@@yashmor8439 sir , please look at the population % of minorities 1951:- 22% 2022 :- 7.95% If they are protecting minorities then why the percentage gragh 📉 is decreasing rapidly ???????
Very sad events in #Bangladesh where 12 #hindu #temples #attacked and house's of Hindus #burnt. #bigbreaking #dakha #india #pakistan #bsf . #Pakistanarmy, #BangladeshArmy #ISI and #china seems to have planned this #militarycoup .God bless people of Bangladesh and restore democracy and peace and prosperity
This is how a weighted opinion one want from Indian, no doubt once a general always a general. Even after leaving govt exam preparation also tried to join army in my teenage time I still watch this type of content just because of interest in geopolitics. What better we can have from a Army General Point of View. I hope one day sir also write his experience in a book as he is not only a General but a very well read PhD holder.
As a Bangladeshi, Except one or two points, I am agree with you. However I don't think Indian Politicians will follow your words. Intellectual people like you should be in high position in India. I hope our Government will connect intellectual people like you to build a strong people to people relationship.
Bangladeshi agitation reminds us of the JP's moment and of the iconic song "SINGHASAN KHALI KARO KI JANTA AATI HAI" as a student i couldn't connect with the fact that people can toppel down a democratically elected government (when I studied JP moment)but Srilanka and Bangladesh both have proved that 'in democracy government is for the people by people" but India lost a reliable friend and only stable neighbour with progressive mindset.
A. Gen Mor sir, may I point out that this debacle is not what you think it is. Can I point you in the right direction? 1. Please do read up on the Teesta Barrage project, China's offer, India's counter offer, Pres Hasina's recent visit to China, her inclination to give India the project, and her inglorious exit. And 16-17 other projects China bank rolls in Bdesh. 2. The ISI involvement and financing of the Bangladesh mosques over the last couple of decades. 3. China's hold and financial clout over the top machinery, brass, govt, army - defence forces, Fundamentalist factions and ISI functioning in Bdesh and indeed the countries it bank rolls. And Pres Hasina's inglorious Exit. 4. The devastating effect this will have on Chicken Neck in Siliguri. 5. Now, 30% reservation and the student movement. Please compare this with the student unrest in Kashmir University (the Chinese were behind this), how it snowballed into a major unrest in JNU, Jadavpur 6. With 92% election results and an entrenched base you cannot lose power with reservation only as a मुद्दा, unless a bigger force is against you. And there were Adani, Ambani detractors who found common ground with the disgruntled Chinese.... Sri Lanka went through the same heartburn. Indeed African countries now don't want to fall in the Chinese debt trap. Maldives is now following suit. B. Has the ISI not timed everything to perfection to take our eyes of the NW? 1. One Brig Janjua in 1965? , who became Maj Gen Janjua who drove up 19km on the Srinagar road and captured 650? Km of Indian Territory in the 71? War, before being shot down.. But 650 km of captured territory stayed with the Pakistanis. His brother became the Army Chief. Now you have another Lt Col Janjua entrenched in the caves and hideout in Indian Jammu with 500+ regular soldiers and a major backup. One army blogger suggests 2 battalions of RR or CRPF Cobra to support Ar and other units in combing operations in Jammu under 10 Corps. Inorder to locally micromanage (pinpoint accountability) the densely forested and soft border, avoid any future plebiscite, re-settle the displaced forgotten Hindus and other minorities from the Kashmir Valley, now living in ghettoised colonies in Jammu... Jammu needs to be separated from Kashmir, as it's own, independent, State within the Union. 