1. Faraday bags 2. Solar powered Lamps/Lanterns & battery packs 3. Hand cranked emergency Radios 4. Portable Water Filtration System 5. Non perishable Foods 6. Survival guides & Reference Materials 7. Medical kit & Hygiene Items 8. Portable Stoves & Cooking Equipment 9. Fire Starters 10. Multi-Tool 11. Self Defense Items (pepper spray & guns) 12. Entertainment There’s a couple of items on this list that I need to get. Thanks
There are quite a bit of prepping books/magazines. You all know about food prepping, buying in bulk, food proof containers, camp coffee pot with coffee grinds, powdered milk(box), spices, SEEDS, tools, sleep bags, tent, bug out bag, boots/extra socks, good gloves(work), generator if one can afford, batteries, head flashlights, flashlights for all, duck tape, extra propane bottles for camp stove, extra charcoal, oil lamps with extra oil and extra WICKS, barter items(cig/alcohol), extra gas for car, medicine, vitamin a supplements, WATER(bottled), food a needs for PETS, all your important papers and documents(fire proof box?) ready to go(extra copies), photo identification of your children a birth certificates, ready cash in small denominations, include coins, know how to turn off water and gas mains and shut down electricity, fire extinguishers?, all doors and windows have working locks, Manual can opener, extra reading prescription glasses, handi wipes a garbage bags for personal sanitation, extra hygiene products for women, paper and pencils. Place sleeping bags and spare clothing in plastic garbage bags(one for each family member). Keep your pets collar w current address a updated(keep a bug out bag pack ready for them containing all items they will need to survive away from home(leash, extra collar, 4/7 day worth of food water, feeding bowl, blanket, crate. Photograph your pet in case it get lost!!!!! Know what hotel will accept pets! Jumper cables, flares, protein bars, and I highly recommend a Preppers Survival Pantry Handbook and Preppers Medical Manual Handbook. BIBLE🙏
Great list I've got most of the list already bagged and tagged in storage , thank you for sharing we just don't know what might happen here soon if any , but it's best to be as prepared as you can be
@@nephilimivritt8216 the ones I have aren’t this one but I got mine off Amazon they block phone as well as ham radio signal so should do ok , fact is nobody can be sure they will work if a emp would happen but something is better than nothing
First ... go home, secure your property, have a gun on or close at hand ... you should already have spare food and a garden. Don't leave your house, it's your fortress. 😊🇦🇺
You can store hundreds of reference books on board including field medical, medicinal plant guides, survival information and maps along with using the gps and compass. The gps may not work but the compass could. Flashlights and pictures of your family that got vaporized. Lots of stuff can be stored in them.
I'm confused about why anyone would waste space in a faraday bag meant to protect from EMP by cluttering it up with cell phones? It doesn't make any sense to me. They won't work. They would last a few hours without a charge and their only function would be the games that were downloaded on them, or the calculator, which wouldn't really help anyone survive, it would just distract you from impending threats.
You could put a couple of battery banks for your cellphone, your cellphone with tons of downloaded reference material, and a backpackers solar charger in emp proof bags and have an ultra lightweight library. I have an old Android phone that probably has 30 books on it with room for many more.
@whiteprivilegedenier7459 I bought EMP Faraday bags and there not a waste of money or space. Get a solar battery and solar charger put them in a Faraday bag and job done
@@whiteprivilegedenier7459 Cell phones could be a waste in the beginning if all the towers in the emp radius were destroyed, but eventually things would get fixed & you’d have a phone as soon as that happened, or you might be able to travel to an area that still had functioning towers.
@@Battlboxsearch Jonathon Hollerman who sat on those commissions to harden our grid. Great guy. Read Jonathon Hollermans books or go to grid down consulting. Great information.
1.) If your specific electronics work, but all the other electronics AROUND you that you would otherwise "connect" to are not, what good are your electronics? 2.) Will batteries and solar-powered gadgets survive an EMP?
I read a post on how firefighters charge their phones when away. You need nine volt battery, a ball point pen, tape, 12 volt adopter with cord. The pens springy wire piece is what you will need from Pen. I’ll try to find directions and post.
