Kamigawa Nicknames || TTC 399

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Graham, Cameron, and Kathleen present the Kamigawa: Neon Destiny nicknames, as submitted and voted by you!
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    #Magic #Kamigawa #Nicknames


  • @kilo3989
    @kilo3989 2 роки тому +146

    "What do you MEAN, you're AT SUSHI?!" absolutely got me XD

    • @parkerdixon-word6295
      @parkerdixon-word6295 2 роки тому +30

      For anyone who has not seen that masterpiece, what you want to look up is "Code Ment", as it's an abridged series of Code Geas.

  • @alexkuzela9266
    @alexkuzela9266 2 роки тому +76

    To answer your question, Graham, the Soup Store bit is from CODE MENT, a Code Geass parody/abridged series.

  • @Caseyuptobat
    @Caseyuptobat 2 роки тому +113

    "You no see Grog" is from a D&D greentext story about an Orc with ridiculous bonuses to Intimidate. Stealthy by way of "they know better than to see Grog"

    • @CSDragon
      @CSDragon 2 роки тому +6

      It's a variation of it. The original is a half-orc named Krod, but the internet remembers him as Grog because of Critical Role

  • @jaydenyamada2916
    @jaydenyamada2916 2 роки тому +61

    Hearing that your child is an absolute agent of chaos makes me extremely happy.

    • @ymmijx6061
      @ymmijx6061 2 роки тому +9

      that is, without a shadow of a doubt, Kathleen's daughter.

    • @daytonb1187
      @daytonb1187 2 роки тому

      the worst time to take a sip of water

  • @emilysmith2965
    @emilysmith2965 2 роки тому +16

    14:15 Sawsbuck is Pokémon… the SAWS actually stands for Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring. It changes appearance with the seasons.

  • @Choiseul11
    @Choiseul11 2 роки тому +47

    This 'I'm at soup' video Graham has led me to is the highlight of my day, second only to the nicknames video.

  • @hiygamer
    @hiygamer 2 роки тому +55

    For those curious, the other time goblins were depicted wearing toads was on Mad Auntie from Lorwyn.

    • @Lucarioguild7
      @Lucarioguild7 2 роки тому

      Weird I could have sworn there was a goblin from Modern Horizons with a frog on its head or are we talking specifically that artist

    • @hiygamer
      @hiygamer 2 роки тому +3

      @@Lucarioguild7 Mad Auntie is the only other one with art by Wayne Reynolds. I think there are a couple ones with art by other people who also have frogs on their heads.

  • @FanOfMostEverything
    @FanOfMostEverything 2 роки тому +52

    Jiraiya, before being referenced in Naruto, was the folkloric inspiration for Japan's "ninja riding a giant frog" trope.
    And, for the sake of my own ego, Inventive Iteration, Norika's AO3 account, and Rugged Highlands were mine.
    Thanks as always for doing these! Already preparing for New Capenna, because the hype train has a marked absence of brakes.

  • @FrankiePeanuts
    @FrankiePeanuts 2 роки тому +84

    The MS-KMG-22 is just a made up model number I came with.
    MS = Mobile Suit
    KMG = Kamigawa
    22 = it's 2022
    I'm incredibly proud of Scavenging Mews.

  • @mattperkinson9604
    @mattperkinson9604 2 роки тому +29

    “I have a lot of ideas. Sometimes, they get out.” -Kathleen

    • @emilysmith2965
      @emilysmith2965 2 роки тому

      Truly, creative person energy… “I was brainstorming last week. OH NO”

  • @skatinafuchs8471
    @skatinafuchs8471 2 роки тому +5

    Don´t want to shatter your dreams of overcomplicated and long german words but jellyfish translates to just Qualle in german.

  • @EyalBrown
    @EyalBrown 2 роки тому +12

    This was the most Kathleen nicknames episode to date and I am HERE for it.

  • @ilyshion2047
    @ilyshion2047 2 роки тому +11

    Instead of Sorry we missed you while you were out, Covert Technician is more like You missed us while we were in.

