Disappointing Movies

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @anthonymartensen3164
    @anthonymartensen3164 3 роки тому +81

    Very cool how you put yourself out there knowing people will disagree with you, sometimes harshly. Thanks for doing what you do. 👍

    • @msmit152
      @msmit152 3 роки тому +8

      We love you Maggie

    • @stuartmorris6299
      @stuartmorris6299 2 роки тому +4

      I hope nobody takes movie opinions personally, let's debate and enjoy eachothers views, harsh or otherwise. Love for all cinephiles

  • @danny3565
    @danny3565 3 роки тому +14

    Just discovered you recently binge watching lots of your videos. Love the minimalist setup and the simple format.

  • @Dave_AI
    @Dave_AI 3 роки тому +8

    Disappointing Movies = 99.95% of Hollywood's current output.

    • @xant8344
      @xant8344 3 роки тому +2

      I disagree. They're bad sure, but disappointing to me requires high expectations, which I rarely have for new movies (I think the most recent movie I had high expectations for was Jordan Peele's Us, and I wasn't really disappointed even though I like Get Out a lot more)

    • @Suite_annamite
      @Suite_annamite 3 роки тому

      You might be a little generous ... do you really think they can even manage 0.5% good movies?

  • @marcsoren7
    @marcsoren7 3 роки тому +13

    Even though the Suspiria remake isn't perfect, Damien Jalet's choreography was out of this world good. The Volk dance is something I watch at least once a month

    • @hvitekristesdod
      @hvitekristesdod 3 роки тому +1

      I adore the film but my one complaint is that the computerized effects aren’t so great

    • @mantra4612
      @mantra4612 3 роки тому

      I liked it well enough. It was just a way different movie than the original.

  • @sanchitvarma1282
    @sanchitvarma1282 3 роки тому +12

    Yes! I keep on saying this, but sitting through 3 hours of Les Mis on the big screen was one of the most horrific experiences of my life.
    I was feeling like somebody is just attacking me and psychologically fucking with my head. it was AWFUL.
    Gave my brother a permanent phobia of Musicals in general.

    • @TheFourthWinchester
      @TheFourthWinchester 3 роки тому +5

      Hollywood musicals are usually trash.

    • @deepfocuslens
      @deepfocuslens  3 роки тому +4

      @@TheFourthWinchester Nowadays yes, I tend to agree with you, but there was a time when they were brilliant.

    • @nate1066pollock
      @nate1066pollock 3 роки тому +3

      Do you like the non-musical versions of Les Mis?

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 2 роки тому

      @@nate1066pollock Now THAT version I like.

    • @ColonelFredPuntridge
      @ColonelFredPuntridge Рік тому +1

      @@davidl570 I was just gonna say: check out the original B&W _Les Miserables_ with Frederic March and Charles Laughton. Charles Laughton is God, as far as I'm concerned (weird personal habits notwithstanding).

  • @mikecore22
    @mikecore22 3 роки тому +6

    What you said at 10:10 about people today being uncomfortable with minimalism in storytelling reminded me of one of my favorite filmmakers: Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Wondering if you’ve seen any of his films? The pacing and method of storytelling I find to be incredibly compelling and refreshing. Big fan of his film ‘climates’ with these long slow shots of the characters’ faces (which in turn reminds me of a Herzog documentary where he leaves the camera rolling a little longer than expected on a subject until something truly unique is revealed after the interviewee thinks the camera has stopped rolling). Would love to hear your thoughts on Ceylan and this style of minimalist filmmaking where the slightest occurrence feels like a momentous event! Oh, and the cinematography! 👌

  • @LuityakaGhost
    @LuityakaGhost 3 роки тому +20

    Please make a video about "The game" of "Michael Douglas"!!! :)

    • @LuityakaGhost
      @LuityakaGhost 3 роки тому

      @@timetheory84 what's your first one??

    • @ghenry4513
      @ghenry4513 3 роки тому +2

      @@timetheory84 Me too. Hugely underrated flick.

    • @bryanrizzo9377
      @bryanrizzo9377 3 роки тому

      The Game was ok...I was kind of falling asleep on and off during the movie so I may have missed a few suspenseful moments. I still would choose Seven and Fight Club over the Game. For the most part if I fall asleep through a movie that I think is goind to be worth it...it's not worth it and it's just plain boring. I'm afraid the Game might have to be in the boring category for now until I get a smooth watch without falling asleep.

    • @bryanrizzo9377
      @bryanrizzo9377 3 роки тому

      I love David Fincher movies but I'm not really a Michael Douglas fan. I'd have to say Seven is my number one favorite and Fight Club is second. The Game was just ok...with a different actor for the lead role it would've been so much better I think. I just feel that MD wasn't fit for the role or for that matter a David Fincher film. In alot of films with Michael Douglas he tries to be humorous and for me it just doesn't work because it's not funny. If I can think of any movie that was decent with him starring in it...it would be Romancing the Stone along with the sexy back in the day Kathleen Turner.

    • @sandothemando8924
      @sandothemando8924 3 роки тому +2

      I love The Game. One of my favourite thrillers and definitely a criminally underrated film and Fincher's most overlooked. Btw, I lost the game...

  • @andrew19vato
    @andrew19vato 3 роки тому +12

    I actually quite liked the Star Wars prequels!! 😂😂 but yeah I know what you mean about them being at least different enough from the original trilogy, compared to the new ones

  • @charlielarwill5895
    @charlielarwill5895 3 роки тому +5

    I can (somewhat) understand the criticisms for suspiria 2018, buts its one those movies that I can come up with a personal answer for each of them. And not only do i find it better than the original, except for the score, but I haven't had a more profound experience with a movie since it came out

    • @xpindy
      @xpindy 2 роки тому

      The original is a classic groundbreaking film- the remake I ONLY remember seeing because I know I wanted to see the remake. Very forgettable.

  • @brotherbrod
    @brotherbrod 3 роки тому +6

    i would love to hear your thoughts on Steve McQueen’s 2018 film Widows! not a lot of reviews on here for it!

  • @Ny-kelCameron
    @Ny-kelCameron 3 роки тому +4

    For me, Bladerunner 2049. Took a lot for me to stay in my seat after the revelation close to the end.
    You take this hopefully journey along with the main character which accounts to nothing afterward.
    So disappointing.

  • @Na0ans
    @Na0ans Рік тому +1

    It’s wild because I actually think the climax in Joker is pretty tame. I didn’t feel that much tension.

  • @blacksmith9873
    @blacksmith9873 3 роки тому +2

    I like how , detailed in her analysis of films , you can tell she has a passion for the craft.

