Just a minor correction, Atago’s concealment range when maxed out is 9.3 km, not 9.9 km. The latter is the maxed concealment for her T10 cousin, the Zao.
9:48 if anyone is interested, in the Doolittle Raid, each B-25 carried 4 500lb bombs (specially constructed to save weight) 3 high explosive, 1 incendiary bundle and several of the bombs had been attached with Japanese friendship medals given to US servicemen prewar by the Japanese government, almost as if to spite the Japanese even more.
Bismarck was peak back in the day, but today where brawling is in kind of a bad state if you're not in Schlieffen it's a different story it can have good games, I recently had a 4 kill 130k dmg game and I'm back from a 3 year hiatus but that's juste the exception most of the time her accuracy at long range is against you so it's kinda rough, can get good games but it's not the majority of them
there is a disturbing lack of USN cruisers on this list, DM, Salem, Balti, Indy, NO, Pensi, Alaska, Cleve, Helena, Worchester, Sandy, and Atlanta are all quite capable, the list contains 2 out of the 3 T7 radar cruisers, and the only one that can bow tank 8" through 14" AP, the list also contains the only cruiser in game that can bounce ALL lower tier BBs guns, as well as the majority of her own tiers BBs, when nose in, There is also a disturbing lack of the Grand Ol' Lady of Jutland, HMS Warspite, as well as the real prize of the Marlborough dockyard, HMS Repulse, plus the angry oil tankers that make Weraboos cry, the Nelsons, Also, where is Aki? that ship is fun (when on the giving side of those 100mm guns)
Repulse may not be on the list, but her sister Renown '44 is. Also, assuming by 'Pensi' you mean Pensacola... she may be capable if you can find a player who knows how to play her well, but the majority of them I see die in fairly short order from a terminal case of 'exposing broadside to literally anything with AP'.
It's criminal that he didn't mention San Diego, one of the best T8 premium cruisers there is, simply because she plays more like a heavy DD and absolutely curbstomps all DDs in a gunfight.
I might point out that the Atago B is for sale for the Black Friday event. Also I believe Atago is available in Leyte Gulf containers and the Atago B in Black Friday containers if you want to try your luck. The ARP Takao and ARP Maya are the same. The TierVII Maya has 1 less 8" turret (no C turret but extra AA) otherwise she's the same.
Hornet CV-8 is a strong T8 CV. I do not play CVs as much as i did (due to eye problems from neurological disease), so i have most of the CVs in the game and Hornet is a strong T8 carrier. The B-17s are fun to play and if played correctly you get at minimum 8,000 Hp strikes' on up. The Yamato well enough said. The Wisconsin is strong also with those accurate guns. Oddly enough i do not think i own the Renown 44 so i might check her out. If the original Belfast was still in the game i am sure she would have been on your list. Great topic Sea Lord God bless you and yours pal. Thanks o7. Everyone today is Veterans day so don't forget to show honor to those who gave and continue to give .
Still my opinion, but SeaLord, you need an Honorable Mentions. Ships that didn't quite make your lists. I know she hasn't been available for too long, but the TENNESSEE should be here, if not in said Mentions list. I know she is slow and has a terrible turret rotation , but God help me if at least 50% OF her shells are on target (for me, at least).
The Wisconsin is one of my most played ships, and the event helped me to grind finally getting the Maine with the crazy amount of Ship XP being given away
I agree with your list. But you made a little mistake with Hornet. Her planes are real tier 8 ones, not tier 6. Tier 6 bombers would never survive attacking a Des Moines or Moskwa, and i often did this. Always got some planes back after scoring good hits. Her planes look equal to the ones on Ranger, but they`re not. On Hornet they are much more durable. Hornet is a tier 8 CV that can handle a tier 10 battle good enough to be really useful for getting a victory. Renown 44 is a good ship, played her in the asymmetric battles and she was very strong if i was a little more careful with her. Atago - i have a special reminder of a battle where some opponent ships cuddled in their base, smoked by a DD. So i got close stealthy, launched all my torpedos into the smoke and then hell must have broken lose. Sunk the DD, a cruiser and a BB, damaged some others. I never found out why half of the opponent team cuddled in their base, but i had much fun with Atagos strong torpedos. Hornet and Enterprise, got my Enterprise for dubloons after completing much of the Leyte Gulf missions. Both are good carriers, both historical, but Hornet was the first carrier in the game with a tactical squadron. This makes Hornet very special so it`s ok she took that place. Yamato is still going strong, i got the legendary upgrade for free, by just playing her. Same with Montana and a few other ships. That was a fair deal, getting it for playing a ship much. Yamato is a beast and can talk words of thunder you won`t forget. Wisconsin was a must-have BB for me, still only have 1 random with her. Not because i dislike her, but i dislike tier 10 battles because there are so much noobs there with their purchased ships and big mouths. In this one battle, she performed very well, sunk 2 ships, one was a submarine with the airstrike. Nice video as usual, like your content really much!
