  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @gatall91
    @gatall91 4 місяці тому +266

    "Oh we've been trying to keep the process down" Then why don't you just lower the price? The company has had record profits for the past 5 years and they have the balls to raise the prices. Don't insult our intelligence

    • @clinch4402
      @clinch4402 4 місяці тому +39

      Lets not forget when they used to have stores fully staffed with 3 members back in the 00s, now barely have 1 and have to shut for "lunch". It's beyond hilarious how much they've cut costs.

    • @gatall91
      @gatall91 4 місяці тому +37

      @clinch4402 cut costs??? They've shut most of their storefronts doors! This is nothing but corporate greed and nothing more. If we want to really show our displeasure we need to dig more into the 3rd party miniature/ 3d printing market. Hit them in their wallets

    • @RobbieB2606
      @RobbieB2606 4 місяці тому +17

      Exactly right - just the same as the energy companies raising prices complaining about their costs, but making record profits. They just think us plebs are idiots unfortunately

    • @Believer1980
      @Believer1980 4 місяці тому

      @@clinch4402 You think that's bad, the manager don't do store events, we had no Armies on Parade late year, and no other events. On top of that he put the kibosh on in store games, in my area there is only the store where we can game together.

    • @Believer1980
      @Believer1980 4 місяці тому +9

      @@gatall91 We need to take a leaf out of the Hell Divers 2 players hand book.

  • @kennethmacgregor-Gregorach
    @kennethmacgregor-Gregorach 4 місяці тому +76

    You sound so surprised by this news! I live in Norway, that's a stupid increase. It's priced me out the market. I'm starting a cheaper hobby like buying aircraft carriers.

  • @vortex594
    @vortex594 4 місяці тому +51

    "We understand that no one likes a price rise and we've done our best to keep prices down." 😃

    • @jamfjord
      @jamfjord 4 місяці тому +2

      The shareholders quite like a price rise

    • @rosskwolfe
      @rosskwolfe 4 місяці тому +2

      "The machine detected that was a lie."

    • @DislocatedDesign
      @DislocatedDesign 4 місяці тому

      They failed, on purpose

    • @dannyslag
      @dannyslag 4 місяці тому

      ​@Khobai this is the dumbest comment on the internet.

    • @eidolon1426
      @eidolon1426 4 місяці тому

      As cringe as it is, this is in fact NOT the dumbest comment on the Internet.
      The spirit of his comment is absolutely correct. If money is become problem, why not fire people who siphon money out of your IP?
      Cut off the parasites. Seems like the logical thing to do, considering that meta-politics have killed over a dozen massive franchise's in the past 5 years alone...

  • @TheDarkplace
    @TheDarkplace 4 місяці тому +18

    I had worked in retail for various companies over the years at different levels of management. One thing i have learned the moment the firm has shareholders any sense of fair pricing goes out the window.
    GW has to keep the shareholders happy or they will force them to change how they do things.
    Most of the shareholders are big companies with no interest in GW outside of the dividends they will get.
    I am not defending the price going up this situation is stupid and will be the death of the company. The shareholders don't care they just want the money.
    That said the price rise is at least somewhat close to inflation at the moment unlike some of the supermarkets. Too many firms are taking the piss

  • @Pemmont107
    @Pemmont107 4 місяці тому +73

    One Page Rules.

    • @TheMichiganMachinist
      @TheMichiganMachinist 4 місяці тому +8

      Don't forget old editions

    • @TheBreanor
      @TheBreanor 4 місяці тому +6

      Indeed ... GW is pricing me out of their game .
      OPR has good rules . And 3d printed mini are getting better..

    • @davidhalstead402
      @davidhalstead402 4 місяці тому

      They actually reduced the price of their physical prints on OnlyGames this year

    • @elijahherstal776
      @elijahherstal776 4 місяці тому

      Better games exist. One Page Rules is basically for people who struggle with GW's room-temperature IQ rules. It's the shorter bus behind the short bus of wargame rules.

    • @Pemmont107
      @Pemmont107 4 місяці тому +3

      @@elijahherstal776 Guess I'm one of those people then :D I and many others prefer simpler rule systems; Makes it much easier to play social games out, or at a mate's!

  • @BarokaiRein
    @BarokaiRein 4 місяці тому +8

    Also in the news: Siraya tech ABS-like resin costs only about 150 euros per 5L Canister.

    • @kiraangle2823
      @kiraangle2823 4 місяці тому

      Sunlu is about 30 percent cheaper and is what i recomend

    • @BarokaiRein
      @BarokaiRein 4 місяці тому

      Sunlu ABS-like actually costs the exact same per litre in Europe. They raised the cost once they got name recognition and the normal price is like 30 euros per litre. Also, Sunlu doesn't hold detail as well as Siraya tech resin, which is actually comparable to Ameralabs TGM-7 in performance.