  • @robbiekop7
    @robbiekop7 3 роки тому +6

    War Of The Worlds with Tom Cruise was so bad and that Dakota Fanning was so annoying playing his daughter I actually was hoping the aliens 👽👽👽 would win

    • @deepfocuslens
      @deepfocuslens  3 роки тому +5

      That's a good example of a film that had some good things in it especially in the beginning, but it falls apart for me.

    • @Misericorde9
      @Misericorde9 3 роки тому +1

      @@deepfocuslens Every time I feel the urge to rewatch it, I remind myself that what I actually want to rewatch is the first ~15 minutes.

    • @robbiekop7
      @robbiekop7 3 роки тому +2

      I agree the first thirty minutes built it up for me. It's almost as if they spent 50% of the budget on the opening gambit. When it got to the Tim Robbins cameo it had lost most of its fizz by this point

    • @Misericorde9
      @Misericorde9 3 роки тому +1

      @@robbiekop7 I went back and watched the first hour. You’re right that it’s the first 30 minutes that holds up best. I may have thought of it as the first 15 only because that part of the movie is sufficiently well-knit so as to seem to go by faster. The Tim Robbins vignette works well as part of the story at that point, but does feel longer than it needed to be. The impression it left me with was that Robbins himself and/or someone behind the scenes was trying to maximize his time on screen.

    • @robbiekop7
      @robbiekop7 3 роки тому

      That's a good synopsis I do rate Tim Robbins as an actor for sure

  • @xavier600
    @xavier600 3 роки тому +7

    Just a small note on Psycho's ending therapist exposition and it's intended interpretation.
    In the Hitchcock class I am currently in, we read a piece of academic scholarship that posited the idea that the therapists explanation of events ties things up so neatly to the point that he is not supposed to be believed, that it is his arrogance on display rather than actual fact, that he is more spitballing an interpretation. His words are undermined by the inclusion of Mother's final speech at the end as we watch Norman by himself in the room. The main idea is that the camera is the only holder of the truth, in it's semi documentary style of framing the narrative from the very beginning of the film.
    Maggie, if you are interested in reading more about it, I'd be happy to share with you the literature I was assigned.

    • @whineycracker1976
      @whineycracker1976 3 роки тому +2

      I actually just posted the same exact sentiment, perhaps I read that piece or something similar and that shaped my opinion. In any case, I 100% agree with this theory. PS: Do you mind sharing the title or a link to that piece to which you are referring? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

  • @robertjewell9727
    @robertjewell9727 3 роки тому +1

    Hmm, I agree about Les Miserable which I turned off after about 20 minutes because it made me feel like I was trying to swim in mud and suffocating while people sang, the Suspiria remake I haven't seen, but Psycho is the first modernist American film and it delivers on all levels. The thing to ask one's self is who is the protagonist of this film? And when one figures that out then it's genius becomes more clear. The Force Awakens is a well done entertainment and having expectations of it seems forced (pun not intended); expectation is a terrible way to derail a cinematic experience. And Joker is a robustly menacing look at a deranged individual trying to mesh with a social normality that is hardly normal, but quite sinister in its need to relentlessly scapegoat even if it borrows freely from Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. It does so with collective cinematic conscience and utilizing a pop figure like the Joker is telling.

  • @kevinstagy9654
    @kevinstagy9654 3 роки тому +9

    Please review 'In the mood for love' by Wong Kar-Wai

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      and 2046 - which I actually like more - both 10/10 tho

    • @kevinstagy9654
      @kevinstagy9654 3 роки тому

      @@NaughtyVampireGod i figure its another Wong Kar-Wai film...but which one should i watch next though Chunging Express or the one you mentioned 2046?

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@kevinstagy9654 Absolutely 2046 since it is related to In the Mood for the Love - same protagonist and other connections. ChungKing Express is totally different. You can appreciate In the Mood for Love and 2046 independently for sure but if it's choice btwn 2046 and anything else, go with 2046.

    • @kevinstagy9654
      @kevinstagy9654 3 роки тому +1

      @@NaughtyVampireGod aight man thanks for the suggestion ill get on it as soon as i can

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@kevinstagy9654 you got it - btw I don't award too many 10/10s :)

  • @slayersboxer915
    @slayersboxer915 3 роки тому +4

    Have you ever watched the movie "Manic" ( 2001 indie films) The best mental health movie I've ever seen, and would really be interested on your opinion on it since imo you seem very intelligent which is reflected in your opinions/reviews. I believe you can watch the whole movie free on youtube actually.

  • @artifactsandfungus1424
    @artifactsandfungus1424 3 роки тому +2

    The Suspiria remake is the biggest heaping pile of trash from the last 10 years. I had actually never seen the original, so I didn't have that bias going into it. You put it well when you mentioned the over-explanation of e v e r y t h i n g. They could have cut down at least 40 minutes of runtime and it would have benefited from it. Also, what the fuck was with Tilda Swinton pretending to be an old german man? They tried to be slick by creating a fake actor for a character that was completely unnecessary and DUMB. The makeup is god-awful and incredibly distracting. I had to pause the movie and figure out what the fuck was wrong with his face. Why they made a remake of Suspiria, I have no idea. There are so many more Italian horror films from the same era that are better than Suspiria. The ones nobody's heard of deserve remakes. Why ruin something beloved by so many?
    Also approaching a soundtrack that was previously insanely fun Italian prog rock with an ambient, understated Yorke is just baffling.
    The only credit I'll give to the remake is enhancing my experience of the original which I saw about 6 months later.

  • @eeriedragonjiheun838
    @eeriedragonjiheun838 3 роки тому +1

    I went to see Les Mis a second time because my friend wanted to see it, and I was genuinely in denial of how much I hated it. Pretty sure it was the first musical I EVER hated, so this was new to me. And yes, the second time just confirmed how bad it is.

  • @mem1701movies
    @mem1701movies 3 роки тому +2

    I figured THE FORCE AWAKENS would be trash but God i can’t believe how horrible it was. The trailers made it look somewhat OK I guess. Then they just had to try and make it “funny.”

  • @stevenhanson6057
    @stevenhanson6057 6 місяців тому

    “Once Upon. Time In Hollywood.” I guess it couldn’t possibly live up to expectations. Thought it would be the greatest movie ever! “A Star Is Born.”
    So over hyped. “Oppenheimer.” Could have ended after the Trinity Test.
    Daisy Ridley was powerful. She chewed with her mouth open.

