The fact that Japan is very thoughtful about the little things people from other countries wouldn't care for shows the quality of life and understanding for the common people.
The biggest mistake in this video is that the background music is not Japanese, but Chinese. From the perspective of Western countries, Japan and China may look the same, but they are completely different countries with different languages and cultures.😩😭
Im Japanese and Im telling you, mayo things is incorrect. I have never heard or know people ice cream on mayo. Though, we use mayo on okonomiyaki or takoyaki, but not on desserts.
😳😃 The part with washing hands and excesive water is redirected to the toilet as flushing water, is GREAT ! Why on earth doesn't all of the world do this !? Also using rainwater as tap, toilet or bath water would be an amazing idea.
@@beahmangulamas7816 ya if there is a cleaning class in Philippines i would love to clean (it'll be my second favorite subject, and my first favorite subject is break time 🤣)
As a teacher I visited schools in Japan. I walked into a classroom to find the children diligently working but no teacher. You could hear a pin drop.. They explained she was on her break. At lunch a designated set of children bought the food from the kitchen & served it to other students. Also at the end of the day all the children cleaned the schools. I can't speak for all of Japan but I was impressed with the city of Shingu.
but that's what kids are supposed to do. be childish act weird they are not robots. Let them enjoy their phase as later everyone has to follow discipline and other life problems
Teachers in Japan do not take breaks during class time--unless they are having a breakdown. Teachers may run off to get something, make copies, etc. or they may be taking the day off (but another teacher will cover for absent teachers). Something was lost in translation there. The only possible "normal" situation would be the accelerated classes preparing for entrance exams. But a teacher would not have "her break" at that time. Japanese teachers do not have scheduled breaks at all. They rest while working at their desks between classes!
おえ、おまえ hey you don't say omae you have to say あなた you anata the first one is oe omae but you can't say that to someone but you say in japanese anata is that not hey is meaning you but if you say in japanese hey you have to say おう、 ou
You forgot one thing. On weekends we junior high school students (13~15)years old. Clean the park, streets, and sometimes help our elementary school before. We help prepare festivals.
Wow let's all slate the Westerners, there is a simple answer to this if you don't like what we do then don't watch the videos Westerners put up and stay in the East. As for low IQ I know many Chinese and Japanese who are thicker than two short planks just because you are Japanese/Chinese it doesn't make you brighter than everyone else in the world.
Asians seem more organized than Americans,even when poor,seems they even grind & work harder. Not mentioning the 16 hour work day,Every day. GOD bless um.
@Hadi Purwanto but Asians were rich than Europeans and Americans but they destroyed it..Japan overcame from that due to low population and their skills..But mark this one day Asians gonna be ruling the whole globe
Japan: * makes square watermelons * Minecraft: *we will watch your career with great interest* Edit: thanks for 400 likes Edit 2: woah this is double the amount of likes! Thx guys!
Faisal khan Lots of westerners still believe all the Asians are same. They believe Asians are all same kinds of people, have same culture and religious belief. Like Japan is a democratic country but westerners believe japan is same as communist country, China. They believe we speak same language, have same history, everything is same.
Everyone watching this watch Japanese SHUNchan react to this. He's ACTUALLY Japanese and point out all the things this video misunderstood or lied about.
@@achyuththouta6957 Let's not confuse liberalism with left, those are different things. Compulsory labour can be fine with left ideology but it is not fine with liberalism.
I want to visit Japan too (specifically the Kyushu region). I also want to visit a Bathing Ape/Baby Milo store over there because I love their camo jackets and shirts and hats and Bapestas. 😍🦍🎌
Lol hahahhahahahahahhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahshhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahhhhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhhqhqhqahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhhahahhahahabhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahhahahha when I see your comment I cry and laugh so hard i fell of my chair HahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahhaahahahhahahahahahahhahahhhhhhhahhahajahahajahhahaahahhajJahah
This really makes me miss Japan. I lived there for years! I just moved to the states last year and there's so many things I miss that I wish we had here!
Yeah. I’m three decades here and never heard that either. Think they really need to do research before uploading something. Not all content are bad but few are. Did you heard the ramen soup onsen???? Hahaha hahaha That one makes me say “ NANIIIIIIII????? YACHIMATTANA!!!!!! Hahaha hahaha hahaha Don’t say it !! Yes I am old!!! Hahaha hahaha My gag are old too!!! Hahaha hahaha
I am Japanese and live in Japan. No one around me eats mayonnaise over ice cream.😂😂😂 We also put mayonnaise on the salad,sandwiches,and so on. This video is very interesting for me . I'm glad that many people all over the world like Japan. When things return to normal, I want many of you to visit Japan. The words may be strange because I use a translator.
