Yamaha DM3S 22-channel Digital Mixer Overview

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sweetwater
    @sweetwater  Рік тому +6

    Where would you use your Yamaha DM3S 22-channel Digital Mixer? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to grab your Yamaha from Sweetwater 👉 sweetwater.sjv.io/YamahaDM3SMixer

    • @IslandDigital
      @IslandDigital Рік тому +2

      I’m a Drummer and this would make a perfect , powerful dedicated mixer for my kit for studio, Live , etc. could make many presets and use them in various set lists . Great size, great features and its Yamaha. Only wish it had multitrack onboard sd card to be totally stand alone , no computer needed to record live shows. I know I can record 2 track on usb , but would love multitrack to be able to import in a DAW later if needed.

    • @Fastvoice
      @Fastvoice Рік тому +1

      @@IslandDigital Maybe wait for the Tascam Model 12. Much cheaper and can record 12 tracks on SD cards. Should be enough for drums I guess.

    • @n0nyabznss
      @n0nyabznss Рік тому

      What about if I have a guitar fridge full of 80's processors? Can it compete with an Allen and Heath MixWizard4? How many aux sends and returns does it have? How much headroom does it have?

    • @bquietmedia
      @bquietmedia Рік тому

      That would be perfect for my corporate gigs because all I need is something small for about 10-15 talking heads and about 4 auxes to bring in my webex feeds and 2-channels for my prerecorded intro and outro tracks.

    • @IslandDigital
      @IslandDigital Рік тому

      @@Fastvoice Thank you , yes I’m looking at the Model 24 Tascam as well. That might be easier and more fitting to my drum setup. Thanks !

  • @dasczwo
    @dasczwo Рік тому +16

    Great. It has a shaving mirror. Please manufactures, take back all those glossy screens and give me my good ol matte screen back. Looking forward using this outside. Daytime. Have a nice summer!

    • @monthra1172
      @monthra1172 Рік тому +1

      It’s your job to make it work
      Quit crying lol

  • @meowcula
    @meowcula Рік тому +8

    Yamaha products never cease to impress.

  • @FintanMoloney
    @FintanMoloney Рік тому +6

    Looks perfect for a small home studio. The amount of features you get for the price is amazing. Seriously considering this one as an upgrade from an analogue mixer (also Yamaha).

    • @chrisjeaaalbertos3802
      @chrisjeaaalbertos3802 Рік тому

      Why would you possibly want a hardware mixer in the studio? Why wouldn't you mix in your DAW? That'll sound much better...

    • @FintanMoloney
      @FintanMoloney Рік тому

      @@chrisjeaaalbertos3802 You need a hardware mixer when you are recording vocals or a guitarist for example.

    • @chrisjeaaalbertos3802
      @chrisjeaaalbertos3802 Рік тому +1

      ​@@FintanMoloney Get an interface for that? You'll get better preamps, better conversion, better everything because it doesn't need to do everything what makes a mixer expensive, the mixing. It just needs to be the inter-face between the analog and digital and the other way around. That's all. You don't need processing. You don't need mixing. You don't need routing. You don't need everything to be low-latency.

    • @mthompson965
      @mthompson965 Рік тому +1

      This mixer is a waste, it’s 2k, the X32 compact is 2.2k and it does 32 channel

  • @kevinperry3639
    @kevinperry3639 Рік тому +11

    It looks like it has everything I need! Very professional. And a great video too. Thanks 🤘

  • @matthew.datcher
    @matthew.datcher Рік тому +6

    You mentioned corporate events, but does it have Dugan automixing?

  • @l.e.bassdesign
    @l.e.bassdesign Рік тому +7

    I want one. I don’t need it, but I want one.

  • @pushin68Hz
    @pushin68Hz Рік тому +6

    Is there a Dugan or any auto mix function ?

  • @goodtimejohnny8972
    @goodtimejohnny8972 Рік тому +3

    Sweet mixer Nick. When are you going to demo it. I want to see you recording drum tracks. You are the man!

  • @MannyDemaga
    @MannyDemaga Рік тому +5

    I love the presonus digital mixers, but this one is catching my eye, especially for the price.

