I appreciate the deepest by Dr Deja. From freedom of Tigray. #Tigray needs to change new leadership,those Tigrainan who gave their life I believe can lead Tigray to new stap.
I believe on those Young opposites political parties leadership they are brave and have full of energy tplf leadership must give them a chance to help their people #Tigray plus tplf leadership should now stap down 👇 this commen allover the world if you fail someone is ready to do better than you do. Peaceful power transfer I support...
I think Ethiopia will never be back to normal. Tegaru you have to think and prepare for your independence.To make it viable you have to respect your neighbors. Kalie kulu halewlew iyu.
You are advising these traitors to destroy Ethiopia. They are really cancerous predicaments to this historic nation. I wish amicable divorce without stealing others land. We cant force them to remind them their ethiopian identity as they are suffering of dementia.
The most in tiqgaray is wedi reda supper talented leadership at this dangerous situation due to how we can solved our problem and the minimize the crisis and keep over peace for our people Please let's raistogether no matter how hard fabricated agendas .
Consider the conflict between rural and urban settlements. The war had resulted flooded rural migration, which is a unique condition. So that consulting sociologists is very necessary for correct handling of the problem.
The ዓረና Guy you are absolutely right themselves have been part of the repression and now came up with a changed face to blame others they first have to involve themselves all as part of the problem and be a solution .
Tekleweyni assefa❤❤❤❤❤ every bad thing happened in tigray is due to your poor poletical leader(poor committment, fear ,selfishness). inaddtion to his view of point a leade is a risk taker-he/she proritizes his/her people's interest and not fear for death.
Some of the participants who spoke in the meeting are beneficiaries or members of the TPLF. Take Tekleweini, who tried to lecture Generals Tsadkan and Tadesse on peace and security. Fisseha Asgedom is a TPLF cadre who exploited his party membership to become a "diplomat." It is these men who are resisting reform. Can you pls give professional Tigrayans a chance? It is suffocating. I can't breathe!
The cancer disease TPLF it needs to be brought to justice for crimes against innocent Tigray people leading to unnecessary war because of TPLF wanted to stay in power Tigray people have been displaced hungry all sort of hell is happening because of TPLF bring TPLF to justice for crimes against innocent tigray Ethiopian people Tigray wake up and smell the coffee tell Tplf You cannot fool the people always all the time one day people will be rising up to be honest and make TPLF responsible for crimes against innocent Ethiopian people
what is poletics? what are the quality of poleticians? is poletics has norm? is poletics influance culture or culture influance poletics? what is the role of culture and belief in poletics?how do you define the ethiopian/tigray poletics? what is the role of personaliy and behaviour in setting of a given poletics? do you belief faitheless poletical leaders are well behaved and keep going the intetst and value of their people? to me it is dream❤.
At the end of the day, unless there is a practical and clear separation of a state (government ) a party, plus, unless the outdated, decayed and oppressive ideology of TPLF is replaced by a better system, everything will be "ውሃ ብወቅጩት እምቦጭ" አንደሚባለው ሁኖ ይቀራል።
Would you guys, please, refer to haggai erlich's book: ' from their invipience, tigrayans have devolped ......', that is what is happening, even now after a century, shame on us, really.
I would like to remind Tekleweini doesn't he see the difference of the organizational situation of 83 and now. In 83 TPLF/EPRDF was the party and the government. Now TPLF is not doing anything positive. When there are many important tasks to be performed TPLF is in meetings 😂
Perfect solution forwarded by alula
ናይ ዓረና ዓጀውጀው መናደዲ'ዩ!
