Bishop Barron on Religious Liberty

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Another part of a video series from Bishop Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit www.wordonfire....


  • @einnaecarg
    @einnaecarg 12 років тому +2

    Thank you Father. We missed your commentaries. You made us wait for too long. :) We thirst for Truths and wisdom. Please don't stop your ministry. May God bless you always.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +6

    1) Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot all took religion as a principle enemy. 2) You don't think that the recent HHS mandate doesn't constitute a threat to religious liberty? Catholic institutions being compelled by the government to do things against Catholic teaching? 3) Tell Edmund Campion, Peter Snow, and the thousands of other priests murdered by Elizabeth I for the high crime of saying mass that their religious freedom wasn't being threatened!

    • @yf777a
      @yf777a 6 років тому +1

      The actual and real threats to Catholic institutions are a symptom of right of conscience, religious expression, and free speech in the public sphere being suppressed and oppressed with increasing tenacity over the course of decades. We can deduce what the Founding Fathers meant by The Laws of Nature and Nature's God. They never meant public institutions to suppress Christian expression and increased difficulty in protecting one's children in public institutions.
      Just because various levels of stewardship suddenly look at what happened with subterfuge; but now is fostered, encouraged be elitists with mendacity using the social conscience issues of which one by one over decades they flipped in unprincipled fashion with weak justifications on so many moral issues, starting with the 'Right to Life,' to be conformed to 'one mind,' on almost any loss of freedom of the Judaeo Christian ethic contained in the 'Natural Law,; --- it doesn't mean a gradualism approach. The needs to be done from the top and at the grassroots level with constancy. As John Paul ii and others taught, with complacency of loss of these freedoms, everything else falls by the wayside. The only accepted religion, with increasing hatred of the Judaeo Christian ethic - known full well by powerful influential people what they were fostering; some with a crafty playing at heartstrings anathema Gospel; --- the only widely accepted 'religion' is moral relativism utopianism. And so many great and small do not realize the extent of this, that this 'form of godliness,' political empire - is the very theocracy foretold in The Holy Bible. If the real imminent danger of this year by year, becoming more powerful in the legislature and judicial reaches of the government --- are not more adamantly countered then The Lord Jesus Christ will require even more courage to stand up against it. And we will look back and say, 'we could have been much more creatively assertive; we gave into the revisionist ideas of the nation shall not form a religion.' And so many have warned us.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Thank you and Good for you! The Lord loves a humble heart. May the real presence of the peace of Christ continue to be with you.

  • @Bouncybon
    @Bouncybon 12 років тому +2

    Father, you visited all the right places on your trip! I wanted to hear your talk at Heythrop College, London (friends of mine told me it was happening.) But I couldn't make it in the time available to me. A week later I attended a talk by Lord Alton, one of our most courageous Catholic laymen. He gave the annual Tyburn Lecture at Tyburn Convent, a short walk from the spot where many of the English martyrs were hung, drawn and quartered. You're right, the history is never far from our minds.

  • @ryanautrey2269
    @ryanautrey2269 3 роки тому +8

    Pope Leo XIII taught something quite contrary in Libertas Præstantissimum.

    • @juice2307
      @juice2307 2 роки тому +2

      Yep, error has no rights.

  • @einnaecarg
    @einnaecarg 12 років тому

    I couldn't agree with you more. May God bless you and all of our priests.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +2


    • @slimdusty6328
      @slimdusty6328 2 роки тому

      I've posted a couple of questions above . Hoping you'll find time to answer

  • @deathdrill72
    @deathdrill72 12 років тому

    Thanks again Fr. Barron. I look at your commentaries for inspiriation.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +2

    Catholics are being denied the freedom to operate their institutions according to Catholic moral principles. They are being victimized by an aggressively secularist state.

    • @34arcmrc41
      @34arcmrc41 6 років тому

      Bishop Robert Barron m

  • @Neelloc1973
    @Neelloc1973 12 років тому +1

    Very well put. This priest is a great speaker. Thanks for posting.

