Why Your Guitars DON’T Work in the Mix

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ericthemaestro
    @ericthemaestro Рік тому +33

    Miami drop the album

  • @Madhayter
    @Madhayter Рік тому +6

    I need to hear this song bro! It sounds amazing!
    Great tutorial btw, very helpful

    • @Madhayter
      @Madhayter 10 місяців тому

      @@user-2Hteyasizyc nope

  • @christopherharv
    @christopherharv Рік тому +1

    Interesting suggestion to use notches and mini-notches at the source track and then also on the bus if it needs it after the compression and saturation.
    I have Saturn from FabFilter and it adds saturation obviously but it also offers dynamic control as a simple single knob. I use this like glue instead of the JST plugin, would like to see a shootout between some FabFilter and JST stuff.

  • @jomesias
    @jomesias Рік тому +1

    Awesome tips, thanks JST!!! 👌
    I’ll have to get the VIP, so hope to get more great content from you there. Cheers!

  • @lionsatmidnight
    @lionsatmidnight Рік тому +8

    Thank you for making this! I have the entire bus glue set. It helps so much! 🔥

  • @KS-ld7zs
    @KS-ld7zs Рік тому +12

    Really dig this channel and I can't fault for demoing your own plugins- but I can't help but feel the audio examples in this video are a bit misleading. The before after comparisons seem to lack volume matching and be timed with natural filling-out of frequencies that more due to arrangement.
    First time I've noticed it really being problematic on a a JST video, and I know it's basically a commercial for plugins, but still, let's be mindful of this stuff. Y'all have a good rep on YT.

    • @TheAzurefang
      @TheAzurefang Рік тому +3

      Noticed the same thing. This video is mostly a commercial.

    • @protrusiondeath
      @protrusiondeath Рік тому +1

      I would say that this is justified. I've found that JST makes plugins that streamline very specific audio tasks that may otherwise require a bit more elbow grease and plugin combinations. Now there are alternative companies that make similar streamlining style plugins, but this is a JST channel so displaying how JST plugins can be applied and combined to solve audio issues makes the most sense.

  • @sebastiandiaz29
    @sebastiandiaz29 Рік тому +8

    who is the artist?

  • @JustinNogle
    @JustinNogle Рік тому +4

    Impeccable timing for this with my current song. Thank you so much! 😎🎸🤘

  • @RobertoReyesChHC
    @RobertoReyesChHC Рік тому +2

    I've never had this issue! I wonder why. If I have it's because I scooped to much mids or added too much bass. I just recently started using a limiter on my guitars and I'm not too sure if I really hear a difference save for getting rid of those super peakey peaks.

  • @robertjones9598
    @robertjones9598 Рік тому +1

    Thanks! Getting the guitars to sit properly in the mix is the biggest problem I have right now. It's so odd for a guitarist to have mixes where the bass/drums/piano/orchestra sound amazing thanks to VST's, but can't figure out the correct processing for the main instrument (even if the tones sound perfect in isolation thanks also to amazing ampsims)!!!!

  • @scarabass3924
    @scarabass3924 Рік тому +1

    this channel is amazing, thank you

  • @dawnofascensionband
    @dawnofascensionband 4 місяці тому

    We're all waiting on that BANGER dawg!!!! Miami please bruv.

  • @godsreclamation2539
    @godsreclamation2539 Рік тому +1

    This is pretty useful. Love the content

  • @userdarkshadow3307
    @userdarkshadow3307 Рік тому +8

    what is the song name?

  • @MeargBrhanu-x1w
    @MeargBrhanu-x1w 7 місяців тому

    Hello there, just watched the video and it’s 🤘
    And istening to the full mix would be a great help to see what you did here in work. Could you tell us the song title please?

  • @MrEmoSant
    @MrEmoSant Рік тому +4

    Pretty cool and useful but. Name of the song?

  • @appEWsPoebony
    @appEWsPoebony Рік тому +8

    Song name?

    • @gururcanb
      @gururcanb Рік тому

      why he didnt tell us what is the song ?