  • @novarren
    @novarren 2 роки тому +16

    If anyone else is curious, Italian seems to be the language where the font for The Reality Chip typeline is the smallest. ("Creatura Artefatto Leggendaria - Medusa Equipaggiamento")
    Korean and Chinese didn't require any scaling whatsoever.
    This has been my comment for engagement.

    • @colinjones5379
      @colinjones5379 2 роки тому +2

      Now I just want to see some magic cards translated into Hawaiian. If Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is anything to go by, those words get long.

  • @Archgamer
    @Archgamer 2 роки тому +8

    Looking at the different version of The Reality Chip - Im going to guess Italian or Japanese is the one to blame:
    Creatura Artefatto Leggendaria - Medusa Equipaggiamento
    伝説のアーティファクト・クリーチャー - 装備品・クラゲ
    German is surprisingly shorter for once:
    Legendäre Artefaktkreatur - Ausrüstung, Qualle
    Legendary Artifact Creature - Equipment Jellyfish

  • @ztd94
    @ztd94 2 роки тому +16

    Fun fact! Binturongs are viverrids, not mustelids and more closely related to cats than dogs. Viverrids are basically the feliform version of mustelids and they get confused pretty often.

    • @hiimemily
      @hiimemily 2 роки тому +2

      And they smell like popcorn.

  • @donbionicle
    @donbionicle 2 роки тому +7

    The child of Kathleen and Graham having the suffix "of Chaos" makes a hell of a lot of sense.

  • @thepaganpersuasion2890
    @thepaganpersuasion2890 2 роки тому +15

    Might I suggest that Kathleen & Cameron pass a baton back and forth throughout these episodes so they never again worry about stepping on each other's toes by doing two in a row

  • @Arrowatch
    @Arrowatch 2 роки тому +4

    "There's like 900 pokemon, how am I supposed to remembe pokemonr-" pause
    There's way more magic cards than that and y'all seem to remember them well enough.
    "- that I frankly don't care about."
    Ah, well, nvm, that's actually very relatable. I don't remember a large number of pokemon because I know I don't care about them either. Are they Torterra? No? Good luck, your memory space has been allotted to embarrassing memories that make it hard for me to fall asleep.

  • @Gekyouryuu
    @Gekyouryuu 2 роки тому +9

    huh. I got two in, but neither of them were ones I expected to actually get in. also, I mentioned IN the submission for it that I knew it wouldn't get picked, but I'll say it again here: Mechtitan Core is quite literally Shinken-Oh, the primary mech from SAMURAI Sentai Shinkenger. it's a giant robot samurai made out of mechs that fold up into origami shapes and one of them is a dragon.
    I'm actually more bummed I DIDN'T manage to win people over with stuff like:
    Biting-Palm Ninja being "He's just HANDING there.... MENACINGLY!!!"
    or Risona, Asari Commander's name being set to the Daytona USA theme. "RI-SOOOO-NAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

  • @chifii
    @chifii 2 роки тому +20

    Reminder: When we do the Streets of New Capenna nicknames episode, we HAVE to name the Ob Nixilus card, "Look, I think we should be pleased that I'm as good as I am." - Kathleen Devere, TTC Episode 399.

    • @lucarr1041
      @lucarr1041 2 роки тому +3

      Remind me closer to the time, and we might be able to get it done

    • @undying3132
      @undying3132 2 роки тому


  • @Lsavoleo
    @Lsavoleo 2 роки тому +3

    56:35 - Kathleen uses Forbidden Technique to Drive Engagement

  • @CityofLight11
    @CityofLight11 2 роки тому +7

    For what it's worth, 1800 numbers here only have six subsequent digits, so 1800-SPI-RIT would be entirely viable so long as it's in Australia.

  • @adiuntesserande6893
    @adiuntesserande6893 2 роки тому +4

    "I just want the world to burn." -- Kathleen deVere, to world, 2022
    "I've got you, fam." -- 2022, to Kathleen deVere, 2022

  • @bardbratberg6361
    @bardbratberg6361 2 роки тому +14

    Alternate suggestion for Ambitious Assault: "Amphibious Assault"

    • @AnInnocuousBlueCube
      @AnInnocuousBlueCube 2 роки тому

      IS THAT WHY THEY HAVE TOADS ON THEIR HEADS? Oh, my sweet stupid goblin children, it's AMBITIOUS assault not... well just go have fun.