    • @slimdusty6328
      @slimdusty6328 2 роки тому

      i hope the Bishop has time to answer my questions above. He's a great speaker no doubt. But, so were the people who'd sort to have Jesus crucified

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere 7 місяців тому

      @@slimdusty6328 Sabbath is no longer for us to keep, otherwise we would ruin the 6th commandments, which says: DO NOT KILL!
      Matthew 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
      it is the sabbath or the 6th commandment. Cant have both.
      Souls, know and understand the bible as we all should:
      2 Timothy 2:15
      Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
      The 2 most important commandments for us to keep TODAY are:
      Matthew 22:37
      Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
      Matthew 22:39
      “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

  • @spaceslav8954
    @spaceslav8954 4 роки тому +4

    I don't know. I think that if we really believe Catholicism is right, we should try to make our religion central in our counties. Obviously not by war, but if we could democratically do it, we probably should...

    • @juice2307
      @juice2307 2 роки тому

      Stating that a state religion ought not be Catholicism has an anathama attached to it. It is very clear that in the Catholic faith, the only religion with liberty is to be the Catholic faith.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому

    No Catholic money paying for abortifacients and birth control and sterilization?! You bet there will be, under the Sibelius plan. And gay people living their lives?! Last time I checked the Vatican police is not exactly preventing gay people from doing whatever they want.

    • @naturalismalways3660
      @naturalismalways3660 7 років тому

      Oh, Robert. Clearly the Roman church has to reserve its funds to defend itself in court because of the horrendous crime of enabling child rape. And, Robert, living one's life includes marrying whom one chooses, does it not?

  • @chiayangkao
    @chiayangkao 12 років тому +1

    Thanks for the explanation.

  • @retsea1
    @retsea1 12 років тому

    Wow! I think we were in agreement the entire time? Well, God bless.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +2

    1) You need to get a much clearer sense of how these figures viewed religion as their prime opponent. Take a look at Marx, who said that the critique of religion is the first critique. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot followed him faithfully 2) The free exercise of religion is guaranteed by the first amendment and the right of Catholic hospitals to operate according to their moral principles was respected by every American president until Obama. 3) Campion did nothing to interfere with Protestantism.

  • @Bouncybon
    @Bouncybon 12 років тому +1

    He is a Catholic priest in Chicago and a seminary lecturer, teaching the next generation of priests and guiding their academic studies. He is the instigator of a series of DVDs called 'Catholicism'. I believe it presents the world heritage of the Catholic Church in terms of art, architecture, literature and spirituality. He is not alone in finding that the modern media has no interest in such matters. So his team sets out to present it in a professional way independently of the media. Not easy!

  • @pants82593
    @pants82593 12 років тому

    Brilliant as always.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +1

    I said as much. What do you think I'm misrepresenting?

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +1

    1) Well no, it wasn't the Catholic Church primarily, but it was religion. Take a look at the persecution of Buddhists, especially in Tibet for the details. 2) How in the world is it not addressing the issue?! The secularist government is commanding Catholic institutions to provide for services that are repugnant to Catholic morality. That's an attack on the free exercise of religion. 3) No, I'm saying that Campion wasn't attacking anyone's religious liberty.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +1

    Look in the Theses on Feuerbach, where Marx says that all revolutionaries have first to be baptized in the Feuer-bach (the brook of fire) before they do their practical work. This baptism, of course, means a total immersion in atheism. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot carried this out with brutality backed by technology, but the inspiration is Marx.

  • @jadetiger88888
    @jadetiger88888 12 років тому

    thanks for explaining this clearly. people are so dense they dont understand or refuse to understand

  • @shronemor
    @shronemor 12 років тому

    Hi Father, just heard you were named the rector and president of the University of St. Mary of the Lake and Mundelein Seminary. My heartiest congratulations to you. God Bless

  • @ofcourse7357
    @ofcourse7357 6 років тому

    Perfectly said.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    [2] parents for survival. Thus we can choose for ourselves. Some would consider the inability to choose for ourselves a fate worse then death. Thats what God offers, he recognizes that you are an adult, and lets you choose for yourself. Also I meant questions in the begining not translations. Anyways, its the ability to choose that is one of the things that seperates us from the animals that were created. Creatures that can not change what they are.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +1

    The major problem is that many Catholic institutions are self-insured.