You won't, and a solar flare is more likely than an attack by far. Maybe you will be informed by the enemy over the devices that will no longer work after the attack.
So we have to have a second cell phone and a second laptop who can afford that plus you have to have your cell phone paid for and have the service already installed. That means you’ll have to pay for two cell phone service is going at once. Sounds crazy expensive
I bought a rugged cell phone just in case for a EMP put in a Faraday bag Prepping is no cheap thing but you can't buy a new life. If you go cheap you but twice
And go ahead and practice making that homemade sourdough bread, canning, freeze drying, ect. You will be glad you did so you will know how and what you need to prep and keep to feed your family.
Honestly, most 'prepping' is psychological salve, just like the oxygen masks on a plane during an emergency. They look good, the pure oxygen gets you high to make death easier, but are ultimately useless.
The only problem I have with a faraday bag is, how are you gonna keep all of your electronic crap in it, when you have to use it? Which is pretty much most of the time.
Are you talking about a car? I don't think it'll matter what car you have if the grid goes down. How are you gonna pump your gas? You'd have to siphon from standstill cars on the road, and I feel like just having a working car in times like that will just make you a target when literally nobody else has a working one lol
These bags would not do much against high altitude nuclear blast: the amount of energy released is no typical jammer device. Next up: solar devices - they’re 100% french fries - every piece of metal, every little cable gets overcharged & fried, solar equipment is no exception just bcs it has a panel on top does not mean other parts are magically immune & working. Batteries would become live thermal grenades at the time of explosion, so to stash them might be the worst kind of idea for this event. Radio is self-explanatory: with stations down, even with all their advanced countermeasures, how would U expect a tiny radio to survive, not to even say work? Water filters are the first good idea 👍 Canned & other long shelf-life types of food are a no brainer, but good luck having enough for everyone to last for months, maybe even years… better prepare to hunt & fish straight away, as You’re on Your move to place untouched by EMP before others/before they close borders with You due to overwhelming population influx. Don’t plan to be stationary/packing enormous amounts of food rather than riches/jewelry/arms. Better buy some gold & prep for fighting/stealing/hunting for food in real time while on the run ;)
I hear A LOT of people complaining about battle box and saying it’s a rip off and that customer service is non existent. Anyone have any input? I just signed up so I hope it isn’t true.
Some of the best customer service I’ve experienced. Twice in the last two years I’ve had a defective item in my box, most recently in the one just delivered. I contacted them and in less than 24 hours they had a replacement on the way. Doesn’t get much better, IMO.
@@BigRed56 Not at all. I have been consistently pleased with the contents, and often follow up with additional purchases either from BattlBox or the manufacturer. For instance, after seeing the body wipes in the last Mission I promptly ordered two full boxes. The only item that didn’t work for me was the sleeping bag. It was too small, so I sold it to a friend.
Personally, I refuse to hand my money over to a business that uses the stupid "Someone in Kansas bought the donkey shitter a few minutes ago" pop-ups on their website.
Ummm ☝️ if there was an EMP, how would your phone work if the cell towers are down & internet is down. You can’t call or text anyone, except play games if that.
The EMP [assuming it was from the solar flare first] will only target a broad area, not the entire earth. And its not going to be a blanket , there will be gaps and it comes down to chance. A state could be zapped entirely, or just a few cities, or even just one big central city. Satellites also orbit the earth, so we can also assume a few survived on the opposite of earth, orbit around and then send and recieve signals . Itd just be very low data and very slow given the distance. Cell towers are just big radios that connect devices to a network. And some are highly resistant to emps And even without a network, access to some information will be crucial and gps can get you to a safe spot.
@@snakaku who said I was worried about my phone? I was commenting on the video about using your electronic equipment after an EMP. I never said anything about me using a phone. You need to learn to read my friend.
Android phones and some iPhones give you basic maps, gps, e books, music, time, torch all kinds of stuff. Cell towers will also probably be one of the first things re built but phones themselves will be hard to come by.
