524
      @caturtri7524 5 років тому


  • @kentario1610
    @kentario1610 4 роки тому +46

    They look so relaxed and happy and at peace. Like this is exactly what they want to be doing. I feel like they're sharing with the feeling with me and it's so pleasant. Incredible work right here!

  • @ashittashah1344
    @ashittashah1344 4 роки тому +23

    this band makes me happy in these crazy sad times

  • @rakhazufarahman4990
    @rakhazufarahman4990 6 років тому +87

    This makes me melt like an ice cream in sunny day

  • @gearcast2787
    @gearcast2787 6 місяців тому +2

    This particular live session of them is really special to me. Sounds like a daydream above some purple clouds... simply marvelous!!

  • @pideksogentursatriaji8525
    @pideksogentursatriaji8525 6 років тому +53

    This band is out of this world.

  • @johnnydrumbone
    @johnnydrumbone 6 років тому +56

    Talk about working together. It all comes together to make a great sound. Smooth & Tight.

  • @airin4667
    @airin4667 5 років тому +18

    this band needs more recognition

  • @Nanomakashi
    @Nanomakashi 5 років тому +19

    Saw them live last year. It was phenomenal. Probably the best indie band from Taiwan.

  • @samchang6885
    @samchang6885 2 роки тому +4

    Sunset Rollercoaster is definitely one of the most amazing band in this world!!!!
    Feel so proud to live in the same island - Taiwan with these talent guys~~~

  • @Pepto12345
    @Pepto12345 5 років тому +310

    My doctor prescribed this video for my anxiety.

  • @CavesAreIrrelevant
    @CavesAreIrrelevant 6 років тому +7

    You know when you just laugh out loud because you realise you've stumbled across an incredibly special live performance. I need to hear more of this band in 2019.

  • @chrisjohnssolarcross
    @chrisjohnssolarcross 6 років тому +72

    keep this is mind for my wedding band

  • @liaomimi6558
    @liaomimi6558 6 років тому +46

    Love from Taiwan!!
    WE LOVE落日飛車

  • @rossmrboom
    @rossmrboom 6 років тому +326


  • @四人題
    @四人題 6 років тому +91

    hell yeah. so happy they're starting to pop. talented musicians, and such fun tracks. cassa nova rocks!

  • @axellozano.9524
    @axellozano.9524 2 роки тому +15

    I recently met them and they are great, greetings from 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽

  • @estfilm2558
    @estfilm2558 4 роки тому +4

    One of the GREATEST NON MAINSTREAM BANDS. The pocket they have is something beyond compare.

    @FKZYTV 3 місяці тому +4

    I listen to this 4 years ago and why the hell it’s still under 1M ? SRC is my religion

  • @cameronwalker4473
    @cameronwalker4473 6 років тому +21

    The mixing is astounding. audiotree at it again.

  • @carriecheng5007
    @carriecheng5007 6 років тому +12

    Sunset Rollercoaster is truly amazing

  • @caesarfajriansah7330
    @caesarfajriansah7330 6 років тому +169

    Saw your show in Jakarta, and actually i remember that hijabese girl that try to propose you, funny you replied her proposal with “hey, where’s the ring?” Wild moments

    • @bagustrilaksono2653
      @bagustrilaksono2653 6 років тому

      Caesar Fajriansah emang pernah dia ke jakarta konser mas?

    • @caesarfajriansah7330
      @caesarfajriansah7330 6 років тому +1

      Bagus Trilaksono pernah bulan maret 2018

    • @bagustrilaksono2653
      @bagustrilaksono2653 6 років тому

      Caesar Fajriansah konser dimana mas? Datengin lagi lah mereka hahaha

    • @caesarfajriansah7330
      @caesarfajriansah7330 6 років тому

      Bagus Trilaksono di rossi fatmawati haha bukan promotor saya mas

    • @dwiprastiwi3338
      @dwiprastiwi3338 5 років тому +2

      Bagus Trilaksono maret ini ada lagi kok , acara sound project . search aja di ig

  • @kelly3448
    @kelly3448 2 роки тому +2

    seeing them live srsly changed my life

  • @도경-i3b
    @도경-i3b 5 років тому +6

    My ears are melting down with this astonishing music

  • @pookiebear1234
    @pookiebear1234 5 років тому +4

    I just saw these guys live this weekend at Tropicalia, by far my favorite set of the day! This band is so talented I can't wait for them to get a bigger following and have a bigger stage next year! Soooooooo good live!!!!!!

