What Would Happen If Each Faction Won? | Warhammer 40K Lore

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @weshammer
    @weshammer  10 годин тому +19

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    • @Galactica_One
      @Galactica_One 10 годин тому +2

      @@weshammerI've been watching your videos for a while now and I just wanted to say thanks. You are the reason I got into warhammer, your videos have really helped me get started and are amazing as an introduction. Thank you for all the effort you put in❤

    • @rvdb9573
      @rvdb9573 8 годин тому +8

      Don’t download raid just appreciate them for giving wes money

    • @lizardshaman113
      @lizardshaman113 5 годин тому


    • @digunder14
      @digunder14 4 години тому

      the code for wukong did not seem to work for me, does it not work if you already have the character?

    • @SeyniFauconier
      @SeyniFauconier 2 години тому

      What if the emperor becamer the dark King?

  • @Galactica_One
    @Galactica_One 10 годин тому +475

    * Some distant alien race enters our galaxy*
    The entire flayed necron population: LOOKS LIKE MEAT IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS

    • @clay1430
      @clay1430 8 годин тому +5

      I wish I could like a comment twice

    • @zolo124
      @zolo124 7 годин тому +5

      I'll do it for you, don't worry.

    • @Tiku-
      @Tiku- 7 годин тому +1

      And I have become Orks, the destroyer of boys. Every lifeform turn into Orks, eventually.

  • @nobleman9393
    @nobleman9393 12 годин тому +710

    "We did it guys, we won 40 thousand Warhammers!"

    • @JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans
      @JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans 11 годин тому +28

      “Oi, if we’s fight’s for da 40,000 hammers, why not ‘ave one of da boys craft ‘em?”
      “I ‘spose if we did, then there’d be no more fight’n! So really we fight to keep da’ humies from mak’n da hammers”

    • @evilmindedsquirrel
      @evilmindedsquirrel 11 годин тому +15

      ​@@JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans Ai, yu mus be one o em smart brain bois!

    • @rykx0r
      @rykx0r 10 годин тому +5

      "Perhaps the real 40 thousand Warhammers were the friends we made along the way?"

    • @Thollos6
      @Thollos6 10 годин тому +5

      Lord of the materium, breaker of worlds, bearer of the word 'Grimdark' and god of the seven part world.

    • @Beneko11-2
      @Beneko11-2 9 годин тому +4

      Nah, it’s 40,000 hammers…. Per year

  • @mcprawn
    @mcprawn 9 годин тому +260

    Wes : "With the Aeldar victory, the galaxy would return to it's natural, beautiful state."
    The Aeldar : "How about *Slaneesh II, Electric Boogaloo* ?"

    • @udhavbhatia6424
      @udhavbhatia6424 9 годин тому +22

      You know with how the aeldari are they will probably do a part 3 if they get a chance

    • @tikhonoldwood3800
      @tikhonoldwood3800 3 години тому +1


    • @jablue4329
      @jablue4329 2 години тому +3

      Eh, I think all-but the dark elder would be cognizant of the risks of debauchery this time around

    • @BusketRVA
      @BusketRVA Годину тому

      Still an Aeldari total victory is the way I'd hope it would go, I'd grow pointy ears in a heartbeat

    • @i.m.crazee5195
      @i.m.crazee5195 56 хвилин тому

      The whole thing with Slaneesh is such a big misconception. Only a part of their population was involved in debauchery but because they were effectively the dominant species of the Universe for billions of years this minority of their population slowly gave birth to the Prince of Pleasure over time. As the Princess would put it her birth was like an orgasmic release from billions of years of edging from the Aeldari.

  • @anotherbacklog
    @anotherbacklog 11 годин тому +425

    Wouldn’t it be fun if Tarzyn wins? The galaxy became one giant British museum

    • @HI-nu-Gundam
      @HI-nu-Gundam 10 годин тому +38

      And than he names it Warhammer Galaxy a theme park museum made for only himself XDD

    • @Equinox2149
      @Equinox2149 9 годин тому +10

      Who's to say this isn't his ultimate exhibit already

    • @VenomVsTRex
      @VenomVsTRex 8 годин тому +23

      "History requires two parties. The historian, and their audience. Without that, one is just talking to oneself. So kindly stop screaming, and you might learn something."
      -Trazyn the Infinite, guiding human guests through the prismatic gallery.

    • @non1263
      @non1263 8 годин тому +2

      That would be like if Tzeentch won. Taking control of everything would eliminate your motivation for being.

    • @kevinsari1699
      @kevinsari1699 8 годин тому

      Finally peace

  • @PhilipVosteen
    @PhilipVosteen 11 годин тому +250

    i mean, the orks technically already did win. they exist in a galaxy of unending war and battle, with a diverse, interesting and neverending supply of things to krump and an infinite supply of reinforcing orks to come after them. theyre having the time of their lives and honestly, if anything changed about the setting, it would only be to the detriment of the orks as a whole. no more imperium? where did all the humies go? cant krump those anymore, thats boring!

    • @Tiku-
      @Tiku- 6 годин тому +1

      So now the term ‘win’ itself is a subjective term I guess. Anything to indulge one’s own delusion.

