Are you Struggling Against Sin or a Slave of Sin? - Tim Conway

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Tim talks about 10 ways that someone can examine whether they are a slave of sin and lost or struggling against sin and saved.
    MP3: -
    I'll Be Honest, will you?


  • @crazycatman5928
    @crazycatman5928 Рік тому +20

    I struggle so much with stress/complaining and anger.
    I hate sin with all my heart. The harder I follow Christ the more I struggle with what I listed.
    Pray for me saints. Thank you and God bless you in Jesus name.

    • @ReligiouslyIncorrect
      @ReligiouslyIncorrect Рік тому +3

      I have good news for you brother. You no longer have to be the Christian who is struggling with the same sin repeatedly anymore. Brother, in Christ you are already free. You don’t have to strive to get free from sin. You’re striving, disciplining, etc is useless. It does no good. You in the flesh can do absolutely nothing. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that temptation and sin can be put to death. The key to overcoming sin is to walk in the Spirit. I know you may have already heard this. Brother, you sound like Paul in Romans 7. You want to do what’s right but end up doing what’s wrong instead. I get that. We walk in the Spirit the same way we received Christ. By faith alone. The Bible says “As you received Him, so walk ye in Him”. Unfortunately the sin nature that is in us has not died. It’s the problem. You are indeed dead to sin and alive to Christ. So reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ. Whom Christ sets free is free indeed. For a better explanation of all this look up freedominthecrossministries here on UA-cam by Matt Piene. He gives a much better explanation that can help you greatly. Take care and God bless.

    • @crazycatman5928
      @crazycatman5928 Рік тому +1

      @@ReligiouslyIncorrectI appreciate the comment. As days go by it has become easier. I fill my days with more sermons/bible apps/praying and reading the Bible.
      Thank you my brother in Christ. May God bless you and your family in the name of the Holy lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

    • @MoonPhaze5
      @MoonPhaze5 День тому +1

      Learn the power of God that we have in us through his Holy Spirit.
      If he is present within you, you can overcome. Put that sin in the crosshairs. Labour in prayer about that sin, and prepare yourself and watch for it, so you will not be caught off guard. Call on the Lord every time the temptation arises.
      Hebrews 12:13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

  • @mrsh2610
    @mrsh2610 Рік тому +11

    Oh blessed assurance 🙏🏻

  • @jermainejones1560
    @jermainejones1560 Рік тому +5

    Pastor tim always gives a teaching word 😇👍

  • @MariaSantana-ul5wd
    @MariaSantana-ul5wd Рік тому +3

    Sanctification is a real process in the Christian life. The main objective is to resist the sin nature, while you rely on God's power. James 4:7. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Often, trauma triggers can cause the Christian to backslide into past patterns especially if they have no (genuine) support system from other Christians that care but a true believer will return quickly to God in repentance afresh when recovered.

  • @bonestobunnies3444
    @bonestobunnies3444 Рік тому +4

    Glory to Chrsit Jesus for the renewal of our minds

  • @lbee8247
    @lbee8247 Рік тому +2

    Even though I stopped partying and my interest changed some of my friends stayed even to this day and I often come across preachy they stayed. Sometimes it feels like I haven't lost anything for Christ. I make choices based off of obedience to God and in the moment sometimes it's so hard. Confessing my sins to people and staying when I want to go. But so far it always turned out to be a blessing. I have had my job and threatened because I was sharing the gospel but I didn't get fired. Why has obeying God been such a blessing? Should I be suffering more? I feel like all the times I obeyed God instead of giving to my flesh I was blessed and when I disobeyed I was chastised and suffered painful consequences. Should it have been the opposite?

    • @adrielreyes1818
      @adrielreyes1818 Рік тому

      Bro you are the man caught in the "crossfire" of this message Pastor Tim talks about in his message on Hebrews 10.

    • @lbee8247
      @lbee8247 Рік тому

      @@adrielreyes1818 is that a different video? Or this one?

  • @ksr622002
    @ksr622002 Рік тому +2

    Read John Bunyan's book, "Grace abounding". He said the same thing about himself that was in Newton's letter.

  • @JoshuaW86
    @JoshuaW86 2 місяці тому

    I lost pornography and video games. But I still watch too many movies I think and scroll on my phone a lot. Though I am careful what I watch. Entertainment has always had such a hold on me it’s difficult to shake completely.

