Perth Rail by Danny Brennan

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @aaronjeffries3383
    @aaronjeffries3383 3 роки тому +3

    I'm still driving those ADL's over here in Auckland.

  • @marcconyard5024
    @marcconyard5024 2 роки тому

    I first visited Perth in 1979 and made a point to ride the AEC powered rail car sets. They sounded fantastic, revving out in each gear with that longish pause between changes.

  • @mebeasensei
    @mebeasensei 3 роки тому +3

    Cool video! Love the 80s synths..a good moody match for the scene. Never been to WA. Sweet...It looks hot an dry!

    • @Spookieham
      @Spookieham 2 роки тому

      In summer god yes. Winter can be a bit wet down in Perth but the state is so big weather varies immensely from north to south and east to west.

  • @banksiasong
    @banksiasong 2 роки тому +2

    Proof at last of open doors.
    My son refuses to believe me that we rode on trains over the Freo Bridge with the doors open, and blowing a bit of a gale. I was a bit terrified, but great to look back on.
    Brilliant footage, you even had the entertainment centre in wellington st.
    It would be great to have a copy of this in the State Library if you ever feel up to it, especially with the dates and details you can remember.
    Thanks so much.

    • @rustywalsh56
      @rustywalsh56 2 роки тому

      Had to have doors open back then, no air conditioning on trains in those days👍

  • @niallstevens1979
    @niallstevens1979 6 років тому +4

    Ahhhhh, the memories of travelling on the Midland Line to and from.Guildford with my Gran as a child.

  • @bernardsulman1506
    @bernardsulman1506 3 роки тому +1

    I remember those old orange rattlers. No aircon so in summer they rode with all the doors and windows open to catch a bit of a breeze, I remember standing in the open doorway as a kid about 10 years old thinking it was not entirely safe, but a gave a great view.

    • @Spookieham
      @Spookieham 2 роки тому +1

      I cannot imagine riding in one without AC. When I left London 15 years ago a lot of suburban trains had no AC and that was painful in summer

  • @nathanroberts355
    @nathanroberts355 4 роки тому +2

    I went on those trains to Midland markets with my grandmother Joan Roberts and down to Fremantle fish markets to have fish and chips at Lombardos from Mt lawley stn and I grew up in subiaco 1976 and I used to go to bassendean stn and lived in padbury and their was no trains running to northern suburbs

  • @partymeeple5633
    @partymeeple5633 6 місяців тому

    Some really fabulous old footage there.
    The prospector with it's drivers blinds half down looks like it's rolling along half asleep.

  • @antiussentiment
    @antiussentiment 2 роки тому

    Wonderful sharp images..
    Thank you..

  • @nathanroberts355
    @nathanroberts355 Рік тому

    I grew up in mt lawley and used to get train up to midland and out Fremantle and with my grandmother Joan roberts

  • @jasonhowe1697
    @jasonhowe1697 3 роки тому +1

    I don't remember seeing the red and white livery of transperth on the older trains..
    I remember we went from orange and blue to electrlc, and and the prospector and australind more or had a revamp past 1993-95

  • @dangleoof6944
    @dangleoof6944 6 років тому +2

    Rip days of diesels in the 1990s I never got to ride one

    • @davidlipscombe916
      @davidlipscombe916 3 роки тому +1

      If you go to Mozambique you can ride the ADK/ADB which is shown at 3:36 as they were on sold from Auckland .

    • @davidlipscombe916
      @davidlipscombe916 3 роки тому

      Also I have posted two videos of both the ADK/ADB's and ADL/ADC's in the comments section and if you can ever get to Auckland you can still ride the ADL's before the section of line they are being used on gets Electrified .

  • @liamreilly5780
    @liamreilly5780 7 років тому +6

    Shout out to the Midland Line where I spent much of my youth! What is the sound track playing, I really liked it!

    • @WarrenDuffy
      @WarrenDuffy  7 років тому +1

      Thanks Liam, I am sorry but I just grabbed a track from Filmora and whacked it on there. If I remember to do so if I come across it again I will get back to you Cheers Duff

    • @beebeenyneeee7692
      @beebeenyneeee7692 7 років тому

      Its great to see how it evolved

    • @banksiasong
      @banksiasong 2 роки тому

      Shazam says "Infinite" by Kuyani.

  • @johnmcgeehan2468
    @johnmcgeehan2468 4 роки тому +1

    Some of that footage was later than 1988 as you can see the poles and wires for the electrification already up and they weren't first installed until late 1989 and into 1990.

  • @mikenolzeynolan4635
    @mikenolzeynolan4635 4 роки тому +1

    Wicked footage 🙂

  • @ivonobili9935
    @ivonobili9935 7 років тому +2

    ahhh memories

  • @rossprivate5456
    @rossprivate5456 4 роки тому

    i always loved the adk's ,seemed so modern and then the adl's come out and they were from the future lol

  • @HotForgeChaos
    @HotForgeChaos 6 років тому +5

    Check those ADLs out, in there Transperth/NZ TranzMetro colours. Would have been right before they were sold to NZ Rail

    • @aaronjeffries3383
      @aaronjeffries3383 3 роки тому +1

      Still running in NZ , I’m still driving them they’ll be decommissioned in the next two years though.

    • @HotForgeChaos
      @HotForgeChaos 3 роки тому

      @@aaronjeffries3383 It'll be sad to see those old buses go

  • @watransprotobservations
    @watransprotobservations Рік тому

    whats the music

  • @networkteneverydaysoaps8792
    @networkteneverydaysoaps8792 5 років тому

    What stations were they?

  • @aidennbaker
    @aidennbaker 6 років тому +1

    old transperth trains

  • @perthtransportguyz
    @perthtransportguyz 3 роки тому

    blue and orange to red and silver now at green and soon black and yellow

  • @davidlipscombe916
    @davidlipscombe916 3 роки тому

    And this video showing the ADL/ADC's as they were and now ;-

  • @theytwatcher950
    @theytwatcher950 6 років тому +6

    Basically the trains in Perth are completely boring. Should be like Sydney Trains

    • @paulkennedy8701
      @paulkennedy8701 6 років тому

      Nim Bhharathhan
      You were bored? Just what were you hoping for?

    • @dangleoof6944
      @dangleoof6944 6 років тому +1

      Hey don’t judge our trains we have a small city

    • @dangleoof6944
      @dangleoof6944 6 років тому +1

      Plus double deckers have not been tested in our city yet and propaly never will after what happened in Melbourne

    • @kendale2847
      @kendale2847 6 років тому +1

      If you don't like don't watch simple

    • @cfgtspbutwho4997
      @cfgtspbutwho4997 6 років тому +1

      @Vince Abate they mean today. are you out of your mind