Totally agree. They're nuts!! A woman is a meat sleeve baby maker, delish cook who always looks pretty, and knows howto please Daddy. It's like the words just CANNOT come out of their mouths! Lol silly libs.
As a 44 yr old man from america.. the bs that biden started is what got me in politics.. didn't like trump in 15 out of ignorance.. I would lay down my life for free for that man today for the change America needs!! TRUMP FOR AMERICANS.. FELONS 4 TRUMP
@@iamshotty Yep. Someone commented 10 years ago, "the island of misfit toys." American modernity created this vast caste of broken people, and social media allowed them to band together and spread their mind viruses.
Group Crying?! For crap sake! These are real adults acting like children IN PUBLIC! I'm stunned that grown adults would actually expose themselves in this fashion!!!
Trump supporters rioted when he lost and people died, Kamala supporters didn’t, and now trump supporters wanna make fun of them for being mad that the one they support didn’t win, yet trump supporters did the same and even worse, all hypocrites
I really am baffled at the TikTok’s that some of these people make, of themselves, showing how batshit crazy they are. Why would anyone want to put that out on the internet, it’s truly crazy.
@@paulveenings6861 Right? Good point, sir! Going back to finish my Master's in that area. I already teach a mental health course but talk about job security! These people need some serious counseling
They would not survive long because they have no concept of reality. It will be survival of the fittest and they aren't fit for anything except whining.
@@jimrorke6134 Not collaborate. But if the US hurt any of them then the lefties would protest create a stupid colour flag and say their sexuality stands with them.
I'm in Ireland and its 5am in the morning and this women has me in bits she's amazing, I'm literally on the floor laughing.😂😂😂 I loved this. Trump Trump Trump...
First world problems...🤣🤣 When I first came to Canada... A 5ft 7 brown male with deep mustache, the officers asked me are you male or female? I was lyk... Do i look like a female?? Later i understand about this new gender fluid fashion in the west
Most of us are failures. But also on behalf of the poor kids They have been poisoned. We are all being poisoned. Or do you believe it’s the frogs parents faults that the frogs are gay? On parents. Most of them suck. But you get my point
@@zebarz I mean they have tampons in men's restrooms already. (I don't remember a tampon vote in my local area). Might as well ensure they have pads for the larger ladies...or LAD-ies
He won with about a quarter of the eligible voters - the ignorant and uneducated. The people who didn't care if he was a rapist, a cheater with porn stars, a liar about the election, a traitor, a robber of a children's cancer charity, and a draft dodger.
Um let's see took out Jesus and God in schools. Teach no accountability. Give everyone a participation award. Tell them they are all special. But oppressed by the white man. Then add a dash of misinformation in the media. Control the narrative and all the music and celebs and role models and make sure they all push the agenda. And in ten years boom. You got a collapse from the inside. That's the short version
Leftist media & college indoctrination/brainwashing + the obsession with being a victim & desperate for attention & virtue signaling & zero self-accountability on top of all that victim complex.. add some self-hate & the ppl that are so weak that they do whatever they see is trending & go along with all the loudest trends just to fit in etc etc.. thats how we got such a wave of woke dumb weirdos flooding the west.. finally common sense has prevailed & the grown-ups has had enough & put down the foot & say NO MORE to all that nonsense!🙏💯😇 #TrumpFTW
Living in echo chambers being exposed to radical BS without first holding a world view in the subject. Which falls in with a lack of education. Could also be a diet thing. There is loads of stuff in American food and drinks that loads of other countries prohibit.
@@thegroovemachine5003 Kamala is a lot of silly and dumb things, but acting like she isn't attractive belies the reality of how she got here in the fist place. Ask Willie Brown what he thinks of her face, or at least the bottom half.
I believe the media fuelled the stupidy of the last few years and then people began to realise that, something was not right and using soical media, they found out the truth and the legacy media has been lying and seeing things falling apart and despite a warning, they contuined to double down on stupidy, so come time for the next choice of leader of the free world, people picked the person they believed could do the job properly and not vote for someone who hasn't earned their place or respect of the people!
And yet if I point out that Dutton hosted a mass murdering Indonesian war criminal in Brisbane, my comment is deleted. Not that committed to free speech.
I have noticed all the teenagers are the same. Same facial expressions, same body movements, same way of dressing and acting in public, no personality. I don’t blame social media, it’s all media.
There rising the right of everyone telling them there better then every day Americans there losing the rights to be racist there losing the rights to have an open border they are losing rights to have abortions for fun is actually pathetic how much they were allowed to be on top and screw over Americans just trying to get by
@@winkletown8828 Only the delusional left have "imaginary friends". God isn't imaginary - if he were nothing would exist. Don't kid yourself twinkle toes!
Finally!! I can't wait for the results to show after he gets started. (energy prices, inflation, etc.) I know it takes time and hopefully it won't be too long before we see how it turns out.
My children were told the same. On the whole they have grown up normal male and female people. Not a woke one amongst four. These parents are responsible for the mental health of their children.
And possessing two X-chromosomes. Womanhood is down to the very chromosomes in every single cell. And they claim to be "MuH pArTy Of ScIeNcE!!" and to "tRuSt ThUh sCiEnCe!!" .
The poor animals in the forest listening to those insane women. I'm an Aussie and we also have those crazy women over here. I had a customer comparing Trump to Hitler, I nearly lost it. I was so angry at her. I kept asking her how many people Trump had killed & she said none yet he's not in power but just wait. I said" Madam do you forget he was president for 4 years already? How many people did he kill then?" And she said "But this time around he has more power and he's so much worse than Hitler" I was so happy she walked out because I couldn't deal with her ignorance.
You did the right thing by asking those questions and making a solid, irrefutable point; allowing that woman to prove that she’s a moron. Good for you, young lady!