  • @tronzero
    @tronzero 2 роки тому +1

    "The right kind of koi will sell for thousands of dollars."
    "Between you and me, my friend, this Magikarp is a goldmine..."

  • @void-hippie
    @void-hippie 2 роки тому +7

    mad auntie from lorwyn was the other wayne reynolds card, im glad that i have this magic tidbit that i can confuse my friends with.

  • @emilysmith2965
    @emilysmith2965 2 роки тому +1

    50:45 in folklore, one of the reliable non-combat ways to defeat a kappa is to trick them into looking down or bowing.

  • @BenMarcWilliams
    @BenMarcWilliams 2 роки тому +8

    It feels weird when all the nicknames I submitted that I'm proudest of didn't win, but the ones I'm "meh"-est of _did._

  • @ILikePi31415926535
    @ILikePi31415926535 2 роки тому +4

    For those curious the other Wayne Reynolds Goblin art with a frog on its head is "Mad Auntie" from Lorwyn

  • @Zyzik
    @Zyzik 2 роки тому +1

    "Chaos." - Kathleen's dark legacy

  • @benhirsh8700
    @benhirsh8700 2 роки тому +6

    I've been calling mirror shell crab "crab says no" since the ppr

  • @thyetyeyryeretyery
    @thyetyeyryeretyery 2 роки тому +1

    The whole grey goo bit got me got. The implication of Cameron being a better explainer by just saying "Cameron" was hilarious.

  • @nicholaslapoint243
    @nicholaslapoint243 2 роки тому +3

    god Kathleen killed it this episode. well done all around

  • @blackdragonxtra
    @blackdragonxtra 2 роки тому +1

    In response to 8:02, there are currently 7 birds in (black border) MTG without flying. Of those, five very clearly communicate that the creature does not fly in the art and one is a literal chicken on the ground, so it's borderline. The only true offender is Whippoorwill from DRK, which is literally flying in the art, but that's 1994 MTG for you.

  • @MrThewooter
    @MrThewooter 2 роки тому +4

    Accidently clicked this when I was trying to open the task bar of my phone. Best misclick ever.

  • @thealteredmind9475
    @thealteredmind9475 2 роки тому

    Man the nicknames episodes will always be my favourite. Just so good

  • @otternonymouz8127
    @otternonymouz8127 2 роки тому +1

    5:42 the other card is Mad Auntie from lorwyn

  • @Asmodeus696
    @Asmodeus696 2 роки тому +1

    Kairi is fun. Play it, clone it, the clones die, and each one yeets most of a board. While getting your spells back to do it again.

    • @Nouxatar
      @Nouxatar 2 роки тому +1

      I run both Kairi and Junji in Araumi of the Dead Tide, boardwipe, mill, reanimate, they do everything I want creatures to do, AND I can make my opponents discard their hands if I'm feeling ESPECIALLY evil with Junji :)))

  • @michaelturner2806
    @michaelturner2806 2 роки тому +4

    Speaking of tanuki and binturong, I've learned some people are similarly surprised that coatimundi are real animals too. They're like thin, pointy raccoons.

  • @KaldarisX
    @KaldarisX 2 роки тому +2

    "I've been playing Elden Ring everything looks like a dog." How dare you slip that in Graham I nearly spat out my goddamn tea.

  • @matthewjohnson3656
    @matthewjohnson3656 2 роки тому +8

    I thought of "Isshan 'two heavens' jackson" this morning wondering when this episode would come out. dang....

    • @OmgPuppies
      @OmgPuppies 2 роки тому +1

      Honestly the key to getting your name in one of these is to submit the name early so it has time to accumulate votes, so it wouldn't have mattered even if you could submit it today.

  • @SisyphusX
    @SisyphusX 2 роки тому +32

    “We believe every card deserves a nickname.”

    • @ILikePi31415926535
      @ILikePi31415926535 2 роки тому +8

      Just because they deserve one doesn't mean they'll get one
      It's a truth of this world we all must learn...