  • @vishwasshankar3929
    @vishwasshankar3929 3 роки тому

    You should do a video on your experience on movie trailers, like exploring the hype it tries to create and how it holds up with the final product, some trailers of how they're bad but the movies end up really good, stuff like that😅

  • @schlomoshekelstein908
    @schlomoshekelstein908 3 роки тому +2

    i wasn't hyped by it but that locke movie with tom hardy where he spends the whole fucking movie in the car was by far one of the worst movies i've ever seen

    • @robbiekop7
      @robbiekop7 3 роки тому +2

      At least in Mad Max he got out of the car 🚗 😃

    • @davidd4696
      @davidd4696 2 роки тому


  • @SpaceCattttt
    @SpaceCattttt 3 роки тому +4

    I disagree that the second half of Psycho is worse. It's a film of two halves, just as Norman Bates is a character with two "personalities".
    The first half is, if anything, slightly inferior because it sticks to convention. All the way up to the shower scene, it's a very straightforward story,
    albeit expertly told. But we're still moving from point A to B.
    Once she hits the shower, all bets are off. We don't know where the story is going to go. We don't know exactly who's responsible for what just happened.
    All we know is that the main character is gone and we're essentially in free-fall as far as plot is concerned. And it's only gradually that we're made aware that
    the main character who's now gone, in fact, NEVER was the main character at all. And whereas she tried to get away with theft, our new main protagonist
    is trying to get away with murder. So the suspense never leaves the film. It just shifts focus from the conventional to the WTF? And that's brave. You don't see it, even today.
    And while the last scene might seem a bit unnecessary to modern audiences, it's not in any way an offensive one, as you seemed to paint it as.
    I find it rather interesting how well the guy sums up our protagonist, actually. In 1960, mental patients were still given electric shocks, so it's very impressive
    to hear someone describe the psychological state of mind of a murderer as well as he does. Someone clearly did some research!

  • @ColonelFredPuntridge
    @ColonelFredPuntridge Рік тому

    Movies which disappointed me included _Annie Hall_ in which Woody Allen abandoned the slapstick (physical and verbal) hilarity of his youth and began his deplorable move into the mainstream; and, _Silent Movie_ which was the first time Mel Brooks only made me laugh in a couple of places, and the first _Star Trek_ movie which I had had high hopes for, and the whole attempt to re-visit _Star Wars,_ and the attempts to animate _Flatland_ and _The Phantom Tollbooth._ Oh, and since we're talking children's stories, the very worst attempt to adapt a children's book for the screen was _The Five Children and It,_ which was even worse than _A Wrinkle in Time._

  • @VFRZen
    @VFRZen 3 роки тому +1

    Psycho 2 > Psycho
    Search your heart. You know it’s true. (Psycho is still a great film tho)
    And Les Miserable was a mess.

  • @walkerstark4564
    @walkerstark4564 2 роки тому

    Hitchcock subverts the psychological explanation with the final images, Perkins unreachable Norman , the car retrieved from the depths of the swamp, unfathomable depths beyond Simon Oakland. Too bad Marnie wasn't as subversive with its dime store Freud

  • @theolamp5312
    @theolamp5312 3 роки тому

    Maggie -the one thing that surprised me is that you said "We in Hollywood". To associate yourself that close to Hollywood seems to be contrary to your general views of film making

  • @seanlewis9291
    @seanlewis9291 3 роки тому

    These are my most disappointing ones I've seen. And by "disappointing," I mean anger inducing.
    1) Star Wars 7. (didn't see the others)
    2) Leprechaun Returns.
    3) Halloween 2018.

  • @miquebts
    @miquebts 2 роки тому

    The shining, it was supposed to be a horror movie but nothing made sense, so nothing was really scary, what's so scary about jumpscares with the name of the day? 🤔 I had to see analysis of the movie to know what the story was about... It was disappointing, and after reading the book it was even more disappointing...

  • @theking0fcomedy512
    @theking0fcomedy512 3 роки тому

    I would love to hear your thoughts on Dead Man and Down By Law or anything Jarmusch

  • @sandy34740
    @sandy34740 3 роки тому

    For me it was the first live action transformers movie.
    Been a fan since I was little, never thought I'd see a live action tf movie...it was really bad.
    It focused too much on the humans, they were over designed, other than optimus and bumblebee I couldn't tell any of them apart.
    The 'cons all looked like robot spiders.
    It was really gross all around.

  • @Serjohn
    @Serjohn 3 роки тому

    your artwork is really good, but why there is so little, you do more modeling than arting

  • @Hgoenge81
    @Hgoenge81 3 роки тому +1

    Tbh I don't think The Last jedi was a remake of Empire. Great movie, and I for one did not guess the movie. Rise of skywalker is just hot garbage

    • @mabusestestament
      @mabusestestament 3 роки тому +1

      I did. A lot of people defended The Force Awakens by saying it had to be somewhat of a remake to appeal to the fans (such a weird statement...) and get things back on track and then they could go from there and continue the story... but no, I expected The Last Jedi to do Empire and imo that's indeed what we got (with the climax - fight with Snooki - being the climax fight of Return Of The Jedi).

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      The titles are getting as forgetable as the movies themselves. "Rise" "Return" "Revenge" I actually prefered Solo to the last two regular timeline movies or whatever they are called. It had atrocious moments but I liked it more than those otherones.

  • @ghenry4513
    @ghenry4513 3 роки тому

    It's all subjective and recency consideration comes in, but here are some:
    Citizen Kane
    Shape of Water
    Manchester by the Sea
    Most Remakes
    Once Upon a Time in Hwood
    Inglourious Basterds.
    Django Unchained
    MM Fury Road

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      Citizen Kane a bad movie? Yer so edgy brah . . .

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@whineycracker1976 Been watchin her videos longer than you have sonny jim

  • @dragonore2009
    @dragonore2009 3 роки тому

    I know you did a review already of this movie, but "I Care A Lot" was disappointing to me.

  • @classicvideogoodies
    @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому

    9:42 I love the original Suspiria, and knew beforehand that the remake would not measure up, so it wasn't a "disappointment" per se to me. I knew because the kind of "giallo" pictures like Suspiria are seen as passe today because of the non-PC elements in the genre: the lurid, seedy, trashy, often exploitative style just wouldn't play well to today's audiences.

    • @iansharp7422
      @iansharp7422 3 роки тому

      I liked both versions of Suspiria and they were obviously totally different. Don't know why PC is an issue in slasher movies as the whole genre is off limits for people that don't like violent movies and today's slasher movies are just as graphic sometimes more so. Argento was a visual stylist but when his movies failed it was the story and scripts that were the problem. i still don't think the original Suspiria was as good as some of his other movies.

    • @classicvideogoodies
      @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому

      @@iansharp7422 If you've seen giallo films in the 70s you'll know what I mean. They are not just about violence and gore, but whole other subtext and themes that would indeed be deemed non-PC today. An example of an American giallo would be Basic Instinct, which would not have been made today.

