John Deere Promo Film - 1950s

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @robwar2288
    @robwar2288 2 роки тому +8

    We had Deere’s for 50 years! Now have 9 Fendts, nothing beats the Sound of a 2 cylinder!

  • @mykelbaurle5758
    @mykelbaurle5758 3 роки тому +55

    They forgot to mention, you can change the clutch disks with a pair of pliers and a screw driver, and you don't have to break the tractor in half.

  • @pnwRC.
    @pnwRC. 3 роки тому +33

    I LOVE these old promotional films!

  • @williamhalpin6713
    @williamhalpin6713 3 роки тому +71

    We were John Deere dealers from 1953 till 1990. My father and grandfather would be proud. I miss those days.

    • @johnduckett243
      @johnduckett243 3 роки тому +7

      William Halpin in Henrietta/Avon NY? John P Halpin and sons?

    • @williamhalpin6713
      @williamhalpin6713 3 роки тому +4

      Yes I live in Canandaigua now

    • @johnduckett243
      @johnduckett243 3 роки тому +14

      @@williamhalpin6713 we have a John Deere grain drill and snowblower purchased new from your family’s dealership, both still have the dealer stickers on them.

    • @williamhalpin6713
      @williamhalpin6713 3 роки тому +7

      Thank you for being a loyal customer

    • @conmanumber1
      @conmanumber1 3 роки тому +3

      Drummond and Etheridge here in Ashburton N.Z had been Deere dealers for just over 70 yrs. I think they are Australasias largest dealer.

  • @jab8162
    @jab8162 3 роки тому +16

    Decent....Current politicians should watch this....and realize what made this country strong .

  • @michaelvrooman5681
    @michaelvrooman5681 3 роки тому +34

    I love these old films. Made before television and shown in small town theaters

    • @robertpayne2717
      @robertpayne2717 3 роки тому +7

      Most that I saw were shown at John Deere Dealerships in the late winter at a promotional dinner for farmers...

    • @joemueth4077
      @joemueth4077 3 роки тому +7

      @@robertpayne2717 I remember those very well. The good old days.

    • @winwintoo5318
      @winwintoo5318 3 роки тому +2

      I remember them being shown in our small town theatre. There was a man who travelled with the movie and he later made it big, but I can’t remember his name. Do you?

    • @30acreshop_time
      @30acreshop_time 4 місяці тому +1

      They were only showed at dealers or promo dinners, when showing a new piece of equipment to sell, etc. I wish they still made promotional films today like they did in the day.

  • @sonofthegun5178
    @sonofthegun5178 Рік тому +5

    The old popping Johnny is still my favorite

  • @tedrice1026
    @tedrice1026 2 роки тому +5

    Never got to drive a John Deere. My Dad was an Allis Chalmers man at heart, though he had a Farmall MD for most of the heavy work. The '38 Allis Chalmers WC he had was more primitive than the John Deeres! No electric or hydraulics. He hated John Deere because of the light front end. Having seen these old videos, I understand the design much better than I did as a youngster and agree with the simplicity and ability to easily repair it yourself without having to split the machine. Having driven a Massey Ferguson 97 extensively in more recent times that had a hand clutch (as well as a foot clutch) I found the hand clutch very handy. But that is the only tractor I ever drove that had one. Our neighbor had an Oliver, a very smooth and easy to drive machine, but it didn't have cylinder liners and cost him a fortune to get the engine rebuilt when it wore out. I also spent many hours in the 1970's driving a Versatile articulated tractor with a Cummins engine and hated it. If you lost 300 rpm you lost all power and had to shift, which involved moving two or three different levers. Truck engines have no business in tractors. Maybe before I croak I will get a chance to drive a 2 cyl Deere!

  • @joemueth4077
    @joemueth4077 3 роки тому +20

    Another happy customer. Long live John Deere Nation.

    • @CheeseMiser
      @CheeseMiser 2 роки тому

      Long live waterloo boy, the basic design that john deere was too cheap to change until highering someone from ford

  • @johnhartman7078
    @johnhartman7078 4 роки тому +23

    Great video! I have JD models: D, 40 & 50. All need some restoration work but what fun to hear the two cylinder engines start and run smoothly.

    • @jonmiller8819
      @jonmiller8819 3 роки тому +2

      Couldn't agree more with you I have a 41 B and a 49 Mt. Two different but great John Deere sounds.

