What's Wrong With "The Chosen"?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • To subscribe to our podcast, click here! wwutt.podbean.com
    #WWUTT #PastorGabe #JesusChrist #TheChosen #Bible #BibleStudy


  • @Stroud87
    @Stroud87 Рік тому +205

    The most common praise for this show that I hear is that it shows a "friendly" and "humorous" side of Jesus. My question to them is, why do you feel it necessary to see a side of Jesus that Scripture does not describe? Is the Holy Spirit's account in the Gospels not sufficient? I think people want to humanize Jesus to be more comfortable with Him. While He is fully man, He is not just another man. He is the God-man.

    • @joshuaestrada6042
      @joshuaestrada6042 Рік тому +14

      What do you mean by that? Do you think Jesus wasn't friendly or had a sense of humor?

    • @Stroud87
      @Stroud87 Рік тому +35

      @@joshuaestrada6042 That's not what I said. I agree with Jack's response. The point in what I was saying is that the favorite aspect of the show described from people I have spoken to is something that is not recorded in the Gospels. I certainly believe Jesus had a sense of humor and laughed. However, the Gospels do not describe that. So, I find it troubling that people are craving something in the personality of Jesus that the Spirit did not see fit to provide commentary on in Scripture. Many people seem to love this portrayal of Jesus more than Scripture's presentation of who He is. That is more than concerning.

    • @sisirkattempudi7155
      @sisirkattempudi7155 Рік тому +11

      I think you're taking this show way too seriously. The way one should watch this show is, "it could have been this way," not "this is how it was." Jesus being humorous is not contrary to any doctrine. So, what is the problem? I think the humor actually shows the humanity of Jesus. Many of us confess that doctrine but are we really believing it? The fact that some are uncomfortable with it might be a sign that they don't fully realize the implications of the humanity of Jesus. And there are plenty of times where he claims to be divine in the show and his disciples wrestle with how his divine nature works.

    • @Stroud87
      @Stroud87 Рік тому +31

      @@sisirkattempudi7155 Saying that "some are uncomfortable with it (Jesus' humor) might be a sign that they don't fully realize the implications of the humanity of Jesus" is a troubling statement in itself. Scripture puts an extremely high importance upon the humanity (and deity) of Christ. Yet, Scripture never mentions Christ's humor. While Jesus surely had humor, it is by no means an important implication of his humanity or else Scripture would certainly address it. I do not believe we are taking this show too seriously. Anything that adds to Scripture should always be evaluated. When people tell me they love this show because it shows Jesus as being funny, I think I am right to be concerned that the show is not highlighting the most important implications of Jesus' humanity and divinity.

    • @bondservant4jesus
      @bondservant4jesus Рік тому +19

      @@joshuaestrada6042 It is not important for him to be friendly or have a sense of humor. He was to live the life we could not live (perfect of the law) and die the death we could not die (on the cross as the perfect spotless lamb). Then he rose from the grave 3 days later and went back to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, and now to come back for his church in the future. He is the head and the church the body. Coming back for His bride.

  • @hisservants8003
    @hisservants8003 Рік тому +85

    It is heart breaking to see so many be drawn into watching the Chosen. There is a lack of discernment in the church that is concerning.

    • @MikeAndDrewPranks
      @MikeAndDrewPranks Рік тому +3


    • @Oilofmercy
      @Oilofmercy 11 місяців тому +1

      ​@@MikeAndDrewPranksvery disturbing indeed.

    • @user-nj5cl6xs4n
      @user-nj5cl6xs4n 8 місяців тому +1

      Itching ears.

    • @lisavecchione-uf4ov
      @lisavecchione-uf4ov 7 місяців тому +1


    • @donnapalmer9405
      @donnapalmer9405 5 місяців тому

      You are wrong none that does this movie gets it word for word becareful what you say this movie is well written and the spirt of God is moving all over the world its to wake people up .read the word learn what are father says ...

  • @Jesus_is_Lord-
    @Jesus_is_Lord- Рік тому +51

    The Chosen has a lot of red flags that I can't even watch without grieving the Holy Spirit.

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf Рік тому +2

      Uh huh.

    • @alparkes6084
      @alparkes6084 Рік тому +1

      Are you saying you have not watched it?

    • @Jesus_is_Lord-
      @Jesus_is_Lord- Рік тому +8

      @@alparkes6084 I watched some of it. Something is definitely wrong. Please pray to God and read your Bible and you will know that something is wrong. May God give you wisdom.

    • @alparkes6084
      @alparkes6084 Рік тому +5

      @@Jesus_is_Lord- I’ve read the Bible several times over. Wrong in that it is not accurate to the Bible, yes. However it’s the best Jesus film I’ve ever seen. And this Jesus states his divinity several times over in the series as well as the need for all to repent. Several of the stories, like the woman at the well, the paralytic at the pool of Sidon, the paralytic hoisted down from the roof are spot on. I believe the series shows both the divinity and humanity of Jesus perfectly well. The artistic licenses the series takes do not detract from the Bible story and in many ways enhances it. There have been some 480 million viewers so far and I would not doubt than many have never darkened the door of a church in their lifetimes. As far as I can tell, there are no doctrinal errors in the narrative.

    • @Jesus_is_Lord-
      @Jesus_is_Lord- Рік тому +7

      Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
      -Matthew 7:13-14
      Mormon execs and Roman catholic advisors. What can go wrong, right? Again, I tried watching it multiple times, I WANT TO WATCH IT. Even prayed about it numerous times, and the results are the same--do not watch it.

  • @ichiman23
    @ichiman23 Рік тому +67

    Well, The Chosen does have a disclaimer about dramatization for the purpose of the show and all that, but Dallas Jenkins has been pretty clear that this is not an "adding to the Bible" nor a "replacement" it's just an artistic project about Jesus, while not perfect, it has been fruitful, people have come closer to Christ because of it! So glory to God for it.

    • @MikeAndDrewPranks
      @MikeAndDrewPranks Рік тому +21

      What Jesus are they “coming closer to”? If it’s not the God of the Bible??

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Рік тому +20

      It's not just "an artistic project about Jesus". It's a shows that promotes a false Jesus. This show is a testament to why God specifically forbade ppl from portraying Him in any physical way in the 2nd Commandment: they always end up creating a version of God that doesn't exist.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +6

      Anyone claiming this is a false Jesus is clearly misrepresenting the Jesus in the bible. Do you believe the Ten Commandments is the law of moses? Or is it the law of God? Because that question alone exposes the naivete of most people complaining.

    • @ichiman23
      @ichiman23 Рік тому +4

      @@MikeAndDrewPranks I think the trick to watch the show is the same as reading a christian book, take what works, and just ignore what doesn't. Take out the good of it 😉. In one way or the other, Christ is being preached!

    • @bondservant4jesus
      @bondservant4jesus Рік тому +3

      @@ichiman23 Also, ignore the millions of dollars being put into this, could have gone to something more accurate of Christ or even maybe gospel tracts.

  • @travisgirts8263
    @travisgirts8263 Рік тому +14

    Couple problems I have with this video,
    1. READ the disclaimer
    2. Jesus is "The Law of Moses" because he is the fulfillment of the law and perfected it by taking the punishment that breaking the law sentenced us to.
    3. I saw the encounter with the woman at well as her assuming that because he was a prophet he would "preach" at her putting her down, criticize, chastise, and excommunicate her like the rest of her people, Jesus said "no" not that he was not a prophet, but no that he wouldn't do that. He showed her the love of God and forgiveness.
    4. He did start a revolution. A revolution that effects not just this age but the age to come.
    I think we play into the enemies plan of discention when we as brothers pick to death what God is doing through our other brothers.
    I really like this channel and totally support it but can't get behind throwing stones at the show.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +3

      Think many commenters' basic point with The Chosen is .... that it's not from God.

    • @pbilk
      @pbilk 7 місяців тому +1

      Well said. We do need to take caution when creating a serious about Jesus, but we also shouldn't just take this content creator's word for everything he says.

  • @EternityinOurHearts316
    @EternityinOurHearts316 Рік тому +4

    The Law of Moses is a reference to the OT. Jesus is the Word of God so that quote is consistent with Scripture.
    Any show that is based on the Bible is going to only be as theologically accurate as the people working on it. Dallas has said repeatedly that this show is entertainment and should never be used by anyone to replace Scripture. I find it sadly ironic that Christians will complain about how terrible and ungodly entertainment is but then complain even more when someone produces one of the best shows based on the Bible because it takes a few minor creative liberties.
    I do have a few issues with the Chosen myself that were not mentioned in the video. But I still love the show and recommend it. On the same way I don't agree with Pastor Hughes on everything but I still love his channel and recommend it.

