【賽馬會童亮學習包一】 親子共讀知多點 KeySteps@JC Learning pack 1 - Parent-Child Reading

  • Опубліковано 30 січ 2025
  • 故事時間是兒童成長階段不可或缺的一部份,家長跟小朋友進行親子共讀的時候,可以按照小朋友的年齡和學習階段,加入不同種類的延伸問題,幫助他們理解故事內容。同時,家長亦可透過開放式問題,讓小朋友有更多自由發揮的空間,將故事連結至生活經驗!
    Storytime is an essential part of children's growth and development. When parents engage in reading with their children, it is important to incorporate various types of extended questions based on their age and abilities to help them better understand the story. Additionally, parents can use open-ended questions to encourage children's creativity and enable them to make connections between the story and their daily life experiences.