  • @BishopBarron
    @BishopBarron  12 років тому +1

    You're right: you don't get it! Friend, this hasn't a thing to do with religion "imposing itself" on anyone, just the contrary. The Catholic Church objects to the government compelling Catholic institutions to act against Catholic beliefs. The imposing is coming, not from religion, but from the secular government.

    • @naturalismalways3660
      @naturalismalways3660 7 років тому

      I, personally, object, Robert, to the Roman church having tax exempt status merely because of its supernaturalism. With tax exempt status comes, automatically, the necessity of abiding by the law of the land. Sorry. You have a choice. Renounce tax exemption. Or abide by the law. Your choice.

    • @juice2307
      @juice2307 2 роки тому

      @Naturalism Always Every nation ought to be bound by Catholic law, with the Church not separate from the state.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Here's what I think and what I try to do. To support Father Barron and all our priests and The Church we lay people need to take positive action. As my priest said to me, "We need to stop apologizing for being Catholic". So what are we all to do. We are to make a greater effort at being Catholic and as Pope Benedict said, "we are to evangelize each other", especially fallen away Catholics. Many Catholics are afraid to come back to the church, fearing there sins are too great. Not True.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ… raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Eph 2:4-6). To be “in” Jesus Christ is already to be seated in heaven. The very core of Christianity is expressed in the heart of Jesus; in Christ the revolutionary “newness” of the Gospel is completely revealed and given to us: the Love that saves us and even now makes us live in the eternity of God.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    So lets follow the catechism more closely and give more time - that is give of ourselves to the church and help our priests. Giving an hour a day to the Church or to God is a lot for some but with practice it can be done. And make sure to keep Sunday as a holy day. No shopping, no TV. Go out with family or friends to the park or where ever and remember to offer that time of fun and rest to God for the Church. We don't have to be "in your face" about evangelicalism, a kind word can be enough.

  • @billybagbom
    @billybagbom 12 років тому +1

    Did I fail to mention that I think Father Barron is brilliant?

  • @GregJebailybaritone
    @GregJebailybaritone 7 років тому +2

    I was hoping this video would comment on the pluralism of religion that exists in the world today. Could you please do a video on the topic of the many current religions that exist today, and possibly some of the ancient polytheistic religions? How should these be taken in context of modern Catholicism, and in context of human history? How was it that there were fervently followed religions thousands of years before Christ, and what does that mean for Christians today? Do you think that in the future new religions could arise, and usurp current iterations of faith? Would Christianity then become just another "failed" religion? these are thoughts that cause me to be at odds with current religion, and I would really like to hear your take on this topic. I very much enjoy your videos. They give me much food for thought. Peace!

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Right for each act of resistance to any sin but especially sins against Chasity is for the Glory of God and the great grace of the tempted. "St. Basil tells us that, "chastity makes man similar to God Himself, who is pure in spirit." On this account Our Lord chose a virgin for His Mother, a virgin for His foster Father, St. Joseph, a virgin for His precursor, St. John the Baptist...How great, therefore, is the value of chastity! But how frightful the war that the flesh wages to rob us..."

  • @itslifeisall
    @itslifeisall 12 років тому

    Nicholas P. Cafardi, dean emeritus and professor of law at Duquesne University, a Catholic institution, said that President Obama gave the bishops exactly what they asked for. “The only serious issue left is self-insurance, but the Obama administration has said it wants to work with these organizations so they’re not required to violate their conscience. I’m sure they mean that in good faith.”

  • @djhalling
    @djhalling 12 років тому +1

    I was a little puzzled at first when Fr. Barron said that the 16th C was a 'living reality' in England. I suppose it is more striking to a visitor from America, especially when he is a priest who is shown lots of the relics from that period. I think for most of us living here it is something which is just in the background, like a lot of our history.

