Guy try my settings instead no miss it’s the update version of his settings(no more portal problem) : -Target 1 ( punch botton) ~ duration: 2 seconds , end delay : 1 milisecond - target 2 ( jump bottom ) ~ duration: 250 milisecond, end delay : 100 mili
The world is beautiful Can you tell me what constructions are used to make the world? I want to do it accordingly. For example, what is the color background? Can you teach me how to do it? ❤️❤️
Button 1 : 10 sec
Button 2 : 250 milsec
Button 3 : 5 sec
Button 4 : 250 milsec
Where do i put in duration or end delay?
Its stop when after going in portal
@@Kth298press settings and options swipe down and u will see remember zoom through door press it then thats all
@@hengwong8790 my auto clicker stop after enter portal
thanks, imma do this but w my auto tackle
Saran,ganti pickaxe dengan peralatan fossil. Biar hit lu lembut jadi stat gamudah hancur"tapi ngurangin jarak punch" pake laser ,moga Bantu.
Mnding cursed hat + laser gk bakal ancur
Thanks sarannya kak
Terimakasi bang akhirnya aku bisa Harvest tanpa Miss dan gak capek terimakasi sekali lagi keren
Sampai sekarang masih aman kh bng?
@@inieng6530 iya ngeri yg gw takutin bukan science nya. Tapi modal nya yg gede
Mantep bang gw sambil ngopi tetep lancar :)
Nice vid
tons misses bro
can make more good settings for auto water science farm?
then make the 1st button 5secs, maybe its because ure laggy
Guy try my settings instead no miss it’s the update version of his settings(no more portal problem) :
-Target 1 ( punch botton) ~ duration: 2 seconds , end delay : 1 milisecond
- target 2 ( jump bottom ) ~ duration: 250 milisecond, end delay : 100 mili
How about target 3 and 4?
Just use cursed hard and laser eye that cant be break science
Nice video bro 👍👍
Makasih bagus bgt pgn nyoba besok
Siap bos 👌
Aman band nggak kira2?
Bro why you use auto click on jump button?
Makasih bang settnya mantep
Settingn nya bnyk miss li ad settingn yg baru auto water gk
Sekarang masih aman kah pakai auto ini soal gw bosan kalo harvest science sndiri
Masih aman gak ya kalo untuk sekarang & apk yg di link yt gak terdukung dng hp android terbaru solusiny gmn ya 😢
hai bro..i never know can do auto on i know ehhehe ty bro..but can i ask something? using auto, are moderator will ban? (pls reply)
Maybe , cuz auto its ilegal
İ enter portal auto clicker dont punch science
same like me
The world is beautiful Can you tell me what constructions are used to make the world? I want to do it accordingly. For example, what is the color background? Can you teach me how to do it? ❤️❤️
Air duct tape withpaint
Klo bisa bikinin yg farm smile bro
makasih cuyy,
How long dose it take to harvest 1 farm
bang science itu bisa ditumpuk gak pas harvest? atau kayak seed ga bisa ditumpuk pas ngebreak?
Bisa ditumpuk pas harvest
Bang aman kah ini? Atau bisa ke ban
I want to do this with ATM. Hehe
is it safe? any uodates
Bang,klo auto harvest tackle full gmna itu?
Very laggy video please repost i cant ser anything
Watch on 720p bro , you Will see more clearly
@@betezet6757 thanks. Works now
1 world kaya gitu butuh brpa ut ya? W masi miskin minta ampun tpi w ttp simpen ni video mana tau kepake kapan2 :v
Gw pake 6 , tapi sebenarnya 5 aja udh bisa , w pake 6 Ut karena greenya 1x Harvest dapet 2k
@@betezet6757 okee makasih
bang sekarang auto clicker ada iklan ya? jdi leg hp saya buat nyobain malah kayak mau foto world seluruhnya njir
oh ya bang ama kalau masuk portal/door jdi kayak ngezoom gtu atau zoom out kayak mau foto world gtu
Punya gw kok pas di pertengahan berhenti ya? Kek 10-13 science gtu
Mungkin lag bro
@@betezet6757 jaringan gw lancar bro kdng jga auto nya ga work trus berhenti" gtu
Does use that kind of auto is bannable?
Yes, so remember to put signal jammer in your world
How long does it took to harvest 1 full science station world?
± 30 minute
Apa aman sekarang pake autoklik
bro itu pake ut brp biji klo 5k science station tiap 2x harvest?
Pake 7 , karena green sekali Harvest dpt 2k jadi w kasih 2ut
growtopia internet is lag. would probably miss a lot if i use it. on mlbb my internet is stable 5-8ms hayst
Gw setelah 2 row tiba tiba berhenti mukul, solusinya gimana ya
Coba otak Atik durasi punch ny bro , sesuaiin sendiri . Sama klo ngelag kadang Miss , jdi harus tetep di awasin
emg org indo itu pinter pinter auto wkwkw
Bang ..kalo science world nya model farm gmna autonya
Makasih bro gw kebanned 379day
Rill ga?
Kalau yg horizontal ad kah gan tutornya?
Susah cuy klo yg horizontal
Bng untuk plat ato slime bng
Aman gk bg?
The app is too old for my phone lmao cant down it
Masih aman kah skrng?
Bro videonya kok gitu? Gak nampak apa apa @BETEZET
Coba liat di resolusi 720p cuy
1 full science station how many stations needed ?
Anti baned gk bg ampe skrg
Ane masih aman
@@betezet6757 bg biar kalo mau masuk portal langsung break gmn kok ada jeda nya bg
yg di pc dong bang
Masih aman kah?
Bro apa emang tidak ada cara agar tidak miss satupun
Kayaknya nggak bisa deh bro , pasti Miss 2-6 per baris , klo lag lebih parah lagi :v
Klo miss tinggal diulang aja bro, jangan ditungguin
Bro itu ada yg kelewatan ga
Pasti ada cuy , tapi paling 1-4 doang per baris
it dosent work!
it dosent do anything!!!
im getting angry
Here if dosent work
Button 1 : 10 sec
Button 2 : 250 milsec
Button 3 : 5 sec
Button 4 : 250 milsec
Itu model world harus sama apa bisa beda
Kekny sih cuman bisa yg water cuy
How does it not miss any science station? Or does it?
Sometimes Miss 1-3 in row , but i think depend on your signal
it does
Nd ke ban kah
how about other side?
This tricks only works on vertical side bro
kasih rumus nya dong biar gampang diingat
Button 1 : 10 sec
Button 2 : 250 milsec
Button 3 : 5 sec
Button 4 : 250 milsec
Delay Nya Ad Kgk Bro
@@yogidaniansyahprasetyo6576 tergantung sinyal cuy , kagang klo lag Miss banyak + ga sinkron
Can you get banned from this?
Bused amankah?
Aman bos 😆
Ini mah batas wajar menggunakan autoclicker
Bro kalo diplat bisa gk
Kurang tau bro 🤣