@@albert1101 I think myself and a lot of other people would disagree with you :P But especially mr batten here who seems to have quite the high appraise for the Massa :P Which is why I was surprised it wasn't on the list, that was all ^_^
@@faynk.6247 No need for good AWS when you manoeuvre like a ballerina on the stage. Gracefully WADS'ing, buttery smooth... All whilst your secondaries are melting ships around you.. Mmm, quite nice indeed.
Good, but outside Yamato it only mentions premiums or special ships. My top 5 are: Shimakaze, "Lexington," Iowa, Cossack, and a multi tie between Belfast, Enterprise, Hornet, and Alaska.
My list might very based on the day, but... Kamikaze (god tier torps and stealth at tier 5), Massachusetts (good main guns, great secondaries, good armor), Kuma (rapid fire guns, good torps, fast and agile, fragile though), Tirpitz/Bismarck (tough as old boots, decent main guns, good(Tirpitz)/great(Bismarck) secondaries, and Tirpitz even gets torpedoes), Kongo and her ARP sisters (very solid HP pool, decent armor especially when angled, fast, accurate guns with very long range). Bonus ships: St. Louis (referred to as the "real" US tier 3 BB back in the day because of good "spaced" armor from coal bunkers and difficulty being citadeled, 6" guns for days that shred DDs and burn down cruisers and BBs), Konig Albert (tier 3.5 BB, main guns are trollish beyond 10km but good secondaries, god-tier armor at tier 3, and more HP than some tier 5 BBs).
Yamato also holds the record for longest range confirmed hit on a target, but can’t really remember more than that. For me, it’d be the Bismarck and Tirpitz, Yamato, Wisconsin, and the Jeager
Pretty sure that honor is split between Warspite and Scharnhorst with actual confirmed hits on moving targets at ranges in excess of ~26,000 yards. Warspite hit the Guilio Cesare at ~26,000 yards at Calabria on July 9, 1940. Scharnhorst hit Glorious effectively the same distance of 26,000 yards on June 8, 1940 when she and her sister sank the British CV. The only reference to a longer range hit by Yamato I can find (which is from Wikipedia) is actually best described as a near miss/straddle that fell short at the battle of Samar in 1944. She fired a shot at 34,500 yards at USS White Plains that fell short, but which exploded under the White Plains because the shell traveled a distance underwater before exploding. The shot's explosion knocked out some boilers and her electrical systems for 3 minutes and damaged her starboard engine. So not a hit, but close enough to cause blast damage. If it had been an actual hit that exploded in the ships engine rooms, the boilers and electrical systems wouldn't have come back online 3 minutes later because it would probably have either sunk White Plains outright or completely gutted her engine rooms. Given that the White Plains survived the battle and was repaired there should be detailed damage surveys conducted at Manus and San Diego to support this. www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-006.php www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-range-hit-by-a-ships-gun en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_battleship_Yamato#Battle_off_Samar en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_off_Samar#USS_White_Plains
They should make all Historical Ships have abilities based on how they performed IRL. A kinda clever Funny Buttons mix with build in Leg Com. For example, Ark Royal: Sword Fish Torpedo Bombers will garantee 100% rudder Jam on any ships if the torpedoes hit the rear of the ship. This Rudder Jam last does ignore Last Stand and Upgrades and cannot be repaired by DCP. Rudder Jam last 5 seconds on DDs, 10 Seconds on CLs, 15 seconds on CAs and 25s on Battleships. Enterprise: DCP cooldown cut down by 50%. While deploy aircraft have 10% chance to deploy extra aircrafts and armaments does double the damage. Sharnhorst: Increase Main Batter Accuracy by 100% and does 3x damage when targeted on British Carriers. Bismarck: When Bismarck reach 50% HP remaining. Her unique skill activated. Last Stand. Bismarck gains 30% damage reduction, increase secondary batter by 50% and cannot be ignited or flooded. Downside: Bismarck lose overall mobility by 50%. This includes engine power. Yamato: Star Blazers: When enemy carriers is still afloat. Yamato gains 15% damage buff and improve durability from any shells by 25%. But have damage vulnerability to CVs by 75%. German U boats: Wolf Pack: As long as there is a German Submarine with you (within 10km) German Subs will gain 75% Overall Stats. But once you lost your pack. Gain 100% damage vulnerability from everything. Kaga & Akagi (if she’s being