    • @helixsol7171
      @helixsol7171 5 годин тому +8

      Winning and losing have always been subjective terms

    • @majesticsideburns6682
      @majesticsideburns6682 4 години тому +3

      Bruh, what? You good, do you wanna talk or something? ​@@Tiku-

    • @asonofliberty3662
      @asonofliberty3662 3 години тому +1

      @@Tiku-what’s the point in “winning” if you lose everything of value to you. So yes win and lose can be subjective.

    • @moonlighthunter5421
      @moonlighthunter5421 3 години тому +2

      What’s stopping them from fighting themselves?

  • @Laxhoop
    @Laxhoop 12 годин тому +316

    What’s funny to me about Chaos is that if Chaos wins, they lose. Chaos needs mortals to remain alive, or else the warp and everything in it will vanish. So the better they get, and the closer they get to victory, the closer they are the total annihilation.

    • @enoughothis
      @enoughothis 12 годин тому +69

      The victory of Chaos is their ultimate defeat. The Dark Gods know this and this is why they're fine with Failbaddon being Warmaster as opposed to someone who could actually win.

    • @talonjansen8926
      @talonjansen8926 12 годин тому +14

      Yeah, Chaos' goal is literally having everyone else losing, maybe even themselves?

    • @pixelgun4789
      @pixelgun4789 12 годин тому +37

      I doubt it. Chaos can win. But mortal race would survive.
      Cultists would be still existing and children born. Rituals still happening.
      The other thing, is that the chaos gods migh be also fueled from other galaxies. As Anger, Desire, Desire for Knowledge and desire for Salvation is common within all sentient beings. And It would be understandable, that Chaos would have fuel from there.

    • @LembarHeals
      @LembarHeals 12 годин тому +24

      How so? People and their souls already exist in the warp, if chaos wins do all the chaos astartes and cultists just poof out of existence? Even if them winning destroys the material universe the warp exists outside of time and space so like, theyd probably not be as powerful but theyd still exist just like they existed before their own births

    • @djashovel
      @djashovel 12 годин тому +12

      Can chaos win in warhammer
      The answer is yes, but even if they rule the galaxy Their game does not end. There are still more pieces to claim
      After all They can rule one galaxy, but there are so many. They can spread their influence and play their game
      Somewhere in the andromeda galaxy
      Chaos: Hello, Forerunners😊

  • @Aerowarrier
    @Aerowarrier 11 годин тому +206

    I bet the Tyranids are surface feeders for the express purpose of ensuring they have a future food source. The Hivemind is definitely smart enough to think ahead like that

    • @manzana_2001
      @manzana_2001 10 годин тому +13

      I could have sworn they've done this before...

    • @kylejohnson6775
      @kylejohnson6775 8 годин тому +8

      It makes you wonder why they take all the water though. That's pretty key to life evolving and is not easy to replace once it's gone, as far as I'm aware.

    • @VenomVsTRex
      @VenomVsTRex 8 годин тому +18

      except they extract all the water, atmosphere, microbes, and AFAIK useful metals and minerals within a certain distance of the surface as well.
      they do have one planet that I don't remember the name of that they *seem* to turning into a 'farm' or something for reasons that have only been speculated about. and probably pissed some pants about it too, tbh.
      but with just that one exception, they completely strip-mine entire worlds of all biomass and anything useful to life and then move on.

    • @lucaswiseman1259
      @lucaswiseman1259 8 годин тому +9

      I respectfully disagree. I believe that past the surface level it's simply diminishing returns and it's not worth harvesting as compared to just moving on

    • @andylin9523
      @andylin9523 8 годин тому +8

      @@VenomVsTRexthis is also the problem with lore amongst fans. The info in warhammer is obtuse and misinformation is everywhere. Just because you read somewhere the tyranids strip mine planets of the microbes is probably just exaggeration to make them seem like the ultimate threat. Doesn’t mean you’re necessarily wrong I’m sure there are plenty of hive fleets that do consume down to the microbial level but it can equally be true that many others are surface feeders and move on after the initial invasion and dinner. In the end accurate information is scarce in 40k and not everything can be an end all be all to a factions description.

  • @wyatt8315
    @wyatt8315 12 годин тому +203

    Da only fakshun dat deserves ta win is da Orkz!

  • @billbillinger2117
    @billbillinger2117 12 годин тому +154

    What would actually happen: A faction would be on the cusp of victory... then a species wide tradegy would unfold, setting them back to square one...

