What happened, it was printing normally for a while, today I went to turn on the machine, only the light on the panel came on, the display was off, I already changed cables, I looked at the source and I didn't see anything abnormal, which could be Canon tm 200 Button lights up but does not turn off or light up the panel If anyone in the group has been through this or has any suggestions
Where did you purchase your print head from
Thank you Mr syed this video was useful for me
Any help what's up 00971508736652
I get 2F1F error how i fxi it
Try many thing and nothing
Should I change the purge unit or only the pump cam sensor on it
What happened, it was printing normally for a while, today I went to turn on the machine, only the light on the panel came on, the display was off, I already changed cables, I looked at the source and I didn't see anything abnormal, which could be Canon tm 200
Button lights up but does not turn off or light up the panel
If anyone in the group has been through this or has any suggestions