added): Carriers First Division: when on a division with Akagi/Kaga. Reduce aircraft servicing time by 25%. Pearl Harbor: Targeting US BBs together will improve your attack squadrons damage by 15%. Arizona will instantly exploded, no excuses. Heavy Downside: Instantly Detonate if any Yorktown Class hitting you. Yorktown: Midway: Reduce incoming damage from any aircrafts by 50%. Enemy Carriers cannot set you on fire or flood you. Iowa & her sisters: Most powerful Fleet in the world: Div with individual Iowa Class, and move as a fleet (within 8km) all of Iowa Class gain 20% dispersion improve. Musashi: Similar to Bismarck’s Last stand but now reduce 75% of any incoming damage from enemy aircrafts. Russian Battleships: Drunk while on the work. Have random effects happening to your ships every 30 seconds. From a good buff like Accuracy increase and Reload to Randomly explodes due to being drunk. Hood: Icon of Royal Navy: Boost all Royal Navy ships stats by 15% Heavy Downsides: get hit by a Bismarck garantee a detonation to port.
I don't personally like my Atago, but that is 100% because I'm a crap player in most cruisers. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I'm still convinced that I can pull off a gamer turn in cruisers. Especially when I push in straight away, lol! Either that, or I try to stay at range, and miss my shots. So, in the parlance of the youth, "skill issue."
the only issue i have against the yamato i wont deny its a good ship but damn its 180 time at 60s or a 1 min to do a 180 is so fuckin slow its slower that the t6 new Mexico at 50s and i thought that was so slow
Totally agree on the Atago. She is incredibly consistent. One suggestion, if you really do love the Yamato, please stop calling it the “Yammy”. It trivializes the historical importance of the ship and the men who sailed her. Great job on the rest of the video.
Dolittle raid was a sqn of B25's stripped of armour and a lot of ammo etc. to simply allow them to take off from a carrier. 2019 Midway movie featured Aaron Eckhart as Jimmy Dolittle and showed the mission about 1/3 of the way into the movie.
wait .... 15inch or 410mm guns at T8 are .... average ?? hahahaha the T8 Battleships of Japan, so Amagi, Kii and Yumihari literally have the "biggest" guns on T8 xD so how is having 15 inch or 410mm guns on T8 standards .... "AvErAgE" ??
Just a minor correction, Atago’s concealment range when maxed out is 9.3 km, not 9.9 km. The latter is the maxed concealment for her T10 cousin, the Zao.
9:48 if anyone is interested, in the Doolittle Raid, each B-25 carried 4 500lb bombs (specially constructed to save weight) 3 high explosive, 1 incendiary bundle and several of the bombs had been attached with Japanese friendship medals given to US servicemen prewar by the Japanese government, almost as if to spite the Japanese even more.
I’d say Belfast, Haida , Bismarck , Warspite , and Iowa.
Bismarck was peak back in the day, but today where brawling is in kind of a bad state if you're not in Schlieffen it's a different story it can have good games, I recently had a 4 kill 130k dmg game and I'm back from a 3 year hiatus but that's juste the exception most of the time her accuracy at long range is against you so it's kinda rough, can get good games but it's not the majority of them
Tirpitz as well, although in reality almost identical in WoWS some differences. Love the Torps on Tirpitz more than Hydro on Bismarck
Warspite all day long, though I'd take the Hood, but she isn't great, very bad range on Atago though, she was amazing 10 years ago
Atago is probably one of the most recommended premiums to buy and its still very strong. I'm constantly toping the scoreboard even in tier 10 matches.
Atagos annoy me because their broadsides when I hit them are just overpens
game didnt even exist 10 years ago ... xD
there is a disturbing lack of USN cruisers on this list, DM, Salem, Balti, Indy, NO, Pensi, Alaska, Cleve, Helena, Worchester, Sandy, and Atlanta are all quite capable, the list contains 2 out of the 3 T7 radar cruisers, and the only one that can bow tank 8" through 14" AP, the list also contains the only cruiser in game that can bounce ALL lower tier BBs guns, as well as the majority of her own tiers BBs, when nose in,
There is also a disturbing lack of the Grand Ol' Lady of Jutland, HMS Warspite, as well as the real prize of the Marlborough dockyard, HMS Repulse, plus the angry oil tankers that make Weraboos cry, the Nelsons,
Also, where is Aki? that ship is fun (when on the giving side of those 100mm guns)
Least chauvinistic American
I’ll have you know i love my goofy cigarette boat, it ain’t great…by any stretch, but i love her nonetheless.
