Who should I react to next: www.maggierenee.com/book-me/sponsor-a-reaction-live What should I sing next: www.maggierenee.com/book-me/sponsor-a-song-live And just for you: ‘Sing Better Instantly" my FREE Singing Course: skl.sh/3aHdSuy and for EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS AND PERKS: www.patreon.com/MaggieRenee
That is not true Alex Lora said that this was just a metaphor of a love that could have happened but never did. So definitely is not about the volcanoes.
De hecho sí pero está basada sobre un poema que se llamaba El idilio de los volcanes de José Santos Chocano en el cual se basó Alex Lora El idilio de los volcanes El Ixtlaccíhuatl traza la figura yacente de una mujer dormida bajo el Sol. El Popocatépetl flamea en los siglos como una apocalíptica visión; Y estos dos volcanes solemnes tienen una historia de amor, digna de ser cantada en las compilaciones de una extraordinaria canción. Ixtaccíhuatl -hace miles de años- fue la princesa más parecida a una flor que en la tribu de los viejos caciques del más gentil capitán se enamoró. El padre augustamente abrió los labios y díjole al capitán seductor que si tornaba un día con la cabeza del cacique enemigo clavada en su lanzón, encontraría preparados, a un tiempo mismo, el festín de su triunfo y el lecho de su amor. Y Popocatépetl fuese a la guerra con esta esperanza en el corazón, domó las rebeldías de las selvas obstinadas, el motín de los riscos contra su paso vencedor, la osadía despeñada de los torrentes, la acechanza de los pantanos en traición y contra cientos y cientos de soldados, por años gallardamente combatió. Al fin tornó a la tribu (y la cabeza del cacique enemigo sangraba en su lanzón). Halló el festín del triunfo preparado, pero no así el lecho de su amor; en vez de lecho encontró el túmulo en que su novia, dormida bajo el sol, esperaba en su frente el beso póstumo de la boca que nunca en la vida besó. Y Popocatépetl quebró en sus rodillas el haz de flechas y en una sola voz, conjuró la sombra de sus antepasados contra la crueldad de su impasible Dios. Era la vida suya, muy suya, porque contra la muerte ganó, tenía el triunfo, la riqueza, el poderío, pero no tenía el amor. Entonces hizo que veinte mil esclavos alzaran un gran túmulo ante el sol, amontonó diez cumbres en una escalinata como alucinación, tomó en sus brazos a la mujer amada Y él mismo sobre el túmulo la colocó; luego encendió una antorcha y para siempre quedose en pie alumbrando el sarcófago de su dolor. Duerme en paz, Ixtaccíhuatl, nunca los tiempos borrarán los perfiles de tu expresión. Vela en paz, Popocatépetl, nunca los huracanes apagarán tu antorcha, eterna como el amor. José Santos Chocano
Muy válida la observación de la orquesta al principio. Como profesional tenía que hacer la distinción de una sinfónica real a una orquesta que se fusiona con el rock
i would have loved to seen this concert live!!! the intensity of the song and the orchestra!! the energy of the whole crowd is crazy! those people most likely had an out of world experience
That orchestra is conducted by Eduardo Diazmuñoz and that there is Mexico's City Philharmonic Orchestra, so I feel terrible with that criticism. I have seen reaction videos for this song, and you are the first one that does this. Oh thats right, it must be because you went to "The Juilliard School".
I can tell she has a terrible personality and talks like as if she drank millions of cups of coffee And she's the only one who dare criticized the orchestra If there is someone to criticize it's her for doing the easy way You Tube and not being able to be a prima donna in opera singing
Right? A Juilliard student knows more about music than Mexico City's Philharmonic Orchestra 🤦🏻♂️ The level of coordination between a rock band and an orchestra here is insane!!!! Just shows the professionalism of everyone involved.
@@vojake100coordination is a different issue and yes, the live performance was great, the orchestra was did not perform at the top level either and the setting probably had a lot to do with it but they fulfilled their mission with the concert and no one said otherwise.
I don't know anything about you Opera but One thing is for sure maestro Alex Lora and his music is the best.. you are a very young person i don't think you know much about this music 🎵 you need to learn more than that.then you can make any comments. Viva Mexico viva el TRI.
No artist is at peak perfection, everyone makes mistakes including on live concerts, and although i just stumbled upon your channel with this beautiful song and don't know much of your projection as an Opera singer. I am sure yourself aswell ain't too pitch perfect. Therefore is better to just focus and actually feel the song and beautiful instruments doing what they were made to do, rather than calling out what is wrong or right. It is your channel and are free to do what you choose to do or say, but remember not everyone is perfect especially when having to perform live where there is much more at stake. Greetings from México and hope you have blessful day, goodbye now.