    • @BenjaminKlahn
      @BenjaminKlahn 2 роки тому +1

      just because you deserves one doesn't mean you gets one, you know, like real life and health care...

    • @InfinityD4
      @InfinityD4 2 роки тому

      Even if they can't do an episode/video on it it'd be nice to put up the site anyways an post a list of something instead of skipping sets entirely

    • @LRRMTG
      @LRRMTG  2 роки тому +26

      It's been weird pandemic, okay?
      I get that any pandemic is weird, but you get my point.

    • @SisyphusX
      @SisyphusX 2 роки тому

      @@LRRMTG Hey - can we get a structured announcement for New Capenna? Estimated open and close dates and Ep drop? Understand it’s not binding, but it’d be friendly.

  • @romajimamulo
    @romajimamulo 2 роки тому +3

    1:20:19 I looked up the card in various languages, German actually has bigger text than English. Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese have the smallest

    • @SaintBriars
      @SaintBriars 2 роки тому

      and its probably french that thats the actual problem language for it
      edit: cuz apparently my phone ate half that message "its probably Italian and french"

    • @TheRealWormbo
      @TheRealWormbo 2 роки тому

      Surprisingly, German *does* have some very efficient words - "jellyfish" is just "Qualle", and the other types are similar in length, except German cards apparently also concatenate the card types. But yeah, the Italian translation looks miserably small.

  • @taknarian
    @taknarian 2 роки тому +1

    You know it's gonna be a good video when Graham introduces Cameron and we get a "Huh?"
    Thank you for making that your schtick, Cameron.

  • @MunchKING
    @MunchKING 2 роки тому

    14:00 Sawsbuck is a Pokemon. It's a big deer with a tree for antlers that changes based on the season.

  • @ThisAintAStupidName
    @ThisAintAStupidName 2 роки тому +1

    Specifically, you defeat a kappa by bowing to it. The kappa will bow back because honor and politeness, and the water in the head-bowl flows out. The kappa is then forced to submerge to refill the bowl, at which point you have an opportunity to escape.

  • @Tirvops
    @Tirvops 2 роки тому +2

    Yes finally, the best part of getting a new set

  • @KakuEpsilon
    @KakuEpsilon 2 роки тому +2

    In reference to the Kappa Tech-Wrecker, you both are overthinking it. How you beat a Kappa is that you bow to it. Kappa are very polite and will bow back to you... and then immediately spill the water from their bowl and have to retreat into the water.

  • @kyranthewalker9095
    @kyranthewalker9095 2 роки тому +3

    Based on a quick gatherer search there are 15 birds without flying. 7 are black border, 1 is a test card, and the other 7 are silver border.
    And it's always a good sign when graham has trouble saying the nickname.

  • @boglebog
    @boglebog 2 роки тому +4


  • @spiralhaze2070
    @spiralhaze2070 2 роки тому +3

    Fun fact: My grandparents and their respective siblings were identical twins that got married. Only one of them is alive today, but they were prettty locally famous.

  • @Therodaas
    @Therodaas 2 роки тому +2

    The suprise mechanic was a good one

  • @GabrielLopez-zr7gz
    @GabrielLopez-zr7gz 2 роки тому +1

    37:00 fun fact: my school's mascot is a binturong! the cincinatti bearcats!

  • @Kramburger
    @Kramburger 2 роки тому +2

    I'm sad I missed the Nicknames site go up because I wanted to suggest Simic Isekai Swallower for the Colossal Sky Turtle

  • @germanyjones2700
    @germanyjones2700 2 роки тому +1

    Cams “go be free vbrrrrrt” made me spit my lunch out

  • @BenMarcWilliams
    @BenMarcWilliams 2 роки тому +5

    There are multiple 2/3 samurai, actually. There's another also in red, even.

  • @Frogomb
    @Frogomb 2 роки тому +1

    The cover of 2nd edition Shadowrun is a Larry Elmore classic work. And the reference to 2nd edition Shadowrun is another reason why Cam is the best contributor on this show.

  • @Dragonroot95
    @Dragonroot95 2 роки тому

    Thank you SO MUCH for the Code MENT reference Graham, never thought I'd hear a fellow, uniquely cultured weeb from LRR. Brings me joy.