What's the point of a faraday bag if the EMP is going to wipe out all electricity. What are you going to do pull your phone out the faraday bag after an EMP and try to make a call to someone, HOW ? If all electricity is down after an EMP then how are you going to make a call to someone if theirs no cell service. Remember If an EMP does happen then it could effect the satellite's also depends on how strong the pulse is. Remember an EMP will be random so how are you going to put your phone or device in the faraday bag before an EMP happens and hope someone else across the world did the same thing. What are you going to do have a back you phone with another cell-plan for emergencies and hope someone across the world is thinking the same way you are. Not everyone has solar powered device to help them through an EMP and trust me you don't want to be the only house in the neighborhood with your lights on. Lets just say that you are a prepared citizen and you knew that an EMP was going to happen before it happens and you put all your devices in your faraday bays before hand you warned your friends and family before it happens too. Then boom the EMP strikes everything turns black in your neighborhood and city. Then your try to turn on the TV but you can't because of the EMP then you have to remember even if the TV did work then then how would you get the news if all the LOCAL TV news station have no power in the buildings. Then your try to find your family and friends in the dark because the EMP strikes at night time. You start to hear screams and shouting in the distance from outside your home, now everyone in your home is starting to panic because no one has experience nothing like this before. Then you remembered that you have prepared for this exact event because you have a hand cranked radio and a cellphone and a satellite phone in a faraday bag. Remember that there is no city back up power or no hand held flash lights because it's an EMP event and lets hope all your preps and not behind an electrical door because you won't be able to get to it unless you have a key, assuming it takes a key. Now you have found your faraday bag by luck in complete darkness and you pull out your hand crank radio and start cranking it LOL but you remember that this is stupid because even if you did get power LOL🤣 THEIR IS NO POWER IN THE CITY AND NO SIGNAL BECAUSE OF THE EMP.. Then your pull your phone out of the faraday back then you power it on and you get excited but then you look at the signal bars and there's none. So you try the good ole satellite phone ok so you have training with this device and you know that you will get the best (SIGNAL🤣) if you go outside and climb on your roof and point it at the sky so you try this BUT THEN YOUR HEART STOPS The EMP took out the satellite's. So now you can't contact other preppers or family and friends and you can't find out what's happening on the news because of the EMP. Let's say you prepared with your family and friends and neighbors about this exact event years ahead of time and you somehow find each other and start talking and trying to figure out a plan of action. Since there is no news then you will have to take someone else'e word for what is happening. Electrical components may not work for your electrical solar powered device. Just cause they are solar, it doesn't mean that are not electrical devices. An EMP could effect all electrical device on earth and out of space. But let's say your cell phone and satellite phone and your car survives 🤔 for how long🤔. We don't no if the EMP was caused by hackers and the problem could be worse than it appears to be. Have you seen the movie (Leave the World Behind) it came out in 2023 with Ethan Hawke Kevin Bacon and more. It could be a combination of hackers causing the EMP attack. You can prep and train ahead of time for SHTF but 99.999999999999999999999% will panic and mentally break after and during a real SHTF/APOCALYPTIC/EMP/NUCLEAR WAR event because most people in the world haven't experience nothing like that before. This is probably the longest comment in history but this was really to target the faraday bag and solar powered devices but everything else on this was spot on👍
Ok so this list really doesnt make sense. All the solar items would also be dead, including the hand crank radio. EMP sends high voltage static charge through electronics. Even the solar light has a micro controller telling it when to charge and not charge, all that crap will be dead unless its protected.
Only one item is required and that is a very close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, if u on the fence one foot in the world and one foot with the Lord u r in deep trouble and u better take this mans advice!
I would say you begin with a relationship with Jesus Christ, but faith without works is dead. Have that faith in Jesus for wisdom in knowing how and what to prepare. He told Joseph to prepare, not to just pray and hope for the best!