    • @PhilipVosteen
      @PhilipVosteen 10 годин тому +8

      anytime someone gets close to winning or actually wins, they get eldared

    • @AstraeaTheKit
      @AstraeaTheKit 9 годин тому +6

      While this is a cliche, this is the most accurate to real life, no super power stands forever and all governments will one day fall, that's not even crazy speculation, thats literally just how things go

    • @Tiku-
      @Tiku- 6 годин тому

      @@AstraeaTheKit crazy to think that in all of humanity’s histories, majorities of kingdoms and superpowers fell because they got too big, their own people hated them, major ‘civil war’ occurs and they imploded on themselves.
      Roman Empire from political corruption and instability, Qin Dynasty from harsm legalism that alienated their population and caused peasents to revolt, Byzantine Empire caused by endless internal conflicts, Abassid Empire caused by fragmentation due to rising powers, Ottoman Empire caused by succession crises and overextension of military campaign/financial instability, Spanish Empire caused by overreliance on wealth from colonies which led to stagnation, Soviet Union caused by economic mismanagement and nationalist movement, last but not least.. Confederate States of America caused by division within the South over secession and limited industrial capacity compared to the Union, next up incoming on the list is the United States of America’s colonialism.
      They all have the recurring theme of collapse of political instability, social division, overexpansion and civil wars.

    • @tikhonoldwood3800
      @tikhonoldwood3800 3 години тому

      With orks, eldar & humans it is exactly what's going to happen. Ten, hundred even a million years later but its inevitable

  • @mason5488
    @mason5488 7 годин тому +24


  • @ianlai3608
    @ianlai3608 12 годин тому +154

    And after ten thousand years on the golden throne, the emperor finally found all 40000 warhammers to defeat horus heresy

    • @toadsage5501
      @toadsage5501 10 годин тому +1

      Did he have ai generated content?

    • @Tiku-
      @Tiku- 6 годин тому +4

      Real original buddy. Definitely not the 50th time I seen this exact same comment. New wave of fans inevitably brings along newgens.

    • @incredibleflameboy
      @incredibleflameboy 6 годин тому

      There is a twist though you actually need 40,001 warhammers.

    • @Man_Aslume
      @Man_Aslume 5 годин тому

      ​​Can't wait for 10,000 Warhammers to be found to be 50,000 Warhammeers

    • @radicalxg8282
      @radicalxg8282 4 години тому +2

      He then sits again in the Golden throne and looks at the camera and says "Finally, i John warhammer can rest" then it cuts to michael bay credits and what i've done from linking park playing in the background

  • @EricMKE
    @EricMKE 10 годин тому +58

    Squat victory must be getting a whole dedicated video.

    • @pedroheriqueAC
      @pedroheriqueAC 7 годин тому +1

      Is this a faction?

    • @EricMKE
      @EricMKE 7 годин тому +3

      Leagues of Votann? Yes. They're the newest addition and have barely any lore, which is why they were probably omitted.

    • @Tiku-
      @Tiku- 6 годин тому +1

      Rock and stone.. brother?

    • @tikhonoldwood3800
      @tikhonoldwood3800 3 години тому

      A what? Sounds like some heresy to me

    • @CoffeeAndGuitars
      @CoffeeAndGuitars 2 години тому

      @@Tiku- DeepRock Galactic but 40k? Don't mind if I Do.

  • @ZaKRo-bx7lp
    @ZaKRo-bx7lp 11 годин тому +42

    The Aeldari actually coexisted with humanity's first galactic Empire during the Dark Age of Technology. A restored aeldari Empire would certainly feature humans, but in a lesser race role and most likely enslaved.

    • @ming45612
      @ming45612 10 годин тому +8

      Now it's Guilliman's turn to be Yvraine's errand boy!

    • @def3ndr887
      @def3ndr887 9 годин тому +5

      Step aside knife ear, your time in the sun has ended while the era of the Necron is in its infancy

    • @theenderdestruction2362
      @theenderdestruction2362 6 годин тому +1


    • @thebigenchilada678
      @thebigenchilada678 3 години тому

      @@ming45612Warhammer 40k Gullyman ending.

  • @cgibbs011
    @cgibbs011 10 годин тому +31

    About Chaos's victory. In the Book from "Slaves to Darkness" Lorgar tried to convince Fulgrim to betray Horus so he could take over the forces of Chaos and impose on humanity the world he believed the Chaos Gods wanted.
    Here is an interesting excerpt from Fulgrim to Lorgar on what humanity would like had Chaos won.
    "You would be Priest King of a realm where gods and mortals dwell in union, where ambition is righteousness, entropy sacred, excesses embraced, and slaughter is devotion.
    I can see it....
    I can see it brother, the cities of gold and bone, the worlds of ash. I can hear the screams and taste the pyre smoke."

  • @thegametroll6264
    @thegametroll6264 9 годин тому +40

    * orks when they win and turn back into krorks *
    * speaking perfect high gothic *

    • @joshuakim5240
      @joshuakim5240 4 години тому +5

      "By golly good Gork and Mork, that is a splendid idea my good patrician! This galaxy has become dreadfully dull as of late, and things are only ever becoming more and more complicated instead of fun like the old days. Let us return to our roots elsewhere, and once more enjoy the simpler fancies of existence in it's purest form and oldest methods of honors."
      Ghosts of the other factions: "OH FOR THE LOVE OF FU-"

    • @thegametroll6264
      @thegametroll6264 2 години тому +1

      @@joshuakim5240 " I say old man, did you hear that? It sounded like old vox static."

  • @hristoalovski8048
    @hristoalovski8048 9 годин тому +21

    The necrons becoming the skin bandits from Kenshi is not something I ever expected, but I'm all for it.