She gave her point of view as a professional and yes she has every right to say that . She aint criticizing the song she is talking about the technique . Maybe the orchestra was just gathered atlast minute and thats why theres certain mistakes Because they dint have enough time to practice with each other. She said the song is beautiful and she likes it. Now its another thing that you get butthurt when something obvious gets called out if you dont like hearing peoples opinions then why do you watch reaction videos ? Because they react they can give their opinions . She never said she was perfect ,so i dont get why you get offended . She just said they could do better . She dint say it was bad .
@@josecantoriano9568 I'm the one offended? Yet you're here to criticize my opinion, of what she said in her video. First off who are you to tell me what i can or cannot watch, its my own opinion if it gets to you, its your own problem not mine and come and tell that to the 29 people who liked my comment for sharing my thoughts and certain dislike of what this youtuber had to share. It doesn't mean i dislike her channel or have hateful thoughts towards her, i am sharing my point of view just like she is, and if you can't respect that, then what are you doing here in the first place? And according to you i'm the one butthurt about it? You should pay more attention towards yourself rather than focusing on others, goodbye and good day.
@@Aviz- by the way you just proved that you make no sense because you switched from telling her what she has to do in her channel and that she shouldn't look at the mistakes , that she cant express that . Im here because i love her content even with the criticism . And I never saw anything bad about her saying that the orchestra wasnt perfect , because yes she know more than i do about orchestra and because she pointed that out i learned something new . Thats what critisims is about to learn . Not to come tell someone that she cant do that and to only listen ,and i replied because i cant believe how people cant take criticism as something good not bad.
@@josecantoriano9568 Don't generalize something just because it makes no sense to you, if it were the case. Howcome i had people who approved of my opinion? You question my criticism but not hers because according to you, you empatize with her? If you like her channel, great for you. I honestly couldn't care less which content creator you support. If you can't respect my opinion as i respected hers then what are you doing here in the first place? Get off of the internet for a while and focus on yourself first rather than trying to change someone else's view due to no having an agreement. Plus my comment was over 10 months ago and hardly even remember what she even commented. I find it crazy people decide to share their opinions over a topic that had long been over, and i could've easily avoided replying but since i get notified i decided to see what it was all about. You contradict yourself by being against my opinion/criticism, while supporting hers because she's an opera singer? What kind of logic is that? I might not be an expert but if i decided to share my thoughts in the comment section is for a reason since i am not too vague in doing so since its a major waste of time at the end of the day. Nonetheless have a great day, if you can't end the topic, i sure will. It is pointless to continue something that was long overdue.
Ok Maggie OK Maggie there’s a great song with a great musician. Its name is Arturo Vargas with the mariachi Vargas, that mariachi vargas de tecalitlan and this song is( el pastor) with the orchestra, symphonic of Querétaro I know you would be amazed with his performance🇲🇽🤗😇
I am really glad to see you do a reaction to a Mexican Rock song and hope you will do more 😊, if you do I recomend Pachuco and Kumbala by Maldita Vecindad, anything by Caifanes(preferably Afuera 😁)
@@abelardocamachohernandez257 Café Tacuba tiene algunas canciones muy entretenidas y unas muy buenas, pero no a todo mundo le gustan porque talvez no se identifican mucho con el grupo o los estilos que le integran a su música, en lo personal me gustan varias de sus canciones aunque no todas
La canción fue escrita en el 84 por Alex Lora, publicado en el álbum en el 85 Simplemente El Tri, tengo el honor que ese álbum fue el primero que escuché y es artífice que me introdujo en el Rock. Fue escrita en honor una Leyenda Azteca, Popocateptl e Izztacihuatl, cuenta la leyenda que el amor de ellos fue truncado por una mentira, ella murió de tristeza y al enterarse Popoca de la muerte de su amada, cargo el cuerpo de ella hacia una montaña encendió una fogata y se despidió con un beso y jamás se separo de ella, los Dioses conmovidos por el amor de ellos, decidieron convertirlos en Volcanes, hoy en día son el Volcán Popocateptl e Izztacihuatl este último se le dice la mujer dormida, el cual tiene la figura de una mujer acostada de lado. Se dice que las fumarolas del Volcán Popocateptl representa la fogata eterna encendida por amor y aún sigue cuidando el alma de su amada
Yo creo que los músicos solo estaban totalmente relajados interpretando un arreglo para una canción clásica de El Tri de México para toda la perrada, con el gran gritante Alex Lora en la voz y su domadora en los coros. Muy bien logrado.