    • @levifox2818
      @levifox2818 Рік тому

      The Bible never says Jesus is the Word of God. In John 1 it calls the Son “the Word” (ho logos), but that isn’t saying Jesus is the Scriptures. It’s a common misunderstanding Christians have. Jesus isn’t the Bible. The Bible testifies of Jesus throughout though.

    • @EternityinOurHearts316
      @EternityinOurHearts316 Рік тому +2

      @@levifox2818 John 1:14
      And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    • @levifox2818
      @levifox2818 Рік тому

      The Word (ho logos) doesn’t mean the Scriptures.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому

      ​@@EternityinOurHearts316 Thank you! Love that Scripture.
      Why would any Christian want a watered-down version of Jesus? Of The Gospel? Of God?? No. Just no.

  • @Tullowit
    @Tullowit Рік тому +41

    Ouch!! The Chosen is like the new hip thing for believers to share. I was going to watch it based on others' praise of it.
    But when you are right, sir, you are right.

    • @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548
      @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 Рік тому

      It’s a show produced by Mormons and Catholics. That alone means it is false.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +4

      I haven't watched The Chosen either but the way this video is presented is very dishonest. So I'm going to watch it now.

    • @mikkellowe1270
      @mikkellowe1270 Рік тому +4

      @@forthewin369 The way you defended this show throughput the comment section can make anyone conclude differently.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому

      @@mikkellowe1270 I watched it this weekend, like I said I would 2 days ago.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому

      ​@For The Win Interesting logic. You're going to watch it to get back at someone on the internet? Only hurting yourself.

  • @TimmyBraun
    @TimmyBraun Рік тому +12

    If you are Christian and were an actor, would you play the role of Jesus in the movie? My fear and reverence of the triune and holy God would prohibit me from doing that. I don't know why I would watch someone else play Jesus who has no reverence for Him.

    • @samherrick5920
      @samherrick5920 8 місяців тому +3

      You’re all just very tip toey and uncomfortable around the subject of the portrayal of Jesus and his followers. This isn’t an argument. I just heard someone say it’s a problem that women follow him in the show when it says so in Mark. What are you guys on about, besides the “I am the law of Moses” line? Like it sounds similar to “I am the senate” and it’s not written in the Bible. But theologically it didn’t stand out as wrong to me. All the arguments for why it is have seemed very convoluted and I’m just saying, he fulfilled the law. Why isn’t he the law? I’ve never been a Mormon, and I think I have a very good understanding of Jesus and the show hasn’t bothered me.

  • @dcblasing
    @dcblasing Рік тому +8

    Funny, how many criticize this show but sit down and watch "insert any TV show here" with no problem. The Chosen was never intended to replace the Gospel, it's supposed to be a TV show based on Jesus life. I don't disagree with WWUTT's criticism, but I do think there is room for a TV show that points people to the Gospel. Also the materials for the Chosen use the Holy Bible, not the book of mormon.

    • @mburst71
      @mburst71 Рік тому +1

      You don't know what the people watch that are making comments you are only guessing. I personally no longer watch secular tv or music. My 22 year old son doesn't even own a tv. So people here are of high discernment and not your lukewarm bunch that would more than likely watch secular tv and in that case like the chosen.

    • @makaniwebb9358
      @makaniwebb9358 8 місяців тому +3

      Actually, I think the criticism is important. It's not for the people who read the Bible, it's for the people who watch the show and are misinformed.

  • @paulnangle6725
    @paulnangle6725 Рік тому +12

    What’s wrong with the Chosen? Absolutely nothing…
    When We Understand It’s Purpose!
    The makers consistently hammer the point not to take it as scripture, but to always read our Bibles!! Or we can just be overly religious and throw the baby out with the bath water 🤷‍♂️

    • @firstcityfilms
      @firstcityfilms Рік тому +4

      The problem is when you take Jesus and try to make him less than God (which is what season 2 did). You can't have Jesus saying things that he (based on scripture and his ministry) absolutely would not say. Also, why wouldn't your creator know you when he came to meet you? Why wouldn't He know anything about you? This is another problem with season 2. Jesus is portrayed as being less than God. If you're going to put yourself out there as a "Christian" (which Jenkins has) and make a movie or series about Jesus then you can't also say "don't take this as scripture". You need to do your BEST to give HIM your best. Always.

    • @paulnangle6725
      @paulnangle6725 Рік тому +1

      @@firstcityfilms Why wouldn’t he know who touched the hem of his garment in the crowd??

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +2

      ​@Paul Nangle Seriously?? Jesus knew. He asked to draw the woman out.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому

      ​@@firstcityfilms Thank you! Well said.

    • @paulnangle6725
      @paulnangle6725 Рік тому

      @@primesister2756 Classic example of the blindness of “religion” if you honestly believe that!

  • @maddygvanlifer435
    @maddygvanlifer435 5 місяців тому +1

    Just found you on Justin Peters Ministry and wanted to come over here to your channel to check it out. I liked it so much that i LIKED and SUBSCRIBED.

  • @lionjudah8900
    @lionjudah8900 3 місяці тому

    "For you seem willing to allow it if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted. You tolerate all this beautifully welcoming the deception." 2 Corinthians 11:4.

  • @risingdawn5788
    @risingdawn5788 Рік тому +4

    How about the second commandment?

    • @xAaeiynx
      @xAaeiynx Рік тому +2

      Exodus 20:4
      "Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"
      So, no art, period.

  • @joelferguson4210
    @joelferguson4210 Рік тому +4

    Thank you for making this

  • @krakoosh1
    @krakoosh1 Рік тому +2

    The trailer for season 1 also had quotes not from the Bible

  • @May-May1888
    @May-May1888 Рік тому +2

    I have been critized for not watching this series

  • @ParadeTheGospel
    @ParadeTheGospel Рік тому +6

    I have no interest in the show, haven’t seen anything other than an advertisement, but it’s hard to watch other people talk excitedly about it and defending it. But I just feel like it’s a lost cause trying to convince them otherwise.

    • @dominicvaliente5002
      @dominicvaliente5002 Рік тому

      More people are reading their Bible because of the show, Gen Z is getting excited and some are going back to church and seeking the truth about Jesus because of the show. Their is so much media that is anti Christian and now their is show pointing people to Jesus and the creator is constantly telling people to go to the Bible and we complain about like pharisees how sad

    • @ParadeTheGospel
      @ParadeTheGospel Рік тому +1

      @@dominicvaliente5002 just because there is a good thing about something doesn't mean that it is something that is to be allowed.... That shouldn't have to be explained. And gas the gospel ever really been presented? And is it leading people to a false Christ?
      Also, I don't think you know what it means to be a Pharisee.

    • @ParadeTheGospel
      @ParadeTheGospel Рік тому +1

      @@dominicvaliente5002 Pharisees are people that add to the word of God, and then they got upset others weren't doing those things. Far cry from phariseeism when people exercise their discernment muscle.

    • @dominicvaliente5002
      @dominicvaliente5002 Рік тому

      @@ParadeTheGospel give me one example in how the show preaches a false Christ

    • @ParadeTheGospel
      @ParadeTheGospel Рік тому +1

      @@dominicvaliente5002 it's not a small problem when there are legit concerns to talk about and then someone attacks their own members in the body of Christ. Do you not see any value with discernment? The Bible talks a lot about that and to be on our guard. Even if you just disagree with something, why not talk about it rather than go right to attack mode? Is that how we are to conduct ourselves?
      Maybe you put the show on too high a pedestal so you want to defend it all that you are able. But the one thing you gave was not a good argument to flat out ignore some issues.
      And there's a lot more issues that are still coming to light. I talked about some of them on my other channel, Pursuing222 in the second recent video back in I think December.

  • @larryboston9088
    @larryboston9088 Рік тому +1

    FACT CHECK: I downloaded a searchable PDF copy of the Book of Mormon and 3 Nephi 15:9 reads: "Behold, I am the  law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall  live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life." I searched for the phrase, "law of Moses." It occurs 66 times in the Book of Mormon and only one comes close to "I am the Law of Moses" and it occurs in 3 Nephi 9:17--"And as many as have received me, to them have I  given to become the sons of God; and even so will I to as many as shall believe on my name, for behold, by me  redemption cometh, and  in me is the  law of Moses fulfilled."