  • @Monicaser
    @Monicaser 11 годин тому +32

    You uploaded at least 3 times now when I've been on the toilet. Bless the Emperor and his servants o7

    • @weshammer
      @weshammer  10 годин тому +20

      Well, I normally post my videos at 9:45 a.m. EST. So either I'm getting messages from beyond that tell me when to post just for you, or you are a very punctual pooper. 🤣

    • @AaronBeSpeedy
      @AaronBeSpeedy 3 години тому


  • @Ave_Christus_Rex3777
    @Ave_Christus_Rex3777 12 годин тому +72

    I was reading Master of Mankind.
    And in it, the Emperor's plan was two fold
    To establish the WebWay and free humanity of their reliance on the Warp
    And to shepherd humanity's ascension into a psychic race.

    • @HI-nu-Gundam
      @HI-nu-Gundam 10 годин тому

      Maybe a race lke the eldar perhaps pointy ears and all?

    • @jaketheberge1970
      @jaketheberge1970 7 годин тому +2

      Wait, how does he expect to make humanity a psychic race without The Warp? Doesn't all psyker powers originate from The Warp in 40k?

    • @theenderdestruction2362
      @theenderdestruction2362 6 годин тому +4

      ​@jaketheberge1970 its the emperor he's probably wanting to find a way to use the warp but also make sure it can't use mankind

    • @OJosheO
      @OJosheO 6 годин тому +2

      Turning humanity into a fully psychic species seems contradictory to his other goals. If he's trying to suppress Chaos and move away from utilizing the warp in general, why would he also want every human to have an innate connection to the warp/Chaos?

    • @EMIBwahahalalalallalahahahahha
      @EMIBwahahalalalallalahahahahha 6 годин тому +3

      @@OJosheOthe warp is not necessarily chaos so he might’ve believed he could find a way.

  • @a_paperweight
    @a_paperweight 11 годин тому +18

    18:22 lets be honest, the best fate in 40K is being an ork
    You go to the great green and are reincarnated when you die, chaos has a hard time affecting you, and you know immense bliss

    • @tikhonoldwood3800
      @tikhonoldwood3800 3 години тому

      I highly doubt that's what actually going to happen if they win. Probably they would just subjugate all species & kill all the ruling forces. Orks would establish a massive gladiatory empire where all species would fight. Then it will slowly deteriorate because of continuous infighting. Then slaves will rise up & it will be all other again. It is inevitable

  • @ghostyuki-kfpinquisitor1038
    @ghostyuki-kfpinquisitor1038 11 годин тому +25

    The Tyranid winning scenario makes me think of the Reaper cycle in Mass Effect.
    The Chaos winning outcome reminds me a little of the Dragon Age Inquisition bad end.

  • @marceloasensiofilho3833
    @marceloasensiofilho3833 11 годин тому +28

    Orks would not necessarily go to Khorne in a total Chaos win.
    They have the spores and whole rebirth thing I can be quite certain that Nurgle would enjoy
    While they are not planners they are a psychic race and unpredictable which pleases Tzeentch
    Too much is also something that goes hand and hand with both the Orks and Slaanesh

    • @SneakyCupcake
      @SneakyCupcake 11 годин тому +1

      i reckon the Orkz split up depending on wich role they played before. tho mostly into slaanesh's and khorne's fold. Goffs for example would ahve no business anyywhere but next to khorne while oddboyz are inherently excessive in whatever role they are in, speed freakz going fast, weirdboyz drawing psychic powers until they just explode and madboyz wich are just "orkz emotions" cranked up to 11 with adhd.
      for our grandfather and the scheming one there wouldnt be much left over, i can atleast see them rejecting nurgle outright and Tzeentch i feel like wouldnt have much use for them himself, psychic and rng roles yee but its also assumed that tzeentch is holding the strings to keep the great game going, so if it enters a stage where its only chaos fighting each other he'd probably need a more reliable force for himself and rather use the chaotic nature of orkz while keeping them without his own ranks.

    • @marceloasensiofilho3833
      @marceloasensiofilho3833 11 годин тому

      @SneakyCupcake tzeentch is a big fan of unpredictability and the whole backstabbing even when he/his forces are the ones being screwed over, the mad scientist style experiments from both mekboyz and painboyz also fit him very well
      While the whole growing out of the spores is very "nurgly" to me.
      Orks are also dumb/impulsive enough to follow nurgle because he is "da green one"

    • @def3ndr887
      @def3ndr887 9 годин тому

      The false gods would fight eachother using the orkz as their foot soldiers

    • @marceloasensiofilho3833
      @marceloasensiofilho3833 Годину тому

      @@def3ndr887 pretty sure that would happen

  • @crunchyfrog1709
    @crunchyfrog1709 10 годин тому +11

    Imagine the Necrons downloading their minds into Orc bodies. They'd be super crorks with God tier technology. The galaxy wouldn't stand a chance

  • @dantereinhardt6911
    @dantereinhardt6911 10 годин тому +9

    I think the Imperium part is like, super heresy. And I will go call my Inquisitor friend.