  • @fernandogarra6721
    @fernandogarra6721 2 місяці тому

    The evil spirit returning it was an allegory to the nation of Israel not to a particular person, Jesus Christ said to them the kingdom of God is within you, he visited his people, and it means Satan was cast out of the house, now at the end when they rejected Jesus, Jesus Christ said you didn't know the time of your visitation, now your house is left desolate, then satan returns with more strength

  • @davidhill5897
    @davidhill5897 4 місяці тому

    The real struggle to surrender to my walk to Jesus is a real struggle. I thank and love the Lord that he’s all ways so kind to me and encourages me to run the race. Romans 5:3-5

  • @mr.lowercase77
    @mr.lowercase77 10 днів тому

    i think when a lost person appears to hate their sin, it's more likely that they're hating the consequence of their sin than hating the actual sin itself; and more likely that they're hating the discomfort the sin causes themselves, than hating the fact it offends God.

  • @jamesvan2201
    @jamesvan2201 Рік тому +1

    So, did we ever discuss the difference between being a slave to sin and struggling against sin? Or did i miss it? Whats the difference and you also mentioned that those who are enslaved to sin can mistakenly think they are in struggle against sin. How can we tell the difference there as well?

    • @MariaSantana-ul5wd
      @MariaSantana-ul5wd Рік тому +1

      The enslavement to sin relates to idols. Is the sin an idol? That is one test. Is your idol your treasure? That is another including where you put your finances....and hunger for God's word like a baby's hunger for his mother's milk....the evidence of God's Spirit within you. The adoration towards Jesus.

  • @ReligiouslyIncorrect
    @ReligiouslyIncorrect Рік тому +7

    I’ll be honest with you all. You can’t practice godliness, holiness, righteousness, etc on your own. Your flesh is still as bad as it was before you got saved and it won’t get any better. The Christian life is not about battling sin. It’s about resting in Christ. Christ has already defeated your sin on Calvary. I don’t fight to overcome sin, I fight to rest in Christ and to believe in what He’s done. Stop striving against sin, it’s already been dealt with. There is one problem and that’s the sin nature. The sin nature has not left you or I. It is very much still there. If it wasn’t then we wouldn’t sin. We must remember Romans 7 where Paul as a new believer perpetually struggled with sin.This is not the account of a lost man as a lost man has no real desire to please God, it’s all selfish. Paul wanted to do right but ended up doing wrong. Perpetual defeat. I know this is also many of y’all’s plight. It does not have to be like this. Neither is it supposed to be like this. We are to live in the victory that Christ has won at Calvary. Paul in Romans 7 was still attempting to live by law. But law only exacerbates sin. It do he’s not help us overcome it. Your disciplines, your attempts to do righteousness, Bible reading, fasting, prayer, etc mean nothing in overcoming sin. Relying upon them cannot help you one bit. Doing such a thing is what the Galatians did in chapter 2. They started off in the Spirit but then attempted to be sanctified by the law. Paul calls them foolish as they abandoned Christ for the law and essentially committed spiritual adultery. If Paul and the Galatians couldn’t overcome sin by the law, spiritual disciplines, etc. What makes you or I think we can? Instead we must walk in the Spirit the same. How did we receive the Spirit? By faith alone in Christ alone. The Bible says “As ye receivedHim (Christ) so walk ye in Him”. So, the way we are sanctified is the same way we are justified. By faith in Christ and His work on the cross. The object of our faith is Christ and Him crucified, not in the law, your daily spiritual disciplines, etc. As you know, trying to obey rules and laws, etc only makes the sin nature aggravated and leads to defeat. But we as Christians are dead to the sin nature. It’s presence is still their but you are no longer it’s slave. You are crucified with Christ. You must reckon yourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ as Romans 6:11 says because you are. Whom Christ sets free is free indeed. You need not struggle d sad o hard anymore. Stop striving and rest in what Christ has done. The Holy Spirit operates in the parameters of Christ and the cross alone. You don’t work for His help. You receive it by faith in Christ and Him crucified. And through this, you will experience progressive transformation and truly live in the victory which Christ paid so much for. For more information, look up freedominthecrossministries here on UA-cam. It will help you greatly. Take care and God bless.