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    I was a christian for almost 5 years. I attended church every week, read the bible almost every night, prayed all the time, believed strongly, was baptised and tried to preach to my friends and family. Don't tell me that I know nothing about the subject. Don't accuse people of things when you don't know them.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    In response to the first point Luke 9:49-50. Actually what I said about mitsosis does, because even though we live for several decades it is within two decades that we are made into adults. and thats usually how it starts as well. Then its "I live to get even" then its "I get rid of those who are evil" then its "I live for the thrill" its all a steady decline that you won't notice until your already halfway down it

  • @BrendanBeckett
    @BrendanBeckett 12 років тому

    Not only moral and philosophical contradictions, but historical ones as well.

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    I wasn't raised into christianity, I was raised in a more neutral environment - my parents aren't religious but they didn't persuade me not to be, they just let me believe what I wanted to. It was in early teenage life that a pastor introduced me to christianity, and that's when I believed. So, for the years that I did read the bible, I was not doing as Dawkins did, I was reading and believing. This gives me a more objective point of view seeing as I have believed both sides.

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    I love the way you cover up your lack of arguments by telling me I'm stupid.

  • @briandelaney9710
    @briandelaney9710 Рік тому

    I wish you had included what the inscription says on the tomb of Elizabeth and Mary
    “Partners in throne and grave, here we sleep , Elizabeth and Mary in hope of the common Resurrection “

  • @thomaspelletier7790
    @thomaspelletier7790 10 років тому +7

    "only holy apostolic church".the secular mind has no idea what it takes on by attacking catholics and protestants at once.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    The Father said "There is plenty of blame to go around". John Paul II made a public act of contrition and asked the world and God for forgiveness all the Church's past sins. The Catholic Church is now waiting for the rest of the religions and nations and Ideologies to do the same. And you don't come clean by rolling in the mud, that includes you. So no we are not embarrassed, ashamed when appropriate, sorrowful to the heart! but when has sin ever not existed? No one is blameless except Christ!

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    Obviously I think a Christian would find religious liberty to be the most fundamental human right, since we believe that the most important thing is to put God first in our lives.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Then please do any little thing you can to show you parish and priest that you support them. This weekend I am attending a party, dinner dance for the 50 anniversary for one of our priests. They expected 300 but the party grew ti 500! It is $20. to attend, which is a lot for many of us. It will be such a celebration. Thank your priest after mass, no matter what you thought of the Homily, and even if you don't know him. Send them cards on the Holidays and a bottle of wine. They are there for us!

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    I was just explaining why I think the Roman Catholic Church is concerned about it, (whether they should be or not.) I think that some large groups, particularly in the UK, have been trying to legally force the churches to go along with it within their own ceremonies and to stop disagreeing with it in teachings. Whether or not that is what liberals here want to do, I think it is why the Roman Catholic Church is concerned.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Yes, by choosing not to believe you choose the same path they all have. You mistake it as being a matter of worship God or worship the Devil. It is not. The devil is the same in that he chooses not to follow. Matthew 7:7 in response to the not believing thing as well. Also I did not compare you to the Devil, I used him as an example to show that it is not a difference between Correct or Incorrect. This reminds me of an essay I had to write once, of how people percieve what suits their needs.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    At least we agree that it is an important right.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    The main difference I see, speaking legally, between Prop 8 and HHS mandate, is that the HHS mandate would force people to do something if they are an employer. Prop 8 doesn't seem to be forcing much of anything. That is just looking at it from a legal stand point.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    [2]Essentially, when we reach full growth we are supposed to stop aging, but we don't. Now, we can live up to 80 years, but after we get to the late 20s we are already at full maturity. so, in comparison that short amount of time is what defines us.
    Also, by not believing in justice you have given up on justice, and that is the first step on the abandonment of morality.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Father said some things in a review of the movie The Hunger Games that I didn't like. So far that's it for me.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    As I've said, this still might be the issue concerning the Church, whether or not it is a real issue. Just because such laws wouldn't attempt to restrict the Church doesn't mean the Church isn't afraid of such a possibility.

