தர்காவுக்கு செல்வது இஸ்லாத்தில் சரியா?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @rahmatharsad4029
    @rahmatharsad4029 8 місяців тому +20

    ஆலிம்கள் அனைவரும் இந்த உரையை கேட்டு மற்றவர்களுக்கு விளக்கம் கொடுக்க வேண்டும்

  • @b.safeekmuhammed9563
    @b.safeekmuhammed9563 7 місяців тому +22

    இவர் மிகவும் விபரம் தெரிந்தவர்.இவர் சொல்வது முற்றிலும் உண்மையே.

    • @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk
      @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk 4 місяці тому


    • @user-bz8qq6qd6p
      @user-bz8qq6qd6p Місяць тому

      ​@@HanifaFarahath-ig7dkநீரும் டர்கா வழிபாடு பன்னுபவரா . தயவு chaithu திருந்தி கொள்ளுங்கள். இறைவனுக்கு இணை வைப்பவர் சுவர்க்கம் நுழைய மாட்டார்கள்

  • @b.safeekmuhammed9563
    @b.safeekmuhammed9563 7 місяців тому +31

    இவர் மிகவும் விபரம் தெரிந்தவர்கள் ,சிறந்த கல்வியாளர்இவர் சொல்வது முற்றிலும் உண்மையை.

    • @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk
      @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk 4 місяці тому

      ஷைத்தானூம் மலக்குகளுக்கெல்லாம் உஸ்தாது அவளவு இல்ம்

  • @mubeenaabith
    @mubeenaabith 8 місяців тому +15

    மாஷா அல்லாஹ் நல்ல விளக்கம் குரானில் இருக்கிறது தான் அவர் சொல்லி இருக்காரு தர்கா வழிபாடு கூடாது ஏன் அப்படின்னா அல்லாஹ் தன் திருமறை குர்ஆனில் சொல்லும் போது இணைவைப்பு பெரும் பாவமாகும் அவர்கள் மிக வெகுதூர வழிகேட்டில் இருக்கிறாங்க அவர்களெல்லாம் மன்னிக்கவே மாட்டேன் குர்ஆனில் அல்லாஹுத்தஆலா சொல்லி காட்டுறான்
    நபியே என் அடியார்கள் என்னைப்பற்றி உம்மிடம் கேட்டால் நான் அவர்களுக்கு அருகில் இருக்கிறேன் என்னிடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்தால் அவர் பிரார்த்தனைக்கு நான் பதில் அளிக்கிறேன் பிடரி நரம்புக்கும் மிக அருகில் இருக்கிறேன் என்று கூறுவீராக அப்ப அல்லாஹுத்தஆலா சொல்றான் என்கிட்ட பிரார்த்தனை செய்ங்க நான் பதில் அளிக்கிறேன் அப்ப எதுக்கு தர்காவுக்கு போய் நீங்க அவுலியா கிட்ட கேக்கணும் சொல்லல அவுலியாக்கள் யாரு நல்லடியார்கள் اَمْوَاتٌ غَيْرُ اَحْيَآءٍ‌ وَمَا يَشْعُرُوْنَ اَيَّانَ يُبْعَثُوْنَ‏
    அவர்கள் இறந்தவர்களே-உயிருள்ளவர்களல்லர்; மேலும், எப்பொழுது எழுப்பப்படுவார்கள் என்பதையும் அவர்கள் அறியமாட்டார்கள்.
    (அல்குர்ஆன் : 16:21)
    ஆனா அவர்கள் இறந்துட்டாங்க இறந்தவர்கள் செவியேற்க மாட்டார்கள் பதிலளிக்க மாட்டார்கள் என்று அல்லாஹ் குர்ஆனில் சொல்லிக் காட்டுகிறான் அப்படி இருக்க நீங்க கேட்கக்கூடிய பிரார்த்தனைக்கு அவங்க எப்படி பதிலளிப்பார்கள் கொஞ்சம் சிந்தித்து நீங்க இந்த குர்ஆனை விளங்குங்கள் அல்லாஹ் கேட்பான்
    47 வது அத்தியாயம் 24 வது வசனம் இந்த குர்ஆனை நீங்கள் சிந்திக்க மாட்டீர்களா உங்கள் இதயங்களில் பூட்டு போட்டு இருக்குதா என்று அல்லாஹ் கேட்கிறான்
    அப்போ இந்த குர்ஆனை சிந்திக்க சொல்றான் குர்ஆனில் என்ன சொல்றான் பாருங்க நீங்க சிந்திச்சு பாருங்க

    • @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk
      @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk 4 місяці тому

      எல்லாம் சரிதான் தர்காவிற்க்கு போவது ஷிர்கா

  • @lankalanka3446
    @lankalanka3446 6 місяців тому +11

    மாஷா அல்லாஹ் தெளிவான சான்றுகள் 💯✔️💯✔️💯✔️

  • @citymedia7436
    @citymedia7436 8 місяців тому +32

    எல்லா புகழும் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே!
    இவை போன்ற தெளிவான விளக்கங்களை அதிகமதிகம் பரப்பிடல் அவசியம்....

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
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  • @sabusaha9188
    @sabusaha9188 8 місяців тому +26

    தெளிவான அனைவருக்கும் புரியும்படியான விளக்கத்தை சொன்னீர்கள்

  • @mohamedanvarabdulrahman4427
    @mohamedanvarabdulrahman4427 7 місяців тому +12

    நல்ல விளக்கம்...