This band does songs that cover topics from starving homeless children to the dangers of addiction, both emotional and chemical. These messages must be delivered raw, otherwise they lose impact. A symphonic fast and loose assault on the emotions was the goal here. In "Rocanrol" there are no rules. Only love.
Cof, Cof!, honey… there’s a significant difference between Mexican music and Spanish music, where at the first glance Mexican musicians already analyzed by you have no equivalence😌☺️
I think you missed the point it’s meant to be chaotic is ROCK not classical music everything flows it’s not supposed to perfect . Plus who doesn’t know who the guitarist is :legend
Está avanzada esta canción en un poema de José santos Chocano y denominada el idilio de los volcanes en explora hizo su propia versión del mismo y lo convirtió en esta bella canción…. El idilio de los volcanes El Ixtlaccíhuatl traza la figura yacente de una mujer dormida bajo el Sol. El Popocatépetl flamea en los siglos como una apocalíptica visión; Y estos dos volcanes solemnes tienen una historia de amor, digna de ser cantada en las compilaciones de una extraordinaria canción. Ixtaccíhuatl -hace miles de años- fue la princesa más parecida a una flor que en la tribu de los viejos caciques del más gentil capitán se enamoró. El padre augustamente abrió los labios y díjole al capitán seductor que si tornaba un día con la cabeza del cacique enemigo clavada en su lanzón, encontraría preparados, a un tiempo mismo, el festín de su triunfo y el lecho de su amor. Y Popocatépetl fuese a la guerra con esta esperanza en el corazón, domó las rebeldías de las selvas obstinadas, el motín de los riscos contra su paso vencedor, la osadía despeñada de los torrentes, la acechanza de los pantanos en traición y contra cientos y cientos de soldados, por años gallardamente combatió. Al fin tornó a la tribu (y la cabeza del cacique enemigo sangraba en su lanzón). Halló el festín del triunfo preparado, pero no así el lecho de su amor; en vez de lecho encontró el túmulo en que su novia, dormida bajo el sol, esperaba en su frente el beso póstumo de la boca que nunca en la vida besó. Y Popocatépetl quebró en sus rodillas el haz de flechas y en una sola voz, conjuró la sombra de sus antepasados contra la crueldad de su impasible Dios. Era la vida suya, muy suya, porque contra la muerte ganó, tenía el triunfo, la riqueza, el poderío, pero no tenía el amor. Entonces hizo que veinte mil esclavos alzaran un gran túmulo ante el sol, amontonó diez cumbres en una escalinata como alucinación, tomó en sus brazos a la mujer amada Y él mismo sobre el túmulo la colocó; luego encendió una antorcha y para siempre quedose en pie alumbrando el sarcófago de su dolor. Duerme en paz, Ixtaccíhuatl, nunca los tiempos borrarán los perfiles de tu expresión. Vela en paz, Popocatépetl, nunca los huracanes apagarán tu antorcha, eterna como el amor. José Santos Chocano
We have also had Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis on the channel. I think there may have been more Mexican singers but I am drawing a blank on names And of course we have had Linda Ronstadt singing Mexican songs. I never saw the bass guitar. Was it the guitarrón mexicano or not? Can anyone tell by the sound. I cannot. The big Mexican 6 string acoustic bass guitar is generally associated with mariachi and other more traditional styles, so maybe not.
Hello how are you? , I recommend that you listen to the artist "Abel Pintos" interpreting "El Antigal". Note, you will regret it, greetings from South America, "the end of the world"
Saludos de una mexicana me gustan mucho tus reacciones podrías reaccionar a lila daown es cantante mexicana creo que ella es contra alto si puedes la cansion la canción la llorona en vivo Te mando un fuerte abraso
Para serte sincero no tengo mucho escuchando y viendo tus reacciones me emociona el ver qué sabes español lo cual me emociona mucho escucharte se te entiende muy bien ojalá pronto te vea y escuché hablar uj poco más de español por mi parte tienes un nuevo subscriptor me gustan tus reacciones gracias por tu tiempo si alguna vez logras leer mi comentario ojala me respondas encantado de leer tu contestación gracias por tu tiempo y atención 😊
Hello, I love your reactions and musical analysis, but Juan Gabriel, the tri and Jose Jose, although by chance of life they are not very well known in the Anglo-Saxon language, they are in the entire area of South America, Central America, Mexico and Spain, and those artists, even though they speak Spanish, are Mexican, not Spanish, it's like saying that Elvis Presley is English because he speaks English, I hope you don't take my clarification the wrong way, I reiterate that I'm a fan of your videos
It's rock music, it doesnt have to be perfecto, it has to be powerfull more than perfect... Ok, we understood You want to learn violín... Lets see how perfect can You get on it... Cause your spanish pronuntiation it isnt
You are totally right. As much as El Tri fans loved this, the orchestration was very very shitty and for a barely educated music fans it is obvious that the assembly was very defficient. It sounds like an orchestra falling to pieces, instruments out of tune and such. For a way way better latin rock + orchestra react to 11 Episodios Sinfónicos by Gustavo Cerati. Any of those songs are very professionally assembled and the sound is perfect. Saying this without chauvinism, i'm Mexican and as much as i love Alex Lora, he is not a musical virtuoso, more like a talented barrio artist.
