Someone reccomended you to me, and i gotta say i love your advice and videos, especially the edits, sense of humour lol idk your just the ideal guy. Would really love an explanation of items,basics, counters cause im a Potato 😰
Thanks for another lesson! Hope you can make a guide for items, thanks to you I learned a lot. Greetings from another support (but worse in every aspect xD)
pros of this build: can't run out of mana, higher dps compared to manamune non crit ez( like roughly 100-200 more on testdummy after after reducing usual ez build with botrk by arround 50-100) cons: q is only 2/3rds of normal ez dmg = less poke, q procs chargeblade and consumes stacks but can't crit, using q makes you loose some dps(1-2 auto crits > q) most basic attack adc have tools in their kit to scale their basics, e.g. tris q, mf w, jinx q, cait headshots, xayah w ezreal has only passive attackspeed which stacks by hitting abilities
The maramune build is so infamous that even pros plays it in competitive play i always that that yes there's a reason why manamune build is so infamous yet i believe this build is so good for whoever starts on ezreal first time since you won't have to stress out if you miss a Q
@@karimgoudy Because manamune evolves into the item with most broken stats for its gold. Muramana its 200% gold eficient and that number goes up as long as you get more mana...
Tristana actually farmed really well during the whole game and was only 1 item behind Ezreal when that fight happened. Plus the Lulu steroids that you mentioned.. and you got yourself a beast.
@@BrokenSupport yeah now guys if you meet someone who ban tristana that probably me I have enough to get E 3 shot + ult that champ don’t know what balance means
Found your content today for WR and i instantly subs. i love how you explain every detail of your game unlike others, you deserve more subs. btw where can i find this kind of setting 6:05 for global skills since i rely on mini maps when i'm trying to aim
Hmmmm... i main ez before cait and when i saw this build on ez all i can say is that you lose a large amount of dmg.. building manamune with rune*manaflow* + frozenheart gaves you alot of raw dmg on your autoatck and s1 skill.. you can also add riftmaker for that omnivamp which ez benefits the most + a good corruption dmg on that pack..
yeah ezreal main here, i’m pretty sure manamune is a must on him in WR. essence reaver doesn’t offer on-hit dmg or crit on his Q, which is his bread and butter ability
@@BrokenSupport I didn't think the crit ez worked, cuz his abilities don't crit i did try it in practice before, but after trying your build i was surprised how well it worked against squishy champs. Thanks for teaching me something new
my best adc is probably ezreal but the only time i lose games, or at least when i dont have much impact in games, is when they have a high heal / shield emchanter like sona or soraka, any damage i do just gets negated. is ezreal just a bad pick into this or is there a way around it?
Gotta keep this in mind: the sustain, poke, all in triangle Sustain beats poke as they can outheal the poke Poke beats all in as the ones trying to all in won’t get the chance to all in when they’re constantly being poked All in beats sustain as sustain can’t heal the burst damage of all in Ezreal is a poke character. When you’re facing against a heavy sustain comp, someone like Samira or Tristana who have strong all ins are your best bet. That or hope your solo queue teammates can pick an all in character and gank you constantly lol.
Generally 100% true if you have an point and click CC or auto heal, ezreal becomes uselss most of the game. I want to say ADC role is team comp based yet you need to master at least two champs with one situational and one blind pick!
@@BrokenSupport but it gives ability haste health and true dmg and ez can use some ap won’t it be good against tanks with divine you will face tanks easily?
Hm interesting doom told me never sunderer, not even situational, already have bork, so tri force or gauntlet movement speed buff/debuff might be better.
The best ADC for real is Tristana. This game only ended the way it did bc the enemy lacked any real engage/front line. I’ve had a game in rank recently where our support gave up early and went afk and everyone wanted to FF but me bc I knew we had a chance. All I had to do was stay focus, farm and pick off the enemies that were getting cocky that would over extend. Sure enough I hit my 3rd item and my range was crazy so the bodies started piling up. We ended up winning 4v5.
is there anything this man doesnt do well? great video and advices as always bro pd: is ther any other rune/build for nami beside electrocute? (since champ was removed im not the same person 😔 )i tried it in some matches and im bad as *** xd so, if u know another way to play her, it would be awesome!