Sealords a battleship main so it makes sense why he showed just BBs.
Repulse may not be on the list, but her sister Renown '44 is. Also, assuming by 'Pensi' you mean Pensacola... she may be capable if you can find a player who knows how to play her well, but the majority of them I see die in fairly short order from a terminal case of 'exposing broadside to literally anything with AP'.
It's criminal that he didn't mention San Diego, one of the best T8 premium cruisers there is, simply because she plays more like a heavy DD and absolutely curbstomps all DDs in a gunfight.
Can we get a list of top 5 best looking ships?
That is very subjective tbh :D
@@TimTimONE yeah the full Netherlands tech tree means there isnt room for anything else
Republiq space camo
I might point out that the Atago B is for sale for the Black Friday event. Also I believe Atago is available in Leyte Gulf containers and the Atago B in Black Friday containers if you want to try your luck. The ARP Takao and ARP Maya are the same. The TierVII Maya has 1 less 8" turret (no C turret but extra AA) otherwise she's the same.
Hornet CV-8 is a strong T8 CV. I do not play CVs as much as i did (due to eye problems from neurological disease), so i have most of the CVs in the game and Hornet is a strong T8 carrier. The B-17s are fun to play and if played correctly you get at minimum 8,000 Hp strikes' on up. The Yamato well enough said. The Wisconsin is strong also with those accurate guns. Oddly enough i do not think i own the Renown 44 so i might check her out. If the original Belfast was still in the game i am sure she would have been on your list. Great topic Sea Lord God bless you and yours pal. Thanks o7. Everyone today is Veterans day so don't forget to show honor to those who gave and continue to give .
@@Aeroman08 Thx my mistake :)
Still my opinion, but SeaLord, you need an Honorable Mentions. Ships that didn't quite make your lists. I know she hasn't been available for too long, but the TENNESSEE should be here, if not in said Mentions list. I know she is slow and has a terrible turret rotation , but God help me if at least 50% OF her shells are on target (for me, at least).
Yeah but her AP shells are made of putty. What good is hitting 7 shells in your salvo if 6 of them shatter.
Not having that problem.
The Wisconsin is one of my most played ships, and the event helped me to grind finally getting the Maine with the crazy amount of Ship XP being given away
Renown 44 is just genisanu minus shitty dispersion
I agree with your list. But you made a little mistake with Hornet. Her planes are real tier 8 ones, not tier 6. Tier 6 bombers would never survive attacking a Des Moines or Moskwa, and i often did this. Always got some planes back after scoring good hits. Her planes look equal to the ones on Ranger, but they`re not. On Hornet they are much more durable. Hornet is a tier 8 CV that can handle a tier 10 battle good enough to be really useful for getting a victory.
Renown 44 is a good ship, played her in the asymmetric battles and she was very strong if i was a little more careful with her.
Atago - i have a special reminder of a battle where some opponent ships cuddled in their base, smoked by a DD. So i got close stealthy, launched all my torpedos into the smoke and then hell must have broken lose. Sunk the DD, a cruiser and a BB, damaged some others. I never found out why half of the opponent team cuddled in their base, but i had much fun with Atagos strong torpedos.
Hornet and Enterprise, got my Enterprise for dubloons after completing much of the Leyte Gulf missions. Both are good carriers, both historical, but Hornet was the first carrier in the game with a tactical squadron. This makes Hornet very special so it`s ok she took that place.
Yamato is still going strong, i got the legendary upgrade for free, by just playing her. Same with Montana and a few other ships. That was a fair deal, getting it for playing a ship much. Yamato is a beast and can talk words of thunder you won`t forget.
Wisconsin was a must-have BB for me, still only have 1 random with her. Not because i dislike her, but i dislike tier 10 battles because there are so much noobs there with their purchased ships and big mouths. In this one battle, she performed very well, sunk 2 ships, one was a submarine with the airstrike.
Nice video as usual, like your content really much!
Surprised not seeing Massachusetts being on your list :P
Mass is overrated...horrible dispersion and the secondaries are just slightly above mediocre.