  • @MrJohndeerejon
    @MrJohndeerejon 5 років тому +22

    Thank you for posting this video Al, John Deere is very near and dear to our families heart. My Grandfather bought a '37 B on steel and then in 1949 he bought a mt with a plow,disc,cultivator, and culipacker. In 1971 my Dad got the mt and implements from my Grandpa and used them for sometime on our place.

  • @5_fun_facts123
    @5_fun_facts123 3 роки тому +39

    Man were kids polite back then.

    • @robertclaas7526
      @robertclaas7526 3 роки тому +4

      You said it kids were great respectful too iam proud I was born in 1951 sorry drugs are destroying our youth along with satonic music just my thoughts as a older farmer Robert McHenry of texas

    • @everettduncan7543
      @everettduncan7543 2 роки тому +2

      @@robertclaas7526 Bet social media has something to do with it too.

    • @30acreshop_time
      @30acreshop_time 4 місяці тому +1

      @@robertclaas7526I’m 13 and I can’t stand the new music and drugs today, it’s horrible and it’s everywhere, you can touch a railing without getting cocaine under your finger nail. I really wish I was born in 30s so I could take it all in.

    • @outdoor044
      @outdoor044 3 місяці тому

      Yeah kids these days are terrible. Wonder who raised em... Boomers are responsible for millennials.

    • @jacksonhornady7474
      @jacksonhornady7474 3 місяці тому +1

      @@30acreshop_timeI just turned 20 a few weeks ago and get told I was born in the wrong generation. I can’t stand modern music and the business of modern cities. I often get told I was born 50 years too late. I’m thankful I grew with a grandfather that took me to shows full of these old tractors!!

  • @scottpecora371
    @scottpecora371 3 роки тому +28

    "By golly". No "F" bombs in this one!

  • @odiswhitetexas
    @odiswhitetexas 3 роки тому +8

    John Deere and others, nowadays, feed the world! Thank you John Deere and Modern Agriculture!

    • @wyattnyfeler7270
      @wyattnyfeler7270 3 роки тому +4

      John Deere sucks nowadays they completely screw over farmers

    • @odiswhitetexas
      @odiswhitetexas 3 роки тому +2

      @@wyattnyfeler7270 Buy something different.

    • @slundgr
      @slundgr 3 роки тому

      @@wyattnyfeler7270 I think John Deere has always been priced higher than some of the other farm machinery manufacturers

    • @joemueth4077
      @joemueth4077 2 роки тому

      There will always be those haters out there, that fear the Deere.

    • @bill45colt
      @bill45colt Рік тому +1

      @@joemueth4077 electronics and not letting owners work on them is hurting the owner and the dealer

  • @martinrivermoore9545
    @martinrivermoore9545 Рік тому +2

    "You can 't beat a John Deere tractor"...cause nothing runs like a Deere🤣❤️❤️❤️

    • @eddlemanfamilyfarm1944
      @eddlemanfamilyfarm1944 Рік тому

      The old John Deere's put the saying in place nothing better in the tractor world than the two cylinder John Deere tractors running and talking as they go

  • @MarvinSierks
    @MarvinSierks 10 місяців тому

    I growed up on these old girls you cant beat them
    Oh, the good old days!!!!!

  • @randygray3291
    @randygray3291 3 роки тому +4

    at 8:30-8:40 you have to appreciate all the sounds the tractor makes

    • @rotunda57
      @rotunda57 2 роки тому

      Yes - it's dead quiet at 8:30-8:40! 👌

  • @RoadRunnergarage8570
    @RoadRunnergarage8570 5 років тому +13

    💘 these old 🚜 videos...

  • @mattsmith4344
    @mattsmith4344 3 роки тому +9

    Back when promotional content showed real improvement

  • @michaelhays2158
    @michaelhays2158 3 роки тому +14

    Wow that looks fun good ole days

  • @kevinjetensky251
    @kevinjetensky251 2 роки тому +1

    I was at a tractor pull where they had the old vintage tractors pulling;A old feller with his old G came in beat the other old iron.what amazed me with that old G was only popping every 10? seconds but was still going.

  • @jeffniedert759
    @jeffniedert759 3 роки тому +5

    good ad! Makes me want to go out and see if I can't find a new B John Deere

  • @hairlesscat6458
    @hairlesscat6458 3 роки тому +5

    Back when men were men and tractors were tractors. John Deere is nothing like it used to be.