The World War II story you hear is a lie. The people who control our nations now controlled our nations of The West then. They also controlled Communist Russia. They hate against Germans and a boycott against Germany after the Great Depression, causing 1/3 of German to be starving to death. Young women, even teenagers., had to hook themselves for half a sandwich. They owned 60% of the land in Germany. Germany was going up against the communist in his nation. Sabotaged him into office with false flags, just like Trump. Why did it take all controlled America, controlled Great Britain, controlled all Europe, and controlled communist Russia (our enemies, but not the enemies of those who controlled us) to defeat little Germany, the size of the state of Wisconsin?. Did you know that they burned 50,000 Germans Civilians Alive in "Operation Gomorrah (Sodom, and Gomorrah), name to mock this wicked act. Did real American leaders, loyal to America, and The Allied West, our people, devise, such an operation and name it this? Bloody Sunday was the communist torture and slaughter of 60,000 Germans at the Danzig line, bordering Poland, German land. There are historical articles in new newspapers and governments in Europe documenting this. It is indisputable fact.. Hitler was being provoked into war for years. He flew planes over England., dropping hundreds of thousands of flyers urging for peace. There is video footage in New York, calling for the world boycott on Germans - no food or supplies of any kind shipped. you’ve heard about the German Frank, and wheelbarrow full of money. Their government was forced into, collapsing their economy to survive. Germany was National Socialism, having nothing to do with the socialism of communism or fascism - quite the opposite. National socialism required to work and volunteer to rebuild their failing and nation. They had band those who control out of government, media, the arts, big Pharma, and physicians. Remember, this was before immigration. if a company profited past a certain amount, they were required to pay 20% more in taxes. Anyone could start a business. Monopolies and corpse manipulating were not allowed. It was not fascism. Germany had an exercise program, nationally, the youth would exercise. Men and women were treated with dignity., learn how to love their history and their people, always encourage to help out someone more fortunate, needing help, but not a handout - a hand up. Germany rebuilt their entire nation to formidable force within an Army peoples are still enthralled with today. Hitler almost won against communist Russia., if it hadn’t have been for a big snowstorm and being outnumbered, including by Americans, and Allied Europe only joining in towards the end. The topic is banned on social media, but you can find revisionist information where experts from every field prove the story were taught and constantly repeated is absolutely false, impossible And those experts, everyone of them, were blacklisted from working again, maimed and/or their life ended. Every one. Truth fears nothing. Evil fears truth. That’s why we can’t speak about our history. Or defend ourselves. It hasn’t fared well for our nations , has it? Eugenics was started in America, before WW2, and not by our own people - this is on record. In Germany., they were being convinced of some of the ideas This was how to handle horribly deforming mental and physical disabilities. It was Germany that started child labor laws and law for humane treatment of animals. Why don’t we hear about communism left and right,, as the REAL threat in our Western Nations? And they can talk about the spread of fascism, but isn’t it fascism just another face of communism, which is dominant in all our western nations? And it’s the enemy who controls our nation that owns all those big corpse and they rule us.
Idk I'm confused I'm not sure women should even have voting rights if this is the outcome 🤔. Sadly they're protesting for women's rights, but voting against them. They're voting to have to compete with fake females. Obviously the fake females check more DEI boxes. The also have a clear advantage in anything physical. They shouldn't be in a females bathroom or prison. It shouldn't even be talked about in school. Sexual education is education about reproduction, not sexuality. They like kids. Why else would MAPs be considered a LGBTQ group. Why else would they have drag queen story time etc. sick individuals the entire progressive side, either sick, brainwashed, or corrupt with sin.
@@nissan300ztt Trump really is an enigma. His pattern of speech doesn't sound smart, but he has all the smart ideas. Meanwhile people like President Obama speak like an English poet, but everything they say is a bad idea.
Gub likes their people good n dumb, they are the perfect sheeps. Kick arse, Trump! Just get Elon the hell outta there he is NOT for the people, only himself and the almighty buck.
Hell naw! They are not scary, they are pathetic, brother you are strong, you have the majority on your side, you accept yourself, they can't live with what they are
we should all go to mexico,then turn back and seek asylum.Especially the homeless.Nice credit cards and phones.Food stamps.HOUSING...we pay for it,let's get
I am also a registered nurse. Took an emergency room job instead of my usual ICU as I figured I’d try something different. Boy oh boy is it really eye opening. I would say 60-80% of my patients don’t speak a word of English, it adds sooo much time to everything I have to do because it all has to be translated. And half the translators are terrible. Then aside from the language issue. There’s the fact that these people come to the emergency room for literally everythinggggg. Stubbed toe? Headache? Stood up to quickly and got dizzy? Trip to the ER with the entire family. Then because they pay for NOTHING, they get everything. Have a headache or got dizzy standing up? Now they are stroke rule outs. They get CT scan, MRI, MRA, Echocardiogram with bubble study and a free room for 2 nights while the doctors debate what else they can order and charge the taxpayers for. They don’t pay for any of it and we have to treat them despite the insignificance of their initial complaint. Meanwhile I get an abcess from a tooth infection and think I’m going to get the same treatment ….. no sir. I have a job and not soo good insurance . So i need to deal with this over several outpatient appointments at different locations and get a huge bill for each of them even with insurance. And on the er paperwork it’s listed as “high level of care” even though I literally was sent home after a CT scan with mouthwash and ABX. The system is so messed up. And the strain on the medical system these illegals are responsible for that I am seeing first hand is tremendous.
Since the influx of illegals and obamacare it's next to impossible to get timely appointments with my regular doctor. When I started experiencing excruciating knee pain because of cartilage loss due to arthritis I needed a referral to orthopedics. My regular doctor wasn't available for another 2+ months so I took another appointment with the first available doctor. Only 5 weeks wait. And she sucked. At least I was able to get pain medication and a referral out of her. So another 4 weeks to get into orthopedics. At least they were ready to give me injections in my knees. Didn't have to wait 6 months like I did for my sciatica. I'm hoping once the illegals are gone the overcrowding of the healthcare system will ease up. Another thing that would help is to lower tuition on medical school. We need more doctors and health professionals but it's just too dang expensive for the average person to afford, even with scholarships. And who wants to start off their career over $500,000 in debt? It's crazy.
Last time I checked, in the US, if you’re mentally unfit, you CAN’T make medical or legal decisions for yourself. Does that mean every pardon he issued can’t be legally enforced????
@@Tijuanabill he may have HIPPA protecting his medical records, but he was still slightly declared unfit when kamalama ding dong took his place….how is that NOT the same….if he was unfit to carry on presidency and vice president had to take over I’m not sure there is any difference there
And they've been carrying his water for years. Who's going to vouch for anything either way, especially when they would, themselves, be guilty of fraud@@Tijuanabill
I'm a born and bred Texan and I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have foreign country's news station to be so fabulously AWAKE when it comes to American issues 👍❤️💯 Thank you Sky News 👏👏👏🇺🇸💯
@@Jon69123 Yeah I'm from the UK and don't understand how the UK one is so shit and the Aus one is perfect. Why are they so different? I only watch Aus Sky News now haha.
There was a trans high school boy (female to male on testosterone) who competed in a track race and wiped the floor with the girls. Some LGBT people claim that this incident and the news coverage on it is what started the trans sports debate, at least for high school girls. The other commenter is right that trans men are a non-issue because they are weaker than biological men so they should not be in men’s sports either. Just no one talks about it. Then there’s a trans man that competed in college swimming who has an Instagram page for trans activism and promotes trans women women’s sports as being scientific.
That white dude throwing a temper tantrum over his "privilege"... can Sky News Australia please track down his father? I'd love to hear what he has to say about Junior and his behavior and attire in public.
My sisters walking around like the worlds ending. I’m being supportive and loving and empathetic as I can even tho it’s tough with all the lies she spouts like it’s absolute truth, but we won’t do anything rubbing in the win we get a lot more with love.
@@BasedOpinionsPodcast She's your sister so it makes more sense to be patient with her...try that with one of these loonies on this video 😂 Good luck to you and your sis btw
Unfortunately, the government wants to profit off of any people who are sick in any aspect and just pill up all the crazy and so-called "crazy" people! It is a broken system that doesn't work!