    • @iansharp7422
      @iansharp7422 3 роки тому

      No doubt the styles were different and you could argue that the violence is a lot more realistic now at least in movies with a budget. Argento was a bit different to many other horror directors as he had such a lurid visual style But I doubt that movies like The Human Caterpillar and some of today's torture porn movies would even have been made in the 70s and if they did get past the censor most cinemas wouldn't have played them.
      I don't think its that much more PC today with the violence but misogyny gets referenced by critics much more today than it did in the 70s and 80s and most of the 80s so called Video Nasties look fairly tame today and many were poorly made unlike the best Argento movies. I still think the 70s and 80s were high points for the horror genre or two of the better decades in the past 50 years or so. As far as remakes go though I still think the Suspiria remake and only a loose one at that is a good movie but then I wasn't a huge fan of the original. I liked it but I preferred some of his other movies. As for Basic instinct it was only really notorious for one shot and by making the scene also humorous they managed to get it past the censor otherwise it would have been cut.

    • @classicvideogoodies
      @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому +1

      @@iansharp7422 American films have always been pretty loose with violence, but very guarded about sexual matters as you know. Giallo films in the 70s were loose with sex as well, as were films like Basic Instinct, Dressed to Kill, etc. The coupling of sex and violence found in typical gialli would be problematic today, especially in the post-Me Too, post-Cosby/Weinstein era.

  • @sebastianz
    @sebastianz 3 роки тому

    I usually agree with you, but I really enjoyed the Joker 🤷‍♂️

  • @ArabKatib
    @ArabKatib Рік тому

    Subversion of expectations is CRAP!!! :U

  • @theurbanloner8879
    @theurbanloner8879 3 роки тому

    Piece , cold piece.

  • @dumbcat
    @dumbcat 3 роки тому

    can't believe you only have 2.5 million views after all this time. something's gotta break your way one of these days

    • @classicvideogoodies
      @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому +2

      Maggie has reached 20k-30k subs, and that's usually when UA-camrs start getting business offers, sponsorships, etc., things of that nature from companies. So one doesn't have to be a super-successful UA-camr to start seeing some benefits.

  • @leftenantthunder
    @leftenantthunder 3 роки тому

    I feel like you could make a 15 minute video just about your hate for Tom Hooper

  • @thunderstruck5484
    @thunderstruck5484 3 роки тому +2

    Easy choices for myself, third Matrix, third Alien, Third Jaws,third Star Wars(so many muppets silly) Third Mad Max, third Superman, third Lethal Weapon and yes Third Lord of the rings! ,, best third movie Exorcist 3, thanks your channel rocks the house

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah. The Third whatever. that's when it officially becomes a franchise, and they aren't even trying to make a good movie anymore. It's just PRODUCT at that point. Add Godfather to the list, even though people don't see it as a franchise. Still fits the curse of the third.

    • @thunderstruck5484
      @thunderstruck5484 3 роки тому +1

      @@NaughtyVampireGod yes! The list has to be endless Tomb Raider lol although my favorite Harry Potter movie is Prisoner of Azkaban but that’s different I reckon, thanks

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@timetheory84 For jaws 3 all you need is that one terrible scene where a virtually motionless shark breaks through the glass wall of the tank . just type jaws 3 exploding shark and enjoy SPOILER: shark then blows up and his body parts come atcha 3 D style

    • @thunderstruck5484
      @thunderstruck5484 3 роки тому +1

      @@NaughtyVampireGod haha awesome I saw at the theater in 3D with paper 3D glasses I believe O and Friday the Thirteenth in 3D

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@thunderstruck5484 sweeeeet

  • @robiu013
    @robiu013 3 роки тому

    Force Awakens wasn't that heavy on political propaganda, though. It's a lukewarm cash grab, which doesn't have the balls to actually get seriously political.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      Not sure how politics works into Star Wars but I agree it was a disappointment. Got tired of Adam Driver real fast. He did not convince me at all.

    • @robiu013
      @robiu013 3 роки тому +2

      @@NaughtyVampireGod yeah, not saying it should. but star wars like other disney properties just nods at some supposed virtue it's movies have, so people can fill in that blank. but they never go all the way with any sort of agenda. f.e. the lesbian kiss at the end of rise of skywalker. it's just there so gay people might feel included, but they probably just cut it for the chinese version and they didn't have the balls to go along with the poe x finn nods the first movie made and make fleshed out gay characters. as far as i'm concerned it's just shallow corporate virtue signalling and not a real political agenda.
      but at the same time i also feel detractors have greatly exaggerated the "political agenda" the new star wars trilogy has by magnifying what was at their disposal tenfold. and i also agree the new trilogy wasn't great. TFA was a nice nostalgia trip and visually satisfying, but way too derivative, TLJ was my favourite out of the bunch for having an original vision, but i have mixed feelings about it's quality, meanwhile ROS was just a hacky slap-together and as controversial as my opinion may be, they should have gone with rian johnson's vision regardless of how bad it was at that point.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@robiu013 i see what yer sayin - that stuff ages terribly - my star wars take in 30 seconds: love the first 3 1977-83; episodes 1-3, pure crap w the exception of second part of ep 3; the last three I can sit back and sort of appreciate for the spectacle but my heart is not really in it - hate most of the characters, good and evil, Poe is the only one I can sort of stand as the unofficial han solo replacement; solo - dumb fun, real dumb; rogue one I like because ben mendelson is my favorite villain of the series - makes adam driver look like a clown

  • @davidcrow2557
    @davidcrow2557 3 роки тому +4

    You are entitled to your opinion, but what you said about Psycho is total nonsense, I am sorry, and then saying what you said about Joker, which is hands down, the biggest insult to people with mental health problems that I have ever seen on film.

  • @maximusprime3459
    @maximusprime3459 3 роки тому

    Joker(AKA Taxi Driver/King of Comedy Remix) was overrated all around. Great performance by Joaquin Phoenix but it could've been the story of *any* put upon character's descent into madness. The last half of it is a mess too.

  • @avastans
    @avastans 3 роки тому +1

    Actually, The Last Jedi was hated precisely for being different from the other Star Wars films, yet you boxed it in with The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker. The Last Jedi is the best film to come out of the sequel trilogy because Rian Johnson had the balls to take the story somewhere new.

  • @MadSimple
    @MadSimple 3 роки тому

    You look like Julia Galef.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@timetheory84 Maggie says she looks like Oona Chaplin - yer welcome, boys - personally I was going more with Anne Hathaway, but either way . . .

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      had to look up Julia Galef - - hmm - you may have a point there

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@timetheory84 Well, that is how Maggie sees it. :-) .. good call on JLH. honestly I really like that type.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@timetheory84 Have you been here long?