  • @mdmarjeek4340
    @mdmarjeek4340 8 місяців тому +21

    தர்காவிற்கு செல்லுங்கள் யாரும் உங்களை தடுக்கவில்லை ஆனால் நீங்கள் நரகமும் செல்வீர்கள் என்று நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொண்டு தர்காவிற்கு செல்லுங்கள்❤

    • @Mohamed_Ihlas
      @Mohamed_Ihlas 8 місяців тому +1

      வந்துட்டார் டா அண்ணன் பத்வா கொடுக்குறதுக்கு...ஐயா நீங்க முதல்ல சுவர்க்கம் செல்லுவீங்க என்று எந்த ஜமாஅத்ல சொல்லி இருக்காங்க...

    • @mdmarjeek4340
      @mdmarjeek4340 5 місяців тому

      @@Mohamed_Ihlas யூத, கிறித்தவர்களை அல்லாஹ் சபிப்பானாக! ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் தங்கள் நபிமார்களின் சமாதிகளை வணங்குமிடமாக ஆக்கி விட்டனர் என்று நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) கூறியுள்ளனர்.
      அறிவிப்பவர்: ஆயிஷா (ரலி)
      நூல்: புகாரி 436, 437, 1390, 3454, 4441, 4444, 5816
      இதுக்கு பதில் சொல்லுங்க ப்ரோ

    • @mdmarjeek4340
      @mdmarjeek4340 5 місяців тому +4

      உங்கள் வீடுகளை அடக்கத்தலங்களாக ஆக்காதீர்கள்! மேலும் எனது அடக்கத்தலத்தில் விழா எடுக்காதீர்கள் என்று நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) அவர்கள் கூறினார்கள்.
      அறிவிப்பவர்: அபூஹுரைரா (ரலி)
      நூல்: அபூதாவூத்

    • @mdmarjeek4340
      @mdmarjeek4340 5 місяців тому

      @@Mohamed_Ihlas அவர்களில் நல்லவர் ஒருவர் மரணித்து விட்டால் அவரது அடக்கத்தலத்தில் ஒரு வழிபாட்டுத் தலத்தை எழுப்பிக் கொண்டனர். அவர்களது உருவங்களையும் அதில் செதுக்கிக் கொண்டனர். அல்லாஹ்வின் படைப்புகளிலேயே இவர்கள் தான் மிகவும் கெட்டவர்கள் என்று நபிகள் நாயகம் (ஸல்) கூறினார்கள்.
      அறிவிப்பவர்: ஆயிஷா (ரலி)
      தர்கா வழிபாடு பதில் சொல்லிட்டு போயா😂

    • @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk
      @HanifaFarahath-ig7dk 4 місяці тому

      இறை நேசர்களை சந்திக்க சென்றால் நரகம் போலாம் சொல்கிறாயே மடயா அவர்களின் மூலமாக சொர்க்கமே கிடைக்கும்

  • @riyasarifana782
    @riyasarifana782 8 місяців тому +11

    You said the truth.
    Jazak Allah khair.
    Don't ask from the dead people. Ask who is alive forever he is Only Allah.

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому +1

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
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    • @mohamedrafeek1998
      @mohamedrafeek1998 8 місяців тому

      You are saying against Allah. If you are right then questions in the qabar for whom?

  • @lathatamilarasan9953
    @lathatamilarasan9953 3 місяці тому +3

    அவனை தவிர வேறு யாரும் கிடையாது

  • @mnsiddique598
    @mnsiddique598 8 місяців тому +11

    Alhamdulillah, very good explanation

  • @j.g.mohideenbasha1251
    @j.g.mohideenbasha1251 8 місяців тому +7

    எல்லா புகழும் இறைவனுக்கே~வலிமார்கள் என்பது அல்லாஹ் வால் உயர்ந்த நிலையடைந்தவர்கள் இது நீங்கள் நான் வலிமார்கள் ஆகமுடியாது நம்மின் கடைசி நபி முகமது இவருக்கு பின் நபிகள் இல்லாததால் இந்த வலிமார்கள் தோற்றுவிப்பதும் அல்லாஹ் தான் அவர்கள் ஈமானின் உறுதி நேர்மை உண்மை கொண்டவர்களை அல்லாஹ் வலிமார்கள் ஆக்குகிறார் அதிலும் அவர்கள் ஷைத்தானை கட்டு படுத்தும் சக்தியை கொடுத்து வலிமார்கள் ஆக்குகிறார் ஆமீன்

  • @ahamedsheriff-w3f
    @ahamedsheriff-w3f 6 місяців тому +2

    தர்gaவிற்கு செல்ல கூடது

  • @SathikPpm
    @SathikPpm 4 місяці тому +2

    Allahu Akbar.

  • @farookmohamed6777
    @farookmohamed6777 7 місяців тому +3

    Nalla vilakkam .

  • @mohamedinaya5289
    @mohamedinaya5289 8 місяців тому +8


  • @syedmaricar9946
    @syedmaricar9946 2 місяці тому

    Gives good clear explanation of Deen best of his ability take it or leave it he doesn't have army or political power to enforce it force it down you. He is no charlatan.

