MUST WATCH! Google Nest Cam & Google Nest Doorbell Battery Cold Weather Issues

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ablack5012
    @ablack5012 2 роки тому +3

    Honesty is always the best policy. We may not like it but it’s the truth!! Thank you😁

  • @bradleyjones6269
    @bradleyjones6269 2 роки тому +2

    Although I have never used any Google nest cameras I have been using ring doorbell and a stick up ring camera outside for about three years. I live in St. johns Newfoundland Canada. Weather is here in the winter are crazy we can get windshields up to -14 winds blowing up to 100 Miles per hour. And my ring cameras work perfectly fine no issues with water no issues with snow no issues with Wind. That being said I am slowly becoming more favourable to Google nest products. Doing my research now watching all of these videos are very helpful

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Hello St. Johns! Damn, sounds like the weather can get intense! I’m just not a fan of Ring. Never have been, don’t think I ever will be. Other than this one issue, I love Google Nest. It’s pretty cold here the last few days & my cameras are working fine. It was just that one week I had a problem. So I just don’t know.
      Glad our videos are helping! Thanks for watching.

    • @ItsMeThatDavid
      @ItsMeThatDavid 2 роки тому

      Hey Bradley.. When I bought the cam I had a couple brain farts.. One was making an assumption.. The second was not considering weather at all.. The assumption I made was that a Google product hooked up to Google home would offer scheduling. Wrong. As for the weather angle..I live in Montreal... I am pretty disappointed so far.. We've had some intense weather but I don't think insane yet camera can't take it.

  • @fasteddieb8576
    @fasteddieb8576 2 роки тому +4

    Brother you hit it on the head! I live in Manitoba Canada and it's been colder than usual -22F almost every day this winter. My new Nest doorbell is dead within a week no matter how often I charge. I thought I had to upgrade my transformer since I have it wired. I went with Google since my home is full of Google speakers. Bad battery, bad Google !!!!!!!!!!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, that sucks. Sorry to hear that (& sorry to hear about those temps-that’s freaking cold!).

    • @edplaysdrums8435
      @edplaysdrums8435 2 роки тому +2

      Farr man that’s crazy, did google replace it?

  • @charlesdarwin6349
    @charlesdarwin6349 2 роки тому +1

    Any comments on Arlo camera and doorbell? Cheers

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      They are fine for what they are. No real complaints about Arlo. Just not my favorite & they are pretty far down on my list. They really need to add some HomeKit Secure Video Cameras.

  • @johnschoenecker9443
    @johnschoenecker9443 2 роки тому +3

    I bought a 2 pack of nest cam battery and the nest doorbell battery a couple weeks ago and have been nothing but pleased with them, I live in Wisconsin and it has been in the single digits since I’ve installed all of these and haven’t had this issue (yet 🤞 hope I didn’t just jinx myself lol) was thinking maybe this could’ve just been an issue with early production runs? But thanks for this video and the heads up on this issue so I don’t freak out if it ever does happen to mine!!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +2

      🤞 for you! I’ve loved & defended these cameras since their release. I’ve debated all the people that didn’t like them & I did it proudly. So this issue is disappointing. At first I was hoping it was just a fluke thing with mine. But then when my customers started calling & I was like, “oh crap-here we go 🙄”. But it’s not happening to everyone, so let’s hope you’re one of the chosen ones. Lol
      Thanks for the comment & thanks for watching!

  • @MorbidGod391
    @MorbidGod391 2 роки тому +1

    I know the battery doorbell has this problem with the cold, but does the nest cam that’s wired stop working in the cold?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      Yes, it was both cameras. I haven’t had any reports of this problem still happening lately though.

  • @roba168
    @roba168 2 роки тому +2

    I just stopped by to say sir you aggravate me I don’t see a single wiring hanging from anywhere in your house 😂

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I’m a little OCD when it comes to wires. It drives my family nuts. I appreciate you noticing! 😋

  • @nmarie4969
    @nmarie4969 2 роки тому +1

    I just had mines installed on 8/27...the one over my garage is not picking up vehicles entering or leaving my driveway at night. Do you have any information on this issue?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      No, it’s usually pretty good with vehicles. How long is your driveway?