Sadly, some of them didn't look that young. Woke people are all ages. I don't know if that makes it scarier or not. But hopefully now, some common sense will start emerging back into society, on a larger scale.
As a 23 year old young male i can say the past 4 years have been absolute hell hopefully now america will be affordable again and safe and so far day 1 went amazing
The whole plan was to destabilize the country (did people go along with it?) to make way for the neocons and their technocracy. No one ever learns, same as ever.
I mean the social BS of the left will pipe down a bit but if you think things will become more affordable I’d urge you too look at inflation and market prices on a graph.. they never go down. It never gets cheaper. Maybe for short blips like the 08 bubble pop but in the long run things only ever get more expensive and money only ever becomes worth less.
I feel for you bro I'm 32 and when I was 25 I felt the door of opportunity closing right on my ass and I was barely able to kind of get in. Wishing you luck.
It will not be affordable again. No matter what Trump does, we have relied on foreign workforces to make our products for too long. Our infrastructure, manufacturing, and raw material based have decayed and fallen into disrepair. Our talent pool has shrivelled. All of the prices we are used to only exist because we import, if we hired Americans to fill all these roles, everything would be more expensive. And since our education and tradecraft have declined in quality, so too would any goods we made. Our lifestyle is basically dependent on a foreign slave labor force. It could be fixed, but it would require a great deal of suffering on the part of the American people.
Do you remember before the internet that it was thought that the cause of collective stupidity was the lack of access to information Well it wasn't that
I always thought before I was a teen that lack of information access perpetuates ignorance and lack of challenge on current knowledge lead to weak critical thinking skills. This was before the 2010s.
I feel so sorry for these people. They were raised without a father and also without THE Father. So pathetic. I've been embarrassed to be an American these last 4 years. Today we get our country back, and a real leader.
I’ve been embarrassed for true Americans, including myself, for a lot longer than four years. They are traitors in their character and loyalty to America and The American People, destroyers. Shame on them. How many millions of people are in our nation who have already had amnesty given, or given welfare, grants, special privileges above the people who built this country and came here legally, and offspring that are doing the same? They are voting us out, that whites are being disenfranchised, and hate America. They want to take over., and they have the support of the people who control our nation to destroy us? The fools don’t know., if they get their way , the best they can hope for is to be spared from slaughter, enslaved, starved, and likely get their sheriff beatings with no right to protest and no one to hate except the destroyers whom they supported to hate and destroy us.
even more funny, I don't see anything on their website about any of this, just some stuff about making monitors for 50 years, and ranking number one monitor brand for gamers gibberish, lol. oh, that AG273QXP/11 looks interesting for 3D art stuff, I may look into that one later on. Thanks for nudging me to look at their website.
Honestly the people that say Trump is racist he literally had the f****** village people up there people are just insane and it just proves how can this man be racist he had the f****** village people for his opening song it was a total f*** you to all the people calling him racist that's for sure
I think it's hilarious it was supposedly an LGBT anthem and then the guy that literally wrote the song said no it's not. I was really talking about the YMCA and I want Trump to use the song lmao
@Bethanyfreespeech I almost wasn't able to vote but I did after some hassle. When I went in, the self-hating liberal saw my red nails, phone & outfit then questioned my signature as if I were an illegal. What an outrage!!! I also worked for the post office during last election. Something was definitely off is all I'll say about that. Time for the right track. God bless!
I’ma make up a word and explain what it is like these lefties do. “What is a scornia?”. Answer = “A scornia is soneone who identifies as a scornia” It doesn’t make any sense at all and I still have no idea wtf a scornia is.
@@f15stroke can I quote you?...because this comment--it is what it is at its finest? My least favorite word as a teacher: it. Get a clue! Good looking out, sir OR madam. Not sir AND madam
I am so sick of the, "A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" answer. I am so glad all that shit is over.
It is so simple. A woman has XX chromosomes, a man has XY chromosomes. End of discussion.
Ask them what a man is..
Their answers would be horrifying.
A cat is anything that identifies as a cat
A woman is a alienoid metaphysical being which no one can truly comprehend. lol
It's not even close to over.
The mental illness in the USA is very sad!
Have you seen the rest of the world?
Actually it's not just the United States, it's spreading all over
Totally agree. They're nuts!! A woman is a meat sleeve baby maker, delish cook who always looks pretty, and knows howto please Daddy. It's like the words just CANNOT come out of their mouths! Lol silly libs.
Media casualties
Called depravity of the mind.
The View needs to be canceled!
Yeah how can you miss somebody that was on vacation for 30 of the last 52 weeks?
cancelled and sent to gitmo
@@suebaxter301 Lefortovo instead...
I can't stand those menopausal old hens! 😂
Fire Jimmy Kimmel
I love Sky News Austrailia. You get right to the point and make plenty of sense! Keep it going!!!
Slavery was ended by English Whites….. it was not started by them, it had always existed in every civilisation.
Yup slavery is not a colour issue it's a human one🙄
Thank you!
Slavery is a human issue not a colour issue.
As a 37 year old american man, this was the worst 4 years in my life time
If that stays true, you have some awesome days left.
I'm 53 and feel the same way.
I’m 64, thanks to all who voted for Trump ❤. MAGA
As a 44 yr old man from america.. the bs that biden started is what got me in politics.. didn't like trump in 15 out of ignorance.. I would lay down my life for free for that man today for the change America needs!! TRUMP FOR AMERICANS.. FELONS 4 TRUMP
As a seventy year old man the last 4 years was a nightmare.
Bunch of Freaks 🤣
Yep. Real fruit loops 😲
@@iamshotty Yep. Someone commented 10 years ago, "the island of misfit toys."
American modernity created this vast caste of broken people, and social media allowed them to band together and spread their mind viruses.
Add Donut Clowns to that! Lol.
Mental illness at its very best
That's unfair on freaks 😂
Group Crying?! For crap sake! These are real adults acting like children IN PUBLIC! I'm stunned that grown adults would actually expose themselves in this fashion!!!
There is no shame for the Shameless
Trump supporters rioted when he lost and people died, Kamala supporters didn’t, and now trump supporters wanna make fun of them for being mad that the one they support didn’t win, yet trump supporters did the same and even worse, all hypocrites
I really am baffled at the TikTok’s that some of these people make, of themselves, showing how batshit crazy they are. Why would anyone want to put that out on the internet, it’s truly crazy.
They hate themselves so much, they'd rather be anything else but who they are. Kinda sad really.
its not sad its entertaining
good point
It's hilarious they're fucking pathetic
An accurate observation.
We didn't vote for him for cheaper eggs. We voted for him because we are sick of the lies by the woke left.
And for cheaper eggs😂
Their lies ,their corruption,their desire to destroy America,and on and on....
Also, the cheaper eggs thing is reductionist and doesn't acknowledge the serious damage poverty does to the less-well off.