  • @mohammedrahmath1239
    @mohammedrahmath1239 8 місяців тому +11

    உலகத்தை படைத்து லட்சக்கணக்கான வலி மார்கள் ஒலி மார்கள் படைத்த எல்லா வள்ள அல்லாஹ்வுக்கே இந்த லட்சக்கணக்கான வலி மார்கள் ஒலி மார்கள் யார் இவர்கள் என்று கேட்டால் அல்லாஹ்வின் வழி வந்த பெருமானார் நபி வழி ஏற்று எங்கே பிறந்து இந்த உலக மக்களை இறைவன் ஒருவன் என்று எத்தனையோ காடு மேடு எல்லாம் கடந்து இஸ்லாத்தை பரப்புவதற்கு உன்ன உணவின்றி தங்க இடம் ஏது இவர்கள் எங்கு பிறந்து பல தேசங்கள் கடந்து எங்கு மரணம் என்று அல்லாஹ் நாடியிருந்தானே அங்கு சகிது ஆனவர்கள் உங்கள் தலை முறை யில் எத்தனை பேர்கள் உங்க குடும்பத்தில் எத்தனை பேர் விளக்கம் தேவை நீங்களும் வலி மார்களும் ஒலி மார்களும் ஒன்ற வலி மார்கள் ஒலி மார்களுக்கு எங்கு சொத்துக்கல் உள்ளது என்று விளக்கம் தேவை

    • @nsma1602
      @nsma1602 8 місяців тому +6

      யாராக இருந்தாலும் படைத்த இறைவனுக்கு சமமல்ல

  • @jafarullahkhan6204
    @jafarullahkhan6204 6 місяців тому

    As salamu Alaikum. May Allah give you long healthy life. Your Dawa contribution is wonderful.

  • @maalak21
    @maalak21 8 місяців тому +4

    அனைவரும் அரபி குர்ஆன் படிக்கிறார்கள் முழு விளக்கம் அறியாமல். அரபி குர்ஆன் வுடன் தமிழ் விளக்கத்தையும் படித்து பாருங்கள் உண்மை விளங்கும்.
    தர்கா வழிபாடு ஷ்ர்க் ஆகும்.

  • @shahinshafakrudin784
    @shahinshafakrudin784 8 місяців тому +4

    Asalamualaikum insallah very good

  • @Udhman75
    @Udhman75 8 місяців тому +7

    Dhargah is our heritage!
    Irai nesargalai nesikka vendum!

  • @Sulthan-j3i
    @Sulthan-j3i 3 місяці тому

    தர்கா என்பது ஒரு தனியார் அடக்கஸ்தலம் :
    பொது மைய வாடிக்கு தான் ஜியாரத் போக அனுமதி உண்டு :
    தர்கா சென்று
    அவருக்காக இவரோ
    இவருக்காக அவரோ பிரார்தனை செய்யவதோ
    அல்லது பிரார்திக்க சொல்வதோ :
    தவறாக கருதபடும்:
    இதன் காரணமாக
    மறுமை நாளில் தண்டனை உண்டு :
    பெரும்பாவத்தில் முதல் பாவம் இதுவல்லவா:

  • @royalgold1031
    @royalgold1031 8 місяців тому +1

    MA sha Allah shukriya hazarat

  • @MohamedFaizal-wg3pk
    @MohamedFaizal-wg3pk 2 місяці тому

    நிக்கவைத்து வணங்குவதும்படுக்கே வைத்துவணங்குவது ஒன்றுதான்

  • @anverdeenk
    @anverdeenk 21 день тому

    Inna lillah, read quran atleast 2:186, 40:60.

  • @SehuIsmailAkbar-dx4qu
    @SehuIsmailAkbar-dx4qu 8 місяців тому +4

    Excellent ❤

  • @user-ir7ps3gh9k
    @user-ir7ps3gh9k 8 місяців тому +6


  • @JmlBai-zh2kh
    @JmlBai-zh2kh 8 місяців тому +2

    உலகம் முழுவதும் இஸ்லாத்தை
    எத்திவைத்தபின் வாழ்ந்து மறைந்தபின்
    அந்தஅந்தபகுதியில்அடக்கம் செய்யப்பட்ட நல்லடியார்கள் பலரும்
    அண்ணல்நபிகளாரின் வாரிசுகளே ஆவர் இவர்களை தங்க்கள் என்றும்
    ஸய்யதுமார்கள் என்றும் குறிப்பிடுவர்
    மக்களனைவருக்கும் நல்லது செய்து மறைந்தவர்களை கொண்டாடுவது மனித இயல்பு இறைவனுக்கு செய்யும் நன்றியே ஆகும் நம் பாரதத்தில் பல மத சடங்குகள் உள்ளதால் அதனடிப்படையில் அனைவராலும் கொண்டாடப்படும் இறைநேசர்களின்
    விழாவில் அனைத்து மத கலாச்சாமும்
    இடம்பெறுகிறது அவரவர்மனதை இறைவன் அறிவதால் குற்றம் காண
    வாய்ப்பில்லை இஸ்லாமியர்களை
    இந்திய ஒன்றியத்திலிருந்து அகற்ற
    நினைக்கும் தீய சக்திகள் இந்தியாவில்
    அடக்கமாகி வாழும் இறைநேசர்களின் மகிமையை மற்றும் அவர்களின்
    அடக்கமாகியுள்ள இடங்களை
    கேள்விகுறியாக்கி ஒன்றுமில்லாமல் ஆக்க முயலுகின்றனர்
    இதற்கு மார்க்கஅறிஞர் என்ற போர்வையில் வாழும் சில புல்லுருவிகள்பணத்திற்கு ஆசைப்பட்டு
    மார்க்கத்தில் தர்ஹாஇல்லை
    என வாதிட்டு [இஸ்லாமிய ]மனிதகுலஎதிரிகளுக்கு துணை நிற்கின்றனர் என்பதே உண்மை
    ஆதாரம் கேட்டவனெல்லாம்
    இன்றுவரை சேதாரமாகி போனதன்றி

    • @islamvoiceover4693
      @islamvoiceover4693 8 місяців тому

      idhu thavru thiru Qur'an ai thamili padiungal apothu than rasullah enna sonnar iraivan enna sonnan endru puriume nam rasullai than pin patra vendume thavira munnorgal sonnathai alla ivargalukku samathi eluppa pattal rasullah avarukkum eluppa sollirupare anal rasul enakkum matravarai pol samathi eluppi vidathir endru kuri irukkirar idhu iraivanukku inai vaipathu namakku hinduku vithiyasam ilamal poividum avargal kulasami endru pala perai vali padu girar gal rasullah idai thaduthirukirar iraivan manipavan manathara purinthu kondu iraivanidam manippu kelungal

  • @abdulrasheed8664
    @abdulrasheed8664 29 днів тому


  • @hameedfirnaz
    @hameedfirnaz 8 місяців тому +1

    Masha Allah 👌👍

  • @tlvreality9200
    @tlvreality9200 8 місяців тому +2

    மாஷா அல்லாஹ்! உண்மையான வார்த்தைகள்! பெண்களை திரைக்கு மறைவில் வைத்து கேள்வி கேட்க சொல்லலாம்!