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
No wonder why Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, no wonder why there are a lot of old people there cause the Quality of life there is on TOP!
I'm Japanese, and some of thse are not accurate: Japanese use Kewpie mayo, which comes in a squeeze bottle. I don't know anyone who uses it on ice cream or pancakes. It's common to use it on salad though. Slurping is more of a way t of eating it in way that seems delicious, not really about being offensive to the cook. The number four thing is really more Chinse than Japanese...
yeah the mayo thing was a bit off but the rest of it seemed pretty accurate. what we need to keep in mind tho is that most of these things are pretty exotic even from a Japanese perspective.
すすることは、シェフへの礼儀だとは誰も思ってないです。すする音は、ラーメン屋や蕎麦屋では許容範囲内、というマナーですが、すすることを推奨してるわけじゃない。 No Japanese people think Slurping is an expression of appreciation for a chef. Slurping is supposed to be an “acceptable” manner in Japanese style noodle restaurants, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a “favorable” manner.
Anime is a pretty well known thing and isn’t specific to Japan, which is probably why he didn’t add it. Besides, you said it’s popular around the world. Didn’t you look at the title? It said things found only in Japan.
That "slurping noodles" thing is a myth. They don't slurp to complement the chef, they slurp because it's rude to let your noodles get cold so the slurping is a reaction to the heat of the dish. Get your facts straight.
Well, actually, it is ok if your noodles get cold. But, really really thank you for mention about it. As you said, it is a myth. In Japan, slurping means nothing. literally, slurping expresses NO specific emotion. Slurping is just not rude (also not polite). "Polite slurping" is a complete F A K E information.
I'm from india a like to watch animes and in one anime I watch maid cafe and love hotels thats are mostly in japan their is not in india Is that's really in japan And tell me something about japan cafes like maid cafe Lots of love form india brother 🥰🥰
Im from CA. USA and i Have Been Buying Honda Products, for a very long time, the price and the Quality is By Far Better than stuff Made Here !!! So the Japanese People do things Right !!! Nothing against things Made Here im just talking Cars for a cheap price , but still Made Well !!!
The habit of Japanese calling the color of green "blue" is not because of color blindness, it's because of one of Japanese traditional kimono dyeing methods called "Aizome". Ai = Indigo blue zome = dyeing. At the early phase of Aizome, the color of dye is truly green, and changes to truly blue ; indigo blue at the last phase. So Japanese think of blue color when they see green leaves.
Oh my ethnic also didn't have green, we called them Blue Leaves. We also quite like blue color since there are blue sky(light blue) and blue sea(dark blue)
7:40 No, Japanese language has 82 traditional colors in green group. But あお(blue) means immature, leaves, nature etc. So we often call green as あお(blue).
From the Chinese which is still used to mean young and youthful. But green actually has a new word from China pronounced midori. I think that one's from the Tang Dynasty. But it's still weird why Japan decided changing the light to blue to match Aoi was a better idea than just calling the light midori.
I travelled to Japan last January and had a whole album of pictures of the quirky things I found there! We even returned to our home in Australia and bought a heated toilet seat! We found the Japanese people so kind respectful and polite ..
I love the way, Japanese people, educated the children, they are very dedicated and very RESPECTFUL something that United States doesn't have, that's a SHAME ☹️
Not all children are dedicated and respectful. Like anywhere, children are children. The education isn't always stellar, either. Japan is great, but best not to put them on a pedestal. Keep expectations vs. reality on a realistic level.
@Lioner Gamer LOL. I've got nothing to be jealous of. I've lived in Japan for 20 years, so my statement is made from experience, not opinions made looking through anime-flavored rose-colored glasses.
@I only stan BTS becauise they show no feelings, speak politely all time and they don't feel natural , they would stop to be auomatically formal if we become friends with them but they don,'t want foreigners
I grew up in japan and I have some controversial thoughts about #16. I think bright side got it the other way around. Mayonnaise is VERY different from normal mayonnaise and it has special ingredients such as msg and using only the yolk of the egg. We do use mayonnaise as a dip or in salads. I've never heard of anyone put mayonnaise on pancakes or ice cream, where did you even get that from 😂.
