What to expect when Mashiach will come - Rabbi Yinon Kalazan

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @michaelr.828
    @michaelr.828 Рік тому +5

    Another interesting fact is that the Muslims expect the "The Mahdi", the Jews expect "Mashiach", and Christians expect the 2.nd coming of Jesus, now how this future visionary leader of mankind, will set things straight, is still a mystery, but Mashiach needs to unite all of mankind under 1 banner, the oppression of each other needs to end, hostility, injustice, death, sickness, poverty, sadness, everything needs to end with his Authority, he needs to bring all of mankind out of the "exile" state from God, the Heavens and the Universe and all intelligent creatures of the universe. The mission is hard, so the one who accomplish this in real life and not only in theory, that person is the Mashiach , he will explain everything very clearly and objectively to all of Elohim's creatures, what needs to be done and direct mankind into a new direction. Communism is failed, Nationalism is failed, Islamism is failed, Capitalism is failed, Liberalism is failed, Feminism is Failed, all attempts of mankind to create a "political system" that benefits mankind has failed big times. Mashiach will not fail, his soul and and his mindset, is connected to Elohim, he understand what will work and what will not. What is the right teachings and what is wrong teachings. The question is, believers of today, ready for his teachings? Open mindset and believing in him when comes is key, or everything will fail. Poor mankind for the misery they are in and have been for a long time.

    • @josegarciaarancibia
      @josegarciaarancibia Рік тому

      Islam and christianity are distortions of the truth made by the enemy
      The false prophet and the Dajjal of Christians and Muslims is the real messiah of the jews
      Moshiach is already here
      Dont be fooled by the king of lies
      Hashem is the only salvation 👍

    • @midnightsplusnoonsis730LEO
      @midnightsplusnoonsis730LEO 8 місяців тому

      That was a joy to read 🤙

  • @pissanukatika3720
    @pissanukatika3720 Рік тому

    The Messiah will destroy and annihilate the wicked people and deliver the chosen ones whose names are in the book.

  • @shoshannafachima1306
    @shoshannafachima1306 6 місяців тому

    יישר כוח כבוד הרב

  • @johnhenryruminski8662
    @johnhenryruminski8662 Рік тому +1

    Exciting times AHEAD !!!! TY JOHN !!!! 👆❤🙏❤☝🐦 !!!!

  • @KairosInterMinis3
    @KairosInterMinis3 Рік тому

    26:05 is great 😇 thx for deep explanation… i learn a lot.. and i always waiting for messiah..❤️😃 moreover in this cursed world..

    • @KairosInterMinis3
      @KairosInterMinis3 Рік тому

      one to make a note.. Jesus truly descendant of David.. and He is the Truth.. You believe in Torah.. The Word Of God.. but you didn’t want to believe The Word of God in flesh…??? and you said you believe GOD ALMIGHTY..??? i want to know your reason please..
      btw, almost 80% of your explanation is pointing to Jesus..😇 and only 20% you reject that.. so as you said.. you have an eyes.. you can see.. just like what you said.. just look with your eyes.. Jesus is the Messiah ❤️

    • @williamallen305
      @williamallen305 Рік тому +1

      @@KairosInterMinis3 you need to watch Tovia Singer

    • @sadatshakur3436
      @sadatshakur3436 7 місяців тому

      @@KairosInterMinis3 they chose anti christ instead of jesus yall christians sound stupid

  • @carlosa.n5100
    @carlosa.n5100 Рік тому

    Just found this rabbi :)

  • @zvibtm1
    @zvibtm1 2 роки тому +2

    שלום הרב
    תודה רבה על השיעור
    שאלה שמטרידה אותי היא איך ייתכן שהרמב"ם לא מזכיר שם כלל את אליהו הנביא שאמור להכריז על המשיח ורק כותב שיעמוד מלך וכ'ו
    אשמח לתשובתך בתודה מראש

  • @michaelr.828
    @michaelr.828 Рік тому

    Mashiach will not change the World, with words only, he will bring new teachings, a new system, new technologies, new sciences, everything will change radically, but ppl need to choose to believe in him, or nothing will work. May Elohim, bring clarity to the very confused human race.

  • @user-cj1kz8jf4y
    @user-cj1kz8jf4y 7 місяців тому

    Rav, 3 messiah's. Why do are we not taught enough about Massiach Yinon Emet

  • @hendreekaulafa1906
    @hendreekaulafa1906 2 роки тому

    I'm hendree kaulafa mentor of nation Israel. I love Israel.