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@timetheory84 honestly, i have no direct knowledge; i 've heard people here use that name on and off; maybe we shouldn't unless she does too; i'd like to respect a host's privacy as much as possible; but, yeah, i heard it a number of times

  • @NaughtyVampireGod
    @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

    Honestly, Punch-Drunk Love b/c I am a huge PTA fan and thought it just wasn't up to the level of his other work. I felt i was basically watching an Adam Sandler movie, not a PTA movie, and that's not a good thing for me. Didn't like Sandler in anything EXCEPT Uncut Gems which was terrific although difficult to watch b/c I know people just like that and kinda knew where it is going . .

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 2 роки тому

      Agree about Punck Drunk Love! Dunno why that movie is so hyped. I give Sandler credit for trying something different, but it was such a chore to sit through.

  • @samuelwills4637
    @samuelwills4637 3 роки тому +50

    Psycho is my favourite film of all time, it is the film that opened my eyes to filmmaking. While the psychiatrist scene is dated, I tend to laugh at it and still enjoy it in a guilty pleasure way. I have to disagree though at the idea of the film faltering in the second half - Marion being murdered in the first half results in the audience grasping for a new protagonist which we naturally fall upon Norman. The reveal at the end becomes extra horrifying when we find that he was the one all along committing the murders. Despite Psycho being my favourite film - I can see that it isn’t perfect, there are films that are technically greater, but I still love it like family regardless :)

    • @bryanrizzo9377
      @bryanrizzo9377 3 роки тому

      "A boys best friend is his murder" is one of my favorite movie quotes of all time.

    • @xpindy
      @xpindy 2 роки тому

      Hitchcock's Psycho has a weak second half and Dario Argento needs to put more backstory into Suspiria- not one of DFL's best days.

    • @jeffreyjeziorski1480
      @jeffreyjeziorski1480 Рік тому

      ​@@bryanrizzo9377a boys best friend is his mother. Not murder.

  • @ConcreteAtrocity
    @ConcreteAtrocity 3 роки тому +19

    I’ve commented this before, but have you considered doing a podcast? I think the level of thought you put into every topic would mesh well with an audio format.

  • @classicvideogoodies
    @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому +14

    There is some good stuff in Psycho's second half: 1. Norman dutifully cleaning up the dirty work. 2. Norman saying to the detective, "The, um,.. th-th-th-th-the next morning." 3. The camera work in the murder scene at the staircase. 4. Norman telling Sam about his "happy childhood," while Lila searching through Norman's childhood belongings. 5. Skeleton in the basement. 6. The scene where Norman says, "People will say, why, she wouldn't even harm a fly!" So there are several memorable moments too.

    • @ColonelFredPuntridge
      @ColonelFredPuntridge Рік тому +2

      Yeah, Tony Perkins pretty much carries the second half of the movie. Part of the problem I think is John Gavin's vanilla portrayal of the boyfriend Sam.

    • @Mr.Goodkat
      @Mr.Goodkat 4 місяці тому +1

      I don't think they said it didn't have anything good, the claim was it's not as good as the first half, personally I love both half's.

  • @yaswanthgosukonda311
    @yaswanthgosukonda311 3 роки тому +10

    The Graduate. The first half is close to perfection, but I was disappointed about the really 60s sensibility of the second half. The themes and wit that the first half had prospects to expand upon simply fail. Benjamin Braddock and Elaine Robinson are boring, while Mrs.Robinson is one of the least fleshed out and most interesting characters I have ever seen.

  • @xpindy
    @xpindy 2 роки тому +6

    Disappointment is all about expectations. So 95% of all films don't disappoint me at all. I expect them to fall short. Treasure the few that live up to the hype- true in life as well.

  • @stevenwatchorn9816
    @stevenwatchorn9816 3 роки тому +9

    I understand the points about Psycho without agreeing with them. I think the entire second half is the bomb Hitchcock set under the table, where we opponents on a collision course and neither knows all about the other. We don't need to know much more about them than we do for this to work very well, especially because it us Norman's arc which is the most compelling. And I have always read the psychiatrist scene very differently from others I have read. I think it is just setting another bomb, which won't go off until after the end, where we think everything is explained into a nice, tidy box, but we really have no clue of the depths of Norman's mental state. I would agree about the psychiatrist scene if it was not followed by that chilling voiceover at the end where she will make them think they have everything all figured out and fool them while she lays in wait. I think of it the same way as the explanation about the Light in Poltergeist, an attempt to control the uncontrollable through explanation (just like in Poltergeist when the father tried to take away the power of the thunderstorm by showing understanding of it).

    • @wildeirishpoet
      @wildeirishpoet 3 роки тому +3

      Same thing happened in Gone Girl. The first half was pretty good. But the second half bombed.

    • @whineycracker1976
      @whineycracker1976 3 роки тому +1

      Wow, you just created an analogy using my two favorite films of all time! Tangina's speech is epic and full of a lot of innuendos that are much more complex if you let yourself go down the rabbit hole of possibilities to which Spielberg only alluded (obviously for time constraint). We believe that Tangina is psychic and knows her field, but at the same time we see her improvising and winging it ("you've never done this before! Neither have you!" or "She will only hear her mother's voice".....but then 10 minutes later she has Steve calling out to her?) Anyway, have you watched Rob Ager's analysis of Poltergeist on his channel?

    • @stevenwatchorn9816
      @stevenwatchorn9816 3 роки тому

      @@whineycracker1976 I haven't seen that. Sounds interesting! I think I'll check it out. It just occurred to me one time that Tangina explaining the nature of the intrusion to the everyone was a mirror image of Steven trying to explain the scary storm to his son. By showing understanding of it, we think we have some sort of mastery... that we turn out not to have in either case (the thunder scares the children into the parents' bed, and the spirits come back despite Tangina's pronouncement that the house is "clean." Nature is not under our control, even if we like to believe we understand it.

    • @whineycracker1976
      @whineycracker1976 3 роки тому +1

      @@stevenwatchorn9816 That's a great observation, I never thought about the connection. It also goes back to the idea of how much faith children put in their parents as all-knowing protectors. Watching the film growing up, Poltergeist was thrilling because of the more obvious supernatural elements that play off of childhood fears. It wasn't until I got older did I realize how scary the film is from an adult perspective. I don't have children myself, but it's interesting to hear my brother's commentary when we watch the film now, as he is married with 5 kids, I noticed all of his views are expressed from the perspective of the parents, not from Robbie, Carol Anne or Dana's. Rob Ager has a channel called Collative Learning, and he did 2 video analysis pieces on Poltergeist, I haven't watched his analysis of the clown scene, but his other one on the hidden depths is so fascinating and intelligently researched. He reveals so many layers, and subtexts, it makes me feel like I never watched the film with my brain turned on before! I highly recommend it!