I was just thinking that my friend, who has a colorblindness where he can't really see red (or the red content of other colors) would probably vastly appreciate the Japanese lights, because blue is the one color that he can see very well.
I dont quite get the point you are making. But this channel is a bigoted one where for things unique to India, the caption is Strange things in India but for things unique to Japan, it says things u only see in Japan
Yes bro train are biggest transportation system in mumbai the lot of people how mostly middle classs prefer to train . When I went I faced lot of truble man
Check out new Bright Side MERCH (worldwide shipping!) at:
Don't care
Who else non japanese loves japan here? ✋
Do you love it?
elham norouzi mee
elham norouzi I’m Japanese hahaha
BTS ARMY 4EVER Toolsi lthekapilsharmashow
I lived in Japan for 2 years and I love it there, mostly because it is very clean and well organised
Wow :0
are you live in tokyo?
@@joshuamuliawan7800 tokyo is the tourist part of Japan if you want a better experience go to other cities
@@Slayyyter_bitxh I think you mean Tokyo...
@@carljohnson7168 yeah oops typo
The fact that Japan is very thoughtful about the little things people from other countries wouldn't care for shows the quality of life and understanding for the common people.
im from japan and it aint too different from the US
That means thanks
japan has no real life quality
It’s quite possibly one of the most depressing modern societies in the world. And I’m from japan.
The biggest mistake in this video is that the background music is not Japanese, but Chinese. From the perspective of Western countries, Japan and China may look the same, but they are completely different countries with different languages and cultures.😩😭
Hey there, BrightSiders! Would you like to visit Japan or China?
Hard decision but I choose Japan
Japan ofc
Chick Fil A
easy decision for me
Im Japanese and Im telling you, mayo things is incorrect. I have never heard or know people ice cream on mayo. Though, we use mayo on okonomiyaki or takoyaki, but not on desserts.
maybe what he meant was the vice chairman of the Shinsengumi.
@@sharkz401 lol 😂 🤣 🤣
What about the rest ? Are they true ?
please teach me japanese
Twilight A.R.M.Y then tell us
Things that exist only in Japan:
@Liuxiao Cai yea I'm kidding u
I love japan because of theyre uniforms
😳😃 The part with washing hands and excesive water is redirected to the toilet as flushing water, is GREAT ! Why on earth doesn't all of the world do this !?
Also using rainwater as tap, toilet or bath water would be an amazing idea.
I have visited Japan a couple of times and find it one of the best places on Earth. Love the country, the culture and the food.
I have visited Japan 🇯🇵I was there for two days it was so much fun!
U haven't been to everywhere on Earth so how can u find it the best place?
@@littlestranger7746 I said one of the best places on Earth, which I am entitled to say even if I haven't visited all countries.
@@littlestranger7746 Where’s your best place, Moscow? Hahaha
@@eagleteste His best place is probably red street in Amsterdam
I like how they train their kids to clean up it teaches them appreciation and respect
Same cool
we do that also here in Philippines :)
@@beahmangulamas7816 ya if there is a cleaning class in Philippines i would love to clean (it'll be my second favorite subject, and my first favorite subject is break time 🤣)
@@beahmangulamas7816 Bruhhh that rule is taken from Japan kindly Learn
Then they grew up as Otaku and stalker lol
As a teacher I visited schools in Japan. I walked into a classroom to find the children diligently working but no teacher. You could hear a pin drop.. They explained she was on her break. At lunch a designated set of children bought the food from the kitchen & served it to other students. Also at the end of the day all the children cleaned the schools. I can't speak for all of Japan but I was impressed with the city of Shingu.
I think this is a great idea for American students. I would think it would prevent students from intentionally damaging or dirtying their classrooms!
but that's what kids are supposed to do. be childish act weird they are not robots. Let them enjoy their phase as later everyone has to follow discipline and other life problems
Yeah really
えぇ 本当に。
Maybe not all class working silently when no teacher, but about lunch time or cleaning time, yes they do that in all Japan’s school
Teachers in Japan do not take breaks during class time--unless they are having a breakdown. Teachers may run off to get something, make copies, etc. or they may be taking the day off (but another teacher will cover for absent teachers). Something was lost in translation there. The only possible "normal" situation would be the accelerated classes preparing for entrance exams. But a teacher would not have "her break" at that time. Japanese teachers do not have scheduled breaks at all. They rest while working at their desks between classes!