,እዚ መድረኽ ብምፍጣሩ ከም ትግረዋይ ብጣዕሚ ሕጉስ እየ ነገር ግን ኩሉ ህዝቢ ትግራይ በዘይካ ሓረጎት ሕወሓት ዝለመደ 90 % ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብነፃነት ሕተትዎ ሕተትዎ ሕወሓት ትጠፍእ እዩ ዝደሊ ከይናገር ግን ብኔት ወርክ ክጠፍእ እዩ ናይ ሕግን ነፃነትን መሰሉ ተሓዲጉ እዩ
የቀንየልና ኩልኩም ሓሳብኩም ዝሃብኩም
ሰላም ትግራይ ዐድና እዚ መደብ ብጣዕሚ ጽበኡቅኡ ኣማንኦል ልተዛረቦ ሐቂ ኡ ነመስግኖ
ህወሓት 😭 ካብ ምርኣይ ንላዕሊ ዘሐጉስ ነገር የለን ።
ትግራይ ናይ ተጋሩ እትኾነሉ እዋን ዝቀረበ ይመስል ።
ኣሉላ ትኽክል ገሊፅካዮ
Bravo Alula!! you nailed it on the head 👍
መድረኽ መራሕቲ በቲ ሓደ ገፅ ንስልጣን ምስ ብፆትኩም እናተሓናኾልኩም በቲ ካልእ ሓለይቲ ዓዲ ተምስሉ ኣለኹም፤ ምስ ዘመን ኣይልወጥን ዝበለ ኣመራርሓ የለይ ንባዕሉ ክብል፣እቲ ፀገምኩም እታ ስልጣን ንዓይ ንዓይ'ዩ፤ ብፍላይ መራሕቲ ግምት መረፃ ተሃልያ ኣይንምረፅን ስግኣትኩም
ኣኼባ ክትፈቱ ክልል
ካብ ህወሓት ዝሓይሽ ኣብ መሪሕነት ትግራይ ኣይመፅእን ሰቅ ኢልና 50 ዓመት እንዳበልና ኣብ ፅልኢ ኣይንመርኮስ። ካለኦት ሕጂ ዝመፃ ውድባት ብከባብያውነት ዝተረግረጋ እየን ኣኹሱማይት,፡ እንደርታ እንዳበላ እየን ዝመፃ ዘልዋ ከተፃረፍና ርግእ ኢልና ንሕሰብ።
Thank you alula , you nailed it
ንሕወሓት ዝድግፍ ተዘይተዛሪብካ ጌጋ ኣለኩም ተኣረሙ እንተኢልካ ረዲኤት: መዳበርያ: ንግዲ ፍቃድን ካልኦትን ብኔትወርክ ትኽልከል
ኣማኒኤል ኣሰፋ ዝበሃል ሰብ እቲ ዝነበረ ግዑዙይ ስርዓት ህወሓት ከቅፅል ዝደሊ ዘሎ ምኻኑ ብጥንቃቄ ክተሓዝ ይግበኦ ::
በዚ መልክዕ ምምኽኻርናን ምቅርራብናን ብጣዕሚ ደስ ብሉኒ።
ህወሓት ንህዝብ ትግራይ ድሰረሖ ጥቕሚ የብሉን እንበለ ሞት ሕዚ ዘለውና መራሕቲ ግን ክቕርዎ ይመስሉ ብዝተኸኣለና ዓቕሚ ኣብ ጎነም ጠጠው ንበል
ዶ/ር ደጀን ኣንበሳ ❤
ታሪክ አይትንገረና ክኸውን ዝግኦ ተዛረብ ዘለአለም ወቀሳ ውድብካ እንታይ ንትግራይ አሰተዋፅኦ ክትገብር ከምዘሀሰበት ንገረና ናይአለም ታሪኸ አይተውግእልና
የቐንየልና TPM
I appreciate the deepest by Dr Deja. From freedom of Tigray. #Tigray needs to change new leadership,those Tigrainan who gave their life I believe can lead Tigray to new stap.
I believe on those Young opposites political parties leadership they are brave and have full of energy tplf leadership must give them a chance to help their people #Tigray plus tplf leadership should now stap down 👇 this commen allover the world if you fail someone is ready to do better than you do. Peaceful power transfer I support...
ብዙሕ ጸገማት ይትንተኑ ግን ተፈቲሖም ወይ ሱጉምቲ ተወሲዱሎም ሪኤ ኣይፈልጥን ✅✅
መረፃ ይካየድ አበይ ኾይንዃ ኢኻ ትመርፅ አየአማኒኤል ህዝባዊ
I think Ethiopia will never be back to normal. Tegaru you have to think and prepare for your independence.To make it viable you have to respect your neighbors. Kalie kulu halewlew iyu.
You are advising these traitors to destroy Ethiopia. They are really cancerous predicaments to this historic nation. I wish amicable divorce without stealing others land. We cant force them to remind them their ethiopian identity as they are suffering of dementia.