  • @knpark2025
    @knpark2025 11 годин тому +14

    31:38 I like to see the Imperium as a galaxy-spanning Austro-Hungarian Empire. A dual empire between Terra and Mars, under a personal union of the God Emperor, and horribly disjointed at every level. So, in my vision, a Total Victory won by the Imperium looks like 1918 Europe if the Austro-Hungarian Empire conquered all major powers in Europe.
    As an external reader/player, I must say it will be a delightful dumpster fire to watch.

  • @vincentsergerie-jeannotte2099
    @vincentsergerie-jeannotte2099 12 годин тому +22

    James Porkchop sure loves his throne gelt. 😂

  • @Draygarth
    @Draygarth 10 годин тому +23

    I think this quote applies well to the Tau, “The lesser of two evils, or the greater good. Get a good man to utter either of those phrases, and there is no one more eager to begin perpetrating evil.”

    • @bardo1269
      @bardo1269 7 годин тому

      I mean, it's a pretty saying. But choosing a pragmatic option is better than just wallowing in filth because it's heretical to build new technology and killing 1000 Psykers a day to keep a corpse alive.

  • @anthony13p2000
    @anthony13p2000 11 годин тому +8

    Maybe I totally missed this, but the emperor just chills and lets the Mechanicus do their thing the whole time? I feel like total victory would lead the emperor to try to truly shape the galaxy in his image, whether as a spiritual being or otherwise. But I also don't see him as a benevolent entity either.

  • @Xcyper33
    @Xcyper33 9 годин тому +6

    Eldar Total Victory: "And YOU get a Tau slave, and YOU get a Tau slave, TAU SLAVES FOR EVERYONE!"

  • @seppesch3701
    @seppesch3701 12 годин тому +10

    Old Ones casually created a potential Kardshev V civ able to endanger the entire cosmos, nice nice

  • @dregmek
    @dregmek 12 годин тому +24

    What would happen if Weshammer became the Warhammer 40,000: perfect society

  • @tyrant-den884
    @tyrant-den884 8 годин тому +11

    Stormlord: "You are a relic of a bygone age."
    Silent King: "We're necrons. That is literally all of us."

    • @tikhonoldwood3800
      @tikhonoldwood3800 3 години тому +1

      Stormlord: "Silent king is stupid he made us into automatons. Although I like being a soulless machine"

  • @Hyperbolicbackhole
    @Hyperbolicbackhole 9 годин тому +5

    It would be crazy to see if Horus Hersey actually became The Warhammer 40K

  • @Brabantian
    @Brabantian 11 годин тому +9

    18:59 I feel like the tau could probably reverse engineer blackstone to negate the effect

  • @talonjansen8926
    @talonjansen8926 11 годин тому +11

    I do think that after a final war between Terra and Mars, whatever the results, we would virtualize our conciousnesses (aka our souls) and achieve cybernetic utopia. Either that or the Emperor tames the Warp.

    • @def3ndr887
      @def3ndr887 9 годин тому +1

      In all honesty I’m pretty sure the Adeptus Mechanicus should they win would probably still keep full fleshed humans around but would be the lowest in the social ladder and machine augmentations become a sign of prestige

  • @dudemunch87
    @dudemunch87 3 години тому +2

    I think a really cool speculative video sequel to this is: in a Galactic victory for Humanity, if the ties between the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus were to fray and split fully, who would defeat the other?

  • @royalripper7453
    @royalripper7453 5 годин тому +2

    In the case of Necron (and specifically Silent King's) victory
    I can see that being in some ways even better than the Tau victory
    From Silent King's interaction with the Blood Angels, he changed massively over the millions of years he was alive.
    In the case where he achieved ultimate victory, it seems pretty likely that he would let some of the other factions live (as long as they didn't try fighting back)

  • @marcingolab6227
    @marcingolab6227 7 годин тому +3

    From what I remember, Twice Dead King suggests that Oltyx's dynasty was cursed by the C'tan specifically because they were part of the fleet sent to destroy Llandu'gor the Flayer. I don't think it says that's the fate of all Necrons. The suggestion is instead that, throughout the millions of years, Necrons can degrade (a process quicker for the lower classes, whose cybernetic bodies were the least sophisticated) and this degradation can cause madness such as the Destroyer cult.

  • @Dolbouck7
    @Dolbouck7 11 годин тому +4

    If Boby G’s space marines wins, we can go back to the dark age of technology.

  • @HELLO1110able
    @HELLO1110able 9 годин тому +2

    “It’s ya boi…Raid Shadow Legends” will never forget that sponsor intro 😂

  • @madisonmcclure8243
    @madisonmcclure8243 9 годин тому +5

    I feel like the Tao would just go through the same Golden Age the humans did before spawning yet another Chaos god.

    • @udhavbhatia6424
      @udhavbhatia6424 9 годин тому +3

      Or their ai rebels against them, I kinda want some living perpetual to tell the tau 'hmm we were kinda like you guys in the old days' and it terrifies them beyond belief.