  • @SeedsofJoy
    @SeedsofJoy 12 років тому

    Come to Scotland next time you are in the UK.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому +1

    I mean I think they are concerned because I think SOME people actually want to try to legally force the Church to validate the marriages. I realize this may not be the main idea, but I think this is one of the reasons the Roman Catholic Church is concerned. I think they are afraid that if it is put into law they will be forced to accept it religiously. I think that is one of their concerns with it. I don't see why ANY marriage has to be instituted by man-made law.

  • @peepers60
    @peepers60 12 років тому +1

    If the Catholic Church had been actively involved in legal efforts to ban inter-racial marriage, would you tell us, "the Vatican police is not exactly preventing interracial couples from doing whatever they want." Simply taking away the right to marry is not taking away their liberty? You know what the Church's biggest problem is father, it acts like the victim when in fact it's the bully. It has no problem stripping away liberty from people because it cares only about it's own liberty.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    "As the Evangelist John writes: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (3:16). God’s heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves, to forsake our human certainties, to trust in him and, by following his example, to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love". Pope Benedict. You's voice do we follow. We know the voice of our Beloved and Master, it is not billcat2. Thank God!

  • @wierdpocket
    @wierdpocket 12 років тому +1

    I think it might be dangerous to levy "rights based" arguments in defense of The Faith. "Religious liberty" is itself a Lockean, secular idea - and when we try to secure our faith through a secular medium, we no longer can levy theological arguments for certain social paradigms with much integrity. What do you think?

  • @TommyGies
    @TommyGies 6 років тому +1

    Religious freedom and religious liberty are not the same thing.

  • @FromAcrossTheDesert
    @FromAcrossTheDesert 12 років тому

    Exactly! ;) That's all I was trying to say.

  • @brendos444
    @brendos444 10 років тому +2

    I'm torn the issue of religious liberty. Because in great measure, I believe, it is Protestantism that has led to secularism. These weighty theological arguments between Protestants and Catholics and between Protestants themselves did become violent and so people tried to move to a way of living without religious confrontation. Of course the Protestant marginalisation of the sacramental world view and disenchantment of the nature and creation was also key in the movement towards secularism. I think that rather than religious liberty, the ideal would be for all to have the correct religion. Of course this can't be imposed. But the common life and world view of much of Europe was dramatically jolted by the advent of Protestantism.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    [2] Now, about believing in God himself. First, do you believe in love, justice, peace, trust? Do you believe that no matter how dark and awful this world gets those things will in the end win out? If you believe in those things then you believe in God. It says in different parts of the Bible seperately; He is the God of justice, the God of love, the God of peace. and Justice opens up onto a whole nother thing.

  • @battle_on
    @battle_on 12 років тому

    Let's not forget that it was once a crime JUST to have a copy of Byrd's mass settings in latin, as well. English settings were legal, but latin was illegal since it was Catholic, as opposed to Anglican.

  • @BrendanBeckett
    @BrendanBeckett 12 років тому

    The problem today is that people interpret religious liberty as the liberty to have public resources devoted to their religion, for the state to endorse it, for the liberty to suppress the liberties of other religions or atheists. And the ironic thing is this all works against religion in the end.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    As I said pick verses that contradict, also scientific evidence that proves it wrong. The majority of verses that supposedly contradict do only appear this way because people do not read the context inbetween them. Such as reading something in the Old Testament then New Testament, more then likely their is context between those two that explains it. Now, about you seeking God. Theirs plenty more you could have done. Such as read the old Hebrew texts(after learning the language of course)

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Yeah, lol. Sorry, I just have trouble responding to so many comments, and I don't want to risk spamming this guys video either.