    • @stevenwatchorn9816
      @stevenwatchorn9816 3 роки тому

      @@whineycracker1976 I will definitely take a look for that; sounds very thought-provoking. The movie is also just a tour de force of bravura filmmaking. It took many viewings before it really struck me that the scene with everyone in the hallway before going into the bedroom to get Carol Anne was all done as one shot, creatively and brilliantly reframed over several minutes to make a wonderfully kinetic sequence out of what could have been a very static situation.

  • @nate1066pollock
    @nate1066pollock 3 роки тому +5

    I recently saw "Escape From New York" for the first time. After all the hype, I was excited. When it was over, I was disappointed. There are a lot of good ideas in that movie, but the execution of those ideas left a lot to be desired. Good cast, capable of much more.

  • @thetoothbrushfromnisemonog8340
    @thetoothbrushfromnisemonog8340 3 роки тому +6

    Great video! I love these type of topic videos, you really make film discussion so much more interesting and engaging than just about any other person on UA-camr imo. Even if I disagree when I disagree with some of your thoughts, your still so excellent at articulating your thoughts in a way that just makes so much sense that I just can’t help but listen.

  • @Giantshredder
    @Giantshredder 3 роки тому +21

    I absolutely loved the Suspiria remake. Toms music for the main dance is a favorite of mine also.

    • @Giantshredder
      @Giantshredder 3 роки тому +1

      @@christopherrobin361 Hell ya! I just noticed it resembles Death(or whatever it was) from the end of the movie. Ha.

  • @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017
    @stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 2 роки тому +2

    I just read a review from someone who saw Psycho for the first time and they dismissed the first half of the movie before the shower scene as dull and unimportant. Lol. Go figure. Personally I quite like the ending scene with the psychiatrist as a time capsule of where psychoanalytic theory was wrt killers/psychopaths in the late 50's early 60's. If I'm not mistaken this movie put the word "psycho" in popular usage.

  • @cadeculbertson1283
    @cadeculbertson1283 3 роки тому +7

    Great topic here, personally I was really disappointed by Braveheart when I saw recently, my friends and family all said “oh Braveheart what a movie! I mean I thought it was good but no where near the historical epic I was expecting. Although Mel Gibson was very good in it. I don’t know maybe it is a movie that just hasn’t aged well.

    • @lukess.s
      @lukess.s 3 роки тому +2

      Braveheart sucked when it came out too dw

    • @stanleyrogouski
      @stanleyrogouski 3 роки тому

      @@lukess.s I liked the first third of Braveheart. Gibson really succeeded in putting you in the shoes of an oppressed, occupied people. But it just went on too long.

    • @NothingHumanisAlientoMe
      @NothingHumanisAlientoMe 3 роки тому

      Ma pal puts braveheart on every time he gets pished.

    • @irisink
      @irisink 2 роки тому

      When somebody says to me this is their favourite movie, I don't trust them

  • @carl_anderson9315
    @carl_anderson9315 3 роки тому +3

    Psycho is great as an experiment, in that sense, Hitchcock succeeded breaking an old Hollywood formula and changing the plot and protagonist in the middle of the movie (I'm thinking the influence of Psycho in movies like Pulp Fiction where the protagonists are not who you think). Every second Janet Leigh or Anthony Perkins are on scene, the movie gets interesting. However, Vera Miles and John Gavin's characters are not interesting at all.
    In the other hand, I really liked Luca Guadanino's Suspiria, I loved Tom Yorke's music, the plot worked for me and I didn't get bored at all. One of the things that I liked was that Guadanino avoids wasting time suggesting what's going on, because if you saw the 1977 version you know exactly what's going on. So I was more interested in knowing the "how" and instead of "what" or "why".
    Talking about disappointments, the worst, for me, are the ones where the writers think that it is a fantastic idea to kill the main character of a saga, but not a character who's only had half of a movie, like in Psycho: I'm talking about heroes who've been around for years, even decades: John Connor, David Dunn, Luke Skywalker, Daenerys Targaryen. It's the worst insult to the audience.

  • @johnsreviewsofmovies6289
    @johnsreviewsofmovies6289 3 роки тому +12

    the lead character in joker to me seemed like a completely different movie than the character that was part of the batman comic series - a diferent title would have been preferred

  • @johnnysopals
    @johnnysopals 3 роки тому +3

    Surprised there was no Nolan films mentioned.

  • @Suite_annamite
    @Suite_annamite 3 роки тому +2

    Instead of everybody being "disappointed" by the latest musicals for "Les Misérables", why doesn't anybody ever watch either the *1998 film adaptation* by Bille August, with *Liam Neeson, Uma Thurman, Geoffrey Rush, Claire Danes, and Hans Matheson* ?
    Or even, check out the 6-episode *2018-2019 TV series* with *Dominic West* , *Lily (daughter of Phil) Collins* and featuring *Olivia Colman.*

  • @jfox4098
    @jfox4098 3 роки тому +3

    American Hustle: Huge hype, absolute garbage of a film...

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      Well actually I think it is the LEAST WORST David O Russel movie. Silver Linings Playbook is a steaming pile of crap. Really funny how so many people think it's so great. hustle is watchable. Almost in the category of "guilty pleasure" b/c you know it's shit but it's still ok to watch. Yeah. I got a thing for Amy Adams which helps. :)

    • @matt11708
      @matt11708 3 роки тому

      he did not get the magic he did with the fighter but i did not mind silver linings playbook.

  • @Starkardur
    @Starkardur 2 роки тому +1

    I like Psycho but it is so far from being Hitch best

  • @Shah-of-the-Shinebox
    @Shah-of-the-Shinebox 3 роки тому +2

    A movie i was disappointed by was Almost Famous. I'm a huge classic rock fan and upon hearing about this movie I thought it would be right up my alley and when i watched it the first time i was like "eh nothing special". I would go on to watch it at least 4 other times because i really wanted to get into it but i just couldn't.

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 2 роки тому +1

      That movie hardly had a plot. Huge classic rock fan too, but that film was a good cure for insomnia (and Kate Hudson is a minimally talented actress at best).

  • @rgwebb5165
    @rgwebb5165 Рік тому +1

    I didnt like Police Academy 7

  • @BadGuyRants
    @BadGuyRants 3 роки тому +2

    Glad you mentioned the fact that modern films need to stop being so overblown. Most movies go on forever and all the subtly and nuance is sucked out of them. Back in the day the dialogue mattered so much more.

  • @lloydpassafume5357
    @lloydpassafume5357 3 роки тому +2

    I have to say, and don't shoot me for this please, I was extremely disappointed in The Irishman. I thought it was way too long (I love long movies btw), it felt very self-indulgent, and there were creative choices that I just wasn't a fan of. I love Scorsese, but I think his dabbling in the gangster genre has gone on a little too long. Again I like longer movies (The Godfather, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, etc.), but it wasn't paced as properly.