Japan is a nice place . I wish I could visit Japan one day.
Me too.
I'm from Japan 😅❤️
For real
おえ、おまえ hey you don't say omae you have to say あなた you anata the first one is oe omae but you can't say that to someone but you say in japanese anata is that not hey is meaning you but if you say in japanese hey you have to say おう、 ou
I am going there next year for 2 weeks
America:Expectation Vs. Reality
Japan:Expectation is Reality
Mr. Smiley Face and censored video games which politicians loved to cater in Good ol Usa! Thanks trump!
1:20 =)
exchange gold
April MannoLi what is in 1:20
@@jacobraynemercado6450 you can get foods like noodles and ramen with different ingredients from a vending machine.
You forgot one thing.
On weekends we junior high school students (13~15)years old.
Clean the park, streets, and sometimes help our elementary school before.
We help prepare festivals.
Philippines numba wannnnn
@@jxrv1n Are u a Jamaican
Wait wut i dont wanna go thr
Akeelah Thompson werefilipinos XD
Chinese music on Japanese image. That's always the case for Western videos.
not so bright, right?
Risu Puchi more like a westerner’s interpretation of Chinese music.
Risu Puchi coz western people r like crazy
Wow let's all slate the Westerners, there is a simple answer to this if you don't like what we do then don't watch the videos Westerners put up and stay in the East.
As for low IQ I know many Chinese and Japanese who are thicker than two short planks just because you are Japanese/Chinese it doesn't make you brighter than everyone else in the world.
“It could be called the Land of the Blue Traffic Lights”
Me : *”Or the land of anime.”*
OwO how did you know what im about to comment
@@hastomarsiwi4416 because everyone watch anime OK?
@@Haz_wizZYT true oh and
Mmh hmm
Since I've start my interest in Japan, it seems their goal is really to make things in a fresh new way. In every aspect.
1st reply to a verified
2nd reply to a verified
A, the same thing as you are describing here and you don’t need any other way than the one ☝️ you mentioned to us about.
Basically, we love to make new things. It’s simply fun.
Asians seem more organized than Americans,even when poor,seems they even grind & work harder. Not mentioning the 16 hour work day,Every day. GOD bless um.
@Hadi Purwanto but Asians were rich than Europeans and Americans but they destroyed it..Japan overcame from that due to low population and their skills..But mark this one day Asians gonna be ruling the whole globe
@@AshwinHebbar18 yeah but first they have to deal with the continent's poverty and corruption in many countries.
ooh trust me it's only in japan
I'm from Cambodia and we used to be one of the most richest and cleanest country until China and Thailand took over.
@@AshwinHebbar18 yaarivanu kannadadavanu
I love Japan and always wanted to come back
It would be nice to see real pictures of what they’re talking about
richard ross I said the same thing how lazy
yeah !
It’s the bright side they can’t stop doing it
And the traffic lights aren’t blue there all green
Hey, just wanted to let you know there are some information here that aren't quite accurate :)
There's a lot that's extremely inaccurate!
that's an understatement...
Not much research was done for the video. So many stereotypes.
Its not SOME its literally half of the fact are not true
“Only square watermelons exist in Japan.”
Minecraft: am I a joke to you?
Ooooooh i love it!
Reply:yes your a joke to me Lo
Hahhahahhahahahahahahaha funny
Thank u for the information buddy, I loved the video
I suddenly wanna live in Japan
SAME I have for 5 years but I’m too young to move 😭
I’m not sure
Japan: * makes square watermelons *
Minecraft: *we will watch your career with great interest*
Edit: thanks for 400 likes
Edit 2: woah this is double the amount of likes! Thx guys!
ohh are Minecraft player🤩🤩🤩
I dont play minecraft cayse im poor tho
Guy: Cube watermelon
Me: So Minecraft weren’t being unrealistic
Barbara-Anne McGregor imagine if we had to turn everything into blocks in the future to save earth
fsjal_scout what will that do?
Duck Superduperduckwin we could reuse more.
Duck Superduperduckwin give earth a haircut or Smth but for real maybe we need that much materials to create a machine that saves the world
This is crazy but bright side thanks for showing this ❤😊
Please don’t use Chinese music for Japanese movies 😢
And the Chinese animations. Lol
I don't know the difference 😅
Me too
Faisal khan Lots of westerners still believe all the Asians are same. They believe Asians are all same kinds of people, have same culture and religious belief. Like Japan is a democratic country but westerners believe japan is same as communist country, China. They believe we speak same language, have same history, everything is same.