  • @michaelwinn5274
    @michaelwinn5274 6 місяців тому

    The Hebrew scriptures say that we can calculate the arrival of Moshiach to the exact date.
    “Know therefore and understand, that FROM THE GOING FORTH OF THE COMMANDMENT TO RESTORE AND TO BUILD JERUSALEM UNTO THE MESSIAH THE PRINCE SHALL BE SEVEN WEEKS, AND THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS:: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:”(Daniel 9::25-26)
    Well, this shouldn’t be hard to figure out. Messiah will come at a set date after a decree to rebuild Jerusalem (after its destruction by the Babylonians) including the streets and the wall. So, if we knew the date of the decree and the number of days to follow before the arrival of Messiah, we could know the exact date the Messiah would come.
    Well, we DO know the exact date the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, including its streets and walls (not only the Temple) was issued. The Book of Nehemiah mentions precisely when this decree was issued.
    Artaxerxes was king of Persia from c. 464 to c. 425 BC. The explicit edict Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem, including its streets and wall was issued to Nehemiah in 444 BC. (see Nehemiah 2:1-8) This is the ONLY known decree that included the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s infrastructure. Although no day-of-month specified, according to the Jewish custom of the time, the date is to be understood as the first day of the month, which would be Nisan 1, 444 BC. Translating this date, Nisan 1, 444 BC. to a more familiar term within our modern Gregorian calendar, we can determine it to be March 5, 444B.C.
    Ok. We are making progress. We now have the date that the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was issued - March 5, 444 B.C. But can we know how many days afterwards before Messiah would arrive? Yes. Without question. Within Ancient Hebrew, the term “week” can either mean a period of seven days or seven years. The text within the Daniel prophecy clearly indicates that the term be understood as “weeks of years”. A score of years equals twenty. Threescore equals sixty. Therefore, Daniel tells us to expect Mashiach exactly in 69 weeks after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. And we can now calculate exactly how long SEVEN WEEKS, AND THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS is:
    SEVEN WEEKS (49 years) + THREESORE WEEKS (420 years) + TWO WEEKS (14 YEARS)= 483 YEARS.
    So, we now know Messiah would come exactly 483 years after decree issued to rebuild Jerusalem. Now let’s convert 483 years to its corresponding number of days using the Jewish lunar calendar (God’s prophetic calendar) where a year equals 360 days.
    483 X 360 =173,880
    And we now know many days after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, Messiah should be expected to arrive - 173,880 days.
    Now, if we want to know the exact date that Messiah is due to come, all we need to do is add 173,880 days to March 5, 444 B.C. After doing this, we will know the date of Messiah’s arrival. But we’ll have to use God’s clock, however. God uses the celestial bodies within the Heavens as His clock. And specifically tells us they are to be used for signs, seasons, days, and years.
    “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” (Genesis 1:14)
    Therefore, to God a day is not exactly 24hours and a year is not 365 days as we know it. God's ays are a teeny bit longer than 24 hours and a year equals 365.2422 solar days. (God doesn’t do leap year as in the modern Gregorian calendar or leap month (Adar Aleph) as within the Jewish calendar. God doesn't mind working with the fractions.) So, we’ll need to convert Nehemiah’s prophetic years (483 years or 173,880 days) into solar (or tropical) years:
    173,880 ÷ 365.2422 = 476.068 years which equals 476 solar years and 25 days.
    Now we know. Mashiach will come exactly 476 years and 25 days after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem was issued on March 5, 444 B.C. So, what day does that take us to?
    March 30, 33 A.D.
    This is the exact date that God told us through His prophet Daniel to expect the arrival of the Messiah. Did anyone show-up on this date? The prophet Zechariah tells us to expect the Messiah to arrive in Jerusalem riding a donkey’s colt.
    “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.” (Zechariah 9:9)
    So, did anyone show-up on March 30th 33A.D. riding a donkey’s colt? Let’s look at an abbreviated chronology of the last few days of Jesus of Nazareth’s life as recording in four eye-witness accounts:
    March 29th 33 A.D. - Jesus Travels to Bethany
    March 30, 33 A.D. - Jesus makes His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem while riding a donkey’s colt.
    April 3, 33 A.D. - Jesus is arrested and has First Trial for blasphemy. Found guilty. Deserving of Death
    A Second Trial is conducted (as required for death sentences.) Jesus is brought before the Romans and accused of treason. Jesus is tortured in public Jesus is mocked and watched Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross.
    So, Jesus came on March 30, 33 AD, the exact day that was prophesized by Daniel. He rode in on a donkey’s colt just as Zechariah foretold. During which time, Jesus wept for Jerusalem - foretelling Jerusalem’s future destruction for their foreseen rejection of Him because His people would not recognize the time of His visitation (referring back to Daniel's prophecy.) Jesus of Nazareth would be cut-off just as foretold by Daniel. And would by rejected by His own people and “cut-off from the land of the living" as foretold by Isaiah.
    The term “messiah the prince” is only used once in the entire Tanakh. It's in Daniel 9. Jesus was Israel's prince coming to be anointed as King but was rejected and killed (not for Himself but for others) before the destruction of the second temple (70A.D.)just as foretold.
    It seems the Daniel, Zechariah, and Isaiah prophecies were fulfilled to the letter. How much more do you need?
    May Almighty God provide for, protect, and preserve the children of Israel.