  • @daniellongwe2455
    @daniellongwe2455 Рік тому +2

    One word “bravo” well explained!!!!

  • @danielvodo1
    @danielvodo1 Рік тому +4

    I have come to the point in my life where I see that movies and such as a form of entertainment is not fitting for believers in any form.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому

      I will no longer have any movies in my house. I don't want the filth of the sewer gushing into my living room.

  • @gedmaster2183
    @gedmaster2183 8 місяців тому

    I nead to do my research before i make my final conclusion

  • @firingallcylinders2949
    @firingallcylinders2949 Рік тому +7

    The Chosen splits alot of Christians, I have alot of family members who love it. Idk it seems fine if you go into it understanding that it's not word for word accounts. Everyone pretty kuch acknowledges the embellishments. People love the Passion of The Christ and its inaccurate, Ben Hurr is inaccurate, Prince of Egypt is inaccurate but they're all still good films.

    • @1963wheeler
      @1963wheeler Рік тому +5

      You SHOULD know if indeed you DO really know HIM! God made it plain and simple...YOU SHALL NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GOD'S BEFORE ME!
      Man will even try to make an idol after the feel good Jesus-man yet not honor the GOD-MAN JESUS!
      What side are you on

    • @nicolcacola
      @nicolcacola Рік тому +6

      People take the Chosen as gospel. There's even bible studies based on it. It's disgusting

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Рік тому

      It's weird how a lot of the same ppl who called out John Legend's portrayal of Christ in _Jesus Christ Superstar_ bend over backwards to defend _The Chosen_ , even though both projects promote heresy. Is the latter supposed to get a pass because a white guy with long hair is playing the part of Jesus?

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому

      ​@1963wheeler THIS ^^^^ SO MUCH THIS

    • @valariousv7697
      @valariousv7697 10 місяців тому

      @@nicolcacola It is likley since people are never reading the BIBLE or have a poor translation/interpretation. May have to do with the Protestant factor of watering down worship into a sacramentaless self-religion; "New Order" of the Mass kind of degeneration.

  • @Joytaze
    @Joytaze Рік тому +2

    Arguing like that lacks taking the context into consideration and lacks using your God-given common sense. Anything in this world should be taken with a grain of salt. That is NORMAL and perhaps even necessary in order to survive today's society. But I feel like the way this video argues about The Chosen is not taking its context into consideration and for that matter also lacks some common sense.
    For example at 1:14 "when you go beyond what is written, the results are not of God", while you put the verse right below where you're getting that idea from, but ironically the verse doesn't fully say that. Therefore, the statement itself points out that is goes beyond what is written and should be concluded as 'not a result of God' due to its own premise... Now, I know what you mean, but I have to use common sense to know what you mean. Please treat all other things in the same way. Including The Chosen. Thanks...

  • @SojournerDidimus
    @SojournerDidimus Рік тому +1

    That "from the book of Mormon" has been debunked, it hasn't, ask Todd Friel.

  • @donthephoneman7084
    @donthephoneman7084 3 місяці тому

    A little leaven , leaven’s the whole loaf !!!

  • @desmondperis1457
    @desmondperis1457 Рік тому +5

    Personally I would disagree. I love the show. When the first season came out I had same issues as you and even raised the concern to the team. The director replied very politely that the show was never meant to be the substitute of the scriptures or accurate to the word. It's very much a work of fiction (that's vaguely based on the truth) and should now be taken otherwise. It was meant to tell the story with lots of creative liberty for the sake of good entertainment. This is very similar to the early father who were fallible and incorrect on few issues yet close enough to the scriptures to have the respect of good Christians.

  • @sonofthundercbf
    @sonofthundercbf Рік тому +1

    This is so sad to see. Your incorrect & misinformed & misleading. Preach to the town is completely diff than "you're here to preach at me" also I'm sure Jesus said many other words than those in RED... Please consider removing this as it's totally incorrect depiction of The Chosen.

  • @jpretorius777
    @jpretorius777 5 місяців тому

    Its a joke is what it is, and I told people back in the day that its good before knowing all of this.
    Its just some more mystery religion

  • @andrewamos1891
    @andrewamos1891 3 місяці тому

    Everything on tv is false or misleading if you think you are finding god through tv then you are lossed its a tv show take it for what it is.
    Pick up your blble and read the gospels for yourself and just enjoy the entitainment of the chosen

  • @bondservant4jesus
    @bondservant4jesus Рік тому +2

    Thanks for saying something against The Chosen. When I saw that they made Matthew a man who had Autism, it raised a big ol' red flag to me.

  • @paulkummer429
    @paulkummer429 8 місяців тому +1

    Pastor Gabe, by being so legalistic, how do you expect to draw people to God? There is an amount of artistic license used in The Chosen that adds to its appeal, not just straight narrative as in some Bible based shows. Is God limited because it's not verbatim? I believe many have discernment to see this. Those who don't or misinterpret The Chosen may also misinterpret your preaching also.

    • @glynnetolar4423
      @glynnetolar4423 3 місяці тому

      Artistic license ads to it's appeal? Oh, I see, the Bible isn't good enough so man can improve on God's word. Got it. Yikes! The arrogance is off the charts.

  • @stevenanderson2541
    @stevenanderson2541 Рік тому +1

    You've entirely missed the point. You must be fun at parties. Oh wait, you don't believe in them.

  • @elmerfudd5738
    @elmerfudd5738 Рік тому +1

    Do not watch "The Chosen"

  • @JimButton-n6o
    @JimButton-n6o 8 днів тому

    Rodriguez Michael Jones Brenda Davis Sandra

  • @richardwhite6062
    @richardwhite6062 8 місяців тому

    Well protestants have noone to blame but luther for their liberalism with The Word.
    And the show itself makes sure everyone is aware that its an artistic representation, and to go to the source.
    Except mormonism....thats just pure falsehood if you ask me.
    Catholics have done no wrong?
    Racial tendencies of orthodox?
    However, we all put our faith in Jesus.
    So lets call eachother closely, get a little existential/ecclesiastical with our fleshly nature,
    And embrace eachother, and repent together towards the light of God. because this world wants to tear us all apart like sheep from a herd.
    To summarize, The bickering puffed up punks in these comments could use some Holy Spirit.

  • @1689solas
    @1689solas Рік тому +2

    Been saying this from day one. That show is blasphemous and heretical and I don't see how anyone who claims to love Jesus, the real Jesus, could watch it.

    • @josiahk.2048
      @josiahk.2048 Рік тому

      The thing is that not everyone is as spiritual as you my friend. They don’t have the almighty discernment that you indirectly claim to have.

    • @1689solas
      @1689solas Рік тому

      @@josiahk.2048 You're probably right.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      ​@@josiahk.2048 If they don't have spiritual discernment, then they should pray and ask God for it. And for wisdom. And knowledge. Not just give up and accept every worldly thing that tries to warp our view and relationship with Jesus.

  • @dopplewcz8498
    @dopplewcz8498 4 місяці тому

    Lets see the result of this show. For me its that I wanna know my Father even more, read the Bible and become closer to Him. On the other hand, I think this made some people personalise Jesus as the actor and prefer this over the Bible. I like this show because of the effect it had on me, but I agree that it is not perfect

  • @dominictorres1924
    @dominictorres1924 7 місяців тому

    They tell you right from the beginning to read the Bible, they're just filling in gaps and if this show brings more people to Christ, so what. Not sure I understand what the big problem is here. It's refreshing to see a show about something that is good. It's a good family program and if it brings people today close to Christ and reading the Bible, I think this show is a good thing.

  • @MrAntiOrdinary
    @MrAntiOrdinary Рік тому

    I generally agree with WWUTT because the perspective on this channel is very Christ-centered and biblically-centered. However, here, I think it's unfair to throw out the whole series because of a few points of disagreement. I also think that a video like this gives a false impression because it implies everything in the show is "extra-biblical". I think The Chosen does well in helping unify certain themes from the Old Testament and showing how Christ fulfills those pictures/themes in the New Testament. Anyone who has seen the first season, for example, can see that plainly. I haven't seen anything from Season 3 yet so I'm not in a position to discuss that. I can agree that there are some spots that could have been done better. But it's not really a fair critique to bring up the Samaritan woman at the well to imply that The Chosen is denying Jesus' preaching ministry. I agree that the answer wasn't biblical, but this video is implying that Jesus didn't want to preach or somehow diminished the importance/necessity of preaching when that episode shows (on the way to Samaria) Jesus was clearly intent on staying a few days in that town/region to do just that! Sometimes, we have to make a distinction between touch-up work with a fine/small brush and the use of a roller. I humbly submit that you reconsider the roller and pick up the small brush.