You can play her the same way you used to play her but with Electrocute she's much stronger. I'm relieved that many people don't use it (Electrocute Nami) against me because they don't know about this.
@@KaylerFaye26_ yes. I don't like to lose half of my HP on lvl 1 as a melee champ from one combo. If you don't pay attention, it is very easy to lose the lane against a good nami.
Hello just found your channel and i really want to learn marksman since my friends are mostly playing support, i was a support player too but i need to adjust and just completely change to adr role, do you have any tips for beginners like me on adr what marksman champs to start ?
Papa broken pls do kaisa next pweetty pweease. I want to know what you think of her items. Like isn't she the only champs where u can have ap and ad items on?
Uhhh Ez is fine but I prefer to use Ashe, that champ made me reach Challenger in 3 different servers. I'll recommend Ashe, Senna and Vayne. Well it still depends on you if you are comfortable with these champions but these adc are always a huge help in team fight, but if you are low rank like if you see Lee Sin doing flash in then it's a low rank so I suggest to pick Kai'Sa, Jinx, Lucian and Tristana because these champs can hard carry against dumb players.
@@sujarwe of course it stacks. Stats Always stacks. It's unique passive that don't stack. Exemple : Sheen passive on Trinity don't stack with Sheen passive from gauntlet. The passives have a Bâle and if 2 items have the same passive name, thé passive dont' stack. Another exemple is the move speed you get on attck with Trinity. It doesn't stack with black cleaver which has the same passive
Bro i am think i cant get over master. I always win my lane but rest team feeds hard and its lose Games are coinflip. It doesnt matter. I can be 6/0 in lane but rest team hard int. If someone dies once then they hard feed cause they dont care
So true!!! Is like broken say always, major players don't know how to finish the game, I was 23/4 with Akali and I tried to tell them what to do, at end we lost cuz they just looking for kills
I remember my teamates flaming me and even trolling the game for building essence reaver and Devine on ezreal even I be doing so much damage . Master / Gm elo btw . I still don't understand this community fam .
That's a nice build, I always go manamune first and next build gauntlet if I see my team is doing fine if not I go for trinity , I do always think manamune is a waste of gold for both ezreal and senna
@@Iker5555 lol I just love it when you talk about something someone will immediately come and tell you you're wrong! Well yes it's nice item on ezreal, but my point was that no one has ever gone a build on him without the manamune, and I've never seen anyone playing crit ezreal, but there were AP ezreal builds with I dont know why, but yeah any item with sheen is a nice item for ezreal
@@N4xan1nMd I was once addicted to ap ezreal 😅, ap ezreal is what you would call literal one shotters. So the main damage of AP Ez is from his 3rd skill which scales with AP more than its AD, and what you need to do is just , hit 2nd skill on enemy, and then 3rd skill. After that, the enemy literally explode 😂, even tanks will lose something almost to a quarter of theyre hp. And other mage's and Adc's and not tanky supports ? They literally die in one hit 😅. Seems broken right ? BUTTTT, imo AP ez is more like a fun build, since it got lots of disadvantage. The first you might realize early is his clear speed. AP ez clear is as a lot of mages , very slow, in mid to late game you will be having a hard time clearing waves. Also with AD Ez, your main damage comes from your 1st skill which has a really low cooldown so you can spam it. But with AP Ez, your 3rd skill is your main damage and it has a considerablely long cooldown. And also the 3rd skill is a single target skill, so in a teamfight , all you do are pick offs and ult ( AP Ez ult hit like a truck ). So yeah imo, AP Ez is a fun build, it made him this assasin kind of character that is a glass canon, AD ez is more balance and more reliable in most situation so yeah. Ez is a fun hero, you should try AP Ez atleast once 🙏👍
@@johnmike8183 lol that does seem like fun I will try that, but what about varus? I see everyone one shotting with ap varus but I always fail at it , is that also a fun build?
@@N4xan1nMd Yeah i have seen some AP varus but since i rarely play him, i kinda dont know what hurts from AP Varus 😅, gotta look at his skills again and see which scales with AP. But yeah , varus is a really fun adc too. But if you want lots of action, go Ezrealllllllllllll 👍👍
Just play broken ADC for longer time you will understand why people are sick of this role, i mean every youtuber plays ADC so good as if hey it is easy yet it is not if you want to have this sustained performance? 🤣 Let it is enough you don't have complete control of early game it is 80% sub diff or if mid or top is fed it is harder to carry!
