The fact that my elementary and high school were both just a minute away from home saved me from pooping in dingy toilets. If I had to poop or my stomach wasn't well, I could just go home to shit it all out. 😆
I have a (half) Mexican best friend and where she lived, they would keep stuff in the oven. I'm not used to that so I ended up burning and melting some plastic. So now I check ovens before I preheat them.
When I was younger I found a knife (almost like a butcher knife) under the mattress helping change the sheets. Apparently it’s so baby’s dont have nightmares and keep the monsters away. Like a Vietnamese version of a dream catcher. 😅 in Vietnam they have hose attachments to toilets to spray your butt now instead of a cup/tabo. We did it too, and one bathroom has a bidet toilet seat but my mom and grandma still prefer a cup😂 we have tiny mirrors in our house too.
lolol a demonstration of what Bart would do if he had to take a dump on the side of the road.... "Officer Faces Termination After Relieving Herself in a Changing Room" And seriously God bless the editors of that vid. 🤣
Funny that they were so strict with which hand you wipe with and which hand you eat with. But when I went to visit it was like the worst quality food prepared in just the worst most unsanitary way everywhere I went lol
Something I noticed in all my Asian friends houses is a large tube of rice with a new big bag of rice next to it. In all my Hispanic households it was the Jesus candle but people stop doing that about 20 years ago 😅
Hey guys, In the Philippines, there's a saying, " kaliwete, sandok tae!" Loosely translates to: "lefty, scoops poop," because when you use a "Tabo" most people scoop & pour the H2O with their "right" or good hand, while washing or wiping away the 💩💩💩 with their "Left", so the left hand was considered unclean and therefore it was wrong or unsanitary to use it on clean things like touching other people or touching and eating foods?! So I guess like Tesh's experience, there are other places like the Philippines with similar cultural practices?.. lol! 🤣😂🤨
My grandma was a shaman, so we always had a shaman shrine in our house. When i was a kid, I had some friends come over who were church boys and saw it and freaked out 😅😅😅.
I’m Mexican and my mom thinks that everyone should write and do everything with their right hand because if not then they must be developmentally delayed. She will yell at my kids if they grab the spoon or pencil with the left hand. I keep reminding her of all the famous scientists or doctors that are left handed but she doesn’t care 😂
I use a Thai rice steamer also I occasionally nap on a Thai rug. And I sometimes warm up doing Kali and Thai chi. Also I have a double end bag and a Bulgarian bag not sure what group that's in.
Most brown cultures, Middle Eastern ones and North African also have a rule for using ONLY the Right hand to eat, or to rip a piece of bread or religious things. Left hand is for "dirty stuff"
One day i was making tamales with my mom and i decided to put my hand in the pot to mobe some of the tamales . Once i did that i heard a loud scream behind me and my mom rushing towards me with anger. She told me its bad for anyone to put thier hands in the pot while they are cooking. If you do, they will come out bad. She told me to fuck off and not do that again. Ever since then i just buy my tamales from the store 😅
I used to use that cup in the bathroom when I stayed over at my friends house to get water to rinse my mouth😔 when I found out that's what they're used for he told me it was to rinse out the tub. But they even had those movable hose showers
Waitttt… so ryan shake people’s hand with his left? I always get scolded it’s disrespectful. Can’t even greet people sitting down too. Always thought it’s universal rules too, as I always look tv shows of white folks do the same
The intro hitting 4 mins in caught me off guard 🤣😭😭
Same dude I lost it. And the little sound after chinkydinks made it so much funnier.
It's because of what Nick said lol and of you look closely the name is actually changed 😂
Loved this episode so much! Ritesh fits right in! The cut away and the new logo has me DYING! 😂😂😂😂😂
all moms jk episodes would be legendary
holy shit 😮 that’d be so much fun and also silence
a lot of *
Kalyne's childhood bedroom sounds like something right out of a disney film! i'm so jealous
Yeah, I would have read the hell out of all those books!