I do need cheaper eggs
@@blackhawk2302 Damn right the price for eggs these days is nuts!
Psychiatrists are never going to be out of work.
Yeah they're all leftist too
Nah, AI will take that too ..can program the bias that is required:)
Many of them are even more crazy than their patients!
@@paulveenings6861 Right? Good point, sir! Going back to finish my Master's in that area. I already teach a mental health course but talk about job security! These people need some serious counseling
Why would they be, imagine fixing your customer. They'd stop coming back.
I am so sick of these clowns!
We all are... Now it's time for justice 😊
Make asylums full again
I endorse this message
@@Slavenmierech awww. You made my day!!!
They would be overflowing. We would need to build more.
no , the Mine's need worker's - the work shift starts
disabled us vet here.what irritates me most about these protesters is that if america ever was invaded they would be the first to run and hide.
Not really. They would collaborate with the enemy.
They would not survive long because they have no concept of reality. It will be survival of the fittest and they aren't fit for anything except whining.
@@jimrorke6134 Not collaborate. But if the US hurt any of them then the lefties would protest create a stupid colour flag and say their sexuality stands with them.
@@jimrorke6134 Until the enemy had no use for them either. Nobody trusts a traitor, not even other traitors.
Try to go into Canada or Mexico or anywhere else illegally buddy
Congratulations on your president Trump America.
Watching from Australia 🌏🌏🦘🦘
Should be interesting. I wonder to what extent corporate globalists influence Western Democracies.
We had the rely on your country for truthful news for the longest time. Cheers mate!
@RlA521 We still do (UK)
@RlA521This is true 🇺🇸 ❤ 🇦🇺
@RlA521, there are plenty of "truth tellers" here at home. Damn!
I'm in Ireland and its 5am in the morning and this women has me in bits she's amazing, I'm literally on the floor laughing.😂😂😂 I loved this. Trump Trump Trump...
How any of these people can survive in the real world is beyond me.
EBT and welfare?
First world problems...🤣🤣 When I first came to Canada... A 5ft 7 brown male with deep mustache, the officers asked me are you male or female? I was lyk... Do i look like a female?? Later i understand about this new gender fluid fashion in the west
They can't. That's why they are full-time protesters.
Obviously they aren't.
They can't if we stop giving them everything for free.
She did say they were committing suicide, so it's not a chain of events that has to happen.
@@jenniferpearce1052it’s a mental illness not Trumps fault
Survival of the fittest as I would say 😂🤷🏽♂️
No great loss.
Communists aren't people.
If your kid believes they're in the wrong body, you failed as a parent to either BE a parent or seek help for your child.
I totally agree 👍🏼
Yep, all around failure on the parents, or out right grooming by some of those vile people.
Yep. That woman needs to be charged with child endangerment.
Most of us are failures. But also on behalf of the poor kids They have been poisoned. We are all being poisoned. Or do you believe it’s the frogs parents faults that the frogs are gay? On parents. Most of them suck. But you get my point
They're being taught that stuff in public elementary schools.
These groups prove that we should put more money into mental health
Make padded rooms great again.
Nice one! That made me chuckle.
I think they are for these people. I'd say open up them damn insane asylums.
@@zebarz I mean they have tampons in men's restrooms already. (I don't remember a tampon vote in my local area). Might as well ensure they have pads for the larger ladies...or LAD-ies
Make Asylums Great Again. Now you don't even have to change the hats.
You mean a insane aslyum
Now you know and understand why Trump got the popular vote.
in the past we used to have a name for these out there people, HIPPIES, but they are now disguised as morons
He won with about a quarter of the eligible voters - the ignorant and uneducated. The people who didn't care if he was a rapist, a cheater with porn stars, a liar about the election, a traitor, a robber of a children's cancer charity, and a draft dodger.
yes i do xD how did people go so crazy xD xD
Thank God they are in the minority.
@@Jackthetravellerwe turned a blind eye and normalized degeneracy.
Like Mark Twain said,
"Don't argue with an idiot, they'll just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience".
Well said
Smart words for a teen building rafts. Life back then was harsh, but in a way so much simpler.
Well I wonder wonder...
Proving a point has always been a goal. Learning that quotes reality meaning took me years.(You can lead a hoarse to water...)
Same here.
I've suffered "foot in mouth disease" on several occasions.
How did so many people get so CRAZY
Um let's see took out Jesus and God in schools. Teach no accountability. Give everyone a participation award. Tell them they are all special. But oppressed by the white man. Then add a dash of misinformation in the media. Control the narrative and all the music and celebs and role models and make sure they all push the agenda. And in ten years boom. You got a collapse from the inside. That's the short version
Leftist media & college indoctrination/brainwashing + the obsession with being a victim & desperate for attention & virtue signaling & zero self-accountability on top of all that victim complex.. add some self-hate & the ppl that are so weak that they do whatever they see is trending & go along with all the loudest trends just to fit in etc etc.. thats how we got such a wave of woke dumb weirdos flooding the west.. finally common sense has prevailed & the grown-ups has had enough & put down the foot & say NO MORE to all that nonsense!🙏💯😇
Too much comfort.
Living in echo chambers being exposed to radical BS without first holding a world view in the subject. Which falls in with a lack of education. Could also be a diet thing. There is loads of stuff in American food and drinks that loads of other countries prohibit.
its the end times
Cant define a women.
But supposedly wanted one in office...
Rofl 😂😂. Good one.
They were betting on ole horsefacce to win.
Some defined a women as being a woman. You can’t use the word you’re defining as its definition. But they do anyway 😅
@@thegroovemachine5003 Kamala is a lot of silly and dumb things, but acting like she isn't attractive belies the reality of how she got here in the fist place. Ask Willie Brown what he thinks of her face, or at least the bottom half.
@@Tijuanabillyeah, he gave her white face (if you know what I mean)
This is what they're afraid of,
Getting a job and a life like normal people.
Ah yes because clearly people can afford to be unemployed in todays age
sounds like you’re referring to Jan 6ers I suppose
And the "being normal" part? @@Jakejackson1980
The fbi & antifa were being paid.@@wayjoh1955
@@wayjoh1955What is a woman?
This last four years has definitely made me question the mental health of humanity.
Question the mental health of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 🤪
I believe the media fuelled the stupidy of the last few years and then people began to realise that, something was not right and using soical media, they found out the truth and the legacy media has been lying and seeing things falling apart and despite a warning, they contuined to double down on stupidy, so come time for the next choice of leader of the free world, people picked the person they believed could do the job properly and not vote for someone who hasn't earned their place or respect of the people!
If you ask around, there were a lot of us who didn't co-sign their BS at all for four years.
@@robertslugg8361 And, if the last election is an indicator, it is the MAJORITY of us who didn't sign into the BS.
You guys are the best❤😂 More people need to watch your News RITA PANAHI LOVE YOU BOTH❤ THIS IS AWESOME!👍❤
Lefties have the right to be offended. The silent majority have the right to not give a fk!
