@@Yltimate_I don’t see it as bad really at all occults been around for ages and is super easy to acquire we a necklace ladder for melee why not mage something new to grind is never bad just more game
@Zendab says you, only 2x rate on a slayer mob suuuuucks But yea I understand I just think there are so many other things to take care of first before we unnerf the nerfed occult with a broken shadow
@@ZendabWell, if I’m not wrong, they nerfed Occult because it was too powerful in just one item. I get that there needs to be a grind for gear and upgrades, but it’s creating the same power creep they just nerfed all over again
thats because the input is stupid shit like condor was putting out: "mage cape needs to be untradeable" *gets made untradeable*"aw wtf jagex killed money making for delve drops"
small win yeah but its taking a reward slot for a boss thats supposed to be like rs3 Telos.... Telos drops Staff of Sliske, Seren Godbow and Zaros Godsword as well as 3 attacks in rs3. And thats because you can fight him eternally and if you die you lose 95% of your loot.
@gimiron That concept sounds cool. But I quit in 2008/9 and didn't return until OSRS, so I'm not familiar with the content. Without knowing what those items did, I dont really know what were missing. Im not too bothered by the boots QoL or the neck getting a slight buff. Feels like they are doing a decent job keeping power creep down.
@@WatchesAndAudio the thing is this is a decent reward if it were to come from anything else i wouldnt care. But its a reward from a boss thats supposed to be fought infinately until you get what you want. And that boss is supposed to be super hard endgame stuff. This isnt good enough for something so hard to do
I don't think the Custodia Pass dungeon requires the Final Dawn quest, in the original blog they said it requires "a quest," not specifically the Final Dawn quest. Geographically it's just the path between Kourend and Varlamore, after that bridge in Kebos swamp that's been blocked off for years, so I don't think it will be part of the big story
For the antler guard you need to do a quest for the dungeon, but it doesnt say you need the final dawn quest. The main requirement for an iron to get this would be 54 slayer to kill them so I can see it potentially being used by some lower lvl irons
They need to buff the shadow by itself and significantly nerf the fuck out of how well it scales with other gear, the shadow without any of its accompanying magic gear is dog shit but with all your gear its the most broken thing in the game, it seems so obvious right?
@ I’d say give it 8% total. They were going to give 3% to the cape, so why not just keep it equal. The shadow isn’t as broke. as people think in that regard. Jagex just needs to not apply things to the shadow if it’s going to be outrageous and that isn’t hard to do.
@@ZayyWithTheKs Avernic treads are fine. If you weren't bringing boot switches then you are just getting a flat upgrade to all styles with multi way content. Echo boots are still probably better for pure melee but you'll bring avernic treads to every other location you wouldn't bring echo boots.
@ only reason shadow is more op, is because of the accuracy. Tbow by far has the higher dps of any of the megas. Only weapon that can do more than 12dps at like 7 different bosses. Agree to disagree though, king
They really should just pivot the antler guard to filling in the offhand range strength gap. drop all the melee stats, drop all the defense stats, give it 4 range str and just have it be a worse odium ward. the range strength would be the only reason i would ever go for this anyway on my ironman, so just lean into it.
Shadow doesn't necessarily need to be nerfed, but they should add a cap to how much magic damage and accuracy actually gets multiplied before becoming flat boosts again.
To me the boots are perfect, as saving inventory slots while preserving their power and even gaining a little extra is great. This literally has no downsides. And hell these new boots don't really compete for the same niche as aranea, as the main users for Aranea are pures/low defence accounts that can't equip the new ones anyways, people that can't afford all 3 pairs of boots (~77m) but still want a inbetween set of hybrid boots or lastly people that want the web protection effect for killing a specific boss like Araxor or Sarachnis.