  • @John_Malloy
    @John_Malloy 12 років тому +1

    Pope Leo XIII, Libertas humana, 1888, Justice therefore forbids, and reason itself forbids, the State to be godless; or to adopt a line of action which would end in godlessness-namely, to treat the various religions (as they call them) alike, and to bestow upon them promiscuously equal rights and privileges. Since, then, the profession of one religion is necessary in the State, that religion must be professed which alone is true...because the marks of truth are, as it were, engraven upon it.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    Right, Father Baron said there is enough blame to go around. John Paul II made a public act of contrition for all the past sins and atrocities of the Catholic Church Th Inquisition et. al. Now we are waiting for the rest of the world and the rest of the nations to do the same.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Make one comment or make multiple ones and number them in order, I am not going to spam this video. and also decide what your going to say before you enter it, that way you don't have to send in another comment later saying "oh by the way" as that confuses people and often enough they will miss what you said

  • @Yankees94
    @Yankees94 12 років тому

    "The constitutional freedom of religion is the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights." - Thomas Jefferson.

  • @thedavid00100
    @thedavid00100 10 років тому +3

    Great points made, however you omitted to mention the fact that when religious persecution has occurred in the western world it is usually done by a government favoring a particular religion over another. The one group in the USA that ironically would probably start religious persecution is the Christian Right not the Left. Secularism (i.e not New Atheism) to me is the best way to guarantee religious liberty, governments should stay neutral on religion and favor none.

  • @matt86sd
    @matt86sd 12 років тому

    There are religious groups, such as Quakers who already perform religious marriages that would now be legally recognized, but I know of no groups trying to force religions to perform ssm. All of that fear is being raised by the religious organisations themselves who are suggesting equality laws would require it, which is a bit ridiculous if you consider that equality laws don't currently require them to marry any heterosexual couple that walks through the door.

  • @alexanderlazowski7562
    @alexanderlazowski7562 2 роки тому +1

    There is One True Church, the right to worship in the Church Of Jesus Christ, One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. "Religious liberty" is in itself a secularist ideology that wants to dumb down the Church to the level of the false others and make them all "equal"ly worthless. We hold no right to "worship as we see fit", but we are to worship as God sees fit. This is a heresy

    @P.HATHCOX 12 років тому

    Fr baron is a Catholic priest but there are some protestant denominations that can call their priests "father" too.

  • @reddy2c
    @reddy2c 12 років тому +4

    Fr. Baron What do you think of the gathering of Pope BXVII and the pagan religions at Assisi? St.Paul said not to eat at the same table as pagans, yet our Pope does. Pope Pious XI called that a that act a reason for excommunication.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    [2] The Devil knew God as well as any other angel, yet he still betrayed him, and so did other angels. Following this logic, one can come to the conclusion, that morality is not a matter of logic vs emotion. The devil knew as much as anyone else but he still chose to do what is wrong, it was not a mathematical error or some other kind of mistake. He UNDERSTOOD how things were, but still chose to not follow them.

  • @battle_on
    @battle_on 12 років тому

    Please, elaborate...

  • @whiskerchild
    @whiskerchild 12 років тому

    But let us remember, as Catholics were persecuted in England, those same Catholics were persecuting Jews in Spain in the Inquisition- the Jews ALSO had to pray IN QUIET, in cellars and basements hidden away.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Reading the Bible a lot does not make you faithful, Richard Dawkins read it so he could justify criticizing it in his book. Also, thank you for being so polite. Their are many people who come to believe what the Bible says later in their life, it is not something soley for those raised into it. In fact those raised into it, usually know less as they feel no need to educate themselves on it. Those horrible and evil parts are only viewed as such because they are taken out of context as I said.

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    1) There are too many to mention
    2) If I chose one, you would either say I was cherry picking, or come up with some exotic explanation for why it is in fact NOT a contradiction.
    3) If you are a studious christian you should be fully aware that the bible contradicts itself, and that in fact god contradicts himself and changes in attitude throughout the bible.
    4) I'm a former christian myself so I'm not being ignorant or small minded

  • @HartfordFamily
    @HartfordFamily 12 років тому

    I would say that the response to the KKK (so long as they are not breaking laws...murder, intimidation...) is to organize against them. The Knights of Columbus, religiously affiliated motorcycle clubs, or just concerned citizens making it hard for them to do anything, or standing between a group like the KKK and, say, children...these are effective (and if done right, legal) methods that allow the KKK to hold their beliefs, but demonstrate to them that they are not welcome.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    But without the right to hold one's own beliefs, how much is life worth?