2. The soldiering in Pak has changed as the youngsters don't come with emotional baggage, the elder generation of soldiers since the partition or indeed the wars, either mothballed or dead. The younger generation having been battle hardened in NW having seen and mourned fallen comrades. 2. Infra wise and equipment wise and technology wise the Paks are really advanced what with Chinese help and support. The Americans still bank roll them. They are earning good money selling ammo to the Ukrainians. The Pakistanis now have quietly moved to a higher, different brand of soldiering. Even the Chinese are using local Tibetans to fight. While Gen Mohinder Puri told you that effectively that the Agnipath scheme was recommended in the 6th Pay / Finance Commission which the army implemented... we will indeed lose soldiering families in the lower ranks who will look elsewhere for secure jobs... 3. Conversations with Maj Manish Bhatnagar and some others led to finger pointing towards then Gen Pal, Gen Budhwar, Brig Katoch and some others. Allegedly the (army - 3 ID), MI, IB were on gardening leave, when the Pakistanis sneaked into Kargil intending to initially capture 10 or less posts which overlooked the National Highway, finally taking over 140. Because of which NLI and others were brought in. In the MOD then was a very powerful Defence Secy T R Prasad 63 IAS, who went on to become Cabinet Secy to PM Bajpai. He would have used all his powers to downplay the Kargil infiltration so that at the outset PM Vajpai did not look like a fool in front of the world. He must have accordingly also ridden roughshod over the Indian generals (top brass). So both Gen Pal and Gen Budhwar, Brig Katoch Col Srivastava, at 3 Inf Div may be given some leeway. Gen Mor sir, you had a very good one to one with Lt Col Salaria re: Siachin, and Brig Devinder Singh 70 IB, Brig Surinder Singh, & others re: Kargil, and all COs 2ICs used a variety of ways to execute very difficult orders even when their men were totally tired and famished. Completely exhausted Col Salaria went with his remaining men to secure the final objective, then went back to collect their warm clothing including bedding etc. All the others, including then Lt Col Joshi 8 MD, Col Rabindranath on an average took 4 to 8 even 10 days acclimatision, rest, recuperation, reorganising..... With hindsight, even if he, himself went on an operation, why couldn't Maj Bhatnagar, atleast say yes, he will try, like the others. His refusal for whatever reason whether valid or not does stand out... Is this why the successful encirlement at Battalik by Brig Devinder Singh remains unsung, indeed 70 IB as well, while 8 MD gets all the laurels, and recognition & rewards in terms of promotions.... We should let sleeping dogs lie after 24+ years, accept inevitabilities, and move on... Maj Bhatnagar, very honourable, should make peace with himself, although still hurting and wounded inside. He will be a bigger man in doing so.
I know most of the viewers here are ssb candidates so guys thoda research karlo ek naam Donald Lu the regime changer you will be able to understand the whole game 🎯
No, Like a professional, who understands international relations and geo-politics. Incidentally, this is also based on my one-year service in Bangladesh.
Despite all reason you mentioned about autocracy of Shaik Haseena, we failed to read the situation , this is failure of our intelligence , we are in shock , this is not first surprise, same thing happened in Afghanistan , our NSA was praising Afghan Army while taliban was knocking the door of Kabul. we need to revamp our NSA team , we don't need commando but some one who understand the internal dynamics and nuances of neighbouring country. Our failure reason is similar to shaik haseena , we are not ready to listen criticism and want to live in SIlos.
