I did a test yesterday with a 1.6W 450nm laser and solder paste. It took a couple of seconds to make a solder join on a normal perf board. So the laser wouldn't have to be extremely powerful, in the tens of watts I would think.
@@randomelectronicsanddispla1765 That's really cool because you could save on just tips and burnt out heating elements. Does a type or colour of diode matter?
Hi friend. We need a special soldering machine for our endoscopes. Can you supply us? Thanks
Absolute pinnacle of soldering.
Anything looks good with leaded solder... BUT Have you seen that new Panda Soldering Machine?
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Ah, that is just beautiful. How powerful does the laser have to be?
I did a test yesterday with a 1.6W 450nm laser and solder paste.
It took a couple of seconds to make a solder join on a normal perf board. So the laser wouldn't have to be extremely powerful, in the tens of watts I would think.
@@randomelectronicsanddispla1765 That's really cool because you could save on just tips and burnt out heating elements. Does a type or colour of diode matter?
wow I never saw this its amazing
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