I wish them luck. There are a number of issues that need to be resolved. Individuals near me seem to think there’s a competition between me and them that is non-existent as it stands today.
I'm not in competition with you anymore. I started to compete against you exactly one year ago and I've decided it's not worth it. You are not worth it.
A number of ppl I’ve been around are overly enmeshed in my story and desperate to demean me which was fostered 2013 on. I’m sorry that happened bc there will be consequences. Look forward to being able to see them again when the dynamic is healthy and the message is consistent with reality which is that a female’s life was central to a bunch of it. And she’s been harmed severely for a decade bc others don’t get how central she is.
@@coreymichaels9452 Kitsch is a term applied to art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation, overly eccentric, gratuitous or of banal taste. The modern avant garde traditionally opposed kitsch for its melodramatic tendencies, its superficial relationship with the human condition and its naturalistic standards of beauty. Wikipedia I was confused because this flash Tattoos style wall art Meyow Wolf wasn't taken seriously untill they hit Colorado so I thought that was their hometown..
Highly recommend!! Loved this place. Please go
Is this as good as one in santa fe?
not even close
It was ok. Not worth $40:/ maybe $30
I wish them luck. There are a number of issues that need to be resolved. Individuals near me seem to think there’s a competition between me and them that is non-existent as it stands today.
please elaborate
Who are you lol?
I'm not in competition with you anymore. I started to compete against you exactly one year ago and I've decided it's not worth it. You are not worth it.
Oh boy I love schizoposting
Looks like a school project
It's corporate funded graffiti art out of Colorado that's why.
A number of ppl I’ve been around are overly enmeshed in my story and desperate to demean me which was fostered 2013 on. I’m sorry that happened bc there will be consequences. Look forward to being able to see them again when the dynamic is healthy and the message is consistent with reality which is that a female’s life was central to a bunch of it. And she’s been harmed severely for a decade bc others don’t get how central she is.
Meyow Wolf is communist graffiti art from Colorado, the irony falls flat.
2 out of 10 stars.
Funded by Vanguard.
It isn’t from Colorado it is from New Mexico and this is less Vanguard than whatever the last thing you purchaed is.
@@coreymichaels9452 Kitsch is a term applied to art and design that is perceived as naïve imitation, overly eccentric, gratuitous or of banal taste. The modern avant garde traditionally opposed kitsch for its melodramatic tendencies, its superficial relationship with the human condition and its naturalistic standards of beauty. Wikipedia
I was confused because this flash Tattoos style wall art Meyow Wolf wasn't taken seriously untill they hit Colorado so I thought that was their hometown..
Who hurt you?
This guy takes crazy pills