Its downside is its take a reward space for a boss thats supposed to be like Telos, one that you fight infinitely. Are you really going to be pushing levels if the only thing you can get are these boots and the occult? Look at what Telos drops: Seren Godbow, Zaros Godsword, Staff of Sliske and Reprisal (absorbs all damage you take for 10 seconds and reflects it back to your target in 1 big hit) Theres a reason people push enrage for Telos. Theres no reason to do that for this boss....
that's the thing though without a buff on the bootsit's not that big a deal, nobody takes boot switches because pegs are useless and if they're taking eternal they're camping it, I'm a maxed main and I run araneas because they're prims without the negatives at less than half the cost
Said it before and I'll say it again - Add new passive effect to boots. Like for example the minimum hit effect of +2 like the cape had but for all 3 combat styles. - Add a ranged reward to this boss, why is it only mage & melee. Something to buff thrown weapons maybe? (chins, tonalztics, knives, taxes, etc) - Diabolical aegis should not be a demonbane effect, we literally just received a ton of new demon weps
I get it, the boots are lackluster for an upgrade but I think you're looking at the wrong thing here. People are going to love these just as much, or more likely way more, than they like the prim over dragon boot upgrade and look at how pitiful that is. At the end of the day the community doesn't care that much about how much better something is than the next tier. They only care about the fact it's "BIS" and will overpay for it because of that status. They're willing to fork out even more and justify it if they also look good, again ignoring how much better they are than the next best option. You could even argue that a lot of people will like these as an upgrade more because we aren't power creeping as hard as they would be if the stats were actually good.
I mention in the video exactly that, I know how people are viewing the boots and I'm not discrediting what they are, I just think that they should be an actual upgrade more than a convenience for QoL, especially if they are to come from what is considered, inferno level content, why do people not think + to melee and mage str ontop of the range str is an acceptable addition? At least the melee boost because its currently worthless
@@KingCondor I must've missed it, my bad. Watching while I work so I'm not always able to pick up on everything. To your point, I agree Jagex is being a bit conservative. It's strange to only give an addition* to range str.
No shadow nerfs. its already the lowest priced mega rare! magic dosen't need the best wep for it to be shit, it needs a 2nd tier viable option like bowfa is to tbow and sra/fang is to scythe.
should add a new crystal staff option to enhanced weapon seed or add a new boss that drops a trident attachment that adds magic penetration instead of poison for swamp and lifesteal for sang staff. Trident and sang is shit because of constant splashing so fix that and you have a 'poor man's shadow' like the bowfa is a poor man's tbow with similar range def penetration effect.
Preach. i quit for like a decade then came back and played rs3 before osrs; rs3 is plagued with content locked behind prerequisite items which makes grinds more tedious than they need to be.
The shadow doesn’t need a nerf, because it has never been an issue. The issue has always been that other magic options become obsolete in favour of the shadow. So better to just cater future magic upgrades to benefit elemental spells/demonic so that a nightmare staff with harm orb or other future elemental staffs become a viable choice.. Just like ranged. In some areas Tbow is good while in other places Bowfa is better.
I think the Threads should be an untradable drop that'll make it grinding a bit more fun. The amulet sounds great as it leaves place for an actual Infernal cape/Quiver level content for the Mage bis cape in the future.
Wow yes let’s make mage more accurate, it can all ready hit through full masori+zvb+pro magic and freeze you for constant 15 seconds. Games like soulwars and castle wars are dead after this…
@@KingCondor nah, he’s 100% right and you just aren’t seeing it. Don’t worry though lil bro, you’ll figure these things out in due time, as your father I believe in you, you can do it.
So a mid game quest/boss with upgrades to 4 bis items requiring 91&93 slayer and more mid game weapons that aren't as good as a dds and dragon defender?
You ever get the feeling they’re just flailing around? Know what would have made sense? A niche cape slot item that buffed Thralls that replaced the whateverthefuck thrall update they were planning. Instead they give an item to rebuff the already nerfed occult and… a level skip for the delve.
rewards are dogshit ngl scrap it all and go back to the board. amulet is good for shadow but not anything really previous to it. cape had a good idea going for that don't know why they scrapped it. Also odd how they nerf occult just to put it back few months later. boots are the definition of mid. Give them a stat boost across the board and it'll be fine but why are we so scared of a little power creep that we keep them same tier and slap all 3 together when prims are literally the only boots you ever truly need maybe eternals on a rare occurrence where you aren't meleeing. demonbane weapon no one cares about. burning claws are already insanely easy to get we dont need another items thats basically the same but worse; burning claws already filled this gap. no thrall upgrade anymore??? we get teleports there now instead wow as if it wouldnt have already included also why dont they add another mage weapon similar to bowfa/sra or maybe even the heka that was proposed from toa as a potential reward from here it fits thematically.