  • @rhodiusscrolls3080
    @rhodiusscrolls3080 Рік тому

    You start with a man who.goes.around dressed like a character from.Fiddler on the Roof and uses a womans voice that sounds like Al Jolsons mother..Then Jesus is made into a soap.opera clown instead of the Saviour of the world. You cannot be serious Jason Sobel.but you are .

  • @haniel_cm
    @haniel_cm Рік тому +1

    You are a militant, you don't understand the ideia of the serie and just want attention. Watch The Chosen and have fun, guys!

  • @eltonron1558
    @eltonron1558 8 місяців тому

    Taking artistic license is nothing new. There has yet to be a movie about how the ten commandments actually happened. Artistic license, is alive and well in Sunday Christianity, what with their own Lord's day, and all.

  • @blank557
    @blank557 Рік тому

    What a moment. What Mormons produced this series? Not the Church. Jenkins is not a Mormon. The series was crowd funded. Perhaps some where Mormons, but that doesn't make it a Mormon production. You need to retract that statement.
    Show me the chapter and verse in the Book of Mormon where Christ says: "I am the law of Moses" That is not true. You will not find that exact statement in the Book of Mormon. Christ does say He is the Law and the Light, which means he was the Jehovah of the Old Testament who gave the Hebrews the law, and the law He gave is now fulfilled in Him. I find it unfair and ignorant to claim an statement without including the source chapter and verse.
    Now if you want to see videos of the Life of Christ portrayed accurately according to the NT Gospels, check out the short videos the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saint created, and are posed here on YT as well as the Church's web site. Once you see them, you will no there is NO comparison between the TV series and the Church's take on the life of Christ.

  • @drewbravo8683
    @drewbravo8683 7 місяців тому

    You are not understanding theater and you are being just a a Pharisee was back in Jesus's time. Yes, the women at the well it was just asserts to provide infill, but NOT take way any of God's word what was said, it is trying to provide the context of what that amazing miracle according to what actually happened, which was the woman at the well believing in Christ. As for the mormon Jesus aspect, the movie certainly dose NOT display that but more to the Christian Bible.
    But hey, good to point out that it may have been a % of the production that was supported by Mormons, I guess we as Christian should pull up our socks and start investing more in Dalla's venture for the rest of the story right!?
    At least there have been many around the world who have come closer to understanding salvation by this movie, I'd rather my kids watch this than what is out there! NO I am certainly not a mormon.

  • @ryaedowens
    @ryaedowens 8 місяців тому

    Nothing is wrong with the Chosen

  • @chriscurtis1578
    @chriscurtis1578 Рік тому

    There is a lot of warning in the comment section that Christians should not watch The Chosen because it's unbiblical and it promotes Mormonism. My response to that is really! As believers in the Jesus of the Bible, we all better watch this show because there will be thousands of opportunities to talk and witness to people who love it but are biblically ignorant or worse lost. How can you refute something if you don't even see it? Those who are making this show need to know the Truth as well. Imagine talking with a lost person who loved the show, and they ask you what you thought about it, and you say well I didn't watch it.
    Their response, why?
    Your response, because it's unbiblical.
    Their response, what part?
    Your response, I don't know.
    Their response, whatever
    Yes, Christians need to watch it. We need to watch anything and everything that involves the name of Jesus and share Truth every time we get the opportunity.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      Umm, no. I get ill even thinking about watching this show. That's called spiritual discernment the Holy Spirit. The most neglected spiritual gift of our time, apparently.
      We do not have to get down and wallow in the pig sty to know pigs are muddy, dirty, and smell horrible. But knock yourself out if you so choose.

    • @chriscurtis1578
      @chriscurtis1578 Рік тому

      @@primesister2756 I get ill thinking about all the Christians who live in complete ignorance when it comes to eastern religions, cults, and even denominations.
      Christians who allow fear and emotion to guide their discernment rather than solid biblical truth are naive. My people perish from a lack of knowledge. How can one combat counterfeit gospels if they don't understand them? In the Chosen when the character portraying Jesus said, "I am the law of Moses" who would know that isn't biblical without studying false doctrine? The Bible says to test the spirits that deceive, how does someone test something without examining it. Younger Christians who watch this show and trust this show need someone to know this show's content and to point out where it is wrong, you cannot do that by turning a blind eye to it. Discernment is knowing what is true, not taking someone's word for it. Telling someone not to watch something is your idea of discernment? Apparently, you do not have kids.

    • @glynnetolar4423
      @glynnetolar4423 3 місяці тому

      On the other hand I heard a really good example of how to identify counterfeits. I'm the case of banks they train the people to get familiar with real bills. So when counterfeits come along they stand out. Do become familiar with the gospel so well that when a counterfeit comes along you'll know it!

    • @chriscurtis1578
      @chriscurtis1578 3 місяці тому

      @@glynnetolar4423 The Chosen is definitely a counterfeit version of our Lord but being that it is supposed to be about Jesus I'm going to watch it and test it and when need be, exploit it. I'm not going to tell people to not watch it because it does create many opportunities for discussion and debate. Plus, when you tell someone they shouldn't watch something what usually happens? People watch it anyway so the best thing for me is to know how to exploit it and I can't do that without watching it myself and then test it by what the Bible says. God Bless

  • @MegaBOBCAT11
    @MegaBOBCAT11 Рік тому

    He preached for three and a half years so there's an awful lot he said that was never written down and if it goes along with the spirit of the scriptures I find nothing wrong with it in fact it makes me cry weep praise the Lord it's doing its job it's getting me closer to Jesus stop nitpicking

    • @Believe_the_Bible
      @Believe_the_Bible Рік тому +1

      I hear you. But it's the word of God only that can get a person closer to Jesus. Definitely not Hollywood.
      1Thess 2:13 KJV For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
      See it? It's the word of God that effectually works in you if you believe correctly. Peace and Grace.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      ​@@Believe_the_Bible Amen and Amen!

    • @Believe_the_Bible
      @Believe_the_Bible Рік тому

      @@primesister2756 Thanks for listening and commenting.

  • @rev.b.ryngksai
    @rev.b.ryngksai Рік тому +33

    They are presenting a view of Jesus that is not found in the Gospels but is present in the culture of the West (America, NAR and Mormonism).

  • @thehuguenot5615
    @thehuguenot5615 Рік тому +69

    I suppose the movie is ok, as long as you know your bible before going into it. Just dont rely on entertainment to be your source of info.

    • @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548
      @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 Рік тому +15

      What goes in is what comes out. You will be influenced by it whether you realize it or not, therefore have nothing at all to do with it.

    • @WretchedWatchmen
      @WretchedWatchmen Рік тому +17

      It's produced by LDS memebers, directed by someone who doesn't know the difference between the true Jesus and the Mormon Jesus and the actor who plays Jesus is Catholic... Avoid this show at all costs.

    • @marthaj67
      @marthaj67 Рік тому +12

      It's not just a movie. It's an ONGOING SERIES, full of half-truths and embellishments. It presents Jesus in an UNholy way. It's downright HERETICAL!

    • @jonathanwick5582
      @jonathanwick5582 Рік тому +3

      @@marthaj67 it represents Jesus not fully accurately. I agree. But his Deity is never questioned but undermined many times

    • @dnzswithwombats
      @dnzswithwombats Рік тому +7

      I talked with someone who raved about The Chosen. He recalled some part, but said he couldn't recall if it was from the show or from the Bible. Is that not a problem? The part he told about was from the show and is found nowhere in the Bible, by the way.

  • @hthrun
    @hthrun Рік тому +18

    I haven't watched too much of the Chosen, but one part I recall standing out to me was when Jesus tried to talk John the Baptist out of confronting Herod. I didn't think that's something Jesus would do, knowing that He willing gave Himself...

    • @katierucker2870
      @katierucker2870 3 місяці тому +4

      They also did a disservice with John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ. They make Jesus in the show fluffy and John the Baptist like he can’t control his own anger it seems to me. Didn’t he basically tell Jesus that He had no backbone in the show? That’s super blasphemous.