जनरल साहब पाकिस्तान 🇵🇰 से सलाम आज भाई चांस आपका चैनल मेरी न्यूज़ फ़ीड में आ गया और मैं आपका यह एनालिसिस सुना। बाकी सारी बातें बाद में, माशाल्लाह आपकी जबान बहुत साफ सुथरी और आसान है, हिंदी बिल्कुल भी नहीं है, एक दो लफ़्ज़ों को छोड़कर वही उर्दू है जो हम पाकिस्तान में बोलते हैं। खास तौर पर हाशिया और इधर जैसे लव सुनकर मुझे बड़ी खुशखबर हैरत हुई। अब आते हैं आपके एनालिसिस की तरफ। यह बहुत बैलेंस और समझदारी पर बेस करता हुआ एक न्यूट्रल एनालिसिस है। मेंस्ट्रीम भारती मीडिया जिसे बहुत से लोग अब गोदी मीडिया कहते हैं से बिल्कुल हटके आपने बहुत खरी खरी बातें की है और सुबह सर्जरी से करके पाकिस्तान और इसी पर इस तब्दीली का मलबा नहीं डाला। आपने अपनी हुकूमत और लोगों को भी बहुत अच्छे मशवरे दिए हैं। यकीनन हमारी हमदर्दियां किसी मुल्क के लोगों के साथ रहनी चाहिए ना के वहां के किसी खास पार्टी या हुकूमत के साथ। यह बहुत बड़ी बात है कि अब भारत में लोग इस बात को मान रहे हैं की बांग्लादेश और दूसरे मुल्कों के हालात को सही तौर पर समझने में उन्हें कुछ गलती लगी है। पाकिस्तान के साथ तो आपकी हमेशा से ही दुश्मनी रही है लेकिन अब श्रीलंका नेपाल बांग्लादेश और हत्या के मालदीव्स जैसे मूल के के साथ भी तालुका कुछ ज्यादा अच्छे नहीं रहे। मेरे ख्याल में भूटान के केस में भी कुछ बहुत अच्छी सूरत हाल नहीं है। यह भारतीय विदेश मंत्रालय और इंटेलिजेंस एजेंसी की परफॉर्मेंस के बारे में कोई अच्छा साइन नहीं है। आपने बहुत दुरुस्त बताया कि बांग्लादेश में भारत के खिलाफ बहुत से लोगों की राई पाई जाती है। बहुत से भारतीय इसे मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं और वह यह समझते हैं के चुके हमने उन्हें आजादी दिलवाई थी इसलिए उन्हें बाहर सूरत हमारे नीचे लगाते रहना चाहिए। लोगों को समझना चाहिए कि बांग्लादेश 1947 में पाकिस्तान की एक हिस्से के तौर पर आजाद हुआ था। वहां के लोगों ने हिंदुस्तान से अलग होने के लिए वोट दिए थे। अवामी लीग के सिवा वहां पर भारत के दोस्त बहुत ही काम है और अवामी लीग को भी भारतीय सपोर्ट की वजह से हुकूमत में आने का मौका मिलता रहा, वरना इसकी गेम तो 1975 में ही खत्म हो गई थी। नहीं बोलना चाहिए कि बांग्लादेश में 90% से सियालदह मुसलमान बसते हैं हिंदुओं की तादाद 8 फीसद से भी काम है। यह एक मुसलमान मुल्क है। इन लोगों के आदर्श उमंगे आरजू में भारत के लोगों की मेजोरिटी से बिल्कुल अलग हैं। हां प्यार मोहब्बत के साथ उनके साथ अच्छे संबंध बनाए जा सकते हैं कारोबार किया जा सकता है और एक दूसरे को फायदा पहुंचाया जा सकता है। इस सिलसिले में भारत को दोनों मुल्कों के दरमियान मौजूद झगड़ों को चुकाने के लिए जरा बड़े दिल का मुजाहिद करना चाहिए खास तौर पर नदियों के पानी की डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन के मामले पर। मैं तो यहां तक कहूंगा कि भारत को इससे भी जरा आगे जाकर अब डिफॉल्ट हुई पड़ी साउथ एशियन एसोसिएशन फॉर रीजनल कोऑपरेशन सार्क को जिंदा करने के बारे में सोचना चाहिए। अगर सार्क फंक्शनल हो गई तो इसे पूरे हफ्ते के मुल्कों को बहुत फायदा पहुंचेगा सबसे ज्यादा फायदा खुद भारत को। अगर पाकिस्तान के साथ कॉन्फिडेंस बिल्डिंग मेजरस लिए गए और उसके जरिए पाकिस्तान से अफगानिस्तान और उससे आगे के मुल्कों का रास्ता मिल गया तो भारती ट्रेड और बिजनेस को बहुत बड़ा बम मिलेगा। लेकिन इसके लिए खुद को बड़ा समझना दूसरों को छोटा समझना इस सोच से बाहर निकलना पड़ेगा और बराबरी की बुनियाद पर दूसरों के साथ खास तौर पर पाकिस्तान के साथ तालुका बनाने पड़ेंगे। जंग न करने का समझौता भी एक बहुत अच्छा आईडिया होगा। मुझे याद है कि यह आइडिया जनरल से और रख और इंदिरा गांधी के दौर में खबरों में रहता था। हम लोग ना जंक्शन जूते की बात करते थे तो उसके जवाब में भारत की तरफ से अमन और दोस्ती के वाहिद एक ही बात की जाती थी। बहरहाल खुश रहे। अल्लाह करे के बांग्लादेश समेत इस हित के सारे मुल्कों को अमन तरक्की और खुशहाली नसीब हो। नईम अमीन लाहौर, पाकिस्तान
not bragging.... but.....your experience and knowledge is great ..... you changed my personal opinion from an extremist actions by india similar in bangla liberation war....to an neutral opinion which is that we should stand with people of bangladesh not with a specefic government....