  • @Douglas_Gillette
    @Douglas_Gillette 10 місяців тому +1

    This is one for the most impractical sound related pieces of technology I have ever seen.

  • @josipbeslic10
    @josipbeslic10 Рік тому +6

    Hi! A question regarding the Dante vresion. Does it mean that dante version remote their 16 channels to the stage box, or it is 16 channels expansion?
    Sorry for my poor english.

  • @YannisFyssas
    @YannisFyssas 7 місяців тому +1

    Hey Nick,
    Nice work on the video! Do you know if there is a multiband compressor built in to the DM3? (if not, is there a way to mult the input signal and create a faux multiband into 2 channels?)
    Thank you for the video :)

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  7 місяців тому

      Hey there! That’s a great question. Yes, you are able to access a multi-band compressor on the DM3. Onboard, you’ll see that you’ll have main access to their 1-knob compressor, just for basic compression. But, through their VST Rack Elements software, you’re able to integrate all the plug-ins you’d like. It’s essentially a plug-in hosting software package. Here’s some more info regarding that:
      Feel free to reach out with any further questions!
      Nick Pasquino, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 3230, nick_pasquino@sweetwater.com

    • @YannisFyssas
      @YannisFyssas 7 місяців тому

      @@sweetwaterThis requires the Dante card variant of the DM3, correct? More importantly, is the multiband compressor (via VST Rack Elements) able to be used as an insert type FX on (for example) a mic channel on the DM3, if so how much additional latency would be introduced?
      Thank you for the reply !

  • @ronaldcoleman9370
    @ronaldcoleman9370 Рік тому +2

    I am actually impressed!!!

  • @JaxGuitarPlayer
    @JaxGuitarPlayer Рік тому +11

    This does look interesting and glad to see a new mixer being released. SOmethings that stand out missing but perhaps just not explicitely stated in the vid. No android tablet support like QSC Touchmix (and many other digital mixers have)? No Parametric eq on outputs (only graphic)? No multitrack direct to usb recording option (like touchmix, ui24 and several other digital mixers such as ah qu and sq series offer)?

    • @BornIn82
      @BornIn82 Рік тому +1

      If it does not have a webserver for remote control, then that is quite a let-down.

    • @dbvtour
      @dbvtour Рік тому +2

      @@BornIn82 IT does for iOS. Also it does support full multitrack recording with the USB interface (18x18).It also comes with a Steinberg DAW software.

    • @olivierrossi5295
      @olivierrossi5295 Рік тому

      @@dbvtour please what mean 18x18 ?

    • @michailmanousakis451
      @michailmanousakis451 Рік тому

      ​@@olivierrossi529518in and 18out

    • @hebronlorenzo9594
      @hebronlorenzo9594 Рік тому

      @@olivierrossi5295 18 in and 18 out

  • @IslandDigital
    @IslandDigital Рік тому +31

    Too bad it doesn’t have multitrack on SD , THAT would make it self contained recorder and perfect without needing a computer at all !

    • @dirkpehrke9909
      @dirkpehrke9909 Рік тому +1

      I wanted to agree with you. But: you can simply connect a sd-card reader to it, or an usb stick or a hard drive. No need for a computer. Maybe you haven’t recognised this feature?

    • @IslandDigital
      @IslandDigital Рік тому

      @@dirkpehrke9909 Thank you. No, I did not know you could do this . Where do you hook these devices up ( choosing one of course). Also how do you then send the 16 individual tracks to the device? This is wonderful news as I am a Drummer and want a smaller dedicated digital mixer/ multitrack recorder for all shows, rehearsals , etc. I’m currently using a Behringer X32 and it’s all too much for what I need. I don’t use 85% of that units capabilities. Thanks very much :).

    • @dirkpehrke9909
      @dirkpehrke9909 Рік тому +3

      @@IslandDigital Sorry it is only half truth: the usb port only allows to record the stereo mix!