The most in tiqgaray is wedi reda supper talented leadership at this dangerous situation due to how we can solved our problem and the minimize the crisis and keep over peace for our people Please let's raistogether no matter how hard fabricated agendas .
ተስፋ ተስፋ ተግባር በሉ ብሮጀክት ይብሉ ንዘይገብርዎ.
እዚ ጀንደ/ደጀን/ዝባሃልስ ናይ ባዕሉ ሓሳብ ኣለዎ
ዶ ? ኣብ ዝመፀን መረኽ ሲሚዒት ጥራሕ ባዶ ዩ
Consider the conflict between rural and urban settlements. The war had resulted flooded rural migration, which is a unique condition. So that consulting sociologists is very necessary for correct handling of the problem.
መነጋ ናይ እንስሳ ከማን ሽግሮም ንምፍላጥ 3 ዓመት ኣየድልየሙን። ምሁራት ኢና ብሃልቲ ትግራዎት ግን ልዕሊ ሰለስተ ዓመት ወሲድሎም። ትግራይ ኡይ በሊ ኣብ ትሕቲ እዚኦም ዝወደቅኪ።
አታም መራትና አምሉስልና አታ ግደፉ ለብሙ አታ ንኩሉ ነርክበሉ ኢና መሬትናን ህዝብናን
Tekleweyni Ata merzi
ሰብ እንክእከብ " ጽፉፍ ሓሳባት ፡ ምኽሪ ፡ ጥበብ ፡ ትብዓት ፡ መደባት ፡ ውሳነታት ወዘተ ይርከብ 🙏 ትማሊ ኣብቲ ጽንኩር መድረኽ ናይ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ፡ ገለ ጭረሖታት ናብ ኣየር ይፍኖ ነይሩ ፡ ንሱ ኸኣ "
ትግራዋይ " ምኸር ተማኸር ፡ ስመር !
ሓቢርካ ሰሚርካ ውፈር !
ተመዓራረ ፡ ውህደትካ ፍጠር !
ክትህሉ ፡ ከም ህዝቢ ዓለምክትከብር !
ንበር ክበር ዓደቦኻ ኣናብር ክትከውን ሕፉር 🙏
ኣማኑኤል ኣሰፋ ጀግና ፅቡቅ ኣለካ። ፅንዓት ኣቅሪበ ኢሉ ከልምፅ ዝሙክር ቀለዎጢ ሙሁር ኣሎ።
አቱም ጀጋኑ ቀፅልሉ እዞም ሰብ እዚኦም ስልጣን ንዐኹም ኣረኪቦም ኣማኻርቲ ኾይኖም እንተቀፀሉ እንታይ ፀገም ኣለዎ?ስልጣን እኮ ርስቲ ኣይኾነይ እስኪ ልሕዝብኹም ሃልዮት ግበሩ ።
We need an independent country. We don't need to leave them
እቲ ጸገም ጊዜያዊ መንግስቲ ኣይሰረሐን ዓቕሚ የብሉን ምእንቲ ክበሃል ኩሎም ናይ ህወሓት ላዕለዋይ ይኹን ታሕተዋይ መዋቕርን ኩሎም ካድረታት ምስለያቡን ወንጀለኛታትን ብምትሕብባር የሐይሎም ይሰርሑ ስለዘለዉ እዩ። ስለዚ እቲ መፍትሒ ኩሎም ናይ ህወሓት መዋቕር ተኣልዮም ብሓድሽ ናይ ሲቪክ ትካላት ክትክኡ ኣለዎም።
Thank you Tewold. Pessimists are making the people hopless
ከምኒ ታደሠ የማነ ዝበሉ all rounded ዝኾኑ ሙሁራት ትግራይ የድልያ
ብሓቂ ተጋሩ ከምዚ አይነት ሓቃዊ ሪሰርች ብሓቂ ከምይ ከመይ ይፅናእ እንታይን ከመይ ይፅናእ በጃኹም ከምዚ ዝመሰለ ፈላጥ ሰብ ነቲ ፅንኣት ሪቫይዝ ክገብርዋ ዝኽእሉ ካሊአት ሰባትውን ይፈተሽ ይፀሓፍ ጀግና ናይ ርዕሲ
ቫይታል ናይ ተጋሩ ፀገማት ይፈለዩ ቅድሚያ ንሓበን
ሰለክቲቭ ጀስቲስ ይፍፀም አሎ
Amanuel ኹርኹር