Hello. I would like to congratulate you for this honest reaction to this version of the song which to me any El Tri Sinfónica is just pure thrash. There’s nothing alike the original version with the original band members that should have been the sponsor one not this crap. I don’t understand why everyone recommends this version smh
Nice react as always. I recommend you to watch "2022 em uma música" it's a great music video from a brazilian artist recalling all the most popular songs from 2022
Hola Maggie 😂 hello Maggie, do you want to hear a stoning classic voice well I’ll I’ll recommend you an English song singing by Spanish singer. The name is Alberto Vasquez the song’ name ( 16 tons? This song is from the 1960s I think you would love it 🇲🇽🤗😇
Acabo de ver tu reacción y me gusta tu comentario, después reaccione a SOAD y comentaste que te agrada el groul y el iodolin sorry por mi mala escritura, te recomiendo que cheques a King Diamod te va a encantar tiene todo lo que mencionas en la reacción de SOAD, espero y lo reacciones saludos.
Who should I react to next: www.maggierenee.com/book-me/sponsor-a-reaction-live What should I sing next: www.maggierenee.com/book-me/sponsor-a-song-live And just for you: ‘Sing Better Instantly" my FREE Singing Course: skl.sh/3aHdSuy and for EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS AND PERKS: www.patreon.com/MaggieRenee
Reaction to song Gimme Tha Power " Molotov"
Can you react por mi mexico remix
Que buena,..mexican band, greeting from argentina 🇦🇷🤘
This song is actually telling the aztec legend of the 2 volcanos popocatepetl (he) and Iztaccihuatl (she).
No way
That is not true Alex Lora said that this was just a metaphor of a love that could have happened but never did. So definitely is not about the volcanoes.
De hecho sí pero está basada sobre un poema que se llamaba El idilio de los volcanes de José Santos Chocano en el cual se basó Alex Lora
El idilio de los volcanes
El Ixtlaccíhuatl traza la figura yacente
de una mujer dormida bajo el Sol.
El Popocatépetl flamea en los siglos
como una apocalíptica visión;
Y estos dos volcanes solemnes
tienen una historia de amor,
digna de ser cantada en las compilaciones
de una extraordinaria canción.
Ixtaccíhuatl -hace miles de años-
fue la princesa más parecida a una flor
que en la tribu de los viejos caciques
del más gentil capitán se enamoró.
El padre augustamente abrió los labios
y díjole al capitán seductor
que si tornaba un día con la cabeza
del cacique enemigo clavada en su lanzón,
encontraría preparados, a un tiempo mismo,
el festín de su triunfo y el lecho de su amor.
Y Popocatépetl fuese a la guerra
con esta esperanza en el corazón,
domó las rebeldías de las selvas obstinadas,
el motín de los riscos contra su paso vencedor,
la osadía despeñada de los torrentes,
la acechanza de los pantanos en traición
y contra cientos y cientos de soldados,
por años gallardamente combatió.
Al fin tornó a la tribu (y la cabeza
del cacique enemigo sangraba en su lanzón).
Halló el festín del triunfo preparado,
pero no así el lecho de su amor;
en vez de lecho encontró el túmulo
en que su novia, dormida bajo el sol,
esperaba en su frente el beso póstumo
de la boca que nunca en la vida besó.
Y Popocatépetl quebró en sus rodillas
el haz de flechas y en una sola voz,
conjuró la sombra de sus antepasados
contra la crueldad de su impasible Dios.
Era la vida suya, muy suya,
porque contra la muerte ganó,
tenía el triunfo, la riqueza, el poderío,
pero no tenía el amor.
Entonces hizo que veinte mil esclavos
alzaran un gran túmulo ante el sol,
amontonó diez cumbres
en una escalinata como alucinación,
tomó en sus brazos a la mujer amada
Y él mismo sobre el túmulo la colocó;
luego encendió una antorcha y para siempre
quedose en pie alumbrando el sarcófago de su dolor.
