We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places , pray for those that don't know yahshua, like the disciples we may have to give our life's for our faith, but don't be discouraged for GOD does protect us in times of war , bring his protection over your house and mind body soul claim his word over your life , it does not return void , God isn't a man that he should lie , his word is pure tried In a furnace 7times , and he loves you and wants to protect you ask him and believe it , shalom bless you
Brother you seem to mix Jesus plus Law. Christ is the end of the Law to those that believe. Why do you mention tithing and the Ten Commandments as part of the will of God?
Words of Jesus your messiah if you love me keep my commandments,, not on jolt or title in the law shall by in anymeans pass till all be fulfilled in the kingdom, think not that I have come to destroy the law but to fulfill it , if I ask for a cup of water from someone and the full it , do I then throw it away? Or do I drink it ,, the term fulfilled in the context of what he was saying was to show you how to live it not to do away with it , God's law is still in effect simple
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself, if you don't want it done to you you shouldn't do it to others, is there any of these things you would want done to you?
We hope you enjoyed this episode! For further teaching on this subject, check out Rabbi’s book, The Book of Revelation Decoded: djj.show/cj5
This is an awesome word of the Lord. Thank you Jesus 🙌🏾🙏🏾🇮🇱
When do I fight to protect ourselves? Also protect insenice people?
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places , pray for those that don't know yahshua, like the disciples we may have to give our life's for our faith, but don't be discouraged for GOD does protect us in times of war , bring his protection over your house and mind body soul claim his word over your life , it does not return void , God isn't a man that he should lie , his word is pure tried In a furnace 7times , and he loves you and wants to protect you ask him and believe it , shalom bless you
Blessings, 💞
It sounds verry terrible
Brother you seem to mix Jesus plus Law. Christ is the end of the Law to those that believe. Why do you mention tithing and the Ten Commandments as part of the will of God?
Words of Jesus your messiah if you love me keep my commandments,, not on jolt or title in the law shall by in anymeans pass till all be fulfilled in the kingdom, think not that I have come to destroy the law but to fulfill it , if I ask for a cup of water from someone and the full it , do I then throw it away? Or do I drink it ,, the term fulfilled in the context of what he was saying was to show you how to live it not to do away with it , God's law is still in effect simple
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself, if you don't want it done to you you shouldn't do it to others, is there any of these things you would want done to you?