    • @IslandDigital
      @IslandDigital Рік тому +1

      @@dirkpehrke9909 that’s what I thought. I couldn’t figure how to get all 16. That usb stereo only. Thanks for looking out ! Maybe an update in the future ? Let’s hope. Thanks

    • @dirkpehrke9909
      @dirkpehrke9909 Рік тому +1

      @@IslandDigital I own a Tascam Model 12 that records all separate channels to a sd card and if wanted simultaneously to a DAW. The best 600,- I ever invested. Even 10-20 years ago some cheap Behringer desks could record the separate channels to a USB drive, so I kind of expected this feature.

  • @VoyageOne1
    @VoyageOne1 Рік тому +4

    Looks like a cute little console for synths ;)

  • @burialrecordings
    @burialrecordings Рік тому +1

    Wow what a great mixer! Small but mighty

  • @UPdan
    @UPdan Рік тому +1

    As a drummer, the Yamaha Reface DX and YC are two things that all drummers would find a perfect compliment to their music life I'm getting the same joy as sitting down on the drums. So cool.

    • @zmarasigan9788
      @zmarasigan9788 Рік тому

      how do you use those, my I ask? not a pro here, just an audio guy in our church.

    • @UPdan
      @UPdan Рік тому

      @@zmarasigan9788 The YC is such a blues instrument giving the drummer another way to play melodically the rhythms that are in our technical ability. It just offers the perfect instrument. The DX can add bass and harmony, throw that together and you're your own studio band. I never get up from these two instruments without laughing or a smile on my face from learning something new. All without breaking my back trying to move a full size organ.

  • @von_Apa
    @von_Apa Рік тому +2

    Hi Nick! Thanks for this introduction. I would love to see how you should use this in a Logic homestudio with a Roland TD-50!! Your are the Best!

  • @lukejackson1116
    @lukejackson1116 Рік тому +11

    Love the form factor. Curious if they’ll release a stage box ecosystem. I didn’t see anything about network connectivity with stageboxes on the site.

    • @Velkus96
      @Velkus96 Рік тому +3

      Well the Dante version should be able to use any dante stagebox available

    • @ThatGuy-ru8ms
      @ThatGuy-ru8ms Рік тому

      They’ve already got stage boxes. It likely that this standard model isn’t truly meant for much, likely straight copper in and out.
      But the Dante variant would be able to connect to a Tio or the 16 channel Rio with ease (or any other Dante enabled stage box)

    • @isaiahfurrow7414
      @isaiahfurrow7414 Рік тому +1

      Me as well, form factor and price is great... if it just had a way to connect a stage box via ethernet cable, one that is equally as well priced...
      Dante from what I've seen is great stuff, but I haven't come across any that are affordable in the sense that a Behringer stage box is...
      I'm leaning towards a Midas X18 or Behringer X32 Compact (not as small as this) ... but partly due to the affordable cost of adding 8ch and 16ch stage boxes to it... gonna have to look into the Dante thing more... but they missed the mark in a couple places I think...
      Control room out... talk back mic input ... a stereo in , or 2...but at least one 1/8 inch and/or RCA input would he nice... the outputs as pairs... i guess I can live with that and with only 3 monitor mixes... but it would be so much more appealing with a couple small tweaks ....it's an affordable and small unit, an affordable stage box to go with it would be HUGE!!!

  • @neve2254e
    @neve2254e Рік тому +1

    Wow. Really a great console for the price. The Yamaha Rio 1608 stage box with 16 in and 8 out is almost 3 times more money. However I sure hope Yamaha will ad a Dugan automixer in their next firmware update. That would make this console perfect for round table pod cast and other broadcasting.

  • @vadimmartynyuk
    @vadimmartynyuk Рік тому +1

    hopefully the screen switching between pages and switching between fader layers are not as slow as on TF series

  • @gcitunes3715
    @gcitunes3715 Рік тому

    This is amazing, and Am happy to see Yamaha buit such machine as this.

  • @WaltherSuk
    @WaltherSuk Рік тому +1

    Nice features. And how does it sound?

  • @Screaming-Trees
    @Screaming-Trees Рік тому

    It's a cool looking mixer. There is a monitoring/master section? I don't see dedicated monitor potentiometers or buttons.

  • @PaulTrautwein
    @PaulTrautwein Рік тому +1

    We see the menu from the TF series in a small case from the CL series. The question is how it will sound.