  • @craggylotus
    @craggylotus 4 місяці тому +4

    I'll jump right on that geedubs, before the price rise in 2 days. Oh, wait, TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK

  • @ValkyiaTV
    @ValkyiaTV 4 місяці тому +3

    I went into a store last week for the first time in like 10 Years.. ITs a nice new shop, Air con, Nicely laid out.. Way bigger than the one that used to be in town.. The singular staff member (Down from what used to be 3) was friendly.. Models were soo much better than I remember quality wise.. I was almost tempted.. But then they put me off so much.. IT wasnt that the price that put me off.. Though.. Seeing 5 monsterous infantry models for almost the old price of a start collecting box made me wince.. It was the proud announcement that actually.. Gaming in stores no longer exists.. You cant do it.. Buy our models and go away.. Figure out what to do with them elsewhere. In a town with no other gaming stores, no clubs that I know of.. No friends that I have that still play.. Makes it an easy choice to not spend money at all really.

    • @B1-997
      @B1-997 4 місяці тому

      GW wants to treat their physical store like they are Apple stores, you go in, buy what you want and you leave. No gaming at all as gaming takes away from sales in GW's mind.

  • @randomusernameCallin
    @randomusernameCallin 4 місяці тому +3

    The timing is not surprising with the other news from GW lately.

  • @ForgesOfLuna
    @ForgesOfLuna 4 місяці тому

    Worth mentioning that Bits of War just lowered the price of over 1200 items on their webstore

  • @GarredHATES
    @GarredHATES 4 місяці тому

    GW: “we pissed off the player base, we better raise the prices!”

  • @tcr4507
    @tcr4507 4 місяці тому +2

    They really shouldn’t be allowed to increase price in Australia man. They’re already bankrupting us and our kiwi brothers. Cost of kits here is like an additional 33% after conversion of currency.

  • @Guitarman5705
    @Guitarman5705 4 місяці тому +3

    I mean honestly there is absolutely no reason to buy their stuff anymore, their plastic is priced higher than gold for the same weight at this point lol just buy a fucking printer 3 times over before you buy a gw army.

  • @GreenStuffConsumer
    @GreenStuffConsumer 4 місяці тому

    in 9th edition a box of astra militarum infantry squad was $36. it is now $50

  • @Ayrianas
    @Ayrianas 4 місяці тому

    They're fortunate Twitter doesn't have a dislike button on tweets as that post would have reactions similar to recent Hell Divers 2 reviews.

  • @guleri
    @guleri 4 місяці тому

    price increase of 8 - 14% (yes I live in Norway) on the current prices that is already high? Wow, guess I need to start thinking about what armies I really want to collect again now. Don't think I can afford to keep adding new units and "codexes" to all the armies I have bought over the years.

  • @AgeofSilver
    @AgeofSilver 4 місяці тому

    Genuinely not shocking for a company that never has sales or any kind of discounted pricing. Amazing that they don’t realize they will price the market out in no time. Cant wait for a real competitor to GW.

  • @tech6985
    @tech6985 4 місяці тому

    damn the prices of plastic must have skyrocketed then

  • @danielhalse9514
    @danielhalse9514 4 місяці тому

    Hopefully the GW staff are being given similar pay rises, as that is normally the main reason for inflation. Otherwise most of that money is going to execs and shareholders.

  • @LinkiePup
    @LinkiePup 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey, at least it happened 6 months into the year instead of 2.

  • @TheKlawwGang-n7n
    @TheKlawwGang-n7n 4 місяці тому

    I actually hope they continue to hike the prices. Eventually people will hit their limit and their profits will tank. You can only take the piss so much.

  • @Toolazytoaddspaces
    @Toolazytoaddspaces 4 місяці тому

    On the bright side it's not a big increase. If it gets too ridiculous though just 3d print

  • @DislocatedDesign
    @DislocatedDesign 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm sure my complete lack of spending on 40k won't be missed

  • @onyks991
    @onyks991 4 місяці тому

    "Warhammer is for everyone"
    As long as you sell your kidney to get new models

  • @Jamison1888
    @Jamison1888 4 місяці тому

    There is no reason for these things i remember buying lotr 24 packs of minis 12 years ago 40 dollars now 91 dollars 51 dollar price hike for the same sculpts as 12 years ago. Wow thats crazy

  • @rjakiel73
    @rjakiel73 4 місяці тому

    Well when you lose as many customers as they have in 2 weeks they have to charge more to whomever is left buying their trash. In the meantime my resin printer goes brrrr…

  • @Coproquim
    @Coproquim 4 місяці тому +1

    GW inflicting the fallout from their unwanted political posturing out on their customers

  • @MrMintyfreshsmell
    @MrMintyfreshsmell 4 місяці тому +1

    Here's a novel thought for you all. Stop buying GW products and stop supporting their games. Speak with your wallet and you'll make a difference. If you continue supporting this greedy company then you have zero right to complain.