@@FumLove That's normal. How much do you know about other countries besides your own? You'll be surprised at how little you actually know.
Him: what KitKat would you try??
Me: the normal one.....
Me:I not like much but will eat all
Eh I would try watermelon flavor ( if there is a watermelon flavor )
It can be difficult finding a normal KitKat here! I can't remember the last time I saw a proper KitKat. If I saw one, I think I'd be pretty excited!
Me too... I love chocolate flavor. 🍫🍫☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
World: "Cartoons"
Japan: "Anime"
@@melodramatic7904 anime sounds better
@@carlito8582 which animes famous? Your names?
Mr. Noice I like both😁
@@longmengkry4108 bunch if norm anime are one piece naruto dbz sao etc
@@chinchinislong 同感w
There was a train that left 5 seconds early and that made it to the news
AJ Muhammad is that true lol
@@clashwithjack1863 yep once a train arrived late by 5min and the transportation minister of japan apologize in national channel..
Siva Prakash that because people may be going to important meetings and stuff
Yes it is true guys, in japan time is a priority, one second to one minute is considered late depending on who your dealing with
Square Watermelon
Lol, hahahha
Japan is cool country. I will visit it for sure! Great video. Love from another youtuber :)
1:10 I'll try Mango KitKat, & Chocolate KitKat, Vanila(if posible) KitKat, that's all!
"cleaning classes" not only in Japan but it's a part of education in most Asian countries 😂😂
Agree! At least, they made us do it when I was at school
Absolutely yes
Agree, i still remember i have to wake up and go to school for class cleaning at 5 in the morning when i was in elementary
But it is not in Indian schools
The world: No culture can be weird
Japan: Hold my sake
@babla bo Weird isn't necessarily a bad thing. In this case Japan is weird in a good way.
@Hidetaka Myazaki Japan is more than just anime mate
Hidetaka Myazaki incel
Everyone watching this watch Japanese SHUNchan react to this.
He's ACTUALLY Japanese and point out all the things this video misunderstood or lied about.
Yep, most of this channel videos are like this they do not do the research and put made up facts. this channel really gives alot of misinformation.
Me too!!
@Music Wolf a Japanese person reacted to this and alot of Theese "facts" are lies
"We dont put mayo on ice cream and pancakes. That's just disgusting." Exact quote from his video
Love the cleaning at school concept. Teach them to clean after themselves.
"Liberals" say it is forced manual labour akin serfdom or slavery, though -- not up to Western standards.
It’s also the same as schools in Philippines
I live in Japan, and this is one of the few items on the list which is actually true.
@@StrangerHappened Don't generalise. Liberals are against it? By what means are you saying that? It's not against left ideology at all
@@achyuththouta6957 Let's not confuse liberalism with left, those are different things. Compulsory labour can be fine with left ideology but it is not fine with liberalism.
Now, I’m asking
Is there any Kit Kat flavored Kit Kat?
LOL! 😂
i used the kit kat to create the kit kat
Nadia Khan lol
Nadia Khan im sure there is a chocolate flavored kit kat
Sees naps during work
Well, moving to Japan
Right!!!!! I'm with you 😂😂😂
First u need to get work in japan
Don't be in hurry because they work 10-11 hours a day as compare with other countries where we have to work for 8 hours only.😏
@@amitshokeen7775 True and it is normal to overwork and don't get paid. Because many japanese don't want to go home when others are still working.
@@amitshokeen7775 *Ik everybody know's😬*
I’m going to Japan next year and im very excited
I found Japan a quite interesting country. Really want to visit this country one day. Love you Japan. 💜
Correction: Quite*
Hey. Where are you come from?
I want to visit Japan too (specifically the Kyushu region). I also want to visit a Bathing Ape/Baby Milo store over there because I love their camo jackets and shirts and hats and Bapestas. 😍🦍🎌
@@juanitoalmazan1158 yeah me too
"Square watermelons were invented in japan"
Minecraft: "Am I a joke to you?"