Don't fall into false narrative that Hindus are not safe in Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are now more united than ever in history. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists all actively participated in this movement. So, don't misunderstand us. And thanks to sir for presenting an neutral and actual report on my country's situation. Hope both countries to cooperate and build better future. With love and respect from Bangladesh. ❤🇧🇩🇮🇳
Sir you talk about reading quran You must watch Ex-muslim Zafar Heretic, Ex-muslim Sahil, Ex-muslim Adam seeker, Quranwala, Apostate prophet, Nabi Asli, Pakistan Mulhid, ko sunna chahiye Aur akal se baat karnj chahiye 😊
रसिया ने अपने लोगों की रक्षा के लिए यूक्रेन में सैनिक कार्रवाई किया क्या भारत में हिम्मत है बांग्लादेशी हिंदूओं को बचाने की 56 इंच सीना वाला प्रधानमंत्री कहां है 😂
Don't fall into false narrative that Hindus are not safe in Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are now more united than ever in history. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists all actively participated in this movement. So, don't misunderstand us.
Sir illegal bangladesh migrants, what should approach we can take against them. Sir make a vedio on this topic I am not against bangladeshis but yeah against illegal immigrants, Sir please do a session❤❤❤❤
Nothing on Bangladeshi Hindus. As expected
You forget to speak about Bangladeshi minorities
It's upto students, police and army, they can protect them
This is profession video, trust the people of Bangladesh to support each other. Don't bring minority issue in bilateral relations
@@debashis169whom they are protecting? If they are protecting hindus then Ye to students protest tha na hindus kaha se agye is me?
@@B0rn_to_learn good question, must be asked to fear mongers like the original commenter 'Satya bhakti'
@@yashmor8439 sir , please look at the population % of minorities
1951:- 22%
2022 :- 7.95%
If they are protecting minorities then why the percentage gragh 📉 is decreasing rapidly ???????
Very sad events in #Bangladesh where 12 #hindu #temples #attacked and house's of Hindus #burnt. #bigbreaking #dakha #india #pakistan #bsf . #Pakistanarmy, #BangladeshArmy #ISI and #china seems to have planned this #militarycoup .God bless people of Bangladesh and restore democracy and peace and prosperity
We are concerned about the state of democracy and human rights in Bangladesh.
Thank you Sir !! Amazing & balance points!! Jai Hind 🇮🇳🙏
This is how a weighted opinion one want from Indian, no doubt once a general always a general. Even after leaving govt exam preparation also tried to join army in my teenage time I still watch this type of content just because of interest in geopolitics. What better we can have from a Army General Point of View. I hope one day sir also write his experience in a book as he is not only a General but a very well read PhD holder.
Thanks for your positive response. Jai Hind 🇮🇳
best video giving 360 degree analysis for the issue👍👍
Good analysis Gen Yash mor sir 👍
Thanks 👍
Well analyzed and stated Gen Yash....much appreciated 👍😊
Thank you, Jai hind
Thanks sir...
For your nice explaining
Thank you
Jai Hind
Jai hind sir ji 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Thank you sir ji for giving me a lot of information ❤️❤️
Jai Hind
As a Bangladeshi, Except one or two points, I am agree with you. However I don't think Indian Politicians will follow your words. Intellectual people like you should be in high position in India. I hope our Government will connect intellectual people like you to build a strong people to people relationship.
Please, save Bangladeshi HINDUS🙏.
The End of Dictatoship.
Jai hind 🇮🇳❤️
Jai Hind
Bangladeshi agitation reminds us of the JP's moment and of the iconic song "SINGHASAN KHALI KARO KI JANTA AATI HAI" as a student i couldn't connect with the fact that people can toppel down a democratically elected government (when I studied JP moment)but Srilanka and Bangladesh both have proved that 'in democracy government is for the people by people" but India lost a reliable friend and only stable neighbour with progressive mindset.
Sir can you tell the role of Donald lu.....role in toppling the bangladesh government
No idea, i do not believe in any conspiracy theories.
A. Gen Mor sir, may I point out that this debacle is not what you think it is.
Can I point you in the right direction?