  • @HistoritorJimaldus
    @HistoritorJimaldus 4 місяці тому +1

    Stuff like this (the root cause of it particularly) is what right-wingers are distracting from when they try to get you mad about female custodes or pronouns etc - all corporations are raising prices, not just GW. And remember that inequality is the main cause of inflation (and right-wing economic policies always increase inequality).

  • @Dagenham_Swish
    @Dagenham_Swish 4 місяці тому +2

    3D printer, etsy, one page rules. GW are unnecessary in this day and age

  • @kausalkraken5951
    @kausalkraken5951 4 місяці тому +1

    I just don't care anymore. I have multiple 3d printer and one page rules.

  • @thomasswingler174
    @thomasswingler174 4 місяці тому

    Can they not afford to build another factory and warehouse? I mean they seem to be constantly making record profits

  • @georgedavidson957
    @georgedavidson957 4 місяці тому

    If it’s any consolation, gw was price gouging 35 years ago. One of the reasons I stopped buying their stuff. Now they seem to be going all out to tank the brand.

  • @gabrieljusti1322
    @gabrieljusti1322 4 місяці тому +1

    Intervention, all you GW fans you are in a abusive relationship, daddy James workshop comes smack you around, tahkes your money and than buys you a dinner with your money, and you all still thik he is a great partner for doing the bare minimum in the worst way possible, GW deserves to go bankrupt if they persist in the same anti-consumer tatic, pleaso do not incentivise this stuff

  • @Black_Blow_Fly
    @Black_Blow_Fly 4 місяці тому +2

    Neckbeards unite… remember when last year you said you’d never buy more GW merch yet here you are saying it yet again (and again)…

    • @JoKeRakaAlessandro
      @JoKeRakaAlessandro 4 місяці тому

      People these day’s forget stuff like this real quick

    • @clinch4402
      @clinch4402 4 місяці тому +3

      "I did this so I'm going to assume everybody is like me" Stop projecting onto other people.

  • @kendonfahr8337
    @kendonfahr8337 4 місяці тому +2

    God bless eBay.

    • @oliverpedder-platt9629
      @oliverpedder-platt9629 4 місяці тому +2

      The only issue is that people base there prices on eBay based on roughly what GW is selling the for so we will see an increase in eBay prices aswell

  • @lukesevern3923
    @lukesevern3923 4 місяці тому

    Breaking news kiri is anti bread

  • @RealJahzir
    @RealJahzir 4 місяці тому

    I wish they would skip the pretend apology. I think a plain " June 10th prices go up 3-5%". That would be less offensive

  • @squirlking2
    @squirlking2 4 місяці тому +1

    Gw are fools. You are hurting your own brand. And the consumer can replace you outright.

  • @paulbestwick2426
    @paulbestwick2426 4 місяці тому +2

    They have to get the money they are missing from cancelled Warhammer plus subscriptions somehow.

  • @Dirt1061
    @Dirt1061 4 місяці тому

    Well I would like ale advantage of the “low” prices, but nothing is in stock anywhere so yeah, sorry GW, I guess I have to take my money elsewhere.

  • @xiphias_4124
    @xiphias_4124 4 місяці тому

    sweet now I have to pay more for the models that are out of stock.. looks at 3D printer...

  • @Chimer24-qs5wo
    @Chimer24-qs5wo 4 місяці тому

    GW are extracting the urine. When, in the past ten plus years have they ever 'tried to keep prices down'. Their shareholders are the only people they give a monkeys about. Gone are the days when GW was for the hobby and the hobbyist. I know, we've said all this before, but now, with so many excellent minis available from other sources, the ease and availability of 3D printing, why bother at all with GW? Yes, I loved GW 25 years ago but nowadays, they can take a hike.

  • @kettusnuhveli
    @kettusnuhveli 4 місяці тому

    GW has forced me to exclusively 3D print. Over the years prices have kept going up yet my salary has sadly stayed the same…

  • @TrippyTheShroom
    @TrippyTheShroom 4 місяці тому

    It baffles me how much GW gets away with this shit.

  • @caseyanders1601
    @caseyanders1601 4 місяці тому

    It’s like they don’t want to be in business.