ኣሉላ ዝባሃል ሓንቲ ቁምነገር ከይተዛረበ ንህወሓት ጥራሕ ይነቅፍ ንባዕልካ ንቅድም ዓሪ ውድባት ትግራይ ብዘይካ ብከባብያውነት ኣረኣእያ ዝሰከራ ስልጣን ነይ ምቁማት ስልቲ ሕዘን ህዝቢ ንምክፍፋል ከም ዋና ኣጀንዳ ወይ ልእክቶ ሒዘን እየን ዝጋዓዛ።
ካብ ፀርፊ ውፁ ውድባት
አሉላ አነተ አሉላ ነዊሕ ዕደመ ያሃበከ ዋላ አቀሉወ አቱ ሓቂ አሱ አዮ መሰፈፋን የቀረ ሓማያይ ኹሉ ሕዘ የዘረበ
አይተ አማኑኤል ወጣት ኢካ ግን ድማ ብጣዕሚ ኣብ ትዕዝብቲ ልወደቕካ ሰብ ኢካ ንኣብነት ኣብ Network ብዋናነት ልወደቕካ ሰብ ኢካ።
አይኮነን ንመጀመርያ ትግራይ ትድሓን ምስ ደሓነት ናብ ውድድር ክእቶ ይሔይሽ
ሰሚዕና አዳሚጽና ሪኢና ከምቲ ዝሐለፈ ሎሚ ከም በቃ ተአኪብኩም አጣቂእኩም ድኹም ትፈላለዩ ?? ቧእ !!! ቸግባር ተግባር ተግባር
ዋይ ዛ ናይ ዓረና ስብአይ 😂
ምርቻ ክካየድ ኣለዎ, ግዛት ትግራይ ናብንቡር ክምለስ ኣለዎ, ተምዛበልቲ ናብቦቶኦም ክምለሱ ኣለዎም, ፀጥታ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ክሕለው ህገመንግስቲ ይከበር
The ዓረና Guy you are absolutely right themselves have been part of the repression and now came up with a changed face to blame others they first have to involve themselves all as part of the problem and be a solution .
Smukum afalutuna ahwatey
Great to see Emanuel is crying in behalf of his party.
አነስ ልገርመንስ ዘን ልተማረካ ሰበይቲ ታይ ክገብራ ይመፃ ሑሱራት ዝኮኑ ዓሊት መናጢት
ብኽኢላታት ተፀኑዑ ዝመፀ ነገር፡ ብድምጺ ነሕልፎ ኢሎም እቶም ናይ ፖለቲካ መራሕቲ ዝጉዕጽጽዎ እንተኾይኖም ዋጋ የብሉን።
Tekleweyni assefa❤❤❤❤❤
every bad thing happened in tigray is due to your poor poletical leader(poor committment, fear ,selfishness).
inaddtion to his view of point
a leade is a risk taker-he/she proritizes his/her people's interest and not fear for death.
Amanuel ዝበልኩዎ ተዘይኮነ እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ ያው ከምቲ ሒሉፍ 30 ዓመት ማለት እዩ።
he talks logical argument
@@kiflefisaha1841 seems true but he clearly says don't blame our network contextually.
ብጣቕዒት ዘይተሰነዩ ርእይቶታት ሓደ ካብቲ ሓደ እናተሰጋገሩ ክሰምዕ ከለኹስ፡ ኣብ ጥዑም ሕልሚ ኮይነ ዝካታተሎ ዘለኹ ኮይኑ ተሰሚዕኒ።
ሙሁር ተኣኪቡ ተዛሪቡ ይብተን አብዘሓ ህዝቢ እንተዘይ ተቐቢልዎ ሙሁር ተወላዋላይ ፈራሕ ክነብር ዝደሊ ብዘይ ህዝቢ ተዛሪቡ እንታይ ትርጉም ከምዘምፅእ ንምርአይ ይህንጦ።
እዚ ናይ ቀዳማይ ክፍሊ ኣኼባ ይመስል ሕስርቲ ክልል ዝኾነት
ፓለቲካ ፓርቲ የለን
ተጋዳላይ ኣይከበር ዝበልካ ትሕነቅ ኢካ ጨናዊ
ፁገሙ ይትንትን ግን አይፈታሓን ንሙንይ
ነቲ ዝሓመመ እግርኻ ገዲፉ ነቲ ጥዑይ እግርኻ ንዝቖረፀካ ሓኪምዶ ተመሊስካ ሓክመኒ ትብሎ ኢኻ?