  • @alonachemerys
    @alonachemerys 6 років тому +495


    • @ajayaids
      @ajayaids 6 років тому +31

      ahh yesss

    • @pideksogentursatriaji8525
      @pideksogentursatriaji8525 6 років тому +13

      Hello legend ;)

    • @GwakGwak-ct8yv
      @GwakGwak-ct8yv 6 років тому +8

      +alona chemerys have you ever considered yourself as a god?

    • @AIXONA
      @AIXONA 6 років тому +5

      alona chemerys you helped me find these guys. Thank you.

    • @alonachemerys
      @alonachemerys 6 років тому +12

      Thank you guys 💗🌸

  • @joanleaks69
    @joanleaks69 5 років тому +11

    "i know we're good, but not that good" so humble

  • @fentcrease
    @fentcrease 5 років тому +22

    Drummer is a machine

  • @jianizzledrizzle666
    @jianizzledrizzle666 5 років тому +66

    tugtog kayo dito sa manila phillipines matagal ko na kayo pinapakinggan sana mapanood ko kayo ng live

  • @me_ta__667
    @me_ta__667 4 роки тому +4

    It's beautiful... The repetitions in My Jinji are pure perfection

  • @LA-cm9uo
    @LA-cm9uo 2 роки тому +5

    It's the saxophone that really gets me dancing

  • @pertruccisw.341
    @pertruccisw.341 6 років тому +15

    Best band from Taiwan, Period

  • @carlitoxb110
    @carlitoxb110 5 років тому +2

    I fell inlove with their music, I keep coming back to this wonderful video

  • @wallacehardiniii9038
    @wallacehardiniii9038 4 роки тому +71

    I've never seen a dude play the hell out the triangle before.

  • @louisesieg948
    @louisesieg948 4 роки тому +6

    this makes me feel grateful to have ears

  • @tommegg8486
    @tommegg8486 4 роки тому +1

    Both the percussionist, Sunset Rollercoaster and Audiotree is pure detail. You can hear the percussion riching the beat, with a good pair of headphone their track will blow you away

  • @neilvanilla
    @neilvanilla 5 років тому +17

    so much love for these talented guys, cassa nova is such an underrated album!

    • @nemesis6014
      @nemesis6014 3 роки тому

      Would give up a kidney for a vinyl LP 😩

    @MyLOLIMCOOL 6 років тому +2

    I can’t express how much I love this group!!! Please come to Japan! They would be very well received

  • @laubuk1365
    @laubuk1365 3 роки тому +5

    they leave me speechless with how soothing their songs are... I really wish they would come play in Japan again, after this Covid thing is finally over

  • @jinshhh
    @jinshhh 3 роки тому +6

    外面下了整天的大雨 發現雨和飛車perfect match!

  • @miguela.6155
    @miguela.6155 5 років тому +9

    I came like 20 times watching this video.

  • @tio_fajar
    @tio_fajar 6 років тому +46

    Chillin mode: On

  • @clarissamico_
    @clarissamico_ Рік тому +6

    I love all the songs here but My Jinji really hits different 😌

  • @matheusberg2986
    @matheusberg2986 Місяць тому +1

    é uma vibe inenarravel que esses caras passam, incrivel escutar eles, Deus é bom as vezes

    • @netofarias8002
      @netofarias8002 Місяць тому

      escutar um som desse curtindo com os amigos deve sublime.

  • @swopnilkaranjeet7725
    @swopnilkaranjeet7725 3 роки тому +1

    It's amazing that the sound and aesthetics of audiotree makes all of the musician's songs soo much better. KUDOS Audiotree for blessing us with good music

  • @rainablaza
    @rainablaza 4 роки тому +1

    This is hands down one of the best videos i’ve ever watched on UA-cam. 👌🏾 Worth all 33:11 minutes of my life!

  • @alyna9166
    @alyna9166 3 роки тому +5

    i always study to them they're so healing, and then there's their music videos

  • @chaselanier6902
    @chaselanier6902 6 років тому +13

    Well I’ll be listening to this nonstop for the next month or so

  • @errgo2713
    @errgo2713 3 роки тому +4

    Dear Audiotree, please get DECA JOINS on to complete the "best Taiwan bands" set!

  • @1night1day
    @1night1day 3 роки тому +3

    ive never seen a drummer with such loose wrists... almost as if he is about to drop the sticks with every hit lol. dude is incredibly chill and fluid. amazing

  • @Jin_Raiden
    @Jin_Raiden 5 років тому +8

    Oh damnnn I'm super into this. This is so smooth almost feels like i'm in the middle of vice city. I'm so glad I came across them.

