hey Narakera who gives a fuck if the camera was shaking these dudes were fucking bad they are up there with the best of em I thought koreans had only some of the worlds best breakers but now poppers too they go right up there with japans umin and some of the legends for groups, I can say most def one of my favorites
hii im same guy with youtube ID TheEvilBBoydoom ...i lost my old channel too bad ..so i dont know the names of tracks ..but i ll try to ask about that dont worry man ;)
아직도 보는사람없겠지 ㅋㅋㅋ 이형들 다 행복한가정꾸리고 잘사실려나
lol......wtf.......yo, made respect. dat dope. animation dance style is one of the best to me.
hey Narakera who gives a fuck if the camera was shaking these dudes were fucking bad they are up there with the best of em I thought koreans had only some of the worlds best breakers but now poppers too they go right up there with japans umin and some of the legends for groups, I can say most def one of my favorites
yep korea Seoul Dance Delight Animation, I do not know the team...Addicted to singing and dancing !!!
yes animation is my favourite hip hop style
that was KOOL!!
the glowing actually made it cooler.
에니메이션 크루동영상만 찾아서 집에서 보면 웬만한 페북 동영상 보는거보다 시간 더 잘감
Can anyone please tell me the song for 1:05?
do people ever tell you that you look like umin crew even though you dont? my crew gets that a lot..
Not so technically gifted but defenantly crowd pleasers
The camera taker's hand is alway shaking!!!! so annoying!
whats the names of tha songs??
1.05 Song name plz...!!
hey TheEvilBBoydoom can you give me a piece of music as I was not ... and groups like them are trying to set
hii im same guy with youtube ID TheEvilBBoydoom ...i lost my old channel too bad ..so i dont know the names of tracks ..but i ll try to ask about that dont worry man ;)
what's name of those song?. plz
Wtf, what do you mean by "not so gifted"!! Do you know how hard it is to dance animation??
Not very impressive. Check out REMOTE KONTROL for the real thing.