  • @Grombrindal
    @Grombrindal 4 місяці тому

    I get around the high prices by not playing

  • @gracefaithCHRISTscriptureGOD
    @gracefaithCHRISTscriptureGOD 4 місяці тому +1

    I stopped buying GW miniatures years ago when I realised GW over price there items. Only the GW snobs will pay there DISGRACEFUL prices. Compared to other manufacturers Perrys, Wargames Atlantic and others you are being robed and you are blind to it, how foolish.

  • @mattb683
    @mattb683 4 місяці тому

    I got a 3d printer a wash and clean kits off ebay for 100$

    • @mattb683
      @mattb683 4 місяці тому

      It's a elegoo saturn 8k

  • @samlivera4915
    @samlivera4915 4 місяці тому +1

    Damn, think I need to just buy less 😕

  • @wayneclarke3152
    @wayneclarke3152 4 місяці тому

    Greed breeds Greed, its to keep the shareholders happy. Me thinks this isn't the way to bring in new people GW another great move...🙄🙄

  • @Daveyboywalton1
    @Daveyboywalton1 4 місяці тому

    Last strike for me, CBA with this never ending greed. Time to join the printing brigade.

  • @rickardberglund1564
    @rickardberglund1564 4 місяці тому

    🇸🇪 Tack så J mycke GW. 󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮Thank you so F much GW

  • @Moggy1k
    @Moggy1k 4 місяці тому

    People need to grow up. They cry more about the price of toys going up than when essentials in life such as water, heating and food go up. Just buy something else there are loads of great products out there.

  • @TheMichiganMachinist
    @TheMichiganMachinist 4 місяці тому

    This seems to be a calculated response to the boycott.

  • @Dumpes
    @Dumpes 4 місяці тому +80

    I 100% call bullshit on this. North Star Military figures (that make Frostgrave, Stargrave, oathmark) and Wargames Atlantic havent raised any prices in years and they are putting out great products. Fuck GW.

    • @mausolus8466
      @mausolus8466 4 місяці тому +5

      Fellow NSM fan? Well met. I mean, box of their 20 miniatures is less than half a price of GW 5s while potential for kitbashing and quality are imho in simmilar values. I found this out hard way when I got fed up with GW shenanigans first time years ago and was searching for alternatives, and since then, I have purchased not only many non-GW miniatures, but also got reasonable collection of rulebooks for other gaming systems (systems that are fan-fiction-creation friendly and miniature-agnostic - that's right GW, you are not even competition anymore!)

    • @Swordsnstuff
      @Swordsnstuff 4 місяці тому

      I'm currently working on a ton of stuff from these companies for Rangers of Shadowdeep. Fantastic miniatures :D

    • @rmkarros
      @rmkarros 4 місяці тому

      I think wargames atlantic prices are increasing soon but only by like a dollars per box and it the first price rise thay have done in years (last one was in 2022 and a rise of 0.12 cents a box)
      edit never mind it was Warlord I was thinking about that raising prices soon.

    • @calebbarnhouse496
      @calebbarnhouse496 4 місяці тому

      ​@@KnightSquire 1, scale is a benefit dumbass, bigger companies get bulk discounts, and better return rates for things like molds, they will sell a mold's lifespan of space marines way before a smaller company will sell a mold's lifespan of models, 2, even if poor GW was making less per kit, they would still be the bad guy for raising prices, and finally, with how GW treats it's customers, there's no way in hell it treats it's employees well, bare legal minimum and that's it, but even if they did treat the employees there well? That doesn't excuse the fact that they charge 50% more to multiple times more for the same product just being moved to a nation, even when the cost of shipping those plastic models is literally less then the cost of t
      British taxes

    • @Funko777
      @Funko777 4 місяці тому +5

      ​@@KnightSquire oh?? We having a chuckle down here are we? What you are saying makes zero sense. If a small mom and pop (ish) miniature producer can provide minis at a similar quality for cheaper then THERE IS AN ISSUE. You're right, GW is big business...
      A BIG MULTI BILLION DOLLAR business who literally owns their own manufacturing centers. They set the prices throughout the entire chain of production from design to retail, and want to know a secret? PLASTIC IS FUCKIN CHEAP TO PRODUCE. Pretty hilarious you think they pay their factory employees well when it's well known they paid the literal game designers who... Ya know...make 40k function as a game like $30k a year. That's trash. GW is trash, recasters in China are cheaper and better than GW/FW resin. They only raise their prices to further gorge the executives at the top with profit, that's it. For God's sake Catachan and Eldar haven't been refreshed since the 90s, where's the money going James workshop?? Normal people cannot fathom how much a billion dollars is and yet GW made 5.5 last year if I recall correctly and now they want the customers they're already screwing to pay even more because they know most will do it. Ready for the sad part? no matter how poorly GW treats it's customers or how bad they blatantly screw people over some mouth breather will come along and make excuses for them because they like the taste of that GW spit in their mouths or fundamentally don't understand how business economics work.