  • @Renniz72
    @Renniz72 Рік тому +2

    I wish it had scribble strips. Also, touch and turn knob should have four-way cursor keys around it.

    • @audiopyle5949
      @audiopyle5949 Рік тому +3

      The bottom of the screen is scribble strip.

    • @ShaunPuzon
      @ShaunPuzon Рік тому +1

      @@audiopyle5949 It would be nicer to have them right above the faders.

  • @benson200310
    @benson200310 Рік тому +3

    Does it equipped with on-board oscillator and 31 band GEQ? so that i can ring the rooms😊

    • @elitdenver269
      @elitdenver269 8 днів тому

      They prob have a stake in rational n want u to buy the full version of smaart. Lol

  • @tonyyahasiel8800
    @tonyyahasiel8800 Рік тому +6

    Can it record multirack ?

    • @stevecurwick7712
      @stevecurwick7712 Рік тому

      Probably to Nuendo / Cubase.

    • @bigkickleo
      @bigkickleo Рік тому +4

      It won't "record" the multitrack, but it will send and return 18 channels via the USB (18x18), or record /playback 2 track mixes with a USB drive on the deck.

  • @jkirchheimer
    @jkirchheimer Рік тому +10

    Don’t really get, why companies still try to sell touch screens as the cool thing. They are always worse than what people are used from their Tablets and phones, and their haptic is the worst thing you can have on a device, where you quickly want to change values. That’s a mixer. It should be used in live context. Who wants to touch around on a screen to hopefully hit the correct 10x10 pixels to either look for that knob, that’s not lit, or move the finger and hope for the best, that you don’t make it worse…. On really really small devices (like the 1010bluebox) I can get it, but anything else? Why use this, instead of one that’s controlled by an iPad, that has a 1000times better touch screen AND is something you can move around with?

    • @scottmoreau5630
      @scottmoreau5630 Рік тому

      Exactly. My TouchMix 16 is a great mixer, except for the crappy touch screen. It makes adjusting things on the fly a complete nightmare. This touchscreen looks just as laggy.

    • @ShaunPuzon
      @ShaunPuzon Рік тому +1

      I totally agree. I wish this unit had a knob array for eq, at the very least. Who wants to poke around on a touch screen during a live event when you need to make an emergency eq adjustment?

    • @mrdali67
      @mrdali67 Рік тому

      Exactly. Yamaha just realiced they didn’t have a mixer in the exploding “intro” segment an there is several better options out there with better ui’s. It looks “clean” and compact. But Especially Behringer and Presonus pretty much have nailed this whole segment down and both have better and more features dependent what you need and what workflow you feel best.

  • @chaws314
    @chaws314 Рік тому

    Yamaha, please bring dark mode to the CL series! Love this!

  • @waltwilliams5195
    @waltwilliams5195 Рік тому +1

    Nice nice!! If my tax refund wasn't so miniscule I would get this right now; it would fit all my needs.

  • @mvekbatan6329
    @mvekbatan6329 3 місяці тому

    hello good time Thank you for your training
    My question is, what kind of preamp is used in this mixer?🙏🙏

  • @digitaldiezel5870
    @digitaldiezel5870 Рік тому

    Seriously considering this!

  • @emmanuelsackey1985
    @emmanuelsackey1985 Рік тому

    Sweetwater can you do a review on the rcf m20x mixer.

  • @bramrutten7957
    @bramrutten7957 Рік тому +1

    Does it have dan dugan on board?

  • @pdm67
    @pdm67 Рік тому

    Would be great if you could set it up as an 8 fader / 8 stereo channel mixer.

  • @aaronaustin7760
    @aaronaustin7760 Рік тому +8

    Someone at the Yamaha dev team has been reverse engineering a QSC Touchmix.

  • @emanuelemorena6779
    @emanuelemorena6779 Рік тому


  • @connorpope1744
    @connorpope1744 Рік тому

    Does this have an auto-mixer feature? Say for a handful of lapel mics on a stage/panel?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hello, Connor! This will not have an auto-mixer feature.
      Thanks for the interest!
      Spunde, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1732, Spunde@Sweetwater.com

  • @jonesvox1
    @jonesvox1 Рік тому

    No multitrack direct to usb drive or SDHC card? I’d go for the Presonus SL32SC at under $2k, which offers not only direct multitrack to SDHC, but way more EQ on outputs, plug-ins, and built in wireless control.