  • @anotherbacklog
    @anotherbacklog 11 годин тому +7

    If 40k ends, there’ll probably be a 400k

  • @overlordjohnny6612
    @overlordjohnny6612 10 годин тому +3

    There’s no way the necrons would ever bend the knee to the tau they’re so unbelievably arrogant that they’d fight to the utter death until every last one is destroyed.

  • @pagma1381
    @pagma1381 5 годин тому +2

    I think 40k is the friends we made along the way

  • @Indigo8899
    @Indigo8899 11 годин тому +6

    It's interesting how the only one we know for sure is if the tyranids won

    • @Man_Aslume
      @Man_Aslume 5 годин тому

      Their trying to get rid of James workshop

  • @EMIBwahahalalalallalahahahahha
    @EMIBwahahalalalallalahahahahha 6 годин тому +3

    17:29 I don’t remember where I read this but Tau have also been blending with human culture adopting words like naysayer.

    • @thebigenchilada678
      @thebigenchilada678 3 години тому

      This could bring about a peace unlike any other humanity has seen with other xenos species.
      Just one little question: tau women have tits right?

  • @Coolerx2x
    @Coolerx2x 11 годин тому +6

    Not sure what you mean that no faction can win in Warhammer. I mean, the Orks already won!
    A galaxy constantly fighting, new fights everywhere? That may as well be orc heaven!
    After all, a fully conquered ork galaxy, might as well be the worst case scenario for the Boiz.

  • @glenbaker4364
    @glenbaker4364 7 годин тому +4

    One thing you forgot in your tyranid victory is that the necrons cannot be turned into biomass. Therefore a tyranid victory is actually a necron victory as the necrons will be left in the Galaxy with nothing else alive.

    • @fadelsukoco3092
      @fadelsukoco3092 4 години тому +2

      More like a convenient convergence of mutual gain, as the Tyranids would have eaten everything that could be eaten and can simply mov on to other galaxies, and the Necrons have a galaxy devoid of life to do with as they please.

  • @merica6502
    @merica6502 7 годин тому +7

    You keep saying all these races are gonna wipe out the orks if they win, let me put some stuff into perspective. The God Emperor at the hight of his power couldnt wipe out the orks, the old ones could move mountains with their minds and couldnt wipe out the orks, chaos ended all of of reality and guess what, there was still orks. Aint no way some blue fish gitz or pansey pointy ears are wiping out my boyz.

    • @fadelsukoco3092
      @fadelsukoco3092 4 години тому +2

      To be fair, the Old Ones never tried to wipe out the Orks. Why would they? Back when the Old Ones were around, the Orks were the Krork and were fighting FOR the Old Ones, and the Krork never derailed into enough of a problem for the Old Ones to worry about because by the time they started to be, all the Old Ones had been wiped out by the Necrons/C'tan or the Enslavers.

    • @merica6502
      @merica6502 4 години тому +2

      @fadelsukoco3092 in warhammer fantasy

  • @thomasbardoux1692
    @thomasbardoux1692 8 годин тому +2

    One footnote, this is forgetting that the plan of the emperor is not just to use the we way, but to lead humanity to a psychic era, that should have been part of the "imperium victory" scenario

  • @AngryHomunculus
    @AngryHomunculus 11 годин тому +5

    NGL some of the stuff you said if Chaos wins kinda happened in The End Times and Age of Sigmar' Age of Chaos

  • @Chiptooth20
    @Chiptooth20 11 годин тому +3

    My own personal thoughts on a Tau total victory could go one or two ways, one would be as detailed in your video with the Ethereals in charge. The other might be where the Tau Greater Good God becoming so powerful, with an entire galaxy worshiping her, that she destroys or subjugates any other warp gods and the Tau Empire becomes the next "Imperium" with a religious government that either converts or exterminates any who opposed them, including the Ethereals.

  • @SpaceKnight105
    @SpaceKnight105 12 годин тому +9

    A Warhammer 40k End times but better?

  • @kidceph8088
    @kidceph8088 6 годин тому +2

    What about a vid on how each of the Primarchs could come back

  • @CrapLuckSimon
    @CrapLuckSimon 9 годин тому +2

    27:05 Imagine witnessing your species extinction, twice.

  • @StMargorach
    @StMargorach 10 годин тому +2

    The emperor was planning to try and disconnect humanity from the warp in the future.
    Basically making everyone a psychic null. This is said somewhere in one of the many Horus Heresy books.
    Also, if humans win without doubt this, chaos basically wins.
    But chaos will burn itself out. Which is what the Eldar were kinda planning for humanity. This is also said in the Horus Heresy books

  • @alexanderfrederick6669
    @alexanderfrederick6669 12 годин тому +2

    Heck yeah, new Wes video to watch on my way to my dnd game.

  • @filipem4221
    @filipem4221 6 годин тому +3

    As a admech fan I must say humanity's victory is so beautiful

  • @Yoricbear
    @Yoricbear 8 годин тому +4

    22:44 gork and mork don’t need no chaos god bs, they are much better than that

    • @aeternusdoleo4531
      @aeternusdoleo4531 49 хвилин тому

      They might enjoy a good scrap with the Chaos Gods though. Gork vs Khorne would be the Laughing Battle.