    • @watchwoman4christ379
      @watchwoman4christ379 Рік тому +3

      Unfortunately nothing u said is biblical! Scripture alone!!
      God is calling u out of Romans 7 and into Romans 8, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8
      The false deceived convert does not walk according to the spirit this is why they continue to practice sin! We’re either dead IN sin or dead TO sin! The “law” in which Galatia was trying to be justified by is not referring to the moral law of God, but rather the laws of Moses given by God to be in right standing with God! These are the dietary laws, clothing laws, animal sacrificial laws, etc, all of which Jesus fulfill! By these works none shall be justified! Paul is simply saying to the saints on Galatia that if u are sacrificing animals u nullify the once and for all sacrifice of the lamb of God! We no longer need to keep dietary laws, because Jesus declared all food clean in Mark 7, we no longer need to keep clothing laws, Paul exhorts believers to put on Christ, we no longer need a high priest from Levi to make atonement for sin, Paul teaches that Jesus is forever high priest! These are the laws Jesus came to fulfill! These are the same works of the law in Ephesians 2 that hyper grace believers twist to their own destruction!!
      The moral law of God remains until the end of all things it is for ALL time! Those who perished in the flood had no 10 commandments on tablets of stone, no cross and yet God judged their sin in righteousness because God wrote morality on EVERY Man’s hear and conscience and Paul very clearly taught that God did this so that all is without excuse.! Likewise Sodom had no cross, no commandments delivered to them, those same laws were on their Heart and they sinned against it, Jude says they are suffering the eternal vengeance of God!!
      If u are still practicing sin u are not resting in Christ, because it is written there is no rest nor peace to the wicked, ur simply resting in deception! “U be sure ur sins will find u out”!!!
      Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil in ur life as it is written, if ur works are not destroyed u are not saved, Jesus saves to the uttermost, he does not leave the sinner in their sin, “Ye shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his ppl FROM their sin”!! So not in sin but from sin!
      If u are not fighting sin ur in disobedience, did not Paul teach u to put on the full armor of God, which is necessary for fighting ur sin? Did not the king command u to deny urself? Is it not written that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal?? But by ur own admission u have no need for armor because u don’t fight sin, which means u are deceived! Jesus said “whoever sins is a slave to sin, and the slave doesn’t abide in the house forever but a son abides forever, therefore if the Son sets u free ye shall be free indeed”
      Has the Son set u free from the iniquity of ur sin?? Or are u still a slave??
      “Unless YOUR righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Pharisees ye shall in no wise enter the kingdom”
      Jesus said unlesss YOUR righteousness not his, but urs!
      “He that practices righteousness is righteousness even as he is righteous, he who sins is of the devil”
      What’s not clear about this passage in ur Bible??
      “Awake to righteousness and sin NOT”!!!
      What’s not understood??? A false gospel produces false converts! Christ commands u to be holy, he commands u to repent, he commands u to walk in holiness, because it is written “without holiness NO MAN shall see the Lord”!!
      “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;” Titus 2:11-12
      What do u mean u can’t practice righteousness??? If the grace of God that actually brings salvation is not teaching u to deny ungodliness and to live soberly, RIGHTEOUSLY and Godly, right now, in this present age, then u don’t have the grace of God ur not under it, ur under a deception! Scripture alone!
      Neither does the scriptures teach that u are saved by faith alone, it’s just not in ur Bible.!
      “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.”
      James 2:24
      This same James, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit told u to be both a hearer AND(in addition to) a DOER of the word! U must actually practice what u read!
      Not faith alone, it says “Repent AND(in addition to) believe the gospel! “Repent AND(in addition to) be converted, “Repent AND(be baptized), “Repent OR(conditional clause) perish! Ur faith without obedience is a dead faith! “He became the author of eternal security for all those who OBEY him” now if Jesus said Go and sin no more, and not go and sin some more how r u obeying that command if ur still a sinner???
      Acts 5:32 taught u that the Holy Spirit is only given to those who OBEY him!! If u go and sin no more by the power of the Holy Spirit u are in obedience! If u go and sin some more ur in disobedience and it is written, the wrath of God abides upon the sons of disobedience!
      “In times of ignorance God winked at sin, but NOW he commands ALL men EVERYWHERE to repent”!! God is not winking at sin!
      Paul taught us who were once slaves to sin leading to death to now become slaves of righteousness yet u have said it’s impossible to live righteously despite Christ commanding it!
      Ur sin is not a slave to u, ur a slave to ur sin that’s why u obey it! But as God told Cain, YOU must rule over it!! “Ur sins have separated u from ur God” that means u must separate from ur sin in order to get to ur God! If ur in sin u are not sanctified, despite how ever much u deceive urself!
      We have acquired a sinful nature by perpetuating practicing sin, and sin is not a stuff, it’s not in our DNA we’re made of dirt, dirt is not sinful, sin is transgression of Gods law it is always intentional, and every time we’ve done it we could have done otherwise! U don’t have a lack of ability to go and sin no more because God doesn’t command the impossible u simply have a lack of willingness to go and sin more! God gave us all the Holy Spirit we need to overcome sin! Jesus commands the churches to overcome in revelation!

