Unpacking the Book: Always the Oth­er: The Con­tin­ued Rise of Anti­semitism from Drey­fus to Today

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Please enjoy Rab­bi Diana Fer­sko and author Mau­rice Samuels in a dis­cus­sion about anti­semitism - what it is born out of, why does it spread, and most impor­tant­ly, what we can learn from its per­sis­tence in the world today. Mod­er­at­ed by Stephanie But­nick, host of Tablet​’s Unortho­dox podcast.
    Copies of both books were avail­able for pur­chase and sign­ing at the event. To pur­chase a copy of Diane Fursko’s We Need to Talk About Anti­semitism, or Mau­rice Samuels’ Alfred Drey­fus: The Man at the Cen­ter of the Affair, please click here: bookshop.org/l....
    About the Speakers:
    Rab­bi Diana Fer­sko is the Senior Rab­bi at The Vil­lage Tem­ple in Man­hat­tan. She served as Nation­al Vice Pres­i­dent of the Women’s Rab­binic Net­work and is a mem­ber of the New York Board of Rab­bis. She received her rab­binic ordi­na­tion from Hebrew Union Col­lege - Jew­ish Insti­tute of Reli­gion, where she also earned a master’s degree in Hebrew lit­er­a­ture. For more than a decade, Rab­bi Fer­sko has been preach­ing and teach­ing about antisemitism.
    Mau­rice Samuels is the Bet­ty Jane Anlyan Pro­fes­sor of French at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty and a spe­cial­ist in nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry French cul­ture. A recip­i­ent of the Guggen­heim Fel­low­ship and the New York Pub­lic Library Cull­man Cen­ter Fel­low­ship, he is the author of five books, includ­ing most recent­ly The Betray­al of the Duchess and Alfred Drey­fus: The Man at the Cen­ter of the Affair. He has direct­ed the Yale Pro­gram for the Study of Anti­semitism since 2011.
    Stephanie But­nick is deputy edi­tor of Tablet Mag­a­zine and a host of the Unortho­dox pod­cast. She is the author, along with her co-hosts, of The Newish Jew­ish Ency­clo­pe­dia: From Abra­ham to Zabar’s and Every­thing in Between. She has writ­ten for The New York Times and The Wall Street Jour­nal.
    This event is in part­ner­ship with Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, the Jew­ish Muse­um, and Tablet Mag­a­zine.
    The Saul and Gladys Gwirtz­man Lecture