Andras · Enn Meditation Chant (1 Hour)
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Andras · Enn Meditation Chant (1 Hour)
Magick audio of Lord Andras´s enn, 1 Hour.
Andras sigil.
Enn: Entay Ama Andras Anay.
More Related Info & Videos:
*For more info about Andras please check: www.sataniasto...
· Andras Demonic Enn (108 Repetitions): • Andras · Enn Meditatio...
· Andras Demonic Enn (1 Hour): • Andras · Enn Meditatio...
· Andras Demonic Enn (Feminine Version)(108 Repetitions): • Andras · Enn Meditatio...
· Andras Demonic Enn (Feminine Version)(1 Hour): • Andras · Enn Meditatio...
Please calm yourself, find a relaxing space, you could light a candle and some incense, focus on getting in tune with the spirit energies, a meditative state closer to the entity.
Please use headphones.
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More Related Info & Videos:
*For more info about Andras please check:
· Andras Demonic Enn (108 Repetitions):
· Andras Demonic Enn (1 Hour):
· Andras Demonic Enn (Feminine Version)(108 Repetitions):
· Andras Demonic Enn (Feminine Version)(1 Hour):
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Ave Grand Marquis Andras, slayer of men, author of discords, grey knight.
I appreciate your wisdom, your understanding, and your intensity.
May those who misunderstand you stay far away and those whom you favour respect and appreciate the gift they have received.
He's a demon of chaos and destruction similar to pazuzu .
Whoever the magician is has invoked him for something destructive or to help in instigating chaos . @@Sghbuc--uuuui
I was suffering from nightmares that had me worried every time I woke up from them. I then did a ritual to the Marquis Andras asking for relief from them. It has now been more than three months without me having any nightmares. Thank you, Andras!
Andras my God I Love you 🥰🥰😍😍🥰😍❤❤😍💋🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Andras protects me from others so of course I'm a favorite 🎉
How do you meditate with Andras? do you protect yourself? Does he harm his devotees? (I understand that he is capable but I don't know if through a meditation when I only seek to live with him in a meditation)
Tell me please
@@RubíNigtomante play this audio by itself so you can clearly hear it, you dont have to meditate it will work anyway but can if you want
@@RubíNigtomante It wont harm you, it will bring up your inner darkness and ground it as this is an earth mantra
Bad humans make Andra Inanyas a great spirit. And there are more bad humans than ever today. OwO
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No such thing as good or bad
Его создал Бог.
Бог непредвидел исход?
Andras ❤❤❤🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Just for the record: He enjoys tobacco smoked out of a corn cob pipe, and has appeared to many people as a great horned owl in addition to being raven-like. 🌞 🔥 🦉
He's my dude it's a mutual energy exchange
What if Andras is the unspoken heartbeat of the universe? edit* "and don't piss me off!" is the basis of that?
Übergang abgeschlossen.
+My Account floating bc of government control.+
Fortunately, My name is Sandra they can't control everything. Ha.-
Blessed be
found the andras meditation how about alister?
now, this is good shit
Conte-nos mais sobre o Andras, por gentileza... há poucos relatos com ele!
Do not work with him unless if he desires to work with you . There is a reason he's called a slayer of men .
He's a demon of chaos and destruction.
WORD OF WARNING to those who clicked on this video without researching who Andras is first, such as I did. He is infamous for trying to kill the magickians and assistants who summon him without proper protection and that reputation was well earned for a reason. I found this information out too late, like the Doctor Strange running joke about the Warning being listed AFTER the Spell, and made the arrogant mistake of believing I had proper spiritual protection within Hekate, Lucifer, and the Three Norns, but that protection is more like being shot while wearing a bulletproof vest. Yes I'm still presently alive but it's not for lack of trying. It said in the video that Andras expects Dragon's Blood Incense and a Sex Offering. I had no Dragon's Blood Incense, so I screened a Pornographic Movie into the Black Mirror for the Sex Offering. Afterwards, what I felt was an extremely negative energy running up and down my back, within the hour it proceeded to grow and grow until it began to feel like I was about to pass out. I immediately spent the rest of the night burning Frankincense and Myrrh Incense and Listening to New Wave music while running Super Happy Fun Time Ah My Goddess Cartoons into the Black Mirror and the feeling went away as I drifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up and after I got up and left the room, the annoying painful negative energy came back, so now I'm running the Frankincense and Myrrh Incense again with the Ah My Goddess Cartoons and now the negative energy feeling has declined once again. The incense is a treatment, NOT a cure. I would strongly advise NOT invoking this Spiritual Presence AT ALL really, but to those who do, you've been warned. Never forget that Curiosity can kill the Cat, and Andras can and will most likely try to kill you, just for being Curious.
wtf you smoking
Tenías pegado un buen muerto jajajaj
How csn he kill you?
Im physical he us spiritual
@@User_92020 is fake
everybody fucking needs somebody 2 l 2
You mess with powers far beyond your ken and even farther beyond your control. Turn back afore it is too late.
must i be in magic circle when i will call/invoke him ?
Nah he's actually nice all them are just as long as you're not cocky c: he's a protector and he will kill wicked ones summoning him. Be not wicked!
Be polite.
Is Andras dangerous?
Only if youre a cocky POS
Oh no go right ahead and find out after there’s countless information to not summon him in anyway
@@nextgrips @Modeus
Ahh, the duality of man. Always good to see.
Check out our article “Satan”, you can understand better why Andras is so demonized and his relationship with negative emotions:
Blessings 🖤
Now see, was that hard?
Okay, now what's this shit about?