New funding to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in Worksop

  • Опубліковано 25 лип 2024
  • The latest Safer Streets project in Worksop is helping to reduce antisocial behaviour and crime as well as helping residents to feel safer in their community.
    It comes after the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire secured £1m from the Home Office in the latest round of Safer Streets funding.
    Bassetlaw District Council has received a share of £166k for a variety of crime-tackling interventions.
    The latest project aims to target crime, antisocial behaviour and improve public safety in the Sandy Lane area of Worksop. Initiatives will include the installation of ten new 4G CCTV cameras, along with new gates and fencing near residential blocks, in addition to environmental improvements.
    Caroline Henry, Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, said; “I am incredible excited to see that Worksop is set to benefit from this new round of Safer Streets funding secured by my office.
    “We have seen some fantastic results in the past by bringing interventions such as a street warden project, improved lighting, and new refuge point CCTV cameras.
    “We know that good CCTV, environmental improvements and fencing to close off vulnerable areas does make people feel safer, and that is what Safer Streets is all about.
    “I welcome the ongoing partnership with Bassetlaw District Council and Nottinghamshire police to keep the people of Worksop safe.”
    Environmental works have already started in the area with Pocket Park, on the corner of Sandy Lane and Gateford Road, being cleared of overgrown shrubs, hedges, and trees.
    This work has already helped to deter drug activity, after signs of drug use and dealing were uncovered as part of the clear up work, along with empty drinks bottles and cans.
    Further environmental works will help to improve the look and feel of the area for residents, in addition to improved visibility for CCTV coverage of the area.
    Cllr Lynne Schuller, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing she said: “We want to target the causes of ASB and criminal activity in this part of Worksop and increase a feeling of safety for residents.
    Our Vision 2040 sees us commit to improving lifestyles and health outcomes. This action will help us to do this, as well as improving the visual aspects of the surrounding area it will improve feelings of safety and have a positive impact on our residents.
    “We’d like to thank the Police and Crime Commissioner for securing this funding which will have a positive impact on Sandy Lane and the people who live here.”
    Additional measures proposed for the area include new low-level fencing and gating to provide improved security for residents around Colbeck House and the surrounding area. Engagement on these measures has been taking place with residents.
    Safer Streets is an ongoing partnership between the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire Police, and Bassetlaw District Council among other local authorities across the region.
    Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for Bassetlaw, Hayley Crawford, said: “I’m delighted to know that we’ve got some more Safer Streets funding coming to Bassetlaw, it will make a huge impact in helping enhance our work to tackle crime in the Sandy Lane area.
    “Having the additional CCTV in the area means that we’re easily able to identify suspects in crimes and identify areas that are causing us real problems. We’re then able to put interventions in place to tackle those.
    “The area has a dedicated Beat Manager and Police Community Safety Officers patrolling the area in plain clothes and high visibility. Much intelligence has been developed and warrants executed in the area which has helped to disrupt drug supply.”
    To report antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood, call Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or visit the web page linked below to report.
    Report antisocial behaviour | Nottinghamshire Police
    In an emergency, you should always call 999.


  • @godsgod1677
    @godsgod1677 Місяць тому +1

    It's good they're aiming to tackle the antisocial behavior and harassment since so many cops are guilty of such offences but never get dealt with properly.

  • @FatPigTheConqueror
    @FatPigTheConqueror 5 місяців тому +4

    Lol they cut down all the trees so the cameras can get a better view and said they did it for the environment.

  • @beastclips56
    @beastclips56 4 місяці тому


  • @davehopkinson3922
    @davehopkinson3922 2 місяці тому

    This is the crime commissioner with the poorest driving record I know other than a car thief

  • @3foria420
    @3foria420 5 місяців тому +6

    never heard so much rubbish in all my life