  • @OrlandoReyessonido
    @OrlandoReyessonido Рік тому +1

    So, where are the other 6 inputs to be a 22 ch. Mixer?

    • @fearbigjoel
      @fearbigjoel 3 місяці тому

      Was questioning the same.

  • @manueliribarne2326
    @manueliribarne2326 2 місяці тому

    Hi, thanks for the tips...can you tell me what mic use in this video? Thank you....hugs

  • @hoseamahanaim3352
    @hoseamahanaim3352 Рік тому

    is Yamaha not using Neutrik XLR connectors anymore?

  • @mcramp20
    @mcramp20 Рік тому +4

    Be great if came in 32 or 40 inputs and 16 sliders for 32 and 20 for 40.

  • @hangphuchienhien9078
    @hangphuchienhien9078 Рік тому

    I am going to order once for me and give a way 3 my big analog mixers

  • @nevastrez
    @nevastrez Рік тому +1

    Looks like a great new small format mixing console, could this be the long awaited successor of the famous 01X of the early 2000’s? I still have 1 working by the way, only in stand alone mode unfortunately as no current drivers.

    • @ivanknjezevic4840
      @ivanknjezevic4840 Рік тому

      It would be a true sucessor if it had solid transport controls and a jog wheel. For people doing VO or sound design, that's priceless. I'm still keeping an eye on 01X's in case someone finds a way to make them work again.

    • @oldwave1
      @oldwave1 Рік тому

      More like a the successor to the oiv96 . Which I still have.

    • @ivanknjezevic4840
      @ivanknjezevic4840 Рік тому

      @@oldwave1 Nope. This looks like a DM1000 successor (last compact DM series console which itself is basically a 01v96 on steroids). I hope this means a 02R96/DM2000 get a successor too.

  • @serhiy2020
    @serhiy2020 Рік тому +20

    The screen doesn’t look very responsive..

    • @moe47988
      @moe47988 Рік тому

      of course, they always go cheap in this area.

    • @jaysgood10
      @jaysgood10 Рік тому +3

      Everything is not a video game.

    • @justinwyatt1618
      @justinwyatt1618 Рік тому +2

      @@jaysgood10 y’a but when you can get a cheap $100 android tablet with better response time somethings wrong.

    • @moosakda4890
      @moosakda4890 Рік тому +1

      Maybe better when software update is out.

    • @realSethMeyers
      @realSethMeyers Рік тому +1

      I've seen much worse. This doesn't look too bad.

  • @bass8087
    @bass8087 Рік тому

    How to connect Dm3-D and VST RACK app ?

  • @navjotshoker8899
    @navjotshoker8899 8 місяців тому

    Does it support recording in takes

  • @kellymurphy5849
    @kellymurphy5849 Рік тому

    I need to install this unit on top of my rack and have it prewired.
    But I cannot find a rack that has a high enough lid to accommodate the screen that sits about 6 inches high.


    So sick, wish it had more than 4 TRS

    @FRANKRICECOLD209 Рік тому

    Can You Daisy Chain The To One Or More Yamaha DM3S 22 Together ? Thanks

  • @elitdenver269
    @elitdenver269 8 днів тому

    How do they come up w 22x channels? Can u hook it up to a tio?

  • @Zaccyonline
    @Zaccyonline Рік тому

    Can somebody identify those modules on the left that appear to be flanking a MOOG Sound Studio?!

  • @4-11Sound
    @4-11Sound Рік тому +2

    Was hoping this was the new/replacement for the QL lineup...this is just an "updated" TF...TF is so bad they are need to re-brand it.. Great price point, too weak a console...I'll stick with an X32 at this point

  • @Tigerex966
    @Tigerex966 Рік тому

    Latency over USB 24 bit 96 64 samples.
    Android and windows compatibility?