  • @sharim4914
    @sharim4914 11 місяців тому

    Hi, has there been any resolution to this issue with the cameras in the weather from Google yet?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  11 місяців тому

      I answered this question on your other comment.

  • @ansonikuaigura
    @ansonikuaigura Рік тому

    I have both nest outdoor camera and the battery door bell the nest outdoor camera for me has worked on -30F weather but I have it plugged in with the extended charging plug but the door bell that thing can't stay charged. Google said it can record to -4F but doesn't charge below 32F that's pissed me off.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      Yeah, they just flat out suck in cold weather. But so do most Wi-Fi cameras. At those temps you’d need a good wired system.

  • @paulhinds8868
    @paulhinds8868 2 роки тому +3

    I have two of the new battery cams, one hard wired and the other on battery. We’ve had a few days of weather here in the UK where the temps been below zero degrees celsius and so far I haven’t noticed any of the issues described. 🤞

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      I’m very glad to hear that. It’s not happening to everyone, but definitely enough for me to put this out there (not to mention, it happened to me 🙄). Hopefully you stay lucky & stay warm!

    • @live2dogood
      @live2dogood 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer When is the manufacture date on said cameras ? Does it have anything to do with router or internet connection ?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      There can definitely be issues related to the router or internet connection, but that’s not the case here.

    • @josefk2132
      @josefk2132 2 роки тому +2

      Ah, that's good to hear. Thanks. I'm in the UK and just bought the battery one. Only just read about the cold problems after purchasing. Thinking I'm gonna buy a silicone cover for it and this might help.

  • @dizzle8465
    @dizzle8465 2 роки тому

    Hey there! I was hoping you could answer a question about a problem I'm having with my Nest cams/Nest hubs? Today I bought 2 Nest Cams (Battery) as well as 4 Nest Hubs (2nd Gen) and I'm a little disappointed in what I've seen after playing around with them for a few hours.
    We bought the cameras simply to have a constant 24/7 live feed of the front door and driveway shown on the 4 hubs so that wherever we are in the house we can just glance over at the hub and check the driveway/front door. Our problem arose when we attempted to stream the driveway cam simultaneously to the 4 hubs. Further testing also showed that no more than 1 tablet or phone can view the feed before similar issues arise.
    - 2 hubs work okay-ish with a little lag
    - 3 hubs work a little worse as every 1-2 mins the displays repeatedly start to blackout and then resumes feed within anywhere from 2-30 seconds
    - 4 hubs completely breaks the system, displays go black and stay that way, camera also seems to go offline until the feeds are cut and only 1 hub or device is viewing the feed.
    Have you ever encountered this sort of issue?
    Am I just asking too much from the system?
    Do you have multiple Nest displays in your home that you can replicate what I'm trying to do?
    I'm about 95% sure that my WiFi isn't the issue as far as signal degradation goes. All my testing has been well within reach of the signal, and on top of the WiFi system is Google Nest (previous version, not the new pro system that just launched). I'm going to continue testing tomorrow to see if I can find a solution but I immediately thought of you when I started having issues and wondered if you had any input on the matter.
    Thanks for your time!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Unfortunately, you might be asking too much. Lol. They didn’t really design the Hub interfaced to be used like that, at least with that many going at the same time. What internet speeds are you paying for? That could play a part as well.

  • @kelalamusic9258
    @kelalamusic9258 Рік тому +1

    Not only in cold climate it’s a problem, but here where I live that gets very hot in the summer, the camera becomes a brick. The only WiFi camera system that I’m thinking about now is fro Eufi.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому +3

      Weird. I’ve never had a problem with Nest in the heat. Eufy is dead to me after their response to their privacy issues.

  • @eugenevanackeren5595
    @eugenevanackeren5595 2 роки тому +1

    Will wiring the Nest cam alleviate the cold weather issue?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Yes. Powering the camera definitely helps. The issue is mostly with the battery & giving it a constant fuller charge helps a lot.

    • @eugenevanackeren5595
      @eugenevanackeren5595 2 роки тому +1

      @@GeorgeLangabeer Great! Thanks for the quick reply!