  • @Reycied
    @Reycied 7 годин тому +2

    If I had a nickel for every time I realized that my favorite Weshammer videos are the ones where he shouts "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!", I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but weird that it happened twice.

  • @brotherman96
    @brotherman96 5 годин тому +1

    The Emperor returns, chaos is annihilated, and the missing loyal sons return to help, and all is well. Like Thanos resting and watching the sun rise on a grateful universe

  • @Adroyo
    @Adroyo 10 годин тому +3

    15:00 for tau bros

  • @Selucus1Nicator
    @Selucus1Nicator 6 годин тому +1

    Great video man, really interesting and enjoyable stuff

  • @decccs7946
    @decccs7946 4 години тому

    love this more speculative type of video Wes keep up the great work

  • @workinprogress5431
    @workinprogress5431 2 години тому

    I don't know who the credit goes to, but the artist responsible for 21:43 was truly inspired.

  • @StarSmutje
    @StarSmutje 9 годин тому +2

    No matter who wins, Tzeentch will say it's just as planned

  • @JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans
    @JoshuaBenitezNewOrleans 11 годин тому +4

    Yes, if I had to take a random pick of factions to live in then it’d be the Tao lol
    No hive city for me.

  • @fatcat6984
    @fatcat6984 11 годин тому +2

    Great video brother! Hope you’re doing good after the hurricanes a while back!

    • @weshammer
      @weshammer  10 годин тому +2

      We're getting there but we're still staying with family. We've got the contractors working on the house finally and current estimates say It will be put back together in early January.

    • @fatcat6984
      @fatcat6984 10 годин тому +1

      @ thankfully some good news! Glad to hear it things are moving in the right direction and hopefully you’ll be back in your home sooner rather than later!

  • @Spicyknigh7
    @Spicyknigh7 2 години тому +1

    I do agree that if the Imperium saw a victory over the Xenos and Chaos it would immediately begin turning its attention inwards. And those among the Ecclesiarchy and Imperial cult would likely begin looking at the Mechanicus as a new enemy.

  • @tylerwetherington8551
    @tylerwetherington8551 2 години тому

    I really hope you hit one million, dude. You deserve it.

  • @jeffrywik5073
    @jeffrywik5073 Годину тому

    I never been asked to comprehend so much stuff beyond comprehension ...jeeze

  • @digunder14
    @digunder14 4 години тому

    the possibilities of what a mekboy could do with scrawnie, boney tinboy, and fish boy tech, is genuinely terrifying to think about for us oomies

  • @t.s.7166
    @t.s.7166 8 годин тому +1

    The problem with an imotekh Necron victory isn't just that the flayed ones and destroyers would start spreading amongst Necron society, it's that the minds of the necrontry were not ment for immortality, it's why insanity and madness runs so rampant. Without goals or obsessions to occupy their thoughts, they all go hollow eventually.
    If imotekh conquered the galaxy, what next? No change, no ambitions, no goals remain. Laugh at trazyn all you want for being a crazy archivist, but at least he still has his mind

  • @bullronin1
    @bullronin1 10 годин тому +1

    I like your takes! I would argue that the Ecclesiarchy and high lords would fight back against the Mechanicus like their ancestors fought the men of iron. With the galaxy at war, if the chaos gods were somehow banished and contained, they would make a comeback and a reboot of 40K would result.

  • @charleycotton4846
    @charleycotton4846 35 хвилин тому

    "we'z alreddy won ya git" - Gazgutz Da Finkin' Boy, Ork WAAAGHlogist

  • @Rahab84
    @Rahab84 11 годин тому +4

    The Greater Good. Quick send in Inquisitor Angel. Here's the question though, if the Eldar win. Would history repeat itself, would they birth Slanessh again. But stronger ?

    • @PhilipVosteen
      @PhilipVosteen 10 годин тому +1

      @Rahab84 probably yes.

    • @delta9915
      @delta9915 10 годин тому

      Assuming they follow the path system then probably not

    • @rodan9596
      @rodan9596 9 годин тому +1

      I honestly don’t the Phoenix Lords or Gods would allow that. One must remember that the ancient Eldar had no Moral Guide to tell them the dangers of their Excess. But this new Eldar empire has over a Dozen immortal figures that survived the fall and remember the events leading up to it.

    • @Rahab84
      @Rahab84 8 годин тому

      @@rodan9596 Assuming that Ynnead restores the Eldar gods and isn't corrupted by Slanessh. Because let's face it Ynnead looks Slanesshy in nature as it is. But if you look at it another way. Technically because the dark prince is slowly killing the Eldar race. Would that not also be considered a God of Death. The Ynnari could have been deceived, into believing Ynnead is their God. But is in fact Slanessh, in disguise. After all it took Biel Tan getting destroyed to get this started. Also if Ynnead wouldn't revive their Gods the Phoenix Lords, wouldn't stand a chance.

  • @spaceman1965
    @spaceman1965 11 годин тому +1

    I figured the version where the imperium wins would involve the reincarnation or re-awakening of the god-emperor, which maybe could be our best bet for a better future.