  • @MiriusTube
    @MiriusTube Рік тому

    Loving this form factor and versatility! Can anyone recommend something just a little bit bigger with more knobs to use for quick EQ changes and whatnot with similar I/O and sound quality?

    • @LeedsBoy24
      @LeedsBoy24 Рік тому +1

      X32 Compact is probably your next best bet in terms of price and the features you asked for.

  • @cristianmedico2476
    @cristianmedico2476 Рік тому

    I wonder if routing is as flexible as Midas/ behringer x32, one reason I ditch yamaha tf series is because how intentionally limited are.

    • @griffintaylor4627
      @griffintaylor4627 Рік тому

      Seems like it’s a smaller TF. Same exact interface. Was hoping this would have the same interface, routing and fx as the ql/cl. Especially for how much this thing costs.

  • @drumbangerproduction
    @drumbangerproduction Рік тому

    I saw nothing special over m32 or anything else in the range. Automixing?
    How is the dante implementation...is it like cl5 and rivage where you can stats of your shure wireless receivers?

  • @miguelpozoblock4223
    @miguelpozoblock4223 Рік тому

    It looks very nice but not VCA?

  • @g3cd
    @g3cd Рік тому

    On top of the screen is a little gear icon, this represents "the settings". Dude, how old are sweetwater customers? 85?

  • @4show824
    @4show824 6 місяців тому

    Does that eq section allow for dynamic eq?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  6 місяців тому

      Hello, 4show824! It’s a fixed EQ but also has a ducking feature. Are you maybe referring to multiband compression? What are you trying to do? Give us a shout and we can discuss in more depth!
      Thanks for the interest!
      James Masterson, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1641, james_masterson@sweetwater.com

    • @4show824
      @4show824 6 місяців тому

      @@sweetwater I am refering to dynamic eq, like you could do in plugins like FabFilter ProQ3( Every console should follow proQ3 example by the way, its just great!)
      I have more questions, When working with daw, will it run with Ableton live out of the box like it supposedly does with Cubase or will it need some extra programing?
      Thanks in advance.

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  6 місяців тому

      @@4show824 It’s not as plug and play with Ableton as it is with Cubase, but it does play nice. You have to do some manual mapping to get it all dialed in.
      Give us a shout and we can discuss in more depth! Thanks for the interest!
      James Masterson, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1641, james_masterson@sweetwater.com

  • @budgetkeyboardist
    @budgetkeyboardist Рік тому +10

    Cool offering. Personally I'd rather pay a bit more and have 16 faders to go with the 16 inputs, but I'm sure I'd get used to it.

    • @paulloth
      @paulloth Рік тому +1

      why not get the Tf1?

    • @LordFelix312
      @LordFelix312 Рік тому +2

      I bet there will be a DM5 someday

    • @budgetkeyboardist
      @budgetkeyboardist Рік тому

      @@paulloth Good question. I just looked at it, and it does look killer!

    • @OrlandoReyessonido
      @OrlandoReyessonido Рік тому

      @@paulloth TF series the worst mixer Yamaha ever made

  • @synthperros
    @synthperros Рік тому

    will this work for something like atmos, dolby, 5.1 or an 8 channel output setup for multi channel ?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hi Synth Perros, thanks for the question! You could potentially use this mixer in a limited way to do multichannel audio. Its built in interface is big enough, and you can likely group faders for controlling all the 8 outputs at once. However, I do not believe that is really what this mixer was designed for and I think it would be a pretty clumsy solution. Grabbing an interface better designed for this like an Apollo X16 would be a better choice.
      I love ATMOS systems, and would love to dig into what would work best for you, just give me a ring!
      Drake Sobehrad, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 3271, drake_sobehrad@sweetwater.com

  • @rodrigoadcf
    @rodrigoadcf 7 місяців тому

    16 in or 22 in?

  • @GregoryyM
    @GregoryyM Рік тому

    I have a question tf1 or dm3? What better?

  • @jamesmccabe1702
    @jamesmccabe1702 Рік тому +1

    My old mentor once told me "Yamaha Consoles are for people who don't want to learn how to mix audio properly".

  • @thecoastCoverband
    @thecoastCoverband Рік тому

    Hi can you play wav files like backing tracks?Thanks for the video super.