@@tomikomirandilla oof yeah I didn't see that ;-;
Lol hahahhahahahahahhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahshhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahhhhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhhqhqhqahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhhahahhahahabhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahhahahha when I see your comment I cry and laugh so hard i fell of my chair
1M subscribers with 0 videos ok minecraft nerd
Thom Ess chill
I live in Tokyo’s, Suburbs and I love traveling downtown and going to Kyoto and Osaka Japan is amazing!
kyoto animation created best movie
Awesome presentation, very interesting. But i may ask one question, why didnt you use some real pictures? 😮
This really makes me miss Japan. I lived there for years! I just moved to the states last year and there's so many things I miss that I wish we had here!
Oh where in japan did you live in? 😊
I live there now. In Tokyo i absolutely love it !
Why did you move here?
Japan sounds like an interesting country. I would love to visit that place so one day.
No one:
Japan: *square watermelons*
I don’t want Subscribers 20 minutes ago
I don’t want Subscribers would you like to try those?
You just recieved a subscriber
How about a heart one or ❤❤👄👄👻
i love this channel. because this channel upload video are country new rules. so thanks for upload this video. I'M you subscribed.
I visited Osaka and Tokyo in 2019 and I just like it very much. I will visit Japan again.
i’ve went there, its so AESTHETICALLY PLEASING. those 2 weeks of mine were 🤩
i live in japan for over 21 years now and ive never heard about the mayo thing lol
I’m three decades here and never heard that either.
Think they really need to do research before uploading something.
Not all content are bad but few are.
Did you heard the ramen soup onsen???? Hahaha hahaha
That one makes me say “ NANIIIIIIII????? YACHIMATTANA!!!!!! Hahaha hahaha hahaha
Don’t say it !!
Yes I am old!!! Hahaha hahaha
My gag are old too!!! Hahaha hahaha
sana all nkkpg jpan 😂
I live in Japan for over 6 years now and I've never heard about the ice cream topping with horse and chicken wings
okay but your taste in music,,,
stan svt for good grades
Can't wait to get there
I am Japanese and live in Japan.
No one around me eats mayonnaise over ice cream.😂😂😂
We also put mayonnaise on the salad,sandwiches,and so on.
This video is very interesting for me .
I'm glad that many people all over the world like Japan.
When things return to normal, I want many of you to visit Japan.
The words may be strange because I use a translator.
@@madao3709 what?
I love Japan and definitely I'll visit with my girlfriend 😊❤️
Me too, I never saw someone put mayonnaise into ice cream.
I love salad with mayonnaise.
I have met several Japanese people who tell me particular things about their compatriots without explaining themselves any further! I've had enough of these mysteries! I have several questions about these people, based on my encounters with them! please, I want someone reasonable to answer my questions, to explain things to me until the end without omitting the details, without bad faith! I would like someone to interpret what they answered me!
The whole world: 2019
Japan: 3000
India : 1901
@@jetserofficial No it's more than 5000
@@jetserofficial I'm from India
No its 6222626266373737736336363
@@jetserofficial poor and rich
Big difference in India
That music sounds Chinese rather than Japanese.
BritneyJean yeah and number 7 exists in China too
BritneyJean because it is Chinese music I don’t thinks he new
There should be an anime opening playing in the background.
Oh the very first piece was Japan’s national anthem, as for the rest, idk.
like why not
🇯🇵: “Sleeping on the job? Well guess what, you deserve it. Great work today. Sleep well…”
🇺🇸: “…You’re fired.”
Japan is in the world🙆♂️
Once my friend came to school with green tea flavoured KitKats, she gave me some, I ate them and now I think I'm addicted
It is so yummy😊
Japan: you can push passengers till the train door closes.
Philippines MRT/LRT: oh Really?
India too
I will try the green Kit Kat
Mas maganda tren nila di nasisira sa gitna ng riles
Ma attitude pa MRT/LRT dito sa Pinas HAHAHAHAHA
PNR with old crumbling Japanese trains: Are you challenging me?
No wonder why Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, no wonder why there are a lot of old people there cause the Quality of life there is on TOP!
I'm Japanese, and some of thse are not accurate:
Japanese use Kewpie mayo, which comes in a squeeze bottle. I don't know anyone who uses it on ice cream or pancakes. It's common to use it on salad though.
Slurping is more of a way t of eating it in way that seems delicious, not really about being offensive to the cook.
The number four thing is really more Chinse than Japanese...
Your country is gold. Have more children please necause your demography is a big problem.
Ur not Japanese
yeah the mayo thing was a bit off but the rest of it seemed pretty accurate.
what we need to keep in mind tho is that most of these things are pretty exotic even from a Japanese perspective.