  • @NDColorado2023
    @NDColorado2023 2 роки тому

    I live in ND. Temperatures reached -22 today and my Nest Doorbell, Nest Camera with floodlight show offline due to extreme temperatures. I chatted with google support. They want me to uninstall them, get them to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and reinstall them. WTF

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Yeah, that’s pretty freaking cold. Sorry to hear they failed on you. That’s an annoying process when it’s that cold.

  • @0my
    @0my 2 роки тому +1

    That's the biggest issue? My clips never load. Clips from last week still didn't load. The app says to check back later

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Weird. I haven’t heard of any of my customers having that issue. I assume you’re paying for Nest Aware?

    • @0my
      @0my 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer it's about 50 percent of clips/events are grayed out with the ! symbol. It says to check back later. Events from today have loaded, but events from days ago still have not. Live video only works for 3 to 10sec. The internet connection is not great, but this is ridiculous. My setup has good wifi and a poor ISP, but still. I have no problem with live video calls using Meet and Zoom on this setup. I tried a newer Android phone, it was better for about 2 days, now it's even worse.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Sounds internet related to me. Cameras are an entirely different animal than Meetings and zoom calls. How many cameras do you have? Indoor or outdoor?

    • @0my
      @0my 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer was 3. Now 2 and it didn't help. Both outdoor. Very cold last night and 1 of the two shut down due to cold weather. The app informed me of the reason (cold), which was nice

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Have you ever tried doing an internet speed test at the camera locations? If it’s been real cold that might be part of the problem, but I’d make sure you’re getting a good internet connection at those spots. Doesn’t matter what type of router you have (even mesh), outdoor Wi-Fi can always be unpredictable. When I have a problem with a customer’s Nest camera, it’s usually one of two things…1. Power 2. Weak internet connection

  • @sjfrank88
    @sjfrank88 Рік тому

    Wish I saw this before dying, im in northeasy and it was fairly cold for novemeber(30s) and the battery outside cam drained in 5 days. I noticed it heats itself which must drain it. Im bringing it inside and pointing out the window for winter.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      Bummer. It’s about time for Google to update these cameras with a new model with better features (and weather rating).

  • @joevalles1963
    @joevalles1963 2 роки тому +1

    1. Just battery security cameras with issue?
    2. Is Google flood light security cam "wired"?
    3. Any rumors if flood light security cam coming out with next generation?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      1. Yes. Just the battery camera. But for the record, it seems they fixed the issue.
      2. The Google Nest Floodlight is considered “wired” because it gets constant power from your electrical.
      3. No rumors yet.

    • @WilliamSymionow
      @WilliamSymionow 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer You should post this and update the video if you think they have fixed the issue.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Google Nest can’t confirm they officially fixed the issue & it hasn’t been winter lately, so I’m not positive it is fixed. So I’m not posting anything without confirmation.

  • @joshcoulter5360
    @joshcoulter5360 2 роки тому +1

    Same problems here. Granted some nights we were around -20. Didn’t have these problems with my blink cameras either. Additionally I only run on battery power. Day at 10 degrees plug in the camera with the 30ft cable. Camera would not charge until I climbed up the ladder took it down and plugged it in inside. Still love the recordings. But they could have made these better.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      Unfortunately, this is exactly what I’ve been hearing from people. It’s very disappointing & you’re right, they should have made them better.

  • @1112dejon
    @1112dejon Рік тому

    my 2nd generation google nest camera saying IDLE plus I barely receive notifications “returning all three cameras back to costco”!

  • @dridinger
    @dridinger 2 роки тому +1

    Over here in IOWA. Haven't purchased anything yet. My house will be done in a month so im looking to get a few things here soon.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Hello Iowa! Are you as cold there as we are today? 🙄
      Nice! I think it’s always fun to have the clean slate of a new home to buy new toys for. Lol

    • @dridinger
      @dridinger 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer pretty chilly here in southeast Iowa

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      -17 windchill here this morning. 🤬

    • @dridinger
      @dridinger 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer feels like -3 now!

  • @jonnylikertrommer
    @jonnylikertrommer 2 роки тому +1

    looking forward to watch this as I live in Norway where we can get down to - 30 degree celcius at times.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Yeah, that’s pretty freaking cold. Makes me feel better about our Nebraska weather. Do you have either of the newer battery cams? If so, have you had any issues?