  • @gregbaldwin5144
    @gregbaldwin5144 Рік тому +1

    Where does the Gen4 GPS monitor mount??

  • @timnichols9015
    @timnichols9015 3 роки тому +24

    I can do the maintenance myself......ha ha. Now need Service Adviser electronic tools, satellite receivers and tens of thousands in "unlocks" Grrrrrrrr

    • @MrNobody2828
      @MrNobody2828 3 роки тому +3

      Ya agree, I put a clutch in mine one day out in the field with a cultivator on it. Screwdriver, a pliers and a crescent wrench all in about 20 minutes.

    • @rogercarrico4975
      @rogercarrico4975 3 роки тому +2

      John Deere stock holder here. You plow boys keep on buying that wonderful, so very efficient, John Deere technically advanced software. The Bahamas are beautiful this time if year!!!! Thanks a million, or rather 8 or 10👍 Wait, I'm lying!! I'm a poor plow boy too ☹️

  • @rickburris6164
    @rickburris6164 3 роки тому +4

    Doesn't that hand clutch to hook up implements sound safe? The high power of a two cylinder engine?

  • @jwoutdoors1451
    @jwoutdoors1451 Рік тому +1

    My great grandpa owned a 48 model b. Ran his whole farm with it.

  • @shawnfrederiksen1252
    @shawnfrederiksen1252 4 роки тому +7

    I think the video is from the late 40s? 1947(?) was the last B upgrade?

    • @MrNobody2828
      @MrNobody2828 3 роки тому +2

      I noticed it had the latest in gear shift pattern.

    • @theda850two
      @theda850two 3 роки тому +3

      The salesman's car is a 1946 Ford "Tudor" sedan.

  • @mp40submachinegun81
    @mp40submachinegun81 3 роки тому +2

    Crazy that an A was a big tractor in the day, 35 hp at the pto, 25 at the drawbar. My family farm had multiple A's we still have the one my grandfather bought new in '49 wich has been restored. We now run 2 versatile 550dt's wich make 550 engine hp.

  • @alexdrake9931
    @alexdrake9931 3 роки тому +7

    I dont want to sound dumb, but where is the IVT control and the climate controls? I think I can see where the Greenstar is, but I cant see the bluetooth mic.

    • @alexdrake9931
      @alexdrake9931 3 роки тому

      @Thomas Chisholm wow! You are kinda bitter, aren't you?

  • @TonyM132
    @TonyM132 4 роки тому +15

    "A foot clutch is OK on a smaller tractor... but with a tractor of this size..." he says about a dinky little John Deere B! 😆 For anyone more familiar with IH tractors, a later B like this is directly competitive with a Farmall H. Earlier B's were comparable to a Farmall C (although the C didn't exist yet then).

    • @robertheinkel6225
      @robertheinkel6225 3 роки тому +6

      My uncle had JD A s. He had adjusted the clutch so it was very hard to disengage. My mother was hauling hay with the A, and when she went to stop at a road, she couldn't stop the tractor, and pulled out in front of a semi. The semi was paying attention, and changed lanes before they hit. Scared the hell out of her.

    • @TonyM132
      @TonyM132 3 роки тому +3

      @@robertheinkel6225 I'm glad your mom was OK. I remember having that problem on one of the 2 cylinders I drove. If you just pulled back steady on the clutch lever you couldn't get it to pop to disengaged, you had to really jerk it hard and fast. And then sometimes you'd bash the lever into your knee cap... By the late 50s I'm sure some customers avoided Deere because of the hand clutch.

    • @joedaly2362
      @joedaly2362 3 роки тому +3

      @@TonyM132 Had a hand clutch on my 1970 2020 Grove diesel orchard tractor. Can you believe it?

    • @TonyM132
      @TonyM132 3 роки тому +1

      @@joedaly2362 Well if you tell me so, I'll believe it. I don't know much about those smaller Deeres and know nothing about orchards. I bet that hand clutch was probably easier to use than ones which came 20 years before it though, yeah? Did your 2020 have a foot clutch also or hand only?

    • @robertmoulton2656
      @robertmoulton2656 3 роки тому

      Who the heck cares about farmall🤣. Smaller and smaller group of people who even know what Farmall existed .