  • @hades429
    @hades429 Рік тому

    I can’t understate how much an isolated version of the sauce knob in maximizer would be I use it everywhere and itd be awesome to use less processing power by not having to open the full version of maximizer every time

  • @kevinaccettulla
    @kevinaccettulla Рік тому +2

    What is the song in this? Can't seem to find it anywhere

  • @metatron333ascension
    @metatron333ascension Рік тому +2

    i typically would steer away from EQing individual guitar tracks because i thought it would mess with the phase. i will try it though.

    • @davorbrijacak
      @davorbrijacak Рік тому +2

      I think it's mostly the case when EQing multiple tracks of the same source, i.e. multiple mics of the same cabinet as changing phase of each one will cause blended sound to sound different, often for worse. EQing double tracked hard panned guitars with different tones shouldn't be nearly as problematic and you could use linear phase EQ if you want to avoid it.

    • @pauliusmscichauskas558
      @pauliusmscichauskas558 Рік тому +2

      Would only go wrong it's the same performance.

    • @alrecks619
      @alrecks619 Рік тому +1

      phase difference between individual guitar tracks can help make it sound wider so there is that.

  • @dodyhandoyo5692
    @dodyhandoyo5692 6 місяців тому

    Nice tutorial

  • @lightartorias552
    @lightartorias552 Рік тому

    Your channel is so awesome

  • @karterestill
    @karterestill Рік тому +1

    So would you bus all your guitars together (leads, add ins, ect) with the Rhythm tracks? Or make a different bus for those,

  • @Shakyor
    @Shakyor Рік тому +2

    I bought Bassforge Hellriser and all of the IR Packs and I'm so happy to use them in my mixes but also I'm about to get the whole Glue Mix bundle. Love your products and work that you're putting in this! Also thank you for these awesome mix/mastering tips, they are so helpful!

  • @johnhuldt
    @johnhuldt Рік тому

    Great video. Thank you!

  • @stonehillproductions129
    @stonehillproductions129 Рік тому +3

    What song is it? It fucking slaps

  • @enzoddrums
    @enzoddrums Рік тому

    Thanks!, great video!

  • @XenoFluxRecording
    @XenoFluxRecording Рік тому +1

    Amazing tutorial!!! Who did this song???

  • @jedigarrett142
    @jedigarrett142 Рік тому +1

    whats the song that you use for the mix

  • @famigeratox2277
    @famigeratox2277 Рік тому +3

    No Reaper anymore?

  • @tobiascasco
    @tobiascasco Рік тому

    Very good video, thank you for the tips. Also, what's the name of the song ? I really liked it

  • @thomashambrecht6435
    @thomashambrecht6435 Рік тому +1

    You don't have this problem if you use a Kemper for the guitar and choose a sound that doesn't boom your voice and bass. And then I use equalizer with sidechain. Then you have a loud guitar and there is always room for the voice.


    What you think about multiband compression instead of the limiter for taming the palm mutes?

    • @christopherharv
      @christopherharv Рік тому

      Good question, ,that's something I know they also do. Curious why he suggests a limiter instead of that here. It's simpler for sure.

  • @josephforrest3713
    @josephforrest3713 Рік тому

    Are you using an LA3A style limiter on the guitars?

  • @Noxal99
    @Noxal99 Рік тому +13

    I love your content Joey, and your videos. As I started learning music production last year, some of your videos were a great help

    • @TheRealXira
      @TheRealXira Рік тому +8

      I just gotta say......I fully agree with you.

  • @UXMetalVTuber
    @UXMetalVTuber Рік тому

    Epic advice as usual by the og

  • @ckaras100
    @ckaras100 Рік тому

    Why so much gain reduction for the guitar bus? I always figured bus compression was more subtle than -10db of GR

    • @WinterhouseRecords
      @WinterhouseRecords Рік тому +1

      Always remember: what sounds good is good! Some guitars may sound good with -3, some might sound good with -20. Ultimately it’s your choice 🤘

  • @danjwalker
    @danjwalker Рік тому

    Are you guys applying FX that are used on singing vocals for the voice over? Just curious because it sounds almost crunchy and not natural. I'm no mixing engineer but for me, when doing VO stuff, I tend to be super light on any effects so the voice sounds more natural. Love the tutorials. Been a subscriber from the early days when Miami was shooting for 50K subs.

    • @joeymusic
      @joeymusic  Рік тому +1

      We use a slight saturation to keep the voice on top of everything in the video.