People who have never washed their asses proper will never get it.
Tesh is one of the best guest of all time
Loved this episode. Ritesh is such a cool guy. It was fun to hear about all the unique stuff in each of the cultures.
Her reaction and facial expression “Just so you can shit?” Had me rolling. I had to bring that back 3 times.
Did Kalyne's dad's library have one of those rolling attached ladders that you could ride across the library on? 😊
Yes it did
For sure exclusively using the oven and dishwasher as storage lol 🤣
The fact that my elementary and high school were both just a minute away from home saved me from pooping in dingy toilets. If I had to poop or my stomach wasn't well, I could just go home to shit it all out. 😆
I have a (half) Mexican best friend and where she lived, they would keep stuff in the oven. I'm not used to that so I ended up burning and melting some plastic. So now I check ovens before I preheat them.
I'm Filipino and my mom uses the oven as storage 😅
@@CyrusKawaii I had a Filipino friend whose family did that too lol
my family is mexican and we all use our ovens for storage lmao
Og fans remember that Tesh going home to shit story 😂
When I was younger I found a knife (almost like a butcher knife) under the mattress helping change the sheets. Apparently it’s so baby’s dont have nightmares and keep the monsters away. Like a Vietnamese version of a dream catcher. 😅 in Vietnam they have hose attachments to toilets to spray your butt now instead of a cup/tabo. We did it too, and one bathroom has a bidet toilet seat but my mom and grandma still prefer a cup😂 we have tiny mirrors in our house too.
lolol a demonstration of what Bart would do if he had to take a dump on the side of the road.... "Officer Faces Termination After Relieving Herself in a Changing Room" And seriously God bless the editors of that vid. 🤣
Who knew JK had so many international fans? Funny they all have butt profile pics. 😂
3:29 is facts ❤
White Flower Ointment
I had the 1,2,3 rice dispensar too! My parents still have it!
The butter container cookie ten... and other is an all over culture thing. Our cookie ten was hair bows and Barretts or sewing
two o' da same 🤣🤣
Funny that they were so strict with which hand you wipe with and which hand you eat with. But when I went to visit it was like the worst quality food prepared in just the worst most unsanitary way everywhere I went lol
running and ninjaing on rice bags is a core memory unlocked!
Two betta than Juan!!!😂
Something I noticed in all my Asian friends houses is a large tube of rice with a new big bag of rice next to it. In all my Hispanic households it was the Jesus candle but people stop doing that about 20 years ago 😅
My mom still does that home made bidet & when she takes a shower she fills the big bucket and then turn off the faucet and shower from the bucket .
Hey guys, In the Philippines, there's a saying, " kaliwete, sandok tae!" Loosely translates to: "lefty, scoops poop," because when you use a "Tabo" most people scoop & pour the H2O with their "right" or good hand, while washing or wiping away the 💩💩💩 with their "Left", so the left hand was considered unclean and therefore it was wrong or unsanitary to use it on clean things like touching other people or touching and eating foods?! So I guess like Tesh's experience, there are other places like the Philippines with similar cultural practices?.. lol! 🤣😂🤨
I can confirm that YES the Tabo is still very much prevalent in filipino homes
Yup. Just about every south Asian household has a balti/lota/ bidet type thingy in the bathroom.
I feel bad for Bart mom 😂😂😂 raising him must’ve been so difficult
In my Cambodian household, we have that too.
The minty oil that u use, we use it too in our family but its called minyak kapak or axe oil. Or we use tiger balm too sometimes.. 😊
Nah because, I relate with Tesh about elementary school shitting 😂
4:05 😂
Bots going hard in the comments
My grandma was a shaman, so we always had a shaman shrine in our house. When i was a kid, I had some friends come over who were church boys and saw it and freaked out 😅😅😅.
I’m Mexican and my mom thinks that everyone should write and do everything with their right hand because if not then they must be developmentally delayed. She will yell at my kids if they grab the spoon or pencil with the left hand. I keep reminding her of all the famous scientists or doctors that are left handed but she doesn’t care 😂
Bart’s mom needs to come on JKN! 😂 Still waiting for that.