  • @Kobrakai392
    @Kobrakai392 4 місяці тому +67

    They can't raise the prices of kits that are never in stock
    *rollsafe head tap*

    • @socalastarte6727
      @socalastarte6727 4 місяці тому +8

      The smartest comment on this whole thread. I’ve not bought a product through GW in several years, it’s cheaper to go through 3rd party retailers, but also the GW web store is a barren wasteland of items not in stock.

  • @storminmormn6283
    @storminmormn6283 4 місяці тому +72

    “The price of the brick going up”
    - GW

  • @joeflitton8034
    @joeflitton8034 4 місяці тому +196

    In other news, 3D printers have never been more accessible and affordable.

    • @itsallfunandgames723
      @itsallfunandgames723 4 місяці тому +5

      Saturn 4 still at preorder prices for a summer release!

    • @kurisi5563
      @kurisi5563 4 місяці тому +9

      But still a ballache to use and toxic and needs space, sadly

    • @biffa2987
      @biffa2987 4 місяці тому

      @@kurisi5563 alot easier now than ever before. The other points remain valid

    • @guywatkins5590
      @guywatkins5590 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@kurisi5563 yeah that's fair but it really isn't enough drama to offset paying like a grand a year for models surely

    • @biffa2987
      @biffa2987 4 місяці тому +2

      @guywatkins5590 really depends on the circumstances I guess. I enjoy painting so being able to print £100 size/type models to paint for £5 is great for me. I paint them and if I mess it up I don't care. Also the various scults and ideas available now in 3D printing are never ending if you want something different

  • @Ogre6972
    @Ogre6972 4 місяці тому +57

    Yes, the world is getting more expensive but, nothing on earth gets more expensive, faster and more often, than GW products. Solution? Stop buying GW. There are way cheaper options out there now. GW hasn't been the only game in town for a long time but, they are less important now than ever before.

    • @Manlio.Cipullo
      @Manlio.Cipullo 4 місяці тому +4

      say it loud bro, say it loud!

    • @mikeed2k9
      @mikeed2k9 4 місяці тому +2

      “Nothing on Earth gets more expensive, faster and more often than GW products”….. Well here in the U.K. food price inflation has been as high as 18% this year and is still above 5%, and inflation as a whole has only recently dropped below 10%.
      So yeah, food prices are still going up quicker and that’s a lot more essential than wardollies

    • @Ogre6972
      @Ogre6972 4 місяці тому +1

      @@mikeed2k9 I hear ya. Food prices here in Canada have gone a bit nuts, too...but even with that in mind, if you look at how much GW products have increased in price over say the last 20 years, and compare that to food price increases during the same period, I think the food prices would end up being the more favourable, if only 'slightly'.

    • @Ogre6972
      @Ogre6972 4 місяці тому

      @@mikeed2k9 And keep in mind all of GW's "hidden price increases", too. Not all of their price increases come with a press release. Uncle Atom over on Tabletop Minions has touched on this a time or two. GW's price hikes have been much more than what they announce, much more often.

    • @kristianjensen5877
      @kristianjensen5877 4 місяці тому

      @@Ogre6972 Yep, every time they've modernized a kit, they usually hike the price by at least 15-30% (on a good day). Inflation of course affects prices, but not this much.
      Ex. the Warriors of Chaos box from Fantasy 8.0 was 20 dudes for around €30 - now you get 10 "updated" models (albeit prettier and slightly bigger) for around €50.
      So not only has the price almost doubled since 2015, we're getting half as many models in the box for a game system that is quite model intensive.
      Same thing with the Primaris Intercessors costing €50 compared to the old Tactical Marine Squad costing around €30 in 2015. Not quite as egregious, but still sets a precedence of GW gouging the crap out of their customers.
      Yet we continue buying from them because they made us fall in love with their lore (which they've also been doing a great job at cheapening lately).

  • @danielbear9183
    @danielbear9183 4 місяці тому +103

    I genuinely can't think of a company/ brand that has as consistent price rises as Games workshop.

    • @56sketch
      @56sketch 4 місяці тому +11

      You might be surprised. Looking at market shares and values across economies tye trend is often that companies just don't mention their price increases. Most consumer goods went up in Q3 of last year and the same is happening now, GW just talks about it because it would be much worse if the prices went up suddenly.

    • @ger5956
      @ger5956 4 місяці тому +8

      Nvidia is probably king of that game to be fair.

