These were the choristers with a keen eye on Denys Pouncey conducting. A great man. 1963(D.Pouncey) Bates, R J S Cole, J R Dodd, S W C Downes, R W Downes, W E Gilbride, P W J Graves, M G Hyland, Paul Jones, R A Parris, D R Pothecary, R C Shaxson, A Sibley, J M Tyrrell, C F Wing, P F Woodman, Geoffrey R
3:12 Psalm 119: Vv. 129-144 (Anglican Chant)
What a treat to find this - I there are fewer recordings of Matins to enjoy. I love the Venite chant!
Yes. Even before the enforced closure of our churches, finding one which still had 1662 Choral Mattins was extremely difficult.
The listing above omits the Vaughan Williams Te Deum in G which starts at 7:27
Apologies. This has now been corrected.
These were the choristers with a keen eye on Denys Pouncey conducting. A great man.
Bates, R J S
Cole, J R
Dodd, S W C
Downes, R W
Downes, W E
Gilbride, P W J
Graves, M G
Hyland, Paul
Jones, R A
Parris, D R
Pothecary, R C
Shaxson, A
Sibley, J M
Tyrrell, C F
Wing, P F
Woodman, Geoffrey R
Very pleasing sound. Another great find. Presumably, being 1963, Anthony Crossland is the Sub-Organist.
Sorry, I have just read the information attached and Dr Crossland is mentioned. Apologies.
Lovely tone; but why the jerkiness? Is it the recording/editing? I can't believe that Wells used to sing like that...
They do have an excellent tone and forthright style but don't hear any 'jerkiness' The recording and editing are faultless.