  • @conservativecalvinist3308
    @conservativecalvinist3308 3 роки тому +3

    Best time in America

  • @tiger5551
    @tiger5551 4 роки тому +11

    That kid is a good salesman. Not gonna lie I would buy from him

    • @reillyfake8947
      @reillyfake8947 4 роки тому +1

      I thought the exact same thing

    • @lawrencekieffer6770
      @lawrencekieffer6770 3 роки тому +7

      The don't make them like they used to. That saying is true for both machinery and kids.

  • @lowellcrabb151
    @lowellcrabb151 3 роки тому +12

    The big tractors like this new B... what a statement. I'm afraid that video wouldn't be Osha approved.

  • @allanvaneste6039
    @allanvaneste6039 3 роки тому +4

    Morale of the story...winner, winner chicken dinner.

  • @robertnymand9889
    @robertnymand9889 3 роки тому +2

    I agree it was good times.

  • @DoubleD56
    @DoubleD56 4 місяці тому +1

    So at 6:05 john deere had a VT tool even in the 1950s

  • @boB7710II
    @boB7710II 3 роки тому +1

    Thats it, I'm convinced, I'm going to my john deere dealer to buy one

  • @joedaly2362
    @joedaly2362 3 роки тому +7

    Great film. Ya just gotta love it. And those Johnny Poppers, why did they ever bother to change?

    • @Definitelynotyou90
      @Definitelynotyou90 3 роки тому


    • @turbodiesel4709
      @turbodiesel4709 3 роки тому +4

      @ joe daly : Deere had to change to survive. Too many limitations with the 2 cylinder design.
      The "New Generation" John Deere 4 & 6 cylinder tractors released in the early 1960's kept them in the game & ahead of the curve.

    • @slundgr
      @slundgr 3 роки тому

      @@turbodiesel4709 True. I think the bigger engines of the other tractors, especially the diesels, generated more horsepower than the two cylinder engines

    • @robertpayne2717
      @robertpayne2717 3 роки тому +1

      They had reached a limit on horsepower. My dad had a 730 diesel around 57 horse power he bought new in 1958. My granddad just 3 years later bought a 4010 which delivered about 75 or 80 horsepower. They were about the same size physically but the 4010s would do alot more work.

    • @slundgr
      @slundgr 3 роки тому +1

      @@robertpayne2717 Wasn’t the gear range on the 4010 a lot wider, plus the hydraulics and steering were improved?

  • @thomasfaucette1660
    @thomasfaucette1660 Рік тому +1

    i like these old sales videos

  • @jeffb321
    @jeffb321 3 роки тому +9

    My dad sent me this link. He added the following message along with the link
    That's the exact tractor Grandpa bought when ho got his first tractor. He got the JD B - 2 row planter - and 2 row cultivator for $960. When he came home his Dad, my Grandpa said he was going to go broke. Grandpa bought the first tractor in Milford Township - everything was done with horses. Grandpa seen lots of changes in his life as a farmer.

  • @robertpayne2717
    @robertpayne2717 4 роки тому +17

    Yes, the 830 and 730 maxed out the horsepower of the 2 cylinder engine. That led to the creation of the New Generation 4000 series of John Deere Tractors. And the explosion of John Deere company

    • @jwmfarms
      @jwmfarms 3 роки тому +1

      The Farmall 460/560 rear end fiasco is what led to Deere surpassing IH in tractor sales. If the Farmall 06 series had been introduced then, Deere wouldn't have been as popular.

    • @MilkMan608
      @MilkMan608 3 роки тому +2

      @@jwmfarms Needed a 2x4 to shift our neighbor's 706!!

    • @MrNobody2828
      @MrNobody2828 3 роки тому +3

      @@MilkMan608 gotta wait 10 minutes after pushing in the clutch pedal for the gears to stop turning to get the gears to mesh.

    • @slundgr
      @slundgr 3 роки тому +3

      4020 was the smoothest handling tractor I ever drove, much more so than the Case 930 or 1030 or International 660 or 1206, although the 1206 had more power.

  • @hansgrehoner9847
    @hansgrehoner9847 3 роки тому +2

    at this time my grandfather had a Hanomag R 28 with cab.

  • @fordtruxdad5155
    @fordtruxdad5155 4 роки тому +11

    1:48 Sounded like he had a John Deere car at first!

  • @dwightherrington7793
    @dwightherrington7793 2 роки тому

    So beautiful back then

  • @3Mudbone1
    @3Mudbone1 Рік тому +2

    Mr. Jennings and Bill smoked a bowl later that evening.