  • @firstcityfilms
    @firstcityfilms Рік тому +29

    As a filmmaker, there are aspects the show that I like and others that I feel take too many liberties with the Bible. It's written and shot better than 90+% of hokey "Faith based films" (and by written I don't mean the liberties pastor Gabe mentioned). One of the biggest problems I have is that they portray Matthew as "autistic" and Jesus doesn't know anyone's name until they give it. Jesus also asks questions about things GOD would already know. HE'S GOD! I'm glad Gabe has taken the time to give further insight.

    • @princesssparkle529
      @princesssparkle529 Рік тому

      Why do people have problems with matthew being autistic? Like how in the world would you know he wasn't

    • @firstcityfilms
      @firstcityfilms Рік тому +5

      @@princesssparkle529 I have a problem with people adding to God's word. Matthew is only described as a tax collector. We know by what he wrote that he kept accurate records, but that is it. The director asking the actor to make a choice or if he was written as autistic is not Biblical.

    • @kiefna9447
      @kiefna9447 Рік тому

      I'd be curious to know how you'd reconcile Matthew 24:36. Not trying to defend all of the Chosen. But Jesus was truly human and would have to learn things like any other man with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But he had a perfect human nature. If he had special knowledge (Like often people's names), it was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Look up the heresy Apollinarianism.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +2

      ​@Kiefna Jesus is also, and has always been, will always be, fully God. Fully divine. We're told explicitly in Scripture that He knew things about them before He called His disciples. Nathaniel, e.g., comes to mind.

    • @kiefna9447
      @kiefna9447 Рік тому

      @@primesister2756 Absolutely. But in so much as he has to pull that knowledge from his divine nature, he becomes an imperfect substitute for us. Jesus knew those things because the spirit revealed them to his human nature. A misunderstanding of the dual natures of Christ is what causes people to stumble at verses like, ''Not even the Son knows" Once again, look up Apollinarianism

  • @golddenstar
    @golddenstar 6 місяців тому +5

    This tv series is literally wolfs in sheep’s disguised

  • @chrisdouglas3879
    @chrisdouglas3879 Рік тому +11

    The more I hear about this show, I know it's not from God.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +1

      Oh yes, let's just believe things on the internet and not inspected against the bible. Great idea

  • @marktimothyelegarle1493
    @marktimothyelegarle1493 Рік тому +9

    And also their sensitive seeker worldy advertisements.

  • @BrianJohnson-lx3zd
    @BrianJohnson-lx3zd Рік тому +12

    Seems to me that any historical fiction takes liberties to craft a compelling story. I love the movie Luther, though it does take liberties. I love "Zulu," even though it takes liberties.
    True, you have to tread a little more carefully when you're dealing with Jesus Christ, but I think we're just strangling Christian storywriters when we get this nitpicky. As long as the show isn't outright altering the gospel, then take it for the blessing it is that a show about Jesus Christ is reaching so many!

    • @milah24
      @milah24 Рік тому +1

      But that's just it, it is. It's mostly fiction. It changes and adds to what Jesus said in most scenes to push false doctrines about God. I promise that this isn't nitpicking. It's actually very concerning how much liberty they took.

    • @choicemeatrandy6572
      @choicemeatrandy6572 Рік тому

      @@milah24 I've barely watched it and the assessment that it's mostly fiction is wholly inaccurate. The writers clearly care a lot about the source material.

    • @milah24
      @milah24 Рік тому

      @Choice Meat Randy not true. They even admitted taking a lot of liberty in the story. Heck, almost nothing in the first few episodes alone is found in scripture. Please break down how much of just the first episode is found in scripture.

  • @JeshieWafflez
    @JeshieWafflez Рік тому +14

    Season 1 was lovely I'll have to admit, but yeah, season 2 and 3 went off the rails.

    • @firstcityfilms
      @firstcityfilms Рік тому +2

      I JUST said that to my wife when playing her this video. ha.

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf Рік тому +2

      Season 1 was not any better, I didn't even get two minutes in before turning it off.

  • @japexican007
    @japexican007 Рік тому +13

    Jerry B. Jenkins: 'The Chosen' series not a 'substitute' for reading the Bible, going to church

    • @cmebeth
      @cmebeth Рік тому +1

      I think Jerry Jenkins, Dallas Jenkins' father, died well before this Chosen series, didn't he? How is this quote attributed to him?

    • @paulkummer429
      @paulkummer429 3 місяці тому

      Jerry Jenkins is alive

  • @ashleejohnson4945
    @ashleejohnson4945 Рік тому +10

    Good finally more exposing of it! When I watched it for the first time over a year ago or so, I couldn’t get into it. I was boring. I tried it again and there is a worldliness about it! It doesn’t depict Jesus as I know Him. Woman disciple following along, showing Jesus mess up while “practicing” the sermon on the mount. Not to mention all this talk of Mormon connection. Anyone else feel this??

    • @samherrick5920
      @samherrick5920 8 місяців тому +1

      I don’t know, man. You guys can’t seem to point out something really wrong with it. You’re suggesting that showing Jesus’ humanity, (he is fully man as well as God after all) is a deviation from scripture.
      And here’s a verse describing women following Him: Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Jesus, and Salome. In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there.
      - Mark 15:40-41
      So.. have you read the Bible or what? Let me rephrase, I don’t know my Bible perfectly but you must not know about Google.

    • @katierucker2870
      @katierucker2870 3 місяці тому

      ⁠@@samherrick5920Yes, He had women disciples and yes, He is fully Man just as much as He is fully God. But, where do we ever see Jesus needing to practice His sermons in Scripture? Yes, He got tired, hungry, was tempted by Satan yet never sinned. That’s where Scripture clearly shows His humanity. But needing to practice a sermon? Jesus at 12 years old knew way more than the Pharisees ever did about Scripture and their jaws basically dropped when they heard Him speak with such understanding and knowledge at that age. And He never said one heretical thing. You got Jesus in the Chosen though that can’t seem to put words together clearly and concisely the first time around before his sermon. I think that should concern us as Christians, but here we are.

    • @ranyadhellecabahug845
      @ranyadhellecabahug845 2 місяці тому

      YES MEEEE HAHAHAHA and the more I watch it because I did not want to be too jdugmental,it just did not sit right with me. So I turned it off and eatched friends instead 😂

  • @davidprice9792
    @davidprice9792 Рік тому +8

    I wonder why they felt the need to have Peter call John the Baptist creepy John. He says it a bunch.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      Really?? Yikes!

    • @pamelacstapleton
      @pamelacstapleton 11 місяців тому +2

      Because he lived on locust and honey and wandered in the wilderness. Thats creepy to some who cant imagine that kind of life. Eating bugs is creepy to me too! It makes the Bible story humane and relatable. 😊

    • @makaniwebb9358
      @makaniwebb9358 8 місяців тому +2

      Wasn't John the Baptist well respected? He had some nay-sayers, I think, but he also had a large number of followers.

  • @Joe881
    @Joe881 Рік тому +39

    I would add a correction. 3 Nephi 15:9 says I am the Law and the light.
    It doesn't say I'm the Law of Moses.
    I'm not a Mormon, but it is important to be factual.

    • @lsimmo78
      @lsimmo78 Рік тому +5

      Bogged down in semantics? The point is that Jesus never said this in the real scriptures.

    • @BornAgainRN
      @BornAgainRN Рік тому +8

      The term "the Law of Moses" is used in the NT to refer to the 5 books of Moses. And sometimes "the Law" is used this way too (although it can also refer to the 10 Commandments & the OT in general, depending on the context). But the context in the film where Jesus says, "I am the Law of Moses" is no different than saying "I am the Law," which Jesus never said either. The closest Jesus comes is when He said, "Moses wrote about Me."

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf Рік тому +3

      @@BornAgainRN exactly.

    • @samherrick5920
      @samherrick5920 8 місяців тому +2

      @@lsimmo78He never made any light hearted jokes in the Bible either. Obviously the show is expanding on what Jesus and his followers could have acted like. I understand the “I am the law of Moses” thing seeming odd but why is the only argument that he “didn’t say that?” And I don’t see what wrong version of Jesus it advocates. If Jesus is the only one to ever follow the law of Moses the he is the only one to fulfill it (like he says he will.) That basically makes him the only living representation of the law.

  • @Kradeex
    @Kradeex 9 місяців тому +4

    I never watched it but many many Christian’s told me about it and to watch it I was skeptical because i know no one would make a hit tv show that perfectly accounts everything in the Bible. Imma stick to my Bible!

  • @davidwoosley4115
    @davidwoosley4115 Рік тому +32

    Thank you for making this. I've been trying tell many about this. Usually falling on deaf ears. When you bring the King of Kings and Lord of Lords down to the level of an entertainer and a comedian your theology is definitely in error. Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!!