Duerme en paz, Ixtaccíhuatl, nunca los tiempos
borrarán los perfiles de tu expresión.
Vela en paz, Popocatépetl, nunca los huracanes
apagarán tu antorcha, eterna como el amor.
José Santos Chocano
Interesante y muy bella narración.@@ranitabarrios1065
Muy válida la observación de la orquesta al principio. Como profesional tenía que hacer la distinción de una sinfónica real a una orquesta que se fusiona con el rock
Let me ask you something, what is perfection??? every note played well or the music that takes you to that place where you can dream and feel.
Yes !!!!!
what is perfection
Sad criticism...
me encanto ..la voz la orquesta los solistas ..el publico y tus comentarios...muchas gracias
i would have loved to seen this concert live!!! the intensity of the song and the orchestra!! the energy of the whole crowd is crazy! those people most likely had an out of world experience
The violin player is the great Zvignew Paleta from Poland. He´s been living in México for many years.
Padre de ludwica
@@armandochavira3353 Y de Dominica. 😎😎
@@miguelbravo2066 si awebo , es un pro en man
La obra maestra de este señor es Ludwica Paleta
Mi suegro querido
Saludos desde Tecate Baja California México
That orchestra is conducted by Eduardo Diazmuñoz and that there is Mexico's City Philharmonic Orchestra, so I feel terrible with that criticism. I have seen reaction videos for this song, and you are the first one that does this. Oh thats right, it must be because you went to "The Juilliard School".
I can tell she has a terrible personality and talks like as if she drank millions of cups of coffee And she's the only one who dare criticized the orchestra If there is someone to criticize it's her for doing the easy way You Tube and not being able to be a prima donna in opera singing
Right? A Juilliard student knows more about music than Mexico City's Philharmonic Orchestra 🤦🏻♂️ The level of coordination between a rock band and an orchestra here is insane!!!! Just shows the professionalism of everyone involved.
No need to get salty with the criticism, there indeed were many mistakes with the symphony as well as with the band but it still came out great.
@@vojake100coordination is a different issue and yes, the live performance was great, the orchestra was did not perform at the top level either and the setting probably had a lot to do with it but they fulfilled their mission with the concert and no one said otherwise.
La señora perfecta, si asi fuera estuviera cantando y no criticando, jajajaja
I don't know anything about you Opera but One thing is for sure maestro Alex Lora and his music is the best.. you are a very young person i don't think you know much about this music 🎵 you need to learn more than that.then you can make any comments. Viva Mexico viva el TRI.
Ya era hora de que al try se le reconociera mundialmente viva México cabrones
So fun, love the audience singing along with them enjoying themselves! Party time fun for sure, then add that drama to it as well :D Great job Maggie!
Nostalgia el tri sinfónico
Nice reaction! 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
No artist is at peak perfection, everyone makes mistakes including on live concerts, and although i just stumbled upon your channel with this beautiful song and don't know much of your projection as an Opera singer. I am sure yourself aswell ain't too pitch perfect. Therefore is better to just focus and actually feel the song and beautiful instruments doing what they were made to do, rather than calling out what is wrong or right. It is your channel and are free to do what you choose to do or say, but remember not everyone is perfect especially when having to perform live where there is much more at stake. Greetings from México and hope you have blessful day, goodbye now.
si bueno asi no es como funciona una orquesta.
She gave her point of view as a professional and yes she has every right to say that . She aint criticizing the song she is talking about the technique . Maybe the orchestra was just gathered atlast minute and thats why theres certain mistakes Because they dint have enough time to practice with each other. She said the song is beautiful and she likes it. Now its another thing that you get butthurt when something obvious gets called out if you dont like hearing peoples opinions then why do you watch reaction videos ? Because they react they can give their opinions . She never said she was perfect ,so i dont get why you get offended . She just said they could do better . She dint say it was bad .
@@josecantoriano9568 I'm the one offended? Yet you're here to criticize my opinion, of what she said in her video. First off who are you to tell me what i can or cannot watch, its my own opinion if it gets to you, its your own problem not mine and come and tell that to the 29 people who liked my comment for sharing my thoughts and certain dislike of what this youtuber had to share. It doesn't mean i dislike her channel or have hateful thoughts towards her, i am sharing my point of view just like she is, and if you can't respect that, then what are you doing here in the first place? And according to you i'm the one butthurt about it? You should pay more attention towards yourself rather than focusing on others, goodbye and good day.