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому +2

      Hey there! Yes, you can certainly run WAV files as backing tracks on these mixers. You can load those files onto the console either via the USB type A port (with a thumb drive), or via the USB type B port, which you would run to a computer.
      I hope this helps!
      Nick Pasquino, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 3230, nick_pasquino@sweetwater.com

    • @thecoastCoverband
      @thecoastCoverband Рік тому

      @@sweetwater Thanks Nick great video Gr.Ness

    • @thecoastCoverband
      @thecoastCoverband Рік тому

      @@sweetwater Hi if I want to use the Dm3 as a controller with Cubase,can I control more than 16 channels?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому +1

      @@thecoastCoverband After checking with our Yamaha rep over here, it sounds like you’ll just have access to those 16 channels (2 banks of 8). Along with that, you’re going to have access to transport control on the console.
      I hope this helps!
      Nick Pasquino, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 3230, nick_pasquino@sweetwater.com

  • @colinjaques9864
    @colinjaques9864 Рік тому

    No footswitch for effects?.

  • @donkuruppuarachchi5792
    @donkuruppuarachchi5792 Рік тому

    Can I record vocals to a laptop using onboard eq or mixer?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hi Don, great question. Yes, you can use the USB output from this mixer to record 18x18 channels to a computer.
      Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281, Jason_Filloramo@sweetwater.com

  • @trippypages7309
    @trippypages7309 Рік тому +2

    I HOPE Yamaha does a similar mixer but a multi-track recorder. 😓😓😓

    • @singingmachineentertainments
      @singingmachineentertainments Рік тому +1

      Off course it’s multitrack recorder also . But Daw is compulsory for that. In Qsc touch mix u wil get all separate tracks by default in usb after recording

    • @trippypages7309
      @trippypages7309 Рік тому

      @@singingmachineentertainments ok. Thanks a lot.

    • @trippypages7309
      @trippypages7309 Рік тому

      @@singingmachineentertainments that is what i meant.... internal recorder.

  • @petergazarek9466
    @petergazarek9466 Рік тому

    PERFECT 😎👍🏻

  • @attabur
    @attabur Рік тому

    hmm.. cool looking light weight mixi :)

  • @hosoiarchives4858
    @hosoiarchives4858 Рік тому

    Can you operate it remotely with an iPad

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hello, great question. You can operate remotely with an iPad but you do need to have a dedicated router for that feature, as one is not built in.
      Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281, Jason_Filloramo@sweetwater.com

  • @archidube
    @archidube Рік тому

    Wish they would come out with a DM5.

  • @tamasszaraz4878
    @tamasszaraz4878 Рік тому

    How many effects can be used on a channel simultaneously?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hi Tamás, great question! The DM3 has two FX Returns. You can send whichever inputs to the two FXs and send the Return to whichever output mixes you wish to hear it.
      Jason Filloramo, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1281, Jason_Filloramo@sweetwater.com

  • @semaj393
    @semaj393 Рік тому

    Does this Mixer have Aux Sends?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому

      Hi, James! Thanks for your interest. The DM3 mixers have 8 freely assignable outputs. Assuming you are using two outputs for a main stereo mix, that leaves 6 to use as auxiliary sends, monitor mixes, or anything else you might need to get audio out of the mixer for.
      I hope this helps - feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again!
      Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620, caleb_lowrey@sweetwater.com

  • @michaeltwiz8477
    @michaeltwiz8477 Рік тому

    Does this compare to the Allen Heath SQ Series?

    • @ThatGuy-ru8ms
      @ThatGuy-ru8ms Рік тому

      It compares, why wouldn't it?
      When you compare the 2 the SQ series is more feature rich and I/O capable for a live environment. In a studio environment, other workflow aspects can be made up for so what chiefly matters is the sound coming from the board, the rest is personal choice and preference.
      But overall comparison I would say that for Live use, spend the money and get an SQ. I'm gonna hold out for as long as I can to see if there will be a more affordable facelift of the QL series like Rivage for CL (although that price is still too rich for my blood). It is getting about time for QL and CL to be allowed to ride off into the sunset as the heroes of live sound that they were.