Actually you're just wrong. The proposed demonbane weapon is an upgrade over emberlight. Not an alternative to claws. The necklace is a good upgrade, it provides more than just 2% damage. And they didn't "nerf the occult" just to buff it. Thye distributed the stats, then added an upgrade. The occult is just the best thing to upgrade since it's easy to get and you already bring it everywhere. Only other real option would be the tormented bracelet. Should they release a Heka like item? idfk, people keep bitching about them trying to add items like that into the game, like what became the dh wand. Basically you're dumb, your opinions are bad, and if people like you would stop talking we could get good gear upgrades in the game.
dps calculator doesn't factor in many aspects of pvm, so i understand why you'd think blowpipe masori is better than crystal bofa in inferno, but you are very wrong on that, bad luck
@@KingCondor So you’re telling me gearscape allows you to select all your gear, stats, boosts, and specific monster you’re fighting, but it “doesn’t factor in many aspects of pvm” ??? Stop trolling
@cokemachine62590 doesn't factor in various aspects yes, you're ignoring the extra range on the bofa which allows you to not only have addition safe pillar spots in the inferno over the bp, but also start dealing damage soon, you have to be attacking every 2 game ticks with the bp to maintain its dps, you also have to consider the fact that no player is perfect and makes mistakes, which ultimately causes your dps to fall off regardless and with faster weapons, dps falls off easier, unless you are speed running (which requires resetting and therefore proves my point further) you will see more consistent pvming with the crystal bofa in the inferno
just scrap this update honestly. i don’t like any of the additions here. having to clear lvl 3 delve for the occult upgrade is so stupid. there will be folks who want to buy it but can’t clear lvl 3. unless lvl 3 is pretty simple then it’s ok, but i can only imagine how horrible sailing will be if these are the kind of rewards they’re proposing
Time to brush up on those skills then, why shouldn't high level gear be locked to good players? You want to make infernal cape and quiver tradeable as well so we don't leave out the shitters?
Are these recorded streams taking the place of Rune News? I will miss it a lot but I do see this as easier for ya. Nice job pronouncing that n word lmao
Anything hybrid or tribrid should always be weaker than a style specific item. Aranea boots are perfect for this niche. We dont need these boots. New bis boots should be style specific
I don't imagine they will do end game tribrid gear that will devalue torva/masori honestly, anything like that, that sits just below end game gear just won't be seen as worth it for the community I don't think, but who knows, the boots should be somewhat an upgrade for melee, not just an upgrade for QoL
I don’t see the whole thing about not de valuing everything sometimes de valuing is good …not everything but some things is ok …what was once best in slot can be a cheaper good alternative like for PvP or mid game players so now to get the new boots you need dragon boots, prem crystal, ranger boots, peng crystal, infinity boots another crystal oh and the new drop as well when does it stop lmao who cares if a medium clue scroll reward get de valued no cares wizard boots are 200k ….once again ranger boots will be the limiting factor of the value just because of how rare they are so now ranager boots will once again be more expensive then the new boot drop it’s self because that is the bottle neck to this whole chain they created
I don't know why they don't just have you use the crystals on the drop from the boss, using the boots themselves is a little weird. Doing it this way will also help keep the value of the boots.
Bro stop crying about the boots, they aren’t supposed to be a DPS upgrade they’re just a convenience item. It means no boot switches. We like that. They’ll probably release a new tier of boots in a year or two. Cry.
@@gimiron most people who are raiding? At least ever since they buffed Eternals to have mage damage, most people bring Prims + Eternals into ToA for example.
I dont get why people are mad about the boots or the mage ammy, occult has been bis magic amulet for what, 15 or 20 years? It was time for something new, and the boots are gonna be sweet. No more choosing between eternals or prims and youll get some range bonus too, slick af. Quit crying.
Tormented demons already die fast. What are the boots realistically going to do there? Save a tick or 2? I guess but if you look away or miss a switch there goes your ticks
@@UnkemptSoldier😂😂 that's what happens when you let the players vote. The ones that are the most dedicated/no lifing with multiple members characters have more power to sway the game.
Why are you skipping over the magic and range defense on Avernic treads and 2 range str on the ring is 70m 2 mage damage is 40m and you're saving inventory spaces it's good yes it could be better but the main thing is 1 less switch but how much do you want the upgrade to cost is 70-80m for the boots and probably 50-100m for the upgrade if you increase to 2 range str and 2 mage damage it's going to cost a lot and need to be very difficult to get.