4 thing seemed kind of odd
No Japanese people think Slurping is an expression of appreciation for a chef. Slurping is supposed to be an “acceptable” manner in Japanese style noodle restaurants, but it doesn’t necessarily mean a “favorable” manner.
I'm surprised he didn't added anything related to anime , that's so popular around the whole world , by the way love your videos ❤️
Anime is liiiiife!
You said it’s popular around the world
Did you look at the title of the vid?
@@fatatouille2562 Roasted xddd
Anime is a pretty well known thing and isn’t specific to Japan, which is probably why he didn’t add it. Besides, you said it’s popular around the world. Didn’t you look at the title? It said things found only in Japan.
And here in India a train being late is too common issue sometimes trains are hours late😂😂
true very true
Yeah and iam indian
Of course🙄
Well at least you almost made it to the moon
The driver was probably scamming or shitting on the road that's why they're always late.
I loved the video thank you bright side
Since I’m japanese I’m actually surprised someone talks about japan that’s not anime
Hi I'm a BIG fan of Japan I have a dream to go japan wish me luck
@@createwithaminah8993 i hope you do visit :)
@@rodyinjapan thank you
Konichiwa genke disu ka ariagato gosaimaz
I'm not even Japanese but it gets annoying when people only talk about the anime portion of Japan :/
@@sitasubedi5559 lol haha
Japan is very good. I would like to trvel there
Japanese are the best in everything.
Girl i live there
Hakika Mwagongo Travel
Be careful, there are urban legends.
I love Japan too 💙💜 'cleanness'
Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳
I'm a big fan of your channel
That "slurping noodles" thing is a myth. They don't slurp to complement the chef, they slurp because it's rude to let your noodles get cold so the slurping is a reaction to the heat of the dish. Get your facts straight.
Well, actually, it is ok if your noodles get cold.
But, really really thank you for mention about it.
As you said, it is a myth.
In Japan, slurping means nothing.
literally, slurping expresses NO specific emotion.
Slurping is just not rude
(also not polite).
"Polite slurping" is a complete F A K E information.
@@佐藤太郎-y6o Arigato gozaimasu!
My father is japanese and i asked why he does it. He said because its too hot and it cools the noodles down.
Their KitKats give me a feeling of Harry Potter's toffee which comes in every flavour 😅😁
Bertie botts XD
Can I get ur insta
@@rwaijam ahh ♥️ sure it's Xiee_boo
#11: the railway company sent also a “sorry” message to the newspaper when there was 17 seconds late for a while ago
Sander Ls i saw in the news the train employees bowed their heads to say sorry for the delay
That seems like a publicity stunt
I love your videos
I’m from Japan!Thank you for the news!
I'm from india a like to watch animes and in one anime I watch maid cafe and love hotels thats are mostly in japan their is not in india
Is that's really in japan
And tell me something about japan cafes like maid cafe
Lots of love form india brother 🥰🥰
that's a bad thing
Im from CA. USA and i Have Been Buying Honda Products, for a very long time, the price and the Quality is By Far Better than stuff Made Here !!! So the Japanese People do things Right !!! Nothing against things Made Here im just talking Cars for a cheap price , but still Made Well !!!
Ive tried the kit kat that is green tea with a cranberry filling OMG IT IS TO DIE FOR!
Crex Atex good
Green Tea is disgusting! Trust me
@@bahar5785 no,the green tea kitkat taste great!
The habit of Japanese calling the color of green "blue" is not because of color blindness, it's because of one of Japanese traditional kimono dyeing methods called "Aizome".
Ai = Indigo blue zome = dyeing. At the early phase of Aizome, the color of dye is truly green, and changes to truly blue ; indigo blue at the last phase.
So Japanese think of blue color when they see green leaves.
Oh my ethnic also didn't have green, we called them Blue Leaves. We also quite like blue color since there are blue sky(light blue) and blue sea(dark blue)
@@zbigbozbboy5245 In Japanese, we use both of "green" and "blue" for leaves and woods...
@@streetcat3411 hoho so there still word green right😉. So different with us
In the western part of fiji (in the south pacific), blue is for both blue and green colours.
Blue - Karakarawa
Green - Drokadroka
the last one is so cute! 😭🥺💕
7:40 No, Japanese language has 82 traditional colors in green group. But あお(blue) means immature, leaves, nature etc. So we often call green as あお(blue).