ምሁራትን ፖሎቲከኛታትን ተጋሩ አስተውዕሉ። ሕወሓት ሃ ኢሉ ቃልሲ ክጅምር ተጨውዩ ብናኢሳያስ ወይም ናይባዕዳውያን ስነልቦና ልተጻናውቶም ልናይ ትግራይ ህዝቢ ተይኮነስ ልናይ ግሎም ረብሓን ስልጣን ኢሎም ናይ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ባህግን ጥቅምን ኤርትራ ትባሃል ዓዲ ልምፍጣር አውዒሎምጎ።
ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብናይ ባዕዳዊ ካርታን ፖሎቲካን ድለየት መሰረት ገይሮ አብክልተ ካፊሎም ነስንሳቱ ካምልዳመ ገይሮምጎ።
ናይሕወሓት ቃልሲ ካብመረየት ተይተልዓለ ተጭውዩ ኢዩ።
ናይኤርትራ ሕቶ ናይባዕዳዊ ሕቶ ምካኑ ለይቅበል ናይ ሕወሓት አባል ላብ ሓላፍነት ከይውጽእ ብናይ ውሻጣዊ ሕጊ ሕወሓት ተድንጊጉ ይርካብ።
ተጋሩ ክንርደኦ ለለና ኢዙይ ኢዩ።
ኤርትራ ትባሃል ጣልያን ልሰርሓ ዓዲ ክፈጥር ህዝቢ ትግራይ አታሊሎም አስሊፈምጎ።
ጸልማት ትግራይ ጥራሕ ኢልካ። ሲኦል ትግራይ እምበር። ኤረ እንታይ ገበረኩም እዚ ህዝቢ። ተተእኪብኩም ጸልማት ምጻኢ እምበር ተስፋ ዘለዋ ትግራይ ተዛሪብኩም ዘይትፈልጡ። እሳተ ጎመራ መጺ እንተጥፍኣኩም ህዝቢ ሰላም ምረኸበ።
አማኒኤል አሰፉ ተስፉ ትግራይ ኢለካ አለኩ። እታ ሽግር ካፍ አቢልካያ እዚ ኩሉ ኮለል ስልጣን እያ ።
እንታይ ጠቅስኩም ትፈልጡ ብዘካ ንህወሓት ምፅራፍ ኣንቱም ተናሕናሕቲ ትባሃሉ
Some of the participants who spoke in the meeting are beneficiaries or members of the TPLF. Take Tekleweini, who tried to lecture Generals Tsadkan and Tadesse on peace and security. Fisseha Asgedom is a TPLF cadre who exploited his party membership to become a "diplomat." It is these men who are resisting reform.
Can you pls give professional Tigrayans a chance? It is suffocating. I can't breathe!
ዕላማ ዝኣኼባ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ንምድሓን ዘይኮነስ ዋና ዕዕላምኡ ሕወሓት ንምጥፋእን ንምጥፋእን ዩ
Number one criteria to be a politicianIn in Tigray is to grow your beer
Since it is talk and talk and no action, now it is group counseling. just saying :)
ጌታቸው ረዳ ጉጅልኡን ንሽርሒ ኢሎም ዝፀውዕዎ ንባዕሎም ቀጥቂጥዎም አሎ
ውጤት የማይሰጥ ስብስባ
መናአሰይ ሸረ ዘከነ ሸሸፈቱሰ ነሰኻ በዕለኻ ዘተሰሮሖ መገዲ በዘይ ገደበ ዘላልካ እየ ነሰም ጨ ከሕለፈወ ዘደለዮ ዘሰረሕ አካለ የለነ ዘፈረሰ አሞበረ
ኣቱም ኣሓተይ ! እቲ ትግርንያ እንዶ ይ'ኣኽለኩም በይዛኻትኩም !!
ኣብቲ ከባቢኹም ዘሎ ህዝቢ እንዶ ኣብ ጉዳይኩም ኣሳትፉ !!