1. Please do read up on the Teesta Barrage project, China's offer, India's counter offer, Pres Hasina's recent visit to China, her inclination to give India the project, and her inglorious exit. And 16-17 other projects China bank rolls in Bdesh.
2. The ISI involvement and financing of the Bangladesh mosques over the last couple of decades.
3. China's hold and financial clout over the top machinery, brass, govt, army - defence forces, Fundamentalist factions and ISI functioning in Bdesh and indeed the countries it bank rolls. And Pres Hasina's inglorious Exit.
4. The devastating effect this will have on Chicken Neck in Siliguri.
5. Now, 30% reservation and the student movement. Please compare this with the student unrest in Kashmir University (the Chinese were behind this), how it snowballed into a major unrest in JNU, Jadavpur
6. With 92% election results and an entrenched base you cannot lose power with reservation only as a मुद्दा, unless a bigger force is against you. And there were Adani, Ambani detractors who found common ground with the disgruntled Chinese.... Sri Lanka went through the same heartburn. Indeed African countries now don't want to fall in the Chinese debt trap. Maldives is now following suit.
B. Has the ISI not timed everything to perfection to take our eyes of the NW?
1. One Brig Janjua in 1965? , who became Maj Gen Janjua who drove up 19km on the Srinagar road and captured 650? Km of Indian Territory in the 71? War, before being shot down.. But 650 km of captured territory stayed with the Pakistanis. His brother became the Army Chief. Now you have another Lt Col Janjua entrenched in the caves and hideout in Indian Jammu with 500+ regular soldiers and a major backup. One army blogger suggests 2 battalions of RR or CRPF Cobra to support Ar and other units in combing operations in Jammu under 10 Corps.
Inorder to locally micromanage (pinpoint accountability) the densely forested and soft border, avoid any future plebiscite, re-settle the displaced forgotten Hindus and other minorities from the Kashmir Valley, now living in ghettoised colonies in Jammu... Jammu needs to be separated from Kashmir, as it's own, independent, State within the Union.
2. The soldiering in Pak has changed as the youngsters don't come with emotional baggage, the elder generation of soldiers since the partition or indeed the wars, either mothballed or dead. The younger generation having been battle hardened in NW having seen and mourned fallen comrades.
2. Infra wise and equipment wise and technology wise the Paks are really advanced what with Chinese help and support. The Americans still bank roll them. They are earning good money selling ammo to the Ukrainians.
The Pakistanis now have quietly moved to a higher, different brand of soldiering.
Even the Chinese are using local Tibetans to fight.
While Gen Mohinder Puri told you that effectively that the Agnipath scheme was recommended in the 6th Pay / Finance Commission which the army implemented... we will indeed lose soldiering families in the lower ranks who will look elsewhere for secure jobs...
3. Conversations with Maj Manish Bhatnagar and some others led to finger pointing towards then Gen Pal, Gen Budhwar, Brig Katoch and some others.
Allegedly the (army - 3 ID), MI, IB were on gardening leave, when the Pakistanis sneaked into Kargil intending to initially capture 10 or less posts which overlooked the National Highway, finally taking over 140. Because of which NLI and others were brought in.
In the MOD then was a very powerful Defence Secy T R Prasad 63 IAS, who went on to become Cabinet Secy to PM Bajpai. He would have used all his powers to downplay the Kargil infiltration so that at the outset PM Vajpai did not look like a fool in front of the world. He must have accordingly also ridden roughshod over the Indian generals (top brass). So both Gen Pal and Gen Budhwar, Brig Katoch Col Srivastava, at 3 Inf Div may be given some leeway.
Gen Mor sir, you had a very good one to one with Lt Col Salaria re: Siachin, and Brig Devinder Singh 70 IB, Brig Surinder Singh, & others re: Kargil, and all COs 2ICs used a variety of ways to execute very difficult orders even when their men were totally tired and famished. Completely exhausted Col Salaria went with his remaining men to secure the final objective, then went back to collect their warm clothing including bedding etc. All the others, including then Lt Col Joshi 8 MD, Col Rabindranath on an average took 4 to 8 even 10 days acclimatision, rest, recuperation, reorganising.....