It’s kinda interesting u say that do you know why? In my opinion using mage champions in this role is more viable because if you don’t scale fast you become pretty much useless
Once Honor of Kings becomes global (soon)and now that RITO Games cancel esports in the western regions...well...wildrift will die. It s not my opinion it s pro players opinion like darkbreaker and others. I like u mate, but...maybe s time to switch the game. Remember Vainglory?
*Who needs a map?*
Potatoes Ezrael! POTATOES!🤣🤣
@@kingfloresca9102 lmao xd
Ap ezreal when?
we need a tank
Me me i need a map pls✋
The crazy thing about ezreal is that you can be super tanky against as teams with gauntlet and heart and still deal very high damage
Yah :)
@@BrokenSupport what would that build look like?😅
As a main add I’ll watch your guides religiously because nobody explains wild rift better than you!
Someone reccomended you to me, and i gotta say i love your advice and videos, especially the edits, sense of humour lol idk your just the ideal guy. Would really love an explanation of items,basics, counters cause im a Potato 😰
Tried it, it was 14-0-4. Wow Broken, you never stop amazed me. 👍👍
This is just the video I need for a friend that plays ADC love you Broken
Thanks for another lesson! Hope you can make a guide for items, thanks to you I learned a lot. Greetings from another support (but worse in every aspect xD)
Same but I am the worst supp whahahaha
pros of this build: can't run out of mana, higher dps compared to manamune non crit ez( like roughly 100-200 more on testdummy after after reducing usual ez build with botrk by arround 50-100)
cons: q is only 2/3rds of normal ez dmg = less poke, q procs chargeblade and consumes stacks but can't crit, using q makes you loose some dps(1-2 auto crits > q)
most basic attack adc have tools in their kit to scale their basics, e.g. tris q, mf w, jinx q, cait headshots, xayah w
ezreal has only passive attackspeed which stacks by hitting abilities
The maramune build is so infamous that even pros plays it in competitive play i always that that yes there's a reason why manamune build is so infamous yet i believe this build is so good for whoever starts on ezreal first time since you won't have to stress out if you miss a Q
@@karimgoudy Because manamune evolves into the item with most broken stats for its gold. Muramana its 200% gold eficient and that number goes up as long as you get more mana...
Cant believe broken is actually playing my main, my work here is complete
19:41 I understand Tristiana got help from Lulu's ult and items but come on man...her damage is disgusting even when far behind.
Cuz she is an assassin ADC even Kai Sa can have this or Vayne if she is 2 levels behind those adc are strong at what they do 1 enemy after the other.
Tristana actually farmed really well during the whole game and was only 1 item behind Ezreal when that fight happened. Plus the Lulu steroids that you mentioned.. and you got yourself a beast.
Imma make a Tristana vid, champion is just stupid
@@BrokenSupport yeah now guys if you meet someone who ban tristana that probably me I have enough to get E 3 shot + ult that champ don’t know what balance means
@@BrokenSupport id need help on her appreciated
Found your content today for WR and i instantly subs. i love how you explain every detail of your game unlike others, you deserve more subs. btw where can i find this kind of setting 6:05 for global skills since i rely on mini maps when i'm trying to aim
Seria legal se o colhedor de essência no WR tivesse a passiva do fulgor também, eu adoraria essa mudança. Ajudaria muito o Corki isso.
O tanto que eu ansiei por uma gameplay de adc! Caitlyn next please 😩😩
Hmmmm... i main ez before cait and when i saw this build on ez all i can say is that you lose a large amount of dmg.. building manamune with rune*manaflow* + frozenheart gaves you alot of raw dmg on your autoatck and s1 skill.. you can also add riftmaker for that omnivamp which ez benefits the most + a good corruption dmg on that pack..