@@Aviz- by the way you just proved that you make no sense because you switched from telling her what she has to do in her channel and that she shouldn't look at the mistakes , that she cant express that . Im here because i love her content even with the criticism . And I never saw anything bad about her saying that the orchestra wasnt perfect , because yes she know more than i do about orchestra and because she pointed that out i learned something new . Thats what critisims is about to learn . Not to come tell someone that she cant do that and to only listen ,and i replied because i cant believe how people cant take criticism as something good not bad.
@@josecantoriano9568 Don't generalize something just because it makes no sense to you, if it were the case. Howcome i had people who approved of my opinion? You question my criticism but not hers because according to you, you empatize with her? If you like her channel, great for you. I honestly couldn't care less which content creator you support. If you can't respect my opinion as i respected hers then what are you doing here in the first place? Get off of the internet for a while and focus on yourself first rather than trying to change someone else's view due to no having an agreement. Plus my comment was over 10 months ago and hardly even remember what she even commented. I find it crazy people decide to share their opinions over a topic that had long been over, and i could've easily avoided replying but since i get notified i decided to see what it was all about. You contradict yourself by being against my opinion/criticism, while supporting hers because she's an opera singer? What kind of logic is that? I might not be an expert but if i decided to share my thoughts in the comment section is for a reason since i am not too vague in doing so since its a major waste of time at the end of the day. Nonetheless have a great day, if you can't end the topic, i sure will. It is pointless to continue something that was long overdue.
Not a singer but Rodrigo y Gabriela are worth the watch, best guitars from Mexico!
Omg the best ❤
Me agrada mucho tú reacción a esta melodía, yo soy mexicana y después 1985 fue una de mis favoritas y en especial ésta melodía ❤❤❤
It's funny when he yells with eggs. In Mexico that word that although eggs can be the testicles, also refers to shouting louder
Fair enough from the view of an Opera singer! But still, just enjoy the show babe ❤❤❤. Love from Argentina.
Ok Maggie OK Maggie there’s a great song with a great musician. Its name is Arturo Vargas with the mariachi Vargas, that mariachi vargas de tecalitlan and this song is( el pastor) with the orchestra, symphonic of Querétaro I know you would be amazed with his performance🇲🇽🤗😇
If you like Spanish music and opera, you should listen to Linda Ronstadt "La charreada" she also sang in English "blue bayou" and she also sang opera.
Tremendous rock song el Tri
Thanks You Magy
Yeaaaaaahhhhh viva México
I am really glad to see you do a reaction to a Mexican Rock song and hope you will do more 😊, if you do I recomend Pachuco and Kumbala by Maldita Vecindad, anything by Caifanes(preferably Afuera 😁)
Y que me.dicen de café Tacuba??
@@abelardocamachohernandez257 Café Tacuba tiene algunas canciones muy entretenidas y unas muy buenas, pero no a todo mundo le gustan porque talvez no se identifican mucho con el grupo o los estilos que le integran a su música, en lo personal me gustan varias de sus canciones aunque no todas
Tu nivel de español es imprecionante
Nice Maggie! Cheers from Mexico, God bless you!
Lees perfectamente español, saludos Maggy,, You are amazing girl
Saludos de Aguascalientes México
La canción fue escrita en el 84 por Alex Lora, publicado en el álbum en el 85 Simplemente El Tri, tengo el honor que ese álbum fue el primero que escuché y es artífice que me introdujo en el Rock. Fue escrita en honor una Leyenda Azteca, Popocateptl e Izztacihuatl, cuenta la leyenda que el amor de ellos fue truncado por una mentira, ella murió de tristeza y al enterarse Popoca de la muerte de su amada, cargo el cuerpo de ella hacia una montaña encendió una fogata y se despidió con un beso y jamás se separo de ella, los Dioses conmovidos por el amor de ellos, decidieron convertirlos en Volcanes, hoy en día son el Volcán Popocateptl e Izztacihuatl este último se le dice la mujer dormida, el cual tiene la figura de una mujer acostada de lado. Se dice que las fumarolas del Volcán Popocateptl representa la fogata eterna encendida por amor y aún sigue cuidando el alma de su amada
Yo creo que los músicos solo estaban totalmente relajados interpretando un arreglo para una canción clásica de El Tri de México para toda la perrada, con el gran gritante Alex Lora en la voz y su domadora en los coros. Muy bien logrado.
estaría genial escucharte cantar esta canción
This band does songs that cover topics from starving homeless children to the dangers of addiction, both emotional and chemical. These messages must be delivered raw, otherwise they lose impact.
A symphonic fast and loose assault on the emotions was the goal here. In "Rocanrol" there are no rules. Only love.
