interesting, on my end it's replacing one of the threes with a two, I'll pin this comment so others can see regarding the if-else statement, well, ummmmm...oh
the first time I made a sorting algorithm I didn't really have any knowledge of sorting algorithms, so my first was just the same idea as the improved bubble sort that you made, and my second time I ended up making a really inefficient heapsort iirc, but it still ended up being much better than the bubble sort
Thank you so much! This was very helpful because I couldn't figure out how to implement merge sorting into Scratch. This helped me with a big project I'm working on
There is a 🪳 in the mergesort code for example [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3]. Also, why not drop the else and move the last statement below the if?
interesting, on my end it's replacing one of the threes with a two, I'll pin this comment so others can see
regarding the if-else statement, well, ummmmm...oh
@@STEMMC It's a small fix: instead of repeat until (leftindex=end) or (rightindex>end) use repeat until not(leftindexend) 😉
the first time I made a sorting algorithm I didn't really have any knowledge of sorting algorithms, so my first was just the same idea as the improved bubble sort that you made, and my second time I ended up making a really inefficient heapsort iirc, but it still ended up being much better than the bubble sort
Thank you so much! This was very helpful because I couldn't figure out how to implement merge sorting into Scratch. This helped me with a big project I'm working on
underrated youtuber
why did UA-cam think this wasn't English
1st Comment i subbed