Well said
The first girl just said a woman can have a 🐓
Let's go trump.
Even when the silent majority isn't the demographic to cut off or replace private parts just to fit in, _instead of adapting..._
They just hiding and planning. Don't get swayed by the swamp and they're propaganda designed to steal your power and take control.
Most people don't care how you live your life.They just want you to keep it Your life Stay out of ours
Great comment.
Billy Joel said the same thing in the early 80's and he is actually gay. "Go ahead with your own life. Leave me alone."
Yes: if you are an illegal alien stay out of our country; keep your t r a n s ideology away from our kids.
@@egrintarg230 Joel is married to a woman!
Billy Joel isn’t gay and that’s not what My Life is about.
but keep stirring the pot
We just saw the end of Obama's third term and avoided his fourth.
FINALLY someone else who thinks and speaks like me!!
Amen and Thank God !!!
No it’s his fourth term 😂😂😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Definite Truth
Thanks SKY
Yeah!!! And they are one!!😂😂😂
THey didnt see one in the mirror before leaving the house, guess youre right
That lemon thing , what a sour puss.
These snowflakes are having meltdowns for something that never existed from the start. They have a complete disconnect from reality.
It’s “The sky is falling” Syndrome.
mental asylums must be re-opened
Spoiled and narcissistic
The ones who think that old Heritage Handmaid's 2025 is what's about to happen. How can they be so misinformed? lol
And yet if I point out that Dutton hosted a mass murdering Indonesian war criminal in Brisbane, my comment is deleted. Not that committed to free speech.
These people need help. I'm being deadly serious.
They need to get outside off the computer and go get themselves a jobbie job.
Live in the real world, they dont
They need Jesus....we all do
Watch out with that pointed finger 👉
The victim mentally is strong on these people.
Remember...they dressed themselves in these ridiculous costumes.
Another excuse to Cosplay in public . Notice she wasn't brave enough to show her face ?
So they're easier to identify and avoid.
Woman dressed as maids this is why I love trump
@@Duncan_1971 Exactly i say let them dress the way they already do so we can continue to know who to avoid.
Isn’t it odd that the ‘community’ who claim to be different all manage to act, sound and look the same!?😂
They also want equality, except when you're part of a certain group
They're also the side of peace, love and inclusion unless you don't agree with them then they're the side of hate and chaos 😂
😂😂😂 yep
They all "nonconform" exactly the same way.
I have noticed all the teenagers are the same. Same facial expressions, same body movements, same way of dressing and acting in public, no personality. I don’t blame social media, it’s all media.
What stinking rights have they lost? I just don’t get it… they have the same rights as anyone else. Just NOT more rights.
YES! They really need to get a real education! I think we shouldn't give them any more attention.
The minority voices who demand special rights are nothing more than a single digit IQ human being.
Easier for a person of color to get a job a high paying job.Then a white person because of affirmative action
There rising the right of everyone telling them there better then every day Americans there losing the rights to be racist there losing the rights to have an open border they are losing rights to have abortions for fun is actually pathetic how much they were allowed to be on top and screw over Americans just trying to get by
They're butthurt because they are no longer "special"
I love this news anchor 🤣🤣
American woman here… This lunacy has been terrifying & devastating to our country. Thank God for the change initiated today! 🎉🇺🇸🙏🏻
Thank the American Patriots who voted Trump!
Never thank your imaginary friend for anything.
@@winkletown8828 Only the delusional left have "imaginary friends". God isn't imaginary - if he were nothing would exist. Don't kid yourself twinkle toes!
I think lunacy is ok as long as lunacy is not in charge 😂
@@winkletown8828As one of those patriots, I could care less if op prays to anyone. Why? Cause I got better things to do. 😉
@@winkletown8828is that something you worry about? Really? Must be nice to be so sheltered.. 😂
less than 10 hours until the rebirth of the great Republic
Wow sounds like something straight from
The Star Wars prequel 😆🤣🤷♂️
Waiting and praying for the best, love from Canada…🇨🇦❤️🇺🇸
Finally!! I can't wait for the results to show after he gets started. (energy prices, inflation, etc.) I know it takes time and hopefully it won't be too long before we see how it turns out.
We are almost there
My parents always said "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."
Daddy Trump did exactly that 🤣😂
Legendary line hu
my parents ( mom ) said that sometimes ha. mostly joking :)
My children were told the same. On the whole they have grown up normal male and female people. Not a woke one amongst four. These parents are responsible for the mental health of their children.
My parents did the same.
I only feel bad for the animals in the woods that had to listen to those clowns 😂
Woman: Adult female human. Period.
And possessing two X-chromosomes. Womanhood is down to the very chromosomes in every single cell.
And they claim to be "MuH pArTy Of ScIeNcE!!" and to "tRuSt ThUh sCiEnCe!!" .
Omg. They must be rolling in their graves right now.....
I remember when life was soooooooo straight forward
@@theend9494 you mean b4 we let women have power
What is a female?
The poor animals in the forest listening to those insane women. I'm an Aussie and we also have those crazy women over here. I had a customer comparing Trump to Hitler, I nearly lost it. I was so angry at her. I kept asking her how many people Trump had killed & she said none yet he's not in power but just wait. I said" Madam do you forget he was president for 4 years already? How many people did he kill then?" And she said "But this time around he has more power and he's so much worse than Hitler" I was so happy she walked out because I couldn't deal with her ignorance.
She sounds like an ignorant moron. She needs to pick up a history book and get a reality check
they are victims of brainwashing and dangerous to more than just themselves
You did the right thing by asking those questions and making a solid, irrefutable point; allowing that woman to prove that she’s a moron. Good for you, young lady!
Another good question is: what is your definition of fascism? Always stumps them😅
The World War II story you hear is a lie. The people who control our nations now controlled our nations of The West then. They also controlled Communist Russia. They hate against Germans and a boycott against Germany after the Great Depression, causing 1/3 of German to be starving to death. Young women, even teenagers., had to hook themselves for half a sandwich. They owned 60% of the land in Germany. Germany was going up against the communist in his nation.
Sabotaged him into office with false flags, just like Trump.
Why did it take all controlled America, controlled Great Britain, controlled all Europe, and controlled communist Russia (our enemies, but not the enemies of those who controlled us) to defeat little Germany, the size of the state of Wisconsin?. Did you know that they burned 50,000 Germans Civilians Alive in "Operation Gomorrah (Sodom, and Gomorrah), name to mock this wicked act. Did real American leaders, loyal to America, and The Allied West, our people, devise, such an operation and name it this?
Bloody Sunday was the communist torture and slaughter of 60,000 Germans at the Danzig line, bordering Poland, German land. There are historical articles in new newspapers and governments in Europe documenting this. It is indisputable fact.. Hitler was being provoked into war for years. He flew planes over England., dropping hundreds of thousands of flyers urging for peace. There is video footage in New York, calling for the world boycott on Germans - no food or supplies of any kind shipped. you’ve heard about the German Frank, and wheelbarrow full of money. Their government was forced into, collapsing their economy to survive.