  • @TuckerKnutson
    @TuckerKnutson Рік тому

    Sunset Rollercoaster is awesome. Audiotree is awesome. Thank you for doing this!!!

  • @JustSwell
    @JustSwell 5 років тому +5

    Saw them on fuji fest live stream last night. My new favorite band.

  • @WilburforceBullthorpeIV
    @WilburforceBullthorpeIV 5 років тому +2

    Only just discovered these guys. Right before uni exams YESS!!!

  • @mileskenyon
    @mileskenyon 5 років тому +2

    I love these guys, so authentic and he seems like a chill dude

  • @JacquiPenar
    @JacquiPenar 4 роки тому +2

    The drummer made it look easy. Blows my mind everytime

  • @mengcrystalline.4173
    @mengcrystalline.4173 5 років тому +4

    There're loads of love I would never ever get enough.

  • @vaniachristianty8819
    @vaniachristianty8819 6 років тому +6

    so far, this is the best live version of them. luf💛🌻

  • @sursmith37
    @sursmith37 4 роки тому +1

    Just across the board this band has so much control. So nice to watch.

  • @hellsmith88
    @hellsmith88 5 років тому +3

    So glad this exists , thank you!

  • @Banquet_
    @Banquet_ 5 років тому +3

    They do such a good job on setting an image of a relaxing place

  • @pedroo255
    @pedroo255 5 років тому +7

    smooth as melting butter

  • @sheshewantit45
    @sheshewantit45 6 років тому +7

    his vocals sounding so good lately live

  • @mr.fauxnie3044
    @mr.fauxnie3044 5 років тому +3

    Just saw them in San Fran, one of the rare performers that are even better when you see them in person

  • @itsmekawaii5051
    @itsmekawaii5051 5 років тому

    Im 16 and im glad to be in this generation, im so glad and happy, cuz someday i can tell how perfect my generation with all of my playlist on Spotify. Anyway can you give me your playlist guys, if im interest i'll follow you

  • @naomiromo1936
    @naomiromo1936 3 роки тому +4

    you can see how they are feeling the music, i love it

  • @Naniikoreh
    @Naniikoreh 6 років тому +2

    I went to their show in Thailand, it was one of the best for me

  • @thomaseatspomus
    @thomaseatspomus 6 років тому +25

    Ugh I only find out about these incredible bands after they've visited my city, fml

  • @ayahuasca6
    @ayahuasca6 4 роки тому +1

    bless ur morning with this kind of art

  • @dundainb8615
    @dundainb8615 4 роки тому +2


  • @gregoriusirianto8547
    @gregoriusirianto8547 4 роки тому +1

    On behalf of Indonesian people, I would like to apologize if we cause any discomfort during your visit in Indonesia. As cringy as it might sounds, its a pretty common practice in showing our appreciation towards our favorite performer. We definitely look forward to your future live performance in Jakarta!

    • @moirfan7926
      @moirfan7926 4 роки тому

      eh ada apa nih?👀

    • @ZackXong
      @ZackXong 4 роки тому

      No worry. They actually enjoyed every moment in Jakarta.

  • @DOunreal
    @DOunreal 6 років тому

    legendary generation. Foward. Legends. One love peeps. It is and always will be. Nothing but the best and love.

  • @atrainofthought99
    @atrainofthought99 4 роки тому

    I just found this band now? This is what I’ve been missing! It’s so freaking amazing. They are immensely talented

  • @tessat1693
    @tessat1693 5 років тому +1

    Just bought tickets to come see you in the Netherlands! Can't wait!! ❤️

  • @isaiahinocentes9738
    @isaiahinocentes9738 5 років тому +12

    Damn self, I just found you guys out!

  • @Chiggianya
    @Chiggianya 3 роки тому +2

    Did bro just say “we’re not that good” ??????? Sir, you are amazing!!!

    • @fairuzlatib7802
      @fairuzlatib7802 3 роки тому +1

      They're good in their way. Not good as the performer that he mention

  • @elvis_chen
    @elvis_chen 6 років тому +7

    Hell yeah! One of my favorite Taiwanese band!

  • @devdeuce93
    @devdeuce93 6 років тому +2

    My new favorite band. Much respect!

  • @aardvark2401
    @aardvark2401 4 роки тому +1

    I love all your songs, so good while relaxing