@@albert1101 I think myself and a lot of other people would disagree with you :P But especially mr batten here who seems to have quite the high appraise for the Massa :P Which is why I was surprised it wasn't on the list, that was all ^_^
5km depth charge range…….
@@faynk.6247 No need for good AWS when you manoeuvre like a ballerina on the stage. Gracefully WADS'ing, buttery smooth... All whilst your secondaries are melting ships around you.. Mmm, quite nice indeed.
Tennessee gotta be my favorite
Good, but outside Yamato it only mentions premiums or special ships.
My top 5 are: Shimakaze, "Lexington," Iowa, Cossack, and a multi tie between Belfast, Enterprise, Hornet, and Alaska.
My list might very based on the day, but... Kamikaze (god tier torps and stealth at tier 5), Massachusetts (good main guns, great secondaries, good armor), Kuma (rapid fire guns, good torps, fast and agile, fragile though), Tirpitz/Bismarck (tough as old boots, decent main guns, good(Tirpitz)/great(Bismarck) secondaries, and Tirpitz even gets torpedoes), Kongo and her ARP sisters (very solid HP pool, decent armor especially when angled, fast, accurate guns with very long range). Bonus ships: St. Louis (referred to as the "real" US tier 3 BB back in the day because of good "spaced" armor from coal bunkers and difficulty being citadeled, 6" guns for days that shred DDs and burn down cruisers and BBs), Konig Albert (tier 3.5 BB, main guns are trollish beyond 10km but good secondaries, god-tier armor at tier 3, and more HP than some tier 5 BBs).
Hi, can you make "Superships Tierlist"? I would like to know your opinion. Thanks!
Honorable mentions: Bismarck,Scharnhorst,Gneissenau,
I have the Wisconsin. Also the Tennessee, the North Carolina (and CLR), the West Virginia 44, none of them suck. The Colorado doesn't sick, either.
Yamato also holds the record for longest range confirmed hit on a target, but can’t really remember more than that. For me, it’d be the Bismarck and Tirpitz, Yamato, Wisconsin, and the Jeager
Jäger isn't a historical ship I think
Pretty sure that honor is split between Warspite and Scharnhorst with actual confirmed hits on moving targets at ranges in excess of ~26,000 yards. Warspite hit the Guilio Cesare at ~26,000 yards at Calabria on July 9, 1940. Scharnhorst hit Glorious effectively the same distance of 26,000 yards on June 8, 1940 when she and her sister sank the British CV.
The only reference to a longer range hit by Yamato I can find (which is from Wikipedia) is actually best described as a near miss/straddle that fell short at the battle of Samar in 1944. She fired a shot at 34,500 yards at USS White Plains that fell short, but which exploded under the White Plains because the shell traveled a distance underwater before exploding. The shot's explosion knocked out some boilers and her electrical systems for 3 minutes and damaged her starboard engine. So not a hit, but close enough to cause blast damage. If it had been an actual hit that exploded in the ships engine rooms, the boilers and electrical systems wouldn't have come back online 3 minutes later because it would probably have either sunk White Plains outright or completely gutted her engine rooms. Given that the White Plains survived the battle and was repaired there should be detailed damage surveys conducted at Manus and San Diego to support this.
Lol i was in the hornet game :)
West Virginia (both), Tennessee, tirpitz, musashi, eagle, essex
There are several that could be on this list; Arizona, Warspite, and recently the TN.
Well if the Wisconsin was a tier IX I'd probably agree it belongs on the list.
Haida and Huron: *have entered the chat*
Atago may be a good ship, but man most people who play her aren't. They seem to love going broadside to my BB.
Enterprise is also a really good ship.
Its a ship thats not forgiving to mistakes .
On the other hand bad players made wg give her an heal , so yay .
Have em all except for Hornet!
They should make all Historical Ships have abilities based on how they performed IRL. A kinda clever Funny Buttons mix with build in Leg Com.
For example,
Ark Royal: Sword Fish Torpedo Bombers will garantee 100% rudder Jam on any ships if the torpedoes hit the rear of the ship. This Rudder Jam last does ignore Last Stand and Upgrades and cannot be repaired by DCP. Rudder Jam last 5 seconds on DDs, 10 Seconds on CLs, 15 seconds on CAs and 25s on Battleships.
Enterprise: DCP cooldown cut down by 50%. While deploy aircraft have 10% chance to deploy extra aircrafts and armaments does double the damage.
Sharnhorst: Increase Main Batter Accuracy by 100% and does 3x damage when targeted on British Carriers.