I use a Thai rice steamer also I occasionally nap on a Thai rug. And I sometimes warm up doing Kali and Thai chi. Also I have a double end bag and a Bulgarian bag not sure what group that's in.
We still have the same rice dispenser from 30 years ago 😅😅 Bought in the US and eventually moved to the Philippines
Some Filipinos are now converting to the bidet to prevent wet bathroom floors.
Most brown cultures, Middle Eastern ones and North African also have a rule for using ONLY the Right hand to eat, or to rip a piece of bread or religious things. Left hand is for "dirty stuff"
My mom always engraved in me to wash up after I use the restroom. So I can’t go unless I can’t wash myself. 😂
Filipinos have the mint oil thing too...its called Efficascent Oil
Some Filipinos believe in feng shui and they would have that small mirrors they call it bagua mirror
Zinda Tilismath Supremacy! Best ever.
One day i was making tamales with my mom and i decided to put my hand in the pot to mobe some of the tamales . Once i did that i heard a loud scream behind me and my mom rushing towards me with anger. She told me its bad for anyone to put thier hands in the pot while they are cooking. If you do, they will come out bad. She told me to fuck off and not do that again. Ever since then i just buy my tamales from the store 😅
Im Mexican and we would always have that little jar of mexican penicillin... no idea why but that shit works
I'm going to get myself some Zinda Tilismath from Amazon. That some cool stuff lol
Kalyne be knowin' Filipino bathrooms.
the taboooooo
my best friend in high school was filipino and i remember the first time i went over to their house i was so confused lol
We had macuroChrome and Methylate.
Wait, so folks out there splashing their 🥜 sacks with 💩 water?
I used to use that cup in the bathroom when I stayed over at my friends house to get water to rinse my mouth😔 when I found out that's what they're used for he told me it was to rinse out the tub. But they even had those movable hose showers
why would you use an unknown cup to rinse your mouth... i always use my hands
@@extrasoap4881 bro lied to me
@@extrasoap4881 they used those paper cups that u see in waiting rooms but they had it on top of the toilet
@@Richardarbizo im sorry but i ain't putting ANY cup i find in a stranger's TOILET near my mouth 💀
The hand makes sense especially if you never do it so I'm gonna add that
Finding out people don't wash their ass is weird. 😅 That's why their underwear has dodo stains
Oh I know what Joe is talking about, my korean grandma would give me charcoal balls (THEY TASTE HORRIBLE)
Is that what ex would use that cup for lol
20 seconds ago is crazy
**looks over at repurposed containers** am I Asian now?
Even in West Africa you don't use your left hand to receive or give anything also seen as the hand you wipe/wash your a$$ with.
Yupp vicks and eculaptus oil
For us cod liver oil or fathers john...and blue magic
How about putting hands in rice and beans were you self service at the store lol
If we are being real. I do the same thing Tim does. We create our own manpons to collect sweat off our ass.
unpopular opinion....tabo >>> bidet
People who don’t wash their asses with water disgusts me.
I had those ear picking tools. Not sure if it’s an Asian thing.
Chinese like some sort of water flowing object by the door. Or some have plaque off their ancestors name
Eating Jasmine rice out of a 20 pound bag is super immigrant 😅
50lbs bro
@@Zhcwu you have my respect!
Who else didn’t use the toilets during most of elementary school?🙋🏻♀️
lol this is going to be hilarious. 😂
Tabo = dipper
Joe Jon B.
love how irritated Joe looked in the end😭😆
beep beep beep beep
Zinda Tilismath
The indian thing he said is correct ❤️.... I give it a pass
Waitttt… so ryan shake people’s hand with his left? I always get scolded it’s disrespectful. Can’t even greet people sitting down too. Always thought it’s universal rules too, as I always look tv shows of white folks do the same
Zinda Tilismath