  • @colinjones5379
    @colinjones5379 2 роки тому +1

    My lyrics parody of Deja Vu for Greasefang that sadly disappeared from the site. (The actual nickname was good and deserved to win, but I still want to share this in the hopes it may amuse someone as much as I amused myself)
    Deja Vu!
    I've just seen this rat race before!
    High above the streets,
    and I know it's my time to crew 4,
    Parhellion two:
    it'll go down in history.
    Flying armoured beats!
    Plus you keep the two angels for free!

  • @thoop6795
    @thoop6795 2 роки тому +1

    Ever want to consume a piece of content so bad you skip forward to the more content dense section and then realize you are not watching it in intended order and now you spoiled yourself and waste time and so you go back and now you resent yourself for being like this cause me too

  • @cygnusinfinity5126
    @cygnusinfinity5126 2 роки тому +2

    I went back and submitted Gardening // Greg in for careful cultivation a few minutes after Gardening with Greg, and I'm a little disappointed the nickname I actually like less won.

  • @matterhorn731
    @matterhorn731 2 роки тому +3

    37:06 Binturongs _are_ super cute! They're actually "viverrids", on the cat side of Carnivora, unlike mustelids which are on the dog side.

    • @mattperkinson9604
      @mattperkinson9604 2 роки тому

      And they smell like popcorn!

    • @Foxpawed
      @Foxpawed 2 роки тому +1

      Viverrids in general are awesome; I'm shocked I don't see more people use Genets as fursonas, they're spotty weasel cats!

  • @jacksonreynolds7433
    @jacksonreynolds7433 2 роки тому +1

    K but.....ackshully....Voltron was adapted from an 80s anime and Super Sentai started in '75. Now the combining robots weren't in the first couple Sentai series but I'm pretty sure they were there by the 80s and honestly I wouldn't be surprised to find out that neither show did it first anyway

  • @ThatOneGuyBen
    @ThatOneGuyBen 2 роки тому

    I actually got to submit nicknames for once, and I got a nickname in here! the Kami of Terrible Secrets knows ALL your search history, and you cannot hide anything from it.

  • @campbellolney9753
    @campbellolney9753 2 роки тому

    I was literally binging the other nickname podcasts earlier today, this is exciting!

  • @joannachoules4496
    @joannachoules4496 2 роки тому

    1:25:21 Of *course* Graham and Kathleen listen to No Such Thing As A Fish

  • @michaelturner2806
    @michaelturner2806 2 роки тому +1

    I lose track of whose turn it is too, and when there's a silence, I sometimes worry that it was my turn and everybody's waiting on me.

  • @FireSummoner
    @FireSummoner 2 роки тому

    Late to watch this, but it was amazing! I am all for Kathleen’s chaos

  • @MarlaDesat
    @MarlaDesat 2 роки тому

    Scoured Barrens got a snort-laugh out of me!

  • @thebassistsoldier
    @thebassistsoldier 2 роки тому

    Commenting for engagement, also you got me to make loud sounds and scare my cat a couple times.

  • @spiffinn_music_lists
    @spiffinn_music_lists 2 роки тому

    For those curious, the "at soup" (or "at sushi") bit is from Code Geass Abridged (which is very funny in general)

  • @clovergannon
    @clovergannon 2 роки тому +7

    "When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city, to see a marching band" are the opening lyrics to Welcome to the Black Parade, by My Chemical Romance. An emo kid classic!

    • @Haights
      @Haights Рік тому

      Ironic that it was missed by a G.

  • @lirazel6414
    @lirazel6414 2 роки тому +1

    Dear world, please stop giving Kathleen her wish.

  • @OmgPuppies
    @OmgPuppies 2 роки тому

    Rather than alternating and therefore risking losing track of whose turn it is, they should just agree that one of them does the cards with even collector numbers and one does those with odd collector numbers.

  • @jackelam3088
    @jackelam3088 2 роки тому +4

    Hey love this so much. Just wanted to let you know that I don't think the Crimson Vow nickname episode was every posted to the channel.