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +3

      Because his video is not accurate. It's obvious clickbait

    • @JN-xv9tl
      @JN-xv9tl Рік тому


  • @zacharysiple629
    @zacharysiple629 Рік тому +3

    I watched the first episode of The Chosen and was bored to death. I'll stick to The Greatest Story Ever Told or Jesus of Nazareth or movies like that if I want a movie about Jesus's life.

  • @mikemoguin1745
    @mikemoguin1745 Рік тому +76

    Never watched it nor do I plan to. It is stunning and disappointing to see so many Christians getting into this program. I'm grateful for solid men of God like you, Pastor Gabe, that are here to expose it.

    • @japexican007
      @japexican007 Рік тому +13

      I’m a wretched sinner and thank God for using the chosen to bring sinners unto himself

    • @dnzswithwombats
      @dnzswithwombats Рік тому +11

      @@japexican007 Do you believe that Almighty God would need to use false things for bring people to Jesus ? Really ? Jesus is the way, the truth, and, the life.

    • @archanasharon6065
      @archanasharon6065 Рік тому +1

      Same never watched the show 😅

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +16

      @@dnzswithwombats God uses anything, a rock, a mule, a murderer.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +10

      I haven't seen this, but the way the videos made is clearly dishonest. So I'm going to binge watch it this weekend

  • @JC-wm2lm
    @JC-wm2lm Рік тому +4

    According to Christian surveys, more than 70% of Christian men admit to watching porn, so when you read over these comments, please keep in mind that the majority of the men commenting watch porn and protest movies about Jesus. That makes perfect sense to me!

    • @valariousv7697
      @valariousv7697 10 місяців тому +2

      At the same time public sin and private sin/weakness and perhaps blatant false teachings shouldn't be treated the same. I'm sure it may make a person foolish; and sinful, but If sombody is saying there is JESUS and it isn't JESUS should their sin Shame them into going along with a lie. Artistic license shouldn't be used when it comes to the Word of God.

    • @JC-wm2lm
      @JC-wm2lm 10 місяців тому

      @@valariousv7697 so you are calling pornography a private weakness? What scriptures are you basing that on?

  • @joshuasnyder2790
    @joshuasnyder2790 Рік тому +19

    One can argue Matthew had the most detailed and informative sermon on the mount.

    • @dallaspowell1318
      @dallaspowell1318 Рік тому +1

      @@chummleslee351 Matthew’s gospel was focused on the Jewish people. It was written specifically for a Jewish audience….just thought you should know.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +3

      Correct, the idea that people didn't write a diary amongst themselves is ridiculous. We don't have the original Hebrew or Aramaic or whatever language they were operating in. We just have the Greek translation and that's a copy of a copy. So the video author to suggest it's unreasonable that Matthew wrote things down is ridiculous. It doesn't take away from the Bible and it's not adding to it, it's bringing clarity that Jesus had a very personal relationship with his disciples. Obviously, they lived at them for three and a half years

      @KIEFFNERCLAN Рік тому +3

      They didn’t write anything he said down while he was here. The Lord told them that after the Holy Spirit came that He will remind them (His eye witness disciples) of what he said. Nothing was written down till years after Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +2

      @@KIEFFNERCLAN we have no idea whether that is true or not. But okay, that's totally pointless.

      @KIEFFNERCLAN Рік тому +2

      @@forthewin369 ““But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
      John 14:26 LSB So now with a little simple logic…why did the Holy Spirit have to remind them of ALL the things he said to them if someone wrote it down. Simple logical answer…. The Holy Spirit wouldn’t.

  • @EricGarcia4life
    @EricGarcia4life Рік тому +8

    If you're not spiritually strong and can't understand how to stomach backstories then don't watch it. There's no need for this video at all. The Chosen brought me to read the Bible. I thank this show for that.

  • @duncanfox7871
    @duncanfox7871 Рік тому +2

    I have the personal conviction that it is wrong to portray any of the Bible. Without realizing it, millions of people now unconsciously think of the chosen when they think of any of the gospels, even if they first read the Bible because video imagery is so powerful. Similar to how Satan uses music because of how much it unconsciously influences us and sticks in our mind. God designed that to make it so the psalms are easier to remember and internalize, but it can be corrupted easily.

  • @souperstar7050
    @souperstar7050 7 місяців тому +2

    Why? Why couldn't The Chosen have been more biblically accurate? I don't get it.

  • @WretchedWatchmen
    @WretchedWatchmen Рік тому +12

    The Chosen: Produced by Mormons, directed by a man who can't tell the difference between the true Jesus and the Mormon Jesus and Jesus himself is played by a Catholic...
    How so many are willing to look past these things and more shows just how much the modern church has become the Laodicean church... You will accept twisting of Biblical word by heretical religions because it provides you entertainment. Who is your idol?

    • @misterstratocaster
      @misterstratocaster 3 місяці тому

      There is no Mormon or Catholic theology presented in the series.

  • @swordsforthetruth
    @swordsforthetruth 8 місяців тому +2

    I agree. Much of what was said in The Chosen is to appease the culture. All over the place, Christians say we need to start a revolution, so apparently, they added that in.

  • @KennyTaylor_JesusIsLord
    @KennyTaylor_JesusIsLord Рік тому +10

    No movie about Christ was without creative license. It is a very positive portrayal of Christ and has born fruit. Planning a TV show about Christ that will last 6 to 7 seasons is bound to have a huge amount of artistic license. This channel is very good about things related to doctrine, but this is like arguing about translations of the Bible. This show is bringing millions of people around the world to hear about Christ that normally wouldn’t. As the apostle Paul states in Phil 1:18, “But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, wether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this, I rejoice.”

    • @janetstephens9563
      @janetstephens9563 Рік тому +3


    • @katierucker2870
      @katierucker2870 3 місяці тому

      I get what you’re saying, but the Bible also warns about preaching a different Christ. Paul warns about that to the Church. The verse you quote is that people were getting jealous of Paul preaching the Gospel, so they were preaching the true Gospel, but with the wrong motive, jealousy. The Chosen shows a different Jesus. If you have a show created by an “evangelist” who works with Mormons, Roman Catholics and Orthodox Jews (who don’t believe in Christ) then you have a huge mess on your hands. Dallas Jenkins even considers Mormons as brothers and sisters in Christ. Mormons believe in a completely different Jesus than that of the Bible.

    • @TheMICMusicInspirationChannel
      @TheMICMusicInspirationChannel 2 місяці тому

      But they're not hearing about Christ. They're hearing about a different character who goes by the same name.

  • @serak3403
    @serak3403 Рік тому +3

    To the other people clapping back in the comments, the issue is not THAT things were added, it's WHICH things were added. So Jesus told Matthew to write down the beatitudes before the sermon WHATEVER, the thing thats irksome is his claiming he's a revolutionary - that is extrabiblical and stating something about Jesus that isn't true to His actual mission. Same goes for him and the woman at the well. Ultimately, The Chosen's Jesus is a Jesus that is being colored over by modern sensibilities - and semi-woke ones at that. The series wants Jesus to be a revolutionary like Marx, it wants to dumb down the preaching for the sake of all the sinners who don't want to repent. This is a critical failure to the essence of what Jesus came to do - to call sinners to repentance and then die to make that repentance and new life happen.
    Also, it's what Screwtape would have called a "historical Jesus" and I'm quite sure he would have approved of it mightily. Go read letter 23 and then try to tell me I'm wrong.

    • @josiahk.2048
      @josiahk.2048 Рік тому

      To be fair, the teaching of Jesus was a revolutionary idea. Revolutionary because the Jewish belief system was all that Jews knew. No he was not a revolutionary in the typical human sense but he led a spiritual revolution against hell itself.
      Where this could go wrong is either
      A) the Chosen focuses on a humanized Jesus that fights against the world powers
      B)The Chosen portrays Jesus as someone trying to get others to focus solely on him instead of focusing on coming to God THROUGH him

  • @bubbleone6526
    @bubbleone6526 Рік тому +2

    I’ll admit I watched the first season. I couldn’t figure out why I was seeing and hearing things that were add or taken away from the gospels. I never liked the part where they seem to have an actor playing Jesus. It was idolatry in my eyes but I prayed and finished the season. Then google is your friend, the lead actor belongs to a cult where they pray to dead saints and the producer belongs to a cult as well. His cult believes every time a baby is born it’s another further god as they have many gods. Then the shocker they won’t rebuke the sins of the gays, instead call them their family. Completely un Biblical and down right Blasphemous.

