Yoshi-P Interview: Regrets and Changes in Final Fantasy XIV

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @TheTrueAlucard
    @TheTrueAlucard 6 місяців тому +2

    So in terms of difficulty levels, we have a clear imbalance today purely in terms of the battles, I'm talking very generally here, actually only the normal Primae and then Savage.
    In other words, in a normal prime battle, I need to know about, I'll pick out a number now, just to put it into perspective, 3 mechanics.
    Then comes Savage - here you have to know what feels like 12 different mechanics for some fights, I'll use Alphascape 4 Savage as an example (all SYNC, of course, as it is at the beginning of a raid), plus the current raid tier with its several phases, which in turn all appear in different variables and add new mechanics.
    And then there are the Ultimates, with what "feels" like 20 mechanics that you "feel" you have to play all at once. But Ultimates are special... that's intentional and okay.
    What really, REALLY needs to be reworked is the classification of weapons you acquire.
    My problem is simply that I can't understand at all why at the very end of an expansion or in general a relic weapon that is accessible to EVERY player, without any core condition, which in turn is not tied to any difficulty and which in the end is even a little BETTER than a weapon that you earn with a lot of effort and enough stress from the actually hardest content, namely the Ultimates.
    An Ultimate weapon should ALWAYS be the BEST. Period.
    Nowadays you only run Ultimates because of "Stylegear", i.e. the Shiny weapons and a title.
    Nothing more.
    The strength of Ultimate weapons has become absolutely irrelevant and meaningless.
    What also bothers me, and I know a hell of a lot of people who feel the same way, which the mouse and keyboard player will probably never understand, is the fact that the classes now have far too many skills, which makes it very difficult and stressful to play classes in a relaxed manner, especially for controller players. There are more and more and more skills and applying them comfortably and properly is an absolute nightmare for the controller player, at least for the most part.
    They did a wonderful job with the Summoner and streamlined it, why can't SE do the same with the other classes?
    In addition, positionals for skills of each class should be completely removed from the game.
    Likewise, this game simply has far too little to do aside from RAIDS, Savage/Ultimates, and collecting stones for the repetitive dailies.
    I think there should be other ways to earn stronger gear that is on par with current gear, other than Ultimate weapons of course - those MUST ALWAYS remain the strongest weapons.
    You have to be able to do other activities, whether solo or in a group, to be able to get gear of equal power like Savage or Stone Gear, it can't be that hard...

    • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
      @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому

      The reason why relic weapons have to be accessible is because they didn't put weapons anywhere else. If you take a look at the raid statistics, only about 55% of players finish the normal raid and 60% of players finish the alliance raid. The easiest solution is to put weapons back into any level cap dungeons, but YoshiP has stated that he doesn't want this to happen countless times. He wants it to be part of the tomestone and weekly lockout system. This in turn is what made relic weapons the default "casual weapon" when Heavensward was released and why Eureka/Exploratory Missions as a whole turned out to be so problematic. By tying the relic weapon to it, you essentially removed the endgame weapon for 40% of your players. Not to mention they've been proven unable to sustain player interest time and time again so the zones just end up being dead.
      As for the ultimates being the "ultimate weapon", this inherently comes with a problem because of when they are introduced. If you make them too strong, the next raid series suddenly becomes significantly easier.

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 6 місяців тому

      @@ohnosmoarlulcatz both those states are bs if you use third party web site yoshi ip said sites like that (lucky bundo) are not reliable and dont give right info . he did state that normal and savage raids overall arent done by more then 30% of the playerbase and that was in 2019 but see as the modern mmorpg space is most now fillade with 80 +% causals i argue it not even 20 % .it 100% not over 50% and never was in any mmo for at least 5 years or 8 that the time the playerbase overall changed.

  • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
    @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому +2

    Exploratory Missions is how you kill interest in your relics before the expansion is even over. Shadowbringers and Bozja marked the third time that it has failed and even how, half the qualified people haven't even bothered to open the Bozjan Southern Front. Even now, there are as many people who have completed the Endwalker relics as there are people who completed the Shadowbringers relics and there's still months before Endwalker is over and Dawntrail begins.
    Exploratory Missions need to remain untied to the relics and the relics need to be a standalone questline with no ties to any other content.

  • @MisteRRYouTuby
    @MisteRRYouTuby 6 місяців тому +1

    The only regret that matters is that Class was neglected and disrespected.
    The only OTHER regret is the lack of quality in the Hildibrand story after Heavensward.

  • @anteprs7908
    @anteprs7908 6 місяців тому

    the game lacks in ew long grindy midcore content that true but that content shouldnt come by simple saying f the tomes relics i think we need optional tomes only relics otherwise relics will be worthless again and dont by next to nobody , as casual player i and most casuals dont wanna run midcore content like eureka or bozja same way oyu dont like runnin our content aka dailys and hunt we simple dotn like challanging content while you do that why we SHOULD HAVE OPTIONAL PATH for ppl to chose a way to grind it for causals it tomes for midcore it exploration zone and hardcore it can be exploration zone or savage crit dungs this way everbody get a choice of a path , as for anybody saying their shouldnt be causal way to get relics i like to ask you would oyu say the same it the only way ot get relics is ranked pvp?

    • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
      @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому

      The thing is, Exploratory Missions can't survive without funneling the casual player base to it. This is the problem we saw with Eureka and even Bozja's balancing around players does nothing to help it. They literally need to push casual players to Eureka and Bozja for it to even function. This is why they had to make the later steps of the Resistance Weapons based on luck if you didn't do it on Bozja or Zadnor. This was why they had to force Castrum Lacus Litore and Delebrum Reginae as a requirement for them too.

  • @Zoeila
    @Zoeila 6 місяців тому +1

    i got good news for people that like tome relics...we have tome weapons for you we dont need two tome weapons

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 6 місяців тому

      yeah but ppl dotn like to do normal raids and tome OPTIONAL RELICS should be thing bnot forcing ppl to run content not made for them.

    • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
      @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому +1

      The problem is tome weapons require 4 clears of the raid still and about half your players don't do them.

  • @Nozomivamp
    @Nozomivamp 6 місяців тому +1

    yea i hate how easy relics are this expac but at the same time going back and getting them for new players or alt characters will be soo much easier than having to run eureka or bozja. I still dont have anything from eureka because I hated the zone so much, bozja was fun but I dont really have any desire to go back now even if I did want some of the weapons for classes I didn't get. I think there should be a way to get them in the zone and out in the world, not as easy as it is now but maybe similar to heavensward relics

    • @Vaeltis
      @Vaeltis 6 місяців тому

      It's funny cause Eureka Relic is probably the easiest of all relics besides EW to obtain.

    • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
      @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому

      @@Vaeltis HW relics are considered easier than EW since you can do the various steps at any point after you unlock them.

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 6 місяців тому

      @@ohnosmoarlulcatz buddy 24 savage raid run for the half last and 24 more for last aint easier then ew tome grind .

    • @ohnosmoarlulcatz
      @ohnosmoarlulcatz 6 місяців тому

      @@anteprs7908 You can also solo HW dungeons for the same results. Takes 4-5 min per run, even for BLM.

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 6 місяців тому

      @@ohnosmoarlulcatz true but it need for the last steps at least 100+ overall it need +200 dung i think for a whole relics

  • @TheTrueAlucard
    @TheTrueAlucard 6 місяців тому

    One more thing I forgot to mention...
    I would like to see a mode that forces you to play any alliance raid sync with minimum item level, I would call it "Alliance Raid Origins" or something like that. So that these RAIDS are simply played at SYNC minimum level, which in turn makes the weekly cap of the stones or something either full or almost full, something like that.
    We have such great alliance raids here, even the old ones, Syrcus Tower and so on, most players don't even know what these fights were actually like in the past, all the mechanics are mostly skipped, which is just a shame.