  • @muhtaufikopik2220
    @muhtaufikopik2220 11 місяців тому

    how is yesaya 49????
    from island the wets

  • @hendreekaulafa1906
    @hendreekaulafa1906 2 роки тому +1

    Now I'm willing to come to Israel.

  • @dougmurray3692
    @dougmurray3692 2 роки тому +2

    Actually, your explanation was very well executed. Subtleties you mentioned is what many ignore in their explanations.
    On the topic of Jesus, the MoShiach will explain the importance of Jesus and the explanation will tie into the MoShiach Himself. He will show that technically speaking there is a "second" Coming, but technically, it isn't what people believe. Part of this is how they were taught as followers of an interpreting entity. In other words, Christianity has "leaders" who don't know what they are talking about, BUT the writings seem to show something. But if they are not 'showing', what are they potentially doing? What if they are 'alluding to'? If so then you wouldn't have the Eyes to See anything in that context, and the narrative can not only look different, it can match an agenda even though it seems to say whatever that looks like. Jesus said, "it is done". So what is "it"? Anybody who thinks they know are just making it up n/c nowhere does it tell us in the Bible. This is fact. Now, what "it" is will be made Clear simply as a byproduct of what MoShiach does. He will Clarify. That's His Job - to make clear what the old stuff says so He can clean up this world and shift it out if that garbage and into the World He is bringing. This who don't like it, that will just have to remain "too bad if you don't like it. Do you think what you think is really that important when it comes to introducing what is new and unknown. Think if a topic you don't know. What's your opinion of it? Or does that even matter, seems irrelevant. Right?? My advice is simple - don't challenge MoShiach as if your awareness of how things will be means anything. If you challenge Him through what you don't actually know, He will gladly, GLADLY, use you as fodder to teach the rest of the world who aren't so arrogant. And that goes to the great scholars especially. You'd think they would know better, but doesn't it seem mist appropriate that those who might think they know would be those who currently know "what is' but will soon be 'what was'? The Torah is child's play compared to what's Coming but those who know it have to know it well enough to grasp 'what will be'. Now, we know that as conditioning and familiarity, via psychology. But let me provide a hint.
    When the New Torah comes it will be user specific. All people will come to understand who and what they are and once the dust has settled, ego will dissolve for a greater Truth, and even the old Torah won't withstand what MoShiach will do. One thing will be clear -- He will dance. This dance will be the Process He uses to ensure that IF any person wants to challenge Him, that person's ego is going to be hammered. It will be sport for MoShiach but He has to have some fun, right? So if you have letters after your name, line up 'here'. One at a time, you will have your chance to have a say. Then you will shut your mouth and listen to learn. Don't couch you arrogance of authority into the appearance of curiosity or He will teach side effects that you will be first-hand responsible for. He won't mind practicing on you if you have the guts to get in line. That's up to you. But don't worry about it. It won't hurt...a little.
    Be Wise. Know your place. Or you won't like how you're treated. What seems minor to you might have extended roots and branches that make your 'minor' more major than you realized. Sorry, not sorry. You have 2 ears and one mouth so listen at least twice as much as you want to speak. This will help you. But don't take my word for it. Don't let anything but fear and Good sense keep you from becoming the target. This would be a 'you' problem. I'm sorry but there will be no apologies. See what I did there??
    Hope you're Ready. The Wait is almost done. Let me check my Watch...