  • @Giuseppegranata7067
    @Giuseppegranata7067 8 годин тому +1

    For the Imperium ending we are forgetting that Roboute Guilliman and Lion el'Jhonson are alive and brething.

  • @bruno17289
    @bruno17289 11 годин тому +2

    The Human Victory will depends who is leading them at the time. Guilliman? Dark Age of Texhnology without AI, he slowly dismantles the Mechanicus and church. Anything else will lead to the Dark King one way or another. The Mechanicud winning is laughsble as they are their own worst own enemy and will destroy each other if left at their own devices.

  • @Latman2k
    @Latman2k 10 годин тому +3

    No Kin? That's going in the eBook

  • @ChumbynKnopa
    @ChumbynKnopa 12 хвилин тому

    Gork and Mork ascending would be wild and wacky good time

  • @jromero7441
    @jromero7441 7 годин тому +9

    Humanity if they won:
    We did it, Patrick! We defeated Horace Hearsay, or whatever

    • @Man_Aslume
      @Man_Aslume 5 годин тому

      Ending of Horus heresy or something
      "We did it Patrick we saved the Imperium!"

  • @silasscott4687
    @silasscott4687 3 години тому

    I actually love your videos Wes! Keep it up!

  • @randyruger9063
    @randyruger9063 6 годин тому +1

    Would the Necron spare any of the fleshy races? (Tau I'd assume to avoid stirring the warp again). Whether as pets, subjects, or whatever?

  • @deadman3140
    @deadman3140 11 годин тому +1

    If the Aeldari "won" they'd make making the Orks into Krorks one of their top priorities.

  • @sovereign-of-scars4372
    @sovereign-of-scars4372 12 годин тому +5

    The video's been out for 3 minutes, how am I not first. Also, Wes, how is the King of Feathers/Cegorach conspiracy video coming along?

  • @tylertheodores9384
    @tylertheodores9384 2 години тому

    You have bested me Horus Lupercal you are the Warhammer 40k ~ The Emperor of Mankind

  • @HalduBouyaNono2
    @HalduBouyaNono2 6 годин тому

    Even in a video from one of the most knowledgeable man on Earth about the lore, about imagining impossible scenarios since no faction may achieve victory alone, the Leagues of Votaan still not have their own winning scenario

  • @charlieboone1298
    @charlieboone1298 2 години тому

    Heresy, Wes. What the Prophet Lorgar foresaw will come to pass. Man will become one with the Neverborn. It'll all go swimmingly, I'm sure.

  • @Chahkra
    @Chahkra 11 годин тому +1

    The only question I have is in regard to the mechanicum. You failed to mention the void dragon and what would happen to it or its influence over that time.

  • @RaptieFeathers
    @RaptieFeathers 6 годин тому

    Here's a positive twist on the Tyranid victory:
    They don't need to eat intelligent life, they just need some sort of biomass, right?
    Thus, the Hive Mind decides that it's more sustainable to create farm worlds. And in order to maintain stability, they use Genestealers to take out the Imperial leadership, the Ethereal caste, etc. They form an alliance with Trazyn, and support Ghaz as the ork leader.
    Having culled the worst parts of the existing structures, they then form a federation that fights the eternal enemy of all: Chaos.
    The Hive Mind then becomes the benevolent shepherd of the galaxy.

  • @housecat5689
    @housecat5689 3 години тому

    Brother, if the Aeldari manage to end Slaanesh we would see their psykers become Magnus-class each.
    It would be an absolute cake-walk.

  • @kaelbeuk1
    @kaelbeuk1 3 години тому

    Killer thumbnail man !
    Sending a bottle to the sea: any chance you'll cover the Schola Progenium? I struggle to find enough source material for a TTRPG campaign

  • @DrRexie
    @DrRexie 25 хвилин тому

    The Tau empire sounds basically like a dystopian future where they basically say either you can play or we will brainwash you until you do comply Very 1984-esque

  • @oldonesapostle3896
    @oldonesapostle3896 12 годин тому

    Its 9:50 am not complaining but its funny that I got a lore video i have wanted as soon as i wake up

  • @onefadedgunner3281
    @onefadedgunner3281 Годину тому

    Another problem with Imotekh is he’s a conqueror. Once a conqueror runs out of things to conquer they tend to fall apart.

  • @Tiku-
    @Tiku- 7 годин тому

    8:28 bruhh that’s disgusting, nice pretty awesome ngl. Whoever did that artwork deserve all the disgusting medal in the world.

  • @volvo145
    @volvo145 6 годин тому

    If I were born in Warren, at Hammer 40 K, I would want to be in the commander seat of a Band-Aid nothing more nothing less

  • @grxzzly94
    @grxzzly94 8 годин тому +1

    35:34 UNLESS we send John Connor back one more time

  • @woogiemonster
    @woogiemonster 7 годин тому

    You repeatedly emphasize that this is just for fun "what if..." thinking, but I want to say that as a spectative/passive fan (physically unable to participate) of a universe wherein people research/argue/debate every quote, item, event, and underwear color, sometimes a break for fun is refreshing a.f. Thank You for this.
    And as someone who suffers the weakness of flesh, I welcome the efficiency of the machine 🤖