  • @RandomBoxingGuy
    @RandomBoxingGuy Рік тому +15

    Every preacher, in every Church, in every denomination, in every single sermon… uses stories, metaphors, paraphrases, and their own words to get the point across. So did Jesus, he himself did not simply quote the Old Testament word for word. So it’s ok for everybody, except a movie producer…? The show does not claim to be scripture or The Bible, in fact the show aims to bring awareness of Jesus and point people TO the Bible.

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 Рік тому +2

      Voice of reason.

    • @firstcityfilms
      @firstcityfilms Рік тому +6

      That is not even close to what Gabe a.k.a. WWUTT is saying. Don't put unChrist-like words in Christ's mouth. Don't make Christ into something He wasn't/isn't. If you're okay with taking liberties with God's word, that's something you'll have to answer for. The show needs to not only "bring awareness of Jesus", it needs to tell the truth. God's truth is good enough. Don't you think?

  • @reformedwheat5648
    @reformedwheat5648 Рік тому +19

    Bottom line for me: Sola Sciptura. Defense of the Holy Bible is what I'd rather stand up for, not defense of a series on TV.

    • @MegaBOBCAT11
      @MegaBOBCAT11 Рік тому

      Somebody else draining out gnats and swallowing camels again I never seen so many nitpickers in my life

    • @JN-xv9tl
      @JN-xv9tl Рік тому +4

      Amen! You’re right. We cannot take any creative liberties with God’s holy word. He warned us not to at the end of Revelation.

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      ​@MegaBOBCAT11 Might try praying for spiritual discernment for yourself so you can truly understand what's really going on.

  • @evansalibi8023
    @evansalibi8023 Рік тому +5

    Wait, hold up. Dallas Jenkins says he’s never read the Book of Mormon yet said earlier in an interview Mormons and Christians worship the same Jesus? Did he retract that earlier comment or something? What am I missing here?

    • @levifox2818
      @levifox2818 Рік тому

      It does sound like a contradiction, or perhaps his affirmation that they love the same Jesus (which he would sink or swim on) is on a very flimsy foundation. There’s a good chance he’s spoken to Mormons who are perhaps less “out there” than most.

  • @connie4305
    @connie4305 Рік тому +2

    It's not Biblical at all.

  • @byron6855
    @byron6855 Рік тому +8

    Sigh, ok. First off, Jesus telling Matthew to write down the beatitudes was them preparing FOR the Sermon on the Mount. Second off, the "I am the Law of Moses" is essentially a confirmation of Jesus' authority. The show itself acknowledges that it does not follow scripture to a tea, but it does so in order to visually deliver the multifaceted meaning of the New Testament that's heavily reliant on the context of the times and the Old Testement, and it does so really well. Think of it this way; which would you prefer? A show that actually does deliver the meaning of the gospel better than most, if not, all Christian media? Or Veggietales?

    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      Oh, that's easy. Veggie Tales, far and away. No contest!

    • @zacharysiple629
      @zacharysiple629 Рік тому +1

      @@primesister2756 Same here, VeggieTales is the OG!
      VeggieTales does an excellent job telling the Easter Story in An Easter Carol! :)

  • @bc_modern
    @bc_modern Рік тому +44

    I absolutely agree with you. However, I just wanted to let you know that Wretched backtracked on their statement that "I am the law of Moses" came from the book of Mormon. Todd stated that a staff member posted that on their UA-cam channel and that Todd doesn't think the statement is from the book of Mormon or is at odds with Christianity. That being said, the Mormon involvement with this show is still very concerning.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +5

      Yeah he backtracked it because he said the same thing in his book.

    • @levifox2818
      @levifox2818 Рік тому +3

      He didn’t backtrack. He never said the line was a problem to begin with-that was another Wretched staff.
      You don’t seem very charitable to people who disagree with your position on the chosen.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому +2

      @@levifox2818 I haven't watched the show, I'm just reading people's comments and they're not "charitable." But yes, he definitely backtracked because he was called out for having it in his book.

    • @levifox2818
      @levifox2818 Рік тому +1

      So, you’re accusing him of lying when he said he did not write the first post and was unaware of it until later? Think this through before you answer. Because if you lack good reason, you are slandering a brother in Christ.

    • @dman7668
      @dman7668 Рік тому

      Todd is a bit of a tool to be fair.

  • @falconmanracer
    @falconmanracer Рік тому +2

    wicked show. no i will not watch it

  • @bcaldwell3849
    @bcaldwell3849 Рік тому +2

    No Other Gospel
    Galatians 1:6-10 (ESV)
    [6] I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel-[7] not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. [8] But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. [9] As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. [10] For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

  • @calvinkindell9924
    @calvinkindell9924 Рік тому +2

    Not a fan at all never watched it I've heard enough about it to avoid watching it.. some Bible believing Christians think it's no big deal but misrepresenting scripture is a HUGE deal..with far reaching consequences...

  • @1963wheeler
    @1963wheeler Рік тому +17

    This is my wife's favorite program and will continue to be because it makes her feel good. That's why the guy made this so people would pursue a feel good Jesus and not embraced the gospel of the truth which is why Jesus came to tell the truth in the 1st place; not some washed out watered down version of it. I want nothing to do with compromise!

    • @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548
      @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 Рік тому +7

      How is it your wife likes false teaching and compromise but you don’t? Are you not one? Sounds like your house is divided.

    • @aqqibabs
      @aqqibabs Рік тому

      @@itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 judgement instead of compassion. Good job 👏

    • @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548
      @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 Рік тому +1

      I couldn’t care less about your church pragmatism and virtue signaling. Save your emotional charades for someone who cares to play your game.

    • @androidqmusic1023
      @androidqmusic1023 Рік тому +1

      That's harsh! Are you married? He said the show made his wife feel good not that she's into what it teaches..

    • @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548
      @itsok2bwhiteendanti-whiteh548 Рік тому +3

      You’re jesting, right?
      Why exactly would something like a television show make a person feel good? Is it emitting physical warmth, giving a pleasant taste? No, she likes what’s being said and shown, which means she agrees with it.

  • @behold_a_son
    @behold_a_son Рік тому +27

    "The good critics found something to praise in many imperfect works; the bad ones continually narrowed the list of books we might be allowed to read"
    - C.S Lewis
    I like your channel! I would love it if you could give some points you liked about the chosen too! Even Jesus gave good points and bad points when He was critiquing the churches in Revelation, correct?
    Everything isn't black or white. Mormons didn't produce the show, they helped in the delivery of the project if I can remember correctly, it's there in a video from the app. I agree this ministry is fruitful, but sometimes when you paint the picture too black, people cannot see the light. They start finding faults in every small detail which does not edify the church but fragment it further.

    • @behold_a_son
      @behold_a_son Рік тому +2

      @@chummleslee351 This double anathema is from Galatians 1, regarding the preaching of the gospel, right?
      The will of the Father is that all believe in the Son and be saved. The will of the Father is that none should perish. Anathema is against the will of God, so God will not want to curse people without a strong reason. Hence, He sent his Son to die on the cross, so He will have a strong reason to forgive us from the curse if we repent from sin and believe in the Savior.
      I agree that adding to the bible is wrong. But it depends on the heart too, is this person doing it to gain something for himself(Slave bible comes to mind) or that person is just learning the bible and just misquoted or quoted from the person who misquoted. See, anybody can fall for this. God knows the heart, and He also knows we are imperfect. Hence, a godly council of preachers and influencers is good wisdom. Even discernment ministries are helpful.
      The Holy Spirit is dynamic too. He can inspire content that speaks personally to people.
      John 14:26 says,
      26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.
      The Chosen is absolutely a better influence than any secular show that our generation watches.
      Peace to you and God bless!

    • @aqqibabs
      @aqqibabs Рік тому +6

      May I add that... we read different children's bibles to our kids which are also not completely correct but it makes it understandable for little ones.

    • @jasonkim8873
      @jasonkim8873 Рік тому +3

      I totally agree, we need to focus on edifying and unifying the Church as one body under Christ. Matters like these simply divide the body of Christ. We simply need to look to Jesus, love and obey Him.

    • @marthaj67
      @marthaj67 Рік тому

      The producers ARE Mormons!

