Une œuvre instrumentale d'une grande profondeur sonore où l'ambiance cinématographique attise les émotions. Ce morceau à la structure musicale évolutive et d'une rare intensité captive l'attention grâce à la richesse de ses arrangements débordants de subtilités. 〰 An instrumental work of great sonic depth, with a cinematic ambience that stirs the emotions. This piece, with its evolving musical structure and rare intensity, captivates the listener with its rich arrangements brimming with subtlety.
Une œuvre instrumentale d'une grande profondeur sonore où l'ambiance cinématographique attise les émotions. Ce morceau à la structure musicale évolutive et d'une rare intensité captive l'attention grâce à la richesse de ses arrangements débordants de subtilités.
An instrumental work of great sonic depth, with a cinematic ambience that stirs the emotions. This piece, with its evolving musical structure and rare intensity, captivates the listener with its rich arrangements brimming with subtlety.
Thank you so much ❣
It's always a pleasure@@SoundsM! 😄
The menacing effect of the video is excellently carried by the music. Very nice... subscribed! 😃
Thank you so much 😊
so nice
Thank you! 😊
nice music and video, like it :)
Thank you so much 😊
Nice cinematic music!
Thank you, Eric 🦋😊
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