With hindsight, even if he, himself went on an operation, why couldn't Maj Bhatnagar, atleast say yes, he will try, like the others. His refusal for whatever reason whether valid or not does stand out... Is this why the successful encirlement at Battalik by Brig Devinder Singh remains unsung, indeed 70 IB as well, while 8 MD gets all the laurels, and recognition & rewards in terms of promotions....
We should let sleeping dogs lie after 24+ years, accept inevitabilities, and move on... Maj Bhatnagar, very honourable, should make peace with himself, although still hurting and wounded inside. He will be a bigger man in doing so.
Thanks for such detailed comments, it will take me some time to read and digest your observations. Jai Hind
Best explained
Please help me sir? Yuo gave a solution for carying angle problem? How to resolve the problem.
No idea at all, have you cleared your exams??
As you saw so shall you reap. But who learns .India is not learning neither shri Lanka larned
Sir to bhir bich me hindu community kyu target kiya ja rha h agr unko razakar bola gya Bangladesh PM se
🇮🇳 जय हिन्द की सेना 🇮🇳
r8 information.
Watching from Bangladesh
Thanks, hope peace returns 🙏
शेख हसीना ने जैसे काम कीए तख्ता पलट उस का रिजल्ट है
I know most of the viewers here are ssb candidates so guys thoda research karlo ek naam
Donald Lu the regime changer you will be able to understand the whole game 🎯
Sir it’s army coup ( indirectly)and Bangladesh become just like Pakistan and run by America . Ex - pm khaleda jia also came out from jail
Moral- modi govt aur congres srf ek dosre pe ilzam lga rhe hai ,, india k liye kuch nhi
In last 20 second video has some error.❤❤❤❤
aur me jio ko suna raha 😐
@@debashis169 😂
Speaking like politicians.
No, Like a professional, who understands international relations and geo-politics. Incidentally, this is also based on my one-year service in Bangladesh.
Super agent 0007 doval ji soo rahey they Maldives srilanka Bangladesh
Thank you sir for your explation
You should add about 2020-2021 Indian farmers' protest . people agitation protest list.
Please help sir carying angle problem
They kling to power to loot peoples money
Jai hind sir ❤️
Running water doesn't spoil on the other hand pond water spoil after a few days.
The best explanation ever❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊
You are so punctual ❤
Despite all reason you mentioned about autocracy of Shaik Haseena, we failed to read the situation , this is failure of our intelligence , we are in shock , this is not first surprise, same thing happened in Afghanistan , our NSA was praising Afghan Army while taliban was knocking the door of Kabul.
we need to revamp our NSA team , we don't need commando but some one who understand the internal dynamics and nuances of neighbouring country. Our failure reason is similar to shaik haseena , we are not ready to listen criticism and want to live in SIlos.
जनरल साहब पाकिस्तान 🇵🇰 से सलाम
आज भाई चांस आपका चैनल मेरी न्यूज़ फ़ीड में आ गया और मैं आपका यह एनालिसिस सुना। बाकी सारी बातें बाद में, माशाल्लाह आपकी जबान बहुत साफ सुथरी और आसान है, हिंदी बिल्कुल भी नहीं है, एक दो लफ़्ज़ों को छोड़कर वही उर्दू है जो हम पाकिस्तान में बोलते हैं। खास तौर पर हाशिया और इधर जैसे लव सुनकर मुझे बड़ी खुशखबर हैरत हुई।