  • @Only-one-life-68
    @Only-one-life-68 3 роки тому +1

    Really appreciate you putting this video on here to see..
    Them days may of been damn hard in hot/cold weather..
    But they loved it as they were respected by there community’s.
    Today unfortunately I believe farmers aren’t appreciated..
    The local Apple inc shop is more appreciated 😢.
    Thank you again from a viewer in 🇬🇧

  • @brycewiborg8095
    @brycewiborg8095 4 місяці тому

    I think he knew more about the JD hand clutch, and operation than he was letting on.

  • @ronaldkearn3322
    @ronaldkearn3322 3 роки тому +8

    I have a model B gasoline only tractor.I love it. :-)

    • @CheeseMiser
      @CheeseMiser 2 роки тому

      If you had a diesel john deere b, many people would have questions

    • @rotunda57
      @rotunda57 2 роки тому

      @@CheeseMiser The were made as gasoline and all fuel. No diesel of course, but the all fuel would burn kerosene and distillate because it was cheaper fuel.

  • @dennishuntley7688
    @dennishuntley7688 3 роки тому

    This is taken from the template IH did a few years before this, same kinds of comparisons.

  • @robertnymand9889
    @robertnymand9889 4 роки тому +3

    Good add!

  • @SK-tr9ii
    @SK-tr9ii 3 роки тому +14

    Those old timers liked to talk about those two cylinder tractors on silo fillers. As soon as that engine got into a good hard pull the front end would start jumping off the ground.

    • @hansgrehoner9847
      @hansgrehoner9847 3 роки тому +2

      it`s a deere!

    • @onealfarms9967
      @onealfarms9967 3 роки тому +3

      I remember when I was a little kid my great grandfather would tell us boys to go set of the front of that deer and hold it down filled a silo wild ride

    • @bobschneider5181
      @bobschneider5181 3 роки тому +1

      The Farmall M was a much better tractor, especially doing Belt work like running a silo filler. Plus the John Deere had a really really slow road gear compared to the Farmall M.

    • @cowboywoodard2569
      @cowboywoodard2569 3 роки тому


    • @CheeseMiser
      @CheeseMiser 2 роки тому +1

      @@bobschneider5181 well also only Farmall was able to adapt an aftermarket overdrive.

  • @justinkostelecky6201
    @justinkostelecky6201 Рік тому +1

    Man, I grew up in the wrong era. 😢

  • @av8bvma513
    @av8bvma513 2 роки тому

    "I'll Take One! Don't bother to wrap it up, I will drive it home!"

  • @ricardoaguiar3584
    @ricardoaguiar3584 3 роки тому +3

    Me encanta el vídeo mucha historia,encantador

  • @itruck1
    @itruck1 3 роки тому +4

    A free chicken dinner by golly.

  • @CheeseMiser
    @CheeseMiser 2 роки тому +1

    I hate knowing that these classic tractors were once high tech, brand new, and large machines.

  • @millardhayes1884
    @millardhayes1884 3 місяці тому

    I believe Farmall had a chance to have the Roll Matic but turned it down.

  • @johndavidstutts
    @johndavidstutts 3 роки тому +6

    Did he say run the clutch from the ground? O my guess lawyer's were different back then. Love these old ad videos.

    • @maeflower5108
      @maeflower5108 3 роки тому +1

      Yea, that sure wouldn't fly nowadays!

    • @zozo_letsplayz850
      @zozo_letsplayz850 3 роки тому +6

      they used to have a thing called common sense, thats a thing of the past, they were designed to be able to run the clutch from the ground to run belt drive or pto stationary impliments. absolutly nothing wrong with that

    • @maeflower5108
      @maeflower5108 3 роки тому +1

      @@zozo_letsplayz850 Nothing wrong with it until some farmhand forgets it in gear and runs himself over. Common sense is not infallible.

    • @turbodiesel4709
      @turbodiesel4709 3 роки тому +4

      @@maeflower5108 : Oh well, ya can't fix stupid!
      And, if they are too damned stupid to safely operate a tractor, then good riddance.

    • @johndavidstutts
      @johndavidstutts 3 роки тому +1

      Ya, common sense is missing out nowadays. Running a open belt to our old hammer mill, dodging the belt. Lawyers nightmare now days. Ha.