    • @jonnylikertrommer
      @jonnylikertrommer 2 роки тому +1

      @@GeorgeLangabeer I dont yet, thats why Im looking forward to this video before I decide to Get it or not.

  • @TBb____
    @TBb____ 2 роки тому +1

    I have Nest cameras as well and already paid for the aware plus. Do you know when they will possibly release a new camera? Would really love a doorbell too, but Id have to have a wireless option living in my apartment. I’ve seen that they’re super easy to steal though :/

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      No word yet on new cameras. Their newer doorbell is wireless. Any video doorbell can be stolen, but the Nest doorbell is definitely one of the tougher ones to take. Definitely not “super easy”.

    • @TBb____
      @TBb____ 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer really? I watched a video of a guy test it out and he walked up and stole it twice, hoping it was a fluke. I’m glad I found your channel, def need to invest in some tech to watch my place. I liked the eufy camera you mentioned in another video. I think it’s called 2k. I really prefer the 24/7 recording with nest though

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Like I said, any video doorbell can be stolen, but if they made it look that easy, maybe they didn’t have it installed correctly.
      The 24/7 recording can be very important.
      Glad you’re enjoying our content!

    • @TBb____
      @TBb____ 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer so is there any other 24/7 option that would work with HomeKit?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Not that works with HomeKit.

  • @laowai21
    @laowai21 2 роки тому +1

    Well, this is disappointing. Much like you, I am a Apple/HK user but haven't really loved the outdoor camera options for HKSV. I've also had great success with Nest cameras (and the Hello doorbell camera). I've been wanting to add a couple of cameras to cover some blind spots on my property and was really interested in these new cameras, but I'm in Canada and cold is just a winter reality. So now I'm back to researching/waiting/hoping for something I can buy and use. Thanks for the information. I'll keep watching to see if any of this changes.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Yep, sounds like we have very similar taste. Hopefully 2022 is our year! Lol
      You’re welcome & thanks for the comment!

  • @sandy99922
    @sandy99922 Рік тому +1

    I have a Nest outdoor camera. It keeps going idle and I cannot find any way to stop it from going idle. I want a live picture all the time to watch my 89 year-old mother’s place

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      Hard to get a constant live view with any Wi-Fi camera. Your best bet would be a wired NVR system.

    • @sandy99922
      @sandy99922 Рік тому +1

      @@GeorgeLangabeer I never had that problem with Dropcam’s. Once they switched over to nestcam it all went to hell.

  • @MTN99999
    @MTN99999 2 роки тому +1

    Hi there I am about to purchase the Google Nest Doorbell - Wired Black one from Costo and that was my first thought the cold weather I am in Nothern Ontario Canada and we do reach -20 F + for about 2+ months every winter so is the wired option going to have the same issues as well or ....? Any advice or input will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Great content!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      The wired one has been fine. It’s the battery cameras with the issue.

    • @MTN99999
      @MTN99999 2 роки тому +1

      @@GeorgeLangabeer Thank you brother too bad you not in Canada I would have hired you for the install going to get also a Nest Cam with flood light for the backyard and couple others for indoors! Your input is greatly appreciated

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      I’ve always enjoyed my time in Canada! Nice! You’ll have to let me know what you think. You’re welcome!

    • @MTN99999
      @MTN99999 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer Perfect ! Nice to hear you enjoyed Canada great to hear 👍

  • @sharim4914
    @sharim4914 11 місяців тому

    Has there been any resolution on this issue from google ?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  11 місяців тому

      It’s been a long time since me, or any of my customers have had an issue. I’ve had a few rare cases of comments on UA-cam here and there, but nothing like it was.

    • @sharim4914
      @sharim4914 11 місяців тому

      I am still having the Drained battery issue. Did your issues resolve on their own or did google step in and help.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  11 місяців тому

      @sharim4914 Resolved on their own.