    • @T1H0
      @T1H0 Рік тому

      @@joeymusic "Slight" saturation lol, it sounds almost like light distortion. Dial it down by at least 50% for the next one, it's overkill.

  • @bartekstaniszewski3288
    @bartekstaniszewski3288 Рік тому

    Nice content. Is there a new version of your EQ or will be available soon? I can see some new functions in your eq plugin 😁

  • @youcancallmecoop
    @youcancallmecoop Рік тому +1

    Vocal melody sounds like Reverse This Curse by Escape the Fate

  • @meowtrox1234
    @meowtrox1234 Рік тому

    What application did you use?

  • @nugems6000
    @nugems6000 Рік тому

    In love with jst! Fucking game changer! I mixed my band slaughterhouse effect and only used jst!

  • @simonpvo2
    @simonpvo2 Рік тому

    New Dayshell teaser? :D

  • @Lomni
    @Lomni Рік тому

    3:30 i honestly couldn't tell the difference, must be youtube compression or i'm just going deaf

    • @lionsatmidnight
      @lionsatmidnight Рік тому +1

      Compression is hard to hear if your watching this on your phone. A set of headphones will make it a bit easier to hear. Try rewatching on studio headphones.

  • @frankgarcia3310
    @frankgarcia3310 Рік тому

    Do you EQ before or after amp sim?

  • @EarSplit
    @EarSplit Рік тому

    Which song is this? 😭

    • @gururcanb
      @gururcanb Рік тому

      why he didnt tell us what is the song ?

  • @oyoyoyubilinegra
    @oyoyoyubilinegra Рік тому +5

    Problems have been mixed LMAO

  • @Harrysound
    @Harrysound Рік тому

    I’ll give this a go later

  • @eranddroory9987
    @eranddroory9987 Рік тому +2

    Sounds like Joey's voice is going throug an SM7B with a lot of saturation.. 🙂

    • @AxonRiseMusic
      @AxonRiseMusic Рік тому +2

      Joey’s so metal his voice naturally produces harmonic saturation and adds it to his speaking tone making it sound like he’s always going through an ultra high quality mic pre

    • @BrianMagnan
      @BrianMagnan Рік тому +1

      He probably uses HBV for his voiceovers 😂

    • @lionsatmidnight
      @lionsatmidnight Рік тому

      They use slight saturation to keep his voice on top of everything. He said it in another comment in here somewhere.

  • @russangel
    @russangel Рік тому

    I sat down with a producer/engineer friend of mine who's had a number 1 single and album recently, we are both really impressed by a lot of the plug ins from JST and I have been using them a lot now. Really impressed.

  • @robertgroundsmusic
    @robertgroundsmusic Рік тому


  • @RtyuiAEIOU
    @RtyuiAEIOU Рік тому


  • @plaguebearermetal
    @plaguebearermetal Рік тому

    Haha, if only I hadn't done all of these and my guitars/song/songs still sound whack!

  • @DamienTheCat
    @DamienTheCat Рік тому +1

    Those are NOT palm mutes.
    In the part where you say you are showing us heavy music, there isn't a SINGLE palm muted note. The player is chugging and treading muted strings like a pop-punk or a funk player would do...

    • @DamienTheCat
      @DamienTheCat Рік тому

      So the muting is done with your left hand on the fretboard, no palm action at all

  • @pathfinder_official1526
    @pathfinder_official1526 10 місяців тому

    ok that song is actually good lol

  • @Originalthumb
    @Originalthumb Рік тому

    Thanks tick tok click bait daddy

  • @Juan_lauda
    @Juan_lauda Рік тому +3

    The reason your guitar tone sounds like a wasp in a tin can is because there is no amp or microphone anywhere in your signal path.

    • @jihamiya5755
      @jihamiya5755 Рік тому


    • @JohnPrepuce
      @JohnPrepuce Рік тому +1

      The guitar tone in a lot of modern recordings is garbage. How can people even listen to this? Does this even sound like an actual person played it?

    • @breaduser2279
      @breaduser2279 Рік тому

      @@JohnPrepuce Could you give me examples of songs with good guitar tones? It would help me a lot.

  • @DrayG42
    @DrayG42 10 місяців тому

    Song name ?