Todos con el Tri y Molotov!!!!
Jaja das.risa no hay como el Tri
Quisieras tener u
1 pociento de público del tri
Wonderful reaction❤
Viva Mexico cabrpnes
Perfecto Spaniah girl!!3😊
excelente saludos desde mexico
Cof, Cof!, honey… there’s a significant difference between Mexican music and Spanish music, where at the first glance Mexican musicians already analyzed by you have no equivalence😌☺️
Luisen Las Piedras Rodantes dame grupo el TRI
Omegle bars 88 is perfect for you.😮❤❤❤
I think you missed the point it’s meant to be chaotic is ROCK not classical music everything flows it’s not supposed to perfect . Plus who doesn’t know who the guitarist is :legend
Loved hearing you in Spanish!!!! ❤
Está avanzada esta canción en un poema de José santos Chocano y denominada el idilio de los volcanes en explora hizo su propia versión del mismo y lo convirtió en esta bella canción….
El idilio de los volcanes
El Ixtlaccíhuatl traza la figura yacente
de una mujer dormida bajo el Sol.
El Popocatépetl flamea en los siglos
como una apocalíptica visión;
Y estos dos volcanes solemnes
tienen una historia de amor,
digna de ser cantada en las compilaciones
de una extraordinaria canción.
Ixtaccíhuatl -hace miles de años-
fue la princesa más parecida a una flor
que en la tribu de los viejos caciques
del más gentil capitán se enamoró.
El padre augustamente abrió los labios
y díjole al capitán seductor
que si tornaba un día con la cabeza
del cacique enemigo clavada en su lanzón,
encontraría preparados, a un tiempo mismo,
el festín de su triunfo y el lecho de su amor.
Y Popocatépetl fuese a la guerra
con esta esperanza en el corazón,
domó las rebeldías de las selvas obstinadas,
el motín de los riscos contra su paso vencedor,
la osadía despeñada de los torrentes,
la acechanza de los pantanos en traición
y contra cientos y cientos de soldados,
por años gallardamente combatió.
Al fin tornó a la tribu (y la cabeza
del cacique enemigo sangraba en su lanzón).
Halló el festín del triunfo preparado,
pero no así el lecho de su amor;
en vez de lecho encontró el túmulo
en que su novia, dormida bajo el sol,
esperaba en su frente el beso póstumo
de la boca que nunca en la vida besó.
Y Popocatépetl quebró en sus rodillas
el haz de flechas y en una sola voz,
conjuró la sombra de sus antepasados
contra la crueldad de su impasible Dios.
Era la vida suya, muy suya,
porque contra la muerte ganó,
tenía el triunfo, la riqueza, el poderío,
pero no tenía el amor.
Entonces hizo que veinte mil esclavos
alzaran un gran túmulo ante el sol,
amontonó diez cumbres
en una escalinata como alucinación,
tomó en sus brazos a la mujer amada
Y él mismo sobre el túmulo la colocó;
luego encendió una antorcha y para siempre
quedose en pie alumbrando el sarcófago de su dolor.
Duerme en paz, Ixtaccíhuatl, nunca los tiempos
borrarán los perfiles de tu expresión.
Vela en paz, Popocatépetl, nunca los huracanes
apagarán tu antorcha, eterna como el amor.
José Santos Chocano
De mexico para el mundo vi va mexico cabrones
Buen video:)
gracias 🤗
Reac to "Save Me" Queen Rock Montreal, BEAUTIFUL
It’s an homage of the Metallica orquesta album
studio version is much better, you should hear that amazing sax + guitar intro
Que bien pronuncia el español 😮
The violin solo sounded really good. Reminded me a bit, of some of Linsey Stirling's songs.
Si, pero de mucho tiempo antes 😃 es bueno que te agrade.
We have also had Ana Gabriel and Marco Antonio Solis on the channel. I think there may have been more Mexican singers but I am drawing a blank on names And of course we have had Linda Ronstadt singing Mexican songs. I never saw the bass guitar. Was it the guitarrón mexicano or not? Can anyone tell by the sound. I cannot. The big Mexican 6 string acoustic bass guitar is generally associated with mariachi and other more traditional styles, so maybe not.
Check out Eivor ..Trollabundin In a Norwegian fiord
Podra caerme mal alex lora pero.. que temazo dios
Hola Maggie busca la canción Las piedras rodando se encuentran y escúchala te va a gustar.
¡saludos! 😊🤟
El tri fans don't care or Know anything about ochestras they R Rockers....
The principles of music are still present. I like el tri, and I like Rossini and Gaetano Donizetti.
