🇬🇧 English translation On that theme park of ours, the Loch Ness carousel twists. Dads and moms, hurry over there to follow us. Let's buy happiness, let's bang our fists. Slapshots dummies are for everyone's fun. Can I, daddy, buy a marshmallow? Your stomach will be overfilled, I'm telling you this after tenth time. Dad likes tightrope walkers. Mom drives us home, everything here is overpriced. Salt water in a barrel and a mermaid in it. Lords of the whole group, the scales on her. The thrower throws knives, someone calls out: "God, he's going to stab that lady, that would be inappropriate.". Can I, daddy, buy a marshmallow? Your stomach will be overfilled, I'm telling you this after tenth time. Dad likes tightrope walkers. Mom drives us home, everything here is overpriced. On that theme park of ours, the savings are collapsing. Mom, please, the swing, it's only 1 CZK. Let's talk dad into cotton candy and a swan carousel, then we go to bed.
Jooo to byly časy! vzpomínám na školní 90 léta, kdy nám to paní učitelka pouštěla ve třídě. jsem rád že mám na co vzpomínat.
Moc hezká písnička.
To skvělá písnička❤
jóóóó ta písnička je prostě nej😊
Toto si pouštíme aj ve škole to je hezký písnička 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
To zpíváme na sboru červanku uhlířské janovice fakt super pisnička
Jsem Janovic
Je to skvělá písnička!
mi se ji taky učíme ve škole a jinak je moc pěkná😍😍😍
Pěkná písnička
Líbí se mi to protože jse to měla na besídce .Eliska
Natí na šípouťi❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Anička
Mi jí budeme spívat na koncertě na michalovické putně😊
Můj bracha se ji učí ve školce
My už jsme se ji učily
Skuste tohle někdy pustit na nějaké pouti
učíme se jí ve škole☺
Michaela Ježková taky😄
my taky
Michaela Ježková My taky
Michaela Ježková mi taky
mi taky
tý jo! to je úlet!!!!! na tohle kailt. suprčupr
no to teda jo
máš pravdu
taky na to pařim
Best pisen
Mi se ji taky učíme ve škole tatínku můžu koupit si žužu
mise tuhle písničku učíme ve škole
mimo'n LP taky
14 lidi nikdy nemelo kolotocarku.
učíme se jí ve škole ve zdounkáh menuji se michal táborský
🇬🇧 English translation
On that theme park of ours,
the Loch Ness carousel twists.
Dads and moms,
hurry over there to follow us.
Let's buy happiness,
let's bang our fists.
Slapshots dummies
are for everyone's fun.
Can I, daddy,
buy a marshmallow?
Your stomach will be overfilled,
I'm telling you this after tenth time.
Dad likes
tightrope walkers.
Mom drives us home,
everything here is overpriced.
Salt water in a barrel
and a mermaid in it.
Lords of the whole group,
the scales on her.
The thrower throws knives,
someone calls out:
"God, he's going to stab that lady,
that would be inappropriate.".
Can I, daddy,
buy a marshmallow?
Your stomach will be overfilled,
I'm telling you this after tenth time.
Dad likes
tightrope walkers.
Mom drives us home,
everything here is overpriced.
On that theme park of ours,
the savings are collapsing.
Mom, please, the swing,
it's only 1 CZK.
Let's talk dad
into cotton candy
and a swan carousel,
then we go to bed.
my se jí taky ve škole učíme
docela dobry
mi se tudle písničku účime ve škole
Michal Mehgggr t týden ěofy\.y_/.fay
Divné, Staré, Ale zároveň to není tak špatné. Ale radši si poslechnu nightcore něčeho.
mam 8 let Samuel Šara
No a já třeba 19
je to blbost
gárdy games blbost je tak tvůj kanál
hnusný a hrozný!!!!!!!!!