    • @watchwoman4christ379
      @watchwoman4christ379 Рік тому +4

      Jesus clearly said cut off the hand, cut off the foot, pluck out the eye if it causes u to sin, just don’t go to hell! He is calling for a spiritual amputation of all things that offend! This is a DRASTIC call to get the sin out of ur life, otherwise u won’t make the cut!!
      Paul said crucify ur members on the earth, u have said u don’t crucify urself how then are u crucified with him?? If Jesus Christ is not Lord of ur life he’s not ur savior and if he’s not ur savior he’s going to be ur judge!
      What’s change in ur life after questionable conversion?? Are u still the same sinner u always were? Or has and is the Holy Spirit giving u power over sin?? Examine urself whether ye be in the faith! It is not come as u are and remain just as u are!! It is impossible to encounter the Risen Christ and not be changed! “If any man be in Christ, he is a NEW creature” not the same ole sinful creation
      U have another gospel one that has no power to deliver u from ur sin, one that does not motivate u to holiness, obedience and separation from the world ur gospel is accursed!
      To believe a lie is to be an unbeliever! A true believer has been transformed and translated out of darkness(sin) and into his marvelous light! Though we fall, we don’t wallow in it because we know the king came to deliver us from our sin! But u have said u are delivered to continue in sin! But God says ur sins will find u out in hell! “IF we sin”, not when we sin, “we have an advocate with the father” sin for the believer is the exception, not the rule!!
      If God was going to let sin Reign he would not have crushed his Son in the manner in which he crushed him, ye MUST be born again”!! U have given ear to the serpent time for u to repent!
      Go and sin no more!

    • @ReligiouslyIncorrect
      @ReligiouslyIncorrect Рік тому

      @@watchwoman4christ379 wait so you’re telling me that I need to cut off my hand and gouge out my eye in order to not go to hell? That’s umm pretty hard for me. I kinda need my hand to grab stuff like food and wipe my butt. I also kinda need my eye so I can see and not trip over the dog. This is a pretty tough price. Though I’m willing to make you an offer. How about you pay me $1 trillion dollars? Better yet, how about $2 trillion dollars since I really need my eye and hand. But what’s this I see. It seems someone else has made me a better offer. Jesus Christ has offered me eternal life for free. All I need to do to receive the gift is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I shall be saved. It’s that simple! No obedience, no having to quit so, no good works, no lifestyle change, nothing! Just faith! And it’s absolutely free! I have decided to accept this deal. I am now saved by the grace of God! Hallelujah! I appreciate your offer but the price was just not conducive to what I needed. I wish you the best of luck trying to gouge out your eye and cut your had off without anesthesia or a good surgeon. This deal that Jesus Christ has got going on is perfect for me.

    • @MariaSantana-ul5wd
      @MariaSantana-ul5wd Рік тому

      @@ReligiouslyIncorrect Revelation 22:14

    • @ReligiouslyIncorrect
      @ReligiouslyIncorrect Рік тому

      @@MariaSantana-ul5wd 1 John 3:23 “And this is His commandment: that we should believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.”

  • @biblosalifia
    @biblosalifia 7 місяців тому

    Good points 😎

  • @Spark12395
    @Spark12395 2 місяці тому

    Glory to God

  • @Matthew...1979
    @Matthew...1979 4 місяці тому

    What a powerful, truthful Bible Study. Thank you again, Pastor Tim.

  • @SD_Chosen
    @SD_Chosen Рік тому

    Well Paul Was a Slave to Sin at One Time
    So I Guess I Imagine I Am
    Only Because even though I've Cried out and Constantly Fighting to be Free I'm Still Not Free Yet

    • @ksr622002
      @ksr622002 Рік тому +2

      Don't quit crying out to Jesus asking Him to set you free because whom the Son sets free will be free indeed.