  • @kevin6030
    @kevin6030 3 роки тому

    America baby John Deere will always be king

  • @dedrakuhn6103
    @dedrakuhn6103 4 роки тому +16

    A John Deere $90.00 dollar overhaul? Bawhahaha!

    • @rossbryan6102
      @rossbryan6102 4 роки тому +8


    • @SeilVonSehl
      @SeilVonSehl 3 роки тому +2

      90$ back then would be worth the same as 970$ today

    • @lukestrawwalker
      @lukestrawwalker 3 роки тому +5

      @@SeilVonSehl Yeah people really have no clue as to how badly our money is devalued over what it used to be... I was gonna say it was at least 10:1 or more now compared to then. Even when I was a kid we could get a 2 piece chicken and fries and biscuit at Ron's Chicken for 35 cents... now just the roll will cost you over a dollar, and the 2 piece chicken and roll with no fries is about $5. We got 60 cents a pound for cotton back then. When we quit row cropping in 03, we were STILL getting the same lousy 60 cents a pound on average we did then, back when a new pickup was about $1,800... compare that to today! That's why we quit farming cotton-- fertilizer was $60/ton back then, over $400/ton when we quit, seed was $8 a 50 lb bag then, over $350/bag when we quit. Diesel was 20-30 cents a gallon back then, around $3.00 a gallon when we quit. Everything else was the same proportions, but cotton was still (and still is) selling for the same lousy 60 cents a pound on average it did nearly 50 years ago. Later! OL J R :)

    • @joedaly2362
      @joedaly2362 3 роки тому

      Baw-haw-haw! That's how you say it. Now get it together. Thank you.

  • @robertmoulton2656
    @robertmoulton2656 3 роки тому +12

    John Deere was on the mark with most everything,but sure missed it with the hand clutch.😂

    • @MilkMan608
      @MilkMan608 3 роки тому +6

      Worked just fine. Didn't need to split the tractor to replace the clutch plates, either. A do it yourself job.

    • @CheeseMiser
      @CheeseMiser 2 роки тому

      @@MilkMan608 except you can wear the clutch out super quickly by accident if pulling too hard. Plus, with every other tractor having a foot clutch, driving a deere has been a bit cautious at times.

  • @gilfavor4455
    @gilfavor4455 3 роки тому +1

    he learn quick ..😊

  • @bobgomez9481
    @bobgomez9481 7 місяців тому

    Is that Tim Matheson?

  • @edwardschuck6986
    @edwardschuck6986 2 роки тому +2

    I appreciate John Deere for their focus on quality, especially later on but being raised on farmall men's and MTA's you won't convince me on the John Deere..they were really aquard an light on the front end...popping wheelies a lot..then that stubborn 2 cylinder...when they give you fits ,it's enough to make you cuss

  • @kunstmol
    @kunstmol 3 роки тому

    Just a few safety in fractions in there... Repeatedly starting the tractor while standing in front of the drive wheels. Recommending you can operate the hand clutch while standing on the ground, or while standing on the tractor...

  • @qzorn4440
    @qzorn4440 2 роки тому

    o my i want one 😎 or maybe just go for a road trip to: Pioneer Village is a museum and tourist attraction along U.S. Highway 6 in Minden, Nebraska lots of tractors and machinery plus a huge collection of old days stuff... 🥰 john deere B... ok

  • @makingithappen5178
    @makingithappen5178 3 роки тому +1

    Detta var en fantastisk traktor.

  • @outinthesticks1035
    @outinthesticks1035 2 роки тому +1

    Amused by them praising the narrow front axle . Everyone used to get rid of those tractors as quick as they could

    • @RenewTheRWandBlue
      @RenewTheRWandBlue 2 роки тому +1

      You're forgetting that these tractors were built back before combines did the harvesting. Corn was picked, not shelled. Kind of impractical to mount a corn picker on a wide front tractor. The roll-o-matic front end was indeed revolutionary at the time.

    • @outinthesticks1035
      @outinthesticks1035 2 роки тому

      @@RenewTheRWandBlue maybe it was revolutionary , my grandfather had a combine in the early 30s. Those tractors would never follow the ruts in a trail , the front wheels always tried to fall off to one side . Any speed and it rolled . Any kind of side slope and they rolled . Little bit of a hole or a stone and the steering would whip . Got my thumb broke when I was 13 by one . My dad sold it right after that , he thought if I was going to be helping then he didn't want to take more risk

    • @aliassomebody8343
      @aliassomebody8343 Рік тому

      @@RenewTheRWandBlue It was also a a fact that John Deere 'A's like those featured in this video had no power steering whatsoever so a tricycle front end helped with turning the tractor easier, there of course were wide front 'A's too but they weren't as easy to turn.