    • @Manlio.Cipullo
      @Manlio.Cipullo 4 місяці тому +4

      @@ger5956 but there is AMD as an alternative... Most GW fans do not want to play other games, it is silly, but it is true...

    • @Ogre6972
      @Ogre6972 4 місяці тому +3

      @@Manlio.Cipullo BUT...GW fans don't have to buy the newest version of a game, or continue to buy models from GW. They can use proxies, they can play older versions of games, etc., etc. The only time it "must" be OFFICAL GW, is for in-store games and sponsored tourneys. Other than that, GW has absolutely ZERO leverage over the fanbase. Vote with your wallets, my dudes!

    • @Manlio.Cipullo
      @Manlio.Cipullo 4 місяці тому +2

      @@Ogre6972 Sorry my friend, i think you are delusional. Take no offense, but i know plentry of players stuck with GW 40k or AoS, unwilling to move to other games, even just to try them... It is sad but it is true, GW is a brand and they want to stay in the brand because it is the mainstream game...

  • @RobbieB2606
    @RobbieB2606 4 місяці тому +58

    I’ve not bought anything new since the last big rise. With this, doubt I’ll ever buy anything new again. I can’t be the only one?

    • @edmundthespiffing2920
      @edmundthespiffing2920 4 місяці тому +4

      I think I'll make one last order and stop ordering for a long while. Maybe until make a six figures salary.

    • @jeffers1985
      @jeffers1985 4 місяці тому +5

      I buy recasts now as the quality is now on par with gw and is in stock. Sod this company, the community can get buy without them due to 3d printers coming up with incredible designs now

    • @theamericancaesar4848
      @theamericancaesar4848 4 місяці тому +1

      As soon as guardsmen started costing over 40 dollars for 10 I stopped buying.

    • @jeffers1985
      @jeffers1985 4 місяці тому

      @@theamericancaesar4848 mid Atlantic miniatures are great value and half the price. My friend has moved over to them for his guard army

    • @RobbieB2606
      @RobbieB2606 4 місяці тому

      @@theamericancaesar4848 Yep, horde army prices are absolutely insane now

  • @Fanto_Sir
    @Fanto_Sir 4 місяці тому +37

    Crikey. I remember when blood bowl teams were 20 quid... it wasnt that long ago 😢

    • @S.A.S.H.
      @S.A.S.H. 4 місяці тому +1

      I cannot find the Cri key on my keyboard... ;)

    • @cloraformsgood5340
      @cloraformsgood5340 4 місяці тому +4

      I remember when metal blister packs were £1.99 😭

    • @Fanto_Sir
      @Fanto_Sir 4 місяці тому +2

      @cloraformsgood5340 yeah man only 30 years ago. Time flies... sadly

  • @danielbear9183
    @danielbear9183 4 місяці тому +33

    Like clockwork...

  • @hugepieman
    @hugepieman 4 місяці тому +13

    Didn't BitsofWar just announce price reductions because models have got cheaper to produce?

  • @dustpunkminiatures
    @dustpunkminiatures 4 місяці тому +27


    • @elijahherstal776
      @elijahherstal776 4 місяці тому +1

      Print miniatures for a better game than 40k if your IQ is higher than room temperature

  • @Maethendias
    @Maethendias 4 місяці тому +17

    at a certain point you gotta ask yourself... when will they realize that more sales is better than less sales but higher pricing?
    it is one of the first lessons you learn in economics
    and its hilarious that gw doesnt know about the ford principle
    ESPECIALLY in the context of the digital age and 3d printers

    • @ruslanhoncharenko2179
      @ruslanhoncharenko2179 4 місяці тому +1

      It's really not that simple

    • @Maethendias
      @Maethendias 4 місяці тому

      @@ruslanhoncharenko2179 it really is, it is the most fundamental principle of economics... selling more products means you have lower cost than if youd sell less products at a higher price
      it is the FUNDAMENTAL reason why globalism works the way it does
      especailly when the vast majority of things that get more expensive ARE FIXXED htey LITERALLY shouldnt make products more expensive overall
      you know, like power
      which is literally the reason why shrinkflation is a MASSIVE scam

    • @calebbarnhouse496
      @calebbarnhouse496 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@@ruslanhoncharenko2179it objectively is, lowered prices means higher sales, higher prices lower sales, if a stormsurge wasn't 185 dollars, or a taunar being about 300 after buying 1 weapon loadout for it, people would buy it just to own it, but instead a stormsurge costs as much as a high grade gundam kit imported from Japan in low quantities, while having way better engineering, molding techniques used for them, and are able to be moved without falling apart

  • @MattiasGrozny
    @MattiasGrozny 4 місяці тому +29

    As a Swede Im happy my printer goes brrrrr. Get stuffed GW.