Germany was National Socialism, having nothing to do with the socialism of communism or fascism - quite the opposite. National socialism required to work and volunteer to rebuild their failing and nation. They had band those who control out of government, media, the arts, big Pharma, and physicians. Remember, this was before immigration. if a company profited past a certain amount, they were required to pay 20% more in taxes. Anyone could start a business. Monopolies and corpse manipulating were not allowed. It was not fascism.
Germany had an exercise program, nationally, the youth would exercise. Men and women were treated with dignity., learn how to love their history and their people, always encourage to help out someone more fortunate, needing help, but not a handout - a hand up. Germany rebuilt their entire nation to formidable force within an Army peoples are still enthralled with today. Hitler almost won against communist Russia., if it hadn’t have been for a big snowstorm and being outnumbered, including by Americans, and Allied Europe only joining in towards the end.
The topic is banned on social media, but you can find revisionist information where experts from every field prove the story were taught and constantly repeated is absolutely false, impossible And those experts, everyone of them, were blacklisted from working again, maimed and/or their life ended. Every one. Truth fears nothing. Evil fears truth. That’s why we can’t speak about our history. Or defend ourselves. It hasn’t fared well for our nations , has it?
Eugenics was started in America, before WW2, and not by our own people - this is on record. In Germany., they were being convinced of some of the ideas This was how to handle horribly deforming mental and physical disabilities. It was Germany that started child labor laws and law for humane treatment of animals.
Why don’t we hear about communism left and right,, as the REAL threat in our Western Nations? And they can talk about the spread of fascism, but isn’t it fascism just another face of communism, which is dominant in all our western nations? And it’s the enemy who controls our nation that owns all those big corpse and they rule us.
"A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman"... right, and that is WHAT?
Not all women like it up the ass!!!!!! Women have babies and can lactate can u????? go to see a mental professional!!!!!! you need it!!!!!
If you identify as a pepperoni pizza, are you willing to be consumed to provide sustenance for those who identify as a human male or female?
Your mommy !
Idk I'm confused I'm not sure women should even have voting rights if this is the outcome 🤔. Sadly they're protesting for women's rights, but voting against them. They're voting to have to compete with fake females. Obviously the fake females check more DEI boxes. The also have a clear advantage in anything physical. They shouldn't be in a females bathroom or prison. It shouldn't even be talked about in school. Sexual education is education about reproduction, not sexuality. They like kids. Why else would MAPs be considered a LGBTQ group. Why else would they have drag queen story time etc. sick individuals the entire progressive side, either sick, brainwashed, or corrupt with sin.
I feel sorry for the forest!!
These people are so ignorant. As a nurse, I’m thrilled for an intelligent patriot being president.
Trump is mildly intelligent when it comes to business. But in some aspects. Not so much and I'm a Trump supporter.
@ I’ll stick to my source. The smartest man alive calls Trump smart. Said he’s as intelligent as a Harvard professor and a good businessman.
@@nissan300zttTrump has been right about everything. 🤷♀️
@TwaunaPower-qc8ei so far
@@nissan300ztt Trump really is an enigma. His pattern of speech doesn't sound smart, but he has all the smart ideas. Meanwhile people like President Obama speak like an English poet, but everything they say is a bad idea.
These past 4 years have been the most embarrassing for our country ever.... And yet so many supported it. Inconceivable mass idiocracy.
Gub likes their people good n dumb, they are the perfect sheeps.
Kick arse, Trump! Just get Elon the hell outta there he is NOT for the people, only himself and the almighty buck.
I'm not sure WHO has been making our decisions the last four years but ONE thing is sure Joey was making NONE of them! 😢
Well said. Keep speaking out against the madness.
God, please have mercy on us. These people are scary
Amen!! He Can come get me anytime he wants, Im done. Take my pet with I hope
1) Don't be scared. 2) Let them see that you're not scred.
Hell naw! They are not scary, they are pathetic, brother you are strong, you have the majority on your side, you accept yourself, they can't live with what they are
Maybe to cowards😂 how you gonna be scared of cringe?
Washington state is one of the worst state governments and you can see what the residents are like.
As a 64 yr old this last 4 years have been the hardest and worst of my entire life if you multiplied 63 years together
I'm nearly 60 and I feel like we are living in the Twilight Zone 😢
I’m 64 live in uk and I am still trying to get my head round all this WOKE BS
This 66 year old aggress 100%
Ok I’m only 56 but since 2020 the world got turned on it’s head , even way down here in NZ
Agree. The only people who don't think so are brain dead boomers living off of fat pensions or the very rich.
That guy who claimed that border is just an artificial line, try to go to Mexico illegally.
Or maybe try crossing from North Korea into South Korea.....
@@Luum81 Or maybe just go to North Korea and stay there
@@Duncan_1971 if borders are just arbitrary lines then they should all stop putting doors on their homes.
I'm still waiting for my neighbor to mow my yard.
we should all go to mexico,then turn back and seek asylum.Especially the homeless.Nice credit cards and phones.Food stamps.HOUSING...we pay for it,let's get
Today is the day! America is back baby!!!!!
🙏 ❤
Careful. Brandon still has 4 hours and 48 minutes left in office. No telling what else he'll destroy in that time span.
@@onetiredmamabear9712 lol
This segment will never run out of content.
One of the best segments on YT....I miss the other lady...
Bill Gates REALLY doesn’t want that list coming out
Bill gates got where he is by having something he can sell and knowing which way the wind blows.
How can you identify as something if you don't know what that is.
The irony of it! I can't imagine the dark hole they pulled the bs from
I don't know how a cat feels but for some reason I feel like a cat. 😂 Wtf, I hope I never hear that again.
@@ThaMainStage My cat would never bow so low as to identify as a human.😹😽
! ! ! ! ! O B E Y ! ! ! ! !"
I am also a registered nurse. Took an emergency room job instead of my usual ICU as I figured I’d try something different. Boy oh boy is it really eye opening. I would say 60-80% of my patients don’t speak a word of English, it adds sooo much time to everything I have to do because it all has to be translated. And half the translators are terrible. Then aside from the language issue. There’s the fact that these people come to the emergency room for literally everythinggggg. Stubbed toe? Headache? Stood up to quickly and got dizzy? Trip to the ER with the entire family. Then because they pay for NOTHING, they get everything. Have a headache or got dizzy standing up? Now they are stroke rule outs. They get CT scan, MRI, MRA, Echocardiogram with bubble study and a free room for 2 nights while the doctors debate what else they can order and charge the taxpayers for. They don’t pay for any of it and we have to treat them despite the insignificance of their initial complaint. Meanwhile I get an abcess from a tooth infection and think I’m going to get the same treatment ….. no sir. I have a job and not soo good insurance . So i need to deal with this over several outpatient appointments at different locations and get a huge bill for each of them even with insurance. And on the er paperwork it’s listed as “high level of care” even though I literally was sent home after a CT scan with mouthwash and ABX. The system is so messed up. And the strain on the medical system these illegals are responsible for that I am seeing first hand is tremendous.