  • @Unknown_Ooh
    @Unknown_Ooh 2 роки тому

    Heck of a dealership tactic let the kid convince you to buy one of the tractors and the salesman makes the commission lol

  • @duckslayer92
    @duckslayer92 3 роки тому +4

    Put it in the field next to a oliver 77 and we'll talk! Great video

    • @MilkMan608
      @MilkMan608 3 роки тому

      You jumped up one tractor size.

    • @duckslayer92
      @duckslayer92 3 роки тому +2

      An A and 77 are pretty close

  • @cowboywoodard2569
    @cowboywoodard2569 3 роки тому +1

    Popping Johnny

  • @fabiobellini7642
    @fabiobellini7642 Рік тому

    Of course

  • @jimmychanbers2424
    @jimmychanbers2424 3 роки тому +2

    2:00 deaf and sunburned. Been there.

    • @slundgr
      @slundgr 3 роки тому

      I can relate. Sometimes all I had for shade was my ball cap. Now I see the dermatologist every year because of skin cancer. When I went into the Navy my hearing test showed I had hearing loss and couldn’t go into sonar or radio.

  • @Dan-wt7jx
    @Dan-wt7jx Рік тому +1

    Wooo, Mother Deere bragging about parts and service being cheap and recommending farmers do their own maintenance, thats something you wont hear from them anymore.

  • @leslie476
    @leslie476 2 роки тому

    Marketing at it finest.

  • @tractorboy31
    @tractorboy31 3 роки тому

    Well there is one of my girls siblings. I have a 48 b but she is locked up. I need the time and space to break her loose and get her running again but for now i use my 57 520. It looks like this tractor shown has the distributor drive hydraulic pump option

  • @observant98
    @observant98 3 роки тому

    This had to be from the late 1940’’d almost think hydraulics were invented by John Deere.....think Harry Ferguson and the 3 point hitch.

  • @leomenchey3726
    @leomenchey3726 2 роки тому

    $90 for an overhaul I can't even buy a set of blades for my John Deere mower for $90 LOL

  • @glennso47
    @glennso47 2 роки тому

    John Deere won’t let you do your own repairs now!

  • @georgecostanza9387
    @georgecostanza9387 3 роки тому

    Bet you won’t see any modern commercial where they start the tractor and run the hydraulics from the ground

  • @tracilambert3526
    @tracilambert3526 3 роки тому +1

    The farmall f 12 is my personal favorite

  • @Надиване
    @Надиване 3 роки тому +1

    Реклама страшная сила

  • @robertaus8420
    @robertaus8420 3 роки тому +2

    I reckon old mate from MASH doesn’t know what he’s talking about. 😂

  • @lovinradios6495
    @lovinradios6495 3 роки тому

    well we are standing in the rain and cold right now , not to mention getting killed by traffic to keep the real legacy alive

  • @JohnnyRebKy
    @JohnnyRebKy 3 роки тому +1

    That settles it. I'm selling my 2015 John Deere and buying a B

  • @cowboywoodard2569
    @cowboywoodard2569 3 роки тому +1

    Miss the hand cluch when baling a hay, 630 JD with a kicker baler

  • @marklafayette6948
    @marklafayette6948 6 місяців тому

    I perfer the R to the 830 👨‍🌾🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @aliassomebody8343
      @aliassomebody8343 5 місяців тому

      I preferer the 80 over both I don't know why you wouldn't want power steering or the 80's superior engine, the R may have been first, but it's got minor problems with engine power because Deere hadn't fully developed their diesel development yet.

  • @trulysurprised-bk7cy
    @trulysurprised-bk7cy 3 роки тому

    Starts tractor from the cringing like crazy 😳😳😳😱

    • @alancummings5008
      @alancummings5008 3 роки тому

      Learned from day one to start our 52 B from the ground. Reach underneath. Open the petcocks. Then push the starter petal. Then reach back under and close the petcocks. Actually liked the old one better. Petcocks were on the side of the block and had little levers you could reach from the seat.