  • @lordnovas
    @lordnovas 4 місяці тому +37

    A price hike announcement is usually a 3 month precursor for a hidden price hike.

  • @-Benedict
    @-Benedict 4 місяці тому +4

    It's very simple. This will only stop when people stop buying GW products.

  • @mommaneganhobbystuff2409
    @mommaneganhobbystuff2409 4 місяці тому +8

    Isn't that the 4th price increase in the past four years..? This is starting to feel very much like British energy providers tbh. Using legitimate inflation to jack the prices ever so much extra that they still make record profits.

    • @Coproquim
      @Coproquim 4 місяці тому

      We had at least 3 in the last 2 years

    • @craggylotus
      @craggylotus 4 місяці тому

      brexitcovid tho.

    • @Coproquim
      @Coproquim 4 місяці тому +1

      @@craggylotus covid turned them from being a million pound company to a billion pound company.

    • @craggylotus
      @craggylotus 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Coproquim doesn't mean it's not an excuse every company has made to ream us for all the money they can get

    • @Coproquim
      @Coproquim 4 місяці тому

      @@craggylotus tru dat

  • @alphariusomegon3965
    @alphariusomegon3965 4 місяці тому +4

    Man I’m glad I play guard and can just buy proxy troops from wargames Atlantic for $34 bucks across the board on all there sets and I can get 24-30 minis in the sets. This company proves there’s no need for price increases since they’ve been the same price since the company started 3ish years ago.

  • @LeifLaffeEriksson
    @LeifLaffeEriksson 4 місяці тому +4

    Yeah, after more than a year without any GW purchases, sending all of my miniature budget to AMG, Bad Squiddo, Great Escape Games and Warlord Games I was starting to get drawn back in with the tempting new skaven leaks... I was even sort of looking forward to trying and preorder the new AoS box.
    Guess I got over that real quick, as I live in Sweden. Way to go GW! I will buy more Star Wars, WW2 and resin for my printer instead.

  • @expatliferealspain1175
    @expatliferealspain1175 4 місяці тому +3

    why bother by the time you get stuff they change the rules and ban half your army GW is dead to me long live the 3d printer

  • @stoneraptor4541
    @stoneraptor4541 4 місяці тому +19

    As a New Zealander I am terrified. We already pay an extra 20% or so when compared to converted US prices just because we are far away. That little note mentioning Sweden and Norway are getting a much higher increase sets a scary precedent, especially when they give transport as an example for a reason for the change.
    I legitimately don’t think i’ll be able to justify this hobby anymore and I barely can currently

    • @spnked9516
      @spnked9516 4 місяці тому

      How did you not anticipate this though? GW doesn't care about it's consumers or the fans of its properties - it only cares about its shareholders who can only see in quarters. You should have bailed on paying for anything GW years ago - ideally back when they axed Fantasy rather than fix the problems with it they caused.
      I'm not saying bail on the hobby. You can still buy secondhand or - better yet - print, or find someone to print, whatever models you want. You can also use other rules, or just "acquire" the free PDFs of rules floating around on the high seas.

    • @Loloswaghetto
      @Loloswaghetto 4 місяці тому

      Hey man, recommend you buy recasted armies. Some recasters are extremely good quality for a fraction of the price

  • @tootynooty7606
    @tootynooty7606 4 місяці тому +4

    Adjusted for inflation 30 Space Marines used to cost £28 from one RTBO1 box... Just gonna leave that here.

  • @animusvids
    @animusvids 4 місяці тому +5

    If we all do not buy all the releases in on month we'll give gw a nice message

  • @Dinvan
    @Dinvan 4 місяці тому +2

    Complaining about GW raising prices is like complaining you wife is cheating on you, you keep going back they will keep doing it.

  • @ger5956
    @ger5956 4 місяці тому +3

    What’s sad is if they reduced there prices people would buy more.
    All this does is push more people towards other brands/hobbies either OPR or 3D Printing comes to mind.

  • @0-B1
    @0-B1 4 місяці тому +2

    Well also the new books doing weird trans shit littally and doing sex changes on some characters its really like what the fuck and to have the cheek to raise prises are fucking lore hard for last few months makes me sad

  • @Hogun13
    @Hogun13 4 місяці тому +3

    Well from the point, I no longer have a problem with people 3D printing or buying elsewhere for their armies

  • @dancheetham2649
    @dancheetham2649 4 місяці тому +2

    What makes me laugh is that they are comparing their product to food. Warhammer isn’t essential

  • @euanthompson
    @euanthompson 4 місяці тому +3

    Announcements of price rises are never "Just to let you know", it is to make you feel like you are beating the system and buy way more stuff than you normally would and then gouge you later as well. It is all just marketting.