1. Faraday bags
2. Solar powered Lamps/Lanterns & battery packs
3. Hand cranked emergency Radios
4. Portable Water Filtration System
5. Non perishable Foods
6. Survival guides & Reference Materials
7. Medical kit & Hygiene Items
8. Portable Stoves & Cooking Equipment
9. Fire Starters
10. Multi-Tool
11. Self Defense Items (pepper spray & guns)
12. Entertainment
There’s a couple of items on this list that I need to get.
Great list
Thank you.
Candles. Notepads. Pencils. Tinfoil (warmth / insoles etc)
videos like this i love watching, always learning more and more.
Cool can't wait.
There are quite a bit of prepping books/magazines. You all know about food prepping, buying in bulk, food proof containers, camp coffee pot with coffee grinds, powdered milk(box), spices, SEEDS, tools, sleep bags, tent, bug out bag, boots/extra socks, good gloves(work), generator if one can afford, batteries, head flashlights, flashlights for all, duck tape, extra propane bottles for camp stove, extra charcoal, oil lamps with extra oil and extra WICKS, barter items(cig/alcohol), extra gas for car, medicine, vitamin a supplements, WATER(bottled), food a needs for PETS, all your important papers and documents(fire proof box?) ready to go(extra copies), photo identification of your children a birth certificates, ready cash in small denominations, include coins, know how to turn off water and gas mains and shut down electricity, fire extinguishers?, all doors and windows have working locks, Manual can opener, extra reading prescription glasses, handi wipes a garbage bags for personal sanitation, extra hygiene products for women, paper and pencils. Place sleeping bags and spare clothing in plastic garbage bags(one for each family member). Keep your pets collar w current address a updated(keep a bug out bag pack ready for them containing all items they will need to survive away from home(leash, extra collar, 4/7 day worth of food water, feeding bowl, blanket, crate. Photograph your pet in case it get lost!!!!! Know what hotel will accept pets! Jumper cables, flares, protein bars, and I highly recommend a Preppers Survival Pantry Handbook and Preppers Medical Manual Handbook. BIBLE🙏
Excellent list. Very thorough. You really did your homework, Friend. 😊👍
Bible should have been first, but excellent list.
Great list I've got most of the list already bagged and tagged in storage , thank you for sharing we just don't know what might happen here soon if any , but it's best to be as prepared as you can be
dont suppose you got that bag theyre talking about and know where i can pick one up
@@nephilimivritt8216just google faraday bags
@@nephilimivritt8216EMP Doctor has those bags.
Ready Hour has those bags
@@nephilimivritt8216 the ones I have aren’t this one but I got mine off Amazon they block phone as well as ham radio signal so should do ok , fact is nobody can be sure they will work if a emp would happen but something is better than nothing
Great video! Thanks buddy!
First ... go home, secure your property, have a gun on or close at hand ... you should already have spare food and a garden. Don't leave your house, it's your fortress. 😊🇦🇺
what good is a cell phone if there are no towers?
You can store hundreds of reference books on board including field medical, medicinal plant guides, survival information and maps along with using the gps and compass. The gps may not work but the compass could. Flashlights and pictures of your family that got vaporized. Lots of stuff can be stored in them.
Perfect timing 👍
Oh no, what happpened? *Nervously packs get-away pack*
blast from this past movie
So what your saying is we need all of the missions... ;) Gotcha
Good info
I'm confused... all of these LED equipped items have circuit boards in them so wouldn't they not work either?
I'm guessing you would put them in the Faraday bag to protect them
I'm confused about why anyone would waste space in a faraday bag meant to protect from EMP by cluttering it up with cell phones? It doesn't make any sense to me. They won't work. They would last a few hours without a charge and their only function would be the games that were downloaded on them, or the calculator, which wouldn't really help anyone survive, it would just distract you from impending threats.
You could put a couple of battery banks for your cellphone, your cellphone with tons of downloaded reference material, and a backpackers solar charger in emp proof bags and have an ultra lightweight library. I have an old Android phone that probably has 30 books on it with room for many more.
