NKT - Treating Sacroiliac Dysfunction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @poilochio
    @poilochio 12 років тому

    Couldnt you just do a "cook" hip lift to see.if glute max fires?

  • @LeeCedric-r5o
    @LeeCedric-r5o 2 місяці тому

    071 O'Conner Ranch

  • @Gringo7475
    @Gringo7475 11 років тому +6

    NKT seems to me to be gentle stretching combined with a wee bit of PNF. IMO not intensive enough to be effective, at least as shown in this video.
    the cause of the lady's dysfunction clearly was a trigger point high in biceps femoris. Note that after giving his treatment, he never palpated that spot again to verify TP release. Perhaps it did release, but not something the viewer can determine.

    • @Gringo7475
      @Gringo7475 10 років тому

      to the contrary: trigger points either create or exacerbate myofascial dysfunction
      . I reiterate that a movement that is even less intense than normal movements is not going to change anything. TP pain inhibits normal movement. Find and release the TPs first, then do whatever it is you do
      Gary Addis, ASc, LMT, CNMT-MFR.

    • @mdfuad7476
      @mdfuad7476 7 років тому

      Gary Addis www

    • @nurislam217
      @nurislam217 6 років тому


    • @kaofolfrajer
      @kaofolfrajer Рік тому +2

      @@Gringo7475 i dont think thats the case... always releasing TPs first could also result in creating more instability in that area by inhibiting already weak muscle...

  • @SusannaPlank-x7o
    @SusannaPlank-x7o 3 місяці тому

    Elisa Road

  • @BushRob-s9y
    @BushRob-s9y 3 місяці тому

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  • @CherilynThivener-b4r
    @CherilynThivener-b4r 2 місяці тому

    Gottlieb Causeway

  • @WilliamReyes-u2u
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  • @LesterHowton-h6r
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    Lavonne Knoll

  • @ChamberlainBetty
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    4071 Gabriella Mall

  • @AngelaGilkey-o7e
    @AngelaGilkey-o7e 3 місяці тому

    King Groves

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    @VirgenThrogmorton-b8d 3 місяці тому

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  • @GregoryBruno-u1e
    @GregoryBruno-u1e 2 місяці тому

    9953 Mayert Union