It's not 1 less switch when 85% of players are not even doing the switch, furthermore, the switch is very rarely worth doing unless ToA or CoX CM, additionally, prims in general are a massive disappointment and unironic bad upgrade since they've been released yet people are blind to that fact for no reason, too busy leaning on dps calculators and not realising they're just dragon boots, I'm not touching the defence stats (which I like) because no one clearly gives a shit about them, +5str and +1 mage on the boots, when we already have that, to me, feel like it's not good enough, I'm not dismissing the convenience of the boots, I'm asking, why are they not making them actual upgrades, there would be no need to wear these over prims in tob for example if you are mdps, boot switch isn't even needed now, so realistically you won't see any change, because they're not an improvement
@KingCondor one thing I noticed is jagex is being sneaky about the defensive stat and could be big changes to that in the near future because it's been generally worthless in most of the content
Well jagex is trying to move away from tradeable items.... it cuts down on our biggest problem. Botting. As nontradeable items dont need gold to purchase = more real player = less bots = reviving dying game.
lets nerf the occult and make a better one GG
@@coolicebunny we all saw this coming
@@Yltimate_I don’t see it as bad really at all occults been around for ages and is super easy to acquire we a necklace ladder for melee why not mage something new to grind is never bad just more game
@Zendab says you, only 2x rate on a slayer mob suuuuucks
But yea I understand I just think there are so many other things to take care of first before we unnerf the nerfed occult with a broken shadow
@@ZendabWell, if I’m not wrong, they nerfed Occult because it was too powerful in just one item. I get that there needs to be a grind for gear and upgrades, but it’s creating the same power creep they just nerfed all over again
Meh we need defensive armour buff alternatives atm anyway. Idc for Dps buffs atm.
Is it just me or are the JMods not listening to any fucking input?
First time? 😂
@kaikash nah i comment this on everything, they have no idea what they're doing
cry louder cant hear u@@Yltimate_
thats because the input is stupid shit like condor was putting out: "mage cape needs to be untradeable" *gets made untradeable*"aw wtf jagex killed money making for delve drops"
The money making in delve was killed when they removed the consumable thrall drop champ
I dont bring boot switches into 450+ ToA or CMs. Having all 3 in 1 slot is kind of a win. Small win, but nevertheless, a win.
@@WatchesAndAudio it’s a win 100% I’ve been suggesting it for years.
small win yeah
but its taking a reward slot for a boss thats supposed to be like rs3 Telos....
Telos drops Staff of Sliske, Seren Godbow and Zaros Godsword as well as 3 attacks in rs3.
And thats because you can fight him eternally and if you die you lose 95% of your loot.
@gimiron That concept sounds cool. But I quit in 2008/9 and didn't return until OSRS, so I'm not familiar with the content. Without knowing what those items did, I dont really know what were missing.
Im not too bothered by the boots QoL or the neck getting a slight buff. Feels like they are doing a decent job keeping power creep down.
@@WatchesAndAudio the thing is this is a decent reward if it were to come from anything else i wouldnt care.
But its a reward from a boss thats supposed to be fought infinately until you get what you want.
And that boss is supposed to be super hard endgame stuff.
This isnt good enough for something so hard to do
@@gimiron Makes sense. I see your point
“Let’s nerf the occult so we can just give it back to them in pieces over time”
fk it combine all 5 boots. Guardian and devout too. Make em god boots
God boots are from hard clues
one way to instantly make the boots better, add a prayer bonus!! maybe not on devout level, but even a 2-3 prayer bonus would be massive.
+2 is good enough. Shouldn't be better than Echo Boots.
a earthspike kind of double stabbing dagger is so cool thematically and in terms of mid game stab options
I don't think the Custodia Pass dungeon requires the Final Dawn quest, in the original blog they said it requires "a quest," not specifically the Final Dawn quest. Geographically it's just the path between Kourend and Varlamore, after that bridge in Kebos swamp that's been blocked off for years, so I don't think it will be part of the big story
I wish they would adjust ideas before just scrapping them. I like the idea of the thrall upgrade for example, it just shouldn't be in the ammo slot.
It wouldn’t work anyway because of the positioning problem.