Is heart preferable to the gauntlet? The gauntlet gives extra dmg though. Is triforce still part of the core build? Thanks
I still watch ur vid even tho it's not a support vid, because u teach us builds and meta as well 😁👍
I’m confused about building crit on Ezreal since he doesn’t crit on any of his abilities.
yeah ezreal main here, i’m pretty sure manamune is a must on him in WR. essence reaver doesn’t offer on-hit dmg or crit on his Q, which is his bread and butter ability
The most efficient way to kill squishy enemies is by going crit
@@BrokenSupport but he doesn’t scale with crit, either AD or AP. That’s why I’m confused
As an Ezreal main this does put a smile on my face
Hehe :P
@@BrokenSupport I didn't think the crit ez worked, cuz his abilities don't crit i did try it in practice before, but after trying your build i was surprised how well it worked against squishy champs. Thanks for teaching me something new
Finally u answer my curious how azreal crit build😂
my best adc is probably ezreal but the only time i lose games, or at least when i dont have much impact in games, is when they have a high heal / shield emchanter like sona or soraka, any damage i do just gets negated. is ezreal just a bad pick into this or is there a way around it?
Gotta keep this in mind: the sustain, poke, all in triangle
Sustain beats poke as they can outheal the poke
Poke beats all in as the ones trying to all in won’t get the chance to all in when they’re constantly being poked
All in beats sustain as sustain can’t heal the burst damage of all in
Ezreal is a poke character. When you’re facing against a heavy sustain comp, someone like Samira or Tristana who have strong all ins are your best bet. That or hope your solo queue teammates can pick an all in character and gank you constantly lol.
Generally 100% true if you have an point and click CC or auto heal, ezreal becomes uselss most of the game. I want to say ADC role is team comp based yet you need to master at least two champs with one situational and one blind pick!
Putting the 'Carry' in ADC!
Wow man you give us free courses +
Do you recommend the riftmaker after trinity force build?
Honestly no, I don’t like riftmaker 😂
@@BrokenSupport but it gives ability haste health and true dmg and ez can use some ap won’t it be good against tanks with divine you will face tanks easily?
Hey broken!, Nice video, I would like to see a top lane video explaining how to carry as Renekton, I love your content 🤍
i love your opening song so much xd
I love your channel ❤
@@BrokenSupport 🍓
pov me : “broken is the best macro and micro cheesecakes ! “
Bork riftmaker mortal reminder
Poyo! (Hi again broken support :)
Poyo! ( Heyo! :)
Hm interesting doom told me never sunderer, not even situational, already have bork, so tri force or gauntlet movement speed buff/debuff might be better.
I always curious, what champ u ban and what the reason u ban those champ..
Thanks for the awesome video, btw do you really think Riftmaker works with Ezreal for additional magic damage?
I just hit grandmaster using mainly thresh with 60% WR, would like to say thanks for your videos 🥺
The best ADC for real is Tristana. This game only ended the way it did bc the enemy lacked any real engage/front line. I’ve had a game in rank recently where our support gave up early and went afk and everyone wanted to FF but me bc I knew we had a chance. All I had to do was stay focus, farm and pick off the enemies that were getting cocky that would over extend. Sure enough I hit my 3rd item and my range was crazy so the bodies started piling up. We ended up winning 4v5.
Idk how to build her at all with a yuumi
I’m a top 69 challenger , top 69 ezrial player with 69% win rate and I approve of this build. ❤
I hope u use all kinds of roles and advise us about the items. I use ezreal a lot and thanks for the advice about the item.
What are your targeting settings? You don’t have portrait lock on and somehow your attacks lock on to a target and not minions.
Yo broken can u tell me against what kind of teams varus is a good pick?
Also +1 for ap nasus
That thumbnail made me excited.. i got baited xd
is there anything this man doesnt do well?
great video and advices as always bro
pd: is ther any other rune/build for nami beside electrocute? (since champ was removed im not the same person 😔 )i tried it in some matches and im bad as *** xd so, if u know another way to play her, it would be awesome!
You can play her the same way you used to play her but with Electrocute she's much stronger. I'm relieved that many people don't use it (Electrocute Nami) against me because they don't know about this.
@@TerraForged Auto - 2nd - Auto to proc Electrocute level 1?
@@KaylerFaye26_ yes.
I don't like to lose half of my HP on lvl 1 as a melee champ from one combo. If you don't pay attention, it is very easy to lose the lane against a good nami.
Being Lulu Let me support u I want U in my team 😜
Amazing Build. I will try it out. Thx 🙏
Will you make a video using Tristana? Would greatly appreciate
in every game I play,every match is against and my adc:let us introduce ez...
theres a reason why its always a GGEZ
Whats the lane you play less than the others?