  • @MusicWizard85
    @MusicWizard85 Рік тому

    The Mackie DLZ Creator is good competition. The DM3S goes up to 96kHz while the Mackie only goes to 24 bit/48kHz. The DM3S has more inputs than DLZ Creator BUT the DLZ Creator is $900 cheaper and a much better user interface/workflow.

  • @racesla
    @racesla Рік тому

    Thanks for the review Nick. I was really excited about this mixer when I first heard about it, but only having 2 FX engines is very disappointing for live sound. Also no parametric EQ on the output. Maybe a firmware update in the future. For now I would choose their TF1.

  • @abrackas1
    @abrackas1 Рік тому +1

    I hate not having a power adapter on something like this. Way easier to replace a standard power cable in case something happens as a gigging musician.

  • @-ESTITIK-
    @-ESTITIK- Рік тому +2

    Lite version of Yamaha Tf series

  • @coreyhitmaker
    @coreyhitmaker Місяць тому

    I want!

  • @ubermenschstream6765
    @ubermenschstream6765 Рік тому

    does it have eq on aux out?

    • @sweetwater
      @sweetwater  Рік тому +1

      Hi, thanks for your interest! Yes, with the DM-series mixers, you’ll be able to apply EQ to any channel being routed to any of the outputs. Yamaha’s reference manual goes into more detail, and can be found here:
      Feel free to contact me directly with any further questions, and thanks again!
      Caleb Lowrey, Sweetwater Sales Engineer, (800) 222-4700 ext. 1620, caleb_lowrey@sweetwater.com

  • @wavegawd
    @wavegawd Рік тому

    Blue tooth capabilities ?

  • @loveaboveall2382
    @loveaboveall2382 Рік тому

    This or X32 Compact?

  • @fermendozadrums
    @fermendozadrums Рік тому

    What about the converters? What converters does it have? Thanks!

  • @paulsarodh5460
    @paulsarodh5460 Рік тому

    Superb 🥀🌺🥀🌹🌸

  • @kimkimpachuau4998
    @kimkimpachuau4998 Рік тому


  • @ChrisP3000x
    @ChrisP3000x Рік тому +1

    That's nice, but please someone make a line mixer like that.
    Don't need all those preamps.

  • @boutstaxx
    @boutstaxx Рік тому +2

    1699 The Price always felt like they should just lead with that

  • @coscrupi
    @coscrupi Рік тому


  • @inwaldscheissmer6513
    @inwaldscheissmer6513 Рік тому

    Why only I Pad?

  • @joestewart4589
    @joestewart4589 7 місяців тому

    Never let the musicians have control of their own mix

    • @Inuwoodx
      @Inuwoodx 5 місяців тому

      Giving the drummer control over his own in ear monitor is pretty cool. He can use his own phone to adjust his mix and only his mix, witch is even password locked.

    • @joestewart4589
      @joestewart4589 5 місяців тому

      I was referring more to regular monitors, not in ears

  • @lenhaokip1985
    @lenhaokip1985 Рік тому


    • @ThatGuy-ru8ms
      @ThatGuy-ru8ms Рік тому +1

      Sub $2000, pre sales tax / VAT, this replaces the TF series as the cheap entry level board.

  • @ericpr0278
    @ericpr0278 Рік тому

    so... a TF with a CL look but micro size. Not bad.

  • @junejhunkie
    @junejhunkie Рік тому +1

    5 band GEQ?

    • @ThatGuy-ru8ms
      @ThatGuy-ru8ms Рік тому

      It's more than 5 bands, the preview only shows 5 bands and can interact with them but if you expand it like the other processors then you get the full geq

    • @junejhunkie
      @junejhunkie Рік тому

      @@ThatGuy-ru8ms Thanks, I only saw a glimpse and had to look around different videos of this board to find out it's a full 31 band. if it was a 5 band geq there's always a work around. An external GEQ or a dbx venue perhaps. This board looks interesting tho. After all the headless mixing boards that came out, it's always fun to mix on faders.

  • @seanroberts6849
    @seanroberts6849 Рік тому

    for the same price or less you can get the midas m32r which has a lot more features!