  • @anythingeverything7762
    @anythingeverything7762 8 місяців тому

    Study spritual dimension of Islam,godly persons are lying in their grave with spritual entity,which have no death,their guidance and blessings have Allah's acceptance.

  • @NoNo-ev6bq
    @NoNo-ev6bq 8 місяців тому +7

    தர்ஹாவிற்க்குச்செல்லுங்கள் துவாசெய்யுங்கள் இணைவைக்காதீர்கள் பேரம்பேசாதீர்கள்

  • @maalak21
    @maalak21 8 місяців тому +2

    It’s not exactly in Quran but in hadith.
    “Abu Marthad reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do not sit upon the graves and do not pray towards them.”
    Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 972. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim”
    Making of shrines itself is prohibited in Islam, sitting and praying to the grave is haram and shirk because a dead person can’t give you anything. If sitting on grave is allowed then why didn’t Abu Bakr RA sat on prophet’s SAW grave, and why not umer RA?
    “There is also one hadith that say once a man came to the prophet SAW and bowed down to him. Prophet SAW asked What are you doing. I went to al-Heerah and saw them prostrating to a noble of theirs (i.e., a courageous knight who was prominent among them). I thought: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is more deserving that people should prostrate to him. So I came to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: I went to al-Heerah and saw them prostrating to a noble of theirs, but you are the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and are more deserving that people should prostrate to you. He said: “Do not do that. If I were to instruct anyone to prostrate to anyone, I would have instructed women to prostrate to their husbands, because of the rights that Allah has given them over them.” Abu Dawood (2140) and al-Haakim (2763)
    Visiting graveyards and praying for the dead is permissible but not to the dead.

  • @SahulSkt
    @SahulSkt 8 місяців тому +5

    அவர்கள் இல்லையென்றால் இஸ்லாம் இவ்வுலக முழுவதும் பரவி இருக்காது. அதற்க்கானகூலி அவர்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ் மறுமைநாளில் தருவான். ஆனால்நாம் இன்று அவர்களிடம் சென்று துவா கேட்பது தவறு. மேலும்அங்கு செல்வது கூடாது
    இறைவனுக்கு இணை வைக்காதீர்

  • @mujibrahman8608
    @mujibrahman8608 8 місяців тому +1

    Masahallah. Nalla. Vilakkam

  • @abuabu-jp8zz
    @abuabu-jp8zz 8 місяців тому

    Yes allah is one all power allah only nobody have other power u r speech good

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому +1

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
      Rate this translation
      Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate

  • @rathinamselvaraj4849
    @rathinamselvaraj4849 2 місяці тому +1

    நேர்த்தியும் காணிக்கையும் தவறுதான்
    தர்ஹாக்கள் காசுபார்க்கும் குடில்களாக மாறிவிட்டது
    இது நாட்டுக்கு நாடு வித்தியாசமாக இருக்கும் என்பது பல நாடுகளுக்கும் அரபு நாடுகளுக்கும் ஆசிய நாடுகளுக்கும் சென்று பார்த்தவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே புரியும்
    அனைவருக்கும் ஒருமித்த கருத்து இல்லை

  • @user-lo5br9hl8n
    @user-lo5br9hl8n 8 місяців тому +1

    Allah oruvane avanaimattume vananguvom

  • @user-rq7rm7bt2z
    @user-rq7rm7bt2z 8 місяців тому +2

    Verry nice

  • @veluppillaikumarakuru3665
    @veluppillaikumarakuru3665 8 місяців тому +2

    அல்லாஹ்வைத் தவிர வணக்கத்துக்குரியவர் யாருமில்லை.இதுதான் இசுலாம்.இது தெரியாமல் இருக்கிறீர்களா.சண்டைக்கான கொள்கைகள்.

  • @muhammadhqadhir1468
    @muhammadhqadhir1468 8 місяців тому +3

    இவரின் புரிதல் அவ்வளவு தான்.

    • @ccccc1111
      @ccccc1111 8 місяців тому +1

      Avar unmaiyeithan sonnar

  • @mubarakali3100
    @mubarakali3100 8 місяців тому +5

    விளக்கத்தில் இன்னும் தெளிவு தேவைப்படுகிறது.

    • @aysharilvan5720
      @aysharilvan5720 8 місяців тому

      நன்றாகவே விளக்குகிறார்

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
      Rate this translation
      Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate

  • @madhavaraogideon3281
    @madhavaraogideon3281 2 місяці тому

    Dead man 's tomb Is Durga

  • @noor5871
    @noor5871 8 місяців тому


  • @RoseRose-yp6qo
    @RoseRose-yp6qo 8 місяців тому +1

    V well said

  • @balanthamburaj7551
    @balanthamburaj7551 8 місяців тому +1

    நல்ல விளக்கம், நன்றி

  • @ahamedsheriff-w3f
    @ahamedsheriff-w3f 2 місяці тому +2

    இவர் சொல்வது உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை உண்மை

  • @maalak21
    @maalak21 8 місяців тому

    one may go to Dargah pray for them but if you ask them for anything if you prostrate it’s haram since Allah himself in the Quran said that those who say that we are using them as intercessors even they are doing shirk.