@whiteprivilegedenier7459 I bought EMP Faraday bags and there not a waste of money or space. Get a solar battery and solar charger put them in a Faraday bag and job done
@@whiteprivilegedenier7459 Cell phones could be a waste in the beginning if all the towers in the emp radius were destroyed, but eventually things would get fixed & you’d have a phone as soon as that happened, or you might be able to travel to an area that still had functioning towers.
I keep a spot x and a ATN thermal monocular in EMP barrier bags in my pack just in case of this particular Emergency
The time to be prepared was yesterday.
I am from Brasil and i love your videos.
got a question the people on a plane when something like that happens do they survive or the whole plane will go down ?
i would like to know where i can find one of those SLNT Farada Bags at ?
you can get them here: www.battlbox.com/products/slnt-faraday-dry-bag-2-5-liter/?
Just put it in a box and wrap it in Aluminum foil.
@@Battlboxsearch Jonathon Hollerman who sat on those commissions to harden our grid. Great guy. Read Jonathon Hollermans books or go to grid down consulting. Great information.
Solar powered stuff could still get fried in emp?
Put it in a Faraday bag
Would a not in use solar panel be damaged from an EMP?
I wouldn’t risk it. Puy it in a Faraday bag
1.) If your specific electronics work, but all the other electronics AROUND you that you would otherwise "connect" to are not, what good are your electronics?
2.) Will batteries and solar-powered gadgets survive an EMP?
Put them in a Faraday bag
Product are not appering for sale on given links anymore. Any update?
you can find them at our website -> Battlbox.com
I read a post on how firefighters charge their phones when away. You need nine volt battery, a ball point pen, tape, 12 volt adopter with cord. The pens springy wire piece is what you will need from
Pen. I’ll try to find directions and post.
How would you know when an emp attack is going to happen?
Because the FBi said so a couple days ago, look up chinese hackers 2027
Emp attack coming in 2027
You’ll never know… Shite happens
You don't so always stay prepared
You won't, and a solar flare is more likely than an attack by far. Maybe you will be informed by the enemy over the devices that will no longer work after the attack.
So we have to have a second cell phone and a second laptop who can afford that plus you have to have your cell phone paid for and have the service already installed. That means you’ll have to pay for two cell phone service is going at once. Sounds crazy expensive
I bought a rugged cell phone just in case for a EMP put in a Faraday bag
Prepping is no cheap thing but you can't buy a new life. If you go cheap you but twice
Ridiculous suggestion.
And go ahead and practice making that homemade sourdough bread, canning, freeze drying, ect. You will be glad you did so you will know how and what you need to prep and keep to feed your family.
Honestly, most 'prepping' is psychological salve, just like the oxygen masks on a plane during an emergency. They look good, the pure oxygen gets you high to make death easier, but are ultimately useless.
The only problem I have with a faraday bag is, how are you gonna keep all of your electronic crap in it, when you have to use it? Which is pretty much most of the time.
Good thing my old 4x4 won’t die in case of an EMP
Are you talking about a car? I don't think it'll matter what car you have if the grid goes down. How are you gonna pump your gas? You'd have to siphon from standstill cars on the road, and I feel like just having a working car in times like that will just make you a target when literally nobody else has a working one lol
@@sunset6958 that’s why you prepare and stay away from people and be ready to protect yourself
@@sunset6958preppers carry emergency gas and a car is only needed to drive to a bug out location
You missed the Bible, rosaries, holy water☺️🙏
These bags would not do much against high altitude nuclear blast: the amount of energy released is no typical jammer device.
Next up: solar devices - they’re 100% french fries - every piece of metal, every little cable gets overcharged & fried, solar equipment is no exception just bcs it has a panel on top does not mean other parts are magically immune & working.
Batteries would become live thermal grenades at the time of explosion, so to stash them might be the worst kind of idea for this event.
Radio is self-explanatory: with stations down, even with all their advanced countermeasures, how would U expect a tiny radio to survive, not to even say work?
Water filters are the first good idea 👍
Canned & other long shelf-life types of food are a no brainer, but good luck having enough for everyone to last for months, maybe even years… better prepare to hunt & fish straight away, as You’re on Your move to place untouched by EMP before others/before they close borders with You due to overwhelming population influx. Don’t plan to be stationary/packing enormous amounts of food rather than riches/jewelry/arms.
