The Portland teachers union's foray into Israel-Palestine conflict | Pat's Take

  • Опубліковано 17 чер 2024
  • The Portland Association of Teachers posted pro-Palestinian teaching materials to its website, causing a stir in the community for some of the content. Here's what The Story's Pat Dooris had to say about the whole thing.
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  • @jenniferpearce1052
    @jenniferpearce1052 7 днів тому +12

    I'm so done with the Portland Teachers Union. They're garbage

    • @ez1913
      @ez1913 7 днів тому +1

      Portland teachers are garbage.

  • @sobmaz
    @sobmaz 7 днів тому +5

    I used to be proud I was a graduate of Portland Public Schools and would often tout that fact whenever it was appropriate. Not anymore! I’ve been hiding that fact for years now and this here is a prime example of why.

  • @JohnP.Hayden
    @JohnP.Hayden 7 днів тому +4

    My wife and I are both teachers, now retired. She on the 1st
    grade and I on the college prep and college level. Our purpose was to enable those in our classes to continue.
    That is to show they could continue to advance from level to level. The diplomas and degrees showed the levels attained, but really they are like drivers licenses
    that certify how far we have gone and can go. Both of us hold masters degrees, but in no way are we masters of knowledge. Learning never stops and thus those going on to high school, college or whatever must have the real ability to continue. There is no magic to that. If some one wants to be on a team, the coach tosses a ball or whatever and says, "Show me!" Their ability to continue on is the essentual factor needed. This distraction and political game being played at their cost is outrageous.

  • @mikeroe7943
    @mikeroe7943 5 днів тому

    It's frustrating to see political education in schools treated as if it appeared in a vacuum.
    On this station's youtube channel, I've seen several news pieces about students doing protests and walk-outs due to the current conflict.
    In each case, the student's list of demands have typically included an addition of teaching Palestinian history and viewpoints. It's not something I'm particularly thrilled about either way, but in both high school and college walk outs I've noticed that this is something schools either capitulated to without any apparent argument, or brought to the table as an offering to appease students.
    It doesn't surprise me at all that as protests began trending to more schools, a package was assembled by a school district to get everyone started on the same page.
    Now, it appears they've done just this, which from what I can tell they all said they'd do, so we should have seen it coming, and the reaction is to act surprised as if there's no reason behind why it was done.
    Politics are already messing up the schools and students always love a reason to protest. Removing the teaching material without replacing it with something you feel is more reasonable is probably going to be used as fuel for the next round of obnoxious walk-outs. I sympathize with this opinion that it would be great to keep it out of student's faces and focus on "the three R's", but realistically this is something that lots of students were grousing about *very* recently, so granting it to them and then whisking it away again sends a clear message to protesting students: "That thing you asked for was unethical".
    It's going to rile students up and make them fight you again if you don't provide at least *something*.

  • @alwise3963
    @alwise3963 7 днів тому +3

    Portland Association of teachers needs to stick to their lane. Portland Public schools has many problems that the teachers union can actually be helpful with including creating an inclusive environment rather than a divisive one

  • @Gershon9988
    @Gershon9988 5 днів тому +1

    Good measured commentary Pat! its ok to educate about conflicts - but as part of the curriculum and need to present ALL points of view in a FACTUAL manner

  • @iffatzaman1313
    @iffatzaman1313 6 днів тому

    It is everyone's job to talk against a genocide, especially teachers who are supposed to educate

  • @stanleyteplick1216
    @stanleyteplick1216 5 днів тому

    the teacher's role is to help our children learn how to think, not to 'advocate' for a certain social order, regardless of how ideal that might seem. this is the most difficult charge--the highest challenge. words like 'genocide, racial cleansing, colonialism' and the like are emotionally charged and based on closed-minded, one sided opinions and don't help our kids understand what's going on in the long complicated history of the jews and the the levant.

  • @bofferius8530
    @bofferius8530 6 днів тому

    The teachers union can feel free to educate the street druggies with their opinions on these matters if they need to spout off. Best stick to the basics with the kids though.