For the antler guard you need to do a quest for the dungeon, but it doesnt say you need the final dawn quest. The main requirement for an iron to get this would be 54 slayer to kill them so I can see it potentially being used by some lower lvl irons
They need to buff the shadow by itself and significantly nerf the fuck out of how well it scales with other gear, the shadow without any of its accompanying magic gear is dog shit but with all your gear its the most broken thing in the game, it seems so obvious right?
What if they released 3 new boots that were slightly better. Like based existing fighting styles. I honestly think that should be the way to go.
you are the guy that likes getting cancer 100%
is the boss that drops the demonic mark colosseum and inferno level?
The shadow isn’t fucked lol give it +3% damage idc what kind of item it is
The shadow gives 3x damage, not 3% damage
@ that’s not what I said. I said the new amulet needs to give +3% magic damage.
@JJSmeez ontop of the 7%?
@ I’d say give it 8% total. They were going to give 3% to the cape, so why not just keep it equal. The shadow isn’t as broke. as people think in that regard. Jagex just needs to not apply things to the shadow if it’s going to be outrageous and that isn’t hard to do.
Mole slippers continuing to be the best boots in the game is always a good day.
Maybe a dumb idea but I think scaling items would be cool. Say a magic amulet that scales based on length of fight.
Personally rather see them flesh skills out better and focus on gold sinks holding item value.
They have a big enough jmod team to do both tbh
Do not nerf shadow it's my only mega rare right now
It needs to be tradeable
The component will be tradable
Bet. The avernic treads are still 🗑 tho
@@ZayyWithTheKs Avernic treads are fine. If you weren't bringing boot switches then you are just getting a flat upgrade to all styles with multi way content. Echo boots are still probably better for pure melee but you'll bring avernic treads to every other location you wouldn't bring echo boots.
@@CatNibbles Echo boots are useful nowhere
@@SaniOsrs mmm only at tanking graardor
10:01 was that your pants?
Burp mate
I'm guessing this man's got a tbow and not a shadow lol. tbow is way more busted than shadow by farrrrrr
Incorrect unfortunately
@ only reason shadow is more op, is because of the accuracy. Tbow by far has the higher dps of any of the megas. Only weapon that can do more than 12dps at like 7 different bosses. Agree to disagree though, king
They really should just pivot the antler guard to filling in the offhand range strength gap. drop all the melee stats, drop all the defense stats, give it 4 range str and just have it be a worse odium ward. the range strength would be the only reason i would ever go for this anyway on my ironman, so just lean into it.
Shadow doesn't necessarily need to be nerfed, but they should add a cap to how much magic damage and accuracy actually gets multiplied before becoming flat boosts again.
Yes it does
What you described is a nerf.
It doesn't need to be nerfed, they just need to nerf it
To me the boots are perfect, as saving inventory slots while preserving their power and even gaining a little extra is great. This literally has no downsides.
And hell these new boots don't really compete for the same niche as aranea, as the main users for Aranea are pures/low defence accounts that can't equip the new ones anyways, people that can't afford all 3 pairs of boots (~77m) but still want a inbetween set of hybrid boots or lastly people that want the web protection effect for killing a specific boss like Araxor or Sarachnis.
True, combining the boots is the buff.
Sure but it's a boring reward for a inferno level boss
Its downside is its take a reward space for a boss thats supposed to be like Telos, one that you fight infinitely.
Are you really going to be pushing levels if the only thing you can get are these boots and the occult?
Look at what Telos drops:
Seren Godbow, Zaros Godsword, Staff of Sliske and Reprisal (absorbs all damage you take for 10 seconds and reflects it back to your target in 1 big hit)
Theres a reason people push enrage for Telos.
Theres no reason to do that for this boss....
that's the thing though without a buff on the bootsit's not that big a deal, nobody takes boot switches because pegs are useless and if they're taking eternal they're camping it, I'm a maxed main and I run araneas because they're prims without the negatives at less than half the cost
@@tvdvd8661 this one is tradable so you don't have to get it for yourself if you don't like the content
Said it before and I'll say it again
- Add new passive effect to boots. Like for example the minimum hit effect of +2 like the cape had but for all 3 combat styles.