    • @natetwehues2428
      @natetwehues2428 2 роки тому +2

      There never was one.

    • @jackelam3088
      @jackelam3088 2 роки тому +1

      @@natetwehues2428 ok thank you I wasn't sure if I missed it some how, thank you.

  • @rhvette
    @rhvette 2 роки тому +3

    Pretty sure Jin-Gitaxias is wearing hakama.

  • @lucarr1041
    @lucarr1041 2 роки тому +1

    Speaking of Elden Ring jokes...
    (for people ctrl+f-ing to see if it's been posted: "dog")

  • @JP-mg5hy
    @JP-mg5hy 2 роки тому +1

    1:00 "This episode is not about how I did, which was 2:3"
    You lied to us Graham.

  • @johanandersson8252
    @johanandersson8252 2 роки тому +1

    Ancestral Katana = Grandpa’s Butterknife.

  • @DEG99Y
    @DEG99Y 2 роки тому

    After a visit from covert technician "oh no my refrigerator is running! I better go catch it!"

  • @patbaer
    @patbaer 2 роки тому

    "I have a lot of ideas.... sometimes they come out".

  • @reyathua
    @reyathua 2 роки тому

    they could also use a chess clock to pass turns between them (not a big deal to me, but they do mention it a lot)

  • @petercowen922
    @petercowen922 2 роки тому +1

    Mad Auntie is the second frog headed Goblin card by Wayne Reynolds

  • @Thorg42
    @Thorg42 2 роки тому

    I want your deck to do the thing it does. Endlessly entertaining

  • @josh___something
    @josh___something 2 роки тому

    Wow, this came quicker than expected.

  • @aiboy2073
    @aiboy2073 2 роки тому +1

    Okay I probably missed something, they've done Kamigawa: Neon Dynsasty nicknames before Crimson Vow nicknames?

  • @joakimhansen7733
    @joakimhansen7733 2 роки тому

    Did not count on falling down a Tanuki and Binturong hole when I started this video, today was a good day.

  • @draketheduelist
    @draketheduelist 2 роки тому

    I've been following your nickname episodes since Theros! Why did UA-cam not let me know this was a thing, even when I was searching through your videos?! I don't even know where your Crimson Vow nicknames episode went...
    ...Oh, and for the record, I'm pretty sure there's no Dragonfly Gundam. Except for the Cosmic Era (and maybe Post Disaster if you know your Ars Goetia), mobile suits have _far_ stupider names than that, like Baund Doc, Shamblo, and Gouf.

  • @BrowneePointz
    @BrowneePointz 2 роки тому

    Binturong also smell like Popcorn! They are related to Civets, and are the largest member of that family!

  • @Brewj1
    @Brewj1 2 роки тому

    Ao, the Dawn Sky should have been - Blue-Name White Dragon. Missed my opportunity there.

  • @christopherfu2169
    @christopherfu2169 2 роки тому

    52:43 my suggestion would have been: As Opposed to all the non lethal exploits"? Really interested if anyone understands this reference.

  • @Tomoka51
    @Tomoka51 2 роки тому +1

    I'm sad that the "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH" joke didn't get more love lmao
    Relatedly, Mechtitan Core is Gurren Lagann to me

  • @KumaKaori
    @KumaKaori 2 роки тому +1

    25:45 for a delightful story. ;; Definitely y'alls kiddo XD.
    29:45, w.a.o.w. oof. that's good.

  • @showingthelinks8441
    @showingthelinks8441 2 роки тому

    This had some real knee slappers

  • @shinygrowlithe3882
    @shinygrowlithe3882 2 роки тому

    12:59 "What if our hands kissed?"

  • @fwg1994
    @fwg1994 2 роки тому

    I know Lorwyn had a lot of frogs, spider, lizards and other small animals on boggart heads. So probably there is where the other frog on goblin head is from.

  • @SisyphusX
    @SisyphusX 2 роки тому

    Also FYI voting page is still live.

  • @DormarHX
    @DormarHX 2 роки тому +1

    "What the world really needs right now is more comment sections" - Cam no!

  • @wertm123
    @wertm123 2 роки тому

    Katherine was an absolute riot this episode!