
  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
  • Here are the beginnings of the Audio Amp (Module #150) for my MAX-SSB transceiver. Schematic here:
    73 - Rick - N3FJZ


  • @arcanestudio
    @arcanestudio 6 місяців тому

    Hi Rick, I got GPS running and displaying as well as SI5351. I can hear the VFO, BFO and 10 MHz signals in a receiver. The tune encoder is working, but I am not able to make the scroll encoder work. I cannot move the cursor. Also, unable to step through the menus. Any interlocks that I may be missing that might enable the menus?

    • @arcanestudio
      @arcanestudio 6 місяців тому

      Found the issue. Was using an old schematic of the front panel with different push button mapping. Also found an wiring error on the scrolling encoder.

    • @Circuit6040
      @Circuit6040  3 місяці тому

      @@arcanestudio Sorry to be late in getting back to you on this. Sad to hear you had trouble. Yes I did make changes to the push button mapping early on in the project. My apologies for the confusion this caused. 73 - Rick - N3FJZ

  • @stevec5000
    @stevec5000 4 місяці тому

    How are you making the insulating blobs to mount the parts on that are on the metal panel? I've never seen any construction like that before.

    • @Circuit6040
      @Circuit6040  4 місяці тому

      stevec5000, It's the traditional Manhattan construction technique (see: ) Pads are punched out of double sided copper PCB board with a 0.125 sheet metal punch. Since each pad is double sided, I solder each Manhattan pad to the tin plated steel sheet; HOWEVER, this can sometimes be a real chore and is very tedious to get right. If you use too little heat the pad will sometimes solder fast to the sheet where you don't want it the moment it touches the sheet, if you use too much heat (to give you some time to precisely place the pad) you risk causing the copper to de-laminate from the Manhattan pad. I only continue to use this method because I have developed a decent muscle memory and dexterity to get it right most of the time.
      If I had to do it over again, I would simply use single sided PCB for the Manhattan pads and supper glue them down on the substrate. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about trying the PCB method in the future just to see if I like it better.

    • @canaldopicco
      @canaldopicco 3 місяці тому

      @@Circuit6040 Olá, já pensou em usar uma pcb dupla face onde a face de baixo é usada para gnd e a face de cima como trilha de sinal e alimentação?
      Tenho uma placa de um transceptor de avião que é feito dessa forma, mas a trilha de gnd fica pelo lado dos componentes, eu estou tentando imaginar qual seria a diferença, você sabe? 73

    • @canaldopicco
      @canaldopicco 3 місяці тому

      @@Circuit6040 Eu já fiz montagem com esses pads dupla face, são bem complicados de soldar na gnd, muito calor quebra, deve ser bem melhor colar.

    • @Circuit6040
      @Circuit6040  3 місяці тому +1

      Yes, I agree, using glue would be much better. Years ago I used the glue method and ran out of glue one day and I tried the soldering method and it worked and I been doing it like this ever since. It works good for me but I would not recommend it to someone who is already using the glue method.
      (Translated by Google)
      Sim, concordo, usar cola seria muito melhor. Anos atrás eu usei o método de cola e fiquei sem cola um dia e eu tentei o método de solda e funcionou e eu tenho feito assim desde então. Ele funciona bem para mim, mas eu não recomendaria para alguém que já está usando o método de cola.

    • @Circuit6040
      @Circuit6040  3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@canaldopicco I'm not sure what the difference would be, I would think it would have very little affect unless the circuit was VHF, UHF or microwave, it that case using a circuit board at all would require a very critical layout and transmission line rules for the circuit traces would be much more strict. I am avoiding using PCB's for my hobby work because I used PCB's many years ago (for non-RF work) and wanted to do something that had a good track record of RF circuits, and I did not want to get off track by having to learn a new software package to master the PCB design. Maybe some time in the future I will try PCB's for RF work, but for now I sticking with Manhattan construction because I know it works well. 73 Rick N3fjz
      (Translated by Google)
      Eu não tenho certeza de qual seria a diferença, eu pensaria que teria muito pouco efeito a menos que o circuito fosse VHF, UHF ou micro-ondas, nesse caso usar uma placa de circuito em tudo exigiria um layout muito crítico e as regras de linha de transmissão para os traçados do circuito seriam muito mais rigorosas. Estou evitando usar PCB's para o meu trabalho de hobby porque eu usei PCB's muitos anos atrás (para trabalho não-RF) e queria fazer algo que tivesse um bom histórico de circuitos de RF, e eu não queria sair da pista por ter que aprender um novo pacote de software para dominar o design de PCB. Talvez algum tempo no futuro eu vou tentar PCB's para o trabalho de RF, mas por enquanto eu continuo com a construção de Manhattan porque eu sei que funciona bem. 73 Rick N3fjz