  • @ajazarif1060
    @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому +2

    Knowledge & Wisdom
    Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
    Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
    A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
    When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
    However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
    It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
    ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
    Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
    ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
    "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
    Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
    Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
    This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
    It tells us:
    1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
    2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
    3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
    4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
    5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
    6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
    7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
    8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
    Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
    The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
    Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
    It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
    It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
    The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
    Proof from the Quran
    ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
    "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
    and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
    Proof from the Hadith
    ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
    Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
    Will be published soon
    English - Awliya
    (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
    Original text
    Rate this translation
    Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate

    • @zubairshanavaz9989
      @zubairshanavaz9989 8 місяців тому

      I agree some Shahaba are Awaliya Thabben and Salaf totally.
      Now how you can rate Kaja Mohideen shisti in Ajmeer. How you can certify him as Awaliya or someone who is in Dargh.
      It is Allah who has the knowledge.

  • @lathatamilarasan9953
    @lathatamilarasan9953 3 місяці тому

    தர்காவுக்கு போக கூடாது என்று தவுகித் கூறுகிறது இது உண்மையா

  • @bilalafzal9125
    @bilalafzal9125 7 місяців тому

    💯 correct

  • @zubairshanavaz9989
    @zubairshanavaz9989 8 місяців тому

    Dr. I have one question.
    How I confirm he has done good deeds. Or acted to the world as a good believer.
    Who decides this Allah or a normal Human being?

  • @M.M.OmarOmarmlo
    @M.M.OmarOmarmlo 6 місяців тому

    Assalamu alaikkum enda video yavum palayadu pol eruku? Sisters dargah people they never stop until go grave

  • @ahamedshahjahan143
    @ahamedshahjahan143 8 місяців тому +1

    Sorkkam sella Advance Booking Seiyum Edam Taan Allah vai Mattum Vanangum Pallivasal
    Naragathukku poga Advance Booking Seiyum Edam Taan Dargah
    Dargah Ziyarath Islathil Anumathi illai
    Maiyavaadi Ziyarathukku mattume Islathil Anumathi ullathu

  • @rajababu-ki1fw
    @rajababu-ki1fw 2 місяці тому

    இஸ்லாத்தை பற்றி தெரிய குர்ஆன், ஹதீஸை விட்டு உங்களிடம் கேட்பதும் குர்ஆனுக்கு இணை வைப்பதாகுமா?

  • @gulmohamed6442
    @gulmohamed6442 7 місяців тому +1

    Power kuduupavan iraivan.... Adai saidukathubavargal nabimaargal, auliyaakal, valimaargal. Because nabimaargal (muhjijaathu) example moon cut rasoolulaah... Sea water cut moosha kalimullah.
    Karamath Ghouse azam muhaiyaddeen Abdul kadir jilaani many thousand years before dead singer living singing yendhuritaar utaavo kunbee ijnee... Allahu miracle saidaal Adu kudurath...

  • @belesprint
    @belesprint 8 місяців тому

    visiting dharga is allowed in islam, people going to dharga are not going to worship the saint

  • @mhmdjaveed
    @mhmdjaveed 8 місяців тому +1

    Allah ivarai padugakka vendun, thavarana puridhal sollugirar, Allah thanithavan , Aukiyakal iraivanaga yarum parpaduillai

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
      Rate this translation
      Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate

    • @islamvoiceover4693
      @islamvoiceover4693 8 місяців тому

      parpathilai irandavar poi parthu enna seiya pogiringa avarukku samathi elupathir Qur'an theliva potrukku please olunga theliva tamil la Qur'an ah vangi padinga mouth adakkitu avar nalla var endru poi parthu uthu pathi poruthi poi parthu thuva keppom ma neyabagam vaithu kolvom avlo adu pol than en entha thudar ku darga vaikkala ena iraivan adai verukkiran olunga padinga poi Qur'an

  • @tmgfv4575
    @tmgfv4575 8 місяців тому


  • @hameednawaz8591
    @hameednawaz8591 8 місяців тому +1

    Knowledge is good but why not following sunna where is the beard bhai

  • @lathatamilarasan9953
    @lathatamilarasan9953 3 місяці тому

    கண்டிப்பாக கூடாது

  • @zubairshanavaz9989
    @zubairshanavaz9989 8 місяців тому

    Dr. Is it allowed to build on Gabbar.? Many Hadith did not allow to build anything.
    You may be trying to satisfy some people sitting infront of you.

  • @Meeran1993
    @Meeran1993 7 місяців тому

    நாசமா போச்சு. அரை குறைகளிடம் கேட்டால் பதில் வரும் 😂😂😂😂

  • @abdulmalik752
    @abdulmalik752 8 місяців тому

    Dargah endra payaril samaadhi elupputhal kooduma???

  • @user-nk7qz4hz2r
    @user-nk7qz4hz2r 3 місяці тому


  • @jamludeenbm
    @jamludeenbm 8 місяців тому +2

    A wahhabi making bayan and also with a lady

      @MOTIVATIONALSPEAKER-MLAH 8 місяців тому

      வஹாபிகளும் அவர்களின் பொண்டாட்டிகளும் ஸ்டேஜில் ஏறி குண்டிய கட்டறது ஜாய்ஸ்.
      ஆனால் இஸ்லாத்தில் இது ஜாய்ஸ் அல்ல அப்ப நமக்கு விளக்கம் புரிகிறது ஸ்டேஜ்ல பேசுறவன் காபிர் என்று.