  • @kosachilles2504
    @kosachilles2504 4 місяці тому +3

    mantic games is looking beautiful right now 😍

  • @elfatmano
    @elfatmano 4 місяці тому +2

    I love it when companies say that their costs are going up, as if it is only their costs that are going up and not for everyone else.

  • @Yakiro255
    @Yakiro255 4 місяці тому +2

    Didn't we just have a price hike when they updated their website? What the hell, GW.

  • @meatlaser
    @meatlaser 4 місяці тому +2

    I mean..... they do know about 3d printers right ?

    • @totomen666
      @totomen666 4 місяці тому

      Seems they are selling them now instead of figurines.

    • @meatlaser
      @meatlaser 4 місяці тому

      @@totomen666 🤣

  • @jesterprince4949
    @jesterprince4949 4 місяці тому +1

    GW: Inflation is at 3%, better raise the price of our products 5% year after year after year. GW stop making it hard to love your games. Please. We WANT to spend money on your stuff. Maybe just once put a price freeze? Not like you don't keep posting record profits. On a side note, if you can't keep up with the release cadence, maybe try slowing down the schedule, we really don't mind if an rules edition lasts 10 years, in fact I think many would prefer it! You could release a 10.5 edition for 40k where everything is fixed but all codex's remain relevant even! Slow down, let your stock catch up and stop trying to become magic the gathering.

  • @scoticvsgossage9378
    @scoticvsgossage9378 4 місяці тому +1

    So, the question is this lads:
    Are you going to take it?
    I know for many the hobby is their thing, the one thing they love without question, I get it.
    But you have to ask yourself: is it worth supporting a company that raises its prices every year?
    We’ve jumped up at least 15% in the past three. And that’s not including Australian prices or Scandinavian prices.
    I don’t know if a boycott is possible, quite frankly I think there are too many people who buy without question for a boycott to be truly successful.
    But what do you guys think?
    What are you going to do? Recasts, alternate sculpts? 3D printed models?
    You don’t have to buy every product they make to stay in the hobby. You can still game with friends, hang out, discuss the lore, etc.

  • @destyrian
    @destyrian 4 місяці тому +1

    GW is under heavy fire right now with its DEI pandering, leading to massive boycotts; 3D printers are becoming more and more affordable and advanced all the time; more and more people are switching over to games like OPR. GW's response? Raise prices even more for tiny bits of fragile, cheap plastic. The nerve.

  • @da_alien3218
    @da_alien3218 4 місяці тому +1

    bru living in Australia almost everything they sell is over 100aud getting to the point where the 3d printers are cheaper then the plastic models
    the start collecting box's are almost 300aud
    basic Intercessors squad is over 100aud for 10 bits of plastic and then you have to buy paints and the tools to make then on top of that that's almost another 100, what kids gonna spend nearly 400 bucks on something they don't even know they like

  • @SonGoku-qz1rn
    @SonGoku-qz1rn 4 місяці тому +1

    We've pished off the community and attacked them over female Custodies.
    How shall we sort it out ?
    Price rise.

  • @NossCalavera1670
    @NossCalavera1670 4 місяці тому +1

    Plenty of great companies out there with arguably same or higher quality miniatures. Stop buying this shite

  • @conorflinn600
    @conorflinn600 4 місяці тому +1

    My 3rd party doesn't carry what i want anymore too expensive for them.

  • @kieranbarnes8284
    @kieranbarnes8284 4 місяці тому +2

    meanwhile one unit in Australia costs a week of rent 💀

  • @paulhumphreys919
    @paulhumphreys919 4 місяці тому +1

    GW is taking you all for fools. Stop buying their stuff!

  • @jasonsmith5874
    @jasonsmith5874 4 місяці тому +1

    I think gw is pricing themselfs out of the market this time

  • @WilliamMatthewRobertson
    @WilliamMatthewRobertson 4 місяці тому +1

    To be fair, Warhammer has been cheaper in Norway than the UK for a long time now. I've honestly been wondering how long we were going to get away with it.

  • @Error-mn4el
    @Error-mn4el 4 місяці тому +1

    I dont get why news like this are news worthy honestly, yea GW raises prices (again), and people will keep buying a lot thus proving to GW that their core customer base can sustain yet another price hike in the future, no matter what GW does people still support them so yet another price hike is nothing, congrats to all the loyal GW consumers that made it happen, without you GW would have to settle for a lower record profit which would be devastating

  • @Zazuzozu
    @Zazuzozu 4 місяці тому +1

    I fucking despise this company