- Add a ranged reward to this boss, why is it only mage & melee. Something to buff thrown weapons maybe? (chins, tonalztics, knives, taxes, etc)
- Diabolical aegis should not be a demonbane effect, we literally just received a ton of new demon weps
I get it, the boots are lackluster for an upgrade but I think you're looking at the wrong thing here. People are going to love these just as much, or more likely way more, than they like the prim over dragon boot upgrade and look at how pitiful that is. At the end of the day the community doesn't care that much about how much better something is than the next tier. They only care about the fact it's "BIS" and will overpay for it because of that status. They're willing to fork out even more and justify it if they also look good, again ignoring how much better they are than the next best option.
You could even argue that a lot of people will like these as an upgrade more because we aren't power creeping as hard as they would be if the stats were actually good.
I mention in the video exactly that, I know how people are viewing the boots and I'm not discrediting what they are, I just think that they should be an actual upgrade more than a convenience for QoL, especially if they are to come from what is considered, inferno level content, why do people not think + to melee and mage str ontop of the range str is an acceptable addition? At least the melee boost because its currently worthless
@@KingCondor I must've missed it, my bad. Watching while I work so I'm not always able to pick up on everything.
To your point, I agree Jagex is being a bit conservative. It's strange to only give an addition* to range str.
How about we actually make low tier mage gear to make magic viable as lower lvls irons need DPS boosts to magic...
No shadow nerfs. its already the lowest priced mega rare! magic dosen't need the best wep for it to be shit, it needs a 2nd tier viable option like bowfa is to tbow and sra/fang is to scythe.
should add a new crystal staff option to enhanced weapon seed or add a new boss that drops a trident attachment that adds magic penetration instead of poison for swamp and lifesteal for sang staff. Trident and sang is shit because of constant splashing so fix that and you have a 'poor man's shadow' like the bowfa is a poor man's tbow with similar range def penetration effect.
we need 30 def mage armour like inq or masori
Bro I am so tired of every item requiring three other items first. Zombie Axe is the best thing they have dropped in a while and thats barely passing
Preach. i quit for like a decade then came back and played rs3 before osrs; rs3 is plagued with content locked behind prerequisite items which makes grinds more tedious than they need to be.
The shadow doesn’t need a nerf, because it has never been an issue. The issue has always been that other magic options become obsolete in favour of the shadow. So better to just cater future magic upgrades to benefit elemental spells/demonic so that a nightmare staff with harm orb or other future elemental staffs become a viable choice..
Just like ranged. In some areas Tbow is good while in other places Bowfa is better.
I think the Threads should be an untradable drop that'll make it grinding a bit more fun. The amulet sounds great as it leaves place for an actual Infernal cape/Quiver level content for the Mage bis cape in the future.
Wow yes let’s make mage more accurate, it can all ready hit through full masori+zvb+pro magic and freeze you for constant 15 seconds. Games like soulwars and castle wars are dead after this…
Not having the Amulet be tradable is crazy.
The piece will be tradeable
occult died for shadow's sins. never forget
i think neck should be tradeable im uim and be untradeable its bad for me. As well that boots its not that game changing its huge grind for 1 rng str.
Bro don't you see that you cry when something isn't strong enough but turn around and cry when something is to strong?
I think you just don't understand what I'm saying in these videos mate, you'll catch on, one day
@@KingCondor nah, he’s 100% right and you just aren’t seeing it. Don’t worry though lil bro, you’ll figure these things out in due time, as your father I believe in you, you can do it.
@@KingCondor people who call others “faguettes” are projecting their own insecurities and biological shortcomings onto others, stupid kiwi
@@KingCondor people who delete or hide comments are insecure children
He's a slop channel that can barely read a newspost what do you expect
those avarice treads will go hard for pking
So a mid game quest/boss with upgrades to 4 bis items requiring 91&93 slayer and more mid game weapons that aren't as good as a dds and dragon defender?
Pretty sure it's end game boss
No way in hell pt 3 is a gm quest
You ever get the feeling they’re just flailing around? Know what would have made sense? A niche cape slot item that buffed Thralls that replaced the whateverthefuck thrall update they were planning.