  • @asmakaadhar3446
    @asmakaadhar3446 8 місяців тому

    Habeeb Bhai, hinduthuvaa Sankigal Amaippu. Dargah va temple Aakittan Rajapalayam padikkasi Amma dargah ippo RSS Sankigal. Handle la, pongada. yethavathu Muslims ku marriage hall pallivasal , matharasha construction pannittu pesunga pa.

  • @ms9239
    @ms9239 8 місяців тому

    He his totally wrong , 100% we should avoid individuals Dargha even for asking dua for him , secondly we don't know whether he his a good or bad man as per Almighty Allah terms .

  • @jafarullah72
    @jafarullah72 8 місяців тому +4

    தர்காவைப் பற்றிய ஞானம் உயர்தப்பட்டு விட்டது . , , , உண்மை தான்
    மனோ இச்சை மிகைப்பட்டு விட்டது , , , என்பது மட்டும் உண்மை , , , ,

    • @ajazarif1060
      @ajazarif1060 8 місяців тому

      Knowledge & Wisdom
      Awliya Allah or Waliyullah literally means friend of Allah.
      Awliya are the pious people those who obeyed and followed the orders of Allah Almighty and sunnat of beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihiwasallam in every aspects of their life and finally were pleased and accepted by Allah Almighty.
      A Wali is someone who occupies a very close station to Allah and is protected by Allah from major sins and repetition of sins in general, and kept in a state of obedience. It is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants.
      When we call Awliya or Waliyullah, it includes whole Noble Sahaba (the companions of beloved Prophet ﷺ, Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      However, when people used to speak they call sahaba in their unique name. Since it is the noble status in Islam. Hence, commonly we say waliyullah for Tabi'een, Tab al tabi'een, Imams and other Awliya.
      It is the common Islamic theology that the status of all the noble sahaba is much higher than that of all Awliya Allah. Likewise, the status of all Awliya is higher than that of ours.
      ♦ Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (10:62)
      Awliya will never worry for anything if anything happened that they disliked. Also they will never fear for the future on worldly matters. But they will always be remained in God-fearing.
      ♦ Allah's Apostle ﷺ said:
      "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a Wali of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (praying or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) till I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection (Refuge), I will protect him; (i.e. give him My Refuge) and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him"
      Narrated by : Abu Huraira RadhiAllahu Anhu
      Book : Sahih al Bukhari 8:76:509
      This is a powerful and profound Hadith Qudsi in which Allah informs and invites us to be among His friends and allies. It undoubtedly demonstrates the reality and existence and nature of these Awliya (Intimate Friends of Allah), and so no one has the right to deny their existence and special distinction after this knowledge has come to them.
      It tells us:
      1. Showing enmity to the friends of Allah is among the major sins.
      2. Affirming that there are Awliya Allah among His slaves. This cannot be denied.
      3. Affirming that Allah loves and that this is one of His attributes.
      4. That pious deeds drives one closer to Allah. This is experienced by anyone who performs righteous actions.
      5. When Allah loves a person He gives him spiritual and physical strength.
      6. When Allah loves a person He answers his prayers.
      7. Affirming that Karamat (mini miracles) are real and only pious people have the potential to experience them if Allah so wills.
      8. All believers have the capacity and ability to become the Awliya Allah.
      Hafiz Sakhawi in his Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 10 #8) and Hafiz Suyuti in his Hawi lil Fatawi (2:250-51) state that Ibn ‘Asakir (Tarikh Dimashq 1:300) and Hafiz al-Khatib (Tarikh Baghdad 3:75-76) both relate that Abu Bakr al-Kattani said:
      The Nuqaba are 300, the Nujaba are 70, the Abdal are 40, the Akhyar are 7, the ‘Umud (supports) are 4, and the Ghawth is 1. So the dwelling of the Nuqaba are in the Maghrib, the Nujaba in Egypt, the Abdal in Sham, the Akhyar travel throughout the Earth, the ‘Umud are in the corners of the Earth, and the Ghawth is in Makka. So when a need arises among the commonality, the Nuqaba plead to Allah to fulfil it, then the Nujaba, then the Abdal, then the Akhyar, then the ‘Umud, and if they are answered by Allah (it stops with them), and if not, then the Ghawth pleads, and he does not complete his request until it is answered.
      Karamat are the miracles that performed by Awliya with the blessings of Allah Almighty.
      It is the belief of Islam that the Prophets have miracles which is called as mu’jizat, among which is included knowledge of the Unseen continually bestowed to them by Allah.
      It is also the doctrine of Islam that the Awliya have miracles which is called as karamat, that they received from Allah, among which is “Kashf” (unveiling/perception of the unseen).
      The fact that the Awliya have knowledge of the Unseen (and other miraculous abilities) is attested to by the Qur’an and Sunna and the experience of the righteous Muslims throughout the centuries of the history of Islam, and does not constitute, as some misguided Muslims claim, kufr or shirk.
      Proof from the Quran
      ♣ The Wali who was with Sayyidina Sulayman (Alaihissalam) brought him the throne of Bilqis quicker than the blink of an eye. He was characterized as "one who had knowledge of the Book," as Allah stated,
      "One with whom was knowledge of the Book said, 'I will bring it to you before your gaze returns to you…' (Q27:40)",
      and this is Asif bin Barkhiya (a non-prophet human), the scribe and relative of Prophet Sulayman (Alaihissalam), according to the Tafsir of Ibn ‘Abbas and the majority of commentators.
      Proof from the Hadith
      ♣ Harith ibn Malik al-Ansari passed by the Prophet ﷺ who asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harith?” and he replied, “This morning I am a true believer in Allah.” The Prophet ﷺ said: “Take care of what you say, for everything has a proof to it, so what is the proof of your belief?” He said: “I have turned myself away from this world by keeping awake at night and staying thirsty by day; and I can almost see the Throne of my Lord in full view before me, and I can see the people of the Garden visiting each other, and the people of the Fire wailing to each other.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Harith! You have realized (the truth), therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”
      Book - Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367)
      Will be published soon
      English - Awliya
      (c) www.mailofislam.com - All rights reserved
      Original text
      Rate this translation
      Your feedback will be used to help improve Google Translate