እንኳን ዶ ባዕዳዊ ቋንቋ ምስ ቋንቋና ኣዃሲኹም ተዛሪብኩምስ ፡ በቶም ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ኩርንዓት መሬትና ብዘለዉ እኳ ስክፍታ ዘለና ! ስለ"ዚ ፡ በይዛኻትኩም ብቛንቋኹም ኣጥዓዕም ኣቢልኩም እንዶ ኣኼባኹም ኣካይዱ !!!!!
Gzyawi mmhdar tigray tesfa tgray eilka hadush party mesrt
The cancer disease TPLF it needs to be brought to justice for crimes against innocent Tigray people leading to unnecessary war because of TPLF wanted to stay in power Tigray people have been displaced hungry all sort of hell is happening because of TPLF bring TPLF to justice for crimes against innocent tigray Ethiopian people
Tigray wake up and smell the coffee tell Tplf You cannot fool the people always all the time one day people will be rising up to be honest and make TPLF responsible for crimes against innocent Ethiopian people
what is poletics? what are the quality of poleticians? is poletics has norm? is poletics influance culture or culture influance poletics? what is the role of culture and belief in poletics?how do you define the ethiopian/tigray poletics? what is the role of personaliy and behaviour in setting of a given poletics? do you belief faitheless poletical leaders are well behaved and keep going the intetst and value of their people? to me it is dream❤.
እዋይ ተጋሩዋኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒኒ
ትዝርብ ውዒልኩምስ ዘይብልኩም ውዕሊ????????
ንፖለቲካ ትግራይ መንግስቲ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ተጨውዩ እዩ። ኣብዚ ተኣኪብኩም ተምጽዎ ለውጢ የለን። ብስረኻ ዝርከብ እንበር ብዘረባ ዝርከብ መሰል የለን።
Beyen kem tmehader delan neran
Gerimna eka
ኣታ ሕፈር ደርግስ ብሓይሊ ሻዕቢያ ኣይትረዕ ጎረቤትና
At the end of the day, unless there is a practical and clear separation of a state (government ) a party, plus, unless the outdated, decayed and oppressive ideology of TPLF is replaced by a better system, everything will be "ውሃ ብወቅጩት እምቦጭ" አንደሚባለው ሁኖ ይቀራል።
አንቱም መረሕቲ ንቐደም ምሰ አብ ውሸጥኹም ዘንሀ ህልክ አነነት እንይ እንተበሊ እንታይ ክምልሰሉ ብኸመይ ዝበለ ቃል እንተመለስኩ የሸንፎ ክብርኹም ደረጃኹም እናለከዕኹም ምርድዳእ አይሕሰብን
ነዚ ኩሉ እትኾንዎ ዘለኹም ከመፅኡ ዝኸፈልናዮም ትውልድ ንሰኹም ትሕቲኦም ኢኹም ንደቂቃ ውን ክዝግዑ አይግባእን በዛኹም ናይ ሰፈር ጎረምሳ ባእሲ መሲሉ አፊርኩምና አዋሪድኩምና ብዝባን ትግራይ ብስዋአትና አርዩ ።
ዶክተር ደጀን ናይ ኢሳት ቁፅሪ ይጥቀሞ ኣሎ።
ኣማኑኤል ኣሰፋ ሓንቲ ነጥቢ ተዛሪቡ
ንሳ እውን :- " ትግራይ ናይ ኢሊት ፖለቲካ ንገብራ ኣለና እዙይ ድማ ፀገም እዩ :: " ኢሉ ::
እዙይ እንታይ ይመስለኩም ኣሕዋት ?