💯 bingo! They have flooded the system, and those of us who work and pay in get the back of the line.
Since the influx of illegals and obamacare it's next to impossible to get timely appointments with my regular doctor. When I started experiencing excruciating knee pain because of cartilage loss due to arthritis I needed a referral to orthopedics. My regular doctor wasn't available for another 2+ months so I took another appointment with the first available doctor. Only 5 weeks wait. And she sucked. At least I was able to get pain medication and a referral out of her. So another 4 weeks to get into orthopedics. At least they were ready to give me injections in my knees. Didn't have to wait 6 months like I did for my sciatica. I'm hoping once the illegals are gone the overcrowding of the healthcare system will ease up.
Another thing that would help is to lower tuition on medical school. We need more doctors and health professionals but it's just too dang expensive for the average person to afford, even with scholarships. And who wants to start off their career over $500,000 in debt? It's crazy.
Wow. I never consider this ramification. The last administration has done almost irreparable damage to our country. Prayers for President Trump. 🙏🙏🙏
Totally with you. This is so ridiculous
Send them back home where they can speak and understand their language and😅 will be happy.
President Trump making America fun again.
Last time I checked, in the US, if you’re mentally unfit, you CAN’T make medical or legal decisions for yourself. Does that mean every pardon he issued can’t be legally enforced????
You have to be determined to be unfit by a court ruling. It's not just the public's subjective view. (Unfortunately)
My thoughts also
@@Tijuanabill he may have HIPPA protecting his medical records, but he was still slightly declared unfit when kamalama ding dong took his place….how is that NOT the same….if he was unfit to carry on presidency and vice president had to take over I’m not sure there is any difference there
And they've been carrying his water for years. Who's going to vouch for anything either way, especially when they would, themselves, be guilty of fraud@@Tijuanabill
@ I don't really know what you mean, TBH. It's not fraud to say you think an old guy still has it. It's just an opinion.
I'm a born and bred Texan and I can't tell you how refreshing it is to have foreign country's news station to be so fabulously AWAKE when it comes to American issues 👍❤️💯 Thank you Sky News 👏👏👏🇺🇸💯
It’s only Australias sky news the Uk one is woke as f**k
Yes always listening from New Zealand
As a Texan if i see you in the street your getting your face flattened Nazi
@@Jon69123 Yeah I'm from the UK and don't understand how the UK one is so shit and the Aus one is perfect. Why are they so different? I only watch Aus Sky News now haha.
@ because our country full of leftie mean stream media unfortunately
I absolutely love you Sky News WOMEN.
They have no idea half the women in this country don’t agree with them.
Hopefully more than half when they get their sanity back.
It's more than half that don't agree with them. These people are in a small percentage of the country. These people are insufferable victims.
I am a woman and I don't support abortion it is murder.
I think its more than half.
Id bet its way more than half! No mans gonna come near the ones at the beginning anyways
If it's so important, build a 3rd bathroom & create trans-only Teams.
Notice there are ZERO trans men competing against men. 🤔
I've heard about one and she got her ass whooped in the boxing ring
That third bathroom is in their house.
@@Sarah-fj6kk umm, no. Didn't it win gold
Cuz they'd fucking lose, lmao
There was a trans high school boy (female to male on testosterone) who competed in a track race and wiped the floor with the girls. Some LGBT people claim that this incident and the news coverage on it is what started the trans sports debate, at least for high school girls. The other commenter is right that trans men are a non-issue because they are weaker than biological men so they should not be in men’s sports either. Just no one talks about it. Then there’s a trans man that competed in college swimming who has an Instagram page for trans activism and promotes trans women women’s sports as being scientific.
These people should stop taking drugs
Yeah they definitely need to lay off the shrooms🤦
I present to you a statement from a woke person: "drugs are NOT chemicals! NEVER was, NEVER will!"
I rest my case....
I say give em free Chinese fent and speed this process up😂
They need to smoke some pot and chill.
Ask them and they will claim anxieteeez, ptsd trauma they cant work or anything honest!! Add drugs & we get useless people
Top tier reporting and top tier content here.
That white dude throwing a temper tantrum over his "privilege"... can Sky News Australia please track down his father? I'd love to hear what he has to say about Junior and his behavior and attire in public.
He doesn’t have a father, which is the reason he turned out crazy.
Nailed it. He probably doesn’t know who his father is.
Ran ran away soon as he was born.
His mother left before he was born 🥲😂🤣🤪
His Dad was a vet, he was always trying to put him down!
His mother was a hamster, and his father smelled of elderberries.
And this is why Trump will be 47 in a few hours.😊😊😊😊
Thought he was 79?
Trump gonna be in the White House this is about trump being in the office
Yes 👍🏼
My sisters walking around like the worlds ending. I’m being supportive and loving and empathetic as I can even tho it’s tough with all the lies she spouts like it’s absolute truth, but we won’t do anything rubbing in the win we get a lot more with love.
@@BasedOpinionsPodcast She's your sister so it makes more sense to be patient with her...try that with one of these loonies on this video 😂
Good luck to you and your sis btw
The poor animals in the woods having to listen to those crazy people!
Those women screaming in the woods is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen! And yes the poor animals! 😭😅
It looks like a paved path in a park. The poor people in the park hearing that din.
I would say that these crazy women are in their natural habitat… but that would be an insult to Bambi and friends 😂😂😭😭
No one cares about Joy Bahar, read a book.
Did you see Bigfoot in the background running for his life
Thank God above…. We have our Trumpy back.❤
We are so done with these people. God please put your hands on this nation again.
More than trump put his hand on the bible presumably
We need more mental health care in this country.
The book to fix all of it was written thousands of years ago
Unfortunately, the government wants to profit off of any people who are sick in any aspect and just pill up all the crazy and so-called "crazy" people! It is a broken system that doesn't work!
why is it always the nose ring cartel
Careful you left out the colored hair people too. That’s not inclusive and will get you cancelled 😂
It's so funny because I have a nose ring and colored hair but I'm sane. I don't understand these people
@@jobabathabba RFK Jr. needs to ban blue hair dye too . . . it clearly causes obesity.
@@mikeguilmette776 agreed! and he needs to also ban orange-colored tanning aerosols as well.
you guys go from saying you dont care how people live their lives to making such juvenile comments
They're scaring all of the animals and plants in the woods.
IT HURTS to see and hear the level of ignorance of these young Americans....
It's more scary than hurtful these fools are the future 🤦
Sadly, some of them didn't look that young. Woke people are all ages. I don't know if that makes it scarier or not. But hopefully now, some common sense will start emerging back into society, on a larger scale.
insanity has permeated the masses
As a 23 year old young male i can say the past 4 years have been absolute hell hopefully now america will be affordable again and safe and so far day 1 went amazing
The whole plan was to destabilize the country (did people go along with it?) to make way for the neocons and their technocracy. No one ever learns, same as ever.