अब आते हैं आपके एनालिसिस की तरफ। यह बहुत बैलेंस और समझदारी पर बेस करता हुआ एक न्यूट्रल एनालिसिस है। मेंस्ट्रीम भारती मीडिया जिसे बहुत से लोग अब गोदी मीडिया कहते हैं से बिल्कुल हटके आपने बहुत खरी खरी बातें की है और सुबह सर्जरी से करके पाकिस्तान और इसी पर इस तब्दीली का मलबा नहीं डाला। आपने अपनी हुकूमत और लोगों को भी बहुत अच्छे मशवरे दिए हैं। यकीनन हमारी हमदर्दियां किसी मुल्क के लोगों के साथ रहनी चाहिए ना के वहां के किसी खास पार्टी या हुकूमत के साथ।
यह बहुत बड़ी बात है कि अब भारत में लोग इस बात को मान रहे हैं की बांग्लादेश और दूसरे मुल्कों के हालात को सही तौर पर समझने में उन्हें कुछ गलती लगी है। पाकिस्तान के साथ तो आपकी हमेशा से ही दुश्मनी रही है लेकिन अब श्रीलंका नेपाल बांग्लादेश और हत्या के मालदीव्स जैसे मूल के के साथ भी तालुका कुछ ज्यादा अच्छे नहीं रहे। मेरे ख्याल में भूटान के केस में भी कुछ बहुत अच्छी सूरत हाल नहीं है। यह भारतीय विदेश मंत्रालय और इंटेलिजेंस एजेंसी की परफॉर्मेंस के बारे में कोई अच्छा साइन नहीं है।
आपने बहुत दुरुस्त बताया कि बांग्लादेश में भारत के खिलाफ बहुत से लोगों की राई पाई जाती है। बहुत से भारतीय इसे मानने को तैयार नहीं हैं और वह यह समझते हैं के चुके हमने उन्हें आजादी दिलवाई थी इसलिए उन्हें बाहर सूरत हमारे नीचे लगाते रहना चाहिए। लोगों को समझना चाहिए कि बांग्लादेश 1947 में पाकिस्तान की एक हिस्से के तौर पर आजाद हुआ था। वहां के लोगों ने हिंदुस्तान से अलग होने के लिए वोट दिए थे। अवामी लीग के सिवा वहां पर भारत के दोस्त बहुत ही काम है और अवामी लीग को भी भारतीय सपोर्ट की वजह से हुकूमत में आने का मौका मिलता रहा, वरना इसकी गेम तो 1975 में ही खत्म हो गई थी। नहीं बोलना चाहिए कि बांग्लादेश में 90% से सियालदह मुसलमान बसते हैं हिंदुओं की तादाद 8 फीसद से भी काम है। यह एक मुसलमान मुल्क है। इन लोगों के आदर्श उमंगे आरजू में भारत के लोगों की मेजोरिटी से बिल्कुल अलग हैं। हां प्यार मोहब्बत के साथ उनके साथ अच्छे संबंध बनाए जा सकते हैं कारोबार किया जा सकता है और एक दूसरे को फायदा पहुंचाया जा सकता है। इस सिलसिले में भारत को दोनों मुल्कों के दरमियान मौजूद झगड़ों को चुकाने के लिए जरा बड़े दिल का मुजाहिद करना चाहिए खास तौर पर नदियों के पानी की डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन के मामले पर।
मैं तो यहां तक कहूंगा कि भारत को इससे भी जरा आगे जाकर अब डिफॉल्ट हुई पड़ी साउथ एशियन एसोसिएशन फॉर रीजनल कोऑपरेशन सार्क को जिंदा करने के बारे में सोचना चाहिए। अगर सार्क फंक्शनल हो गई तो इसे पूरे हफ्ते के मुल्कों को बहुत फायदा पहुंचेगा सबसे ज्यादा फायदा खुद भारत को। अगर पाकिस्तान के साथ कॉन्फिडेंस बिल्डिंग मेजरस लिए गए और उसके जरिए पाकिस्तान से अफगानिस्तान और उससे आगे के मुल्कों का रास्ता मिल गया तो भारती ट्रेड और बिजनेस को बहुत बड़ा बम मिलेगा। लेकिन इसके लिए खुद को बड़ा समझना दूसरों को छोटा समझना इस सोच से बाहर निकलना पड़ेगा और बराबरी की बुनियाद पर दूसरों के साथ खास तौर पर पाकिस्तान के साथ तालुका बनाने पड़ेंगे। जंग न करने का समझौता भी एक बहुत अच्छा आईडिया होगा। मुझे याद है कि यह आइडिया जनरल से और रख और इंदिरा गांधी के दौर में खबरों में रहता था। हम लोग ना जंक्शन जूते की बात करते थे तो उसके जवाब में भारत की तरफ से अमन और दोस्ती के वाहिद एक ही बात की जाती थी।
बहरहाल खुश रहे। अल्लाह करे के बांग्लादेश समेत इस हित के सारे मुल्कों को अमन तरक्की और खुशहाली नसीब हो।
नईम अमीन
लाहौर, पाकिस्तान
Thank you for your in-depth analysis and comments.