  • @PDXLibertarian
    @PDXLibertarian 7 днів тому +2

    When the official curriculum is propaganda, I think it's fine to have a union push back and advocate teaching the truth about a genocide and ethnic cleansing. Now, if only the union had pushed back on the 'covid' nonsense, I'd respect them.

  • @marmac7619
    @marmac7619 7 днів тому +2

    Well Pat, i can't pretend to know all the specifics of what this "Pro-Palestinian" teaching material is all about, & as a general rule, i tend to agree with you, especially if this "material' doesn't have over-whelming consent & some Members even find some of the content discriminatory towards THEM. So since this is so highly debated, i might rather they weren't doing this, as a UNION. However, since our Government IS, funding on behalf of Israel, i'm sure that many of these Members are very opposed, to being forced to pay their taxes, for what they clearly consider abhorrent. And to them, this really ISN'T 'just' - "International" Politics, as you called it. Suffice, the PAT will work this out & i shall leave it up to them.
    In general tho, there comes a time, in every Generation or 3, when keeping to your stated "boundaries" or "just doing your job" - is akin to just being a 'good german.' We have a person, who told America - to 'drink Bleach to prevent or cure - Covid;' who encouraged his Base later - to Come to DC to Hang my VP! There are examples after examples, that the man is a card-carrying mad man, but AT A MINIMUM, hasn't the mental capacity to run any Business, let alone the COUNTRY & anyone who WAS in his 'Republican' Party who objected to ANY of it, has by now either already gotten out on their own, or the remainder were BOOTED. So that ONLY & ALL who remain - are merely his ENABLERS & Fully Complicit with his Behavior - past & future! And while i believe all the Local Networks should be reporting on him DAILY, he barely gets dishonorable mention even WEEKLY! So, will somebody PLEASE 'splain to me; at what point in time, are we going to stop acting like THIS Election Season is just 'bizness as usual?!' Even Jaime Herrera Beutler was ran out of SW WA after she voted to Impeach & yet, THIS NETWORK is running MAGA ADS to oust her Democrat Replacement -Marie G Perez! (IF PPL need reminding - nazi leaning joe kent ran as the repub instead, becuz he was more MAGA). At the very LEAST, if you won't report more on his evil plans, atleast don't RUN their MAGA ADS!

    • @marmac7619
      @marmac7619 7 днів тому

      EVIL PLANS - is what Project 2025 is all about! This is a fully comprehensive Handbook, of nearly 900 Pages, created in large part, by the Heritage Foundation. They go thru all facets of how our Government currently operates and ALL the ways they intend to CHANGE it! It is actually even available for DOWNLOADING, so noone has any excuse for not knowing what the party of fascists & plutocrats & autocrats & oligarchs, et al - have in store for the rest of us mere mortals. Its a heavy read, but we still have 5 months - so i'd like to suggest Folks get to it, post haste.

  • @amattyg
    @amattyg 8 днів тому +1

    It’s a school. Not a conservative parent’s playground. Get the facts straight before spouting your uninformed opinion.

    • @msmoe8687
      @msmoe8687 8 днів тому +4

      Parents get to decide for their children, not the damn school.. regardless of what their agenda is.

    • @amattyg
      @amattyg 8 днів тому

      @@msmoe8687no, it’s the parents job to be a parent and not project their racist worldview onto other students.

    • @TheWriterNW
      @TheWriterNW 7 днів тому

      ​@amattyg But apparently you think it's ok to be racist to others just as long as it fits your ideology. You're a pos.

    • @DemocraticSocialistsRule
      @DemocraticSocialistsRule 7 днів тому +1

      ​@msmoe8687 if the parents cannot raise their children properly the children need to be educated by state sponsored educators.
      The is 2024, a parent doesn't get the right to "train" their child.

    • @jenniferpearce1052
      @jenniferpearce1052 7 днів тому +2

      @@DemocraticSocialistsRule a parent's rights cone well before the state. Freedom doesn't come from being brainwashed.

  • @timothyexner
    @timothyexner 7 днів тому +1

    "Slanted and one-sided" You mean like our country's support for Israel?

    • @debmontrose8043
      @debmontrose8043 5 днів тому

      if you're siding with "divine" vs "satanic", then YES