Better buy some gold & prep for fighting/stealing/hunting for food in real time while on the run ;)
I hear A LOT of people complaining about battle box and saying it’s a rip off and that customer service is non existent. Anyone have any input? I just signed up so I hope it isn’t true.
Some of the best customer service I’ve experienced. Twice in the last two years I’ve had a defective item in my box, most recently in the one just delivered. I contacted them and in less than 24 hours they had a replacement on the way. Doesn’t get much better, IMO.
@@SandyVos2012 that’s good to know, little bit of piece of mind I suppose. Has the quality of the products in the box gone down at all?
@@BigRed56 Not at all. I have been consistently pleased with the contents, and often follow up with additional purchases either from BattlBox or the manufacturer. For instance, after seeing the body wipes in the last Mission I promptly ordered two full boxes. The only item that didn’t work for me was the sleeping bag. It was too small, so I sold it to a friend.
@@SandyVos2012 this makes me feel better. Thanks for your input
Personally, I refuse to hand my money over to a business that uses the stupid "Someone in Kansas bought the donkey shitter a few minutes ago" pop-ups on their website.
Ummm ☝️ if there was an EMP, how would your phone work if the cell towers are down & internet is down. You can’t call or text anyone, except play games if that.
The EMP [assuming it was from the solar flare first] will only target a broad area, not the entire earth.
And its not going to be a blanket , there will be gaps and it comes down to chance.
A state could be zapped entirely, or just a few cities, or even just one big central city.
Satellites also orbit the earth, so we can also assume a few survived on the opposite of earth, orbit around and then send and recieve signals . Itd just be very low data and very slow given the distance.
Cell towers are just big radios that connect devices to a network. And some are highly resistant to emps
And even without a network, access to some information will be crucial and gps can get you to a safe spot.
@@snakaku what’s going on around the word, the EMP I’m talking about will be from China or Russia.
@@iiinsaiii your first worry should be avoiding more damage then instead of phones.
@@snakaku who said I was worried about my phone? I was commenting on the video about using your electronic equipment after an EMP. I never said anything about me using a phone. You need to learn to read my friend.
Android phones and some iPhones give you basic maps, gps, e books, music, time, torch all kinds of stuff. Cell towers will also probably be one of the first things re built but phones themselves will be hard to come by.
EMPs destroy all fine electronics, that includes your solar lights, chargers and just about anything that is electric today.
Put them in a Faraday bag
Be ready it will come
Phones etc won’t be useful they won’t have the towers and how would a radio work if they can’t use there electric
Battery or wind up radios.
What's the point of a faraday bag if the EMP is going to wipe out all electricity. What are you going to do pull your phone out the faraday bag after an EMP and try to make a call to someone, HOW ? If all electricity is down after an EMP then how are you going to make a call to someone if theirs no cell service. Remember If an EMP does happen then it could effect the satellite's also depends on how strong the pulse is. Remember an EMP will be random so how are you going to put your phone or device in the faraday bag before an EMP happens and hope someone else across the world did the same thing. What are you going to do have a back you phone with another cell-plan for emergencies and hope someone across the world is thinking the same way you are. Not everyone has solar powered device to help them through an EMP and trust me you don't want to be the only house in the neighborhood with your lights on.