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    I'm guessing the kalam cosmological argument says that everything must have a cause, and the universe can't of come from nowhere etc. etc.
    This argument:
    1) Does not prove the existence of god, it only says that we don't know where the universe comes from YET, because it is beyond our understanding, just as many other things that we now know have been in the past
    2) Does not suggest the existence of a personal god who answers prayers and sends people to hell.

  • @matt86sd
    @matt86sd 12 років тому

    You're right. I mean they obviously are very concerned about same sex marriage. When the Pope says it threatenes "human dignity and the future of humanity itself," obviously he views it as a great threat. How it actually is such a tremendous threat, I can't imagine. I've never heard anyone offer a sound explanation. And it concerns me that the church seems so concerned about "religious liberty" and yet it's actively engaged in stripping away liberty from a segment of the population.

  • @GregAitchison
    @GregAitchison 12 років тому

    Not sure if you're being metaphorical or not with your last statement, but isn't the most fundamental human right the right to life? I understand the utmost importance of religious liberty but was a little thrown off by the comment that it was the most fundamental human right.

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    Maybe you're right. I suppose I never really believed in hell. I really loved jesus and didnt know how hell could be possible if he was so loving and just. Because hell would not be justice for anyone.

    • @markdaniels1730
      @markdaniels1730 4 роки тому

      I recommend watching Bishop Barron's old videos on the subject of hell and God's love. In a nutshell, hell is not a matter of God refusing entry into Heaven to those who wish to be forgiven but for one reason or another never made a Christian profession of faith in this life. Rather hell is a state of voluntary self exclusion from the communion of love that the saints will enjoy in the presence of God. People only go to hell if they persistently, radically and finally choose to reject God. And even then it will not be God shutting the gates of Heaven in response to their rejection, rather it is the gates of hell that will be shut from the inside.

  • @ProfMTH
    @ProfMTH 12 років тому

    Few wish to kick your church or any other off the public stage. Rather, what some religious believers--Christians especially though not exclusively--are actually alarmed by is the gradual deprivileging of religious views. A secular society must have more justification for its laws & social policies than the conformity of either to religious dictates (Christian or otherwise). This is largely new territory for Christians; they're having trouble navigating it because they're used to privilege.

  • @slimdusty6328
    @slimdusty6328 2 роки тому

    If God exist. I believe that one day this God will apologise to people harmed by so called religious liberty. While very likely the Christians may still feel reluctant to CARE to do so. However, meanwhile those Christians by then will have also been made to all become "acutely aware" of all the harm they've helped to condone. They'll completely understand the full scope of it, right down to the last fine detail, as if it had all only just happened the day before. They'll be destined to remain deeply ashamed forevermore for "an eternity". God wont have any reason at all, to need to punish any of them. As the Christian will have already heaped more than enough punishment "upon themselves". We will all pity them. Even those of us who have been caused harm by the so called religious liberty, as well too

  • @CatholicAmerican
    @CatholicAmerican 12 років тому

    Thank you for the reply.
    How about with regard to the growth of Islam?
    Can we obstruct the building of Mosques and try to get cities to reject them being built without turning into an opponent of religious liberty?
    I know the catechism states "2108: The right to religious liberty is neither a moral license to adhere to error, nor a supposed right to error".
    Is our current fight for religious liberty a wash because the bulk of society is not challenging other people's beliefs?

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Yes, its a common issue part of the reason is because of translating the Bible from its Hebrew origins. Its been translated through so many languages some people forget to compare it back to the original. In Hebrew, hell literally means the "absence of God" and is really just described as a place without God in it, the awful state it exists in is creditted to its denizens. It was not until the Divine Comedy that it took the dark and descriptive turn it has now

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    I very much doubt that the ones I quoted are just metaphors. Don't call me ignorant for taking exodus literally. There is no suggestion that any of it is a metaphor.

  • @Jorbz150
    @Jorbz150 12 років тому

    let me clarify my personal beliefs are fairly traditional protestant,
    my political beliefs more libertarian (leaving marriage to private, not public,)
    As for the difference, Christianity isn't really a public thing. The way marriage is often legally set up is public, and I think the Roman Catholic Church is concerned about being forced to except it. (Of course if marriage was left to be dealt with privately, and not have a legal institution behind it, I think it would be best for everyone.)