Do you know, Javier Camarena? Please your reaction
Hello how are you? , I recommend that you listen to the artist "Abel Pintos" interpreting "El Antigal". Note, you will regret it, greetings from South America, "the end of the world"
Matt Corby - Brother (live) ... enjoy
Saludos de una mexicana me gustan mucho tus reacciones podrías reaccionar a lila daown es cantante mexicana creo que ella es contra alto si puedes la cansion la canción la llorona en vivo
Te mando un fuerte abraso
Para serte sincero no tengo mucho escuchando y viendo tus reacciones me emociona el ver qué sabes español lo cual me emociona mucho escucharte se te entiende muy bien ojalá pronto te vea y escuché hablar uj poco más de español por mi parte tienes un nuevo subscriptor me gustan tus reacciones gracias por tu tiempo si alguna vez logras leer mi comentario ojala me respondas encantado de leer tu contestación gracias por tu tiempo y atención 😊
Hello, I love your reactions and musical analysis, but Juan Gabriel, the tri and Jose Jose, although by chance of life they are not very well known in the Anglo-Saxon language, they are in the entire area of South America, Central America, Mexico and Spain, and those artists, even though they speak Spanish, are Mexican, not Spanish, it's like saying that Elvis Presley is English because he speaks English, I hope you don't take my clarification the wrong way, I reiterate that I'm a fan of your videos
The video Is sleeples nihths live at grasspop King Diomd
It's rock music, it doesnt have to be perfecto, it has to be powerfull more than perfect... Ok, we understood You want to learn violín... Lets see how perfect can You get on it... Cause your spanish pronuntiation it isnt
Is she a professional opera singer?? Lol let her sing so she can show all the viewers her perfection
his voice got a lot of help from vodka
Me queda claro, q no tocan musica clásica, pero tú no tienes idea del rock!
Es rock varado mujer 🚺 si loro olor da lo mismo es varato
You are totally right. As much as El Tri fans loved this, the orchestration was very very shitty and for a barely educated music fans it is obvious that the assembly was very defficient. It sounds like an orchestra falling to pieces, instruments out of tune and such. For a way way better latin rock + orchestra react to 11 Episodios Sinfónicos by Gustavo Cerati. Any of those songs are very professionally assembled and the sound is perfect. Saying this without chauvinism, i'm Mexican and as much as i love Alex Lora, he is not a musical virtuoso, more like a talented barrio artist.
Hola maggie buena reacción por favor reacción a Cristian Castro cantando con Juan Gabriel Mañana ❤❤❤❤❤
Lila Downs please, 😎😎
Hello. I would like to congratulate you for this honest reaction to this version of the song which to me any El Tri Sinfónica is just pure thrash. There’s nothing alike the original version with the original band members that should have been the sponsor one not this crap. I don’t understand why everyone recommends this version smh
a question that is known that an out of tune Mexican orchestra has much more success than you and your professional orchestra
You ser whats Im talking about you dont know how he does it play whith his voice,beacause you need yo learn More
The orchestra is just an extra. The band is rock. But I still like both versions
muy alzadita esta mujer caes mal mija. cientos de profesionales han analizado esta canción.
Habla poco para que escuchemos bien la melodía
Nop no me gustó, me cayó mal la señorita perfecta
You wrong about to the orquesta
Maggie porfavor reacciona a una cantante muy especial , Susana Zabaleta,,la canción,,contigo en la distancia
bien por tu español, escucha porfa Labios rotos unplugged zoe
You talk yo much!!! Seems you're in love with your voice.
Its a reaction channel my friend what do you expect??? Dont think this channel is for you.. keep bringing the fun Maggie we love it. 👍👍
You are so sweet! Thank you! Hope to see you on tonight's livestream! 🥳
Nice react as always. I recommend you to watch "2022 em uma música" it's a great music video from a brazilian artist recalling all the most popular songs from 2022
Look haragan y compañía
Hola Maggie 😂 hello Maggie, do you want to hear a stoning classic voice well I’ll I’ll recommend you an English song singing by Spanish singer. The name is Alberto Vasquez the song’ name ( 16 tons? This song is from the 1960s I think you would love it 🇲🇽🤗😇
You are just too young yo know whats going on and need too learn and hear better need More ears yo your self saludos keep learning
Acabo de ver tu reacción y me gusta tu comentario, después reaccione a SOAD y comentaste que te agrada el groul y el iodolin sorry por mi mala escritura, te recomiendo que cheques a King Diamod te va a encantar tiene todo lo que mencionas en la reacción de SOAD, espero y lo reacciones saludos.
Ya cállate, deja oir