Instead they give an item to rebuff the already nerfed occult and… a level skip for the delve.
rewards are dogshit ngl scrap it all and go back to the board.
amulet is good for shadow but not anything really previous to it. cape had a good idea going for that don't know why they scrapped it. Also odd how they nerf occult just to put it back few months later.
boots are the definition of mid. Give them a stat boost across the board and it'll be fine but why are we so scared of a little power creep that we keep them same tier and slap all 3 together when prims are literally the only boots you ever truly need maybe eternals on a rare occurrence where you aren't meleeing.
demonbane weapon no one cares about. burning claws are already insanely easy to get we dont need another items thats basically the same but worse; burning claws already filled this gap.
no thrall upgrade anymore??? we get teleports there now instead wow as if it wouldnt have already included
also why dont they add another mage weapon similar to bowfa/sra or maybe even the heka that was proposed from toa as a potential reward from here it fits thematically.
@hunterphillips1004 that was the major thing that people wanted. Thralls upgrades. No JMod listens to the community
Actually you're just wrong. The proposed demonbane weapon is an upgrade over emberlight. Not an alternative to claws.
The necklace is a good upgrade, it provides more than just 2% damage. And they didn't "nerf the occult" just to buff it. Thye distributed the stats, then added an upgrade. The occult is just the best thing to upgrade since it's easy to get and you already bring it everywhere. Only other real option would be the tormented bracelet.
Should they release a Heka like item? idfk, people keep bitching about them trying to add items like that into the game, like what became the dh wand.
Basically you're dumb, your opinions are bad, and if people like you would stop talking we could get good gear upgrades in the game.
@Kisamefishfry ACKTUHALLAHY 🤓
we don't need more demonbane
@@Yltimate_ so many demonbane weapons, barely any demons to kill, lol
@@Kisamefishfrywe don’t need any more demonbane weapons lol…. Rs3 enrage boss gave way more rewards then this boss lol this boss is trash lol
50 second in and your almost killing me 😂
creating new items to keep ur job 101
I'm not watching the screen and I was so confused when you dropped the N word 😂
every update brings me closer to canceling my membership.
Echo bosses in main game when
they are really giving us higher magic dmg shadow will climb to 1.6b!!!
In what world does blowpipe count as dog shit in the inferno? It’s literally the meta
Its the meta if running masori, but is still crap and not as good as bofa
@ I mean you can plug full crystal vs masori and blowpipe in a dps calculator and see how incredibly wrong you are, but sure man
dps calculator doesn't factor in many aspects of pvm, so i understand why you'd think blowpipe masori is better than crystal bofa in inferno, but you are very wrong on that, bad luck
@@KingCondor So you’re telling me gearscape allows you to select all your gear, stats, boosts, and specific monster you’re fighting, but it “doesn’t factor in many aspects of pvm” ???
Stop trolling
@cokemachine62590 doesn't factor in various aspects yes, you're ignoring the extra range on the bofa which allows you to not only have addition safe pillar spots in the inferno over the bp, but also start dealing damage soon, you have to be attacking every 2 game ticks with the bp to maintain its dps, you also have to consider the fact that no player is perfect and makes mistakes, which ultimately causes your dps to fall off regardless and with faster weapons, dps falls off easier, unless you are speed running (which requires resetting and therefore proves my point further) you will see more consistent pvming with the crystal bofa in the inferno
just scrap this update honestly. i don’t like any of the additions here. having to clear lvl 3 delve for the occult upgrade is so stupid. there will be folks who want to buy it but can’t clear lvl 3. unless lvl 3 is pretty simple then it’s ok, but i can only imagine how horrible sailing will be if these are the kind of rewards they’re proposing
Time to brush up on those skills then, why shouldn't high level gear be locked to good players? You want to make infernal cape and quiver tradeable as well so we don't leave out the shitters?
Meanwhile my Ironman with 72 slayer before I have 80hp.... I'm a week of no life (wildly slayer)
JAGEX: Pisses and moans about power creep, releases the next OP item out of reach for the average player. the dichotomy is ridiculous.