I feel comfortable in every lane/role honestly, played league on Pc way to much time 😂
Hello just found your channel and i really want to learn marksman since my friends are mostly playing support, i was a support player too but i need to adjust and just completely change to adr role, do you have any tips for beginners like me on adr what marksman champs to start ?
Essence on this game doesn't have spell balde passive since doesn't have sheen like on lol pc, why you build it instead of Trinity Force?
I have Trinity Force…. 0.0
@@BrokenSupport Quick judgement
Yup now i notice i didnt get my desire role. As a supp . Now need to master another role. Mid and jg
When do we see baron lane brokensupport? :)
Papa broken pls do kaisa next pweetty pweease. I want to know what you think of her items. Like isn't she the only champs where u can have ap and ad items on?
What is a squishy team??? Some champs for example
Champions that doesn’t build Hp and armor or magic resist
Hey man I've been into Sona lately, can u make a new Sona vid? Since it has been awhile u posted a Sona vid
Can be Jinx next adc recorded? xD
what does 2904 means in ur loading screen? is it your rank in the server?
Yes :)
Is there a chance to get name of the music from beginning?
plz play gragas support i will never stop asking
i can play with any spellblade passive item with essence reaver?
Uhhh Ez is fine but I prefer to use Ashe, that champ made me reach Challenger in 3 different servers. I'll recommend Ashe, Senna and Vayne. Well it still depends on you if you are comfortable with these champions but these adc are always a huge help in team fight, but if you are low rank like if you see Lee Sin doing flash in then it's a low rank so I suggest to pick Kai'Sa, Jinx, Lucian and Tristana because these champs can hard carry against dumb players.
Pyke the hook master
Who are the top 3 solo q adcs to climb with. How do you learn there core items broken i finally made it diamond thanks to you
Broken if it alright for you can i ask what server are you play at??
what is the third item when build manamune + iceborn or divine sunderer?
Serylda for slow on each Q. or Mortal reminder if antiheal needed. 4th is botrk.
And you Can go Trinity instead of gauntlet if not full ad
@@gallienkennel8890 I wonder if botrk attack speed is stacking with attack speed from trinity
@@sujarwe of course it stacks.
Stats Always stacks. It's unique passive that don't stack.
Exemple : Sheen passive on Trinity don't stack with Sheen passive from gauntlet.
The passives have a Bâle and if 2 items have the same passive name, thé passive dont' stack.
Another exemple is the move speed you get on attck with Trinity. It doesn't stack with black cleaver which has the same passive
Welp, that Pyke was kind of useless, good thing you had Nunu and Rene to absorb damage. Ez goes well with tanks.
What's next on manamune + gauntlet build?
Broken can u reveal what settings are you using?
Broken rift
Dude u can play everything
Yi with the new soulstealer and the daggers that reduce the CD on crit is the new fcking meta literally you are alleays on Alpha strike
That nunu is good 👍
Best jungle eu
Congrats to Saudi Arabia after won against Argentina 💚💚
How good is kraken slayer For ez?
Very good ( vs tanks )
Today I've got adc when it's my last option and my main is supp.
I tried this build even I don't like copy and paste builds.
It works a lot kkkkk
We played together you do work!
Oh hey! :)
@@BrokenSupport we won I played Caitlyn
Bro i am think i cant get over master.
I always win my lane but rest team feeds hard and its lose
Games are coinflip. It doesnt matter. I can be 6/0 in lane but rest team hard int.
If someone dies once then they hard feed cause they dont care
So true!!! Is like broken say always, major players don't know how to finish the game, I was 23/4 with Akali and I tried to tell them what to do, at end we lost cuz they just looking for kills
u betrayed us.. u betrayed the cause
Best adc: full crit asol
Don't reveal the secret...
@@BrokenSupport xddd
Day 21: Please play Singed Support even if as a joke.