I mean the social BS of the left will pipe down a bit but if you think things will become more affordable I’d urge you too look at inflation and market prices on a graph.. they never go down. It never gets cheaper. Maybe for short blips like the 08 bubble pop but in the long run things only ever get more expensive and money only ever becomes worth less.
Get ready and seize the opportunities. If you do the sky is the limit for a young man like you.
I feel for you bro I'm 32 and when I was 25 I felt the door of opportunity closing right on my ass and I was barely able to kind of get in. Wishing you luck.
It will not be affordable again. No matter what Trump does, we have relied on foreign workforces to make our products for too long. Our infrastructure, manufacturing, and raw material based have decayed and fallen into disrepair. Our talent pool has shrivelled.
All of the prices we are used to only exist because we import, if we hired Americans to fill all these roles, everything would be more expensive. And since our education and tradecraft have declined in quality, so too would any goods we made.
Our lifestyle is basically dependent on a foreign slave labor force. It could be fixed, but it would require a great deal of suffering on the part of the American people.
LOL. Awesome episode!
About that SNL skit, their “Rachel Maddow (Medvedof)” is WAY too cute to portray that MSNBC lunatic freak.
Do you remember before the internet that it was thought that the cause of collective stupidity was the lack of access to information
Well it wasn't that
I always thought before I was a teen that lack of information access perpetuates ignorance and lack of challenge on current knowledge lead to weak critical thinking skills. This was before the 2010s.
Who would have thought some people would start rejecting actual informations and invent their own "reality" to share online with other degenerates...
Stupid is as stupid does. There have always been libraries
@Hogcity24 but you must know how to read
🤣 The internet made it worse.
Resistance to reality.
Yup, that's about it.
This is how people who never struggled never had a problem always had everything handed to him behave
I feel so sorry for these people. They were raised without a father and also without THE Father. So pathetic. I've been embarrassed to be an American these last 4 years. Today we get our country back, and a real leader.
They were raised by the racist, facist government school system. That was the plan.
I don't know my dad and I turned out fine. Not everyone with no dad fall so low.
Not everyone without a father is a lost cause fuck outta here with that nonsense
I’ve been embarrassed for true Americans, including myself, for a lot longer than four years. They are traitors in their character and loyalty to America and The American People, destroyers. Shame on them.
How many millions of people are in our nation who have already had amnesty given, or given welfare, grants, special privileges above the people who built this country and came here legally, and offspring that are doing the same? They are voting us out, that whites are being disenfranchised, and hate America.
They want to take over., and they have the support of the people who control our nation to destroy us? The fools don’t know., if they get their way , the best they can hope for is to be spared from slaughter, enslaved, starved, and likely get their sheriff beatings with no right to protest and no one to hate except the destroyers whom they supported to hate and destroy us.
don't feel sorry for them... they won't accept that...and might sue you for that....
Why is AOC so worried about fascism? Isn't the world ending soon according to her? 😂
Her's is most likely, only a matter of time before NYS is red. I believe her district was the most red in the state. Nearly flipped NYS.
If AOC says its sunny bring a brolly for the rain...
even more funny, I don't see anything on their website about any of this, just some stuff about making monitors for 50 years, and ranking number one monitor brand for gamers gibberish, lol.
oh, that AG273QXP/11 looks interesting for 3D art stuff, I may look into that one later on. Thanks for nudging me to look at their website.
Yep.No worries. Her world might be ending.Not the one I'm in.I go when I go.I'm not calling the shots.
its well known that AOC stands for all out chaos
These people can’t ‘grasp’ anything
The women can grasp their cocks
I'm a Midwestern USA Democrat, I'm glad Trump won, hopefully he does good.
They’re not well people.
I agree. It's so sad.
What the hell is that lot on?
@@series2J 😂
Village People have just made a monumental COMEBACK ....
They were great.... check out the song go west... that one is a toe tapper
If they didn't ... They have now!
Honestly the people that say Trump is racist he literally had the f****** village people up there people are just insane and it just proves how can this man be racist he had the f****** village people for his opening song it was a total f*** you to all the people calling him racist that's for sure
I think it's hilarious it was supposedly an LGBT anthem and then the guy that literally wrote the song said no it's not. I was really talking about the YMCA and I want Trump to use the song lmao
PLEASE STOP giving don lemon ANY airtime. He is IRRELEVANT.
Yeah, I mean, I haven’t seen anyone actually give a shit about him in like..3 years, not even from Democrats.
Yes, I wish they would just ignore this poor sap .
@@katylepetsos7512 I had actually forgotten about him until the Rings of Power memes.
I think it's kind of amusing to see him embarrass himself.
What a delusional dit!
If the president's executive orders can be blocked then why the hell issue these orders?
Bearing false witness is a sport for these people. Best stay away from them.
Great thing about being a conservative Trump supporter is that I can give two F’s about anything these people say
Thank you Australia!
Thank you for voting a real leader into office 🇦🇺
@Bethanyfreespeech I almost wasn't able to vote but I did after some hassle. When I went in, the self-hating liberal saw my red nails, phone & outfit then questioned my signature as if I were an illegal. What an outrage!!! I also worked for the post office during last election. Something was definitely off is all I'll say about that. Time for the right track. God bless!
You know for a group who claim to abhor labels they seem oddly determined to all look the same.
Those people can own guns. That's the only alarming thing here.
But they will never be any good at using them.
Two shooting attempts, possibly three on Trump within the past year. Zero attempts on Biden or Harris. You might be onto something.
We own more and actually train with them😂
Im pretty sure they want all those taken away from everyone.
Yes but they go in the woods to cry while the other side go there to do military training.
My fifth grade teacher taught me you can't use a word in its definition.
Today that teacher would be cancelled.....
I’ma make up a word and explain what it is like these lefties do. “What is a scornia?”. Answer = “A scornia is soneone who identifies as a scornia” It doesn’t make any sense at all and I still have no idea wtf a scornia is.
I learned that in 1st grade.
@@f15stroke can I quote you?...because this comment--it is what it is at its finest? My least favorite word as a teacher: it. Get a clue! Good looking out, sir OR madam. Not sir AND madam
The view should be banned from tv or recording
So open minded their brains fell out!!!
There's a good one!!! I'm going to remember this one!
Not really, they only use their minds to stop their heads from whistling on a windy day
@@hedajay9158 that's good by ur standards? no wonder trump won
We love this channel here in the United States. We love you.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Its owned by a U.S company based in Ny. Of course youd love it. It has that american spirit in it
Don lemon is full of sht
He's full of alot of things
Crowd size? The only reason Obummer had such a large crowd size was because most of the people there didn’t have a real job.
Don Lemon is irrelevant and it is killing him