    • @serak3403
      @serak3403 Рік тому +9

      I suppose if you wanted to praise the cinematography or the acting, very well. But we need to be critical of what a fiction is saying about our Lord and His gospel. These are critical matters.
      Also, pretty sure Lewis was talking about pagan classic literature in that quote, not warmed-over modernity injected into Jesus fiction. Beowulf has virtue for the Christian, and he should not shy away from it. The Chosen is not Beowulf.

  • @marymack1
    @marymack1 Рік тому +2

    Consider the 2nd Commandment...and Revelation 22: 18-19.

  • @joelzaloum9209
    @joelzaloum9209 Рік тому +11

    Sorry wwutt, love you brother but have to disagree with you here. When Jesus in the show says I’m starting a revolution, I think he is meaning when Jesus said “I’ve come to turn father against his son” and “anyone who would come after me has to take up his cross and follow” those are revolutionary ideas that are totally in line with scripture. I take the show much like a pastor exegeting a text on Sunday morning, not just quoting the passage word for word but helping to draw out context and meaning and give the audience the full impact of the scripture. Sure pastors are wrong sometimes, and any show based on the life of Christ will have its shortcomings, but I appreciate the care and painstaking details they go through to stay true to the gospels, and as long as we do understand the text, this show can be a useful tool in our exegetical arsenal 😉.

    • @aleclyons7766
      @aleclyons7766 Рік тому +4

      I think people have the liberty to watch this show, but i don't think a Revolution is equal to revolutionary ideas. I also don't like actors playing Jesus, and I'm not even Presbyterian.

    • @joelzaloum9209
      @joelzaloum9209 Рік тому +1

      @@chummleslee351 in the Bible Jesus is said to have been hungry, tired, even tempted as we are, he was fully human, but the Bible as well as the Chosen goes to great lengths to portray the divinity of Christ as well. For example when Jesus is choosing which passage to read in an episode he chooses Genesis 1 because the creation of the world is “a favorite memory of mine.” That’s not merely a man. There’s plenty of other examples in the show that prove Jesus was not merely a man. I’m not saying I agree with every line in the show, but to me it’s clear they’re at least trying to stay true to the spirit of the gospels. That cannot be said for many reproductions of the life of Christ.

    • @joelzaloum9209
      @joelzaloum9209 Рік тому +1

      @@chummleslee351 Ok i understand! Your stance is that no show should be made in this format, where Jesus speaks any words outside what we know him to have said in scripture, I respect that view for sure! But I think if there were to be a show about the life of Christ that adds context and surroundings to the gospel narrative, you’d be hard pressed to do it better than the Chosen 😊.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Рік тому +4

      How is this show staying true to the Gospel accounts when it portrays a Jesus that tells ppl to follow their hearts and needs to rehearse a sermon like He's unsure of what to say? That certainly doesn't sound like the biblical Jesus at all.

  • @JN-xv9tl
    @JN-xv9tl Рік тому +3

    It’s also in violation of the second commandment.

  • @cathcolwell2197
    @cathcolwell2197 5 місяців тому +1

    I saw one of them and was very uncomfortable with it. It’s unfortunate that it’s become a franchise.

  • @albertthejester2668
    @albertthejester2668 Рік тому +1

    There is a lot of work twisting on this video.. I'm not liking what I'm hearing. This has made me now question all the other videos you guys have done. How can you tell a story from The Bible without adding more detail. It's impossible and it would be a very short story.. It seems like you're trying to be very manipulative with this. I'm Sorry but you will have an Unsubscribe from me

  • @fallenexposure9663
    @fallenexposure9663 Рік тому +2

    Good stuff, keep elm comin.

  • @phineas8532
    @phineas8532 Рік тому +3

    People don’t seem to understand that Jesus wasn’t a guy who preached to tickle peoples ears. This show presents a Jesus whose message everyone loves and is cozied up by, so people see someone preaching false gospels of complacency and attribute that to Jesus, and then denounce the guy who has the spirit of the true Jesus, and preaches the true gospel message that offends.

    • @choicemeatrandy6572
      @choicemeatrandy6572 Рік тому

      I wish you'd have legitimate concerns and criticisms instead of just making up stuff about a show you clearly haven't watched.

    • @phineas8532
      @phineas8532 Рік тому +1

      @@choicemeatrandy6572 I did watch it

    • @phineas8532
      @phineas8532 Рік тому

      @@choicemeatrandy6572 but I’m not sure I believe what I believed 2 months ago

    • @choicemeatrandy6572
      @choicemeatrandy6572 Рік тому

      @@phineas8532 What has changed?

    • @phineas8532
      @phineas8532 Рік тому

      @@choicemeatrandy6572 i think here in this old comment. I didn’t believe in OSAS(once saved always saved) and free grace, I believed you had to uphold your salvation, but now by the grace of God I’ve seen the truth and believe that once your saved you’re always saved and salvation is easy, it’s by this alone: believe on the Lord Jesus once and youre saved forever and no one including yourself can take you out of his hand.
      (I’m not completely sure cause 2 months ago was around the time I started to believe OSAS)

  • @DebbyandErikCase
    @DebbyandErikCase 5 місяців тому +1

    We must line all things up with scripture.

  • @sweetcurlss
    @sweetcurlss 11 місяців тому +2

    I will make a video about this, and i will use these examples, thank you for sharing

  • @squatpuke
    @squatpuke Рік тому +2

    It seems so EASY to make some tweaks to these scripts and 'tighten it up"...that Dallas guy is either a fool, enjoys the attention/controversary....or a Morman.

  • @levifox2818
    @levifox2818 Рік тому +2

    0:10 “It is said that the stories come straight from the Gospels.”
    I’m not a fan of The Chosen, and I like Gabe Hughes. However, I think this is a lie. Could anyone find a quote where anyone working on The Chosen says it is straight from the Gospels? I think they explicitly said otherwise.

  • @mattheahanse57
    @mattheahanse57 Рік тому +3

    The Chosen doesn't claim to get everything they show out of the Bible. But so far (and I've watched season 1&2 several times) doesn't contain any heresies or things that aren't true to the Gospels. So first watch it yourselves before you judge it! This video takes sayings from the Chosen out of context.

    • @princesssparkle529
      @princesssparkle529 Рік тому


    • @primesister2756
      @primesister2756 Рік тому +1

      Some of us cannot watch the show. Friends asked me to. The very thought makes me ill. That's the Holy Spirit working in me through the gift of discernment. The most neglected spiritual gift of our age, apparently.

  • @AstroMonkey88
    @AstroMonkey88 Рік тому +1

    One way to test the show is by its fruits. When you see people disagreeing and arguing against sound Biblical doctrine on the basis of what they’ve seen in this show, then you know this show is of the devil, professing a false Christ. All involved in this show, and all who follow its christ will be damned to hell unless they repent. This is why we need to call out its false Gospel and it’s idol it has fashioned. The Holy Spirit will do the regenerative work, but we are means and must profess The Gospel of Christ.

  • @tammykalii9360
    @tammykalii9360 Рік тому +1

    This show has added so much to the Bible it’s truly pathetic. We know nothing about peters wife. The only reason we know Peter was married is because Luke says Jesus went to Peters house and sees the mother of peters wife with a fever.
    THATS ALL WE KNOW! Peter had a wife. We don’t know
    her name or anything. And here this show is making up this entire soap opera of her, giving her a name a miscarriage and this is unbelievable but not surprising after finding out the guy playing Jesus is a Catholic then seeing the producer kissing up to the pope claiming he’s a Christian and the writer calls himself an evangelical Christian who’s adding all this stuff to the Bible. The very thing God warned about saying anybody doing it will be cursed. STUDY THE BIBLE PEOPLE! Stop listening to other people the truth is in the WORD!

    • @sisirkattempudi7155
      @sisirkattempudi7155 Рік тому

      What an utter mess of ludicrous violation of basic logic and theological categories. Adding to the Bible means either one physically adds to the Bible, writes another "testament," or claims public revelation. No such claims have been made by the Chosen. The Chosen is a TV show that's based *on* true events with some fiction that is plausible. The plausibility is based on the research team has done on life in the 1st century. It's not saying that "we're basically a video version of the Bible." That's just an utter misunderstanding of the nature of the show itself. It's claiming to be a dramatization of the true events of the Bible. The director has taken creative liberties with the Bible to create a TV show. It's not a Bible nor replacement of the Bible but rather a historical fiction that is based *on* history, but has fiction (i.e., Peter's wife's name, her miscarriage, etc.) in it.

  • @outdoormedia77
    @outdoormedia77 Рік тому +4

    Nailed it Pastor Gabe