  • @MrNickFOOF508
    @MrNickFOOF508 2 роки тому +1

    Has this issue happened if the battery camera was wired/plugged in? I was planning on getting the floodlight and cam battery and having the cam battery powered with the outdoor plug. I currently have the battery doorbell which isn't wired and haven't had these issues. I'm in MA and we've had temps below zero here for a few days since I've had the battery doorbell.
    Found your channel recently and binge watched all your reviews and videos on the new Google nest products which convinced me to go with Google, now I'm having second thoughts. 🤔

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      Mine was plugged in, so unfortunately I can say from experience, yes. It’s only happened once to me though. It lasted almost a week of bitter cold. But now it’s really cold here again & it’s working fine. So I just don’t know.
      My battery doorbell (wired though) had been fine.
      I’ve loved & defended these cameras since their release (as you’ve seen), so this has been very disappointing.

    • @MrNickFOOF508
      @MrNickFOOF508 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer I had a feeling you were going to say it was plugged in. 😆 Let's hope for the best, maybe it was just a fluke and they needed to adjust to the cold weather. I appreciate the quick response and looking forward to your next review!

  • @TeeJayKay14
    @TeeJayKay14 2 роки тому +2

    So what would you consider your go to camera now? Great content by the way. Loving your videos

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +2

      I’ve been a fan of both The Eufy 2C & 2C Pro since they were released. I’d say they are my go to cameras at the moment. Hopefully Nest’s new wired doorbell is followed by new wired outdoor camera.

  • @rev2088
    @rev2088 2 роки тому +1

    I miss the old nest cameras

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Me too. Let’s hope we get something new this year.

  • @joeruffolo
    @joeruffolo 2 роки тому

    I have always worried about the cold weather situation living north of Toronto Canada but i can honestly tell you that after 3 winters, I have yet to experience any outage with the Nest Doorbell - it is a wired configuration - is the problem with the new battery version ?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Yeah, it’s just the newer battery version, not the older Hello Doorbell.

    • @NDColorado2023
      @NDColorado2023 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer actually mine is the wired version and still having issues

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      -22 especially if it’s sustained is rough on any camera.

  • @MA-wu1oj
    @MA-wu1oj Рік тому

    That's true
    Even in hot weather.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      Never had an issue with them in hot weather (and I’ve installed hundreds of them for our customers).

  • @tommarlow1810
    @tommarlow1810 2 роки тому +3

    Google Nest is overpriced garbage at this point, and their mix of Google Home and Nest App support is a disaster. Like you, I'm moving on.

  • @walterashley4645
    @walterashley4645 2 роки тому +1

    I have a nest doorbell battery wired to doorbell wiring. and a nest outdoor nest camera battery, wired via Googles's 30 ft cable. The camera has worked fine so far. Even in subfreezing temps. The doorbell will quit working when temps go below freezing, but nowhere neat the -4 F advertised. It does charge back up when temps get above freezing. Google needs to replace, refund or recall these products. They work great if the temps are above freezing. Step up and resolve this Google!!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      I agree 100%. I’ve only had the problem once, but it was once too many.

  • @inhaleexhale
    @inhaleexhale 2 роки тому

    It's not just temperature. It's WATER. In some parts of the country it RAINS like a tidal wave washed down your roof. It rains heavily SIDEWAYS here. This camera's specs are a JOKE. Plus, it needs to be completely impervious to rust in ALL CLIMES including brackish and salt water air environments.

  • @newt6639
    @newt6639 2 роки тому +1

    Sad to see what Google has done to Nest as a company. Nest was light years ahead of the competition in terms of innovation, thermostats and cameras. I still have their nest hello doorbell, 2 nest v2/v3 thermostats and nest protect . I don’t trust google anymore as they mismanaged the Nest product lineup and it’s consumers. Maybe I feel this way as an early adopter, but what keeps people going back to Google Nest.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      It is sad. I miss old school Nest a lot.

    • @newt6639
      @newt6639 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer Agreed. One thing is for sure I enjoy your content and your genuine care of your subscribers.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      Very nice of you to say. Thank you.

  • @kelowna_bc
    @kelowna_bc 2 роки тому

    I have a Nest camera for my front door and I’m NOT a fan! Notification is extremely slow. Since owning it I have NEVER been able to talk to anyone at the door!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Hmmm. Now, those are two problem I haven’t experienced (myself or our customers). Notifications being slow is typically because of slow internet or the location of the doorbell in relation to your router. As far as the microphone, are you a Droid or Apple person? You might want to check that you have allowed microphone access to the Google Home App.