  • @MessiahYHWH
    @MessiahYHWH 2 роки тому

    Moshiach first builds the Temple to then gather Israel from all nations directly to haaretz? What about the "wilderness" purification of Yehezekiel 20:34-37? Seems to me that must take place before the Temple is built. Then purification of haaretz prior to the construction of the Temple as indicated by Ovadyah 1:21

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    All king's have to be trained like Ying believing you agree

  • @EurekaMindset148
    @EurekaMindset148 2 роки тому +1

    השיעור הזה כבר היה בעברית ?

    • @_tagHashem
      @_tagHashem 2 роки тому +1

      חחח🤣😂🤣😂 שאלתי את עצמי את זה גם כן…. מה רבו מעשיך השם

  • @simpat326
    @simpat326 Рік тому

    You should make more videos in english :) Thank you

  • @tesgo5721
    @tesgo5721 Рік тому

    hong wilaheng jati nuhoni hajat hajate leluhur nusantara tabe tabe uluk shalom mulia sagung dumadi rahayu rahayu rahayu salam hangat dari Acheh

  • @johnbear6145
    @johnbear6145 10 місяців тому

    Dan 9:24-27.... you missed it...happened around 27AD.... do the calculation...learn your history...

  • @michaelvolpo7428
    @michaelvolpo7428 Рік тому

    How Mr Kalazan distorts Maimonides,? Maimonides never mentions the prophet Elijah , the explanation is that a person will rise from the people and will perform the tasks the people will appoint him as Messiah.
    Regards the comments of Maimonides regards Jesus and Christianity does not appear in the regular texts(maybe it was censored by the Catholics, who knows).
    Conclusion: Messianism is a period, it can’t be performed by one person.

  • @lc8656
    @lc8656 2 роки тому

    I would visit Israel I was told that I wouldn't be allowed to enter.

  • @shaccooper
    @shaccooper Рік тому

    So basically this was to explain why Jesus was not the Messiah.
    “The LORD said unto my lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”
    “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.”

    • @KairosInterMinis3
      @KairosInterMinis3 Рік тому

      nope actually he speak very carefully.. and still mention Jesus without he doesn’t realize as a messiah.. 😇 that’s amazing

    • @williamallen305
      @williamallen305 Рік тому

      You should watch Tovia Singer

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    Say I Moses said raise money put people back in their own nation ants have the same birthmark as people mark land were God wants people living 💯

  • @krisztiweitner7082
    @krisztiweitner7082 6 місяців тому

    JESUS THE SON OF GOD, HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD, HE IS THE JEWISH MESSIAH!👑...."The whole house of Israel will surely know that God has made him Lord and Christ, that Jesus whom you crucified.
    What they heard touched their hearts, and they asked Peter and the other apostles: What shall we do, my brothers and men?
    And Peter said to them: Repent and be baptized all of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    Because the promise is for you and your children and all those who are far away, but whom the Lord our God has called.
    With many other speeches, he admonished and begged them: Get rid of this evil generation! (Acts 2, 36-39)

  • @cortneyb777
    @cortneyb777 2 роки тому +3

    Read Isaiah 29:14. God blocked your wisdom and your intelligence. It was prophesied that Jews would kill the Mashiach and would not be able to see the truth. Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 explain how the Mashiach would take on the sin of the World. It says that this person would be a suffering servant, and that he would make intercession between the transgressors and God. The Mashiach’s kingdom is not a kingdom that you understand. You expect a warrior of some sorts you can’t even see the parallel of how David the shepherd became the king this is exactly what Jesus did he was a shepherd and made king. Remember the time that Abraham was told to take Isaac up on that hill and sacrifice his only son, this was a foreshadowing of God sacrificing his only son Yeshua. Yeshua Prophesied that the second temple would be torn down and indeed that did occur just as he said. Yeshua was only a rabbi for 3 1/2 years and has made the largest impact on the entire world, do you not see his kingdom now? Soon enough you will see the truth.

    • @williamallen305
      @williamallen305 Рік тому

      Watch Tovia Singer

    • @Oo7Hola
      @Oo7Hola Рік тому +1

      Wooow that makes some sense. I never though of it like that.

