醫者如是 第二卷:薪火相傳 眾志成城 陽明牙醫前輩群像

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • 陽明牙醫自1976年開辦成系,2000年成為臺灣第一所學院級牙醫教育單位,歷任院系主管惠慶元、詹兆祥、林子淮、張哲壽功不可沒。身兼陽明牙醫院系主管與榮總牙科部/口腔醫學部主任的他們,完整建立陽明牙醫從基礎到臨床的教育訓練體系,並同步最新的醫療技術及趨勢,改進教材與教學方法。此外,陽明牙醫創辦之初即爭取到興建專屬的牙醫館,確保教學及研究無後顧之憂。許多學生也受惠於老師們的安排出國進修,並回到母系任教,傳承師長的精神。種種事蹟體現榮總-陽明關係共生共榮之典範。
    NYCU College of Dentistry was established as a department in 1976, and became the first college-level dental education institution in Taiwan in 2000. Successive department heads Dr. Chin-Yuan Hwei, Dr. Chao-Chang Chan, Dr. Ze-Hwai Lin, and Dr. Che-Shoa Chang were indispensable. They served concurrently as the heads of the Department/College of Dentistry in Yang-Ming, and the directors of the Department of Dentistry/Stomatology of the Taipei Veteran General Hospital. They have completely established the education and training system of Yang-Ming Dental education from basic to clinical, and have kept pace with the trends in teaching materials and methods.
    In addition, College of Dentistry strives to build an exclusive Dental Building since its establishment to ensure that teaching and research are worry-free. Many students also benefited from the arrangements of teachers to study abroad and returned to College, passing on the spirit of their teachers. Various deeds embody the model of symbiosis and mutual prosperity between Taipei VGH and NYCU.
    片名:醫者如是 第二卷:薪火相傳、眾志成城 陽明牙醫前輩群像
    Title:Forever a Doctor: Episode 2 - Solidarity and Inheritance: The Untold Story of The College of Dentistry
    出品人/Presented by:林奇宏/NYCU President Chi Hung Lin
    監製/Executive Producers:黃明居/Ming Jiu Hwang、郭文華/Wen Hua Kuo
    製片/Producers:吳嘉雯/Jia Wen Wu、吳玉愛/Yu Ai Wu
    編導/Writer-Director:王騰億/Teng Yi Wang
    音樂來源/Music Source:Promoted by Chosic www.chosic.com...
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    Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
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    Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
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    Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
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    © NYCU Library MMXXIII
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