    • @kelowna_bc
      @kelowna_bc 2 роки тому

      ​@@GeorgeLangabeer I have fibre right into my house and the speed is extremely fast (150 Mbps up/down) When someone rings the bell by the time I try and talk they're gone! We have the new solar Eufy S40 outdoor wireless cams and I have to say we LOVE them. If you haven't reviewed them you should take a look!

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому

      Hmmm. Weird. Not a typical problem (in my experience anyway). Sucks though. Sorry to hear that. Yeah, I did a video on that camera! Check it out. I’m a fan.

  • @5ive1ne9ine
    @5ive1ne9ine 2 роки тому

    Great video. Have you found any official responses or support articles from Google/Nest about this issue? I have the Nest wired doorbell, so far so good, but I installed it just a couple weeks ago (it has not been through a full winter yet). Fingers crossed that it doesn't have any issues next winter.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +3

      Their official response is that the weather rating does not guarantee there won’t be intermittent issues.
      I will say, I only had the issue once & heard less & less about it, after I released this video.

    • @tommarlow1810
      @tommarlow1810 2 роки тому

      @@GeorgeLangabeer I'm having the same issue now that the weather is getting's barely dipped into the 20's.

    • @Matt-vb8wr
      @Matt-vb8wr Рік тому

      Same here. Barely went under 30f

  • @83Nachojr
    @83Nachojr 2 роки тому

    Does it turn off even if it's plugged in?

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      1. Very rarely, it was mostly a battery issue.
      2. Maybe Google watched this video, because the problem stopped soon after I released it. Lol

    • @83Nachojr
      @83Nachojr 2 роки тому +1

      @@GeorgeLangabeer thank you for responding my question. Chicago weather can be brutal and i want to know what I'm getting into if i make the purchase.

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  2 роки тому +1

      You’ll be fine. Your winter is very similar to ours here in Nebraska. It only happened to me once, it was very brief & like I said, seems like they’ve fixed it since.

  • @whatsthechannelnamex
    @whatsthechannelnamex Рік тому

    I hope someone can help me as I'm running out of time, quickly. I have 4 Google nest wired cameras and the plan that's 12$ a month. What I need is to save footage/recording/clip that could be as long as an hour or 30 minutes. I did it once on my phone and for the life of me I cannot figure out how I did it. HELP....PLEASE! It's footage of my dog that died and I need it. I see people commenting and saying you can do it but HOW. I had a double concussion within one month of each other and unless I write it down I can't remember very well. I'd like to have it instead of being 10 30 second clips it would be a solid video. Help😓

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      Worse case scenario, you can screen record from your phone. You can do that both with Apple and Droid devices.

  • @JessieGinaMattew
    @JessieGinaMattew 2 роки тому +1

    I totally agree with you it’s not your fault. I also am an apple sheep I wish apple made there own cameras, doorbells, ETC & nest before the merger with google was a solid system. Since google taking over which I’m not a fan but have no choice it’s just not the same I love the nest app and the face tracking and going through the history of the video also the google home app is so buggy.

  • @frankpost8296
    @frankpost8296 2 роки тому

    Definitely don't think they are worth the money

  • @rahkeembattiste5854
    @rahkeembattiste5854 Рік тому +1

    Complete garbage nest cam

  • @matthewhartley8756
    @matthewhartley8756 Рік тому

    Thank you I've been trying to find these videos and my doorbell. Keeps on getting conversation in it. It's like I know I live in a terrible climb. I live in Canada I get snow. I get rain we get snow rain we get hail new name it we got it

    • @GeorgeLangabeer
      @GeorgeLangabeer  Рік тому

      That type of climate, I’d recommend a good wired NVR system. Much more reliable.

  • @matthewhartley8756
    @matthewhartley8756 Рік тому

    Pull up the batteries that you slept really. It's not waterproof go ahead and buy 1 another 1.
    I don't want to live in canada and it's cold next other type of shit 1:34