  • @buzzardbeatniks
    @buzzardbeatniks Рік тому +1

    On Psycho - the second half is saved by Anthony Perkins performance, I find him so captivating I barely notice the films short comings, however every scene he not in after Marions death is tedious and I just want the movie to get back to him.

  • @sprawlz6466
    @sprawlz6466 3 роки тому +4

    I'm curious to hear your thoughts on The Platform (2019)

  • @classicvideogoodies
    @classicvideogoodies 3 роки тому +2

    I love Linklater, I love all his other films, and I love animation, especially rotoscope animation. Yet I completely struck out at Waking Life. May have to see it again.

  • @CringeConrad
    @CringeConrad 3 роки тому +4

    Agreed, the Suspiria remake is trash. Cool dance scenes but so boring visually and story-wise.

    • @deepfocuslens
      @deepfocuslens  3 роки тому +2

      The ex-modern dancer in me loved how they took the original ballet school and made it a modern dance company for the remake. Fantastic idea. But my criticisms remain for the rest of the film.

    • @Misericorde9
      @Misericorde9 3 роки тому +1

      I thought most of it was okay-to-good, but the whole was significantly brought down by the climax where, suddenly, it became a Rob Zombie video.

    • @CringeConrad
      @CringeConrad 3 роки тому +1

      @@Misericorde9 I still don't understand why they did that in the finale. The cheese factor went through the roof.

    • @alexisaviles3436
      @alexisaviles3436 3 роки тому +1

      It’s one of my favorite movies but I see why people don’t like it

    • @CringeConrad
      @CringeConrad 3 роки тому

      @@alexisaviles3436 The original is one of my favorites so any deviation really needed to be flawless. I'm usually lenient on remakes but admit I definitely judge this one more harshly.

  • @haydengarinduchesne9269
    @haydengarinduchesne9269 3 роки тому +2

    Independence Day 1996 . The seven year old me was so hyped for that movie after seeing that initial teaser trailer , oh my god I saw the movie on video oh my god even as a seven year old I thought that movie sucked

  • @aaronnerswick2223
    @aaronnerswick2223 3 роки тому +3

    what's your thoughts on horror series like saw and final destination?

  • @TheWaynos73
    @TheWaynos73 2 роки тому +1

    Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. i love Tarantino and his work but this one left me cold for the most part. But to its credit i did love the very final scene with Jake and Jay’s conversation outside Sharon’s place.
    Batman 1989. i remember the extreme hype surrounding this film, the build up, the merchandising, the Prince soundtrack etc etc and i was so stoked to finally see the film opening night - and then i saw it - and found it a very underwhelming experience - and time hasn’t been that kind to it either, ive seen it a few times since and it hasn’t grown on me either.

  • @whineycracker1976
    @whineycracker1976 3 роки тому +2

    I know many are divided on this but I consider both halves of Psycho to be perfectly integrated and balanced and do not consider either inferior or superior to the other. Hitchcock described Psycho as more of a black comedy than a horror film. The second half of the film is brilliant because the protagonist shifts from Marion to Norman, and as such, our identifications change as viewers. I wanted Marion to evade that nosy police officer as much as I wanted Norman to evade Arbogast, Lila, and Sam. The reason these supporting characters seem so underwhelming is that we are now seeing things from Norman's perspective, and they are mere nuisances to him (and us as viewers) and nothing more. Perkins' performance in the second act of the film, especially when he is being interrogated by Arbogast, is so riveting, that no matter how many times I have seen this, I find myself rooting for him and then asking myself why, and second-guessing my own darker impulses. Psycho forces us to be both attracted to and repelled by Norman, and we never would have seen any of this if the film closed shop after Marion's death or continued down a similar tonal path. As for the psychiatrist's soapbox, I believe that Hitchcock is toying with the audience's expectations as usual, and in this case, that expectation is the one of closure that one typically gets in a murder mystery, but surely Hitchcock knew that no explanation, no matter how much of an expert the one delivering it, is going to create any kind of clarity or insight into what came before. The fact that the psychiatrist is so self-satisfied and smug in his delivery makes the scene all the more comically rewarding. Norman, like most serial killers, is so complex and mystifying that even attempting to create sound theories to explain his psychology would seem like a lost cause. This is why I never understood the need for all of the sequels, tv shows, series, etc. (although I do think Psycho 2 is an excellent film that subverts expectations in an entirely different way).

    • @iansharp7422
      @iansharp7422 3 роки тому

      i thought Psycho was fine even if the first half was better and I still think it stands up as his best movie or at least in his best three. Totally disagreed with the take on Joker and Suspiria as well but each to their own..........

  • @gregthenotacowboysfan
    @gregthenotacowboysfan 3 роки тому +1

    Do you follow critical drinker? Y’all both speak about movies very similar I love it y’all both go very in depth

  • @RykComerford
    @RykComerford 3 роки тому +3

    Wonder Woman 1984 is the most recent big disappointment of something I was looking forward to, because I loved the first one, and absolutely hated the sequel. Everything about it. The 1 or 2 minutes of humor from Chris Pine discovering the modern world did not make up for the 2+ hours rest of it.

    • @ghenry4513
      @ghenry4513 3 роки тому +1

      @@christopherrobin361 Gadot is cute, but not gorgeous. She has a good enough look and is attractive, but gorgeous is a stretch.

    • @RykComerford
      @RykComerford 3 роки тому

      @@ghenry4513 Most Gal Gadot fans think she's gorgeous. She was a model before Fast & Furious & don't think she was hired for her acting skills for that. Most of her acting jobs prioritize her looks.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +1

      @@RykComerford I fell in love with her the first time I saw her in F&F. honestly I thought she was Asian.

    • @ghenry4513
      @ghenry4513 3 роки тому +1

      @@RykComerford There are so many "models" and some are just cute like her, not gorgeous. Go to a cattle call audition or tv show set and everyone is a model. Gorgeous is a word like many today used too loosely and thrown around too much, most aren't even known actresses. But as far as actresses, Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek in her prime, Carmen Electra, maybe Brooke Burke in her prime, etc. are a few examples. There' nothing wrong with being only cute, though, she looks good.

    • @RykComerford
      @RykComerford 3 роки тому

      @@ghenry4513 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But IMO thinking Cruz & Hayek are prettier than Gadot is probably a minority POV.
      As far as Latina actresses ago, Starz TV show Vida & upcoming In The Heights star Melissa Barrera (from Mexico) is a world class beauty.

  • @hoibsh21
    @hoibsh21 3 роки тому +3

    And now they will do an origin story of The Penguin. Beware: Noses will be bitten.

    • @robbiekop7
      @robbiekop7 3 роки тому +2

      If Morgan Freeman narrates it in going for sure 👌

  • @nerychristian
    @nerychristian 3 роки тому +2

    The most disappointing movie with an awesome trailer: Terminator Salvation

    • @DirtMaguirk
      @DirtMaguirk 3 роки тому +1

      Should have been the 3rd movie and better excuted. Prefered if the war was darker as portrayed in the first two titles.