Lets just say that you are a prepared citizen and you knew that an EMP was going to happen before it happens and you put all your devices in your faraday bays before hand you warned your friends and family before it happens too. Then boom the EMP strikes everything turns black in your neighborhood and city. Then your try to turn on the TV but you can't because of the EMP then you have to remember even if the TV did work then then how would you get the news if all the LOCAL TV news station have no power in the buildings. Then your try to find your family and friends in the dark because the EMP strikes at night time. You start to hear screams and shouting in the distance from outside your home, now everyone in your home is starting to panic because no one has experience nothing like this before. Then you remembered that you have prepared for this exact event because you have a hand cranked radio and a cellphone and a satellite phone in a faraday bag. Remember that there is no city back up power or no hand held flash lights because it's an EMP event and lets hope all your preps and not behind an electrical door because you won't be able to get to it unless you have a key, assuming it takes a key. Now you have found your faraday bag by luck in complete darkness and you pull out your hand crank radio and start cranking it LOL but you remember that this is stupid because even if you did get power LOL🤣 THEIR IS NO POWER IN THE CITY AND NO SIGNAL BECAUSE OF THE EMP.. Then your pull your phone out of the faraday back then you power it on and you get excited but then you look at the signal bars and there's none. So you try the good ole satellite phone ok so you have training with this device and you know that you will get the best (SIGNAL🤣) if you go outside and climb on your roof and point it at the sky so you try this BUT THEN YOUR HEART STOPS The EMP took out the satellite's. So now you can't contact other preppers or family and friends and you can't find out what's happening on the news because of the EMP. Let's say you prepared with your family and friends and neighbors about this exact event years ahead of time and you somehow find each other and start talking and trying to figure out a plan of action. Since there is no news then you will have to take someone else'e word for what is happening. Electrical components may not work for your electrical solar powered device. Just cause they are solar, it doesn't mean that are not electrical devices. An EMP could effect all electrical device on earth and out of space. But let's say your cell phone and satellite phone and your car survives 🤔 for how long🤔. We don't no if the EMP was caused by hackers and the problem could be worse than it appears to be. Have you seen the movie (Leave the World Behind) it came out in 2023 with Ethan Hawke Kevin Bacon and more. It could be a combination of hackers causing the EMP attack. You can prep and train ahead of time for SHTF but 99.999999999999999999999% will panic and mentally break after and during a real SHTF/APOCALYPTIC/EMP/NUCLEAR WAR event because most people in the world haven't experience nothing like that before.
This is probably the longest comment in history but this was really to target the faraday bag and solar powered devices but everything else on this was spot on👍
Put all your solar devices in the EMP Bag problem solved.
Also phones could somehow still be useful idk how. And not all satalites remain down.
Books on Foraging
On your way home never trust anyone or talk. Keep your vehicle equipped or a small bag with you
So, you basically have to have items that you never use always in a faraday bag. Always. Except when you’re charging all that crap up.
Yes you got it :D
Ok so this list really doesnt make sense. All the solar items would also be dead, including the hand crank radio. EMP sends high voltage static charge through electronics. Even the solar light has a micro controller telling it when to charge and not charge, all that crap will be dead unless its protected.
@@awidesigns then protect them🤦🏻♂️
Solar powered devices are EMP resistant?
#1thing to know.....How to make a fire.
Prepping comes from our lord Jesus christ.
Excuse me.... Buying that protective bag won't be any good, if you're using your phone at the time.
All of this gear is trash in a emp event. Enough said. Food yes water yes, that gear no
I disagree
Who are you going to call if nobody else has their phones in a Faraday Bag?
Learn how to map the stars to where you need to go etc. we won’t have light pollution
Emp attack coming soon in the year 2027 FBi basically said so . Look up "Chinese hackers 2027"
Bro what? That will bot hapoen in first 6 hours. More like the first week
Only one item is required and that is a very close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, if u on the fence one foot in the world and one foot with the Lord u r in deep trouble and u better take this mans advice!
Go home, Dad. You're drunk again.
@danielbortnes9646, ... Agreed. YHWH is The Creator of everything. He is the source of everything. Keep your bible close and Christ Jesus closer.
I would say you begin with a relationship with Jesus Christ, but faith without works is dead. Have that faith in Jesus for wisdom in knowing how and what to prepare. He told Joseph to prepare, not to just pray and hope for the best!
I've been able to say Electromagnetic field radiation since 10. I've seen shit.
The government don’t give two shits about any of us they not coming🤣
An AI voice telling us how to survive an EMP. No thanks Skynet.
The computer voice was weird
Spolier : 90% of us are ded and screwed , just hope it doesn't happen
Maybe your dead, speak for yourself
All I got to say is a country gal can survive