    • @jafarullah72
      @jafarullah72 3 місяці тому

      நபியவர்கள் அனுமதித்த ஜியாரத் என்ற சுன்னத்தான வணக்கம் , , . தர்கா வழிபாடாக மாறிவிட்டது , , , ,
      ஏன் ? இன்றைய நவீன ஆலீம்களின் மனோ இச்சையான புரிதல் , . . 😢

  • @Muthu19741
    @Muthu19741 8 місяців тому

    புதுசா ஒன்னுமில்ல

  • @mohamedsaleem6828
    @mohamedsaleem6828 8 місяців тому


  • @chennaicooking8058
    @chennaicooking8058 8 місяців тому

    Oru itathai kuttivanthu kathai vedurai

  • @habeebullahkkdi862
    @habeebullahkkdi862 8 місяців тому

    Wow superb bro 🎉unmai unmai unmai 🎉Dhargaavuku pogavo vazhipadavo porvai poarthavo poomaalai podavoaa urush koodu thookka koodaadhu thoppi pottu eamaatthum oru perum koottam sunni jamaath koottathinarkal thaan undaaga kaaranam ivainko thaan sollavum illai thadukkavum illai verukkavum illai pudunki thundra koottamthaan thaduppadhum ethirpathum thamizh naadu thouweeth jamaath tntj mattumthaan uruvam vazhipaadu illai uruva vazhipadukiravargalukku 😢aalntha irangkalai theriviththu kolkireaan 😢oooooo 😢oooooo

  • @AnwarHussain-fr3fr
    @AnwarHussain-fr3fr 8 місяців тому +1

    படிக்க வேண்டும்
    வேலைக்கு போக வேண்டும்
    உடலை ஆரோக்கியாமாக
    வைத்து இருக்க வேண்டும்
    ஒரு பாதுகாப்பான
    வாழ்க்கை வாழ வேண்டும்
    என்று நினைக்க
    எல்லா நேரமும்
    மதங்களை பற்றியே
    ஆராய்ச்சி செய்ய
    தர்காவுக்கு போக
    விருப்பம் உள்ளவர்கள்
    விருப்பம் இல்லாதவர்கள்
    போக வேண்டாம்
    உழைத்தால் தான்
    கடவுள் பணம் கொடுக்க
    எதையாவது பேச கூடாது
    இஸ்லாமிய மதத்தை
    சேர்ந்த சில மனிதர்கள்
    பொருளாதார ரீதியில்
    வளர்ச்சி அடைய
    எதையாவது பேசுவார்கள்

  • @sms3641
    @sms3641 8 місяців тому +3

    முடாபயல் விளக்கம் சொன்னால் மார்கம் என்ன ஆவது

  • @rahamathmohamed8025
    @rahamathmohamed8025 8 місяців тому +27

    அரைகுறையாக தெரிந்தவரிடம் கேட்டால் இப்படி தான் பதில் சொல்லுவார் சகோதரி நன்கு விஷயம் தெரிந்தவர்களிடம் கேட்டு தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் இவரின் நம்பி ஏம்மாந்து முடிவுக்கு வராதீர்கள் ஒரு முறை தர்காவிற்கு சென்று அவர்களிடதில் உங்கள் மன வேதனைகளை உருக்கமுடன் சொல்லி இறைவனிடத்தில் உங்களுக்காக துஆ செய்ய சொல்லிவிட்டு வாருங்கள் பிறகு உங்களுக்கு புரியும் தர்காவின் மகிமை பற்றி

    • @rahmatharsad4029
      @rahmatharsad4029 8 місяців тому

      உங்களுக்கு அல்லாஹ் நல் அருள் புரிவானாக!
      இதற்கு தர்கவிற்குத்தான் போக வேண்டுமா
      நம்முடைய தேவைகளை allahvidamthan கேட்க வேண்டும்
      பணம்சம்பாதிப்பதற்காக பலர் பலரை வழி கெடுக்கின்றனர்
      இரவில் தஹஜ்ஜத் நேரத்தில் இறைவனிடம் கேளுங்கள்
      மறைந்தவரகளிடம் கேட்டால் பணவிரயம் ஏற்படும்
      எந்த தர்காவில் உண்டியல் இல்லாமல் உள்ளது

      @MOTIVATIONALSPEAKER-MLAH 8 місяців тому +3

      நீங்கள் மிகவும் சரியாக கூறுகிறீர்கள்.

    • @UngalnanbanAbbas
      @UngalnanbanAbbas 8 місяців тому +7

      Neengal solluvatharukku edhavathu satchi irukka Islam vazhiyil

      @MOTIVATIONALSPEAKER-MLAH 8 місяців тому

      @@UngalnanbanAbbas nerla vantha Saatchi na sollurean vareingala?