  • @davidellis5141
    @davidellis5141 3 роки тому +2

    The original 1997 Funny Games is an intense , innovative & fantastic film. The scene by scene remake in 2007 done by the same Director is absolutely , horrifically awful.

    • @suspirialove
      @suspirialove 3 роки тому

      You need to look up the story behind it haha its hilarious

    • @whineycracker1976
      @whineycracker1976 3 роки тому

      I really don't understand the difference. They are both brilliant and the performances alone in the remake make it worth watching. What are your thoughts on the distinction between the two maybe I need to re-watch both again. Also, I could be wrong, but the film seems more targeted for Americans since, we seem to be ones who churn out and consume the most hackneyed, gratuitously violent, and morally bankrupt films than anybody. Haneke took the idea from the headlines, I believe it was a well-to-do family in New England.

  • @robiu013
    @robiu013 3 роки тому +1

    i just wrote down my opinion about the Joker while listening to the Psycho bit and a few seconds after pressing the comment button this guy's tweet is read out about the Joker, that basically perfectly encapsulated what I wrote myself, lol.

  • @TheFourthWinchester
    @TheFourthWinchester 3 роки тому +1

    Most disappointing movie was Soul. Everyone keeps praising it to high heavens and there I kept thinking how that man is a genuinely evil person who destroyed a pure soul and belittled her for his own gain. Worst Disney-Pixar movie ever.

  • @Andrew_Thannen
    @Andrew_Thannen 3 роки тому +1

    I totally agree with your thoughts on what Star Wars has become today. In some ways I honestly do hold the prequels in a higher regard than the sequels. Yes, they are bad, but at least you can tell there was a clear plan, which is something definitely lacking with the sequel trilogy; especially in The Rise of Skywalker, which feels like 2 or 3 films jammed into one. Also, if you thought the propaganda was bad in Force Awakens, get ready for the Finn and Rose subplot in The Last Jedi.

  • @ferashdaib7674
    @ferashdaib7674 7 місяців тому

    M. Night Shyamalan's Glass, I was so hyped to see this movie but when I watched I was so disappointed, nothing made sense, out of logic, is like a novel writer all sudden hated the characters he created and wanted to destroy them, pissed me pissed off because this movie made me like The Unbreakable less

  • @hakeemsesay15
    @hakeemsesay15 3 роки тому +1

    I hope you see this but is there any chance you will watch “ The father “ I love that movie and it be cool if you got to review. Even if you tank on it lol

  • @michaeldonovan4793
    @michaeldonovan4793 Рік тому

    Agree with everything except Psycho- Hitchkock's finest film..

  • @BackDoorFlush
    @BackDoorFlush 3 роки тому +1

    I randomly watched your deathproof review and then this, really cool, one more subscriber cheers !

  • @Entertainment-hq5rt
    @Entertainment-hq5rt 3 роки тому +2

    Joker just tries too hard to be 'Taxi Driver'. It just doesn't work. It is technically brilliant but just ends up being a revenge story.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому +3

      and Network and King of Comedy and . .

    • @Entertainment-hq5rt
      @Entertainment-hq5rt 3 роки тому +1

      @@NaughtyVampireGod definitely. Never thought about Network though. That posh scene from Joker irked the fuck out of me

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@Entertainment-hq5rt Yeah. You know the Network scene right. JOKER SPOILER. Right after the studio shooting when the camera broke away and you see the bank of monitors. that was exactly the Network conclusion. Hadn't read anything but when I watched Joker at home I yelled out "Network!" right away. So, what's the 'posh scene" exactly . . ?

    • @Entertainment-hq5rt
      @Entertainment-hq5rt 3 роки тому +2

      @@NaughtyVampireGod in joker pheonix imitates a great moment from Taxi driver where Bickle puts his fingers on his temple and says " posh" thrice. They literally ripped it of.

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      @@Entertainment-hq5rt Ok thanks. Yeah. A lot is taken from mid 70's classics. Death Wish as well. I think Joker is even SET in the mid 1970's basically right? .

  • @simonaguilar3646
    @simonaguilar3646 3 роки тому +7

    The Force Awakens is a total clunker, I can't believe the good reviews it still gets.

    • @simonaguilar3646
      @simonaguilar3646 3 роки тому

      @Tom Ffrench The movie has no story, and whatever story it does have makes no sense. Poorly written, poorly acted, too many dumb jokes, too much cgi.. I guess we have different definitions of "competent."

  • @AtticTapes14
    @AtticTapes14 2 роки тому

    Force awakens was a cool good popcorn movie. Two sequels are kinda not as good

  • @JosephCh-n1f
    @JosephCh-n1f 7 місяців тому

    me with 2001; a space odyssey

  • @bigby2k
    @bigby2k 2 роки тому

    Licorice Pizza was a major let down.

  • @Acesman12345
    @Acesman12345 3 роки тому +1

    Land of the Dead is easily #1 on my list

  • @matthewbishop8395
    @matthewbishop8395 3 роки тому +1

    Live By Night

  • @richardrichardson8968
    @richardrichardson8968 3 роки тому +1

    just wanted to say i love your videos. your point of view is so refreshing and i will admit i havent watched a lot of the movies you discuss. but the way you talk about them is so captivating and interesting. my boyfriend and i love hearing your point of view on things. you’re just entertaining and you make really great videos. thank you

    • @NaughtyVampireGod
      @NaughtyVampireGod 3 роки тому

      she doesn't try to sound like a freakin professional critic and that makes all the difference

  • @ed1rko17
    @ed1rko17 3 роки тому +9

    The 2018 Suspiria is a stone cold masterpiece and one of the best films of the 21st century. Luca Guadagnino is a true artist unlike anyone else making films today. He's simply better than all of them.

    • @thefilmseeker
      @thefilmseeker 3 роки тому +3

      *Denis Villeneuve has entered the chat*

    • @matthewbishop8395
      @matthewbishop8395 3 роки тому

      Luca is great PTA is the best though

    • @thefilmseeker
      @thefilmseeker 3 роки тому

      @@christopherrobin361 Quit the cap.

    • @ed1rko17
      @ed1rko17 3 роки тому +1

      @@thefilmseeker I agree that Denis Villeneuve is also making true art on a grand scale. I see Suspiria and Blade Runner 2049 as very similar movies in the way that they handled these iconic properties, and made these weird art house movies on a huge scale.

    • @thefilmseeker
      @thefilmseeker 3 роки тому

      @@ed1rko17 Agreed 🤝I'd also personally say that they both vastly improved upon the iconic properties they took over.