    • @craigfox2560
      @craigfox2560 6 років тому

      this man is in to denial the church is pagan and occult freemasonry and desperate for money and the churches closing but hayho plenty of mosques

  • @battle_on
    @battle_on 12 років тому

    Just because something is good, does not mean it is perfect...If you get a 97 on a 100 point exam, there are still 3 points left to have achieved. Do you see where I'm going with this? Ideally, everyone would have perfect freedom of conscience, would not stand to be ridiculed, etc. As was mentioned in the video itself (if you watched) we're not living in the 16th century, being murdered for a specific belief. We are however, being subjected to subversive political and moral attacks daily...

  • @CatholicAmerican
    @CatholicAmerican 12 років тому

    How does one properly rebuke error while at the same time defending religious liberty?
    Are we aloud to put up road blocks to keep things like the KKK from organizing in our town?

  • @Davedude111
    @Davedude111 12 років тому

    Oh my there are too many to mention! Here are a few things that don't add up:
    1) Everything is god's plan - God can't affect free will
    2) God is loving - God sends people to hell and doesn't help people unless they believe in him
    3) God recommends slavery, genocide, sacrifice, murder etc. - God forbids murder and tells people to turn the other cheek
    There are many contradictions within the christian faith also, and if god was so powerful and loving he would appear to everyone and clear it all up

  • @battle_on
    @battle_on 12 років тому

    Out of curiosity, how many Jews of Muslims do you think would want to work in the vatican?...
    Part of the comment I'm replying to seems factually inaccurate, but arguing over historicity on youtube doesn't seem very effective.

  • @angelamariapreuss
    @angelamariapreuss 12 років тому

    That's Pol Pot, the Cambodian Maoist revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge from 1963 until his death in 1998. From Wiki: "Hundreds of thousands of the new people, and later the depositees, were taken out in shackles to dig their own mass graves. Then the Khmer Rouge soldiers beat them to death with iron bars and hoes, or buried them alive. A Khmer Rouge extermination prison directive ordered, "Bullets are not to be wasted." These mass graves are often referred to as The Killing Fields.

  • @jameslocke5498
    @jameslocke5498 6 років тому +1

    Your points seem logical and religious liberty and Americanism on the surface seem to be the correct path to follow. But does it lead to the broad path? Are we denying Christ to those who will see Catholicism as just one of many religions? Would Christ favor religious liberty .? I think religious liberty should be more in the form of tolerance but not an advocation of false religions. Israel allowed foreigners to live within her borders if they did not practice their foreign religions when those religions corrupted the Hebrew people God chastised them and expelled the foreigners. Something to keep in mind.

  • @Jeremyakita14
    @Jeremyakita14 12 років тому

    Whats your Opinion on S.E. CUPP

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    Certainly, but if you were truly faithful you would not have fallen in the first place. That is like saying a man who wore a bullet proof vest was shot in the chest to death. Its not really bullet proof if that happened, now if you changed that. A man in a small-arms proof vest was shot to death by automatic weaponry, then it makes sense.

  • @0Maloy1
    @0Maloy1 12 років тому

    You have yet to post Biblical verses that apparently contradict, although I have been waiting for you to do so. I pick scriptures relevant to the conversation. Also, I reiterate, if you were faithful you would still believe. Also you have not present reasons it is false either you have just said it is. Nor do you have any desire to believe the "seek and you shall find" part of that verse.

  • @matt86sd
    @matt86sd 12 років тому

    Given that I agree with your point about the HHS mandate Fr., I still don't understand this preoccupation with religious liberty being threatened. 80% of Americans are Christian, 1 out of 4 are Catholic. You can't even get elected to office if you're an atheist. Congress has 1 openly atheist member. You can't discuss anything in this country without religion weighing in. Christians have voted away the liberty of gay people in many states. Can you appreciate how it looks from another perspective?