I second this notion. 👌
Yeah. Don't get tired requesting bro! If you achieved until day 69 maybe he will
@@tuesdayvalentine7325 he said he would on day 18 :)
@@MySqueezingArm that's nice
Stuck at fkn gold 2, ADC & Support
I literally have 10 win streak with ezreal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Clickbait, Face To Wind proved Yassuo is the best adc
I forgot… missplay sorry
and cz ur ezreal, and perfect
now i can all role xD
Do challenge jungle role from iron to gm
I remember my teamates flaming me and even trolling the game for building essence reaver and Devine on ezreal even I be doing so much damage . Master / Gm elo btw . I still don't understand this community fam .
hashtag nerf broken
That's a nice build, I always go manamune first and next build gauntlet if I see my team is doing fine if not I go for trinity , I do always think manamune is a waste of gold for both ezreal and senna
Manamune is the most efficient item in wild rift when evolved into muramana. So its actually the opposite of a waste of gold.
@@Iker5555 lol I just love it when you talk about something someone will immediately come and tell you you're wrong! Well yes it's nice item on ezreal, but my point was that no one has ever gone a build on him without the manamune, and I've never seen anyone playing crit ezreal, but there were AP ezreal builds with I dont know why, but yeah any item with sheen is a nice item for ezreal
@@N4xan1nMd I was once addicted to ap ezreal 😅, ap ezreal is what you would call literal one shotters. So the main damage of AP Ez is from his 3rd skill which scales with AP more than its AD, and what you need to do is just , hit 2nd skill on enemy, and then 3rd skill. After that, the enemy literally explode 😂, even tanks will lose something almost to a quarter of theyre hp. And other mage's and Adc's and not tanky supports ? They literally die in one hit 😅.
Seems broken right ? BUTTTT, imo AP ez is more like a fun build, since it got lots of disadvantage. The first you might realize early is his clear speed. AP ez clear is as a lot of mages , very slow, in mid to late game you will be having a hard time clearing waves. Also with AD Ez, your main damage comes from your 1st skill which has a really low cooldown so you can spam it. But with AP Ez, your 3rd skill is your main damage and it has a considerablely long cooldown. And also the 3rd skill is a single target skill, so in a teamfight , all you do are pick offs and ult ( AP Ez ult hit like a truck ).
So yeah imo, AP Ez is a fun build, it made him this assasin kind of character that is a glass canon, AD ez is more balance and more reliable in most situation so yeah.
Ez is a fun hero, you should try AP Ez atleast once 🙏👍
@@johnmike8183 lol that does seem like fun I will try that, but what about varus? I see everyone one shotting with ap varus but I always fail at it , is that also a fun build?
@@N4xan1nMd Yeah i have seen some AP varus but since i rarely play him, i kinda dont know what hurts from AP Varus 😅, gotta look at his skills again and see which scales with AP. But yeah , varus is a really fun adc too. But if you want lots of action, go Ezrealllllllllllll 👍👍
Finally someone agrees
Just play broken ADC for longer time you will understand why people are sick of this role, i mean every youtuber plays ADC so good as if hey it is easy yet it is not if you want to have this sustained performance? 🤣
Let it is enough you don't have complete control of early game it is 80% sub diff or if mid or top is fed it is harder to carry!
It’s kinda interesting u say that do you know why?
In my opinion using mage champions in this role is more viable because if you don’t scale fast you become pretty much useless
@@BrokenSupport 100% correct my seraphine outclass/outdps my ADC late game
ult+W+Q+Meteor combo I got penta with her
Are you afraid of everyone leaving?
No bro, Wild Rift population growing every month
@@BrokenSupport well with no competitive scene I don't see much of a reason for me to stay 😢
since you play everything now name ur Channel broken potato
Ezreal loves bronzes cause they don't need a map :)
Lmao 🤣
Play Lulu again :3
I'm also a support can you do leaona game play and build +runes
He did it, you can find it on his videos.
Crit ezreal is secret powerhouse 😅
Now i exactly know why you really hate tristana :XD
I got 10 streak solo q ezreal
Now duo lane is dominated by nasus and attrox 😒
This buff ezreak make him invicible
I think bcz of you people picking more support role nowadays. This is when support main pick adc position prediction looks good.
I like Ez but.. why he run like that lol
finally adc
Once Honor of Kings becomes global (soon)and now that RITO Games cancel esports in the western regions...well...wildrift will die. It s not my opinion it s pro players opinion like darkbreaker and others. I like u mate, but...maybe s time to switch the game. Remember Vainglory?
Wait , vainglory is coming back ??? Really ? 🥺🥺
They ignored Darkbreaker and many others for way to long and this is the results…