Are these recorded streams taking the place of Rune News? I will miss it a lot but I do see this as easier for ya. Nice job pronouncing that n word lmao
Bro I do rune news every week on the Wednesday updates, these other blogs are all separate vods, I only do rune news on the weekly update
@KingCondor sorry I'm retarded
"Shadows fucked" while tbow exists lmao who actually complains about the shadow? Nerfing it makes it dead content
Anything hybrid or tribrid should always be weaker than a style specific item. Aranea boots are perfect for this niche. We dont need these boots. New bis boots should be style specific
I think the boots are nice personally will def be a nice qol for endgame, and maybe the next raid has tribrid gear that goes well with them 🤔
I don't imagine they will do end game tribrid gear that will devalue torva/masori honestly, anything like that, that sits just below end game gear just won't be seen as worth it for the community I don't think, but who knows, the boots should be somewhat an upgrade for melee, not just an upgrade for QoL
@KingCondor that's a valid point sir
come to the channel i will tell you exactly whats going on "earthbound te te te te paddle" =D
Shadow is broken just go nuke everything easyscape 2025
I don’t see the whole thing about not de valuing everything sometimes de valuing is good …not everything but some things is ok …what was once best in slot can be a cheaper good alternative like for PvP or mid game players so now to get the new boots you need dragon boots, prem crystal, ranger boots, peng crystal, infinity boots another crystal oh and the new drop as well when does it stop lmao who cares if a medium clue scroll reward get de valued no cares wizard boots are 200k ….once again ranger boots will be the limiting factor of the value just because of how rare they are so now ranager boots will once again be more expensive then the new boot drop it’s self because that is the bottle neck to this whole chain they created
I don't know why they don't just have you use the crystals on the drop from the boss, using the boots themselves is a little weird.
Doing it this way will also help keep the value of the boots.
Bro stop crying about the boots, they aren’t supposed to be a DPS upgrade they’re just a convenience item. It means no boot switches. We like that. They’ll probably release a new tier of boots in a year or two. Cry.
who does boot switches? the boots dont have any impact anywhere
@@gimiron most people who are raiding? At least ever since they buffed Eternals to have mage damage, most people bring Prims + Eternals into ToA for example.
@@gimirondont do boot switches? guess you get a dps upgrade then right?
40 IQ comment
@@KingCondor 30 IQ video, congratulations you’re a retard :)
I dont get why people are mad about the boots or the mage ammy, occult has been bis magic amulet for what, 15 or 20 years? It was time for something new, and the boots are gonna be sweet. No more choosing between eternals or prims and youll get some range bonus too, slick af. Quit crying.
Boots are good. Come in use for places like. Tormented demons etc
What if boots were slightly better so there was an improvement over prims and eternals?
Tormented demons already die fast. What are the boots realistically going to do there?
Save a tick or 2?
I guess but if you look away or miss a switch there goes your ticks
Yo feed me
All bad im just voting no to everything on my multiple accounts.
People like you make this game so much less fun
@@UnkemptSoldier😂😂 that's what happens when you let the players vote.
The ones that are the most dedicated/no lifing with multiple members characters have more power to sway the game.
@@UnkemptSoldier HAHAHAHA! thank you
Why are you skipping over the magic and range defense on Avernic treads and 2 range str on the ring is 70m 2 mage damage is 40m and you're saving inventory spaces it's good yes it could be better but the main thing is 1 less switch but how much do you want the upgrade to cost is 70-80m for the boots and probably 50-100m for the upgrade if you increase to 2 range str and 2 mage damage it's going to cost a lot and need to be very difficult to get.
It's not 1 less switch when 85% of players are not even doing the switch, furthermore, the switch is very rarely worth doing unless ToA or CoX CM, additionally, prims in general are a massive disappointment and unironic bad upgrade since they've been released yet people are blind to that fact for no reason, too busy leaning on dps calculators and not realising they're just dragon boots, I'm not touching the defence stats (which I like) because no one clearly gives a shit about them, +5str and +1 mage on the boots, when we already have that, to me, feel like it's not good enough, I'm not dismissing the convenience of the boots, I'm asking, why are they not making them actual upgrades, there would be no need to wear these over prims in tob for example if you are mdps, boot switch isn't even needed now, so realistically you won't see any change, because they're not an improvement
@KingCondor one thing I noticed is jagex is being sneaky about the defensive stat and could be big changes to that in the near future because it's been generally worthless in most of the content
Well jagex is trying to move away from tradeable items.... it cuts down on our biggest problem. Botting. As nontradeable items dont need gold to purchase = more real player = less bots = reviving dying game.
If a bot can kill a delve boss that's inferno level difficulty and is supposed to be like Telos that's sad for the game.
Bots can't do telos in rs3