From the Chinese which is still used to mean young and youthful. But green actually has a new word from China pronounced midori. I think that one's from the Tang Dynasty. But it's still weird why Japan decided changing the light to blue to match Aoi was a better idea than just calling the light midori.
Look at the video on your screen
Unfortunately I'm going to Japan tomorrow
Technology in japan is on-point! If you think you have an great invention then it exists in japan! Their like suuuper smart
I travelled to Japan last January and had a whole album of pictures of the quirky things I found there! We even returned to our home in Australia and bought a heated toilet seat! We found the Japanese people so kind respectful and polite ..
Square water melons me: MINECRAFT
Same lol
I love the way, Japanese people, educated the children, they are very dedicated and very RESPECTFUL something that United States doesn't have, that's a SHAME ☹️
Not all children are dedicated and respectful. Like anywhere, children are children. The education isn't always stellar, either. Japan is great, but best not to put them on a pedestal. Keep expectations vs. reality on a realistic level.
A country isn't without it's flaws buddy. You'd be surprised that Japan isn't as great as people make it out to be
@Lioner Gamer LOL. I've got nothing to be jealous of. I've lived in Japan for 20 years, so my statement is made from experience, not opinions made looking through anime-flavored rose-colored glasses.
@I only stan BTS becauise they show no feelings, speak politely all time and they don't feel natural , they would stop to be auomatically formal if we become friends with them but they don,'t want foreigners
@I only stan BTS you want to make a fun of me that's it?
6:57 This is how horror movies normally start
Everyone gangsta until these dolls start moving 😂
0:01 yeah they REALLY love adding a lot of new flavours to some iconic popular foods/snacks
@@rachaelcollins7978 youuuuuuuuuur laaaaaaaaaaaate
For me, Japan is one of the most fascinating (and astounding) countries in the world
I agree.
How many flavors of KitKat do you want?
Japan: **Yes**
I grew up in japan and I have some controversial thoughts about #16. I think bright side got it the other way around. Mayonnaise is VERY different from normal mayonnaise and it has special ingredients such as msg and using only the yolk of the egg. We do use mayonnaise as a dip or in salads. I've never heard of anyone put mayonnaise on pancakes or ice cream, where did you even get that from 😂.
When I make mayo at home I tend to only use egg yolks also.
@@食人主義の千利休 いやそっちの方がおかしいだろw
Well, there’s an ice cream flavor in Japan that’s Mayo flavored🤮. I also looked online and it’s also used as a topping on pancakes. Again, 🤮.
Not just Japan I love Asian countries 😻
korea japan and china
@Isaac Robinson same I'm also born in April
@@averageharambelover3541 ooof i feel bad for you :(
Im a middle-eastern, would it count as an asian guy ??? 😂
@xi jin pig oh yeah❣️
In the world, there is always a green traffic light. But in Japan, there is a blue traffic light. Wow, that's awesome.
I was just thinking that my friend, who has a colorblindness where he can't really see red (or the red content of other colors) would probably vastly appreciate the Japanese lights, because blue is the one color that he can see very well.
@@NemisCassander Nice fact, thanks
Japan:fit as many people possible in the metro
Mumbai(india): local trains am i joke to u
I dont quite get the point you are making. But this channel is a bigoted one where for things unique to India, the caption is Strange things in India but for things unique to Japan, it says things u only see in Japan
Yea it’s lucky if you even get in the train
whengolf he said because the title say only exist in Japan
Eddie Verma Do you know why it is so?
Yes bro train are biggest transportation system in mumbai the lot of people how mostly middle classs prefer to train . When I went I faced lot of truble man
Japan: We install Godzilla and made a residence for it.
*Me: You ain't being fair to the Titans!!!!*
They would have been. If Levi didn't exist.
7:35 Blue Traffic light interesante/interesting.💙
Teacher : how is japan so devoloped and filled with technology ?
Me : because doreamon is there 😜💖😂
I really love Japan
Lots of love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩♥️🇯🇵
Me too
So your are a weeb 🔥🔥
@@hari5018 😆😆
Me too ❤️❤️
You are from Bangladesh?I am from Kolkata India
I've never been so tempted to visit another Country and experience their culture as I am for Japan while watching this video! Thanks for sharing this.
1:23 we have those in Thailand too 🇹🇭
I have lived in Japan for 10 years straight and was born there and moved recently and yeah it’s quite clean