In India, eastern states are considered mostly Christian
वहां के हिन्दुओं के बारे आपके क्या विचार हैं
Sir koie dusra job karne ke baad cds de sakte hai kiya
Great analysis Sir! 👍
Best explanation of bangladesh current situation with options for India
What about the Hindu Minorities?
Jai Hind sir
Thank you sir
In a very simple way, you explained it and the points you have provided are easy to share whenever we are in any group discussion 👍👍
Thank you sir for this amazing video , once again it hit my cognitive to ponder
anything deeply ❤️
Pm of our small neighbour country fly to India in revolt, when will Indian pm fly when youth will march to parliament
Why will our youth March . When the country is doing well
@@Nowbugh read newspaper daily
@@DEEPANSHU-sn4uwyeah and you know you need to read newspaper detail then you naccho kid Will understand that we have 150 crore of population
Jai hind
Waste army officer 😂
Agree sir and very well explained the issue
Thank you
@@yashmor8439 this is perfect strategy for us jisme hm sabhi ka Benefit hai
Jai hind general
जाट राम मोर यह तेरी समझ के बाहर है। तू तो रहने ही दे।
Now we divorce India 3 Talaq...
Only yash mor sir can give us the best analysis over any situation ❤❤❤Jai hind sir 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
What is wrong with you ,its is a coup obviously the protest were an excuse it isnt too hard to understand. Acha analysis karein.
Its a student movement and revolution by young people. Overthrow off a dictatorial government by popular choice.
not bragging.... but.....your experience and knowledge is great ..... you changed my personal opinion from an extremist actions by india similar in bangla liberation war....to an neutral opinion which is that we should stand with people of bangladesh not with a specefic government....
Good 😂😂
Sudhar jao. Flawed analysis.
پچھلا الیکشن اچھا نہیں تھا ۔مگر انڈیا کا سپوٹ تھا ۔
Don't fall into false narrative that Hindus are not safe in Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are now more united than ever in history. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists all actively participated in this movement. So, don't misunderstand us. And thanks to sir for presenting an neutral and actual report on my country's situation. Hope both countries to cooperate and build better future.
With love and respect from Bangladesh.
Thanks 🙏
Who is burning ISCKON mandir, kali mandir???
Donald Trump tha kya 😂😂
Kitne apne kaale karname chupaoge...bloody monsters
Jai Hind sahab.Dharm ki rajniti jaisa lanka or Abhi Bangla desh.or appko sab pta h shab as General Indian army
Sir you talk about reading quran
You must watch Ex-muslim Zafar Heretic, Ex-muslim Sahil, Ex-muslim Adam seeker, Quranwala, Apostate prophet, Nabi Asli, Pakistan Mulhid, ko sunna chahiye
Aur akal se baat karnj chahiye 😊
Sir ye student nahi hai dangai hai ISIS ke
रसिया ने अपने लोगों की रक्षा के लिए यूक्रेन में सैनिक कार्रवाई किया क्या भारत में हिम्मत है बांग्लादेशी हिंदूओं को बचाने की 56 इंच सीना वाला प्रधानमंत्री कहां है 😂
Oh toh kya woh Bangladesh me humare soldiers utar de aur ek war start kar de, matlab kuch bhi bolte ho gawar😂😂
Don't fall into false narrative that Hindus are not safe in Bangladesh. Bangladeshis are now more united than ever in history. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhists all actively participated in this movement. So, don't misunderstand us.
Its gona become Afghanistan
No, not possible. I have faith in the collective wisdom of Bangladeshi people.
@@yashmor8439 a establish government was toppled, it can never be good ,
@@kalamuddin4253 Established govt or dictatorship?? First you need to respect the people's opinion
Sir illegal bangladesh migrants, what should approach we can take against them. Sir make a vedio on this topic I am not against bangladeshis but yeah against illegal immigrants, Sir please do a session❤❤❤❤
The Bangladesh will be next to Pakistan, there will lot of poverty and starvation, who will hoing to help them their almighty Allah knows better .
It seems like east pakistan is coming back...
It's too early to say, let us wait and watch. Also, have faith in collective will of the people of Bangladesh
aap ek Senior Ex-Army person hain? Indian Army hi na? ...khushi hui aap retired hain.
Thank you!!
Do you have any doubt on his experience and wisdom??