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    12 25 30 you will see Buddha Daniel Simon a Mayan mole left side of eye lord on cloud saying I am incharge

  • @jackwilliamatkins5602
    @jackwilliamatkins5602 2 роки тому

    You are to make provision for the return of all 113,000 Jews in Australia to Tel Aviv Israel by sea at the expense of the Australian people immediately. ❤️

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    Only believing God healed you your family only believing God healed you your family only believing God made babies perfect keep God's covenant holy means only believing that way I caught doctors switch pictures of babies tricked people to break God's covenant

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    Your king has your birthmark and mine mole left side of eye Benjamin priminster isrealite king turkey king Mr Fenner Wenatchee Washington state Ian Fenner king Hector reborn king his son Mayan king like lion king takes over 12 25 30 Mayan generation starts

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    The battle of Hanukkah 12 25 30 Benjamin priminster Benni attack greek they said give us Achilles grandfather prince William Fenner turkey with my men Achilles black armor said give us Achilles they said no then Enoch came killed evil greek playing mind games tricked people and me greek ran both army's attack greek I never killed king Hector a man in his armor

  • @jackwilliamatkins5602
    @jackwilliamatkins5602 2 роки тому

    Pope Francis is Celebrating My Arrival …

  • @rosariocozzolino8462
    @rosariocozzolino8462 2 роки тому +1

    Jews have been studying the Torah for centuries and you have not yet understood the link between Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David. For Christians the Messiah is the Antichrist, he will be homosexual. Christians are waiting for Jesus and the Antichrist, Jews are waiting for the two Messiahs, Muslims are waiting for Mahdi and Jesus. What do you think these two male subjects mean? I give you a little clue prophet Daniel saw a son of man in the clouds. Jesus has said 83 times in the Gospels that he is the son of man. You know what it all means, a man of both sexes that is hermaphrodite getting pregnant by himself. Messiah Ben Joseph is a pregnant man, the returning Jesus will not be born from a Virgin but from a man. The miraculous birth that Jews have been expecting for centuries means being born of a man to be considered divine, if it was born from a virgin it would not be considered as our technology has allowed artificial insemination for years. The messiah in Hebrew is feminine in order not to use the word homosexuality. The ancient Jews used a feminine term of endearment just like you want to make fun of a person of a different sexual orientation. A pregnant man is an act against nature so he is of divine origin. What binds the two Messiahs is the relationship of a child born of a single parent, Jesus has always said to be the unigetorial child, the child who is born is Jesus. It is he with his birth who brings the three monotheistic religions back into one and only world religion. What I reveal to you has been hidden from the world, it will be the Father of the Gospel, that is, the figure of Ben Joseph who tells the truth. Christians wait for Jesus to come down from heaven, in flesh or spirit, they have not understood that Jesus is born after two thousand years from the belly of a man with a Caesarian cut. In the book of the prophecy of Nostradamus you will see drawings in which you will see a man dressed as a Pontiff actually means Holy parent and a young monarch, they are Ben Joseph and Ben David, human father and divine son.God gets a man pregnant to generate an impossible miracle for our technology. So we have God, the Father and the child, that is, the Trinity of Christians. Jesus explains the way he returns to earth after two thousand years, Christians think that God is one and three, they did not understand what Jesus meant. Messiah Ben Joseph is the Alma, it means feminine endearment because gay.You Jews will realize that Messiah Ben David is none other than Jesus, Ben joseph will become the head of the world church in the name of Emmanuel, this is the name of the true Messiah, Jesus is a name that the Messiah Emanule used to go back in time in disguise, to change the time axis of the future to save humanity from the danger it is putting itself in between Covid, wars and famines.God created a male being aesthetically but he implanted female reproductive organs, a mix to generate a hermaphrodite, capable of self-cloning, like the cloning of the sheep Dolly. This is the miracle that God the creator of life will give to all humanity. Everything you want to know Jesus said the Father will tell you, he cannot because he is a newborn, it will take time for him to grow and start his journey, it will be the Father who will preside over the world until Jesus is great. The Father is the Antichrist of Christians, they have not yet understood who is this mysterious figure that appears before the return of Jesus.

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    Ants index shows ants birthmark ants wife generation of ants breeding books for people animals universal

    • @malekdavid132
      @malekdavid132 9 місяців тому

      What is this birthmark you speak of

  • @davidsimmons5936
    @davidsimmons5936 Рік тому

    I say Enoch Buddha it's a sin to judge me I ain't leaving without people who covet playing mind games tricked earth 12 25 30 they die alls forgiven hahaha hahaha

  • @ReneVaeli
    @ReneVaeli Рік тому

    Jesus Christ is the anointed one

  • @jamespetyrycia4214
    @jamespetyrycia4214 2 роки тому

    You called Moshiach an idol worshiper! Moshiach worships Jesus, Moshiach has less then 5 yrs. left as a Priest.