    • @nazeerjabbar4548
      @nazeerjabbar4548 8 місяців тому +9

      தவராக இஸ்லாதை சொல்ல வேண்டாம் சகோதரரே

  • @amanullahsulthan9065
    @amanullahsulthan9065 8 місяців тому

    Ungalidam. Sunnathana. Kolam. Illay

  • @blackcobragaming8138
    @blackcobragaming8138 8 місяців тому

    இந்து பையன் ஒரு இஸ்லாம் பொண்ணை திருமணம் செய்யலாமா இது ஹராமா ஐயா

    • @LeoLeo-ah2073
      @LeoLeo-ah2073 8 місяців тому

      அந்த ஆண் முஸ்லிம் ஆகும் வரை அந்த ஆணை திருமணம் செ‌ய்ய கூடாது பெண்ணுக்கும் இதே சட்டம்

  • @user-fathimabathul_16
    @user-fathimabathul_16 8 місяців тому +5

    அட முட்டாப்பயலே அல்லாஹ் குர்ஆனில் சொல்லவில்லையா كما قال الله ياايها الذين آمنوا واستعينوا بالصبر و الصلاة என்ற அத்தியாயத்தில் அல்லாஹ் واستعينوابالصبر என்று கூறுவதின் காரணம் அரபி மொழியில் அதின் இலக்கணத்தில் ஒரு மனிதர்க்கு ஒரு தன்மை மிகைத்து விட்டால் அதாவது உதா:عادلஎன்றால் நீதமாக இருக்கக்கூடியவர் இது யாருக்கு மிகைத்து இருக்கிறதோ அவருக்கு مصدر உடைய அர்த்தத்தில் அவரை عدلஎன்று கூறுவார்கள் அதை போன்றே அல்லாஹ் குர்ஆனில் واستعينوابالصبر இதில் بالصبر என்பது அல்லாஹ் உடைய இறைநேசர்களை குறிக்கிறது இந்த தன்மை என்பது அவர்களுக்கு தான் மிகைத்து இருக்கிறது என்ற அடிப்படையில் அல்லாஹ் கூறுவது பொறுமையைக் கொண்டு உதவி தேடுங்கள் என்று அர்த்தம் ஆகும். عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : إن الله قال ( من عادى لي وليا فقد آذنته بالحرب ، وما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضت عليه ، وما يزال عبدي يتقرب إلي بالنوافل حتى أحبه ، فإذا أحببته كنت سمعه الذي يسمع به ، وبصره الذي يبصر به ، ويده التي يبطش بها ، ورجله التي يمشي بها ، وإن سألني لأعطينه ، ولئن استعاذني لأعيذنه ) رواه البخاري இதில் உள்ள ஆரம்ப வாசகத்தில் யார் என்னுடைய வழிமார்களை நாவாலோ, சொல்லாலோ,செயலாலோ, நோவினை செய்பவனிடம் நான் அவனிடம் போர் செய்கிறேன் என்கிறான் பார்த்திருந்து கொள் ஜலாலுத்தீன் ரூமி ( ரஹ்) அவர்கள் கூறுகின்ரார்கள் அல்லாஹ்வுக்கு ஒருவனை பிடிக்கவில்லை என்றால் அவனை‌ வைத்து அல்லாஹ் தன் வழிமார்களையும்,ஆலிம் களையும், நல்லவர்களையும் திட்டவிடுவான் என்கிறார்கள் என்ற அடிப்படையில் நீ தர்காவுக்கு சென்று அவர்களுக்கு தூவா செய்வதின் மூலம் அவர்களுக்கு எந்த பலனும் இல்லை உனக்கு தான்டா பலன் ஒலிமார்கள் என்று சொன்னால் அல்லாஹ்வை முழுமையாக அடைந்தவர்கள் அல்லாஹ் தான் உலகை படைத்தவன் அவன் தான் பரிபாலிப்பவன் அப்படி இருக்க அல்லாஹ் வை தானே ஒலிமார்கள் பெற்றிருந்தார்கள் ஒரு நாட்டு அதிபர் மற்றொரு நாட்டு அதிபரிடம் பேச வேண்டும் என்றால் அவர் தன் தூதரிடம் கொத்து சொல்லி அவரிடம் கொடுப்பார் அதை போன்று தான் அல்லாஹ்விடம் ஒரு விசயம் கிடைக்க வேண்டுமானால் அது مرسلين, الانبياء ,الاولياءالله இவர்கள் மூலம் தான் நிறைவேரும் எனவே இதன் மூலம் திருந்தி வாழ்வதற்கு அல்லாஹ் தௌஃபிக் செய்வானாக ஆமீன்....

    • @redyhkhan
      @redyhkhan 8 місяців тому

      You are misguiding people.. what you say is bull shit..

    • @ahamedshahjahan143
      @ahamedshahjahan143 8 місяців тому

      @user -jz
      *Allah (swt)Vai Mattum Vanangum*
      *Pallivasal Taan Allah Vin Veetu*
      *Dargah Taan Seithaanin Veetu*

    • @AH-SA-q4t
      @AH-SA-q4t 8 місяців тому

      ​@@ahamedshahjahan143 dargah shaitan udaya veedu yenpatharku aathaaram sollu by quran r hathees
      Summa vaaiku vantha padi sollathe athaarathoda sollu illanda mudittu iri

    • @ccccc1111
      @ccccc1111 8 місяців тому +1

      Uggalkku eathavhu thevai enraal ALLAH vidam kelunggal maraniththavaridam ketkka vendam

    • @islamvoiceover4693
      @islamvoiceover4693 8 місяців тому

      maranithavar maranithavar than thiru Qur'an sariyaga padithu purinthu kollungal nabi sonna valuyil valungal rasullah ve idhai thaduthar iranthavar ku samathi elupathir iraivan manippavan ungaludaiya thavarana karuthai mannipan

  • @abdulrawoof5722
    @abdulrawoof5722 8 місяців тому

    தர்ஹா செல்லவும்.அதுதான் இஸ்லாம்


    கண்ட கண்ட கழிசடை எல்லாம் ஸ்டேஜ்ல விளக்கம் சொல்ற அளவுக்கு ஆயிருச்சு.