ህወሓት ' ሙሁር ተወላዋላይ ' እናበለት ንሙሁራት እናባረረት ስለዝመፀት ኣብዚ መድረኽ ብልምዓት ጉጅለ መሊኡ ህውሓት ስለዘይተወደሰ እንተነኣሰ ድማ ውድብና ነድሕን ስለዘይተበሃለ እዩ ዓቅሉ ፀቢብዎ ዘሎ : ህዝበይ ተረዳእ እዚ ሰብ ናይ እቶም ጉጅለ ድቃላ እዩ ብወገነይ እዚ ሰብ ካብ ኹሉ ንላዕሊ ንትግራይ ዝኸፍአ ሰብ እዩ ኢለ የኣምን ::
ስለዚ ዝሰረቆ እንተሃልዩ ተኣሊሹ ትግራይ ክሳብ ትሻገር ኣብ ሕጊ ኽትትል እንተዝውዕል ::
ተጋሩ ሰረቅትን ሓሰዉትን መታለልትን ስለዝኾንኩም ተምጽእዎ ጽቡቅ ነገር የቡልኩሙን።
ዳሕራይ መብዛሕትኹም ደቃሉ ኢኹም። ድቃላ ድማ መጽሓፍ ቁዱስዉን ወጊዙዎዩ። ድቃላን ነጸላን እናሓደሩ የቁሩሩ!
ረሳሕ ረሳሕ ይፀዊ ካብ ሓማሴን ሓሶት ጉራ ፀለመ ፅልኢ ስርቂ ዝጨነወ ካልሲ እኳ ዘይትገድፉ እስኪ ምስ ሓለፍትኹም ከምዚኣ ብዲሞክራሲ ተነጋገሩ ነገሩ ደናቑር ድሑራት ቀፃሊ 150 ዓመት እኳ ኣይትሙኩሩዋን
ኣማኒኤል እቲ ንስካቱኩም ትሓስብዎ ኣውፂካዯ ኣለካ ::
ብምንታይ ክትገዝእዋ ትግራይ ከምትሓስቡ::
ውረደ ከም ሰብካ ስሪሕካ ወይ ተስዲድካ ብላዕ !!!
Would you guys, please, refer to haggai erlich's book: ' from their invipience, tigrayans have devolped ......', that is what is happening, even now after a century, shame on us, really.
ሓደ ፕረሲደንት ከመይ ገይርካ ይእመን ን9ተ ማእከላይ ኮሚቴ ዘይኣመንካ ዝብል ሙጉት ኤመሪካ ከይሰምዑኻ 9ተ መራሕቲ የብሎሙን ነገር ግን ፅቡቕ ኣሎው
Create new party
Emo gizyawi mimihdar dea nab hizbi mahawuru keyewrd eko beal nisikum quakito koynkumo,,,wey leke
Too much talking than action is nothing to the people of Tigray!!
ናይ ዓረና ወኪል ግደፍ ዓሪ ፡ ለማስ ውድብ ሒዝካስ ድማ ዘረባ ተብዝሕ ፡፡ ፕሮግራምካ ክተፉልጥ ዝመፃኻ ኢኻ ትመስል ፡ ከም ቅርጫት ተኸፉፊልኩም ምንም ንትግራይ ሐንቲ አስተዋፅኦ እንተይገበርኩም መሽይኩም፡ ኩሉኹም ተነሐነሕቲ ውድባት ንትግራይ አማራፂ ዝኸውን ሐደ ጠንካራ ውድብ እንተትምስርቱ ይሐሸኩም ተዘይኮይኑ ናይ ትግራይ ባልዕ /parasite/ ኢኹም ፡፡
ይሄ ውይይት ለምን ሁሉም አሳታፍ አይሆንም? አሁንም ተሐሕት፣ተለጣፍ ድርጅቶች እና ተከታዮች አጨብጫብዎች።
ለምሳሌ፣ ትደፓየለም እዝህ ውስጥ የለም::
የትግራይ ጠላት የሚሉት ማንን ነው?
I would like to remind Tekleweini doesn't he see the difference of the organizational situation of 83 and now. In 83 TPLF/EPRDF was the party and the government. Now TPLF is not doing anything positive. When there are many important tasks to be performed TPLF is in meetings 😂
Anta Kelel eko eka Mr animal dr y you go to Japan
ትእከቡ ግን ውሽጥኹም ኩሉኹም ደለይቲ ስልጣን ሰለዝኾንኩም ኣብ ሓድነት ናበይ እንተበልካ ወይከ ።
Binay kadre samba mitnfas yakl,,,
ናይ ኤርትራ ኤርትራዉያን አሎዉዋ ናይ ትግራይ ጥራይ ግበር።
ደደብ ዓረና ፖሊስኻ ንህዝቢ አቅርብ እዚ ፖናል ናይ ዓረና ፕሮግራም አይኮነን ግላዊ ስሚዒት እዩ ዘቅርብ ዘሎ