    • @trulysurprised-bk7cy
      @trulysurprised-bk7cy 3 роки тому

      @@alancummings5008 yeah, I had a hand start H. I know, but I watched a foot clutch tractor get stopped by a concrete wall once....

  • @onealfarms9967
    @onealfarms9967 3 роки тому +2

    I traded a lawnmower for a b restored it then sold it to another man he sent it to a jd dealer and they restored it and he sold the tractors to a museum somewhere lost trac of it after that

  • @hornett22
    @hornett22 3 роки тому +12

    Nothing runs like a Deere
    Or smells like a John.
    John Deere screwed my on a $3,000 mower, they're not doing it on a $30k tractor.
    And then you have the right to repair fiasco.

    • @aliassomebody8343
      @aliassomebody8343 Рік тому

      Hey, that's what you get for buying anything made post 1999 it just isn't Deere even if as a company they have become really sleazy in recent years.

  • @amlafrance1918
    @amlafrance1918 3 роки тому +1

    And now look at the shit world we live in

  • @fabiobellini7642
    @fabiobellini7642 Рік тому

    Mettetelo in italiano

  • @trulysurprised-bk7cy
    @trulysurprised-bk7cy 3 роки тому

    B's are like aholes, everyone had one.

  • @jackwillie2729
    @jackwillie2729 3 роки тому

    $90.00 on complete overhaul of tractor engine,,,what were wages, grain prices, yields

  • @valdemarpereira9005
    @valdemarpereira9005 3 роки тому

    Es mejor in trator sin duda, im mi hacienda todo es jon deere

  • @Username-kl8ke
    @Username-kl8ke 3 роки тому +1

    case 4 life

    • @chadjustice8560
      @chadjustice8560 3 роки тому +6

      Because you can't afford superior equipment right?

    • @Username-kl8ke
      @Username-kl8ke 3 роки тому

      yep lol

    • @jwmfarms
      @jwmfarms 3 роки тому +2

      @@chadjustice8560 Massey Fergusons aren't that expensive.

    • @MrNobody2828
      @MrNobody2828 3 роки тому +1

      @@jwmfarms local dealer is only 80 miles away though!

    • @mikeznel6048
      @mikeznel6048 3 роки тому +1

      What? On farm sim? Lolol

  • @elephantcompany6061
    @elephantcompany6061 3 роки тому +6

    How do they get so much power from a 2 cylinder? So much power, it wouldn't handle a foot clutch. Hahaha

    • @michaelvrooman5681
      @michaelvrooman5681 3 роки тому +5

      The good oart about the John Deere hand clutch was that you could replace it without splitting the tractor in half

    • @yokiniqu
      @yokiniqu 3 роки тому

      @@michaelvrooman5681 yes, because you need to do that all the time 😂

    • @elephantcompany6061
      @elephantcompany6061 3 роки тому +3

      @@yokiniqu no, what he said was the John deere clutch is easier to work on because you don't have to split the tractor.
      Both clutch maintenance and tractor splitting are common practice for mechanics and farmers.
      Not sure why the idea of that deserves a laughing, crying yellow smiley face?

    • @akallio9000
      @akallio9000 3 роки тому

      I got the impression that you could reach over and use the hand clutch to nudge the tractor back and forth to hook up equipment to the drawbar. Sounds pretty sketchy to me, as the tractor movement would cause you to engage the clutch fully and run you over.

    • @elephantcompany6061
      @elephantcompany6061 3 роки тому +1

      @@akallio9000 yes I believe that's true. But it took a lot of swing on the handle to fully engage. You could creep the tractor by lightly letting in the clutch partially.
      I'm guessing that the hand clutch comes from the days of the old steam/oil burners where the driver would commonly be standing behind to operate.

  • @don66hotrod94
    @don66hotrod94 3 роки тому

    Let me sell you a tractor that's only 30 years behind in engineering. That sounds Great!

    • @turbodiesel4709
      @turbodiesel4709 3 роки тому +1

      @ Don 66Hotrod : Typical comment from an ignoramus.

    • @aliassomebody8343
      @aliassomebody8343 Рік тому

      Excuse me? This was the late thirties or early forties despite what the title of the video says and the Waterloo Boy wasn't even thirty and was out of production by that point.

  • @mathewjames7553
    @mathewjames7553 2 роки тому

    Model B,Model A?Ha!ha!Both junk compared to Oliver tractors.