Bismarck: When Bismarck reach 50% HP remaining. Her unique skill activated. Last Stand. Bismarck gains 30% damage reduction, increase secondary batter by 50% and cannot be ignited or flooded. Downside: Bismarck lose overall mobility by 50%. This includes engine power.
Yamato: Star Blazers: When enemy carriers is still afloat. Yamato gains 15% damage buff and improve durability from any shells by 25%. But have damage vulnerability to CVs by 75%.
German U boats: Wolf Pack: As long as there is a German Submarine with you (within 10km) German Subs will gain 75% Overall Stats. But once you lost your pack. Gain 100% damage vulnerability from everything.
Kaga & Akagi (if she’s being added): Carriers First Division: when on a division with Akagi/Kaga. Reduce aircraft servicing time by 25%. Pearl Harbor: Targeting US BBs together will improve your attack squadrons damage by 15%. Arizona will instantly exploded, no excuses. Heavy Downside: Instantly Detonate if any Yorktown Class hitting you.
Yorktown: Midway: Reduce incoming damage from any aircrafts by 50%. Enemy Carriers cannot set you on fire or flood you.
Iowa & her sisters: Most powerful Fleet in the world: Div with individual Iowa Class, and move as a fleet (within 8km) all of Iowa Class gain 20% dispersion improve.
Musashi: Similar to Bismarck’s Last stand but now reduce 75% of any incoming damage from enemy aircrafts.
Russian Battleships: Drunk while on the work. Have random effects happening to your ships every 30 seconds. From a good buff like Accuracy increase and Reload to Randomly explodes due to being drunk.
Hood: Icon of Royal Navy: Boost all Royal Navy ships stats by 15% Heavy Downsides: get hit by a Bismarck garantee a detonation to port.
Ivan went for a smoke break in the ammunition storage
No Gulio Cesar?
Personally I think The Yorktown deserves a spot on this list!
I don't personally like my Atago, but that is 100% because I'm a crap player in most cruisers. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I'm still convinced that I can pull off a gamer turn in cruisers. Especially when I push in straight away, lol! Either that, or I try to stay at range, and miss my shots. So, in the parlance of the youth, "skill issue."
Tier 9 Wisconsin? Jingles is that you?
Prinz Eugen is pretty decent in tier 8 battles
Not a bad ship , but she has a lot going against her sadly .
the only issue i have against the yamato i wont deny its a good ship but damn its 180 time at 60s or a 1 min to do a 180 is so fuckin slow its slower that the t6 new Mexico at 50s and i thought that was so slow
I’d really appreciate getting HMAS Sydney.
Hey I made it the video on the Hornet section
I was Atago B
Wish I would’ve gotten the Wisconsin, only wanted her so I could have 3 of 4 Iowa class BBs
What about the Vampire II?
I love renown44 always take it out wen it's T7 ranked
I get you could only pick 5, but West Virginia 41 is my most played ship.
The Omnissiah approves
I don't have the Atago but I have Takao.
Really Hornet beat out Enterprise? 😲
My favorite Tier 9 American battleship, the Wisconsin! 😂
Isn't it t10
Jingle's moment.
Prewatch guesses:
Des Moines
Giulio Cesare
Totally agree on the Atago. She is incredibly consistent. One suggestion, if you really do love the Yamato, please stop calling it the “Yammy”. It trivializes the historical importance of the ship and the men who sailed her. Great job on the rest of the video.
Uss Arizonia!!!
why didn't you add alabama
Enterprise is also a very good ship but does not have tactical squadrons.
No warspite?!
atago my waifu
Atago hands down, ijn alpha n better torp angles
No Schronhost? at least the 43 version :-\
Bismarck, Scharnhorst
underwhelming? i assume you mean King George V and Vanguard
Lol not a single DD on the list. How to tell us you mostly play BBs without saying it out loud.
Wisconsin is T10 not T9
B25 I thought they were B17's
Dolittle raid was a sqn of B25's stripped of armour and a lot of ammo etc. to simply allow them to take off from a carrier.
2019 Midway movie featured Aaron Eckhart as Jimmy Dolittle and showed the mission about 1/3 of the way into the movie.
Scharnhorst all day long
wait .... 15inch or 410mm guns at T8 are .... average ?? hahahaha
the T8 Battleships of Japan, so Amagi, Kii and Yumihari literally have the "biggest" guns on T8 xD
so how is having 15 inch or 410mm guns on T8 standards .... "AvErAgE" ??
Aren't there some t7 with guns just as big? But probably yeah not the best example.