Yes this solves a lot! I was thinking screwing a block into the log screwing a piece off wood across the ladder into the block.. this is the next step beyond... still have to be cautious how far ya tap into the log... so the chainsaw clears it... hi from northland new zeland!
They are about 3 inches. No, not worried about end to end level, just trying to make sure side to side is good and there is no twist. I actually prefer to cut downhill as I don't have to push the saw quite as hard making it a little easier.
Yes this solves a lot! I was thinking screwing a block into the log screwing a piece off wood across the ladder into the block.. this is the next step beyond... still have to be cautious how far ya tap into the log... so the chainsaw clears it... hi from northland new zeland!
Yes! Don't want to cut into your screw or you'll be doing a lot of sharpening! Hello New Zealand!! We are in North Carolina. 👍
What length are the lag bolts you used to attach the ladder to the log and are you not worried about end to end level, only side to side?
They are about 3 inches. No, not worried about end to end level, just trying to make sure side to side is good and there is no twist. I actually prefer to cut downhill as I don't have to push the saw quite as hard making it a little easier.
@@ThisOldFarmShop Thank You, that makes sense.